Re: [Vo]:Enormous current densities in nanowires

2012-01-09 Thread pagnucco

You parse comments way too precisely.

I should have said that "your observations raise questions."

For instance, a key one is -
"The WL math and QM is possibly controversial (e.g. via Hagelstein and
Chaudhary), but the logic and common sense in problem definition and
conclusions are clearly controversial and not so complex issues."

That seems to imply the question - 'Is W-L theory math correct?'
-- unless you are already sure there is no baby in the bath water.
I do not know.  That's why I looked at the simplest classical analogue I
can think of - as a cross-check, an imprecise guide.

Also, you statement "It would be useful to hear the WL take on why the
lack of neutron activation LENR experiments..." sure sounds like question
unless you mean for the following statements to be interpreted as a
definitive rebuttal.  Your counterpoints may all turn out to be totally
valid.  I'm not able to say.

To paraphrase the philosopher, Yogi Berra:
"Theoretically, the theoretical and the empirical are the same.
Empirically, they're not."

BTW, in slide #25 of Celani's latest presentation -  -- he states:

"About theory, it is growing the interpretation that such phenomena arise
because the “Weak Force” (Larsen-Widom model) instead the previously
thought, usual Strong Force. A well know Researchers (A.Takahashi)
recently wrote a model were both forces can be active"

As for myself, I'm just uncertain.

> On Jan 9, 2012, at 8:11 PM, wrote:
>>> Following are some comments on the validity of WL theory:
>> Lots of good questions, but my example is not ambitious enough to
>> answer
>> them.  I just wanted to see whether classical electrons could
>> surmount a
>> 780 KeV barrier. As far as missing gammas and neutrons, all I can
>> suggest
>> is that the magnetic field encircling the ultra-high current
>> nanowire is
>> gigantic - I am not able to do a QED analysis.
> You must not have read the post. There are no questions, only
> assertions. I did not find any question marks.
> Best regards,
> Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Enormous current densities in nanowires

2012-01-09 Thread Horace Heffner

On Jan 9, 2012, at 8:11 PM, wrote:

Following are some comments on the validity of WL theory:

Lots of good questions, but my example is not ambitious enough to  
them.  I just wanted to see whether classical electrons could  
surmount a
780 KeV barrier. As far as missing gammas and neutrons, all I can  
is that the magnetic field encircling the ultra-high current  
nanowire is

gigantic - I am not able to do a QED analysis.

You must not have read the post. There are no questions, only  
assertions. I did not find any question marks.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Enormous current densities in nanowires

2012-01-09 Thread pagnucco
Horace, thanks for the reply.  You wrote:

> You should keep in mind that in nanowires, even (laser induced)
> thermal pulses move at 2x10^6 m/s, the conduction band electron speed.

Yes. There are electron-lattice mechanical couplings
(e.g,, pinches, phonons, ...) that complicate a simple, classical
model, but including them would make the math extremely impossible.

I am not at all sure how long a nanowire (or other "nano" structure)
must remain stable, since any nuclear events would disrupt it anyway.
However, the paper I cited shows there are some stable operating
points ("magic conductance values") that can support ultra-high
current densities with minimal deformation.

> I am sorry that I do not have the appropriate time to give to this
> right now.  This looks like a very worthwhile and interesting
> discussion.

No problem.  I think that modeling the W-L theory with undergrad
physics is the place to start - even if overly simplistic, it may
provide insights.  It is not too difficult to contrive simple arrays
of nanowires with inductive couplings that have already been
analyzed in physics textbook chapters on RLC circuit theory.

> I do have some differences of opinion with WL theory, as noted on
> pages 9 and 15 of this article:

You may be correct.  You are considering at a much finer grain analysis
of the reactions.  However, it will be much more difficult (I think)
to model it.

> Following are some comments on the validity of WL theory:

Lots of good questions, but my example is not ambitious enough to answer
them.  I just wanted to see whether classical electrons could surmount a
780 KeV barrier. As far as missing gammas and neutrons, all I can suggest
is that the magnetic field encircling the ultra-high current nanowire is
gigantic - I am not able to do a QED analysis.

> and the Larsen & Widom Patent:

Perhaps the experimental data is assumed to be the anomalously low
gamma emissions in purported LENR reactions. I am not sure.

Re: [Vo]:Enormous current densities in nanowires

2012-01-09 Thread Horace Heffner

On Jan 9, 2012, at 1:39 PM, wrote:

Ref[1] points out that certain nanowires can carry enormous current
densities (~ 10^11[A/cm^2]) which vaporize macro-sized wires.

In metals, this equates to ballistic electron speeds of ~ 100 km/sec
- approximately the same as (0-Amp) random thermal electron velocity
- far greater than a diffusive electron current drift velocity ~ 1  

- far less than relativistic speeds.

When the wire diameter approaches 1 nm, nearly ballistic electon  

are possible over lengths of several microns.

In some nanowire and e-m field distributions, electrons attain  
(not kinetic!) energies > 1 MeV.  Collisions with protons or nuclei  

overcome the potential barrier (0.78 MeV) allowing neutron formation.

Unless large (AC or DC) current flows are induced, conduction  

will not acquire significant inductive energy - i.e., they will not
acquire large "effective mass" - a term commonly misunderstood as
relativistic mass.
Here "effective mass" is a not a scalar, but a vector quantity  

electron coupling to the inductive energy of the total current.
It is large in direction of large current flow, while small normal  
to it.

This my attempt at a semi-classical check on Widom-Larsen theory.
It looks quite reasonable to me, but I could be mistaken.
I would appreciate corrections or criticisms.

Lou Pagnucco

[1] "Stability of Metal Nanowires at Ultrahigh Current Densities"

You should keep in mind that in nanowires, even (laser induced)  
thermal pulses move at 2x10^6 m/s, the conduction band electron speed.

I am sorry that I do not have the appropriate time to give to this  
right now.  This looks like a very worthwhile and interesting  

I do have some differences of opinion with WL theory, as noted on  
pages 9 and 15 of this article:

Following are some comments on the validity of WL theory:

and the Larsen & Widom Patent:

Too bad I have misspelled "Widom" as "Windom" consistently for a long  

The WL theory strikes me as out of touch with reality, i.e. with the  
likelyhood of things like neutron activation.  I have heard they  
might be coming around to a theory more like mine, i.e. where  
neutrons do not actually form pre-fusion.  I haven't read anything of  
theirs like that though.

The following article might also be of interest.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner