Re: [WISPA] Topic change - Trade Association Was: Report: FCC to PunishComcast Over Web Blocking

2008-07-14 Thread Ryan Langseth
Can we please kill this thread,  nothing new has been said in it in the 
last three days (or year...),  its redundant and repetitive. 


Ryan Langseth
System Administrator
phone: 218.745.6030
Cell: 701.739.1577

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Re: [WISPA] Topic change - Trade Association Was: Report: FCC to PunishComcast Over Web Blocking

2008-07-12 Thread Tom DeReggi

 I agree. Very well said. Great analogy with the Auto industry, ISPs are not 
that different in that respect.
Nothing I can say to add, I think you covered it.

As for the ISPCON Donated membership.
I'm glad you brought it up. My take on it was... How come nobody stood up to 
defend the value of a membership? (That included me). I think, it just took 
us all by surprise.  In hind site, I wish I said something. After the fact, 
I thought of about 50 things I could have said. What I will say now is, I 
thought is was a VERY GENEROUS offer, and a great way to show support for 
WISPA.  I do personally thank you for all your support.  And I personally 
look forward to the insight you will bring us, to help WISPA unite our 

Tom DeReggi
RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband

- Original Message - 
From: "Frank Muto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "WISPA General List" 
Sent: Saturday, July 12, 2008 10:53 AM
Subject: [WISPA] Topic change - Trade Association Was: Report: FCC to 
PunishComcast Over Web Blocking

> Tom,
> I'll answer your question and I need to change up the topic. In part I 
> agree and I am not set against working this out, but
> Martin is setting up some bad and continuing precedence on how the FCC is 
> working within their legal purview. He is already
> on the hot seat with Congress on some of his actions.
> Topic Change:
> I can guarantee you, I will be all over any actions that effect my current 
> business, as I was unfortunately too late to make
> any difference saving our wireline business. Even when I co-founded the 
> WBIA back in Oct 2004, I knew it was too late, but I
> have learned a great deal from it.
> My take away was how much the deck is stacked against when your peers 
> don't give a hoot and unite under a common cause. But
> even when we showed the willingness to do something, we were able assembly 
> a consult of people to help us guide our efforts.
> Peter R., Jim Garrett and a few others can attest to what my co-founder 
> Cynthia de Lorenzi and myself were able to
> accomplish.
> Even though the RBOC's had tacit agreements underlying their competitive 
> opportunities. XO had their say about this,
> They are using even more group power between them against the CableCo's 
> with a new service called,
> Essentially this is a new wrapper around a company called 
>, and is powered by WhiteFence.
> That said, the Wi-Fi industry IMO is heading down the same path unless the 
> alleged thousands of Wireless providers, big and
> small all get together under a common effort. This goes without saying 
> that the vendor's themselves get with it as well.
> I'll assume there is enough purchasing power to make a difference, that 
> could effect how companies view their relationships
> with the wireless industry. Prior to my ISP life, I came from the 
> Independent automotive service industry, dealing in
> replacement parts and service spanning some 30 years. I can honestly tell 
> you if were not for the trade associations in every
> state, you may not be able to purchase replacement parts or take your auto 
> to a neighborhood service center.
> We fought for many years in keeping open trade in automotive service 
> industry. Even when your car was going electronic and
> computerized, the automakers tried keeping us out of the game. But, our 
> purchasing power with the tool companies and
> replacement parts industries, provided us with a significant amount of 
> leverage in keeping the big automakers from locking us
> out within their own monopoly.
> Trade associations can make a world of difference, but only when everyone 
> joins in. And there is NO excuse, NONE, ZIPPO, NADA
> for even a one-man shop or mom & pop shops from joining WISPA. We had 
> thousands of independent auto centers from one-man
> operations and up joining in on supporting our efforts to keep their 
> livelihoods as safe as possible.
> I will got out here and say it. There is NO excuse not to support WISPA, 
> NONE! So for all of you on this general list not
> supporting WISPA, you are losing out on an opportunity to make your 
> livelihood last and support your families for years to
> come. $25 a month is a small price to pay for some representation in a 
> industry that is supporting yourself and families. I
> am sure you can find that much on wasted expenses every month.
> It is also time for WISPA to come to grips with what they have 
> accomplished over the past year and stop walking over eggs
> shells, thinking that you may hurt someone's feeling

Re: [WISPA] Topic change - Trade Association Was: Report: FCC to PunishComcast Over Web Blocking

2008-07-12 Thread reader

- Original Message - 
From: "Frank Muto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "WISPA General List" 
Sent: Saturday, July 12, 2008 8:53 AM
Subject: [WISPA] Topic change - Trade Association Was: Report: FCC to 
PunishComcast Over Web Blocking

> I will got out here and say it. There is NO excuse not to support WISPA, 
> NONE! So for all of you on this general list not
> supporting WISPA, you are losing out on an opportunity to make your 
> livelihood last and support your families for years to
> come. $25 a month is a small price to pay for some representation in a 
> industry that is supporting yourself and families. I
> am sure you can find that much on wasted expenses every month.

Yes, there is.   Until the current leadership gets their head out of the 
sand and starts fighting FOR US, instead of playing the FCC's patsy, I will 
not give them another dollar.

When the boys came back from DC and posting to the lists that "CALEA" and 
the reporting mandates were good things, I could no longer in good 
conscience give them another dollar to use to use AGAINST US.   Whatever 
they did or said in DC on that topic, IN NO WAY REPRESENTED ME OR THE 

When I saw certain WISPA leadership glom onto the idea of a CALEA mandate 
being an opportunity to extract more money and blackmail more memberships, I 
was immediately convinced that they were in it FOR THEM, and not us.I 
even saw posting by someone who said that CALEA would be good for WISPA. 
Not good for the members = good for WISPA?

Hell NO!  I will not play that game.

We got local, state and federal governemnt playing that game, why would I 
voluntarily add WISPA to it?

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