2001-08-27 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- >From what I was told Joshua2 - not much is known of Japeth and he did not hang from a tree because before Japeth, there was thee? How you doing asshole? My ancestor did not hang by tail like monkey - maybe yours, not mine. Besides Ephraim and Dan were Irish -asshole. And wa

[CTRL] Here's to the Yellow Rose

2001-08-26 Thread Aleisha Saba
So someday do you think some idiot will try to remove the Bonnie Blue from the Flag of Texas? I fly the Bonnie Blue and those who would object think it is for the Dallas Cowboys - two birds. Lets hear it for Jefferson Davis (in my family tree) and the Bonnie Blue.the Davis family married

[CTRL] Fwd: Republic of Texas - an auxillary site>

2001-08-26 Thread Aleisha Saba
So Mr. Bacon - you out there somewhere? So what is going on in the great State of Texas and the Yellow Rose?

[CTRL] Fwd: THE LONDON LYNCHING (Emanuel A. Winston) May, 1998

2001-08-26 Thread Aleisha Saba
Several items here may be of interest - reason why Clinton may have been set up with his feet of clay and further the prophecies of Daniel are being fulfilled - it is a wonder he was not knocked off but this this is why he had to take an entire military battalion with him when he went to Starbucks

[CTRL] Fwd: WorldNetDaily: Catholics to pope: br> Kick out lawmakers

2001-08-26 Thread Aleisha Saba
Interesting item...silver wings and golden feathers... O'Saba

[CTRL] Fwd: Jewish Hate and the Global Conspiracy

2001-08-26 Thread Aleisha Saba
Forgot to reproduce message: Welcome >Home Page>News>Articles>Speaking Schedule>Email List>Links >Online Store>Contact Us>About Dr. Horowitz>Mission Statement Recent News Wildfires Likely Linked to Energy Industry Plot Horowitz Publishes "Death In The Air" Exposé Compelling National Security


2001-08-26 Thread Aleisha Saba
Now Kissinger was a KGB Agent, Code Name Bor - was alleged to be Counter Intelligence in WWII - now see here, this man was excommunicated and now I had never heard this story for it most certainly is nothing of which to be proud. Might add this jewish Mafia Doctor involved in all the murder in

[CTRL] Fwd: originsOfCiaMindCtrl.txt

2001-08-26 Thread Aleisha Saba
So my old MI6 friend Sybil Leek with whom I worked for over 12 years according to this item was in on the MKUltra stuff; so this might explain the hanky panky at the House of the Sun in Florida where I had become a target and that plus a family member CIA/Joint Chief who did about everything a man


2001-08-26 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- So as this one true blue patriot said - Beg-a-thons maybe comiong up for Condit, Tripp and what about that guy Hilliary's brother threatening if he had a gun he would have killed this floosie who happened to be considered the prize of someone else? Face it AMERICA - this is the

Re: [CTRL] DOE Mulls Recycling Radioactive Metals

2001-08-26 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- In Columbus, Ohio there was once a bazaar, called International Bazaar with treasures from over the world - purchased many hand carved temple dogs, beautiful wooden candlestics 2 feet tall hand carved, , etc., and one Indonesian Mask but items from all over the world. I bought so

Re: [CTRL] ESR: The death of the liberal propaganda machine

2001-08-26 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- As for Clinton - "And now he belongs to the Tabloids" What a guy, what a legacy - but then, that which was crooked could not be made straight.. O'Saba";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchan

[CTRL] Fwd: Jewish Communists: The Documentary Record

2001-08-26 Thread Aleisha Saba
© 2000 The Campaign for Radical Truth in History. Visit our online bookstore   The Prop-Masters Perpetrators of the holocaust against Christian Russia transform themselves into "survivors" of a holocaust. The portraits at left are of the same man but in two different incarnations. On the far left

