Re: [57north-discuss] Car battery as portable electricity setup

2021-10-14 Thread Wouter Piessens

Appreciate the input...Didn't consider a few of those things.

So the lamps are actually for sale, thus 230-240V is what I
  need...these are my lamps:

I will be attending 2 markets in the end:  The Ballater winter
  market on Saturday 27th Nov and the Affa Fine market on 5th
  November at Crathes..Spread the word!.  Good point about the risk
  assessment..Will bring it up in a scheduled conversation with the
  organisers.  AFAIK there won't be any space for my car at either
  markets, but it's worth investigating.

Good point regarding inverters and leisure battery. Will have to
  test it, and use a good old style wolfram bulb instead, or carry a
  fridge for cool beers :-D

On 14/10/2021 09:23, Lawrence wrote:

  Do the lamps have to run from 240V?
Are they just for illumination or are they the thing to look at
and buy?
  My experience is narrow boats and you
would then use low voltage lamps running direct off 12V. Plenty
of LEDs that will do that now a days.
  Using and carrying a lead acid
battery, key part ACID. You will need to box it and protect it..
Bigger risk is dropping something metal across the terminals.
  If this is a formal market, i.e.
Aberdeen St Machar the organisers will have a whole bunch of
hoops to jump through from their risk assessment. So you do not
want to get there and be told No to this, No to that.
For boating you reckon on no more than 50% drain from the
battery, without affecting the life of the battery. So draining
2Amps for 10 hours takes you close to that. Also for that sort
of load would be using a leisure battery and not a starter
battery. Leisure battery designed for delivering small amounts
of power over longer term. Narrow boats like motorhomes tend to
be fitted with multiple batteries, a starter battery for the
engine and one or more leisure batteries for the domestic side.
USed to use 4 110Ah Lesiure batteries for domestics.
  Invertors: What is the efficiency of
the invertor? At that low a load on it I could imagine it
drawing 3Amps to deliver 20W, down circa 60-70%. Its real
consumer grade electronics, built to a price not performance.
  Will you have a vehicle next to you?
Makes a good place to install a power source properly.
  On 13/10/2021 20:46, Wouter Piessens

Hey all,
Next month I hope to attend the first outdoor Christmas fair
  with my lamps, with a gazebo stand at Christmas market in
  Ballater. Unfortunately the fair does not have the possibility
  to have fun electricity to my stand, so I will need to source
  my own solutions.  Since it is my first outdoor fair, I don't
  have a practical setup yet.  So I thought to pass my ideas via
  this mailing list for second (and third, etc) opinions.
What are my needs:
1)  3 to 5 lamps on the table:  Total 20-25 Watt consumption
  in total
2) Approx 8 hours electricity 

1) 40 Ah lead battery 12V:  If my calculations are correct,
  25 Watt at 12V would give me 2.08Ah, so a 40Ah battery should
  be sufficient  . Something like this one :
2) Use inverter to convert 12V DC to 230V AC

3) recharge the battery at home afterwards through an indoor

Safety concern
This solution looks fairly simple, but is it really save to
  use this setup in outdoor environment?  Are the crocodile
  clips that come with the inverter safe to use for hours? What
  other safety precautions should I take, to avoid accidents?
  And lastly, how does moisture affect the the performance of
  such a battery?
Looking forward to hearing your inputs on this.  Would this
  setup with a lead battery work, or should I consider a higher
  density (but costlier) battery.  I got 2 USB powerbanks
  lingering about (Total 20Ah), but no inverter from 5V DC to
  230V AC (via USB ?)


Wouter Piessens (Wisp & Willows)

[57north-discuss] Car battery as portable electricity setup

2021-10-13 Thread Wouter Piessens

Hey all,
Next month I hope to attend the first outdoor Christmas fair with
  my lamps, with a gazebo stand at Christmas market in Ballater.
  Unfortunately the fair does not have the possibility to have fun
  electricity to my stand, so I will need to source my own
  solutions.  Since it is my first outdoor fair, I don't have a
  practical setup yet.  So I thought to pass my ideas via this
  mailing list for second (and third, etc) opinions.
What are my needs:
1)  3 to 5 lamps on the table:  Total 20-25 Watt consumption in
2) Approx 8 hours electricity 

1) 40 Ah lead battery 12V:  If my calculations are correct, 25
  Watt at 12V would give me 2.08Ah, so a 40Ah battery should be
  sufficient  . Something like this one
2) Use inverter to convert 12V DC to 230V AC

3) recharge the battery at home afterwards through an indoor

Safety concern
This solution looks fairly simple, but is it really save to use
  this setup in outdoor environment?  Are the crocodile clips that
  come with the inverter safe to use for hours? What other safety
  precautions should I take, to avoid accidents? And lastly, how
  does moisture affect the the performance of such a battery?
Looking forward to hearing your inputs on this.  Would this setup
  with a lead battery work, or should I consider a higher density
  (but costlier) battery.  I got 2 USB powerbanks lingering about
  (Total 20Ah), but no inverter from 5V DC to 230V AC (via USB ?)



Wouter Piessens (Wisp & Willows)
Find me at : 

57north-discuss mailing list

Re: [57north-discuss] [57north-announce] Open Tuesday, 2021-09-14

2021-09-14 Thread Wouter Piessens
Hey folks,

Tuesday again?  Last time I checked my watch, it was still weekend.

