2017-02-21 Thread Chris Zell
Heavens to Occam’s Razor…… you suggest two surprising, unknown effects at the 
root of this…..  If a nuclear aspect is added, I would think that it goes back 
to a withdrawal of motion or its rectification somehow.   We would tap latent 
heat motion and also tap electron spin motion.  I really would enjoy 
visualizing this as movement but that’s just my leaning.

From: []
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 5:20 PM
To: Chris Zell ;
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

If the nuclear potential energy source is tapped, then that would greatly 
supplement the latent heat which is the phonic energy you note.


Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: Chris Zell<>
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 11:55 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 1:56 PM
To: Chris Zell>>;<>
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE


I have understood that phonons are “virtual” particles that represent a 
localized energy in a crystal lattice made up of kinetic energy and potential 
energy in a resonant stable dynamic state.  It is primarily thought to be an 
electric field that couples the nuclei and electrons in the lattice—primarily 
the valence electrons.  The nuclei oscillate around some mid position in the 
lattice and valence  electrons change their orbital spin states reflecting the 
motion of the nuclei.

What confuses me about that explanation is the energy of the ‘jitter’ of the 
nuclei and heat.  Are they the same thing or somehow different? If the same,  
then the excess energy claimed can only be no more greater than some part of 
the latent heat of the slab/object – and not some earthshaking vortex swirl as 
reported by Sweet.


2017-02-20 Thread Brian Ahern
Bob, I like the path you ave taken. I have possesion of the actuak billet that 
worked for two years.

I did not take the Manelas measurements lightly. I had two other talented 
engineers set up and record the data. We had complete control.

Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 11:25 AM
To: Chris Zell;
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE


I also thought there might be a connection between the Manelas device and 
Dragone theory.  Again the possibility of reversal of the 2nd Law of T/D is 
very interesting.

One thought I had was the orbital spin quanta are involved since in a coherent 
system they are limited to changing one quanta at a time IMHO.  This 
restriction may somehow effect the reversal noted above to create more order in 
the crystal structures (grains) weakly coupled in the Manelas device.  Small 
phase changes of the crystals may constitute such reordering that leads to a 
nuclear  transition of greater stability.  The temperature differential is then 
used to make a useful voltage.

Bob Cook

From: Chris Zell<>
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 8:05 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

If I google “phonons as an energy source”, nothing in particular comes up.  If 
we are identifying them as the likely source of excess energy within a 
barium/strontium ferrite structure,  I would think that someone somewhere has 
thought about cohering them into useful energy.  So, we create a particular 
motion that gives us a gain from ‘straightening out’ random motion..?

From: Brian Ahern []
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

I am intrigued by the Dragone stuff. It seems very close to Manelas, which I 
thoroughly tested in2012.

From: Chris Zell>>
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 9:41 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

Giampaolo Maccanti -- alleged free energy 

Energia Celeste S.R.L. 17 Seprember 1998 Abstract--- Electromagnetic device 
(100), particularly to be used as a generator, for example of ...

As Dragone seems to be talking about an effect which appears during attraction, 
I wonder about the overunity claims of the Maccanti device.

Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2017 9:35 AM
To: MJ>>;<>
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

Dragone discussed the idea of decreasing entropy (increasing order of matter) 
as a an effect of the magnetic device he described.  That may include better 
nuclear order.

Another interesting item is the assessment of the Dragone document.

Analysis of Leon Dragone's paper by William 

Analysis of Leon Dragone's, "Energetics of Ferromagnetism" By William S. Alek 
INTALEK, INC. November 2002 Version 5a

Bob Cook

From: MJ<>
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2017 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

Leon Dragone also observed the cooling effect related to magnetism:

Mark Jordan

On 16-Feb-17 19:42, David Roberson wrote:

When a hot object radiates IR into space the temperature also drops.  Perhaps 
there is a low frequency form of magnetic coupling that can be encouraged to do 
a similar thing.  According to my observations there seems to be a method 
available to convert energy among the different forms under most conditions.


-Original Message-
From: Chris Zell <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Thu, Feb 16, 2017 3:02 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

If a specially shaped magnetic field can drop the temperature of an apparatus, 
shouldn’t we conclude that random motion (heat) is somehow being converted into 
directed, useful motion?  That Maxwell’s Demon has been found?


2017-02-20 Thread bobcook39923
If the nuclear potential energy source is tapped, then that would greatly 
supplement the latent heat which is the phonic energy you note.


Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Chris Zell
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 11:55 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

From: [] 
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 1:56 PM
To: Chris Zell ;
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE


I have understood that phonons are “virtual” particles that represent a 
localized energy in a crystal lattice made up of kinetic energy and potential 
energy in a resonant stable dynamic state.  It is primarily thought to be an 
electric field that couples the nuclei and electrons in the lattice—primarily 
the valence electrons.  The nuclei oscillate around some mid position in the 
lattice and valence  electrons change their orbital spin states reflecting the 
motion of the nuclei.  

What confuses me about that explanation is the energy of the ‘jitter’ of the 
nuclei and heat.  Are they the same thing or somehow different? If the same,  
then the excess energy claimed can only be no more greater than some part of 
the latent heat of the slab/object – and not some earthshaking vortex swirl as 
reported by Sweet.


2017-02-20 Thread Jones Beene

Chris Zell wrote:

... and if the Stromerzeuger device could be replicated, we’d all be in 
fat city.

Replication requires a specialty iron for the many magnetic solenoids. 
That purity of iron is not being made these days but it was available 
back then from Sweden. It might be possible to buy ultrapure iron now 
but it would be expensive to get hold of kilograms. I would not be 
surprised to learn that a few groups are trying to replicate - who are 
under the radar.

Side note: When pure iron is produced which is carbon free at "5 nines" 
purity (99.999 %) it is as electrically conductive as standard copper 
wire and extremely soft - softer than pure aluminum. The physical 
properties change so drastically that it hardly resembles what we think 
of as "iron" which is normally a carbide.

Ultrapure iron is required for the cores because the electrical circuit 
actually loops back and goes through the inductive core (as a conductor) 
which is supposedly where the gain is happening !

"Larmor precession" can be used to accelerate electrons, and apparently 
precession is one of the mechanism being exploited . The relevant 
formulas are found here

The Larmor frequency is so high for the electron that it is not clear 
how Coler was able to achieve it 70 years ago. It should be easier to 
replicate now if the pure iron is found. Some have speculated that Coler 
stumbled on a type of Gunn effect due to the size of the cores which are 
about the correct cavity for GHz operation. That could be coincidental.


2017-02-20 Thread Chris Zell
(thinking this through…….)   If you attribute the excess energy to a withdrawal 
from electron spins….. does conservation of energy apply? I recall an article 
in Infinite Energy magazine in which physics, as taught, seems to do a 
‘workaround’ as to spin energy when calculations are done – causing a young 
physics student to abandon the class after he observed this (!!).


2017-02-20 Thread Chris Zell
Has Cyril Smith or anybody ever replicated the Coler devices?  I’ve never heard 
of that happening – and if the Stromzeuger device could be replicated, we’d all 
be in fat city.


2017-02-20 Thread Chris Zell

From: []
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 1:56 PM
To: Chris Zell ;
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE


I have understood that phonons are “virtual” particles that represent a 
localized energy in a crystal lattice made up of kinetic energy and potential 
energy in a resonant stable dynamic state.  It is primarily thought to be an 
electric field that couples the nuclei and electrons in the lattice—primarily 
the valence electrons.  The nuclei oscillate around some mid position in the 
lattice and valence  electrons change their orbital spin states reflecting the 
motion of the nuclei.

What confuses me about that explanation is the energy of the ‘jitter’ of the 
nuclei and heat.  Are they the same thing or somehow different? If the same,  
then the excess energy claimed can only be no more greater than some part of 
the latent heat of the slab/object – and not some earthshaking vortex swirl as 
reported by Sweet.


2017-02-20 Thread Jones Beene
And there is yet another level of sadness in the more general subject of 
"battery powered circuits" especially when these are found in a 
situation of mixed AC and DC which is the situation where nearly instant 
recharge can be engineered by parameters such as pulse width.

It is possible that gain in a Manelas type device (which admittedly is 
not proved beyond a shadow of doubt) is happening in two linked places 
as a coordinated effect. One of the places is the battery itself and 
moreover, the gain in the billet does not happen without the gain in 
battery. They are linked. The reason for that is the two types of charge 
carriers and BEMF.

In batteries, the charge carrier is a heavy positive ion (heavy relative 
to the electron). In the magnetic circuit the charge carrier is the 
electron. The interplay of two dissimilar charge carriers has been said 
to be the source of gain when each is optimized. The lithium ion has 
more momentum than the electron when set in motion; but the BEMF from 
electrons will effectively reverse ion motion, which can provide instant 
recharge if the pulse width is optimized.

In short, if you look at the two types of carriers, the charge is the 
same but the ratio of momentum to charge varies several thousand fold. 
Plus, any battery is severely underrated in terms of usable chemical 
energy even without the instant recharge capability of an adjoining circuit.

I have been in touch for years with Cyril Smith, who has mastered the 
understanding of a similar device which uses magnets and batteries 
together - which reportedly worked for the Nazi during WWll according to 
reliable evidence. It is called the Coler Stromerzeuger, but that is 
fodder for another day. For German speakers:

 Chris Zell wrote:

That is sad.   I recall that what you are describing sounds exactly 
the same as the situation with the Correa device. The best he do was 
to swap battery packs again and again to show gain – but it seems that 
as soon as you introduce a battery pack into any such claim, disbelief 

*From:*Jones Beene

Unfortunately, the bullet-proof case for net energy gain was not made 
at the time. There is apparent gain, but not proved gain.

Brian Ahern ran the test for many days using a very high capacity 
battery array. At the end of the test, the battery pack appeared to be 
fully charged, but there's the rub "appeared to be".

LIPO batteries are well-known to present a pseudo voltage which is 
higher than the average voltage, especially in a case where HV BMEF is 
present ... and thus a large pack which seems fully charged could in 
fact have lost a great deal of charge. That is because measuring the 
voltage is the easy way to determine state of charge, and when it is 
known that pseudo-voltage happens, the results cannot be relied on.

