Re: [9fans] How to PXE boot with "two" DHCP servers on one network

2024-03-25 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Marco Feichtinger writes:

> How can I pxe boot other machines, without my file server acting as dhcp se=
> rver for the whole network?

It might be possible, but not worth the effort. And with the blackbox
DHCP server in that router, it's likely impossible.

If your file server is up all the time, just make it the DHCP server
for the network.


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Re: [9fans] Plan 9 Foundation is a 501(c)(3)

2023-12-13 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
This is great news, but just before I start throwing money your
way, it would be nice to know what you're planning to do with it.
Other than the announcements about the creation of the foundation
itself, and now this, it as been pretty much radio silence about
what you're planning to get up to.

Also, what's the difference between and


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Re: [9fans] down?

2023-11-04 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Yaroslav K writes:
> Do we know what=E2=80=99s up with, the current sources host?

Pings (v4 and 6) to nearby addresses work, so it looks like the
host itself is down.

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Re: [9fans]

2023-04-27 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Thaddeus Woskowiak writes:
> Has anyone written any code to deal with SCPI, Standard Commands for
> Programmable Instruments, on plan 9?

I did a couple of years ago, for the same reason: programmable PSUs and
to suck data down from an ocsilloscope.  It never worked well, and I
have since lost the SD card the code was on (I was using an RPi).

I would be interested in pursuing this, though, as I have a growing
stack of SCPI-aware test gear.


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Re: [9fans] different users for different system roles

2023-02-13 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
hiro writes:
> > should each system role get his own user?
> > Like one user for file servers, one for auth, one for venti, and one for =
> cpu
> > servers.

My was has always been to have a file system user and an auth server
user that are used ONLY for those roles.

As for CPU servers, it really depends on how you use them.  The
main reason you might want to have different CPU server owners is
to control access to physical hardware.  E.g. I have machines that
are used to control my radios via their serial and USB interfaces.
For those, I don't want the "general pupulation" to have access to
that hardware, so I run those servers under a userid that is distinct
from the "general purpose" CPU server owner.

Oh, the Pi I use for bluetooth dev work has its own host owner,
for similar reasons.

I'm sure there are other cases, but that's the only one where I've
personally had a need for multiple host owners.


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Re: [9fans] Update on RISC-V port

2023-02-01 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Waaay back in Nov 2020 Skip sent a note to the list about some
preliminary work on a RISC-V port.  Now that my VisionFive-2 dev
board has arrived I'm itching to try to get Plan9 running on it.
Has any progress been made since that last update?


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[9fans] tls cert

2022-10-30 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Duckduckgo isn't happy with the above site's tls cert.  Did it
expire?  Or is something more nefarious happening ...

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Re: [9fans] Perhaps someone can give me an advice ...

2022-03-19 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
ibrahim via 9fans writes:

> While on wait I'm intending to port the freebsd bluetooth stack (netgraph) =
> to plan9. I would be surprised if no one started such a project till now so=
>  if someone shares this goal I would be interested in a cooperative work.=20

Huh. I'd never thought about looking at that ng code as the basis for a
port.  I wouldn't have thought it's even close to being a natural port,
but my netgraph experience is rather limited ...

Bluetooth (and BLE) support woould be *very* nice to have.  It would be
really slick to get my Moolitpass MiniBLE working with factotum.  This
has been on my todo list for a while now, using USB to connect.  I need
to do USB anyway to support the older versions of the authenticator


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Re: [9fans] 9P in Forth

2022-02-14 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Alex Musolino writes:

> Seems so:

Oh now that's slick! < 200 lines of code.

Thanks for the pointer.


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Re: [9fans] building blocks speaking 9p

2022-02-14 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
A short update on the RS-485 network project ...

I ordered up an assortment of RS-485 "hats" and USB serial ports
to play with.  I also have an Axxon LF1006KB PCIe card that will
go into the CPU server as the "gateway" for the 485 network.  It
should already work with the uartpci driver, but I'll have to extend
that to add support for the 485-specific card functions.  Fortunately
Axxon has been very forthcoming with documentation for the card,
so this should be pretty straight forward.

I decided to take this week off work so I could free up some cycles
to get myself orgainized enough to start on this ;-)  I need a week
just to dig out from under the mess that my apartment has become
during lockdown!  Mostly I need to (re-)construct a proper Plan 9
environment to base all of this on, so most of this week is dedicated
to building CPU and file servers, etc.  But just maybe, by the
weekend, I'll have a couple of Plan 9 devices chatting over the
RS-485 link.


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[9fans] 9P in Forth

2022-02-14 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Just curious if anyone has attempted a 9P implementation in Forth?
This could be fun to play around with on things like Atmel AVRs.
I've had it to -->here<-- with the Arduino programming environment,
so *anything* different would be a joy :-)


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[9fans] Installing 9legacy

2022-02-05 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
I booted 9legacy from a usb image and all is well. But ... how
am I supposed to get this installed on the machine's hard drive?
I can't find any sign of the installer scripts.

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Re: [9fans] 9legacy under OpenBSD's vmm

2022-02-03 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
When you do the initial install, interrupt the boot sequence and type
console=0 as the documentation describes.  Install the system as usual,
then reboot and log in again using the consoole=0 dance.  Once you're
logged in you can mount the 9fat partition (9fs 9fat) and then edit
/n/9fat/plan9.ini to add the console=0 line.

The best way to deal with the vm console interface is to mark the
vm as 'disabled' in vm.conf and then start it manually with 'vmctl
-c start'.  This will get you connected to the bios console early
enough for you to interrupt the boot process to type those overrides.
Once you have plan9.ini tuned to your satisfaction you can change
the vm declaration to 'enabled' and let it autoboot.


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Re: [9fans] building blocks speaking 9p

2022-01-29 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
A few thoughts after chewing on this for a day ...

I think the major architecture components break down like this:

1) a simple protocol wrapper to enable streaming of 9p over arbitrary
   transports (e.g. USB, i2c, spi, rs485).

2) an addressing scheme that plugs into dial() and ndb.

3) authentication proxies.

4) device libraries.

I think (4) is out of scope for the current discussion, so I won't
talk about it further.

(1) is the key to the whole thing.  We need a consistent way to
expose these 9p streams in the kernel in a mount-friendly way.  I
think the netif/ether kernel framework provides a good starting
point, where netif hides (or at least abstracts) the device-specific
quirks of the underlying physical medium (e.g. X-Base-T, wifi).

In the current case, the netif replacement layer would hide the
transport-specific warts of the physical tranport medium (e.g.  USB,
spi, serial uart).  Where it gets interesting is how we address the
individual components.  E.g. at the "device" layer we need to address
specific end-points, such as USB device endpoints, or an i2c chip
addresses (for both the i2c driver chip, and the device on its i2c
bus we want to talk to).  Then above that we should have a way to
address the generic 9p stream.  Or maybe not -- implementation
experience will show if this is required.  This naturally leads
into (2).

(3) gets tricky.  Devices not directly connected to a TCP transport
can't speak with the auth service.  Two ideas come to mind.  The
upstream "gateway" host could export a namespace that provides just
enough to allow the device to chat with the auth service; I haven't
thought about how this would work.  Another option would be to have
the "gateway" provide an auth server relay service that would be
part of the 9p streaming encapsulation layer -- basically a 9p
bent-pipe proxy to the auth service, listening at a well known
"address" within the encapsulation layer.

I've been thinking about doing something like this for ages,
specifically, to allow me to control a stack of radio transceivers
via a collection of controllers wired up to a multidrop RS485 bus.
So last night I bit the bullet and ordered up a stack of RS485
interfaces of various shapes and flavours for my collection of
Pies, Arduinos, and PCs, with a couple of USB adapters thrown in
for good measure :-)  When they get here I'll get to work on
implementing the RS485 bus layer, and see where it all goes
from there.


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[9fans] aiju boards

2022-01-29 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
> The 9front /sys/src/9/zynq port is aiju board's kernel.

This reminds me to ask ... what did people get up to using their
aiju boards for?  Sadly, mine has been sitting on the shelf collecting
dust for much too long.  I did some early fiddling about, mostly
to learn the fpga toolchain, but then real life got in the way of

When I bought the board I had intended to use it for some SDR
receiver applications I was thinking about: AIS, ADS-B, DRM, etc.
I really should do something about that.


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Re: [9fans] building blocks speaking 9p

2022-01-28 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM) writes:

> I am using 5a/tc/tl to build bare metal code for a STM32F405 MCU thanks
> to some hints from Charles Forsyth.

Could you post some notes on how you're doing that?  This is something
I'd like to take for a spin.


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Re: [9fans] building blocks speaking 9p

2022-01-28 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Bakul Shah writes:

> - make it very easy to create hardware gadgets by
>   providing a firmware/hardware building block that
>   talks 9p on the host interface side & interfaces
>   with device specific hardware.

Amen!  I've been thinking about something like this for years.
My specific use case involves controlling radio transceivers.
Right now I do this with assorted Arduino hardware that speaks
GPIO and RS232 (mostly) to the radios, and RS232 to the upstream
"controller" host.  This burns through a lot of serial ports on
the controller.

What I would prefer is to have all those Arduinos connected
to an RS485 multidrop, each exporting a 9p filesystem for the
control interface.  Shoveling the data around on the RS485
"bus" just needs a simple frame wrapped around the 9p packets
that provides device addressing and a CRC.  On the Plan9 side
this just becomes another network type, with ndb handling
the device addressing.

As others have mentioned, having a native Atmel C compiler would
be a real boon here, but there's no reason why this couldn't be
done with an Arduino 9P library.  I haven't investigated if such
a thing exists, although I'm sure it does.


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Re: [9fans] 9legacy under OpenBSD's vmm

2022-01-17 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
David du Colombier writes:

> If it works with 9front, the issue is definitely on our side.
> Our Virtio drivers are very close to 9front's, so I suspect
> the issue may be somewhere else.

If you think that's the case then I need to build out enough local
infrastructure to be able to build 9legacy ISOs.  Then I can start
printfing in the kernel to see if I can track this down.

That might take a while, though, as I'm quite hardware constrained
right now (thus the attempt at the vmm-based VM).


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Re: [9fans] 9legacy under OpenBSD's vmm

2022-01-17 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
David du Colombier writes:
> I think the issue is elsewhere, since I've tried on QEMU with
> both Virtio 1.0 and Virtio legacy and it worked as expected
> (386 and amd64 kernels).

That could very well be. vmm(4) is still relatively young, so the
bug could very well be there.  I think at this point we've ruled
out the 9legacy kernel as the culprit.


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Re: [9fans] 9legacy under OpenBSD's vmm

2022-01-15 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
It gets a bit further -- now it actually panics :-P

: lyndon@orthanc:/u/vm; vmctl start -c clare
Connected to /dev/ttyp2 (speed 115200)
Boot failed: not a bootable disk

PBSR... F5CD  00B2 
Plan 9 from Bell Labsi8042: kbdinit failed

no vga; serial console only
 disk loader

cpu0:  5200MHz GenuineIntel Core i7 (cpuid: AX 0x206A1 DX 0x79BA97F)
ELCR: 02E8
497M memory: 497M kernel data, 0M user, 18M swap
panic: no disks (in #S)
panic: no disks (in #S)
ktrace /kernel/path 80018529 81004b10 

Re: [9fans] 9legacy under OpenBSD's vmm

2022-01-15 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
David du Colombier writes:
> I've just imported Virtio 1.0 support to 9legacy.
> Lyndon, please try the latest CD image and let me know if it works for you.

Hah! You beat me to it ;-)  ISO downloading now, stay tuned ...

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[9fans] 9legacy under OpenBSD's vmm

2022-01-10 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Are any of you running 9legacy under the vmm hypervisor on OpenBSD?
The kernel boots, but complains that it cannot find any fixed disks
and panics.

I was able to boot 9front, so it looks like 9legacy's virtio
drivers might be lagging a bit?


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Re: [9fans] Alternative to fine-grained mouse usage?

2021-07-06 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Dworkin Muller writes:
> I have physical issues with trying to perform fine-grained mouse
> operations (uncontrollable small hand tremors).
[ ... ]
> So, my question is, are there any viable alternatives for use with

Joining the conversation late ... sorry.  Have you thought about
mounting a server on top of the mouse device that reads the raw
positioning data and passes up a running average of the last n
positions?  Basically, interpose a low pass filter to help remove
some of the jitter.  I have no idea if it will work -- it just leapt
to mind as I sit here breadboarding RC audio filters ;-)


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Re: [9fans] SFF 9legacy fileserver hardware

2021-04-28 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Steve Simon writes:

> until last year I still had a dual Atom machine which worked nicely but
> is a propper desktop machine even though its a mini ITX.

I have at least a half dozen mini-ITX boards lying around that I
can fall back on.  The problem is I seem to have lost most of the
cases and/or power supplies for them.  Push comes to shove though
and I will use one of them if I have to.  There's quite a mix ranging
from old i386s to a fairly recent and kick-ass 64 bit board that
would make a very nice CPU server.

Maybe I should just go on a hunt for replacement cases.  The problem
last time around was that mini-ITX cases were no longer very "mini" ...


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Re: [9fans] SFF 9legacy fileserver hardware

2021-04-26 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM) writes:

> For the usb issue, amd64(9legacy) does not support usb mouse/keyboard,
> only ps2 keyboard/mouse.   Is there any such machine having PS/2
> interface around?

Pretty much everything supports BIOS mapping from USB->PS/2.  This is
one of the many reasons I was asking for reports only from people who


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Re: [9fans] SFF 9legacy fileserver hardware

2021-04-26 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
hiro writes:
> sure you want just one sata disk for a fileserver? or is the worm all on bl=
> uray?