[CTRL] Fwd: Germany and the Soviet Union form a Nonaggression Pact: 1939

2001-08-25 Thread Aleisha Saba
Germany and the Soviet Union form a Nonaggression Pact 1939 The smell of it was in the air, of an imminent German attack on Poland. It was because of this that Chamberlain and Halifax decided not to delay any type of action against Germany. On March 31st 1939, Chamberlain announced in a crowded H

[CTRL] Fwd: Parsifal

2001-08-25 Thread Aleisha Saba
So Nicky and Andrew - what you think here - For Zionists say no Wagner Music playing here; Zionists say no Wagner Music playing here We don't give a shit, what Zionists don't allow - We're going to play Wagner anyhow. Screw Zionists Peasants, the ADL and Bnai Brith and their psueo mason

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Whites finished in Zimbabwe

2001-08-25 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Error: That little quantrain I wrote was supposed to be: Rings on their fingers; And bones through their nose They shall have music and basketball; Wherever they goes. So let these intellectual giants have back what was once theres - their own kind selling off the dead we

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Whites finished in Zimbabwe

2001-08-25 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- No June, now we return South Africa to the Bensons, these intellectuals sitting outside and on farms of white land owners with machet knives who are infested with AIDS and other nice little disease who rape and sodomize the white women.. So it will revert back to jungle with

Re: [CTRL] Gore on Tim

2001-08-25 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- In this same publication a few words regarding the Pope - the man gunned down in the streets who is supposed to be dead, and do not be too certain the deed was performed by Arab Terrorists - just Remember the USS Liberty - Zionism like Ztorm Zecurity Troopers had their own particu

[CTRL] Fwd: Radio Prague's Czech History Archives

2001-08-25 Thread Aleisha Saba

[CTRL] Fwd: Ogham, Ancient Alphabet of the Celts

2001-08-25 Thread Aleisha Saba
Note this OGHAM Code Kris - you see it almost represents the bar codes now run through with prices coded in. Sybil Leek my old friend told me this code had not yet been deciphered completely and it was more or less, a warlock/witch code - she felt it was connected with my calendar code as far

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Whites finished in Zimbabwe

2001-08-25 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well while Mugabee is having dinner with the dead and his cup runneth over, when the last of the white farmers go starvation will really set in..half of Africa has AIDS now acording to some statistics, and add this with starvation for the white farmers put food upon their tabl

[CTRL] New Joint Chief Chairman

2001-08-24 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- So one big step towards taking back our country and defending its shores as the Constitution demands. So while the rest of the world gets a few laughs watching Gary Condit squirm Bush goes about his job doing what he was paid to do - let the Democrats take their Barney Franks, Ga

[CTRL] Fwd: Bush: U.S. to withdraw from ABM

2001-08-24 Thread Aleisha Saba

Re: [CTRL] Baby Seized from Mother's Hospital Room (fwd)

2001-08-24 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- One can see these slobbering homosexuals waiting for delivery of fresh meat. This one baby killed by a Rotweiler? Look at Paul Poundstones who said she was oh so drunk when she performed lewd and lascivicious behaviors on her "adopted" chldren and ran before the police could ge

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Skolnick On Coca-Cola, The CIA, And The Courts

2001-08-24 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- It is said we were sold Beanie Baggies like we were sold Tiger Woods for the same advance men for Tiger used same sell tactics. Twice Tiger came to town with big hoopla and you could determine for yourselves which sportsmen and newsmen were in on the payollaoh Tiger, Go Go -

[CTRL] Fwd: China Now Facing an AIDS Epidemic, a Top Aide Admits

2001-08-24 Thread Aleisha Saba
Well what does one expect - that this Red Star would not be part of the conspiracy to wipe out an entire generation of children? The Planned Parenthood - giving birth control pills to minors without parental consent - and the Chinese make the new abortion pill for the USA for I say, that Eric Rud

Re: [CTRL] "With Arafat and Company in command, there is no hope"

2001-08-24 Thread Aleisha Saba
Slowly the Russians are occupying Israel and this has been the goal all along.Russian Occupation for the Israeli soldier does not want to go to war unless their enemy is totally disarmed, stones and all.So the Ancient Order of the Assassins is alive and well - and the Russians should remem


2001-08-24 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- John F. Kennedy was not a lover of Zionism either and this is reason the Russian Pig Zionist Meyer Lansky who got his son into West Point, ordered the hit on him. And Lansky did so well in Columbus too - holed up on the farm of one Dr. Donald Plotnick with his little killer hit m

Re: [CTRL] White House Tapes Shed Light on JFK Space Race Legend

2001-08-23 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Maybe someday they will also tell the truth about the Apollo being sabotagedthree brave men died in a fiery death and not to mention, the Challenger - where "God" set their chariots on firebut whose God, was it? Check out Albert Speer's diary, for a clue. Check out w

Re: [CTRL] Philadelphia Quakers With Oswald in Mexico City

2001-08-23 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well I just bet that Quaker from Philadelphia which is according to the Revelations is it, the City of Brotherly Love (for that is the biblical interpretation of Philadelphia0 - I just bet that Quaker was a Rosicrucian. The Rosicrucians were the ones who wanted to loose scorpions

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Hyde and Paine

2001-08-23 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Or Linda, without going to war to keep the peace? JFK Jr and the Princess of Wales are conspicuous by their presense - the Mafia did and always has controlled the munitions. So what is this Mafia now? Look at Israel and see the arms - and I keep thinking of the watchword dail

Re: [CTRL] WND: Cops: Condit didn't do it

2001-08-23 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well well they believe a male prostitute was involved? Have the police checked out Barney Franks for after all he was arrested running male prostitution house and had one on his payroll? And he was relected. What is happening to the Democrat Party? Well for one thing, Sodom

[CTRL] Fwd: Condit to begin telling his story

2001-08-23 Thread Aleisha Saba
Story about the "little boy with hand in cookie jar" as Chandra's mother said - that guy took more than one cookie but I wonder now how much money he will make - was it worth all the press? Why yes for this man is now a celebrity forever and whether he did evil or good will make no difference bu


2001-08-23 Thread Aleisha Saba
unes false statement .. ctrl <-- Chronological --> Find <-- Thread --> Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Destruction of America - Part I From: RevCOAL Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Destruction of America - Part I Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 06:47:11 -0700 -Caveat Lector- June: On Fri, 17 Aug 2001, Aleisha


2001-08-23 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- This one is for you June - as I so stated previously JOHN F. KENNEDY WAS NOT A MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS. This is a response from people who know; further, June - the John Birch Society got away with this crap long enough and to this date have not adequately expl

[CTRL] Fwd: City Marshal Killed in Brooklyn Eviction Attempt

2001-08-22 Thread Aleisha Saba
A better headline would be Man Burned Alive by Savages What lovely neighbors this garbage must have been. Saba Welcome, saba22   Sign Up for Newsletters  |  Log Out    Go to Advanced Search   August 22, 2001 City Marshal Killed in Brooklyn Eviction Attempt By C. J. CHIVERS and KEVIN

Re: [CTRL] [AL-AWDA] Coloring the sky

2001-08-22 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Now this is great and this is what I wanted to do to the Bilderbergers when they met in the castle two years ago - send up thousands of balloons but at their last meeting they had orders to shoot down everything from wild geese to balloons to lost airplanes. Now I wonder - anybod

Re: [CTRL] WND: Recapturing the revolutionary spirit

2001-08-22 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- 'Well I don't know about you, but if I had it all over to do again, I would go into the fertilizer business. Notice how this ADL has attemted to destroy any and all organizations who will defend our constitution - the Militias in particular? Buford - remember little Buford - for

Re: [CTRL] U.S. Post Office puts...

2001-08-22 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Got to tell this one last time - for it was this doctor's best friend who told me, and he had not too long to live - he said he was going to meet Hoffa that weekend and he waned me to know and I said "Al he is dead" He said no he is alive, he was taken up to Canada and has h


2001-08-21 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Clintons did not deny anything because it was all so true and this Hollywood Tribute was where this JJ Cafaro attending having given hundreds of thousands of dollars to the democrats and also $500,000 to Klingle Park School - where little Chandra Levy was scouting night or day she


2001-08-21 Thread Aleisha Saba
Interesting material on JFK - note his salary was $100,000 a year, and a $50,000 expense account which he refused to accept. John F. Kennedy was not CFR for in the first place, a President does not sit in such a group subservient to his people who elect him. Today this CFR is run by a man named

Re: [CTRL] U.S. Post Office puts...

2001-08-21 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well too Amelia, that "fat redneck" had just hit 40 and this I remember - he had a five inch karate chop on the back of his neck, the original autopsy report was stolen and/or missing, and Bob Pope (CIA) head of National Enquirer offered his staff $50,000 for return of the report

[CTRL] Fwd: Half of adults in South Africa dying of Aids - report

2001-08-21 Thread Aleisha Saba
Half of adults in SA dying of Aids - report August 20 2001 at 09:40PM By Patrick Leeman Almost half of all adult deaths in South Africa can now be attributed to Aids, according to information gathered from death certificates. This

Re: [CTRL] Post Office Honors COMMUNIST with a Stamp

2001-08-21 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- This woman who murdered her five children - I did not like her face for she had thick bush eyebrows like Grouch Marx and also moustache indicating possily latent - well put it this way, put her altogether and she sure as hell did not spell mother. Her husband is as sick as she wa

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Unity Publishing's Monthly Newsletter: "Sword of Truth" - January 8, 1999

2001-08-21 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- The intent of the Illuminati and it is self evident by now - was to infiltrate the Masonic Order and get control of their money. Stop and think about that and keep in mind the psuedo masnoic order of the Bnai Brith and ADL, stole true masonic rituals - and as a result Jack the R

[CTRL] Fwd: CONNECTED -- Genovese family tops charts; Gotti receives family visits -- From About

2001-08-21 Thread Aleisha Saba
Always keep in mind John Gotti was acquitted 3 times and suddenly the Judge when he was brought in the 4th time, wouldnt let him have his attorney of record..and then, lo and behold, a man who got on the stand who under oath as a witness admitted to the murder of 19 people - this man was chief

[CTRL] Fwd: Unity Publishing's Monthly Newsletter: "Sword of Truth" - January 8, 1999

2001-08-21 Thread Aleisha Saba
Someone on list had asked about Mazzini and Pike - here is some additional data but the letters seem to be quite rate no doubt suppressed? Do know this - this bible calendar code I have is it - this is the Master Plan for Murder keyed to Astrology and the Testaments - and it was given to me for a

[CTRL] Fwd: The Book Of Esther

2001-08-20 Thread Aleisha Saba
Interesting little item seemingly alludes to my bible calendar code - guy who wrote same might be say Military Intelligence for the calendar code too cuts both ways -US against Them... Saba

[CTRL] Fwd: The Hidden History of Zionism: Chapter 6 - Zionism and the Jews

2001-08-20 Thread Aleisha Saba
Interesting item - shows the deceitful practices of the Zionists who worked well with Hitler- entire item may be brought up under subject title: And the UN and Geneva professed to denounce Nazism,, OSaba [Home page] [Middle East: English page] [Middle East: Greek page] [What's new?] Ralph Scho

Re: [CTRL] COWARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2001-08-20 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Now is time for all to read this Protocol of Zion or Sion - and let us see - could there be any truth in this matter? Now is the time to read the Talmuc perhaps - the sins of the children visited upon the father and all the time I thought the Mafia, was Italian. As for Chandra L

Re: [CTRL] Jewish Terrorists Kill 130 SHEEP!!! What's Next???

2001-08-20 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- These 130 deep sheep are symbolic of what is in store for the Palestinians and any Christians as well in this area. Might add when Osama bin Laden sends in one of his bombers with a little neutron back pack - people will think of the lost sheep of the House of the Real Israel. S

Re: [CTRL] Local schools? Don't make me laugh!

