[Wikipedia-gu] Gujarati Wikisource Community transition meeting Sunday, June 25

2023-06-24 Thread Jayanta Nath
Hello friends,
As per wudele <https://wudele.toolforge.org/3qfJDvbE398tNwRw> poll, we are
scheduling the meeting on Sunday, June 25.

Gujarati Wikisource Community transition meeting
Sunday, June 25 · 20:00 – 20:30 IST
Time zone: Asia/Kolkata
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/kuj-hhsu-tqz

Feel free to check out the page on Meta-wiki
and suggest any topics for the agenda.

Jayanta Nath
Wikipedia-gu mailing list -- wikipedia-gu@lists.wikimedia.org
To unsubscribe send an email to wikipedia-gu-le...@lists.wikimedia.org

[Wikipedia-gu] Poll regarding June 2023 Gujarati Wikisource Community orientation meeting

2023-06-19 Thread Jayanta Nath
Hello fellow Wikisource enthusiasts!

We will be organizing a Gujarati Wikisource Community orientation meeting in
the coming week of June, and we need your help to decide on a time and date
that works best for the most number of people. Kindly share your
availability at the wudele link below:



Jayanta Nath
Wikipedia-gu mailing list -- wikipedia-gu@lists.wikimedia.org
To unsubscribe send an email to wikipedia-gu-le...@lists.wikimedia.org


2023-02-17 Thread Jayanta Nath
Dear Gujarati community,

As you preferably know that CIS-A2K is running a national level
Digitisation Program in all indic languages. To full this project we need
to know the public domain author list of each language and the list of the
books written by the author.

We are looking for help from the community for this task and whoever will
do this task will be kept as an assignment. Those of you who can and are
willing to do this task, please get in touch with me directly at
jaya...@cis-india.org and prog...@cis-india.org.

For more details, you may find at


Jayanta nath
Wikisource Officer
Centre for Internet and Society
Wikipedia-gu mailing list -- wikipedia-gu@lists.wikimedia.org
To unsubscribe send an email to wikipedia-gu-le...@lists.wikimedia.org


2023-02-17 Thread Jayanta Nath
Dear Gujarati community,
we are preparing to create different types of help documents for Wikisource
(CMR) in your language by CIS-A2K. Those help documents can be video, audio
or any document in written form.

We are looking for help from the community for this task and whoever will
do this task will be kept as an assignment. Those of you who can and are
willing to do this task, please contact me directly at jaya...@cis-india.org
and prog...@cis-india.org.

Jayanta nath
Wikisource Officer
Centre for Internet and Society
Wikipedia-gu mailing list -- wikipedia-gu@lists.wikimedia.org
To unsubscribe send an email to wikipedia-gu-le...@lists.wikimedia.org

[Wikipedia-gu] Indic Wiki improve-a-thon 2022: 15 Dec-5 January 2023

2022-12-05 Thread Jayanta Nath
Dear all,

I hope you are doing well. Glad to announce that CIS-A2K is going to
conduct an event,  Indic Wiki improve-a-thon 2022, for the Indic language.
It will run from 15 December to 5 January 2023. It will be an online
activity however if communities want to organise any on-ground activity
under Improve-a-thon that would also be welcome. The event has its own
theme Azadi Ka Mahatosav which is based on a celebration of the 75th
anniversary of Indian Independence. The event will be for 20 days only.

This is an effort to work on content enrichment and improvement jointly
online and offline. We encourage the communities to plan a short activity
under this event and work on the content on your local Wikis. The event is
not restricted to a project, anyone can edit any project by following the
theme. The event page link is here
<https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Indic_Wiki_Improve-a-thon_2022>. The list
is under preparation and will be updated soon. The community can also
prepare their list for this improve-a-thon.

'''Note''': There will be a pre-event call on Saturday. During the call, we
can discuss the idea of the event, how communities and individuals can
participate, FAQ etc.

The call link is here:

Indic Content Improve-a-thon 2022-2023

Saturday, December 10 · 6:00 – 6:45 pm

Google Meet joining info

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/dxt-fsfw-zgn
Jayanta nath
Centre for Internet and Society
Wikipedia-gu mailing list -- wikipedia-gu@lists.wikimedia.org
To unsubscribe send an email to wikipedia-gu-le...@lists.wikimedia.org

[Wikipedia-gu] A2K Impact report 2021–2022

2022-10-06 Thread Jayanta Nath
Hope this email finds you well. A2K impact report 2021–2022 is submitted
and may be seen here:
Thanks to the communities for support.

Jayanta Nath
On behalf of, Access to Knowledge (A2K)
Wikipedia-gu mailing list -- wikipedia-gu@lists.wikimedia.org
To unsubscribe send an email to wikipedia-gu-le...@lists.wikimedia.org

[Wikipedia-gu] Hiring for the posts of Program Manager for CIS-A2K team

2022-08-01 Thread Jayanta Nath
 Hello Wikimedians,

I would like to bring to your notice that CIS-A2K has job vacancies open
currently for the post of "Program Manager"

We are looking for highly interested candidates ready to work with the
Access to Knowledge program team on programmatic activities and
contributors involving Wikimedia projects.

Deadline: 20 August 2022.

Please send your updated resume, and a cover letter to a...@cis-india.org
In the subject line clearly mention “A2K Programme Manager Application”.

Please share this across your circles too.

Thanks and Regards,
Jayanta Nath
on behalf of CIS-A2K team.
Wikipedia-gu mailing list -- wikipedia-gu@lists.wikimedia.org
To unsubscribe send an email to wikipedia-gu-le...@lists.wikimedia.org

[Wikipedia-gu] ઇન્ડિક વિકિસ્ત્રોત પ્રૂફરીડથોન ઓગસ્ટ ૨૦૨૧

2021-08-01 Thread Jayanta Nath
પ્રિય વિકિસ્રોત સંપાદક,

ગત વર્ષની ઇન્ડિક વિકિસ્ત્રોત પ્રૂફરીડથોનમાં તમારા સહયોગ અને સમર્થન માટે
આભાર સહ અભિનંદન. CIS-A2K આ વર્ષે ફરીથી ઓનલાઇન ઇન્ડિક વિકિસોર્સ પ્રૂફરીડથોન
ઓગસ્ટ ૨૦૨૧નું આયોજન કરી રહ્યું છે, જેથી આ વર્ષના ભારતીય સ્વાતંત્ર્ય પર્વમાં
આપણા પ્રશિષ્ટ ભારતીય સાહિત્યને ડિજિટલ ફોર્મેટમાં સમૃદ્ધ બનાવી શકાય.


   - *પુસ્તકસૂચિ*: પ્રૂફરીડ કરવા માટેના પુસ્તકોની યાદી. કૃપા કરીને અમને
   તમારી ભાષાના પુસ્તકો પસંદ કરવામાં મદદ કરો. આ પુસ્તક યુનિકોડ ફોર્મેટ કરેલા
   લખાણ સાથે કોઈ ત્રીજા પક્ષની વેબસાઇટ પર ઉપલબ્ધ ન હોવું જોઈએ. કૃપા કરીને
   પુસ્તકો એકત્રિત કરો અને અમારી પ્રતિયોગિતા પૃષ્ઠ પરની પુસ્તકસૂચિમાં

   ઉમેરો. તમારે અહીં

   વર્ણવેલી પ્રકાશન અધિકાર માર્ગદર્શિકાનું પાલન કરવું જોઈએ. પુસ્તક શોધ્યા પછી
   તમારે પુસ્તકના પાનાં તપાસવા જોઈએ અને  બનાવવું જોઈએ.

   - *સ્પર્ધકો*: જો તમે આ આયોજનમાં ભાગ લેવા ઇચ્છો છો તો કૃપા કરીને સહભાગી

   વિભાગમાં તમારા નામના હસ્તાક્ષર કરો.

   - *સમીક્ષક*: કૃપા કરીને તમારી જાતને આ પ્રૂફરીડથોનના વહીવટકર્તા/સમીક્ષક
   તરીકે પ્રોત્સાહન આપો અને અહીં

   તમારી દરખાસ્ત ઉમેરો. વહીવટકર્તા/સમીક્ષકો આ પ્રૂફરીડથોનમાં ભાગ લઈ શકે છે.

   - *સોશિયલ મીડિયા કવરેજ*: હું ઇન્ડિક વિકિસોર્સ સમુદાયના તમામ સભ્યોને
   વિનંતી કરીશ, કૃપા કરીને તમામ સોશિયલ મીડિયા ચેનલોમાં સમાચાર ફેલાવો, અમે
   હંમેશાં તમારા વિકિપીડિયા/વિકિસ્ત્રોતને તેમની સાઇટનોટિસનો ઉપયોગ કરવા
   સમજાવવાનો પ્રયાસ કરીએ છીએ. અલબત્ત, તમારે તમારી પોતાની વિકિસ્રોત સાઇટ
   નોટિસનો પણ ઉપયોગ કરવો જોઈએ.

   - *પુરસ્કાર*: CIS-A2K દ્વારા કેટલાક એવોર્ડ/ઇનામ આપવામાં આવી શકે છે.

   - *પ્રૂફરીડ અને પ્રમાણિત પાનાં ગણવાની રીત*: :ઇન્ડિક વિકિસોર્સ કોન્ટેસ્ટ

   - *સમયગાળો*: ૧૫ ઓગસ્ટ ૨૦૨૧ ૦૦.૦૧ થી ૩૧ ઓગસ્ટ ૨૦૨૧ ૨૩.૫૯ (ભારતીય માનક સમય)

   - *નિયમો અને માર્ગદર્શિકા*: મૂળભૂત નિયમો અને માર્ગદર્શિકા આ

   પ્રમાણે છે.

   - *ગુણ*: ગુણાંક પદ્ધતિનું અહીં

   વિસ્તારથી વિવરણ આપવામાં આવ્યું છે.

હું ખરેખર આશા રાખું છું કે મોટી સંખ્યામાં ઇન્ડિક વિકિસ્ત્રોત સંપાદકો આ
કાર્યક્રમમાં સહભાગી થશે.

વિકિસ્રોત કાર્યક્રમ અધિકારી, CIS-A2K
Wikipedia-gu mailing list -- wikipedia-gu@lists.wikimedia.org
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[Wikipedia-gu] COVID-19 Support towards Mental Health Care and Counselling Services

2021-06-04 Thread Jayanta Nath
Dear Wikimedians,

As part of its ongoing program to support Wikimedians in India during the
COVID-19 pandemic, CIS-A2K will provide support with access to counselling
services to community members, in order to address mental health concerns
resulting from the stress and anxiety of coping with the pandemic The A2K
team has collaborated with the Institute of Psychological Health
 to provide the counselling support.
A2K would endeavour to provide support under this component of the
programme as follows :

1) Awareness/Orientation Session on Mental Health and the Pandemic
This session will be organised online and will be open to all Wikimedians
in India looking to understand more about mental health concerns that are
prevalent at the present time, due to pandemic-related anxiety, stress and
trauma. The details of the session will be announced here shortly, with a
link to a separate event page.

2) *Individual *Counselling Sessions
Interested Wikimedians who wish to apply for this support may fill out
this application

For more details of this programme, please visit this meta page -

With best wishes,

On behalf of A2K team,
Centre for Internet & Society - Access to Knowledge Programme
Wikipedia-gu mailing list -- wikipedia-gu@lists.wikimedia.org
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[Wikipedia-gu] Stay Safe Stay Connected: Session II: Wikisource community discussion

2021-05-30 Thread Jayanta Nath
The second session of Stay Safe Stay connected,  a lightweight interaction
zone for the Wikimedians in India, will take place on Saturday 5 June 2021
at 5 pm to 6:30 pm IST (11:30 am to 1:00 pm UTC). Please see the event page
here: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Stay_safe,_stay_connected#Session_II

This will be a Wikisource community fraternity meeting where Wikisource
editors can meet and talk to each other. We may speak about the ongoing and
upcoming Wikisource projects, share interesting news and updates around

Wikisource editors from all around India are expected to be attending the
call. User:VIGNERON, French Wikisource editor, and User:Samwilson, from
English Wikisource, will be attending. If you are a Wikisource editor or
enthusiast, please join this Wikisource community call.

Please fill this short form, if you are interested to attend:

For any query, please email w...@cis-india.org
Stay safe, stay connected.


1) The session will be hosted on Zoom and this session will be recorded.
2) Please feel free to speak in your native language during the call.
That's cool. We'll try to translate.
3) In the open session or during the discussion, you may speak about
your/your community's Wikisource work. If you want to show any page/project
keep the link handy.
Wikipedia-gu mailing list -- wikipedia-gu@lists.wikimedia.org
To unsubscribe send an email to wikipedia-gu-le...@lists.wikimedia.org

[Wikipedia-gu] Stay safe, stay connected, an interaction zone: First talk with Asaf Bartov on 22 May 2021, Saturday

2021-05-15 Thread Jayanta Nath
Hope this email finds you safe in this difficult time. Many people and
Wikimedians have been affected or have suffered a loss. In an effort to
ensure community solidarity where Wikimedians can meet and talk to each
other, we are starting a lightweight interaction zone for the Wikimedians
in India. This interaction zone is named "Stay Safe Stay Connected".

Please see the event page here:

The first talk will be on Saturday, 22 May 2021, 7 pm to 8 pm IST (1:30 pm
to 2:30 pm UTC). Asaf Bartov will be the guest of the session. Asaf is a
familiar name and he has been a mentor to many Wikimedians in India. This
will be a lightweight discussion on general Wiki-topic (note the exact
agenda will be updated on the event page before the event)

We invite you to join the first talk. The session will be hosted on Zoom.
Please fill this short form, if you are interested to attend the first
interactive talk on 22 May 2021

Please follow the event page for updates. Stay safe, stay connected!

Wikipedia-gu mailing list -- wikipedia-gu@lists.wikimedia.org
To unsubscribe send an email to wikipedia-gu-le...@lists.wikimedia.org

[Wikipedia-gu] A2K Annual Proposal is submitted

2021-05-03 Thread Jayanta Nath
The annual proposal of A2K has been submitted for the program year
2021–2022. You can see the proposal here:
Thanks for your support.
Member of Access to Knowledge (A2K)
Wikipedia-gu mailing list

[Wikipedia-gu] COVID-19 support for Indian volunteers

2021-05-01 Thread Jayanta Nath
Hello Wikimedians,

We are all passing through a very difficult time as the second wave of
COVID-19 has hit hard throughout the country. It is a bitter and hard truth
that many of us have lost our loved ones, close friends, relatives,
neighbours already. Some of us have faced economic difficulties due to loss
of jobs, losses in businesses, huge hospitalization expenses etc.

In the midst of this crisis, a support program has been initiated to
provide some reliefs to our Wikimedia volunteers residing in India. The
program will support the following -

1. Reimbursement of vaccination costs
2. Sending of COVID-19 protection kits
3. Counseling by experts

The support will be provided by CIS-A2K. The vaccination expenses will be
reimbursed as early as April 30, 2021. The COVID-19 protection kits will
get couriered within a week or more, depending on various logistical
factors. The team will try to support the more vulnerable section of the
community first.

Volunteers are requested to fill up this Google Form to request support -

If you do not need this kind of support but you know some volunteers from
your community who are in dire need, you can nominate them too through this
form or mail the support team directly. Affiliate contacts and community
leaders are also kindly requested to help identify the volunteers who need
the support the most.

You can find more details about the support program here -

Please read the FAQ subpage too -

The support team would also like to emphasise that,

a)  there might be some delay in sending support as there are lockdowns in
different parts of the country and there is scarcity or non-availability of
different items in the market,
b) there might be some unintentional or unexpected errors from the team, as
this is the first time, this kind of support is being set up for Indian
Wikimedia volunteers and the team does not have prior experience to deal
with this kind of global health situation before.
c) the team members are also facing the same critical situation like
everyone else; there are possibilities that they can become sick sooner or
later, which might hamper the support to some extent.

That's why the team would like to request you to understand the limitations
and assume good faith that any failure to serve sometimes would be due to
situations beyond control.

If you want to contact us directly for any questions, concerns,
suggestions, help etc. you can mail us directly at w...@cis-india.org .

Let's join hands to overcome this situation.

On behalf of the COVID-19 support team
Wikipedia-gu mailing list

[Wikipedia-gu] CIS-A2K Community Needs Assessment 2021-22

2021-03-05 Thread Jayanta Nath
Dear Wikimedians,

CIS-A2K is in a process of writing 2021–2022 work-plan. To design the
programs based on the needs of the community and volunteers, we invite your
valuable suggestions and thoughts. We would like to improve our working
continuously taking into consideration the responses/feedback about the
events conducted previously. We request you to go through the various
sections in the form and respond.

Google form link - https://forms.gle/WQ73j4AbjCgwCdEs5

Please write in detail. We would like to discuss over phone/email also if
needed. Contact tito+2...@cis-india.org if you have a question(s) or for
further details or detailed comment.

With best wishes,

Jayanta Nath
On behalf -
Centre for Internet & Society's Access to Knowledge Programme (CIS-A2K)
Wikipedia-gu mailing list

[Wikipedia-gu] Wikimedia Research Needs-assessment deadline extended till 5 March 2021

2021-02-20 Thread Jayanta Nath
The Access to Knowledge (A2K) team at CIS has been engaged with work
on research on Indian language Wikimedia projects as part of the APG since
2019. This year, following up on our learnings from work so far, we are
undertaking a needs assessment exercise to understand a) the awareness
about research within Indian language Wikimedia communities, and identify
existing projects if any, and b) to gather community inputs on knowledge
gaps and priority areas of focus and the role of research in addressing the

We would therefore request interested community members to respond to the
needs assessment questionnaire here: https://forms.gle/2xGAUBKSVJTK7Wks9

The deadline to submit your response has been extended till 5 March 2021.
Feel free to write in any language. For any query please write to us at:

Jayanta Nath
Wikipedia-gu mailing list

[Wikipedia-gu] Wikimedia Wikimeet India || International Mother Language Day || The Third Day: 21 February 2021

2021-02-20 Thread Jayanta Nath
Hello, Namaste, Namaskara, Assalam ‘Alaykum, Sat Srī Akāl , Vanakkam*
We just concluded the second day of the Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021.
Tomorrow, 21 February 2021, is the International Mother Language Day. This
is also our third day of the program.
These are the details of three tracks and the sessions are below:
* Language Track: Learn about Digital Archiving in Kannada and other
languages, Spell4Wiki tool, LinguaLibre tool, Section translation on mobile
* Community Track: Internship Program in Tamil Wiki Projects, 100wikidays,
Rules that Every Wiki Needs, Relicensing initiatives in Maharashtra etc,
* Skill building Track: Wikisource training, Wikivoyage training,  Building
a diamond open access journal on Wikimedia platform etc,

Tomorrow on the occasion of International Mother Language Day during the
closing session, we'll talk about: "International Mother Language Day - The
love for Language and a sound of silence "
Please join the sessions,
See the program schedule:
Instant registration option is open still for Wikimedians, see the


* "Greetings" (see in different languages:
https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q45594 )

Jayanta Nath
Wikipedia-gu mailing list

[Wikipedia-gu] Wikimedia WIkimeet India 2021 - Registration closes in 16 hours

2021-02-15 Thread Jayanta Nath
Hello all,

The participant registration for Wikimedia WIkimeet India 2021 event will
close in 16 hours from now.

If you have not registered yet, please do it from this Google form link. --

You can also check our tentative schedule here -

Jayanta Nath
On behalf of WMWM India 2021
Wikipedia-gu mailing list

[Wikipedia-gu] 7 days left for WMWM 2021 registration to get closed

2021-02-10 Thread Jayanta Nath
Hello friends,

It's only 7 days left for Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021 (WMWM) registration
to be closed. We got a good number of submissions and program committee
selected important ones and published the program schedule here.


You can attend any session or you can attend all the sessions according to
your suitable time and interest. For attending the events you have to
register yourself here below link



Jayanta Nath

on behalf of Wikimedia Wikimeet 2021 team.
Wikipedia-gu mailing list

[Wikipedia-gu] Wikimedia Research Needs Assessment

2021-01-23 Thread Jayanta Nath
Dear All,

The Access to Knowledge (A2K) team at CIS has been engaged with work on
research on Indian language Wikimedia projects as part of the APG since
2019. This year, following up on our learnings from work so far, we are
undertaking a needs assessment exercise to understand a) the awareness
about research within Indian language Wikimedia communities, and identify
existing projects if any, and b) to gather community inputs on knowledge
gaps and priority areas of focus and the role of research in addressing the

We would therefore request interested community members to respond to the
needs assessment questionnaire here: https://forms.gle/2xGAUBKSVJTK7Wks9

Please respond in any Indian language as suitable. The deadline for this
exercise is February 20, 2021. For any queries do write to us on the
CIS-A2K research talk page here:
User:Jayanta (CIS-A2K)
Centre for Internet and Society (CIS)
Access to Knowledge
Wikipedia-gu mailing list

[Wikipedia-gu] Wikimedia Wikimeet 2021 : Registration for participation open until 16 February 2021!

2021-01-15 Thread Jayanta Nath
Hello everyone,

We are excited to announce that registration for participation has been
opened for Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021, the upcoming online wiki-event
which is to be conducted from 19 – 21 February 2021 during the occasion of
International Mother Language Day. The registration will remain open until
16 February 2021.

You can register yourself here -

If you have any questions or comments please contact
w...@cis-india.org Otherwise,
please continue to follow our program and developments on Wikimedia
wikimeet 2021 on meta-wiki.

Please help us by forwarding this email to relevant lists!

Jayanta Nath
Wikipedia-gu mailing list

[Wikipedia-gu] Submission Open for Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021

2020-12-26 Thread Jayanta Nath
Hello everyone,

We are excited to announce that submission for session proposals has been
opened for Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021, the upcoming online wiki-event
which is to be conducted from 19 – 21 February 2021 during the occasion of
International Mother Language Day. The submission will remain open until 24
January 2021.

You can submit your session proposals here -

A program team has been formed recently from highly experienced Wikimedia
volunteers within and outside India. It is currently under the process of
expansion to include more diversity in the team. The team will evaluate the
submissions, accept, modify or reject them, design and finalise the program
schedule by the end of January 2021. Details about the team will come soon.

We are sure that you will share some of your most inspiring stories and
conduct some really exciting sessions during the event. Best of luck for
your submissions!

On behalf of WMWM India 2021
Wikipedia-gu mailing list

[Wikipedia-gu] Wikimedia Wikimeet 2021 Logistics Assessment Form

2020-12-10 Thread Jayanta Nath
Hello all,

As you might know, we are trying to organize an online event from 19 to 21
February 2021 which is to be called Wikimedia Wikimeet India 2021.
Event link - https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Wikimeet_India_2021

We request everyone to fill up the logistics assessment form so that we can
understand your language preferences and the infrastructure available to
you to attend the event.

Link -

Please be assured that the information collected will be kept private as
per Wikimedia Foundation Privacy Policy (
and will be deleted after the event is over.

On behalf of WMWM 2021
(*Sorry for writing this message in English)*
Wikipedia-gu mailing list

[Wikipedia-gu] Needs assessment for Indic Wikisource Movement Resource

2020-04-28 Thread Jayanta Nath
Hi all,

CIS-A2K <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/CIS-A2K> is planning to invest
some resources from May-June 2020 to create community movement resource
(CMR) materials in English and different Indic languages for Wikisource in
the form of tutorials, handbooks, infographics, videos, animations etc. The
aim of this initiative is to build a pool of resource materials for
Wikisource eventually, which will serve as ready-made handy references for
new as well as experienced users. You are requested to fill up this form
so that we can understand your needs on different topics of Wikisource. You
are also very welcome to actively participate in the process and help us
build the CMR with your different areas of expertise.

Take care,

Jayanta Nath
Wikisource Advisor, CIS-A2K
Wikipedia-gu mailing list

[Wikipedia-gu] Indic Wikisource Proofreadthon

2020-04-19 Thread Jayanta Nath
Hello Indic Wikisource member,

As you may already know, CIS-A2K has launched Indic Wikisource
Proofreadthon in the interest of collecting, enhancing, and expanding
knowledge to encourage and stay home in the current COVID19 crisis.

Are you preparing for the Proofreadthon?

Can we use this mailing list to coordinate and understand how many
proofreadthon will be there?

* The Indic  Wikisource Proofreadthon page here:



* a collection of books to be proofread. Kindly help us to find some
classical books of your language. The book should not be available in any
third party website with Unicode formatted text. Please collect the books
and add here


*As participants

Kindly sign your name at

*Kindly promote yourself as administrator/reviewer of this Proofreadthon
and add your proposal here. The administrator/reviewers are also as a
participant in this Proofreadthon.


* Some social media coverage

I would request to all indic Wikisource community member please spread the
news to all social media channel, we always try to convince it your
Wikipedia/Wikisource to use their SiteNotice. Of course, you must also use
your own Wikisource site notice.

* some awards

There may be some award/prize given by CIS-A2K.

* A way to count validated and proofread pages.


* Time

In India, Proofreadthon will run: from 01 May 2020 00.01  to 10 May 2020

* Rules and guidelines

The basic rules and guideline have described here


* scoring

The details scoring method have described at

I really hope many Indic Wikisources will be present this year at-home


Jayanta Nath

Wikisource Advisor, CIS-A2K
Wikipedia-gu mailing list

[Wikipedia-gu] Indic language Wikisource Skill Share

2020-04-08 Thread Jayanta Nath
Hi Gujarati Wikisource Community,

As COVID-19 has forced the Wikimedia communities to stay at home and like
many other affiliates, CIS-A2K has decided to suspend all offline
activities till 15th September 2020 (or till further notice).I present to
you for an online training session for future coming months.

1. Wikisource Skill Share,[1] a capacity-building initiative, where Indic
Wikisource contributors, both newcomers and experienced, can share
knowledge and skills with each other and clear confusions. Most of the
time, it will be done online on 1:1 basis, so it is just the right time to
participate there if you have not planned to do it or done it already.
Let's learn Wikisource together! I would like to invite experienced Indic
Wikisource contributors and sign your name at Willing to respond section
[2]. Newcomer or any  Indic Wikisource contributors are welcome to join the
session with your queries and doubts.

2. Intensive Personalized Training (or IPT),[3] this also a
 capacity-building initiative, where Indic Wikisource contributors,
especially newcomers could come with his/her queries and doubts. I, myself
will share my knowledge and skills with each contributor and clear
confusions. It will be done online on a 1:1 basis, so it is just the right
time to participate there if you have not planned to do so.

3. Online Proofread-edithon for all 12 Indic Wikisource language projects.
We are planning for an indic level online proofreadthon from 1 May 2020 to
10 May 2020. The book of the subject will be the classical literature of
your languages. We’ll share details about this in a separate email in a
couple of days.

Jayanta Nath
Wikisource Advisor, CIS-A2K

1) https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Indic_Wikisource_Helpdesk/Skill_sharing
Wikipedia-gu mailing list

[Wikipedia-gu] Wikisource Advance Training 2019 : Application open

2019-09-14 Thread Jayanta Nath
*Hello Indic Wikimedians,*

It gives us great pleasure to inform that the Wikisource Advance Training
2019 program organized by CIS-A2K is going to be held from 11 October - 13
October 2019 at Pune.

Advance Wikisource Training is a residential training program that is
planned for the Indic Wikisource community (including English) members.
Last year we focused on Wikipedia and conducted the Wiki Advanced Training
at Ranch, India.  This year our focus project is Wikisource.

Interested candidates are requested to apply with the following link:


Last date of application:20th September 2019 23:59 IST

Please consider sharing this process details with your community members.

Other details will be updated from time to time at

If you have questions, please email me or t...@cis-india.org.


Jayanta Nath

Wikisource Advisor

Wikipedia-gu mailing list

Re: [Wikipedia-gu] [Wikimediaindia-l] Rush to spend money (earlier:Project tiger consultation community 2019)

2019-02-23 Thread Jayanta Nath
The event was announced at
Wikipedia-gu mailing list

[Wikipedia-gu] Wikimedia Gujarati Meetup etherpad link 23-24 Feb 2019

2019-02-22 Thread Jayanta Nath
Dear All,

Here is the below link of etherpad of Wikimedia Gujarati Meetup Ahmedabad
23 Feb 2019


Wikipedia-gu mailing list

[Wikipedia-gu] Indic Wikisource IRC 17th February 2019

2019-02-10 Thread Jayanta Nath
Dear All,

Firstly I would like to thank you for the continuous support and
contribution to the Wikimedia movement specially in Wikisource.

You are aware that after first wikisourse workshop organized in Patiala,
the Punjabi Wikisource Community is growing rapidly, reaching a total of
7000+ pages proofreaded in last two month. For updated page/
digitized content you go here[2]

But Indic community members have not got any chance to advantages for this
kind of Workshop for their language community. Workshop for Wikisource
of Punjabi,
Sanskrit &  Kannada language community  is completed. Assamese, Gujarati &
Tamil have shown their interest for workshop in coming month. Keeping this
in mind we are planning to have an IRC[1] on 17th February 2019 (@8PM) for
the Indic Wikisource community. Please suggest more Agenda for the IRC.


   - Update status of what we have done after first IRC and IWCC2018
   - Major issues we faced, and how do I help personally towards the
   specific community ( Offline and Online both)
   - Organize edit-thon for Wikisource  ( Offline and Online both)
   - Workshop planning for other community for Oriya Malayalam, Tamil,
   Telugu (  )
   - Advance Wikisource Workshop for Punjabi Community.
   - Add more if you have to discuss ….

[1]. https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#cis-a2k
[2]. https://wikisource.org/wiki/Wikisource:Indic_Wikisource_Stats

Thanks and Regards,

Jayanta Nath
Wikisource Project advisor
Access to Knowledge program
The Centre for Internet & Society
Wikipedia-gu mailing list

[Wikipedia-gu] Indic Wikisource IRC September 2018

2018-09-09 Thread Jayanta Nath
Dear All,

Many apology from my side. The scheduled  IRC[1] on 9th
September 2018 (@8:00 PM) for the Indic Wikisource community will be held
on #cis-a2k <https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#cis-a2k>.

Please consider joining.

Thanks and Regards,

*Jayanta Nath*

Wikisource Project advisor

Access to Knowledge program

The Centre for Internet & Society
Wikipedia-gu mailing list

[Wikipedia-gu] Indic Wikisource IRC September 2018

2018-09-09 Thread Jayanta Nath
Dear All,

Many apology from my side. The scheduled  IRC[1] on 9th
September 2018 (@8:00 PM) for the Indic Wikisource community will be held
on #cis-a2k <https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#cis-a2k>.

Please consider joining.

Thanks and Regards,

*Jayanta Nath*

Wikisource Project advisor

Access to Knowledge program

The Centre for Internet & Society
Wikipedia-gu mailing list

Re: [Wikipedia-gu] Indic Wikisource IRC 2018

2018-09-08 Thread Jayanta Nath
The IRC starts in next 45 minutes at 8 pm. Please consider joining. Thanks.

On Thu, Sep 6, 2018 at 8:14 PM, Jayanta Nath  wrote:

> Sorry for cross-posting!
> Reminder: IRC[1] on 9th September 2018 (@8:00 PM) for the Indic
> Wikisource community. on #cis-a2k
> <https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#cis-a2k>.
> This IRC Meeting monthly support event for volunteers.
> If you know already what you would like to discuss or ask, please add your
> topic to the next meeting: [3]
> Hope to see you there!
> [1]. https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#cis-a2k
> [2]. *https://wikisource.org/wiki/Wikisource:Indic_Wikisource_Stats
> <https://wikisource.org/wiki/Wikisource:Indic_Wikisource_Stats>*
> [3]. https://docs.google.com/document/d/11T9qUpNfx6wY06mVQ8X
> qXox26PP34eEPyswz8qP_xwU/edit?usp=sharing
> Thanks and Regards,
> *Jayanta Nath*
> Wikisource Project advisor
> Access to Knowledge program
> The Centre for Internet & Society
> On Fri, Aug 31, 2018 at 10:36 AM, Jayanta Nath 
> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> Firstly I would like to thank you for the continuous support and
>> contribution to the Wikimedia movement.
>> You are aware that after implemented Google OCR into Indic Wikisource,
>> they grew rapidly, reaching a total of 50,000+ pages proofreaded in 11
>> Indic Wikisource languages. For updated page/ digitized content you go
>> here <https://wikisource.org/wiki/Wikisource:Indic_Wikisource_Stats>[2]
>> But Indic community members have not got any chance to meet each other
>> and share best practices of their community. Keeping this in mind we are
>> planning to have an IRC[1] on 9th September 2018 (@8:00 PM) for the Indic
>> Wikisource community. Please suggest more Agenda for the IRC in Google
>> Doc
>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/11T9qUpNfx6wY06mVQ8XqXox26PP34eEPyswz8qP_xwU/edit?usp=sharing>
>> [3]
>> [1]. https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#cis-a2k
>> [2]. *https://wikisource.org/wiki/Wikisource:Indic_Wikisource_Stats
>> <https://wikisource.org/wiki/Wikisource:Indic_Wikisource_Stats>*
>> [3]. https://docs.google.com/document/d/11T9qUpNfx6wY06mVQ8X
>> qXox26PP34eEPyswz8qP_xwU/edit?usp=sharing
>> Thanks and Regards,
>> *Jayanta Nath*
>> Wikisource Project advisor
>> Access to Knowledge program
>> The Centre for Internet & Society
Wikipedia-gu mailing list

Re: [Wikipedia-gu] Indic Wikisource IRC 2018

2018-09-06 Thread Jayanta Nath
Sorry for cross-posting!

Reminder: IRC[1] on 9th September 2018 (@8:00 PM) for the Indic Wikisource
community. on #cis-a2k <https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#cis-a2k>.

This IRC Meeting monthly support event for volunteers.

If you know already what you would like to discuss or ask, please add your
topic to the next meeting: [3]

Hope to see you there!

[1]. https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#cis-a2k
[2]. *https://wikisource.org/wiki/Wikisource:Indic_Wikisource_Stats
[3]. https://docs.google.com/document/d/11T9qUpNfx6wY06mVQ8X

Thanks and Regards,

*Jayanta Nath*

Wikisource Project advisor

Access to Knowledge program

The Centre for Internet & Society

On Fri, Aug 31, 2018 at 10:36 AM, Jayanta Nath  wrote:

> Dear All,
> Firstly I would like to thank you for the continuous support and
> contribution to the Wikimedia movement.
> You are aware that after implemented Google OCR into Indic Wikisource,
> they grew rapidly, reaching a total of 50,000+ pages proofreaded in 11
> Indic Wikisource languages. For updated page/ digitized content you go
> here <https://wikisource.org/wiki/Wikisource:Indic_Wikisource_Stats>[2]
> But Indic community members have not got any chance to meet each other and
> share best practices of their community. Keeping this in mind we are
> planning to have an IRC[1] on 9th September 2018 (@8:00 PM) for the Indic
> Wikisource community. Please suggest more Agenda for the IRC in Google Doc
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/11T9qUpNfx6wY06mVQ8XqXox26PP34eEPyswz8qP_xwU/edit?usp=sharing>
> [3]
> [1]. https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#cis-a2k
> [2]. *https://wikisource.org/wiki/Wikisource:Indic_Wikisource_Stats
> <https://wikisource.org/wiki/Wikisource:Indic_Wikisource_Stats>*
> [3]. https://docs.google.com/document/d/11T9qUpNfx6wY06mVQ8X
> qXox26PP34eEPyswz8qP_xwU/edit?usp=sharing
> Thanks and Regards,
> *Jayanta Nath*
> Wikisource Project advisor
> Access to Knowledge program
> The Centre for Internet & Society
Wikipedia-gu mailing list

Re: [Wikipedia-gu] Gujarati wikisource : 100 books Completed

2017-10-08 Thread Jayanta Nath
Hi Susan, what you mean by 100 books? Have you completed the ocr job for
100 books ? Or have you validated the 100 books?

If you have validate the 100 books , please make them a category and share
it here for my next Indic Wikisource update of Oct 2017.

On 04-Oct-2017 10:29 PM, "sushant savla" 

> Dear All,
> On blissful day of 02 October 2017, Gujarati Wikisource has completed
> digitization of 100 books. The Journey had begun with a small book
> "Rachantmak Kaaryakram" written by Mahatma Gandhi and co-incidentally on
> his Birth day the 100th mile stone was achieved. The first book was started
> on 18-03-2012 and within period of 5 and half years feat of 100 books were
> reached by co-operative contribution of community members.
> The collection of book on Gujarati Source includes variety of books like
> Plays, Novels, Short stories, Poetry collection, Autobiography, History
> etc.
> One name needs a special mention on this occasion who has a lion's share
> in contributions. Wikipedian Mr. Ashok Vaishanv from Ahmedabad is senior
> citizen, and has contributed in almost all projects regularly & tirelessly.
> His energy provides inspiration to others to contribute More.
> On this occasion we wish to say a Big "THANK YOU" to all the contributors,
> technical supporters, literature providers etc. for their direct and
> indirect contribution to the project with out whom this day would not have
> come so early.
> Thank you,
> Sushant Savla
> ___
> Wikipedia-gu mailing list
> Wikipedia-gu@lists.wikimedia.org
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikipedia-gu
Wikipedia-gu mailing list

[Wikipedia-gu] Bengali Wikipedia 10th Anniversary Celebration Conference

2014-11-20 Thread Jayanta Nath
Dear all,

As many of you may know Bengali Wikipedia completed 10 Years on March 2014.
To celebrate this historic milestone the Bengali Wikimedia Community has
planned to meet over for two days Bengali Wikipedia 10th Anniversary
Celebration Conference during January  9 and 10, 2015 in Kolkata. We have
also undertaken a series of On-Wiki and Off-Wiki activities. It will the
gathering of users of two nation ( India & Bangladesh) and well wishers of
Bengali Wikimedia projects. Please click here
<https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/BN10> to go to the official page to see
more details.  .

This conference is our first attempt to invite and host selected members
from other Indian Wikipedia communities. We are planning to invite our
friends and well-wishers from most of all active Indic  language wiki
communities in  India to this most auspicious occasion hosted by Bengali
Wikimedia community! We are also planning to arrange few 30 scholarships
for non-Bengali Indic Wikimedians who are interested in participating in
this event. With all these, we expect coming  year’s  conference shall
become the largest outreach program any Indian wiki community have ever

As a part of Conference, we are organizing edit-a-thons, a conference of
students interested in Wikimedia projects, a meetup of youth interested in
Wikimedia projects, photography contest  and Workshop/Hackathon.

We cordially invite you to participate in Conference to share your
experiences, to connect with your peers and create partnerships thereby
strengthening the Indian Wikimedia community.

To participate in Conference, please register here

To participate in Conference as  a speaker please submit your paper here

To participate Photography Contest , click here

Looking forward to meeting you in Kolkata from 9-10 January, 2015!

On behalf of Bengali Wikimedia Community,

Jayanta Nath
User: jayantanth on Wikimedia projects
Wikipedia-gu mailing list

[Wikipedia-gu] Fwd: Wikimedia India Chapter: Current state of affairs

2014-09-01 Thread Jayanta Nath

-- Forwarded message --
From: Jayanta Nath 
Date: Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 10:45 PM
Subject: Wikimedia India Chapter: Current state of affairs
To: wmin-memb...@googlegroups.com
Cc: "Discussion list on Indian language projects of Wikimedia." <

Dear Wikimedia India Chapter members and other interested stakeholders in
the list,

Dear members,

The Executive committee of Wikimedia India has held an emergency
teleconference on their official DSNL channel on 31 Aug 2014. As salient
items on the agenda, the following topics were discussed and decided upon:

1. Earlier, Radhakrishna Arvapally, a senior chapter member and former
Chair of Bangalore SIG, was co-opted by an emergency resolution. The
resolution was passed unanimously. The resolution had also proposed another
senior member. However, due to heavy personal engagements, the second
nominee requested the EC to exempt from such considerations.

Radhakrishna was invited to the telecon and was officially welcomed to be
part of the EC.

2. Jayanta Nath, a senior Wikipedian from Kolkata and EC member, was
unanimously elected as the new President of the Wikimedia India Chapter.
Also, Radhakrishna Arvapally and Viswanathan Prabhakaran were elected as
the new Secretary and Treasurer of the chapter respectively.

3. Any decision about hiring is kept on hold for now. The current EC agreed
together that the opinion of the new EC (emerging through the upcoming
general elections) should also be taken on-board for a major decision like
this, since they are the ones to deal with the newly hired candidate(s)for
a longer term.

4. Another extra ordinary EC Telecon was scheduled to be conducted
tentatively on 02 September 2014, 9.00 PM to take up other urgent matters
pending for decisions.

This is for the general information for all chapter members and other
interested stakeholders.

Thank You,

Jayanta Nath


Wikimedia India Chapter
Wikipedia-gu mailing list

Re: [Wikipedia-gu] [Wikimediaindia-l] Attn: Wikisource communities - Don't waste your time typing text. Get paid.

2014-05-02 Thread Jayanta Nath
Thank you Dhaval for confirming that , I was assuming that Gujarati
Wikisource project  was coming from Gujarati wiki community. It is mean
that project is CIS own preparation  So why they are not proposed for
others Indic Wikisource project like Bengali, Tamil Telugu, Marathi,

Jayanta Nath
Bengali Wikisource

On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 12:50 PM, Vishnu  wrote:

>  Dear Dhaval,
> I am sharing the link on the Meta where this has been discussed
> Grants_talk:APG/Proposals/2013-2014_round2/The_Centre_for_Internet_and_Society/Proposal_form#Questions_about_this_form_and_the_relationship_between_CIS_and_Wikimedia
> Best,
> Vishnu
> On Friday 02 May 2014 12:38 PM, Dhaval S. Vyas wrote:
> Dear Kartikbhai,
> That is not the proposal by Gujarati wiki community, it is from CIS. Also,
> if you notice, in that proposal, there is no payment to the community, who
> will really be putting pain in digitising/uploading/typing/correcting the
> content. And on the contrary, CIS staff will be paid a reasonable share
> from the grant.
> I have my name mentioned in that proposal, for which I have to had provide
> declaration on a discussion page of CIS's grant application. I am on my
> mobile at the moment so can't find the link to it to share. If anyone wants
> to see my comment, let me know and I will share the link.
> Yes, of course, the idea on which CIS has built the proposal was from me,
> but I had only spoken once soon after wikimenia and then came to know about
> proposal just when it was ready. I have had no more involvement in that
> proposal apart from initial idea, which was jointly shared by Sushant
> Savla, a fellow admin on gu.wikisource.
> Dhaval
> On 2 May 2014 04:33, "Kartik Mistry"  wrote:
>> On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 1:45 AM, Dhaval S. Vyas  wrote:
>> > Please visit the link in below email, where Wikimedia Foundation
>> (shortly
>> > known as WMF) is suggesting that they are funding (in simpler term
>> paying)
>> > for content upload. This is the task that we all are doing free of cost
>> so
>> > far. Because you have uploaded hundreds (may be thousands) of pages so
>> far
>> > as we have created 50+ books on gu.wikisource, all our efforts will be
>> paid
>> > now by WMF (in fact should have been paid so far as well). If you have
>> any
>> > doubt, reach out to User:Bluerasberry and User:Ijon on meta
>> > (meta.wikimedia.org). Asaf (User:Ijon) clearly suggests that Bots are
>> under
>> > the paid activity considered by WMF.
>> >
>> >
>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants_talk:APG/Proposals/2013-2014_round2/The_Centre_for_Internet_and_Society/Proposal_form#Q2c
>> Already in progress:
>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/India_Access_To_Knowledge/Draft_Work_plan_July_2014_-_June_2015/100_Books_on_Gujarati_Wikisource
>> --
>> Kartik Mistry/કાર્તિક મિસ્ત્રી | IRC: kart_
>> {kartikm, 0x1f1f}.wordpress.com
> ___
> Wikimediaindia-l mailing listwikimediaindi...@lists.wikimedia.org
> To unsubscribe from the list / change mailing preferences visit 
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimediaindia-l
> ___
> Wikimediaindia-l mailing list
> wikimediaindi...@lists.wikimedia.org
> To unsubscribe from the list / change mailing preferences visit
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimediaindia-l
Wikipedia-gu mailing list