I will pop in today as well, to play with a switch controlled by the
Raspberry Pi, or an ESP


On Tue, 14 Sep 2021, 13:54 Dave Hibberd,  wrote:

> Hi All,
> Aberdeen City remains at protection level FRUBES & GO-GURT, which means we
> can invite all interested to today's OPEN TUESDAY. We typically start
> around 7pm and remain at our location in Unit H, Kettock Lodge, Campus Two,
> Innovation Park, AB22 8GU.
> I'll be in around 7pm or so, faffing with a 3d printer and then being
> social!
> Both the SLA and the FDM printers are up and running, and *just about* at
> the point where you can import a model and press print!
> SLA will need a little longer to work on - we need an IPA bath to clean
> off parts and a UV chamber to cure the resin. Midder's had a good idea for
> the UV chamber, so i guess I just need to buy a bucket and 5l of IPA!
> If you're coming in today, consider sending a reply!
> Now begins the important COVID information transmission, please pay
> attention:
> We are participating in the Scottish Government's contact tracing
> programme. You will find purple posters at the entrance to the space and
> around the space that contain QR codes. Please scan the QR code and provide
> your contact details. If you are unable to scan a QR code, there is a link
> to type into your browser. If you cannot use the link, ask someone else to
> check in for you and provide them with your email address and phone number.
> Please note that contact tracing is a requirement of participating in an
> Open Tuesday in person, and is not negotiable. If you do not provide
> tracing details you will be asked to leave.
> As we emerge from this global disaster, some will understandably be
> cautious about being in new spaces. Please respect people's boundaries by
> maintaining social distancing and wearing a mask as you move around the
> space. If you are sat down, you can take off your mask to have easier
> access to your face if needed for eating or drinking. Use common sense and
> remember this is a shared space.
> As this event is open to the public, the wearing of a face covering while
> "not seated, eating or drinking" is a LEGAL REQUIREMENT.
> If you are in early, open windows to get air flowing through the space. It
> could be a good idea to bring a jumper or something as the space could be a
> little cooler than you might expect because of this.
> --
>   Hibby
>   MM0RFN
> 57North Hacklab Ltd. is a company registered in Scotland (No. SC470230).
> 57North and 57North Hacklab are trading names of 57North Hacklab Ltd.
> ___
> 57north-announce mailing list
57north-discuss mailing list

Re: [57north-discuss] [57north-announce] Open Tuesday, 17:00, 7th Sept 2021

2021-09-07 Thread Wouter Piessens
Hey all,

I will pop in as well today, getting into raspberry pi territory tonight,
fairly early from about 730 ish

See you soon,


On Tue, 7 Sep 2021, 17:10 Dave Hibberd,  wrote:

> Hi All,
> Aberdeen City remains at protection level SWEET HARMONY, which means we
> can invite all interested to today's OPEN TUESDAY. We typically start
> around 7pm and remain at our location in Unit H, Kettock Lodge, Campus Two,
> Innovation Park, AB22 8GU.
> I'll be in between 7pm or so, faffing with a 3d printer or something idk.
> Home early, on the phone at 5am tomorrow.
> Reminder: MPD is back, baby! You can control it via the web, ncmpcpp or
> probably some other methods. It plays music to snapcast by default, but
> also an http stream!
> You can upload what you want to it, but don't take up too much space!
> Learn more on the wiki[1].
> If you're coming in today, consider sending a reply!
> Now begins the important COVID information transmission, please pay
> attention:
> We are participating in the Scottish Government's contact tracing
> programme. You will find purple posters at the entrance to the space and
> around the space that contain QR codes. Please scan the QR code and provide
> your contact details. If you are unable to scan a QR code, there is a link
> to type into your browser. If you cannot use the link, ask someone else to
> check in for you and provide them with your email address and phone number.
> Please note that contact tracing is a requirement of participating in an
> Open Tuesday in person, and is not negotiable. If you do not provide
> tracing details you will be asked to leave.
> As we emerge from this global disaster, some will understandably be
> cautious about being in new spaces. Please respect people's boundaries by
> maintaining social distancing and wearing a mask as you move around the
> space. If you are sat down, you can take off your mask to have easier
> access to your face if needed for eating or drinking. Use common sense and
> remember this is a shared space.
> As this event is open to the public, the wearing of a face covering while
> "not seated, eating or drinking" is a LEGAL REQUIREMENT.
> If you are in early, open windows to get air flowing through the space. It
> could be a good idea to bring a jumper or something as the space could be a
> little cooler than you might expect because of this.
> [1]
> --
>   Hibby
>   MM0RFN
> 57North Hacklab Ltd. is a company registered in Scotland (No. SC470230).
> 57North and 57North Hacklab are trading names of 57North Hacklab Ltd.
> ___
> 57north-announce mailing list
57north-discuss mailing list

Re: [57north-discuss] [57north-announce] Open Tuesday, August 17th

2021-08-17 Thread Wouter Piessens
Hey all,

I will also pop in tonight, maybe 8ish, to start working on a new project.
Install CCTV package on a raspberry Pi for in my garage.

Who else is coming tonight?


On Tue, 17 Aug 2021, 15:32 Edward Watson,  wrote:

> On Tue, 17 Aug 2021, 15:11 Dave Hibberd,  wrote:
>> I'll be in for about 730 or so, I think, and I'll be thinking about the
>> mailing list and such.
>> If you're coming in today, consider sendng a reply!
> I'll be around the same time in as part of my attempt to finish another of
> the many projects I almost finished years ago.
> Last week was the finished wooden panel for my 10A incar DC-to-DC leisure
> battery charger. This week's push is my mini replica of Moana's paddle for
> a certain disney-fan I live with.
> What will you be doing?
> Cheers,
> Ed
>> ___
> 57north-discuss mailing list
57north-discuss mailing list

Re: [57north-discuss] Open Tuesday - 10th August 2021

2021-08-10 Thread Wouter Piessens
I was planning to come this evening, but something urgent came in
between...I might pop for a quick hello if home on time.

