Re: [9fans] RUDP and/or others

2015-10-19 Thread Charles Forsyth
On 18 October 2015 at 23:43, Aleksandar Kuktin  wrote:

> BAM! I run straight into RUDP. "Designed at Bell Labs for the Plan 9
> operating system". I just skimmed through the (expired) IETF draft from
> 1999 and I honestly think the design might be too much. It looks like
> it's almost completely like TCP, but without segmenting and possibly

The Cisco RUDP defined in the IETF draft is not the rudp in the Plan 9 code.
Both use a UDP shell to carry their packets, but the two RUDP headers are
The protocols seem to be unrelated. The Cisco one is derived from an
earlier BBN one,
and all three had the tcp-like  SYN/ACK/RST flags. Plan 9's does not.

Re: [9fans] RUDP and/or others

2015-10-19 Thread hiro
Do I understand correctly, you just want to avoid having to implement
the complexities of TCP on an fpga? If there was a TCP IP core would
you buy it?
Why does VNC require an fpga, are you going to transfer enormous resolutions?
If yes then I personally would use UDP and a lossy and loss tolerant
If not I would use TCP and no FPGA.

Re: [9fans] RUDP and/or others

2015-10-19 Thread Aleksandar Kuktin
Hash: SHA1

>On Mon, 19 Oct 2015 10:14:46 +0100
>Charles Forsyth  wrote:
> On 18 October 2015 at 23:43, Aleksandar Kuktin 
> wrote:
> > BAM! I run straight into RUDP. "Designed at Bell Labs for the Plan 9
> > operating system". I just skimmed through the (expired) IETF draft
> > from 1999 and I honestly think the design might be too much. It
> > looks like it's almost completely like TCP, but without segmenting
> > and possibly
> >
> The Cisco RUDP defined in the IETF draft is not the rudp in the Plan
> 9 code. Both use a UDP shell to carry their packets, but the two RUDP
> headers are different.

There are two RUDPs?  O.o

> The protocols seem to be unrelated. The Cisco one is derived from an
> earlier BBN one,
> and all three had the tcp-like  SYN/ACK/RST flags. Plan 9's does not.

That's a good thing. The less flags and states, the better.

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[9fans] dp9ik draft

2015-10-19 Thread cinap_lenrek
requesting comments and questions.

later versions of this draft may be found under:


The goal of this crypto scheme is to replace DES in the Plan 9 authentication
and to augment the authentication server with an authenticated key exchange
to prevent offline dictionary attacks on the user's secret key. We propose a
new protocol named dp9ik (Diffie-Hellman Plan 9 Intermediate Key) as an
alternative to p9sk1 that uses the new authsrv capabilities and can be
negotiated in p9any.


The user's secret key is derived from a low entropy password that is prone
to dictionary attacks. With the old authserver protocol, it is easy for an
attacker to just try to decrypt tickets with a dictionary of DES keys.
The dictionary can be precomputed once and will then work forever for
all users as the key is only dependent on the password.
Tickets contain known plaintext that makes it easy to check if decryption
with a guessed key was successfull. Also due to the small 56-bit DES key size
it is possible to bruteforce the key with modest computing resources.

To address the small key size of DES, we replace the DES cipher with 128-bit 
introducing a bigger 128-bit key called the aeskey that is derived using an
expensive pbkdf2 key derivation function. Ticket encryption is changed to use
128-bit AES-CBC with hmac_sha2_256 for message authentication.

We add an authenticated elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange (AuthPAK)
at the beginning of a authsrv session to generate randomized intermediate
keys (pakkey) that are used to encrypt/decrypt the tickets instead of using
the user's secret keys directly. The public keys are derived in a way that
to complete the exchange requires the knowledge of the user's secret leaving
the attacker with only one password guess per ticket request making offline
bruteforce impossible.


The 128-bit aeskey is derived from the password using pbkdf2_hmac_sha1 
with the salt string "Plan 9 key derivation" (not including terminating null)
and iteration count 9001.

In addition to deriving the pakhash (see below), the aeskey is also used
for encrypting the keyfs user database on the authentication server, tho
details on this is beyond the scope of this document.

The aeskey is be stored along with the old DES key in nvram and keyfs.


The 256-bit pakhash is used as the basepoint G on curve25519 for the
elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman exchange. It is derived from the aeskey
and the user name (id) so that each user gets a unique pakhash
even when different users share the same password.

Curve25519 scalars and compressed curve points are represented as
32 byte arrays in little endian order.

info = "Plan 9 AuthPAK hash";
salt = sha2_256(user);
x = hkdf_hmac_sha2_256(salt, info, aeskey);
x[31] = 0x40 | (x[31] & 0x7f);  // set bits 254-255 to 01 to prevent timing 
pakhash = curve25519(x, 9);

This calculation only needs to be done once and is reused in all
authentication sessions of the same user. The pakhash can be stored instead
of the aeskey or precomputed by keyfs to avoid some computational costs on
the authentication server.