2001-08-20 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- You control your local schools through your local elected School Boards - dull jobs, but then now that things are heating up a bit it is about time we took on the union they call the NEA - and put them in their place. The Superintendent of Schools answers to the School Board and

Re: [CTRL] Western Fires Continue to Blaze

2001-08-20 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Think about this Tenorlove - some of othe trees burned in fires last year were over 200 years old. Then consider Iran in drought - and Israel in advance prepared to pipe in water from Turkey? See how these people operate but this drought in Iran could only be caused by Weather W

Re: [CTRL] Sins of the Sons

2001-08-20 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Now here we get down to the ritual murder - right? The sins (or iniquities) of the fathers visited upon the children, now the sins of the children to be visited on the fathers and families - and I thought of that old line, a line which was said to me so many times thirty years a

[CTRL] Fwd: Ah So, Doctors of Accupuncture Now Use Hypodermic Needle (my title)

2001-08-20 Thread Aleisha Saba
Ah so, we have barber surgeons and slaughtermen acting as Doctors in China? This story is almost terrifying and then think of this thing called "accupuncture".for you see, this was invented before anyone new that hypodermic needle like snake, could inject either poison or cure into little

Re: [CTRL] [PalestineDiary] Clinton's Pardon of Marc Rich, just in time for the , holidays and that rally in support of Israel I (fwd)

2001-08-20 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Don't you think the best question to be answered here is, did Clinton take a bribe for the pardon? The case goes on in another Court where I should have been tried anyway. Clinton made a legal decision here - he did so without consultiong his Attorney General obviously. A pard

Re: [CTRL] Canada and the NRA

2001-08-19 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- What Jamaicans are all yellow birds high up in banana trees running drugs to USA? Please, our beloved Colin Powell is part Asian, part Jamaican, part black and a piece of white. They should have named a whiskey after him. Saba";> DECLARATION &

Re: [CTRL] Canada and the NRA

2001-08-19 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Iggie is about as American as Dung Foo and Pizza pie. Saba";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are s

Re: [CTRL] More On US Pilot/Mercenaries In Colombia

2001-08-19 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Isn't this a matter for the local police in Columbia but then consider too it is the oil - that is what it is all about. Further - we are entering into a new world with newer forms of energy and gasoline and oil, will not be in such demand that people are murdered for it. Corn O

[CTRL] Canada and the NRA

2001-08-19 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Now I think they stopped that guy and searched his truck because he was a taxidermist? Remember the Bates Motel? So they see an NRA sticker and suddenly - windows with bullet proof glass closes, and a woman wearing a bullet proof vest immediatel calls for help? Hey, wonder abo

Re: [CTRL] Reuters: Gore Vidal Promises More McVeigh Revelations

2001-08-19 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- I wonder and I believe the conspirators who let McVeigh take the fall also set up the Heavens Gate bunch whom it was said "suicided" like the Davidians - as Clinton said, "the Davidians MURDERED themselves" now that boy was not too bright for he used the word MURDER in a weak but

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Suspects

2001-08-18 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- By the way forgot to add - the Ripper used my bible calendar/code..for this location where the two murders had been committed the street name was in the bible words - and MI6 used a bible code masonic of course, but then we also had Russian Masons? But regard

[CTRL] Fwd: Suspects

2001-08-18 Thread Aleisha Saba
Nice item on Jack the Ripper whom I believe was an agent for Lenin..and the Communists of the day. Note this - in one of Jack's letters, he said oh you fools, in so many words - he had even given them the location of the next murderand of course the creator of Sherlock Holmes would have l

[CTRL] The Parrots who quoted scriptures

2001-08-18 Thread Aleisha Saba
Very intelligent birds, these Parrots - But nothing worse than a foul mouthed parrot O'Sabbah This lady approaches a priest and tells him, "Father, I have a problem. I have these two talking female parrots, but they only know how to say one thing." "What do they say?", the priest asked "T