Op di 10 aug. 2021 om 10:15 schreef Edward Watson :

> On Tue, 10 Aug 2021 at 10:05, Iain R. Learmonth  wrote:
>> If you're coming in today, consider sendng a reply!
> I'll be in. Not sure what I'll be doing as all my project bits are packed
> :( - maybe help sort/cleanup the space?
> Cheers,
> Ed
> ___
> 57north-discuss mailing list
57north-discuss mailing list

[57north-discuss] 57North Open night - 3 August

2021-08-03 Thread Wouter Piessens

Hey all,
   It's Tuesday again...I can't believe what happened to Monday,
  Sunday and July.  How has your week been so far?
  Tuesday means open Tuesday, and since we are in level something
  now,  we can invite people in our space (and their masks).  We
  tend to start around 7pm  at our location in Unit H, Kettock
  Lodge, Campus Two, Innovation Park, AB22 8GU. 
  Since I have not been at the space for a few weeks, I will be in
  today, perhaps as early 730pm, or even earlier..My project today
  is fixing some cheeky light bulb socket on the car in the car
  park. What will you be working on?
  I guess by now we know and remember the covid rules for our space,
  so I won't be repeating them. If you need more guidance
  nonetheless, then please drop me a line so I can elaborate on the
  Off course there is also Workadventure for the more remote members
  who do not posses a teleporting device to visit Aberdeen.
On 13/07/2021 11:49, Dave Hibberd

  Hi All,

Gosh, I can't believe we're half way through July already! How has 
your month gone? Mine has been stressful!

It's open Tuesday at 57North Hacklab! Aberdeen City remains at
protection level 1, which means we can invite people to our open
Tuesday events.

We will start around 7pm and remain at our location in Unit H, Kettock
Lodge, Campus Two, Innovation Park, AB22 8GU.

I'll be continuing to make music happen in the space, mpd is up and
running, just snapcast to do left I think.
I'll also be looking at the 3d printer I incapacitated at the weekend
and trying to return it to 3d printing capacity. 

See you there. I will likely not be online via WorkAdventure[1]. 
Hopefully others will though!

As cases are on the rise, can I just draw your attention to the covid
blurb below - it wouldn't do anyone any favours to start getting
careless now!

Much Love,


We are participating in the Scottish Government's contact tracing
programme. You will find purple posters at the entrance to the space and
around the space that contain QR codes. Please scan the QR code and
provide your contact details. If you are unable to scan a QR code, there
is a link to type into your browser. If you cannot use the link, ask
someone else to check in for you and provide them with your email
address and phone number.

Please note that contact tracing is a requirement of participating in an
Open Tuesday in person, and is not negotiable. If you do not provide
tracing details you will be asked to leave.

As we emerge from this global disaster, some will understandably be
cautious about being outside. Please respect people's boundaries by
maintaining social distancing and wearing a mask as you move around the
space. If you are sat down, you can take off your mask to have easier
access to your face if needed for eating or drinking. Use common sense
and remember this is a shared space.

Wouter Piessens (Wisp & Willows)
Find me at : 

57north-discuss mailing list

Re: [57north-discuss] [57north-announce] Open Tuesday 06 July 2021!

2021-07-06 Thread Wouter Piessens
Hello, I might pop in at the space, briefly, to drop off my personalised
box, after being a member for nearly 2 I will just need
hackstuff for in the box, before someone mistakes it for a bin.



On Tue, 6 Jul 2021, 15:56 Dave Hibberd,  wrote:

> I declared proudly in a bad mood this morning that I won't be in, but once
> my curling club meeting is done by 8pm I might waddle down the road for
> some social contact to relax my sour puss.
> Equally, I could be in the bath with deep house and wine.
> --
>   Hibby
>   MM0RFN
> On Tue, 6 Jul 2021, at 3:31 PM, Andy Gaskell wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > I'll be along for the first time in a couple of weeks, having been
> > away to exciting locations like London and Aviemore, on the last
> > couple of tuesdays.
> >
> > Will probably be tinkering with a plant watering thing using a Pi
> > Pico, mumbling about how Python isn't PHP and soldering small things
> > very badly.
> >
> > Cheers
> >
> > Andy
> >
> >
> >
> > On Tue, 6 Jul 2021 at 15:20, Edward Watson 
> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi All,
> > >
> > > It's open Tuesday at 57North Hacklab! Aberdeen City remains at
> > > protection level 1, which means we can invite people to our open
> > > Tuesday events.
> > >
> > > We will start around 7pm and remain at our location in Unit H, Kettock
> > > Lodge, Campus Two, Innovation Park, AB22 8GU.
> > >
> > > I'll be down fitting my 20A DC-to-DC leisure battery charger to a
> > > mounting panel, fitting said plate into the rear of my van; then
> > > hopefully testing the in-car charging setup.
> > >
> > > See you there. Given I'll be popping out to the van a lot, I will
> > > likely not be online via WorkAdventure[1]. Hopefully others will tho.
> > >
> > > Cheers,
> > > Nordin.
> > >
> > > [1]
> > >
> > > 
> > > We are participating in the Scottish Government's contact tracing
> > > programme. You will find purple posters at the entrance to the space
> and
> > > around the space that contain QR codes. Please scan the QR code and
> > > provide your contact details. If you are unable to scan a QR code,
> there
> > > is a link to type into your browser. If you cannot use the link, ask
> > > someone else to check in for you and provide them with your email
> > > address and phone number.
> > >
> > > Please note that contact tracing is a requirement of participating in
> an
> > > Open Tuesday in person, and is not negotiable. If you do not provide
> > > tracing details you will be asked to leave.
> > >
> > > As we emerge from this global disaster, some will understandably be
> > > cautious about being outside. Please respect people's boundaries by
> > > maintaining social distancing and wearing a mask as you move around the
> > > space. If you are sat down, you can take off your mask to have easier
> > > access to your face if needed for eating or drinking. Use common sense
> > > and remember this is a shared space.
> > >
> > > If you are in early, open windows to get air flowing through the
> > > space. It could be a good idea to bring a jumper or something as the
> > > space could be a little cooler than you might expect because of this.
> > > 
> > > 57North Hacklab Ltd. is a company registered in Scotland (No.
> SC470230).
> > > 57North and 57North Hacklab are trading names of 57North Hacklab Ltd.
> > > ___
> > > 57north-announce mailing list
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Andy Gaskell
> > Head Designer and Developer
> > Software Systems: Open For Business
> > Email:
> > Mobile: 07745 924 449
> > Office: 01224 634360
> > Office: 3 Belvidere Street, Aberdeen, AB25 2QS
> > Limited company: SC347800
> > ___
> > 57north-discuss mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> 57north-discuss mailing list
57north-discuss mailing list

Re: [57north-discuss] [57north-announce] Open Tuesday 29th June 2021!