With the pakhash, two parties generate a new curve25519 Diffie Hellman
shared secret Z in the following way:

// generate 32 random bytes
x = random()

// curve25519 secret keys are defined as:
// n ∈ { 2²⁵⁴ + 8{0,1,2,3,...,2²⁵¹-1} }
// - Use a fixed position for the leading 1 in the secret key.
//   (timing attacks)
// - Multiply the secret key by a small power of 2 to account for
//   cofactors in the curve group and the twist group.
//   (small subgroup attacks)
x[0] &= ~7;
x[31] = 0x40 | (x[31] & 0x7f);

return x

G = pakhash (base point)
xa = mkkey()(secret key)
Ya = curve25519(xa, G)  (public key)

G = pakhash (base point)
xb = mkkey()(secret key)
Yb = curve25519(xb, G)  (public key)

Exchange the public keys Ya and Yb, then both sides calculate:

Z   (shared secret)
= curve25519(xb, Ya)
= curve25519(xa, Yb)
= curve25519(xb, curve25519(xa, G))
= curve25519(xa, curve25519(xb, G))

The shared secret Z is then hashed to get the final pakkey:

info = "Plan 9 AuthPAK key"
salt = sha2_256(Ya | Yb)
pakkey = hkdf_hmac_sha2_256(salt, info, Z)

Note that we use a hash of the concatenation of the public keys Ya|Yb
as the salt to the key derivation function so that any manipulation on
the public keys in the message exchange causes a pakkey mismatch.

Client and server both establish new pakkeys with the authentication
server before each ticket request.

Dp9ik and authsrv protocol:

Dp9ik is is mostly the same as p9sk1, but at the beginning there is
the new AuthPAK (type 19) message sent to the authentication server
to exchange c

Re: [9fans] RUDP and/or others

2015-10-19 Thread Aleksandar Kuktin
Hash: SHA1

>On Sun, 18 Oct 2015 16:15:13 -0700
>Skip Tavakkolian <> wrote:
> > Anyone know of a leaner reliable datagram protocol? I know I saw
> > one a year ago, but I just can't remember what it was!
> are you looking for Internet Link (IL)?

I seem to remember IL being more complex than just a UDP with counters
and ACK, which is what I'm - sort of - looking for.

But I'll look into it, it's worth it.

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Re: [9fans] RUDP and/or others

2015-10-19 Thread Aleksandar Kuktin
Hash: SHA1

>On Sun, 18 Oct 2015 16:59:44 -0700
>erik quanstrom  wrote:
> On Sun Oct 18 16:16:59 PDT 2015, wrote:
> > > Anyone know of a leaner reliable datagram protocol? I know I saw
> > > one a year ago, but I just can't remember what it was!
> > 
> > are you looking for Internet Link (IL)?
> there's also rudp, which if i have gotten my second-hand stories
> straight, was used on the pathstar backplane.
> - erik

You mean the telecom stuff? (no Google allowed)

I only read the abstract and found "pathstar" mentioned in references.
- From a Bell Labs Technical Journal, no less. :)

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Re: [9fans] dp9ik draft

2015-10-19 Thread cinap_lenrek
sorry, typoed the url:


Re: [9fans] RUDP and/or others

2015-10-19 Thread Aleksandar Kuktin
Hash: SHA1

>On Mon, 19 Oct 2015 11:28:13 +0200
>hiro <> wrote:
> Do I understand correctly, you just want to avoid having to implement
> the complexities of TCP on an fpga? If there was a TCP IP core would
> you buy it?
> Why does VNC require an fpga, are you going to transfer enormous
> resolutions? If yes then I personally would use UDP and a lossy and
> loss tolerant compression.
> If not I would use TCP and no FPGA.

The idea here is to implement a FOSH computer. Currently, I'm pilfering
a lot of technology from Milkymist but I already had to write my own
bits of hardware - so far only a memory controler. I wasn't happy with
what Milkymist was using so I wrote my own. By the time I finish, I'll
probably also implement the framebuffer with the video output. Gigabit
ethernet is also somewhere in the pipeline and will probably get
implemented, *if* I can get its analog bits to work properly. I already
have a working 10BASE-T implementation (and some other things) so I'm
not a newbie at this.

However, because of the severe speed limits imposed by the
implementation technology (FPGA), this computer will never be
particularly fast. If you want to play pretty video games and watch
pretty CGI videos, the obvious solution is to have a separate computer
serve as the CPU server and renderer with the bitty box being a

One option is to do the normal software based processing. But once you
do the math, you realize that either you won't be sending a lot of
data or your FPGA CPU won't be doing a lot of processing because of the
interaction between system components contending to access the main

The main memory is implemented as DDR1 SDRAM. DRAM *really* doesn't
like random memory accesses - the kind CPU will execute. You can
optimize the memory controller to serve the CPU well, but then you are
left in a bind when it comes time to implement the DMA because it
has the exact opposite memory access profile. Not having the DMA is
completely and absolutely out of the question, ofcourse.

