Re: [agi] Groundless (AND fuzzy) reasoning - in one

2008-08-09 Thread Harry Chesley

On 8/9/2008 12:43 AM, Brad Paulsen wrote:

 Mike Tintner wrote:
 That illusion is partly the price of using language, which
 fragments into pieces what is actually a continuous common sense,
 integrated response to the world.

 Excellent observation.  I've said it many times before: language is
 analog human experience digitized.  And every time I do, people look
 at me funny.

I dunno about that. When I walk into my dining room, I don't see a 
continuous experience, I see a table and chairs and plates, etc. I clump 
the world into objects that have discrete boundaries. Isn't that 
digitization in the sense you mean?

I think of language more as serializing something that's parallel 
internally, and saving communications bandwidth by supplying enough 
information to uniquely identify an already known concept rather than 
fully describing it -- part of which is the use of symbols.

As a side note: There's some evidence that dolphins communicate by 
making sounds that imitate what their sonar would return. It's somewhat 
equivalent to me being able to wave my hands and make an image appear in 
the air. Thus there's no need for symbols, because they can reproduce 
the sensory input of the original object. If it had been easier to do 
the same thing in our sensory environment (vision rather than sonar), we 
might never have evolved symbolic language and all that led to.

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Re: [agi] Groundless (AND fuzzy) reasoning - in one

2008-08-09 Thread Charles Hixson

Brad Paulsen wrote:

Mike Tintner wrote:
That illusion is partly the price of using language, which fragments 
into pieces what is actually a continuous common sense, integrated 
response to the world.


Excellent observation.  I've said it many times before: language is 
analog human experience digitized.  And every time I do, people look 
at me funny.

There is an analogy to musical synthesizers that may be instructive.  
Early synthesizers attempted to recreate analog instruments using 
mathematics.  The result sounded sort of like the real thing, but 
any human could tell it was a synthesized sound fairly easily.  Then, 
people started recording instruments and sampling their sounds 
digitally.  Bingo.  I've been a musician all my life, classically 
trained and am both a published songwriter and professional 
guitarist.  With the latest digital synthesizers I have in my nome 
studio, it's very difficult for me to answer the question, Is it real 
or is it digitized. Even plucked string instruments, like the guitar, 
really sound like the analog original using the newer synths.

Language is how we record analog human experience in digitized 
format.  We need to concentrate on discovering how that works so we 
can use it as input to produce intelligence that sounds just like 
the real thing on output.  I believe Matt Mahoney has been working 
on developing insights in this area with his work in information 
theory and compression.  Once we crack the code, we will be able to 
build symbolized AGIs that will, in many cases, exceed the 
capabilities of the original because the underlying representation 
will be so much easier to observe and manipulate.



However language is not standardized in the same manner that musical 
synthesizers are standardized.  So while what you are saying may well be 
true within any one mind, when these same thoughts are shared via 
language, the message immediately becomes much fuzzier (to be 
resharpened when received, but with slightly different centroids of 
meaning).  As a result of this being repeated multiple times language, 
though essentially digital, has much of the fuzziness of an analog 
signal.  Books and other mass media tend to diminish this effect, however.

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Re: [agi] Groundless (AND fuzzy) reasoning - in one

2008-08-08 Thread Valentina Poletti
That goes back to my previous point on the amount and type of information
our brain is able to extract from a visual input. It would be truly
difficult I say, even using advanced types of neural nets, to give a set of
examples of chairs, such as the ones Mike linked to, and let the machine
recognize any subsequent object as chiar, given *only* the visual stimuli.

That's why I think it's amazing what kind of info we extract from visual
input, in fact it is anything but visual. Suppose for example that you
wanted to take pictures of the concept 'force'. When we see a force we can
recognize one, and the concept 'force' is very clearly defined.. i.e.
something is either a force or is not, there is no fuzzyiness in the
concept. But teaching a machine to recognize it visually.. well that's a
different story.

A practical example: before I learned rock-climbing I saw not only rocks,
but the space around me in a different way. Now just by looking at a room or
space I see all sorts of hooks, places to hang on that I would never have
thought of before.. I learned to 'read' the image differently, that is, to
extract different types of information from before.