Bottom line. Although we want want to think the battery pack was fully 
charged, the deal was not closed and doubt remains.


2017-02-20 Thread bobcook39923

I have understood that phonons are “virtual” particles that represent a 
localized energy in a crystal lattice made up of kinetic energy and potential 
energy in a resonant stable dynamic state.  It is primarily thought to be an 
electric field that couples the nuclei and electrons in the lattice—primarily 
the valence electrons.  The nuclei oscillate around some mid position in the 
lattice and valence  electrons change their orbital spin states reflecting the 
motion of the nuclei.  

Temperature of the crystal lattice is a measure of the amplitude of the nuclei 
special displacement around their mid position in the lattice.  If the crystal 
constitutes a coherent QM system, then all nuclei vibrate with the same 
amplitude and the crystal is at a single temperature.  If the amplitude 
(temperature) get to high, the crystal electronic bonds fail and the order of 
the crystalline coherent system is lost.

Magnetic fields change the nature of the potential/kinetic energy sharing.  A 
preferred direction in the crystal is created relative to the magnetic B field 
that exists within the crystalline coherent system.  The orbital spin energy 
states of the valence electrons are modified.  Large B fields can cause large 
changes in these orbital spin states.  If there are resonances between a 
nuclear orbital spin state of the coherent system and an electronic orbital 
spin state, it would seem possible that spin energy may be swapped, changing 
nuclear potential energy into PHONIC  energy of the crystalline coherent 

A variable B field induced by a variable ambient H magnetic field will create a 
universe of differing spin energy states each with a small difference in it 
angular momentum.  If total angular momentum can be conserved, IMHO A 

It may be also possible that the transition is reversible.  In such case a 
reduction of the temperature—lower electron orbital energy—would be the result. 
 (Such a reversal suggests a new concept of temperature, one which shares 
potential and kinetic energy between nuclear entities and electrons. )

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Chris Zell
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 9:35 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

I do recall Wingate Lambertson  - a scientist/expert on cermet products.  Odd 
semi-ceramic things he called “E-dams” that generated excess energy.  I recall 
that he passed away before it could be fully developed.   It all sounded like 
phonon derived energy.

From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 11:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

 Chris Zell wrote:
If I google “phonons as an energy source”, nothing in particular comes up.  If 
we are identifying them as the likely source of excess energy within a 
barium/strontium ferrite structure,  I would think that someone somewhere has 
thought about cohering them into useful energy.  

But if you google "Microelectromechanical systems" you will get 750,000 hits.


2017-02-20 Thread Chris Zell
That is sad.   I recall that what you are describing sounds exactly the same as 
the situation with the Correa device.  The best he do was to swap battery packs 
again and again to show gain – but it seems that as soon as you introduce a 
battery pack into any such claim, disbelief arises.

From: Jones Beene []
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 1:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

Unfortunately, the bullet-proof case for net energy gain was not made at the 
time. There is apparent gain, but not proved gain.

Brian Ahern ran the test for many days using a very high capacity battery 
array. At the end of the test, the battery pack appeared to be fully charged, 
but there's the rub "appeared to be".

LIPO batteries are well-known to present a pseudo voltage which is higher than 
the average voltage, especially in a case where HV BMEF is present ... and thus 
a large pack which seems fully charged could in fact have lost a great deal of 
charge. That is because measuring the voltage is the easy way to determine 
state of charge, and when it is known that pseudo-voltage happens, the results 
cannot be relied on.

Bottom line. Although we want want to think the battery pack was fully charged, 
the deal was not closed and doubt remains.


2017-02-20 Thread Jones Beene
Unfortunately, the bullet-proof case for net energy gain was not made at 
the time. There is apparent gain, but not proved gain.

Brian Ahern ran the test for many days using a very high capacity 
battery array. At the end of the test, the battery pack appeared to be 
fully charged, but there's the rub "appeared to be".

LIPO batteries are well-known to present a pseudo voltage which is 
higher than the average voltage, especially in a case where HV BMEF is 
present ... and thus a large pack which seems fully charged could in 
fact have lost a great deal of charge. That is because measuring the 
voltage is the easy way to determine state of charge, and when it is 
known that pseudo-voltage happens, the results cannot be relied on.

Bottom line. Although we want want to think the battery pack was fully 
charged, the deal was not closed and doubt remains.

The best way to have made the case of real gain would have been to 
actually drive the EV around until the battery pack was fully discharged 
and then work backwards from the mileage driven to determine the real 
state of charge at the start.

Sadly, circumstances prevented that from happening, so although it 
appears there was gain, the level of proof does not support that 
conclusion. Even more sadly, the inventor then became incapacitated and 
the vehicle was sold. The remnants of the device (magnetic billet) have 
been tested but there is still no good indication of the apparent gain 
seen earlier.

The one detail which cannot be doubted is the cooling effect. That alone 
is worth something.

Chris Zell wrote:

Another overlapping mechanism to add into the mix for the Manelas 
effect, which is probably a "Maxwell's Demon" in its own special way 
is related to the organizing mechanism mentioned by Chris... and it 
has a name: Doppler cooling

Sounds kinda red shifty to me.   Not sure how we extract energy from it.


2017-02-20 Thread Chris Zell

From: Jones Beene []
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 12:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

Another overlapping mechanism to add into the mix for the Manelas effect, which 
is probably a "Maxwell's Demon" in its own special way is related to the 
organizing mechanism mentioned by Chris... and it has a name: Doppler cooling

Sounds kinda red shifty to me.   Not sure how we extract energy from it.


2017-02-20 Thread Chris Zell
I do recall Wingate Lambertson  - a scientist/expert on cermet products.  Odd 
semi-ceramic things he called "E-dams" that generated excess energy.  I recall 
that he passed away before it could be fully developed.   It all sounded like 
phonon derived energy.

From: Jones Beene []
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 11:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

 Chris Zell wrote:

If I google "phonons as an energy source", nothing in particular comes up.  If 
we are identifying them as the likely source of excess energy within a 
barium/strontium ferrite structure,  I would think that someone somewhere has 
thought about cohering them into useful energy.

But if you google "Microelectromechanical systems" you will get 750,000 hits.


2017-02-20 Thread Chris Zell

If a crystal lattice has all of its atoms/molecules vibrating at the same 
frequency (or harmonic),  then I assume the reason why we don’t observe 
crystals radiating is because it’s in all directions and cancels itself out in 
whatever ‘antenna’ is used.

I still wonder how the gross/macro motion of magnetic fields within a slab that 
measures in inches withdraws energy from something vibrating at the molecular 
range – if not quantum level.

I assume also that the only reason we can grow crystals that easily match the 
form of a single atom/molecule is because the emerging form ‘acts as one’.  You 
start with a tiny cube of table salt and end up with a big one because it 
vibrates and attracts equally in all directions. Otherwise, we couldn’t expect 
that cubes randomly tossed into a corner would end up as a huge cube most of 
the time.

Sorry, if I’m a bit behind you guys, I’m just trying to reason and visualize 
this stuff…..

From: []
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 11:26 AM
To: Chris Zell ;
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE


I also thought there might be a connection between the Manelas device and 
Dragone theory.  Again the possibility of reversal of the 2nd Law of T/D is 
very interesting.

One thought I had was the orbital spin quanta are involved since in a coherent 
system they are limited to changing one quanta at a time IMHO.  This 
restriction may somehow effect the reversal noted above to create more order in 
the crystal structures (grains) weakly coupled in the Manelas device.  Small 
phase changes of the crystals may constitute such reordering that leads to a 
nuclear  transition of greater stability.  The temperature differential is then 
used to make a useful voltage.

Bob Cook

From: Chris Zell<>
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 8:05 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

If I google “phonons as an energy source”, nothing in particular comes up.  If 
we are identifying them as the likely source of excess energy within a 
barium/strontium ferrite structure,  I would think that someone somewhere has 
thought about cohering them into useful energy.  So, we create a particular 
motion that gives us a gain from ‘straightening out’ random motion..?

From: Brian Ahern []
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

I am intrigued by the Dragone stuff. It seems very close to Manelas, which I 
thoroughly tested in2012.

From: Chris Zell>>
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 9:41 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE
Giampaolo Maccanti -- alleged free energy 
Energia Celeste S.R.L. 17 Seprember 1998 Abstract--- Electromagnetic device 
(100), particularly to be used as a generator, for example of ...

As Dragone seems to be talking about an effect which appears during attraction, 
I wonder about the overunity claims of the Maccanti device.

Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2017 9:35 AM
To: MJ>>;<>
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

Dragone discussed the idea of decreasing entropy (increasing order of matter) 
as a an effect of the magnetic device he described.  That may include better 
nuclear order.

Another interesting item is the assessment of the Dragone document.
Analysis of Leon Dragone's paper by William 
Analysis of Leon Dragone's, "Energetics of Ferromagnetism" By William S. Alek 
INTALEK, INC. November 2002 Version 5a

Bob Cook

From: MJ<>
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2017 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

Leon Dragone also observed the cooling effect related to magnetism:

Mark Jordan

On 16-Feb-17 19:42, David Roberson wrote:

When a hot object radiates IR into space the temperature also drops.  Perhaps 
there is a low frequency form of magnetic


2017-02-20 Thread Jones Beene
Another overlapping mechanism to add into the mix for the Manelas 
effect, which is probably a "Maxwell's Demon" in its own special way is 
related to the organizing mechanism mentioned by Chris... and it has a 
name: Doppler cooling

Doppler cooling usually involves photons with frequency tuned slightly 
below an electronic transition in the target to be cooled, but there is 
no reason it could not involved phonons which are slightly "detuned" or 
reddened (i.e. moved to a lower frequency as a Doppler sound effect). In 
fact this is the cooling mechanism behind the Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube 
- for which this forum was named.

Thus the magnetic magnons/phonons will absorb vibration in one vector 
and radiate slightly more energy in all other vectors, due to the 
Doppler cooling effect.

-Original Message-
From: Chris Zell

If a specially shaped magnetic field can drop the temperature of
an apparatus, shouldn’t we conclude that random motion (heat) is
somehow being converted into directed, useful motion?  That
Maxwell’s Demon has been found?


2017-02-20 Thread bobcook39923

I also thought there might be a connection between the Manelas device and 
Dragone theory.  Again the possibility of reversal of the 2nd Law of T/D is 
very interesting.  

One thought I had was the orbital spin quanta are involved since in a coherent 
system they are limited to changing one quanta at a time IMHO.  This 
restriction may somehow effect the reversal noted above to create more order in 
the crystal structures (grains) weakly coupled in the Manelas device.  Small 
phase changes of the crystals may constitute such reordering that leads to a 
nuclear  transition of greater stability.  The temperature differential is then 
used to make a useful voltage.

Bob Cook  

From: Chris Zell
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 8:05 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

If I google “phonons as an energy source”, nothing in particular comes up.  If 
we are identifying them as the likely source of excess energy within a 
barium/strontium ferrite structure,  I would think that someone somewhere has 
thought about cohering them into useful energy.  So, we create a particular 
motion that gives us a gain from ‘straightening out’ random motion..?

From: Brian Ahern [] 
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

I am intrigued by the Dragone stuff. It seems very close to Manelas, which I 
thoroughly tested in2012.

From: Chris Zell 
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 9:41 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE
Giampaolo Maccanti -- alleged free energy generator
Energia Celeste S.R.L. 17 Seprember 1998 Abstract--- Electromagnetic device 
(100), particularly to be used as a generator, for example of ...
As Dragone seems to be talking about an effect which appears during attraction, 
I wonder about the overunity claims of the Maccanti device. 
From: [] 
Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2017 9:35 AM
To: MJ ;
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE
Dragone discussed the idea of decreasing entropy (increasing order of matter) 
as a an effect of the magnetic device he described.  That may include better 
nuclear order.  
Another interesting item is the assessment of the Dragone document.
Analysis of Leon Dragone's paper by William Alek
Analysis of Leon Dragone's, "Energetics of Ferromagnetism" By William S. Alek 
INTALEK, INC. November 2002 Version 5a
Bob Cook
From: MJ
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2017 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

    Leon Dragone also observed the cooling effect related to magnetism:

    Mark Jordan

On 16-Feb-17 19:42, David Roberson wrote:
When a hot object radiates IR into space the temperature also drops.  Perhaps 
there is a low frequency form of magnetic coupling that can be encouraged to do 
a similar thing.  According to my observations there seems to be a method 
available to convert energy among the different forms under most conditions.

-Original Message-
From: Chris Zell 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Thu, Feb 16, 2017 3:02 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE
If a specially shaped magnetic field can drop the temperature of an apparatus, 
shouldn’t we conclude that random motion (heat) is somehow being converted into 
directed, useful motion?  That Maxwell’s Demon has been found?


2017-02-20 Thread Jones Beene

 Chris Zell wrote:

If I google “phonons as an energy source”, nothing in particular comes 
up.  If we are identifying them as the likely source of excess energy 
within a barium/strontium ferrite structure,  I would think that 
someone somewhere has thought about cohering them into useful energy.

But if you google "Microelectromechanical systems" you will get 750,000 


2017-02-20 Thread Chris Zell
If I google "phonons as an energy source", nothing in particular comes up.  If 
we are identifying them as the likely source of excess energy within a 
barium/strontium ferrite structure,  I would think that someone somewhere has 
thought about cohering them into useful energy.  So, we create a particular 
motion that gives us a gain from 'straightening out' random 

From: Brian Ahern []
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

I am intrigued by the Dragone stuff. It seems very close to Manelas, which I 
thoroughly tested in2012.

From: Chris Zell>>
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 9:41 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE
Giampaolo Maccanti -- alleged free energy 
Energia Celeste S.R.L. 17 Seprember 1998 Abstract--- Electromagnetic device 
(100), particularly to be used as a generator, for example of ...

As Dragone seems to be talking about an effect which appears during attraction, 
I wonder about the overunity claims of the Maccanti device.

Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2017 9:35 AM
To: MJ>>;<>
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

Dragone discussed the idea of decreasing entropy (increasing order of matter) 
as a an effect of the magnetic device he described.  That may include better 
nuclear order.

Another interesting item is the assessment of the Dragone document.
Analysis of Leon Dragone's paper by William 
Analysis of Leon Dragone's, "Energetics of Ferromagnetism" By William S. Alek 
INTALEK, INC. November 2002 Version 5a

Bob Cook

From: MJ<>
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2017 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

Leon Dragone also observed the cooling effect related to magnetism:

Mark Jordan

On 16-Feb-17 19:42, David Roberson wrote:

When a hot object radiates IR into space the temperature also drops.  Perhaps 
there is a low frequency form of magnetic coupling that can be encouraged to do 
a similar thing.  According to my observations there seems to be a method 
available to convert energy among the different forms under most conditions.


-Original Message-
From: Chris Zell <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Thu, Feb 16, 2017 3:02 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

If a specially shaped magnetic field can drop the temperature of an apparatus, 
shouldn't we conclude that random motion (heat) is somehow being converted into 
directed, useful motion?  That Maxwell's Demon has been found?


2017-02-20 Thread Brian Ahern

I am intrigued by the Dragone stuff. It seems very close to Manelas, which I 
thoroughly tested in2012.

From: Chris Zell 
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 9:41 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

Giampaolo Maccanti -- alleged free energy 
Energia Celeste S.R.L. 17 Seprember 1998 Abstract--- Electromagnetic device 
(100), particularly to be used as a generator, for example of ...

As Dragone seems to be talking about an effect which appears during attraction, 
I wonder about the overunity claims of the Maccanti device.

From: []
Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2017 9:35 AM
To: MJ ;
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

Dragone discussed the idea of decreasing entropy (increasing order of matter) 
as a an effect of the magnetic device he described.  That may include better 
nuclear order.

Another interesting item is the assessment of the Dragone document.

Analysis of Leon Dragone's paper by William 
Analysis of Leon Dragone's, "Energetics of Ferromagnetism" By William S. Alek 
INTALEK, INC. November 2002 Version 5a

Bob Cook

From: MJ<>
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2017 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

Leon Dragone also observed the cooling effect related to magnetism:

Mark Jordan

On 16-Feb-17 19:42, David Roberson wrote:

When a hot object radiates IR into space the temperature also drops.  Perhaps 
there is a low frequency form of magnetic coupling that can be encouraged to do 
a similar thing.  According to my observations there seems to be a method 
available to convert energy among the different forms under most conditions.


-Original Message-
From: Chris Zell <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Thu, Feb 16, 2017 3:02 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

If a specially shaped magnetic field can drop the temperature of an apparatus, 
shouldn’t we conclude that random motion (heat) is somehow being converted into 
directed, useful motion?  That Maxwell’s Demon has been found?


2017-02-20 Thread Chris Zell

As Dragone seems to be talking about an effect which appears during attraction, 
I wonder about the overunity claims of the Maccanti device.

From: []
Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2017 9:35 AM
To: MJ ;
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

Dragone discussed the idea of decreasing entropy (increasing order of matter) 
as a an effect of the magnetic device he described.  That may include better 
nuclear order.

Another interesting item is the assessment of the Dragone document.

Bob Cook
From: MJ<>
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2017 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

Leon Dragone also observed the cooling effect related to magnetism:

Mark Jordan

On 16-Feb-17 19:42, David Roberson wrote:
When a hot object radiates IR into space the temperature also drops.  Perhaps 
there is a low frequency form of magnetic coupling that can be encouraged to do 
a similar thing.  According to my observations there seems to be a method 
available to convert energy among the different forms under most conditions.


-Original Message-
From: Chris Zell <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Thu, Feb 16, 2017 3:02 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE
If a specially shaped magnetic field can drop the temperature of an apparatus, 
shouldn’t we conclude that random motion (heat) is somehow being converted into 
directed, useful motion?  That Maxwell’s Demon has been found?


2017-02-19 Thread bobcook39923
Dragone discussed the idea of decreasing entropy (increasing order of matter) 
as a an effect of the magnetic device he described.  That may include better 
nuclear order.  

Another interesting item is the assessment of the Dragone document.

Bob Cook
From: MJ
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2017 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

    Leon Dragone also observed the cooling effect related to magnetism:

    Mark Jordan

On 16-Feb-17 19:42, David Roberson wrote:
When a hot object radiates IR into space the temperature also drops.  Perhaps 
there is a low frequency form of magnetic coupling that can be encouraged to do 
a similar thing.  According to my observations there seems to be a method 
available to convert energy among the different forms under most conditions.


-Original Message-
From: Chris Zell 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Thu, Feb 16, 2017 3:02 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE
If a specially shaped magnetic field can drop the temperature of an apparatus, 
shouldn’t we conclude that random motion (heat) is somehow being converted into 
directed, useful motion?  That Maxwell’s Demon has been found?


2017-02-17 Thread Chris Zell

So the restoring force may be a quantum mechanical process that works under 
subtle conditions.

Um. I am forced to wonder if this explanation is similar to skeptic Victor 
Stenger's rejection of quantum entanglement - when he suggested "de-coherence" 
as the alternative.   An elegant way to avoid saying, 'Well, that's just how it 
is " ( ?)  Ultimately, the laws of the universe are just arbitrary and we can't 
have endless causes extending downward  any more than an infinite series of 
turtles holding up the earth.. right?

If we go down that route, then I guess we just need hard proof of an effect 
verified and the usual reductionism stops at the quantum 'gate'.

I do puzzle at the notion of opposing magnetic fields being 'bounced'  (all 
North at the edges but all South in the middle ??).  One would visualize a 
collection of springs - in which you stretch them and let them oscillate to a 
stop with no net gain.  Something more is needed. And if cold is created, then 
something is stilled - or moving more slowly


2017-02-16 Thread Brian Ahern
Brainstorming along - Ferromagnets have aligned spins,

What is aligned you ask?

Valence electrons populate known molecular orbitals.

Electron spins are confined to specific orbitals.

Vibrational modes (phonons) can shift the electron orbital topologies in and 
out of alignment.

The vibrational modes cannot be eliminated and a zero point oscillation is 
demanded by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

So the restoring force may be a quantum mechanical process that works under 
subtle conditions.

From: Chris Zell 
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2017 3:01 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

If a specially shaped magnetic field can drop the temperature of an apparatus, 
shouldn’t we conclude that random motion (heat) is somehow being converted into 
directed, useful motion?  That Maxwell’s Demon has been found?