[CTRL] Fwd: The Splendor of Persia I

2001-08-18 Thread Aleisha Saba
Beautiful story of Persia...for Gerald of Og (the first Gerald on record - Fitz means son of) married a Princess Nesta of ancient Persia and it is alleged her ancestors through her Father, King Nestor, descend to one of the Three Wise Menthey are nothing to mess with Joshua, you little twe

[CTRL] Fwd: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

2001-08-18 Thread Aleisha Saba
The Rubaiyat of Omar Kayyam under subject matter - fo it was Omar Khayyam the Poet, who entered into a pact with Hassan Sabbah - the Old Man in the Mountain - tather the pact of the three - a Public Relations Man, an Assassin, and the Candidate, let us say. This beautiful poem was translated by E

[CTRL] Fwd: A Suicide Bomber'sWorld

2001-08-18 Thread Aleisha Saba
___ __ / |/ / /___/ / /_ //M I D - E A S T R E A L I T I E S / /|_/ / /_/_ / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East /_/ /_/ /___/ /_/ \\©http://www.MiddleEast.Org News, Information, & Analysis

[CTRL] Fwd: Text of Letter ADL sent to NBC

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba
Now here is where your pennies and nickels will go for the ADL has to earn that 50 million bucks they took in. So now they knock the Great Farrakhan - one man who drew over 1 million people without the use of rock bans and worn out aging movie stars as a lure - So the Great Farrakhan is on the A

[CTRL] Fwd: I Want to Support ADL in its Fight Against the Haters

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba
ADL is holding its daily Beg A Thon and needs your pennies and nickels for hey they blew that 50 million bucks they had last year (and all they could steal and blackmail from Marc Rich and most of their Mafia familes are in slammer - and to tell the truth, people are just beginning to be a little

[CTRL] Fwd: Aleisha Saba recommends this ADL article

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba
Nazi anti semites in disguise - and here we go again. Saba From: Aleisha Saba ADL Beg-a-Thon The Winrod Legacy of Hate Background of Bigotry Just click on the link above. .

[CTRL] Hey Get a load of this - UN at big trough of plenty

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba
Talk about chickens coming home to roost - look at the pigs at the trough of plenty - the big cornicopia of revenuelook at the pension plans set up and the allowances and wonder why the USA - why the hell do we pay these pigs to sit back and attempt to make demands on the US Public? Take away

[CTRL] John F. Kennedy was NOT CFR Illuminati

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba
I have he original recordings by Myron Fagan and the documents put out on the web today, are in part let us say improved upon? For Fagan knew the conspiracy behind JFK - the same secret society who murdered JFK and his family, murdered Lincoln. The John Birch Society apologized for calling JFK a

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Destruction of America - Part I

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- June come out of hiding for now we have you lurking on Conspirinoia using what name perhaps - well let someone else figure that one out. John F. Kennedy was Not Illuminati and he was NOT CFR. Period. The Bnai Brith would be more to your liking June right? Then toss in the ADL

[CTRL] Fwd: The Barefoot Boy

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba
John Greenleaf Whittier 1807-1892 THE BAREFOOT BOY Blessings on thee, little man, Barefoot boy with cheek of tan! With thy turned-up pantaloons, And thy merry whistled tunes; With thy red lip, redder still Kissed by strawberrys on the hill; With the sunshine on thy face, Through thy torn brim's

Re: [CTRL] To die for.

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Say June you mean they never got you those new shoes? Poor little thing. Saba";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—

[CTRL] Fwd: The End Days -- Catholic Prophecy and Doctrine: Mystery of Iniquity

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba
More for Neuropsychotic - interesting item and remember I am just the messenger. O'Saba International Order of the Irish Mafia DON"T TREAD ON ME YOU SOB Tribe of Dan You Find US.

[CTRL] Fwd: The Destruction of America - Part I

2001-08-17 Thread Aleisha Saba
Dear Neuromaniac or whatever: Here is someone's rendition of the life of the Illuminati as related to Jacob Schiff and most of the contributors have been labeled jewish, but I am inclined to think all those involved are not necessarily all Jewish but all are Zionists from Adolph Hitler to Jacob S

Re: [CTRL] Home Gore(d)

2001-08-16 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Why Gore lost Tennessee? Old saying when you sleep with dogs, you get offense to the dogs, but the story of his own little pet lying on the steps of his palatial palace, wounded, unattended, and nearly dying from these unattended wouds - this above all showed the c


2001-08-16 Thread Aleisha Saba
Lee Harvey Oswald as written by this lady named Mae Brussells. In Oswald's diary he left many cryptic messages (as did John Wilkes Booth); however, the one interesting statement I found to be most cryptic was "many friends and neboribos" which was interpreted to mean "neighbors" by the feds..

Re: [CTRL] ADL Outraged at Red Cross Statement Calling Israeli Settlements "War Crimes"

2001-08-16 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Didn't a Jewish Order - Hadassah or something like that just take over certain Red Cross authorites from the UN? Maybe the time is ripe for the ADL does more harm than it does good. This Jewish Defense League, a group of killers - why the ADL did not even put them on the FBI Hit

[CTRL] Nails and a cross killed Jesus?

2001-08-16 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- How about the Italian Kiss of Death at the Last Supper.betray me with a kiss Judas? Remember Joe Valachi sang in October of 1964 for Vito Genevese had given him the dreaded kiss of death in prison and out came stuff on the Mafia for none dared call it murder inc. or communism

[CTRL] Question 16.5: Did the Jews kill Jesus?

2001-08-16 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector-";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! Th

[CTRL] Fwd: Question 16.3: What is the connection between Judaism and Freemasonry?

2001-08-16 Thread Aleisha Saba
Now here is another line on the Bnai Brith and Jewish Masons? One God fits all, sound familiar? Adolph Hitler took all religions and secret societies and put them into one order - Hitler, was a Zionist for he paved the way to the oil fields Only problem here it is the people of the USA

[CTRL] Fwd: Freemasonry Watch continues their anti-masonic attack

2001-08-16 Thread Aleisha Saba
Interesting Item: Note they say here, and this of course is official, that Bnai Brith is not a masonic order officially but they stole their rituals etc. And all the time I was seeing Italian? Bnai Brith is a Mafia confraternity and they got into the business sometime ago.using masonic rit

Re: [CTRL] Dracula raises the stakes in human cloning

2001-08-15 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Hey they already resurrected Dracula and he was in our Oval office for eight years - that is why he did not use his real name..for Dracula Rising, was William Jefferson Clinton. Note how he went for the blood banks in Arkansas and sold the bad stuff but kept the good? Stop a

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [NA] The Pay Off System and Clinton’s $10 million book deal

2001-08-15 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Who is going to monitor their combined income taxes - Hill and Bill .. do you think anybody will really want to read his garbage? So the fix is in and the payoff was nice - some of this income to that went to bribe him into granting pardons - isn't that subject to taxes? Who

Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) New Treaty to bypass US Constitution

2001-08-15 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Wonder what would happen if every US Citizen on the computer (other than banks etc. over which one has no control) would just close down their computers and tell them to shove it for 30 days. Think we could have them on their knees by then? As for computers - like teleivision -

[CTRL] Fwd: Death in Bethlehem, Made in America

2001-08-15 Thread Aleisha Saba
___ __ / |/ / /___/ / /_ //M I D - E A S T R E A L I T I E S / /|_/ / /_/_ / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East /_/ /_/ /___/ /_/ \\©http://www.MiddleEast.Org News, Information, & Analysis Th

[CTRL] Fwd: Center | Department :: Brian L. Strom

2001-08-15 Thread Aleisha Saba
More on Dr. Strom - his hand written background and his speciality tends to lean towards drugs - where the stock market thrives, above all - for America will lead the world in legal drugs for viagra, abortion pills (at least providing same), oral contraceptives, and the usual garbage. Loved this

Re: [CTRL] Vatican Slander Allegation Unwarranted

2001-08-15 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Hey you want to know about Nazi gold? Contact Mel Fischer at Key West with his notorious gold ships - that cost the life of his son and daughter... Now I wonder how "Mel" knew where the gold was? And how some of he "treasures" ended up being sold on Home Shopping Network?

Re: [CTRL] NASA To Launch Israeli Satellite At No Cost

2001-08-15 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well hope they remember it was Werner von Braun that permitted this trip - and that the beg-a-thon of Israel now goes into outerspace. For without von Braun, the Israelis would have gotten another freebie from their brother communists the Soviet Union? But always Israel - the W

Re: [CTRL] Israeli Police And "Routine,Organized Cruelty"

2001-08-14 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- I say there, the Mormons believe that 5 Arab countries will beat the hell out of Israel.. This prophecy will not come true, however, but like Hitler Peace is all he wanted - a piece of France, a piece of Poland, a piece of pizza.or would he have preferred a bagal Sab

[CTRL] Fwd: Psalm 110, Scottish Psalter of 1635

2001-08-14 Thread Aleisha Saba
It is said the Pope used to curse his enemies with the bell, book and the I offer this psalm back to the Zionist ADL keeping in mind, its a two edged sword... O'Saba (Descendent of the Knights Templars and I can prove my pedigree) And before you, was me Psalm 110 Words: J

[CTRL] Watchdogs or Junk Yard Dogs for Organized Crime - ADL Front?

2001-08-14 Thread Aleisha Saba
This item was sent to me by a friend and by the way Joshua2 - you stated you had some "friends" you would like me to meet - well here I am, Joshua2 for I have some friends who said they, would like to meet you? This all figures in from the bible code linked to the murders of JFK, RFK, and even li

Re: [CTRL] &&& " You can't always get what you wan't."

2001-08-14 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Some of the blacks we have seen rioting and looting in Cincinnati are less than second class citizensthey should be set free in South Africa - right to return. Second class citizens - be honest, take a good look around you sometime...all these Bensons now on televisio

[CTRL] Fwd: ERRI Counter-Terrorism Archive Page

2001-08-13 Thread Aleisha Saba
Interesting item - but when an Israeli uses his little back pack neutron bomb which they have had for some time, do you think they are ready to lay themselves doon and dee for Israel? No way..they will just have the ADL call the newspapers and hire another Palestinian to do the job for them b

[CTRL] Multi MIllion Dollar lawsuit anticipated Against ADL

2001-08-13 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- Well it looks like the ADL is going to be involved in another law suit - a multi mllion dollar law suit which should be interesting to follow. Today I received a letter from the Council of Conservative Citizens, Ohio Valley Chapter in which it claims their gruop was portrayed wro

[CTRL] ERRI Counter-Terrorism Archive Page

2001-08-13 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector-";> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'con

[CTRL] Anti Christian New World Order & the Ones who rewrite the bible?

2001-08-13 Thread Aleisha Saba
  THE COUNCIL FOR NATIONAL POLICY   The British Eugenics Establishment   The British Race Scientists A critical piece of information unearthing the dark origins of the Council for National Policy is the fact that Nelson Bunker Hunt (financier and executive officer of SIL's ILC, the Religious Rou

Re: [CTRL] Now Russians Predict Mid-East War Soon

2001-08-13 Thread Aleisha Saba
Well if anyone goes after those Arab Oil Fields, they are wired and ready to blow for it will be a cold day in hell before the Arabs let anybody steal their oil and it is their oil and for many generations now, we have had cheap oil until the likes of a Marc Rich comes along (sold oil for $29 a b

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: JTF.ORG: How Communists Became Zionists

2001-08-13 Thread Aleisha Saba
-Caveat Lector- One thing I do not forget, Prince Faisal (Turki, now heading up Arab Intelligence in USA) told us, there were 4 of us at the table, that the domestic jews and moslems and christians could live in peace but the Zionists would not let themhis father had aa that time said He Hat

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