2021-06-29 Thread Wouter Piessens

hey chaps and chapittas,
I will be in the digital space as well tonight...My project for
  tonight has little to do with hacking, and everything with wood. 
  I hope to make a veneer lamp shade for a friends , birthday, [1] ,
  but given the fragility of the veneers, I will more likely hate
  myself for failing to accomplish the job.

See you online,


On 29/06/2021 17:50, Edward Watson

Hi folks.

My car is
in the workshop so I'll be spacing on work adventure at home
this eve from 8. I'll likely be building my tinyswr 1-5watt
swr meter kit [1] and moaning how fiddly hand-soldering smd
components is.


On Tue, 29 Jun 2021, 13:20 Dave Hibberd, <>

  I'll be
there at some point this evening. If you're coming in today,
sending a reply with an optional rundown of your excellent
plans and when you plan to arrive.

57north-discuss mailing list

Wouter Piessens (Wisp & Willows)
Find me at : 

57north-discuss mailing list

[57north-discuss] E-ink display

2021-06-07 Thread Wouter Piessens

Hey all,

For a new fun project at home, I am looking for an e-ink display, approx 
5 inch in diamater. Can anyone recommend any such display or advise 
against a specific brand?




Wouter Piessens (Wisp & Willows)
Find me at :

57north-discuss mailing list

[57north-discuss] Friday Workadventure

2021-05-14 Thread Wouter Piessens

Good afternoon folks,
On this grey and cold Friday there are few
cosier places than near a warm computer.  And why not combine
that with a friendly chat on Workadventure.

See you there,

Wouter Piessens (Wisp & Willows)
Find me at : 

57north-discuss mailing list

Re: [57north-discuss] Friday Night work adventure

2021-05-07 Thread Wouter Piessens
Please ignore this message...or just delete it...Seems I had missed 
Nick's message from earlier today 

On 07/05/2021 18:34, Wouter Piessens wrote:

Good evening folks,

It feels like yesterday was Tuesday and today already Friday. Time is 
fooling us, so lets put our minds together to counter this threat, 
tonight at workventure, from 8pm. 


Wouter Piessens (Wisp & Willows)
Find me at :

Wouter Piessens (Wisp & Willows)
Find me at :

57north-discuss mailing list

[57north-discuss] Friday Night work adventure

2021-05-07 Thread Wouter Piessens

Good evening folks,

It feels like yesterday was Tuesday and today already Friday.  Time is 
fooling us, so lets put our minds together to counter this threat, 
tonight at workventure, from 8pm. 


Wouter Piessens (Wisp & Willows)
Find me at :

57north-discuss mailing list

[57north-discuss] 3.5 inch disc reader

2021-05-07 Thread Wouter Piessens

Hey folks,

Today upon clearing my garage, I found a good old fashioned 3.5 inch 
floppy.  Unfortunately, the last time I had a floppy reader in my 
possession was in 2004, so I am unable to read it. Does anyone know if 
we have a working 3.5 inch reader in the hackerspace, so that I can 
satisfy my curious mindset?



Wouter Piessens (Wisp & Willows)
Find me at :

57north-discuss mailing list

Re: [57north-discuss] [57north-announce] 57N Tuesday Hangout!

2021-03-16 Thread Wouter Piessens
It is really gorgeous outside.  Sheltered from the wind, it feels 
actually rather pleasant in the sunshine..And that is mile away from the 
same beach.

Since Workadventure is quite fun, I will join yous again tonight.  With 
one eye on the Workadventure and the other on a Datascience course in 



On 16/03/2021 11:50, Dave Hibberd wrote:

Gosh, it looks lovely outside today, but the wind is noisy down here by the 
How's the weather with you?

Let's do Workadventure[1] again!

Come join us here at or after 8pm:

If you can't join workadventure for whatever reason, ask in irc and I'll give 
you the direct link to the Jitsi :)

I'll be fiddling on some projects, probably, but maybe I'll be distracted by 
anything, ever - do you have any plans while we hang out tonght?

If you want to hack on the map, fork it [2], download Tiled[3] from your 
nearest repo and shoot me a PR or ask to join the organisation!



57north-discuss mailing list

Re: [57north-discuss] [REMOTE] Friday Night: Mublin' and Beerin'

2020-10-02 Thread Wouter Piessens
After some minor travels and other adventures, I shall call in again 
this evening.  In between the chatting, I hope to get an NFS-client 
working on the Chromebook, after a failed attempt yesterday.

See you in the mumbleverse.


On 02/10/2020 13:30, Tom Jones wrote:

Hello Hackers,

Once again it is Friday, the day of the week we join togethre remotely
and have a chat on Mumble. You can join us from about 2000 on, if this is your first time connecting then it is
best to coordinate set up via irc.

- Tom
57north-discuss mailing list

57north-discuss mailing list

Re: [57north-discuss] [REMOTE] Sneaking around Mumble

2020-09-25 Thread Wouter Piessens
Unless Asteroid 2020 RO hits earth today rather unexpectedly, I shall 
attend this evening's Mumble/movie night.