2017-02-16 Thread MJ

Leon Dragone also observed the cooling effect related to magnetism:

Mark Jordan

On 16-Feb-17 19:42, David Roberson wrote:
When a hot object radiates IR into space the temperature also drops.  
Perhaps there is a low frequency form of magnetic coupling that can be 
encouraged to do a similar thing. According to my observations there 
seems to be a method available to convert energy among the different 
forms under most conditions.


-Original Message-
From: Chris Zell 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Thu, Feb 16, 2017 3:02 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

If a specially shaped magnetic field can drop the temperature of an 
apparatus, shouldn’t we conclude that random motion (heat) is somehow 
being converted into directed, useful motion?  That Maxwell’s Demon 
has been found?


2017-02-16 Thread Axil Axil
I beleive that the mechanism of these two devices involves the conversion
of heat and electrical surface current forming Surface Plasmon Polaritons
into strong magnetic field lines.

On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 4:49 PM, Chris Zell  wrote:

> I am left wondering if the excess (free) energy in these Manela/Sweet
> devices is derived from heat – or if the production of cold is just a side
> effect. I suppose if huge outputs were obtained from the Sweet device, then
> the expulsion of heat is simply coincidence.
> *From:* David Roberson []
> *Sent:* Thursday, February 16, 2017 4:42 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE
> When a hot object radiates IR into space the temperature also drops.
> Perhaps there is a low frequency form of magnetic coupling that can be
> encouraged to do a similar thing.  According to my observations there seems
> to be a method available to convert energy among the different forms under
> most conditions.
> Dave
> -Original Message-----
> From: Chris Zell 
> To: vortex-l 
> Sent: Thu, Feb 16, 2017 3:02 pm
> Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE
> If a specially shaped magnetic field can drop the temperature of an
> apparatus, shouldn’t we conclude that random motion (heat) is somehow being
> converted into directed, useful motion?  That Maxwell’s Demon has been
> found?


2017-02-16 Thread Chris Zell
I am left wondering if the excess (free) energy in these Manela/Sweet devices 
is derived from heat – or if the production of cold is just a side effect. I 
suppose if huge outputs were obtained from the Sweet device, then the expulsion 
of heat is simply coincidence.

From: David Roberson []
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2017 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

When a hot object radiates IR into space the temperature also drops.  Perhaps 
there is a low frequency form of magnetic coupling that can be encouraged to do 
a similar thing.  According to my observations there seems to be a method 
available to convert energy among the different forms under most conditions.


-Original Message-
From: Chris Zell>>
To: vortex-l>>
Sent: Thu, Feb 16, 2017 3:02 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE
If a specially shaped magnetic field can drop the temperature of an apparatus, 
shouldn’t we conclude that random motion (heat) is somehow being converted into 
directed, useful motion?  That Maxwell’s Demon has been found?


2017-02-16 Thread David Roberson
When a hot object radiates IR into space the temperature also drops.  Perhaps 
there is a low frequency form of magnetic coupling that can be encouraged to do 
a similar thing.  According to my observations there seems to be a method 
available to convert energy among the different forms under most conditions.





-Original Message-
From: Chris Zell 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Thu, Feb 16, 2017 3:02 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

If a specially shaped magnetic field can drop the temperature of an apparatus, 
shouldn’t we conclude that random motion (heat) is somehow being converted into 
directed, useful motion?  That Maxwell’s Demon has been found?


2017-02-16 Thread Chris Zell
If a specially shaped magnetic field can drop the temperature of an apparatus, 
shouldn’t we conclude that random motion (heat) is somehow being converted into 
directed, useful motion?  That Maxwell’s Demon has been found?


2017-02-14 Thread Chris Zell
I am forced to think about energy as motion rather than the ‘particle du jour’ 
thinking that dominates.  Is it possible to think of unpaired electron orbits 
as somehow re-routed so as to create a current flow?  I am also puzzled by the 
notion that magnetism is centrifugal force in some way, although when we pick 
up a magnet it does not behave as a gyroscope.
Maybe if we could figure out the ‘motion’ aspect of the problem, we could 
understand where the excess comes from….
I also wonder about patent applications made prior to a patent being 
classified…..or do they get suppressed as well? I recall that Ken Shoulders had 
a legal way around having his patents suppressed.

From: Chris Zell<>
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2017 9:12 AM

Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

The description of the Manelas device is extremely similar to the Sweet device. 
  And like that device, there seems to be a mystery about how an oddly 
magnetized slab worked – or how it was created. In Sweet’s case, it was barium 
ferrite, I recall.

Sent: Monday, February 13, 2017 12:07 PM
To: Axil Axil>>; vortex-l>>
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE


The cooling effect is unexpected.  It seems that it may be a reversal of the 
2nd Law of T/D—a decrease in entropy instead of an increase.

Do you know what the thermal conductivity is?  I would guess it may be very 
low, similar to the electrical conductivity.

Also is there an open circuit voltage produced?  I so where are the  electrodes 
attached—positive and negative?

It may be that the differential magnetic field inside to the outside acts to 
change the ordering and the entropy accordingly—inside to the surface.  The 
magnetic field may cause in effect a phase change—a change to more order.  It 
may happen only at a certain magnetic strength—B field that is.  And there may 
be a coupling to the Earth’s magnetic field for extraction of energy,  
consistent with energy conservation.

The differential temperature—inside to outside at the surface---maybe a thermal 
magnetic voltage source analogous to the well known thermal electric effect.

Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil<>
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2017 5:20 PM
To: vortex-l<>
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE


The Mandela bullot is flat and square with a large surface area. This flat 
topology with a large surface area might permit a maximum of magnetic dipoles 
to form on the surface of the Mandela bullot. I would like to know what type of 
gas filled the black it protium or deuterium or air?

On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 8:09 PM, Axil Axil>> wrote:
[Inline image 1]
The Manelas Device functional diagram

On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 7:58 PM, Axil Axil>> wrote:
It might be that the pulsed current of the 137 kilohertz square wave input 
current produces a magnetic dipole with a large instantaneous power factor 
because the current is produced by a square wave like the Brillouin method. The 
24 volt constant current also produces heat and the strontium ferrite magnet is 
heat resistant. The maximum operating temperature of the magnet is 250C and the 
Curie temperature is 450C, With that high temperature operating capacity, 
coherent magnetically based Surface plasmon polaritons may form under the 
influence of the magnetic dipole motion that localize around the magnetic field 
lines as heat photons become entangled with electrons dipoles.

If these magnetic polaritons become coherent, these polaritons may produce 
enough magnetic power to destabilize the nuclei of the gas above the surface of 
the magnet inside the Mandela's Device black box.

On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 6:28 PM, Brian Ahern>> wrote:

The Manelas billet is strontium ferrite and is very high electrical 
resistivity. This eliminates eddy currents as a loss mechanism

From: Axil Axil>>
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2017 6:18 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE


"Note my recent comment regarding the Manelas Device reflecting your notice 
about the discovery of time crystals. There may be a connection with the 
magnetic materials used in the device.

Separately, I would note that the design of NAE’s may require a structure which 
allows high magnetic fields (10^12 –10^16 Tesla.) Structures that are 1 or 2 
dimensional may be the key, with the 1-D NAE supporting LENR+, because it 
causes the reaction in a confin


2017-02-13 Thread Axil Axil
The Manelas device and the Sweet system seem to be two different systems.
The Sweet system can produce 500 watts of power whereas the Manelas device
can only manage 60 watts. The Sweet system is driven by a 60 cycle sine
wave a and the Manelas device is driven by a high frequency square wave. It
looks like the Manelas device was.was not conditioned to resonant with the
driving input current and the Sweet device was.

On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 2:30 PM,  wrote:

> Here is a reflection on the history of the Manelas device.
> The following link is my source:
> magnetism-keys-to-free-energy/
> This history smacks of a dark (classified) program established in the
> 60’s  regarding the strontium ferrite technology.  The are some 5400 dark
> programs active today in this country alone with only a hand full that have
> been allowed to see the light as time goes by.
> A patent may have been issued to Sweet and GE and it was classified.  The
> patent ran out and nobody did any further work on the technology, except
> Sweet  and Manelas.  The Sweet helper in the West after Sweet’s retirement
> may have had other motives other than helping Sweet.  The above historical
> item makes that point.
> Then another “helper” from back east arrived at Sweet’s place and Sweet
> was more accepting, if not scared as well.
> It seems that Sweet and Manelas were close technically with some common
> experiences.  Sweet was threatened but Manelas was over looked, probably
> because he was reasonably discrete about what he was doing and may not have
> been covered by the dark program order.
> I have had first hand experience with people that have been threatened
> regarding technical issues.  Fear is a powerful motivator to both action
> and inaction.  The Sweet and Manelas reactions are common.
> GE had no incentive to make good on the old technology, since it
> threatened more competition and loss of a lucrative product—wind turbans
> and other power production lines.  (This is similar to the fate of LENR
> over the last 27 years.)
> Bob cook
> *From: *Chris Zell 
> *Sent: *Monday, February 13, 2017 9:12 AM
> *To: *
> *Subject: *RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE
> The description of the Manelas device is extremely similar to the Sweet
> device.   And like that device, there seems to be a mystery about how an
> oddly magnetized slab worked – or how it was created. In Sweet’s case, it
> was barium ferrite, I recall.
> *From:* []
> *Sent:* Monday, February 13, 2017 12:07 PM
> *To:* Axil Axil ; vortex-l 
> *Subject:* RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE
> Brian—
> The cooling effect is unexpected.  It seems that it may be a reversal of
> the 2nd Law of T/D—a decrease in entropy instead of an increase.
> Do you know what the thermal conductivity is?  I would guess it may be
> very low, similar to the electrical conductivity.
> Also is there an open circuit voltage produced?  I so where are the
>  electrodes attached—positive and negative?
> It may be that the differential magnetic field inside to the outside acts
> to change the ordering and the entropy accordingly—inside to the surface.
> The magnetic field may cause in effect a phase change—a change to more
> order.  It may happen only at a certain magnetic strength—B field that is.
> And there may be a coupling to the Earth’s magnetic field for extraction of
> energy,  consistent with energy conservation.
> The differential temperature—inside to outside at the surface---maybe a
> thermal magnetic voltage source analogous to the well known thermal
> electric effect.
> Bob Cook
> *From: *Axil Axil 
> *Sent: *Sunday, February 12, 2017 5:20 PM
> *To: *vortex-l 
> *Subject: *Re: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE
> More...
> The Mandela bullot is flat and square with a large surface area. This flat
> topology with a large surface area might permit a maximum of magnetic
> dipoles to form on the surface of the Mandela bullot. I would like to know
> what type of gas filled the black it protium or deuterium or air?
> On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 8:09 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:
> [image: Inline image 1]
> The Manelas Device functional diagram


2017-02-13 Thread bobcook39923
Here is a reflection on the history of the Manelas device.

