Re: [agi] META: A possible re-focusing of this list

2008-10-15 Thread Joseph Henry
Peter, do you think they would be less overwhelmed if they were given the
option of looking at the same content through the use of a forum?

I think it would be far easier to wade through...

- Joseph

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Re: [agi] META: A possible re-focusing of this list

2008-10-15 Thread Joseph Henry
Derek, I am in FULL AGREEMENT. I by far prefer the forum.

Frankly I get tired of scrolling through tons and tons of layered quotes,
and poor formatting. (just a personal preference though). But if we did move
to the forum I would like to see some LaTeX support. I think that would be a

The forum provides a far superior form of organization I think. I don't like
having to constantly re-re-re-re-delete uninteresting threads that keep
popping up in my inbox.

I don't really understand why moving to the forum presents any sort of
technical or logistical issues... just personal ones from some of the
participants here.

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Re: [agi] META: A possible re-focusing of this list

2008-10-15 Thread Joseph Henry
I do a lot of lurking around here, I read about 60% of what is posted and I
would definitely love to see more engineering-specific content. I myself am
working on a pet theory and have a substantial amount of code written... so
to me, anything testable, downloadable, and provable hits a good chord with

I too quickly get bored with the "intellectual masturbation" as someone once
so eloquently put it. I don't like this hyper-abstract ping pong of
inapplicable ideas, but rather the stuff I can translate into real code and

Don't get me wrong however, there are still a lot of very useful discussions
that take place here... but I would like to see a bit of a refocus (that is
part of the reason why I lurk).

- Joseph

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Re: FORA versus EMAIL LISTS ... was [agi] META: do we need a stronger "politeness code" on this list?

2008-08-03 Thread Joseph Henry
I really like this idea. I am a much bigger fan of forums than mailing

How many of our list members are severely limited by bandwidth concerns?
(too much so to move to a forum platform?)

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Re: [agi] Any further comments from lurkers??? [WAS do we need a stronger "politeness code" on this list?]

2008-08-03 Thread Joseph Henry
Seems reasonable to me.

Honestly, it should be up to those proposing their theory to explain it in
full detail off-list and then link to it for discussion. But... it seems
things are re-explained time after time. If they were properly explained
somewhere appropriate I would think they would be more likely to be adopted
as something useful.

To me, the hostility isn't that big of a deal... I don't really care for it,
but I tend to ignore it anyway since those participating in it usually
aren't of much use anyway.

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Re: [agi] Any further comments from lurkers??? [WAS do we need a stronger "politeness code" on this list?]

2008-08-03 Thread Joseph Henry
"I have seen very good and productive threads on this list, but they tend to
be the exception. Hence I mostly just delete the items from the list, and
follow the occasional thread that looks interesting or involves people who
have posted more reasonable items in the past"

Yeah, that is typically what I do as well. Only a small number of threads
ever make it past the 2-3 day lifespan in my inbox.

I like the idea of the centralized FAQ (which I remember seeing the
beginning of a while back). Not because I would point people to it, but
rather I would find it useful to see others (or myself) pointed to it as I
am still playing a long game of catch up.

I think the FAQ should also include areas for people like Tintner to explain
their theories in FULL detail to prevent any more confusion, arguments, or
alienation. (Lets just put that to rest guys...)

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Re: [agi] Re: pattern definition

2008-05-13 Thread Joseph Henry
Mike, here's your bucket.


- Joe

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Re: [agi] Re: pattern definition

2008-05-13 Thread Joseph Henry
Well, I figured the point of the question would be pretty clear seeing as
you were claiming a logical/mathematical description of images would be
inadequate, but I don't think that could be further from the truth...

You could recreate a large amount of detail in an image using mathematics
and it would be a great deal more compact of a description than a bitmap
representation. AND, you could store the mathematical properties of the
image in a DB of some sort to find similar shapes within a large body of

When you remember scenes from years ago, it is unlikely that you remember
which way the grain of the wood was facing, or how many scratches were on
the left side of a corner table's handle... so why not represent them in a
similar manner as vector images?

Using a mathematical description would allow for a more compact, searchable,
and inference-available representation.

To me, keeping a little box of mathematical expressions to describe an image
is a far better choice of both memory and potential processing power than to
lug around a bitmap or any sort, unless you want to store the image in case
you find another way to interpret it.

Though humans don't remember everyday scenes through mathematical
description, we do prune out the irrelevant stuff by only remembering
general shapes, common textures, and orientations (unless we make it a
priority to remember specific features).

Mathematical equations and logical statements might not tell YOU a lot about
an image, but if someone were to sit down and carefully describe an image
using logical statements, equalities, and mathematical expressions, and if
someone were to sit down and carefully read these... with time the image
would emerge, though we humans aren't suited for this task, a machine will
be more than capable, and it would be a much wiser use of resources.

- Joe

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Re: [agi] Re: pattern definition

2008-05-09 Thread Joseph Henry
Mike, what is your stance on vector images?

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Re: [agi] Other AGI-like communities

2008-04-24 Thread Joseph Henry
> "You would require visual intelligence to build these nanobots."

Not necessarily visual, but spatial. They are not synonymous.

> "It is impossible to bootstrap perceptual grounding from a purely symbolic
AGI. It does not know how to build 3D robots."

Ah-ah-ah... be careful here, remember the big long discussion that
transpired a few months back? If you go down far enough, pretty much
anything can be represented with a symbol. The fact that the word is
relative is often neglected. My entire design rests on this principle. As
long as your symbolic ontology permits the representation of data that is
CONSISTANT with how spatial data should be treated, you're set... Since my
design hinges on this, I am obviously biased towards this line of thinking.
Though I can't necessarily prove it is possible so early in my research, you
surely can't prove it isn't.

The KR lingo I've been working on for the past couple years is based around
the ability to encapsulate spatial knowledge with everything else as a
side-dish... so I especially find that statement of yours unfounded. I have
yet to develop a working POC,  but this particular problem was what I spent
the majority of my high school days working on.

> "Purely symbolic ontologies can produce unsatisfying results."

Generalizations... yum. Remember, you can take symbols as far down the
rabbit hole as you fancy.

- Regards, Joe

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Re: [agi] SAFAIRE project

2008-04-11 Thread Joseph Henry
> []

> "This development environment goes by the name of SAFAIRE (which stands
for 'Safe and Friendly AI Research Environment', and is > pronounced *

Interesting... Sapphire is the name of my project.

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Re: [agi] (video)The Future of Cognitive Computing

2007-01-21 Thread Joseph Henry

Yeah, I think that it is unlikely that the software (primarily commercial)
sector will come up with a solution to the problem before dedicated projects
will, and I also think that when people say that brain emulation is a viable
option that they are ignoring the fact (after they have a way of reading the
state of every neuron in the brain) that it would take a pretty
sophisticated system to make sense of the raw data, and that at some point
they would have to disconnect the scanner from the computer and let it
simulate it's own interpretation of the data... so what I am getting at
is... you practically have to have an AGI to figure out how to get that
recorded data to "continue functioning" or else you have to record every
possible action/reaction couple that the brain could experience in the real
world which is pretty pathetic... I see brain simulation as the "cop-out" or
last resort for creating AI even though I have no doubt it would eventually

BTW: I'm a high school senior, I'm working on my own AGI design, and this
is my first post here on the list, I've been watching the list for about two
months and finally decided to contribute :) Nice to meet you all!

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