On 25/09/2020 09:18, Tom Jones wrote:

Hello Hakers,

Again it is Friday, so we will have our weekly Friday call. As it is the
last Friday of the month we are going to watch the film Sneakers

We will be on mumble about 2000 and the film will start sometime between
2030 and 2100.

Coordination is best in irc so join us in one of those to get more

57north-discuss mailing list

Re: [57north-discuss] [REMOTE] Tuesday Mumblin'

2020-08-25 Thread Wouter Piessens

Good morning,

I doubt the weather will cause much disruption to our digital realm, as 
I have had a strong conversation earlier today with the almighty 
computer controlling it all, to ensure safety off our space. Should the 
space however blow away and get flooded, then I will revise my 
computerious believes as needed.

I will call in this evening and tinker a bit with the LattePanda, while 
also introducing a potential new hackster to our community, who will be 
calling in from Newcastle.



On 25/08/2020 09:24, Tom Jones wrote:

Hello Hackers,

Once again it is Tuesday, time for our weekly Open Night Replacement
mumble session. If you have not joined us on a mumble so far you can
reach the chat at, if you have any bother
connecting you can ask for help in IRC. We will be on from about 2000.

Let us hope that we don't get washed away in this storm and that the
hackerspaces roof remains intact.

- Tom
57north-discuss mailing list

57north-discuss mailing list

Re: [57north-discuss] [REMOTE] Friday Mumblin

2020-08-21 Thread Wouter Piessens

Hey all,

I might call in this evening, maybe only after 9 or so if I can convince 
myself in cycling in this is gale... Either way, something else:  Has 
anyone perhaps a Torx T50 and T55 bit I could borrow, for unscrewing 4 
screws from a washing machine drum and convert it into a firepit. I 
could only find a T40 bit in the space, unfortunately.



On 21/08/2020 09:56, Tom Jones wrote:

Hello Hackers,

Have you got that Friday feeling? I don't, just a warmth in the back of
my left hand that I think might be the first rsi tingles. Nevertheless,
feelings or no, it being Friday means we MUST have our regular Friday
night mumble.

You can dial in by pointing your mumble client at

Come by and chat the best shit you have.

If you've got a hardware or hacking or hardware hacking project you have
been working on we would love to hear about it. Ideas and dreams are
cool too, but solid work always wins out.

Are you gonna join us?

- Tom
57north-discuss mailing list

57north-discuss mailing list

Re: [57north-discuss] [REMOTE] Tuesday Mumbulations @ 2000

2020-07-14 Thread Wouter Piessens

Good morning folks,

I might call inYesterday I burnt through another SD card with the 
raspberry pi/smartmirror, only a month after the previous one died.   So 
I will ask for your ideas on alternatives, as I need to get a more 
permanent alternative, equally energy efficient and less time consuming 
than backing up and restoring backups every month.



On 14/07/2020 11:17, Alfie Pates wrote:

You know the drill.

It's Tuesday, Mambo No. 5, 2000, etc.

Ask on IRC if this doesn't make sense.

57north-discuss mailing list

57north-discuss mailing list

Re: [57north-discuss] [IN-PERSON] Hackerspace BBQ 18th July 2020

2020-07-10 Thread Wouter Piessens
I will be there...Will bring beer, food, no bbq, unless we can hack one 
from my bike.


On 10/07/2020 20:17, Alfie Pates wrote:

Charlie and I will attempt to attend

I am not sure how much the car will enjoy it - it hasn’t done a long 
drive since February!

If I end up having a BBQ on the side of the A90, we’ll know why.

57north-discuss mailing list

57north-discuss mailing list

Re: [57north-discuss] [REMOTE] Hackin and mumblin

2020-06-26 Thread Wouter Piessens
Unless there are photogenic thunderstorms in the area at that time, I shall
join the chat.

And maybe I will ask you guys how it is possible that InfluxDB, running on
a Raspberry pi 4, can remove about 68 hour of logged data (except for 2
spurious time steps) on a USB stick in one database, but not in a second
database.   Screenshots are below to confirm what I mean. This event made
me believe the existence of magic in our world.

[image: image.png]
[image: image.png]
[image: image.png]

Catch you tonight.


Op vr 26 jun. 2020 om 10:39 schreef Tom Jones :

> On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 10:36:07AM +0100, Tom Jones wrote:
> > Hello Hackers,
> >
> > Without even really trying it has become Friday again. Some of us will
> > be on mumble talking shit and maybe drinking some or several beers.
> > You should join us.
> >
> > The mumble server is at, if you need any help
> > connecting or coordinating your audio setup jump into irc and ask!
> >
> Whoops, as always we will be on from about 2000
> - Tom
> ___
> 57north-discuss mailing list
57north-discuss mailing list

[57north-discuss] Friday night Mumble

2020-06-12 Thread Wouter Piessens
Hey hackers and hacksters,

Rumour goes we will have a mumble chat this evening from about 8pm.  I will
be there to check the validity of this rumour. If you are curious about the
same, then please pop in in our digital vacuum.


57north-discuss mailing list

Re: [57north-discuss] [REMOTE] Beer and bull shit

2020-05-22 Thread Wouter Piessens
Good morning all,

I will quite likely join you this evening.