The following link is my source:

This history smacks of a dark (classified) program established in the 60’s  
regarding the strontium ferrite technology.  The are some 5400 dark programs 
active today in this country alone with only a hand full that have been allowed 
to see the light as time goes by.

A patent may have been issued to Sweet and GE and it was classified.  The 
patent ran out and nobody did any further work on the technology, except Sweet  
and Manelas.  The Sweet helper in the West after Sweet’s retirement may have 
had other motives other than helping Sweet.  The above historical item makes 
that point.  

Then another “helper” from back east arrived at Sweet’s place and Sweet was 
more accepting, if not scared as well.

It seems that Sweet and Manelas were close technically with some common 
experiences.  Sweet was threatened but Manelas was over looked, probably 
because he was reasonably discrete about what he was doing and may not have 
been covered by the dark program order.  

I have had first hand experience with people that have been threatened 
regarding technical issues.  Fear is a powerful motivator to both action and 
inaction.  The Sweet and Manelas reactions are common.

GE had no incentive to make good on the old technology, since it threatened 
more competition and loss of a lucrative product—wind turbans and other power 
production lines.  (This is similar to the fate of LENR over the last 27 years.)

Bob cook

From: Chris Zell
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2017 9:12 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

The description of the Manelas device is extremely similar to the Sweet device. 
  And like that device, there seems to be a mystery about how an oddly 
magnetized slab worked – or how it was created. In Sweet’s case, it was barium 
ferrite, I recall.

From: [] 
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2017 12:07 PM
To: Axil Axil ; vortex-l 
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE


The cooling effect is unexpected.  It seems that it may be a reversal of the 
2nd Law of T/D—a decrease in entropy instead of an increase.  

Do you know what the thermal conductivity is?  I would guess it may be very 
low, similar to the electrical conductivity.  

Also is there an open circuit voltage produced?  I so where are the  electrodes 
attached—positive and negative?  

It may be that the differential magnetic field inside to the outside acts to 
change the ordering and the entropy accordingly—inside to the surface.  The 
magnetic field may cause in effect a phase change—a change to more order.  It 
may happen only at a certain magnetic strength—B field that is.  And there may 
be a coupling to the Earth’s magnetic field for extraction of energy,  
consistent with energy conservation.

The differential temperature—inside to outside at the surface---maybe a thermal 
magnetic voltage source analogous to the well known thermal electric effect.  

Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2017 5:20 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE


The Mandela bullot is flat and square with a large surface area. This flat 
topology with a large surface area might permit a maximum of magnetic dipoles 
to form on the surface of the Mandela bullot. I would like to know what type of 
gas filled the black it protium or deuterium or air?

On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 8:09 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:

The Manelas Device functional diagram

On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 7:58 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:
It might be that the pulsed current of the 137 kilohertz square wave input 
current produces a magnetic dipole with a large instantaneous power factor 
because the current is produced by a square wave like the Brillouin method. The 
24 volt constant current also produces heat and the strontium ferrite magnet is 
heat resistant. The maximum operating temperature of the magnet is 250C and the 
Curie temperature is 450C, With that high temperature operating capacity, 
coherent magnetically based Surface plasmon polaritons may form under the 
influence of the magnetic dipole motion that localize around the magnetic field 
lines as heat photons become entangled with electrons dipoles.

If these magnetic polaritons become coherent, these polaritons may produce 
enough magnetic power to destabilize the nuclei of the gas above the surface of 
the magnet inside the Mandela's Device black box.   

On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 6:28 PM, Brian Ahern  wrote:
The Manelas billet is strontium ferrite and is very high electrical 
resistivity. This eliminates eddy currents as a loss mechanism

From: Axil Axil 
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2017 6:18 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK T


2017-02-13 Thread Axil Axil
It sounds like magnetic refrigeration is occurring. When the square wave
begins, a large increase in the surface current on the magnetic bullet will
be produced. This surface current produces an increase in the strength of
the magnetic field lines on the surface of the magnetic bullet as magnetic
dipoles form around the magnetic field lines of the ferrite magnet.  This
produces a rapidly rising heat pulse. The magnetic dipoles become entangled
with these new heat photons and this creation of polaritons produces a
strong greatly amplified magnetic field along the existing magnetic field
lines of the magnetic bullet.

This very strong magnetic field produces nucleon decay that results in
mostly mesons but with very little heat production, The mesons will
eventually decay into muons then electrons but most of the muons will
escape the black box.

The collapse of the magnetic dipoles will occur after the current has
stopped increasing  and eventually falls at the end of the square wave.
This will produce a magnetic cooling effect as the magnetic dipole
coherence collapses since heat energy has been converted to magnetic

There must be a huge amount of muons produced per second to generate 60
watts of electrons. Most of the muons will escape the black box. If this
speculation is true, then the lead in the lead battery nearby should
generate a large amount of muon based fission.

On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 6:27 AM, Brian Ahern  wrote:

> The Billet is 1" x 4" x 6" and has four North poles at the corner and a
> South pole in the center. The most important physics is the 5C cooling when
> the deice was otputting 60 watts into the 300 pound battery pack. I do not
> understand how this MAGNETOCLORIC event happens.
> --
> *From:* Axil Axil 
> *Sent:* Sunday, February 12, 2017 8:20 PM
> *To:* vortex-l
> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE
> More...
> The Mandela bullot is flat and square with a large surface area. This flat
> topology with a large surface area might permit a maximum of magnetic
> dipoles to form on the surface of the Mandela bullot. I would like to know
> what type of gas filled the black it protium or deuterium or air?
> On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 8:09 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:
>> [image: Inline image 1]
>> The Manelas Device functional diagram
>> On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 7:58 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:
>>> It might be that the pulsed current of the 137 kilohertz square wave
>>> input current produces a magnetic dipole with a large instantaneous power
>>> factor because the current is produced by a square wave like the Brillouin
>>> method. The 24 volt constant current also produces heat and the strontium
>>> ferrite magnet is heat resistant. The maximum operating temperature of the
>>> magnet is 250C and the Curie temperature is 450C, With that high
>>> temperature operating capacity, coherent magnetically based Surface plasmon
>>> polaritons may form under the influence of the magnetic dipole motion that
>>> localize around the magnetic field lines as heat photons become entangled
>>> with electrons dipoles.
>>> If these magnetic polaritons become coherent, these polaritons may
>>> produce enough magnetic power to destabilize the nuclei of the gas above
>>> the surface of the magnet inside the Mandela's Device black box.
>>> On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 6:28 PM, Brian Ahern 
>>> wrote:
>>>> The Manelas billet is strontium ferrite and is very high electrical
>>>> resistivity. This eliminates eddy currents as a loss mechanism
>>>> --
>>>> *From:* Axil Axil 
>>>> *Sent:* Sunday, February 12, 2017 6:18 PM
>>>> *To:* vortex-l
>>>> *Subject:* [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE
>>>> "Note my recent comment regarding the Manelas Device reflecting your
>>>> notice about the discovery of time crystals. There may be a connection with
>>>> the magnetic materials used in the device.
>>>> Separately, I would note that the design of NAE’s may require a
>>>> structure which allows high magnetic fields (10^12 –10^16 Tesla.)
>>>> Structures that are 1 or 2 dimensional may be the key, with the 1-D NAE
>>>> supporting LENR+, because it causes the reaction in a confined space and
>>>> maintains the 1-D characteristic for repeated reactions upon arrival of


2017-02-13 Thread Chris Zell
The description of the Manelas device is extremely similar to the Sweet device. 
  And like that device, there seems to be a mystery about how an oddly 
magnetized slab worked – or how it was created. In Sweet’s case, it was barium 
ferrite, I recall.

From: []
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2017 12:07 PM
To: Axil Axil ; vortex-l 
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE


The cooling effect is unexpected.  It seems that it may be a reversal of the 
2nd Law of T/D—a decrease in entropy instead of an increase.

Do you know what the thermal conductivity is?  I would guess it may be very 
low, similar to the electrical conductivity.

Also is there an open circuit voltage produced?  I so where are the  electrodes 
attached—positive and negative?

It may be that the differential magnetic field inside to the outside acts to 
change the ordering and the entropy accordingly—inside to the surface.  The 
magnetic field may cause in effect a phase change—a change to more order.  It 
may happen only at a certain magnetic strength—B field that is.  And there may 
be a coupling to the Earth’s magnetic field for extraction of energy,  
consistent with energy conservation.

The differential temperature—inside to outside at the surface---maybe a thermal 
magnetic voltage source analogous to the well known thermal electric effect.

Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil<>
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2017 5:20 PM
To: vortex-l<>
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE


The Mandela bullot is flat and square with a large surface area. This flat 
topology with a large surface area might permit a maximum of magnetic dipoles 
to form on the surface of the Mandela bullot. I would like to know what type of 
gas filled the black it protium or deuterium or air?

On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 8:09 PM, Axil Axil>> wrote:
[Inline image 1]
The Manelas Device functional diagram

On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 7:58 PM, Axil Axil>> wrote:
It might be that the pulsed current of the 137 kilohertz square wave input 
current produces a magnetic dipole with a large instantaneous power factor 
because the current is produced by a square wave like the Brillouin method. The 
24 volt constant current also produces heat and the strontium ferrite magnet is 
heat resistant. The maximum operating temperature of the magnet is 250C and the 
Curie temperature is 450C, With that high temperature operating capacity, 
coherent magnetically based Surface plasmon polaritons may form under the 
influence of the magnetic dipole motion that localize around the magnetic field 
lines as heat photons become entangled with electrons dipoles.