In the same manner, my mother who is a Sommelier, by smelling wine can
extract all sorts of information about its provenience, the way it was made,
the kind of ingredients, that I could never think of (thus now I am shifting
from visual input to odor input). To me it just smells like wine :)

My point is that our brain *combines* visual or other stimuli with a bank of
*non-*visual data in order to extract relevant information. That's why
talking about AGI from a purely visual perspective (or purely verbal) takes
it out of context from the way we experience the world.

But you could prove me wrong by building a machine that using *only* visual
input can recognize forces :)

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Re: [agi] Groundless (AND fuzzy) reasoning - in one

2008-08-08 Thread Mike Tintner
Valentina:My point is that our brain *combines* visual or other stimuli with a 
bank of *non-*visual data in order to extract relevant information. 

This is a v. important point. There is no such thing as *single sense 
cognition*.  Cognition is actually *common sense*/*multisensory*. Michael Tye 
is v. big on this. You cannot just look at/see something. You are 
simultaneously hearing/ smelling/ kinaesthetically aware of its distance from 
you and relation to you, etc.. You cannot separate one sense from the rest - 
even though, intellectually, we have the illusion that we can.

That illusion is partly the price of using language, which fragments into 
pieces what is actually a continuous common sense, integrated response to the 

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Re: [agi] Groundless (AND fuzzy) reasoning - in one

2008-08-07 Thread James Ratcliff
But all these concepts should have something in common with chairs, enough for 
us to determine its usage and function and be able to decide it *is* a chair.

Now if it was a all of a broken, toy, paper chair with  a spike in the middle 
it would be understandable if it was not recognizable as a chair.

In the image he provided, one of the chairs was a yellow soft thing that had 20 
or so arm things coming out of it I for one, would not have recognized that 
as a chair in a room unless I had seen someone use it.

The AGI should be able to model many chair as descriptions, and it should be 
able to know what a chairs usage is for,  given those bits, and interaction in 
a real environment, it could figure out what the odd looking thing in the 
corner is by watching others use it for example.


James Ratcliff -

Looking for something...

--- On Tue, 8/5/08, YKY (Yan King Yin) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: YKY (Yan King Yin) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [agi] Groundless (AND fuzzy) reasoning - in one
Date: Tuesday, August 5, 2008, 1:35 PM

On 8/6/08, Abram Demski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There is one common feature to all chairs: They are for the purpose of
 sitting on. I think it is important that this is *not* a visual

It is possible to recognize chairs that cannot be sat on -- for
example, a broken chair, a miniature chair, a toy chair, a paper
chair, a chair with a long sharp spike on the seat, etc. =)


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Re: [agi] Groundless (AND fuzzy) reasoning - in one

2008-08-05 Thread YKY (Yan King Yin)
On 8/6/08, Abram Demski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There is one common feature to all chairs: They are for the purpose of
 sitting on. I think it is important that this is *not* a visual

It is possible to recognize chairs that cannot be sat on -- for
example, a broken chair, a miniature chair, a toy chair, a paper
chair, a chair with a long sharp spike on the seat, etc. =)


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Re: [agi] Groundless (AND fuzzy) reasoning - in one

2008-08-05 Thread Mike Tintner

Abram:There is one common feature to all chairs: They are for the purpose of
sitting on. I think it is important that this is *not* a visual
characteristic. There are several objections that you could raise, but I 
think that

all of them will follow from the fuzziness of language, not the
fuzziness of the actual concepts.

Your bottom is for the purpose of sitting on. How will your set of verbal 
definitions be able to tell the difference between a bottom and a chair? 
How will it know that if Abram sits on a table, it isn't also a chair? 
(And how will it know that, actually, it *could* be a chair?)

And if John hit Jack with a chair ,  will your set of verbal definitions 
not exclude this as truthful, if it has nothing about a chair being for the 
purpose of hitting people?

Not only can a chair, like any other concept of an object , take an infinity 
of forms, but it can be used for an infinity of functions and purposes. 
Here's S. Kauffman on the purposes of screwdrivers [or chairs] -
Do we think we can prestate all possible tasks in all possible environments 
and problem situations such that we can construct a bounded frame for 
screwdrivers? Do we think we could write an algorithm, an effective 
procedure, to generate a possibly infinite list of all possible uses ... 
some of which do not yet exist? I don't think we could get started.

Out of interest, is there one single domain, one area however small and 
bounded, like, say, understanding sentences about boxes or geometrical 
objects, where ungrounded, purely symbolic reasoning has ever worked/ got 
started at general intelligence level - i.e. been able to understand all 
the permutations of  a limited set of words?  Just one. 