Something else: Upon emptying boxes, I just found a 10y old tyre pressure
sensor tyrepal TD1000, which still seems to work... The sensors fit on the
tyre valves, typically on caravans or trailers, but also on cars, bicycles,
motorbikes, wheelbarrows, and transmits pressure and temperature via some
radio frequency to the remote.  Since I do not have any use for it, I
wonder if any of you want it for hacking, or actually use it.  Otherwise I
will drop it off at the space, and hopefully one day it might find a new

Sorry if you receive this message twice...The previous message had a 1mb
attachment, which was bounced by the distrolist





Op vr 22 mei 2020 om 08:57 schreef Tom Jones :

> Hello Hackers,
> We will, again, be on mumble tonight form about 2000. Why not join us
> have a beer and talk to some nerds about the weird stuff you do for fun.
> If you need help connecting ask in irc.
> - Tom
> ___
> 57north-discuss mailing list
57north-discuss mailing list

[57north-discuss] ESP32 poor wifi, likely due shielding by a nearby ESP8266

2020-05-16 Thread Wouter Piessens
Good morning folks,

Yesterday I managed to move my weather station to the back of the garden
and at same time install Kevin's air quality sensor on the same mount.
Unfortunately, due to the design of the mount, the ESP32 in the weather
station is shielded in the direction of the router by the ESP8266 in the
air quality box.  Hence, the router is only seeing the air quality ESP8266.

Unless there are no other options, I will not rebuild the mount.  I wonder
if any of you know of any tricks to boost the wifi signal through hardware
or via software (micropython) for the onboard wifi antenna.  Moving the
wifi router does not seem to help.Except for the ESP's, all my internet
connections at home use the 5 GHz bands or are wired.  But obviously the
tens of neighbours have likely hundreds of 2.4 GHz wifi appliances
disturbing the spectrum nonetheless.
Distance between ESP's and router: 20m horizontal, 2m vertical, with only a
window between them.

Any ideas?



57north-discuss mailing list

Re: [57north-discuss] [57north-announce] Virual Openday

2020-05-12 Thread Wouter Piessens
Good morning all,

I will join the virtual space this evening for a while, and maybe showcase
the smart mirror I have been building lately.
Btw: has anyone experience with the RS485 communication standard and Modbus
for python, and is willing to give me a quick introduction about it
tonight?  I am trying to use it to convert output from a sensor to a
Raspberry Pi, and my brain is too small to learn it on my own :-D



On Tue, 12 May 2020, 08:37 Midder,  wrote:

> Hello all
> "The masses are fading almost vanishing, The Emergence of post-mass media
> technology for networked communication has dispelled the cloud, turning it
> into a sprawl of connecting atoms..." Bifo.
> We have a virtual open day on mumble @ 7pm tonight
> I'll proably be there talking about what I have been up to, if you want
> more info join us on IRC and we'll point you in the right direction More
> info at
> See you all tonight.
> Midder
> 57North Hacklab Ltd. is a company registered in Scotland (No. SC470230).
> 57North and 57North Hacklab are trading names of 57North Hacklab Ltd.
> ___
> 57north-announce mailing list
57north-discuss mailing list

Re: [57north-discuss] [57north-announce] Openday 17th March, and Current situation.

2020-03-17 Thread Wouter Piessens
Hey Kevin,

I will pop in this evening as well, to rattle a bit on my keyboard and drop
off the plant i had promised you many weeks ago.  Will you be in in all
evening, or out before my ETA of 730-8pm?
BTW: can I buy an air quality kit from you, to hang in my garden and
contribute to the Luftdaten network?  How much were they again, so I bring
enough cash.

Op di 17 mrt. 2020 om 10:50 schreef Midder :

> Hello Everyone,
> As you may have seen from the previous email, we are considering the
> current coronavirus going forward therefore, we will not be having an
> openday today, If any one is interested in being there today, there may be
> people at the space but no guarantee.
> This will be reviewed on a weekly basis, we encourage all member and
> non-members to stay safe and consider the vulnerable around them.
> I'll be in the space for a short time from about 7 to work on some air
> quality stuff.
> Here is a Article with a lot of info about the outbreak, which may be of
> interest to people.
> If you are working from home and want some virtual company, we are
> generally on IRC some of our members hang around on
> the fediverse.
> Stay Shiny
> Midder
> 57North Hacklab Ltd. is a company registered in Scotland (No. SC470230).
> 57North and 57North Hacklab are trading names of 57North Hacklab Ltd.
> ___
> 57north-announce mailing list
57north-discuss mailing list

Re: [57north-discuss] [57north-announce] Open Tuesday 25th Feb 2020

2020-02-25 Thread Wouter Piessens

hello hello,
yeayopen day!  I will be in tonightI will be building a
  case [1] for my wind sensor's outdoor installation (thanks Midder
  for  and contemplate solutions to fit the same outdoor on the roof
  of my shed
See you tonight,
[1]: Thanks Midder for the tip about the RS junction boxes..The
  prices have still not changed,  so I got myself a few as well!

On 25/02/2020 08:35, Midder wrote:

Hello Everyone,

We have our openday today, which means we welcome everyone to our space at Kettock Lodge, Bridge of Don, at 7pm, for  the experience of a Hacklab, we will be socialising, working on projects, drinking mate, and not setting off fire alarms, If you will be along, bring a project or a friend, please bring  laptop, it helps ease social anxiety.

If you will be there tell us what you will be working on.

See you all later.


  57North Hacklab Ltd. is a company registered in Scotland (No. SC470230).
57North and 57North Hacklab are trading names of 57North Hacklab Ltd.
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Re: [57north-discuss] Hackurday: Saturday 8th Feb 2020

2020-02-06 Thread Wouter Piessens

I might pop in for a couple of hours from about 2pm ish, coding my
anemometer setup and prepare it for outdoor installation. Weather may go
nuts next week, and I would love to measure it.

See you on Saturday,


On Thu, 6 Feb 2020, 09:46 Tom Jones,  wrote:

> Hello Hackers,
> I plan to be in the space this saturday from about mid afternoon,
> hacking away at something.  What? That depends a little on the postal
> system, but I have some cheap logic analyser/scope boards that I need to
> figure out how to use so they are on the list.
> Will you join me?
> - [tj]
> ___
> 57north-discuss mailing list
57north-discuss mailing list

[57north-discuss] UV-light

2020-02-02 Thread Wouter Piessens
Hey all,

Does anyone know if there is a portable UV-light in the Hackerspace or does
anyone have one that I can borrow for a day or two?