If these magnetic polaritons become coherent, these polaritons may produce 
enough magnetic power to destabilize the nuclei of the gas above the surface of 
the magnet inside the Mandela's Device black box.

On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 6:28 PM, Brian Ahern>> wrote:

The Manelas billet is strontium ferrite and is very high electrical 
resistivity. This eliminates eddy currents as a loss mechanism

From: Axil Axil>>
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2017 6:18 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE


"Note my recent comment regarding the Manelas Device reflecting your notice 
about the discovery of time crystals. There may be a connection with the 
magnetic materials used in the device.

Separately, I would note that the design of NAE’s may require a structure which 
allows high magnetic fields (10^12 –10^16 Tesla.) Structures that are 1 or 2 
dimensional may be the key, with the 1-D NAE supporting LENR+, because it 
causes the reaction in a confined space and maintains the 1-D characteristic 
for repeated reactions upon arrival of reactants—H or D or Li or whatever."

There is a branch of physics called "QCD in strong magnetic fields" that has 
conducted workshops on what a strong magnetic fields can do to a nucleus.
QCD in strong magnetic fields -<><>
Monday 12 November; 09:00 - 09:40: Berndt Müller: When QCD meets QED: 09:40 - 
10:20: Vladimir Skokov: Magnetic field in HIC and anisotropy of photon 

and also by another name "Workshop on Magnetic Fields in Hadron Physics"
Workshop on Magnetic Fields in Hadron Physics ICTP/SAIFR 


2017-02-13 Thread bobcook39923

The cooling effect is unexpected.  It seems that it may be a reversal of the 
2nd Law of T/D—a decrease in entropy instead of an increase.  

Do you know what the thermal conductivity is?  I would guess it may be very 
low, similar to the electrical conductivity.  

Also is there an open circuit voltage produced?  I so where are the  electrodes 
attached—positive and negative?  

It may be that the differential magnetic field inside to the outside acts to 
change the ordering and the entropy accordingly—inside to the surface.  The 
magnetic field may cause in effect a phase change—a change to more order.  It 
may happen only at a certain magnetic strength—B field that is.  And there may 
be a coupling to the Earth’s magnetic field for extraction of energy,  
consistent with energy conservation.

The differential temperature—inside to outside at the surface---maybe a thermal 
magnetic voltage source analogous to the well known thermal electric effect.  

Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2017 5:20 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE


The Mandela bullot is flat and square with a large surface area. This flat 
topology with a large surface area might permit a maximum of magnetic dipoles 
to form on the surface of the Mandela bullot. I would like to know what type of 
gas filled the black it protium or deuterium or air?

On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 8:09 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:

The Manelas Device functional diagram

On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 7:58 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:
It might be that the pulsed current of the 137 kilohertz square wave input 
current produces a magnetic dipole with a large instantaneous power factor 
because the current is produced by a square wave like the Brillouin method. The 
24 volt constant current also produces heat and the strontium ferrite magnet is 
heat resistant. The maximum operating temperature of the magnet is 250C and the 
Curie temperature is 450C, With that high temperature operating capacity, 
coherent magnetically based Surface plasmon polaritons may form under the 
influence of the magnetic dipole motion that localize around the magnetic field 
lines as heat photons become entangled with electrons dipoles.

If these magnetic polaritons become coherent, these polaritons may produce 
enough magnetic power to destabilize the nuclei of the gas above the surface of 
the magnet inside the Mandela's Device black box.   

On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 6:28 PM, Brian Ahern  wrote:
The Manelas billet is strontium ferrite and is very high electrical 
resistivity. This eliminates eddy currents as a loss mechanism

From: Axil Axil 
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2017 6:18 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE 

"Note my recent comment regarding the Manelas Device reflecting your notice 
about the discovery of time crystals. There may be a connection with the 
magnetic materials used in the device.

Separately, I would note that the design of NAE’s may require a structure which 
allows high magnetic fields (10^12 –10^16 Tesla.) Structures that are 1 or 2 
dimensional may be the key, with the 1-D NAE supporting LENR+, because it 
causes the reaction in a confined space and maintains the 1-D characteristic 
for repeated reactions upon arrival of reactants—H or D or Li or whatever."

There is a branch of physics called "QCD in strong magnetic fields" that has 
conducted workshops on what a strong magnetic fields can do to a nucleus. 
QCD in strong magnetic fields -
Monday 12 November; 09:00 - 09:40: Berndt Müller: When QCD meets QED: 09:40 - 
10:20: Vladimir Skokov: Magnetic field in HIC and anisotropy of photon 

and also by another name "Workshop on Magnetic Fields in Hadron Physics" 
Workshop on Magnetic Fields in Hadron Physics ICTP/SAIFR ...
Workshop on Magnetic Fields in Hadron Physics . ICTP/SAIFR - São Paulo, BR . 
May 9 - 13, 2016 . List of Abstracts . MONDAY – May 9 . Uses and misuses of the 
NJL ...

One posit of this field is that in a magnetic field of (10^12 –10^16 Tesla.), 
Localization of (anti-)quark orbits by magnetic field enhances chiral symmetry 
breaking effect of attractive interactions.


QCD in strong magnetic fields 

Charged vector mesons can condense in a superstrong magnetic field. This 
superstrong magnetic field can be considered a magnetic catalyst that produces 
charge parity violation thereby producing strange quarks and their mesons.

The question then becomes, can Surface plasmon polaritons(SPP) amplify 
light/electron entanglement to the point where ma


2017-02-13 Thread David Roberson

I also find it quite interesting that the outside of the device cools down as 
electrical energy is extracted via coupling to its magnetic activity.  The very 
good news that I detect is that thermal energy actually appears to be absorbed 
and then converted into electrical energy.  This is, in a manner of speaking, 
similar to when a hot body cools off by emitting heat radiation, only the 
energy transfer in this case is via a magnetic coupling path.

I have a couple of questions.  Has a complete Mandela device been placed into a 
heat chamber in order to see whether or not it can handle a large temperature 
operating extreme?  If it only works over a tiny ambient range then the 
applications are rapidly limited.  Could this be why the automobile industry is 
not interested at this point?

Second, in the picture showing a pin levitated above the rectangle of ferrite 
is it safe to assume that the pin is magnetized?  I suspect that your 
indication that the center of the Billet has a south pole suggests this state.

Also, have you calculated the amount of heat energy being absorbed into the 
Billet during operation and found it to match the amount extracted as 
electrical energy?  Does 5C below ambient appearing upon the surface of the 
Billed result in 60 watts of heat flowomg into it?  I would consider this to be 
a key characteristic and strong evidence that the effect is real.





-Original Message-
From: Brian Ahern 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Mon, Feb 13, 2017 6:28 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

The Billet is 1" x 4" x 6" and has four North poles at the corner and a South 
pole in the center. The most important physics is the 5C cooling when the deice 
was otputting 60 watts into the 300 pound battery pack. I do not understand how 
this MAGNETOCLORIC event happens.

From: Axil Axil 
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2017 8:20 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE


The Mandela bullot is flat and square with a large surface area. This flat 
topology with a large surface area might permit a maximum of magnetic dipoles 
to form on the surface of the Mandela bullot. I would like to know what type of 
gas filled the black it protium or deuterium or air?

On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 8:09 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:

The Manelas Device functional diagram

On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 7:58 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:

It might be that the pulsed current of the 137 kilohertz square wave input 
current produces a magnetic dipole with a large instantaneous power factor 
because the current is produced by a square wave like the Brillouin method. The 
24 volt constant current also produces heat and the strontium ferrite magnet is 
heat resistant. The maximum operating temperature of the magnet is 250C and the 
Curie temperature is 450C, With that high temperature operating capacity, 
coherent magnetically based Surface plasmon polaritons may form under the 
influence of the magnetic dipole motion that localize around the magnetic field 
lines as heat photons become entangled with electrons dipoles.

If these magnetic polaritons become coherent, these polaritons may produce 
enough magnetic power to destabilize the nuclei of the gas above the surface of 
the magnet inside the Mandela's Device black box.  

On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 6:28 PM, Brian Ahern  wrote:

The Manelas billet is strontium ferrite and is very high electrical 
resistivity. This eliminates eddy currents as a loss mechanism

From: Axil Axil 
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2017 6:18 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE


"Note my recent comment regarding the Manelas Device reflecting your notice 
about the discovery of time crystals. There may be a connection with the 
magnetic materials used in the device.

Separately, I would note that the design of NAE’s may require a structure which 
allows high magnetic fields (10^12 –10^16 Tesla.) Structures that are 1 or 2 
dimensional may be the key, with the 1-D NAE supporting LENR+, because it 
causes the reaction in a confined space and maintains the 1-D characteristic 
for repeated reactions upon arrival of reactants—H or D or Li or whatever."

There is a branch of physics called "QCD in strong magnetic fields" that has 
conducted workshops on what a strong magnetic fields can do to a nucleus.

QCD in strong magnetic fields -
Monday 12 November; 09:00 - 09:40: Berndt Müller: When QCD meets QED: 09:40 - 
10:20: Vladimir Skokov: Magnetic field in HIC and anisotropy of photon 

and also by another name "Workshop on Magnetic Fields in Hadron Physics"


2017-02-13 Thread Brian Ahern
The Billet is 1" x 4" x 6" and has four North poles at the corner and a South 
pole in the center. The most important physics is the 5C cooling when the deice 
was otputting 60 watts into the 300 pound battery pack. I do not understand how 
this MAGNETOCLORIC event happens.

From: Axil Axil 
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2017 8:20 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE


The Mandela bullot is flat and square with a large surface area. This flat 
topology with a large surface area might permit a maximum of magnetic dipoles 
to form on the surface of the Mandela bullot. I would like to know what type of 
gas filled the black it protium or deuterium or air?