One disk is fine for now.  The blu-ray is for backing up the arenas,
and yes, I'll deal with the xhci driver issues myself. (I can use
slower USB ports until I get that part running.)


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[9fans] SFF 9legacy fileserver hardware

2021-04-26 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Time to build out some proper infrastructure at home, and the
first order of business is the file+auth server.  I don't need
screaming fast performance, just something basic, and I have been
looking at some of the current crop of small form factor desktops,
along the lines of the Intel NUC.  (But I'm in no way married
to Intel.)

I'm curious in hearing from anybody ACTUALLY RUNNING on that sort
of machine.  The spec's I'm looking for are pretty minimal:

* amd64 arch.

* a gig-E port I can saturate.

* SATA-II SSD disk (2.5 inch is fine), preferably that will
  max out the SATA interface. PCIe/m.2/whatever is okay, as
  long as it works with the 9legacy kernel, but remember this
  is a file server, so I want to be able to pack a fair number
  of bytes into it, making $$$ an issue for non-SATA storage.

* >= 16GB RAM.

* 2 x USB1/2 (for kbd/mouse), USB-3 for external blu-ray writer.

* basic bitmap video (VGA/VESA is fine).

Thanks for any feedback you can give!


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Re: [9fans] APL

2021-02-23 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
tlaronde pointed me at the APL that shipped in the contrib
directory in 4.3BSD.  In hindsight I suspect that was the
version I spun up at Athabasca U way back when (1989ish).

I was quite surprised to see that a substantial chunk of it
managed to compile 'out of the box' on OpenBSD 6.8 (albeit
with a flood of warnings :-)):

: lyndon@broken:/u/lyndon/src/apl/4.3/usr/contrib/apl/src; ls *.[co]
Llx.ca4.c a8.o ac.o ag.c ak.c ao.o ax.c gamma.c
a0.c a5.c a9.c ad.c ag.o al.c aplcvt.c ax.o lex.c
a1.c a6.c aa.c ae.c ah.c am.c aq.c ay.c tab.c
a2.c a7.c aa.o ae.o ai.c an.c at.c az.c xed.c
a3.c a7.o ab.c af.c aj.c an.o at.o az.o
a3.o a8.c ac.c af.o aj.o ao.c aw.c cata.c

Seems like a viable candidate to base the port on.


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Re: [9fans] APL

2021-02-22 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM) writes:

> git clone --single-branch \
> --branch Research-V4-Snapshot-Development \

I must be blind.  I completely glossed over 'single-branch'.
But I might have to go back to the SCCS archive on the CDs,
anyway, since Spinellis' repo doesn't seem to have preserved
the actual SCCS commit messages, just the fact they happened.

> On plan 9, hot off the press:
> git/clone -b $branch \

I don't have the native git installed yet.  This might be enough
to prod me into it.



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Re: [9fans] APL

2021-02-22 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Steffen Nurpmeso writes:

> It can even be as small as 
>   #?0|kent:unix-hist$ du -sh .
>   179M.
> when not including all the new FreeBSD things (for which i at
> least track the FreeBSD git repository directly):

Okay, so what's the magic incantation to clone just that subset
of branches?  git-clone(1) is not helpful ...


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Re: [9fans] APL

2021-02-22 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM) writes:

> There are various versions of an APL interpreter and, amongst these,
> a version by Ken Thompson, Ross Harvey, Douglas Lanam.
> Is that this one you are looking for?

That sounds like the one.  It's entirely possible the version I
started with came from one of the BSD tapes (we were source
licensed so we had the full set of tapes from V6 onwards).

I have the CSRG CD set, but it's in a box in a storage locker
right now.  Is there any chance you could pull the above APL
source files and leave them someplace I could grab them from?
( would work fine.)



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[9fans] APL

2021-02-21 Thread Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TFX/VE6BBM)
Long ago and far away I built/ran Thompson's APL (from the V7 source
tape IIRC) on one of the VAXen.  This was very much pre-ANSI C code,
but the Ultrix 1.1 compiler handled it fine.

About 15 years ago I dusted off the source and started converting
it to ANSI C, but I got distracted and have since lost the source.
Has anyone here done anything similar.  I would really like to have
a native APL (even an ancient one like above).  If anyone did get
it converted to ANSI, a native port could be bootstrapped through

Failing that, does anybody have a copy of the original source
kicking around?  Since the virus is going to keep me locked up
for a few more months yet, porting would help pass the time :-)


P.S.  Yes I know there are a million other APLs out there, as
well as J and the assorted follow-ons.  It's the V7 code I'm
specifically interested in.  Maybe it's tucked away in the
bitsaver archives ...

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