My car is loosing coolant very slowly (about 0.2liter in a week), but I
can't find any visual signs of leaks in the engine compartment. Apparently
coolant lights up under UV light.

Cheers. Wouter
57north-discuss mailing list

Re: [57north-discuss] [57north-announce] Open Tuesday 29th October

2019-10-29 Thread Wouter Piessens
I will pop in as well today. I can offer a ride from city center /George
Street area around 8pm returning south by 10pm.


On Tue, 29 Oct 2019, 13:37 ,  wrote:

> I’ll be in too, screaming at the FreeBSD kernel till it does what I want.
> Pizza sounds really good :)
> Jules
> On 29. Oct 2019, at 10:11, S Davidson  wrote:
> Yup. Pizza for 8pm! Lots of nom
> On Tue, 29 Oct 2019, 09:55 Hibby,  wrote:
>> Hello Everyone.
>> Tuesday again, so we will have our weekly open night, We have moved to  a
>> new location at Kettock Lodge. The address for the new space is:
>> Suite H
>> Kettock Lodge
>> Innovation Park
>> Campus Two
>> Bridge of Don
>> Aberdeen AB22 8GU
>> There's plenty parking!
>> But if you don't have transport get in touch either here or IRC and
>> someone may be able to help you out[1].
>> If you've not heard of us, we get up to a range of activities on Tuesday
>> nights, including but not limited to social contact, programming,
>> manufacturing weird things and consuming sugary treats. We usually begin at
>> about 7, but sometimes someone will be in earlier.
>> If you're new, I'd suggest you bring a laptop, and perhaps a project you
>> want to work on.
>> If you're coming in, feel free to reply and tell us all what you're
>> planning to do!
>> I'll be in, flailing at stuff and maybe eating a slice or two of Pizza
>> when Steph appears with it.
>> Hx
>> [1]
>> --
>>   Hibby
>>   MM3ZRZ
>> 57North Hacklab Ltd. is a company registered in Scotland (No. SC470230).
>> 57North and 57North Hacklab are trading names of 57North Hacklab Ltd.
>> ___
>> 57north-announce mailing list
> ___
> 57north-discuss mailing list
> ___
> 57north-discuss mailing list
57north-discuss mailing list

Re: [57north-discuss] [57north-announce] Open Tuesday (15th Oct 2019)

2019-10-15 Thread Wouter Piessens
hey, I will be there too tonight...going to hack my alarm clock 
radio..The screen is so bright that it keeps me awake at night, and 
after a year of sleepless nights it is time to fix it.

see you this evening.



On 15/10/2019 09:16, Tom Jones wrote:

On Tue, Oct 15, 2019 at 08:47:38AM +0100, Midder wrote:

Hello Everyone.

Tuesday again, so we will have our weekly open night, We have moved to
a new location at Kettock Lodge. The address for the new space is:

Suite H
Kettock Lodge
Innovation Park
Campus Two
Bridge of Don
Aberdeen AB22 8GU

There's plenty parking!

I will be in, I will sit at a computer and hope it doesn't try and kill
me in some new imaginative way.

- [tj]
57north-discuss mailing list

57north-discuss mailing list

Re: [57north-discuss] [57north-announce] Open Tuesday

2019-10-01 Thread Wouter Piessens

Good morning all,

I will pop in this evening with the car, coming from George Street area, 
ETA 8pm. If anyone needs a ride, please let me know.

Is there a need for another shelving unit in the space, or are we good?  
I have a garage shelving unit, similar to this one 
that I am happy to donate to the space, as it is now just gathering 
dust.  dimensions are roughly 350mm x 750mm x 1800mm with 5 shelves.



On 01/10/2019 09:51, Tom Jones wrote:

Hello Hackers,

Again in is Tuesday and so we will have our open night, this is your
chance to see 57North it its new location at Kettock Lodge. The address
for the new space is:

Suite H
Kettock Lodge
Innovation Park
Campus Two
Bridge of Don
Aberdeen AB22 8GU

Kev said he will be there from the mid afternoon, if you need access to
the building the outer door code is available via irc or if you email

We are still moving in, so expect to be roped in to move boxes, unload
vehicles and apply your organisational know how!

We have internet so when the faffing is done there will be plenty of
time to hide behind a laptop, but only if you bring one.

Will you be a long tonight?

- [tj]
57North Hacklab Ltd. is a company registered in Scotland (No. SC470230).
57North and 57North Hacklab are trading names of 57North Hacklab Ltd.
57north-announce mailing list

57north-discuss mailing list

Re: [57north-discuss] [57north-announce] Help us move on Saturday

2019-09-26 Thread Wouter Piessens

hey folks,

I can free up some time in the afternoon to help unloading stuff, so I 
will present myself at the new place by 1pm then. I can offer a ride in 
the car from the city centre (George Street area), if anyone needs a ride.



On 26/09/2019 13:19, Edward Watson wrote:

Hi all

On Tuesday, the board met and voted [1] to start our move to the
Kettock Lodge Bridge of Don location [2]. We plan to use October as
an overlap month, with access to both spaces whilst we move over.

The current move strategy is to arrange for seating, tables and wifi
in the new space locations as soon as possible, arranging and
unboxing other items after. Items for trashing will be left behind and
disposed of in a separate effort.

When exactly?
To get a good start, we are arranging for the first physical kit move
to begin this Saturday (28th) using two vans, a standard Transit and
small Transit Connect, over a couple of runs. We will arrange follow-up
moving rounds after this first one as needed. Anyone who is able to
volunteer for this round should confirm via the discuss list; we'd need
people at both locations, so please email discuss if you could use a lift.

