Re: [9fans] Simplified Chinese plan 9

2009-09-14 Thread Paul Donnelly (Eris Discordia) writes:

 Interesting. I used to think Korean, too, uses a syllabary. Turns out
 it's expressed alphabetically. Expressing Japanese that way would
 create some space for confusion as there are certain sounds that never
 combine with certain other sounds, e.g. there are 'sa,' 'se,' 'so,'
 and 'su' syllables in which 's' is heard just like 's' in 'say' but
 there's no 'si'--there's only 'shi.'

Actually, I belive that in Korean, si (시, if that displays for you at
all) is pronounced shi. :P

 If there existed an 's' character and also characters for vowels the
 invalid combination 'si' could be created in writing. I wonder if
 Korean alphabet can be used to make invalid combinations or all
 possible combinations correspond to existing phonetic constructs.

Some combinations don't occur. Especially there are dipthongs that don't
occur. But that's not really strange or a problem. Consider the word:
qimk. It doesn't work in English, but the Latin alphabet still

Re: [9fans] nice quote

2009-09-09 Thread Paul Donnelly (Eris Discordia) writes:

 As for this direct question:

 I must say that the Lisp version is much simpler and clearer to me, while
 the C version is mildly baffling. Does that make me a wizard who can
 hardly read simple C code, or is it just a matter of what you and I are
 respectively more comfortable with?

 I'd like to concur with the implication that it's all a matter of what
 mindset one carries but I'm also tempted to exclaim since I find the C
 version straightforward--it closely follows how one would do a bubble
 sort on paper. Or perhaps even this assertion is shaped by my personal

I don't have the two versions in front of me, but if I did I might say
that the Lisp version is more similar to describing how to do a bubble
sort, while the C version is more similar to doing it.

Re: [9fans] nice quote

2009-09-07 Thread Paul Donnelly (Eris Discordia) writes:

 Let me be a little pedantic.

 The 9fans know given the haphazard nature of a hobbyist's knowledge I
 am extremely bad at this, but then let me give it a try.

 FYI, it's been Lisp for a while.

 As long as Britannica and Merriam-Webster call it LISP I don't think
 calling it LISP would be strictly wrong. Has LISt Processing become
 stigmatic in Lisp/LISP community?

Just the orthography.

 Indeed, my only encounter with LISP has been Scheme and through a
 failed attempt to read SICP.

Next time you get a hankering to see what all the fuss is about, you
could try a book like Practical Common Lisp (which can be read online at ). SICP is a good book, but it's geared
toward introducing fundamental programming concepts like abstraction
with a minimum of language features, which is necessarily at odds with
getting stuff done in a straightforward way.

 If you have a scrawny x86 on your desktop and are trying to implement,
 say, a bubble sort--yes, the notorious bubble sort, it's still the
 first thing that comes to a learner's mind--it seems C is quite apt
 for expressing your (embarrassing) solution in terms of what is
 available on your platform. Loops, arrays, swapping, with _minimal_
 syntactic distraction. Simple, naive algorithms should end up in
 simple, immediately readable (and refutable) code. Compare two
 implementations and decide for yourself:

I must say that the Lisp version is much simpler and clearer to me,
while the C version is mildly baffling. Does that make me a wizard who
can hardly read simple C code, or is it just a matter of what you and I
are respectively more comfortable with?

 The main benefits it had in AI were features that came from garbage
 collection and interactive development.

 More importantly, LISt Processing which used to be an element of the
 expert systems approach to AI and which is now defunct (as a way of
 making machines intelligent, whatever that means). While expert
 systems continue to exist the word causes enough reverb of failure to
 be replaced by other buzzwords: knowledge-based systems, automated
 knowledge bases, and whatnot.

Don't assume that just because Lisp is useful for list processing that
it's not useful for a wide variety of problem-solving approaches. I've
seen many people get hung up on lists (and recursion), thinking that
they are somehow the essence of Lisp programming.

Re: [9fans] audio standards -- too many to choose from

2009-08-14 Thread Paul Donnelly (Charles Forsyth) writes:

Hardware 24...@192khz.

 the human ear can't hear as high as that
 still, it ought to please any passing bat!
 Hi-fi, hi-fi, ...

If you're recording doing it at 24-bit will pay off in the mixing

Re: [9fans] Using proportional fonts in Acme for Programming

2009-08-13 Thread Paul Donnelly
Aaron W. Hsu writes:

 Secondly, if you do use proportional width fonts, why, and what
 troubles did you encounter; what benefits did you encounter?

You can't very well engage in weird formatting tricks, but I'm not much
a fan of those anyway. IMO, the more attractive letters and generally
lesser character width more than make up for the inability to precisely
align columns that don't contain whitespace. I just use tabs to give
myself a semantic clue.

 Thirdly, would you continue using proportional width fonts in cases
 like Lisp code, where you very often see something like the following
 indentation scheme,

No. Lisp indentation is hairy enough that I'd rather have the editor do
it anyway (I'll take a structure editor too, if you please), so Acme is
right out. Lisp code is so structurally complex that the indentation
scheme I use in C doesn't work so well. I really want arguments to a
function to begin at the same column, and for macro bodies to be
indented by two characters precisely, so I don't get hopelessly lost. I
just go on back to Emacs for Lisp coding.

 and how would you resolve these indentation problems with proportional
 width fonts if you did continue to use them?

I'd make leading spaces inherit their width from the characters above.

(let ((foo bar)
  (something else))
  (some-func (called again)
 (with fun indentation)
 (and yet)

So in this example, the first space on line two would have the width of
(, the second the width of an l, and so on. But the space in
something else uses whatever width is defined in the font, since
spacing would get weird otherwise.

You couldn't do

(let ((foo   bar)
  (something else))

and expect proper alignment, but like I said, I don't like that trick

Re: [9fans] Why does Acme only show text?

2009-07-16 Thread Paul Donnelly (Ethan Grammatikidis) writes:

 On Wed, 15 Jul 2009 09:25:51 GMT
 Paul Donnelly wrote: (Jason Catena) writes:
  I've been wondering for years now why Acme (and Wily, which I used
  first) only display text files.
  It seems to me that the content of an Acme window could be anything: a
  picture, a postscript or PDF file, a star chart, a web page.  Keeping
  with the spirit of small parts brought together, Acme could outsource
  the displaying of the content to another program, place its output in
  the Acme window, and operate on it by sending commands from the tag to
  the rendering program.
 Hi, I don't know anything about anything, but it seems to me that it's
 more productive to look at the question the other way around: why not
 modify Rio to tile windows like Acme does? Acme is a text editor, so
 it's no surprise that it handles text only.

 You may be thinking too monolithically. The draw device multiplexes itself so 
 it shouldn't take much coding for acme to provide draw in addition to the 
 other files it provides in /mnt/wsys.

 Mouse is just as important as draw and will need a little more code. Not only 
 would acme need to multiplex it but it would need to emulate rio's behaviour. 
 To quote Rio's man page: Opening it turns off scrolling, editing, and 
 rio-supplied menus in the associated window. That isn't 100% true, scrolling 
 isn't actually disabled but is not naturally accessible and looks very messy 
 when you force it. What is true is that rio ceases to interpret keys 
 specially other than backspace and return (curiously), and mouse events on 
 the window are blindly sent to the application.

 It still doesn't sound like a lot of code, but may take some careful thought. 
 Maybe that's a summary of Plan 9 methodology. :)

That's why Rio seems like a more apropos starting point to me. :) It
seems to me that the primary task of this hypothetical program would be
providing /dev/draw to the programs running under it. Changing Rio's
window layout code and adding a command protocol strikes me as less
monolithic than combining window system duties with everything Acme
already does.

 I also take issue with the statement Acme is a text editor, that never 
 sounds right, no more than describing Emacs as a text editor. It's natural to 
 use Acme as a text editor and it provides many more text-editing facilities 
 than Rio does, but it is also natural to use it as a file manager, shell 
 window provider, email client, etc, etc. It provides more than Rio and it 
 does it all with tiling windows and without menus, but that's just style. Rio 
 windows could seriously use a search function and one or two other 
 text-editor facilities wouldn't go amiss. It doesn't seem natural to me that 
 Acme does not allow graphical programs in it's windows.

Fair enough. I just meant to say that Acme has a fairly focused design,
which is oriented around the notion of windows containing text. If I
wanted windows to potentially contain something other that text I'd
reevaluate the design based on that criterion. And what I think I'd do
would be as I described above, with the addition of a program that
behaved like a single Acme window. FWIW, I don't think Emacs's design is
perfect for a general application host either, although it's certainly a
great program despite that.

It's not like I'm some master software architect (and I see Rob Pike,
who certainly has a more informed perspective on this than me, was
thinking along the lines of Acme with graphics). I'm just saying my
instinct is to decompose further and take as much out of the
graphics/command host as possible. There are trade-offs either way, and
maybe it would be more productive after all to mod Acme.

Re: [9fans] Why does Acme only show text?

2009-07-15 Thread Paul Donnelly (Jason Catena) writes:

 I've been wondering for years now why Acme (and Wily, which I used
 first) only display text files.

 It seems to me that the content of an Acme window could be anything: a
 picture, a postscript or PDF file, a star chart, a web page.  Keeping
 with the spirit of small parts brought together, Acme could outsource
 the displaying of the content to another program, place its output in
 the Acme window, and operate on it by sending commands from the tag to
 the rendering program.

Hi, I don't know anything about anything, but it seems to me that it's
more productive to look at the question the other way around: why not
modify Rio to tile windows like Acme does? Acme is a text editor, so
it's no surprise that it handles text only. If you want tiled windows
you can display arbitrary graphics in... well, there's already an API
for graphics (and input).

If you wrote up a general API for sending commands to windows, then you
could write a window system that tiled windows and provided tags to
execute commands from. I think that would be a very good thing,
FWIW. Not that there aren't other issues to consider to make the system
as usable as Acme, for example how the “applets” in this system are
going to interoperate with each other.

Re: [9fans] plan 9 interface color ergonomy

2009-07-13 Thread Paul Donnelly (Ethan Grammatikidis) writes:

 The only pale colours on the South Downs are the haze-blued hills of
 the North Downs in the far distance, and the sky when it's
 overcast. The middle and foreground are occupied by very strong
 greens, except for some fields near harvest time which are likely to
 be other strong colours.

 Curiously I like looking at those green hills much better than
 anything green on my computer screen, even pictures of the same. I
 can't account for that.

Likely because your monitor can't produce the right shades of
green. There's the trick where you stare at a red spot on your monitor
for a while then look at a gray area, and you'll see an afterimage in a
shade of teal your monitor can't match. I suppose staring at a magenta
spot would do much the same thing for green.

Re: [9fans] Acme without Flamage

2008-08-22 Thread Paul Donnelly
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (sqweek) writes:

 On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 5:06 PM, Paul Donnelly
 The bear is indentation, since to make it work out it's
 necessary to use a fixed-width font (something I'd rather not do) and
 adjust it by hand, which needs to happen more often and by greater
 degrees than in a language like C. The chief issues being:

 (list (list 'a 'b 'c)
   (list 1 2 3))
 ; ^
 ; These need to line up.

 ; These need to line up.
 ; V
 (let ((a 3)
   (b 4))
   (+ a b))
 ; ^
 ; Should be two spaces or so.

  Huh. I always thought lisp had a couple of simple indentation rules,
 but after spending a little time on fmtsexp.c it has become apparent
 that the two spaces or so is a special case for let! Not sure I care
 to try and deal with such cases, but maybe it is still somewhat

A fairly complete description of the rules is that forms line up with
other forms at the same level of nesting (the binding forms in the LET
or the arguments to LIST), but anything using BODY FOO in its lambda
list (BODY collects trailing arguments into FOO) gets two-space
indentation for the body. Indeed, this is the reason BODY
exists. DEFMETHOD, though, needs to be specially recognized.  LOOP has
special needs. It's easier to indent with a program running in or
communing with your Lisp, since there's no other way to know, short of
reading every file in a project, whether a given macro uses BODY or