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Re: [agi] Groundless (AND fuzzy) reasoning - in one

2008-08-05 Thread Abram Demski

On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 3:16 PM, Mike Tintner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Abram:There is one common feature to all chairs: They are for the purpose of
 sitting on. I think it is important that this is *not* a visual
 characteristic. There are several objections that you could raise, but I
 think that
 all of them will follow from the fuzziness of language, not the
 fuzziness of the actual concepts.

 Your bottom is for the purpose of sitting on. How will your set of verbal
 definitions be able to tell the difference between a bottom and a chair?

I'm not arguing against grounded AI, just fuzzy concepts. So, I can
say that you are invoking a verbal ambiguity when you say sitting on
in the above sentence, not a conceptual one.

 How will it know that if Abram sits on a table, it isn't also a chair?
 (And how will it know that, actually, it *could* be a chair?)

I was very careful in my wording. I said they are for the purpose of
sitting on rather than they are sat on. Objects that get sat on are
not necessarily for that purpose, and objects that are made for the
purpose are not necessarily ever used.

 And if John hit Jack with a chair ,  will your set of verbal definitions
 not exclude this as truthful, if it has nothing about a chair being for the
 purpose of hitting people?

This causes no problem; a thing can have additional purposes and still
be a chair, and more relevantly, something can be used in a way that
does not match its purpose.

 Not only can a chair, like any other concept of an object , take an infinity
 of forms, but it can be used for an infinity of functions and purposes.
 Here's S. Kauffman on the purposes of screwdrivers [or chairs] -
 Do we think we can prestate all possible tasks in all possible environments
 and problem situations such that we can construct a bounded frame for
 screwdrivers? Do we think we could write an algorithm, an effective
 procedure, to generate a possibly infinite list of all possible uses ...
 some of which do not yet exist? I don't think we could get started.

 But the definition doesn't need to do this. It just needs to set up a
working criteria for something being a screwdriver. There is no need
to list all possible additional purposes a screwdriver could have.

 Out of interest, is there one single domain, one area however small and
 bounded, like, say, understanding sentences about boxes or geometrical
 objects, where ungrounded, purely symbolic reasoning has ever worked/ got
 started at general intelligence level - i.e. been able to understand all
 the permutations of  a limited set of words?  Just one.

Again, I am not arguing for ungrounded concepts, I'm jsut arguing
against fuzzy ones.


A broken chair is still for the *purpose* of sitting on, it just
doesn't work. (I was careful with my definition!) Miniature/toy/paper
chairs are not real chairs; you simply use the same word (because it
is a good way of getting the idea across, and besides, those things
are *supposed* to look like chairs). A chair with a spike in the seat
is just cruel. :)

OK, ok, so the spiked chair is actually a tough one... I could say
that the chair had a purpose until someone stuck the spike in it, but
you would say maybe it was constructed with the spike. I could then
claim that we are calling it a chair just because we're used to
calling such objects chairs, but that is a cop-out. I admit that I
actually think of it as a chair. Then again, I can think of a barrel
as a chair... so maybe it is better to call that one a potential
chair, like a barrel; we could use it if we could get the spike
out... But the fact that I am rambling on like this is totally
defeating my point :).

So, I concede the point, and propose the following solution:

What I am actually doing is pretending that there is a real, physical
property of chairness. When I say pretending, I mean that this
variable is actually a part of my probabilistic model of the world,
but if pressed I would admit that it didn't exist (but wouldn't
actually remove it from my model, even then).

Yet, I still want to hold on to the idea that chair can be factually
defined, too. I am convinced that the fuzziness idea (as it exists
in AI) is a result of the attempt to get simple representations of
complex things. The fact that the concept of chair is multifaceted and
takes a while to properly explain is not just a result of trying to
fit hard logic to a soft concept, it is the result of the actual
complexity of the concept!

Or, in cases such as chairness, simply applying fuzziness would
obscure details about the way the concept is ill-defined. A concept
could be fuzzy because it is physically probabilistic, or it could be
fuzzy because we are uncertain of its actual properties, or it could
be fuzzy because actual continuous variables are involved.


On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 2:35 PM, YKY (Yan King Yin)
 On 8/6/08, Abram Demski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There is one common feature to all