ETA for Sat volunteers at the old location is approx. 10am. ETA for Sat
volunteers at new location is 1pm, as the first van-run arrives.

If you cannot make this weekend but still like to be a part of the physical
move, we'll likely announce further moves. It is also expected that there
will be a few sorting evenings at the new location once items are moved.
Unlike over moves, we have a fair bit of open space we can use to sort
things out. We hope be able to confirm an official place-of-business
change over date after the weekend.

Friday evening and Saturday morning have been suggested as times to
sort the space to get it ready for transport. I suggest that the
vehicle drivers
(or those they delegate to) take the lead in deciding what goes into vans
on Sat, as they'll know how much they can move at once. Beyond that,
we are looking to put as many things into labelled boxes as possible which
those attending can collaborate on. We have some folded boxes already
but if anyone has a source of strong boxes we can borrow or keep, do
email in.


57North Hacklab Ltd. is a company registered in Scotland (No. SC470230).
57North and 57North Hacklab are trading names of 57North Hacklab Ltd.
57north-announce mailing list

57north-discuss mailing list

Re: [57north-discuss] [57north-announce] Open Tuesday 24th Sep '19

2019-09-24 Thread Wouter Piessens
I will pop in to say hello,  after 8pm.might bring some things to solder.

See you tonight,


On Tue, 24 Sep 2019, 10:34 Tom Jones,  wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 10:30:09AM +0100, Hibby wrote:
> > Hello Hackers
> >
> > Another week another open day, We Are open to everyone so if you can
> > make it down, please do, if you a have a friend who may enjoy an
> > evening with with other talking nonsense about technology, forward the
> > email to them.
> >
> > As mentioned earlier in the week, we're having a board meeting at 7pm
> > [1] - all members are encouraged to come, observe and contribute
> > opinions but don't get a vote.
> >
> > If you have not been along, we meet at 3 Skene Terrace (Next to The
> > Assembly there is a white buzzer on the door)
> > if you are coming bring a laptop or a
> > project, it helps fit in, because we generally sit around our laptops.
> >
> > If you do want to come by respond to the list with info about what you
> will be doing,
> >
> > I'll be down to look at this hard drive that makes my laptop die in a
> > confused manner. At least I've enabled sata hotswap so I can maybe put
> > the drive in while the system is up!
> >
> > Hibby
> >
> I will be in, but having forgotten that I was coming to the space I
> didn't bring any sort of computer. So I guess I will be talking until I
> lose my voice again.
> Also board meeting.
> - [tj]
> ___
> 57north-discuss mailing list
57north-discuss mailing list

Re: [57north-discuss] [57north-announce] Open Tuesday - Today, 7pm

2019-09-10 Thread Wouter Piessens
Hey all,I will be in too, gathering ideas to build a smart mirror/integrate
into an internal door.

Has anyone got a spare mirror, max size approx 400 X 700mm, and or an a
spare LCD screen 20-23 inch (can have dead pixels)? I am looking at
gumtree, but especially a mirror of that size is challenging.



On Tue, 10 Sep 2019, 09:23 Tony Travis, 

> On 10/09/2019 08:59, Midder wrote:
> > [...]
> > If you do want to come by respond to the list with info about hat you
> will be doing,
> Hi, Midder.
> I'll be in, hacking Parabuntu (aka Ubuntu 18.04 LTS for the Parallella).
> Bye,
> --
> Minke Informatics Limited, Registered in Scotland - Company No. SC419028
> Registered Office: 3 Donview, Bridge of Alford, AB33 8QJ, Scotland (UK)
> tel. +44(0)19755 63548
> mob. +44(0)7985
> ___
> 57north-discuss mailing list
57north-discuss mailing list

Re: [57north-discuss] 16 x 2 LCD screen in Japenese font

2019-09-03 Thread Wouter Piessens
Kevin, Robert,

I do suspect too that it is the Japanese type, though from contact with
Pimoroni today I understand it should be possible to set the standard font
to the other languagesI will bring the module this evening (after the
event at Codebase one) to tinker with it (and listen to complaints about
sore backs ;-)  )



Op di 3 sep. 2019 om 09:34 schreef Midder :

> Hello Wouter
> Looking at the datasheet at
> it looks like there
> are two different types HD44780UA00 (Japanese font) and HD44780UA02 (EU
> Font) may be worth checking the number to see f you have one of the former.
> Kevin.
> On Mon, Sep 02, 2019 at 09:02:09PM +0100, Wouter Piessens wrote:
> > Hey folks,
> >
> > Looking for a bit of guidance here:   I am playing about with the 16 -2
> LCD purchased from Pimoroni, likely with the Hitachi HD4478U on board and
> > then connected to RPI 3B+.  I have wired it up just like the following
> website : [1]
> > 16x2-lcd-module-control-using-python/
> >
> > However, the LCD is spitting out Japanese Katakana font, and not
> alfa-numerical font. I have it all wired up correctly..Has anyone
> experienced this
> > before or knows how to change the output font on on the module?
> >
> > Cheerio,
> >
> > Wouter
> >
> >
> > [2][icon-] Virus-free. [3]
> >
> > [4]
> >
> > References:
> >
> > [1]
> > [2]
> > [3]
> > [4] -#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2
> > ___
> > 57north-discuss mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> 57north-discuss mailing list

57north-discuss mailing list

[57north-discuss] 16 x 2 LCD screen in Japenese font

2019-09-02 Thread Wouter Piessens
Hey folks,

Looking for a bit of guidance here:   I am playing about with the 16 -2 LCD
purchased from Pimoroni, likely with the Hitachi HD4478U on board and then
connected to RPI 3B+.  I have wired it up just like the following website :

However, the LCD is spitting out Japanese Katakana font, and not
alfa-numerical font. I have it all wired up correctly..Has anyone
experienced this before or knows how to change the output font on on the




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