You can use, perhaps, wide memory buses and well optimized cache line
sizes to perform DMA in short bursts, but each DMA-CPU switchover is
expensive because (unless you get really lucky) you need to open and
close memory pages. This sets an upper limit to the data transfer
before the human usability of the system tanks.

Streaming 1280x1024x24 video at 25 fps is, you guessed it, way beyond
that limit.

So the solution, I believe, is to perform DMA at the different point,
specifically, between the network interface and the framebuffer/video
card. This scheme completely bypasses the main memory, leaving the CPU
to run at full capacity but has the drawback that now the framebuffer
has to talk network. The obvious hack is to have the CPU initiate,
handshake and configure the connection and then hand it over to the
framebuffer for data transfer. The obvious problem is that the
framebuffer STILL needs to talk network, albeit not whole protocols but only 
the grindy parts, leaving the more intricate bits to the CPU.

Did I mention network analysis needs to be on-the-fly? Yeah, there
ain't enough memory on the chip to store the whole network packet, and
there aren't enough I/O pins on the device to store it off-device. So
you just have to handle the packet literally as it is zooming past you. Receive 
the headers, analyze if the packet is for us or the CPU (and
route it there if that's the case), read the application headers, set
up the datapath, ram data into the video DRAM and maybe
invalidate/rollback the whole operation if any of the myriad checksums
indicate a transmission error. Yes, we're checksumming. :)

I'm not saying it's possible, I'm only saying that I'll try and that I
need a simple transport protocol to help me do it. :)

I chose VNC because (a) it's actually a pretty neat protocol and (b)
it's all over the place. You could use it to interface to a whole host
of applications. VNC, on its side, requires a reliable transport. TCP
is way too complicated for a few thousand gates of digital logic (I
think) and UDP is not reliable enough. So, I went looking.

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Version: GnuPG v1.4.15 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [9fans] RUDP and/or others

2015-10-19 Thread Aleksandar Kuktin
Hash: SHA1

>On Mon, 19 Oct 2015 21:36:55 +0200
>Aleksandar Kuktin  wrote:

> (no Google allowed)
> I only read the abstract and found "pathstar" mentioned in references.
> - From a Bell Labs Technical Journal, no less. :)

No, it mentioned pathstarT, with a 't' at the end. Or is that a typo?

Apparently the same article is mentioned here: (okay, some Google allowed)

I can't read it because Google thinks I'm a robot and won't perform the
search for me.

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Version: GnuPG v1.4.15 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [9fans] RUDP and/or others

2015-10-19 Thread Aleksandar Kuktin
Hash: SHA1

>On Mon, 19 Oct 2015 21:31:43 +0200
>Aleksandar Kuktin  wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> >On Sun, 18 Oct 2015 16:15:13 -0700
> >Skip Tavakkolian <> wrote:
> >
> > > Anyone know of a leaner reliable datagram protocol? I know I saw
> > > one a year ago, but I just can't remember what it was!
> > 
> > are you looking for Internet Link (IL)?
> I seem to remember IL being more complex than just a UDP with counters
> and ACK, which is what I'm - sort of - looking for.
> But I'll look into it, it's worth it.


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Version: GnuPG v1.4.15 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [9fans] RUDP and/or others

2015-10-19 Thread Charles Forsyth
On 19 October 2015 at 20:31, Aleksandar Kuktin  wrote:

> I seem to remember IL being more complex than just a UDP with counters
> and ACK, which is what I'm - sort of - looking for.

I think you might find Plan 9's rudp is essentially that. Conversations are
determined by
a generation number; packets are labelled  (gen, seq) for seq within a
given generation gen;
and acks are piggybacked as (agen, aseq) in every packet. The header is just

uchar relseq[4]; /* id of this packet (or 0) */
uchar relsgen[4]; /* generation/time stamp */
uchar relack[4]; /* packet being acked (or 0) */
uchar relagen[4]; /* generation/time stamp */

I can't say much about how well it works, because it has been years since I
last poked at it,
and for my purposes I thought I needed something more elaborate (but I
might have been wrong about that).
In your case, allowing for implementation bugs, it sounds as though it
might work for you, or at least be easily adaptable.

Re: [9fans] dp9ik draft

2015-10-19 Thread cinap_lenrek
Robert Ransom pointed out offlist that the pak crypto is flawed in this
draft so its back to the drawing board. please consider this version
of the draft retracted :-)

> If an attacker can find scalars s1 and s2 such that s1*H(p1) =
> s2*H(p2), then he can send s1*H(p1) as his public key, receive the
> other party's public key P and a message encrypted using the resulting
> shared secret key, then compute both possible shared secrets s1*P and
> s2*P and try each of them to decrypt the message.
> If H(p) = p*G, then s1*H(p1) = s1*p1*G = s1*(p1/p2)*p2*G =
> s1*(p1/p2)*H(p2) (with the divisions and multiplications computed in
> the ring of scalars).