On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 8:09 PM, Axil Axil>> wrote:
[Inline image 1]
The Manelas Device functional diagram

On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 7:58 PM, Axil Axil>> wrote:
It might be that the pulsed current of the 137 kilohertz square wave input 
current produces a magnetic dipole with a large instantaneous power factor 
because the current is produced by a square wave like the Brillouin method. The 
24 volt constant current also produces heat and the strontium ferrite magnet is 
heat resistant. The maximum operating temperature of the magnet is 250C and the 
Curie temperature is 450C, With that high temperature operating capacity, 
coherent magnetically based Surface plasmon polaritons may form under the 
influence of the magnetic dipole motion that localize around the magnetic field 
lines as heat photons become entangled with electrons dipoles.

If these magnetic polaritons become coherent, these polaritons may produce 
enough magnetic power to destabilize the nuclei of the gas above the surface of 
the magnet inside the Mandela's Device black box.

On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 6:28 PM, Brian Ahern>> wrote:

The Manelas billet is strontium ferrite and is very high electrical 
resistivity. This eliminates eddy currents as a loss mechanism

From: Axil Axil>>
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2017 6:18 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE


"Note my recent comment regarding the Manelas Device reflecting your notice 
about the discovery of time crystals. There may be a connection with the 
magnetic materials used in the device.

Separately, I would note that the design of NAE’s may require a structure which 
allows high magnetic fields (10^12 –10^16 Tesla.) Structures that are 1 or 2 
dimensional may be the key, with the 1-D NAE supporting LENR+, because it 
causes the reaction in a confined space and maintains the 1-D characteristic 
for repeated reactions upon arrival of reactants—H or D or Li or whatever."

There is a branch of physics called "QCD in strong magnetic fields" that has 
conducted workshops on what a strong magnetic fields can do to a nucleus.
QCD in strong magnetic fields -<><>
Monday 12 November; 09:00 - 09:40: Berndt Müller: When QCD meets QED: 09:40 - 
10:20: Vladimir Skokov: Magnetic field in HIC and anisotropy of photon 

and also by another name "Workshop on Magnetic Fields in Hadron Physics"
Workshop on Magnetic Fields in Hadron Physics ICTP/SAIFR 
Workshop on Magnetic Fields in Hadron Physics . ICTP/SAIFR - São Paulo, BR . 
May 9 - 13, 2016 . List of Abstracts . MONDAY – May 9 . Uses and misuses of the 
NJL ...

One posit of this field is that in a magnetic field of (10^12 –10^16 Tesla.), 
Localization of (anti-)quark orbits by magnetic field enhances chiral symmetry 
breaking effect of attractive interactions.


QCD in strong magnetic fields

Charged vector mesons can condense in a superstrong magnetic field. This 
superstrong magnetic field can be considered a magnetic catalyst that produces 
charge parity violation thereby producing strange quarks and their mesons.

The question then becomes, can Surface plasmon polaritons(SPP) amplify 
light/electron entanglement to the point where magnetism reaches very high 
strength, enough to produce a magnetic catalyst of mesons.

When it comes to bose condinsation through ultra dense hydrogen as a way to 
amplify SPPs through superradiance, what matters is the number of SPPs tha


2017-02-12 Thread bobcook39923

Thanks for those very pertinent references  .

The LENR dots are coming together I think; maybe coupled by magnetism?


From: Brian Ahern
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2017 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

The Manelas billet is strontium ferrite and is very high electrical 
resistivity. This eliminates eddy currents as a loss mechanism

From: Axil Axil 
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2017 6:18 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE 

"Note my recent comment regarding the Manelas Device reflecting your notice 
about the discovery of time crystals. There may be a connection with the 
magnetic materials used in the device.

Separately, I would note that the design of NAE’s may require a structure which 
allows high magnetic fields (10^12 –10^16 Tesla.) Structures that are 1 or 2 
dimensional may be the key, with the 1-D NAE supporting LENR+, because it 
causes the reaction in a confined space and maintains the 1-D characteristic 
for repeated reactions upon arrival of reactants—H or D or Li or whatever."

There is a branch of physics called "QCD in strong magnetic fields" that has 
conducted workshops on what a strong magnetic fields can do to a nucleus. 
QCD in strong magnetic fields -
Monday 12 November; 09:00 - 09:40: Berndt Müller: When QCD meets QED: 09:40 - 
10:20: Vladimir Skokov: Magnetic field in HIC and anisotropy of photon 

and also by another name "Workshop on Magnetic Fields in Hadron Physics" 
Workshop on Magnetic Fields in Hadron Physics ICTP/SAIFR ...
Workshop on Magnetic Fields in Hadron Physics . ICTP/SAIFR - São Paulo, BR . 
May 9 - 13, 2016 . List of Abstracts . MONDAY – May 9 . Uses and misuses of the 
NJL ...

One posit of this field is that in a magnetic field of (10^12 –10^16 Tesla.), 
Localization of (anti-)quark orbits by magnetic field enhances chiral symmetry 
breaking effect of attractive interactions.


QCD in strong magnetic fields 

Charged vector mesons can condense in a superstrong magnetic field. This 
superstrong magnetic field can be considered a magnetic catalyst that produces 
charge parity violation thereby producing strange quarks and their mesons.

The question then becomes, can Surface plasmon polaritons(SPP) amplify 
light/electron entanglement to the point where magnetism reaches very high 
strength, enough to produce a magnetic catalyst of mesons. 

When it comes to bose condinsation through ultra dense hydrogen as a way to 
amplify SPPs through superradiance, what matters is the number of SPPs that 
aggregate in that condinsate. 

An analogy of the additive aggregation principle is how 8,000 AA lithium 
batteries can produce enough power to propel a Tesla for over 200 miles. 

Quantum mechanics can do unexpected things.

When protons and neutrons fall apart into mesons, the final result is a 
boatload of electrons that are fabricated from decaying nuclear matter. This is 
where the current observed in the Manelas Device might come from. A large 
anisotropic magnet might be strong enough to produce electrical power strong 
enough and properly focused to tear apart nuclear matter.


2017-02-12 Thread Axil Axil

The Mandela bullot is flat and square with a large surface area. This flat
topology with a large surface area might permit a maximum of magnetic
dipoles to form on the surface of the Mandela bullot. I would like to know
what type of gas filled the black it protium or deuterium or air?

On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 8:09 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:

> [image: Inline image 1]
> The Manelas Device functional diagram
> On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 7:58 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:
>> It might be that the pulsed current of the 137 kilohertz square wave
>> input current produces a magnetic dipole with a large instantaneous power
>> factor because the current is produced by a square wave like the Brillouin
>> method. The 24 volt constant current also produces heat and the strontium
>> ferrite magnet is heat resistant. The maximum operating temperature of the
>> magnet is 250C and the Curie temperature is 450C, With that high
>> temperature operating capacity, coherent magnetically based Surface plasmon
>> polaritons may form under the influence of the magnetic dipole motion that
>> localize around the magnetic field lines as heat photons become entangled
>> with electrons dipoles.
>> If these magnetic polaritons become coherent, these polaritons may
>> produce enough magnetic power to destabilize the nuclei of the gas above
>> the surface of the magnet inside the Mandela's Device black box.
>> On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 6:28 PM, Brian Ahern  wrote:
>>> The Manelas billet is strontium ferrite and is very high electrical
>>> resistivity. This eliminates eddy currents as a loss mechanism
>>> --
>>> *From:* Axil Axil 
>>> *Sent:* Sunday, February 12, 2017 6:18 PM
>>> *To:* vortex-l
>>> *Subject:* [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE
>>> "Note my recent comment regarding the Manelas Device reflecting your
>>> notice about the discovery of time crystals. There may be a connection with
>>> the magnetic materials used in the device.
>>> Separately, I would note that the design of NAE’s may require a
>>> structure which allows high magnetic fields (10^12 –10^16 Tesla.)
>>> Structures that are 1 or 2 dimensional may be the key, with the 1-D NAE
>>> supporting LENR+, because it causes the reaction in a confined space and
>>> maintains the 1-D characteristic for repeated reactions upon arrival of
>>> reactants—H or D or Li or whatever."
>>> There is a branch of physics called "QCD in strong magnetic fields" that
>>> has conducted workshops on what a strong magnetic fields can do to a
>>> nucleus.
>>> QCD in strong magnetic fields -
>>> Monday 12 November; 09:00 - 09:40: Berndt Müller: When QCD meets QED:
>>> 09:40 - 10:20: Vladimir Skokov: Magnetic field in HIC and anisotropy of
>>> photon production
>>> and also by another name "Workshop on Magnetic Fields in Hadron Physics"
>>> tracts_logo.pdf
>>> Workshop on Magnetic Fields in Hadron Physics ICTP/SAIFR ...
>>> Workshop on Magnetic Fields in Hadron Physics . ICTP/SAIFR - São Paulo,
>>> BR . May 9 - 13, 2016 . List of Abstracts . MONDAY – May 9 . Uses and
>>> misuses of the NJL ...
>>> One posit of this field is that in a magnetic field of (10^12 –10^16
>>> Tesla.), Localization of (anti-)quark orbits by magnetic field enhances
>>> chiral symmetry breaking effect of attractive interactions.
>>> See
>>> df/QCDB_Mueller.pdf
>>> QCD in strong magnetic fields
>>> Charged vector mesons can condense in a superstrong magnetic field. This
>>> superstrong magnetic field can be considered a magnetic catalyst that
>>> produces charge parity violation thereby producing strange quarks and their
>>> mesons.
>>> The question then becomes, can Surface plasmon polaritons(SPP) amplify
>>> light/electron entanglement to the point where magnetism reaches very high
>>> strength, enough to produce a magnetic catalyst of mesons.
>>> When it comes to bose condinsation through ultra dense hydrogen as a way
>>> to amplify SPPs through superradiance, what matters is the number of SPPs
>>> that aggregate in that condinsate.
>>> An analogy of the additive aggregation principle is how 8,000 AA lithium
>>> batteries can produce enough power to propel a Tesla for over 200 miles.
>>> Quantum mechanics can do unexpected things.
>>> When protons and neutrons fall apart into mesons, the final result is a
>>> boatload of electrons that are fabricated from decaying nuclear matter.
>>> Thi


2017-02-12 Thread Axil Axil
[image: Inline image 1]
The Manelas Device functional diagram

On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 7:58 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:

> It might be that the pulsed current of the 137 kilohertz square wave input
> current produces a magnetic dipole with a large instantaneous power factor
> because the current is produced by a square wave like the Brillouin method.
> The 24 volt constant current also produces heat and the strontium ferrite
> magnet is heat resistant. The maximum operating temperature of the magnet
> is 250C and the Curie temperature is 450C, With that high temperature
> operating capacity, coherent magnetically based Surface plasmon polaritons
> may form under the influence of the magnetic dipole motion that localize
> around the magnetic field lines as heat photons become entangled with
> electrons dipoles.
> If these magnetic polaritons become coherent, these polaritons may produce
> enough magnetic power to destabilize the nuclei of the gas above the
> surface of the magnet inside the Mandela's Device black box.
> On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 6:28 PM, Brian Ahern  wrote:
>> The Manelas billet is strontium ferrite and is very high electrical
>> resistivity. This eliminates eddy currents as a loss mechanism
>> --
>> *From:* Axil Axil 
>> *Sent:* Sunday, February 12, 2017 6:18 PM
>> *To:* vortex-l
>> *Subject:* [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE
>> "Note my recent comment regarding the Manelas Device reflecting your
>> notice about the discovery of time crystals. There may be a connection with
>> the magnetic materials used in the device.
>> Separately, I would note that the design of NAE’s may require a structure
>> which allows high magnetic fields (10^12 –10^16 Tesla.) Structures that are
>> 1 or 2 dimensional may be the key, with the 1-D NAE supporting LENR+,
>> because it causes the reaction in a confined space and maintains the 1-D
>> characteristic for repeated reactions upon arrival of reactants—H or D or
>> Li or whatever."
>> There is a branch of physics called "QCD in strong magnetic fields" that
>> has conducted workshops on what a strong magnetic fields can do to a
>> nucleus.
>> QCD in strong magnetic fields -
>> Monday 12 November; 09:00 - 09:40: Berndt Müller: When QCD meets QED:
>> 09:40 - 10:20: Vladimir Skokov: Magnetic field in HIC and anisotropy of
>> photon production
>> and also by another name "Workshop on Magnetic Fields in Hadron Physics"
>> tracts_logo.pdf
>> Workshop on Magnetic Fields in Hadron Physics ICTP/SAIFR ...
>> Workshop on Magnetic Fields in Hadron Physics . ICTP/SAIFR - São Paulo,
>> BR . May 9 - 13, 2016 . List of Abstracts . MONDAY – May 9 . Uses and
>> misuses of the NJL ...
>> One posit of this field is that in a magnetic field of (10^12 –10^16
>> Tesla.), Localization of (anti-)quark orbits by magnetic field enhances
>> chiral symmetry breaking effect of attractive interactions.
>> See
>> pdf/QCDB_Mueller.pdf
>> QCD in strong magnetic fields
>> Charged vector mesons can condense in a superstrong magnetic field. This
>> superstrong magnetic field can be considered a magnetic catalyst that
>> produces charge parity violation thereby producing strange quarks and their
>> mesons.
>> The question then becomes, can Surface plasmon polaritons(SPP) amplify
>> light/electron entanglement to the point where magnetism reaches very high
>> strength, enough to produce a magnetic catalyst of mesons.
>> When it comes to bose condinsation through ultra dense hydrogen as a way
>> to amplify SPPs through superradiance, what matters is the number of SPPs
>> that aggregate in that condinsate.
>> An analogy of the additive aggregation principle is how 8,000 AA lithium
>> batteries can produce enough power to propel a Tesla for over 200 miles.
>> Quantum mechanics can do unexpected things.
>> When protons and neutrons fall apart into mesons, the final result is a
>> boatload of electrons that are fabricated from decaying nuclear matter.
>> This is where the current observed in the Manelas Device might come from. A
>> large anisotropic magnet might be strong enough to produce electrical power
>> strong enough and properly focused to tear apart nuclear matter.


2017-02-12 Thread Axil Axil
It might be that the pulsed current of the 137 kilohertz square wave input
current produces a magnetic dipole with a large instantaneous power factor
because the current is produced by a square wave like the Brillouin method.
The 24 volt constant current also produces heat and the strontium ferrite
magnet is heat resistant. The maximum operating temperature of the magnet
is 250C and the Curie temperature is 450C, With that high temperature
operating capacity, coherent magnetically based Surface plasmon polaritons
may form under the influence of the magnetic dipole motion that localize
around the magnetic field lines as heat photons become entangled with
electrons dipoles.

If these magnetic polaritons become coherent, these polaritons may produce
enough magnetic power to destabilize the nuclei of the gas above the
surface of the magnet inside the Mandela's Device black box.

On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 6:28 PM, Brian Ahern  wrote:

> The Manelas billet is strontium ferrite and is very high electrical
> resistivity. This eliminates eddy currents as a loss mechanism
> --
> *From:* Axil Axil 
> *Sent:* Sunday, February 12, 2017 6:18 PM
> *To:* vortex-l
> *Subject:* [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE
> "Note my recent comment regarding the Manelas Device reflecting your
> notice about the discovery of time crystals. There may be a connection with
> the magnetic materials used in the device.
> Separately, I would note that the design of NAE’s may require a structure
> which allows high magnetic fields (10^12 –10^16 Tesla.) Structures that are
> 1 or 2 dimensional may be the key, with the 1-D NAE supporting LENR+,
> because it causes the reaction in a confined space and maintains the 1-D
> characteristic for repeated reactions upon arrival of reactants—H or D or
> Li or whatever."
> There is a branch of physics called "QCD in strong magnetic fields" that
> has conducted workshops on what a strong magnetic fields can do to a
> nucleus.
> QCD in strong magnetic fields -
> Monday 12 November; 09:00 - 09:40: Berndt Müller: When QCD meets QED:
> 09:40 - 10:20: Vladimir Skokov: Magnetic field in HIC and anisotropy of
> photon production
> and also by another name "Workshop on Magnetic Fields in Hadron Physics"
> abstracts_logo.pdf
> Workshop on Magnetic Fields in Hadron Physics ICTP/SAIFR ...
> Workshop on Magnetic Fields in Hadron Physics . ICTP/SAIFR - São Paulo, BR
> . May 9 - 13, 2016 . List of Abstracts . MONDAY – May 9 . Uses and misuses
> of the NJL ...
> One posit of this field is that in a magnetic field of (10^12 –10^16
> Tesla.), Localization of (anti-)quark orbits by magnetic field enhances
> chiral symmetry breaking effect of attractive interactions.
> See
> workshop/pdf/QCDB_Mueller.pdf
> QCD in strong magnetic fields
> Charged vector mesons can condense in a superstrong magnetic field. This
> superstrong magnetic field can be considered a magnetic catalyst that
> produces charge parity violation thereby producing strange quarks and their
> mesons.
> The question then becomes, can Surface plasmon polaritons(SPP) amplify
> light/electron entanglement to the point where magnetism reaches very high
> strength, enough to produce a magnetic catalyst of mesons.
> When it comes to bose condinsation through ultra dense hydrogen as a way
> to amplify SPPs through superradiance, what matters is the number of SPPs
> that aggregate in that condinsate.
> An analogy of the additive aggregation principle is how 8,000 AA lithium
> batteries can produce enough power to propel a Tesla for over 200 miles.
> Quantum mechanics can do unexpected things.
> When protons and neutrons fall apart into mesons, the final result is a
> boatload of electrons that are fabricated from decaying nuclear matter.
> This is where the current observed in the Manelas Device might come from. A
> large anisotropic magnet might be strong enough to produce electrical power
> strong enough and properly focused to tear apart nuclear matter.


2017-02-12 Thread Brian Ahern
The Manelas billet is strontium ferrite and is very high electrical 
resistivity. This eliminates eddy currents as a loss mechanism

From: Axil Axil 
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2017 6:18 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE


"Note my recent comment regarding the Manelas Device reflecting your notice 
about the discovery of time crystals. There may be a connection with the 
magnetic materials used in the device.

Separately, I would note that the design of NAE’s may require a structure which 
allows high magnetic fields (10^12 –10^16 Tesla.) Structures that are 1 or 2 
dimensional may be the key, with the 1-D NAE supporting LENR+, because it 
causes the reaction in a confined space and maintains the 1-D characteristic 
for repeated reactions upon arrival of reactants—H or D or Li or whatever."

There is a branch of physics called "QCD in strong magnetic fields" that has 
conducted workshops on what a strong magnetic fields can do to a nucleus.
QCD in strong magnetic fields -
Monday 12 November; 09:00 - 09:40: Berndt Müller: When QCD meets QED: 09:40 - 
10:20: Vladimir Skokov: Magnetic field in HIC and anisotropy of photon 

and also by another name "Workshop on Magnetic Fields in Hadron Physics"
Workshop on Magnetic Fields in Hadron Physics ICTP/SAIFR 
Workshop on Magnetic Fields in Hadron Physics . ICTP/SAIFR - São Paulo, BR . 
May 9 - 13, 2016 . List of Abstracts . MONDAY – May 9 . Uses and misuses of the 
NJL ...

One posit of this field is that in a magnetic field of (10^12 –10^16 Tesla.), 
Localization of (anti-)quark orbits by magnetic field enhances chiral symmetry 
breaking effect of attractive interactions.


QCD in strong magnetic fields

Charged vector mesons can condense in a superstrong magnetic field. This 
superstrong magnetic field can be considered a magnetic catalyst that produces 
charge parity violation thereby producing strange quarks and their mesons.

The question then becomes, can Surface plasmon polaritons(SPP) amplify 
light/electron entanglement to the point where magnetism reaches very high 
strength, enough to produce a magnetic catalyst of mesons.

When it comes to bose condinsation through ultra dense hydrogen as a way to 
amplify SPPs through superradiance, what matters is the number of SPPs that 
aggregate in that condinsate.

An analogy of the additive aggregation principle is how 8,000 AA lithium 
batteries can produce enough power to propel a Tesla for over 200 miles.

Quantum mechanics can do unexpected things.

When protons and neutrons fall apart into mesons, the final result is a 
boatload of electrons that are fabricated from decaying nuclear matter. This is 
where the current observed in the Manelas Device might come from. A large 
anisotropic magnet might be strong enough to produce electrical power strong 
enough and properly focused to tear apart nuclear matter.