DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Expedition] Word Card fixes

2014-11-14 Thread Eritivus

  Distributed proposals have ID numbers, to be assigned by the

Was this not violated when omd distributed proposals without ID

Were the proposals distributed, given that they did not have ID

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Judgment of CFJ 3432

2014-11-12 Thread Eritivus
On Wed, 2014-11-12 at 14:43 +, Nicholas Evans wrote:
 I'm not sure the fact that the PoA is imaginary is all that relevant.
 If you add a rule to the PoA then the PoA can only specify imaginary
 events that occur regarding it, but it still clearly refers to the
 actual rule. The Dungeon Master is the one setting the property, and
 there is nothing that says the Dungeon Masters actions are imaginary
 or incapable of specifying aspects of outside entities.

I'm not sure either.

But it's imaginary _and self-contained_. I always wondered what
self-contained was supposed to mean here. New Oxford American says
complete, or having all that is needed, in itself. How should we
interpret self-contained in this context? What restriction, if any,
did it put on the DM's abilities? Does it simply mean that entities
not added to the PoA aren't in the PoA?

I guess the answer is not too important to me, since no attempted
scams involved adding entities to the PoA, and the questionable text
has been removed.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Judgment of CFJ 3432

2014-11-11 Thread Eritivus
In case it's been forgotten, here is a possibly relevant bit of
discussion from before adoption:

On Fri, 2014-09-12 at 18:57 +, Luis Ressel wrote:
 On Fri, 12 Sep 2014 10:51:54 -0400, Tanner Swett wrote:
  This looks dangerous. What if the Dungeon Master said the following:
  I cause the rule The Dungeon Master to add itself to the Province
  of Agora. I cause the rule The Dungeon Master to set its own text
  property to that property's current value, with the following
  paragraph appended: The Dungeon Master CAN by announcement cause
  this rule to effect any effect which it CAN effect. I cause the rule
  The Dungeon Master to deregister all players.
  Personally, I don't really see the benefit in adding the additional

 I don't think this could work. Rules are entities described by our
 ruleset, so, according to The Province of Agora (The PoA is imaginary
 and self-contained; it CANNOT specify aspects of outside entities.),
 the PoA can't describe them. It's arguable what exactly would happen,
 but IMO either adding the Dungeon Master rule to the PoA would fail or
 the rule would cease its existence as a formal rule entity the moment
 it is added to the PoA.

DIS: Re: OFF: [IADoP] Lame Duck Metareport

2014-11-10 Thread Eritivus
On Sun, 2014-11-09 at 23:53 +, omd wrote:
 Referee Eritivus^  4 Nov 14  30 Oct 14
 ^   Held iff any rule violation occurred between 3 Nov 00:00 and 4 Nov 00:01.
 Otherwise vacant.  One possible such violation is under CFJ.

On Tue, 2014-11-11 at 01:21 +, Eritivus wrote:
 The MfGNPE apologizes for having published inaccurate and misleading
 information in eir previous weekly report. The Ministry's historical
 records do not currently include messages sent only to the tue.nl
 forum, and the Minister deliberately failed to apply the required
 manual correction to Monthly GNP data, out of laziness. This report
 has corrected data for the months of May and June.

Note that, since this previous report was published on 3 Nov, a
violation of rule R2143 did in fact occur during that time.

DIS: Re: OFF: [IADoP] Lame Duck Metareport

2014-11-09 Thread Eritivus
On Sun, 2014-11-09 at 23:53 +, omd wrote:
 Referee Eritivus^  4 Nov 14  30 Oct 14
 ^   Held iff any rule violation occurred between 3 Nov 00:00 and 4 Nov 00:01.
 Otherwise vacant.  One possible such violation is under CFJ.

Huh. When I deputised, I intended the relevant period to be the week
of 27 Oct. My cited rule violation was that the Referee hadn't issued
any Cards that week, but I also know of at least one other violation
during that week.

I was relying on (what I believed to be) the fact that the obligation
to issue a Card during the week of 27 Oct (because violations occurred
during that week) converted into an open-ended obligation (CFJs
2120/2121) which could be deputised for after the end of that week.

Re: DIS: Re: OFF: [IADoP] Lame Duck Metareport

2014-11-09 Thread Eritivus
On Mon, 2014-11-10 at 00:44 +, omd wrote:
 You could have said so. :)  But I don't think that works, because
 there was no Referee to be obligated at the time; the deputisation
 rule talks about hypothetical obligations, but the office
 hypothetically being filled at the time of deputisation is unrelated
 to the state of affairs the previous week.

There is always the Referee (as an office), even when there is no
officeholder. I believe the (real, not hypothetical) obligation was
the office's, despite its vacancy. E.g. CFJ 2437?

My deputisation was supposed to:

  - be effective via the unfulfilled obligation (of the vacant
  - cite the rule violation thus commited by the office, but
  - issue a Card to the new officeholder.

DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: Rulekeepor's notes on Proposals 7698-7710

2014-11-04 Thread Eritivus
On Tue, 2014-11-04 at 03:16 +, Edward Murphy wrote:
 There is no obvious substantive difference in the overall effect on
 the gamestate from applying these rule changes in one order versus

Suppose we accept your arguments and let the changes take effect. A
while later, a proposal with the following text takes effect:

  If proposal 7701 amended rule 2424 before amending rule 2420,
  award Eritivus 1 point.

What happens, and why?

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [IADoP] Election Voting

2014-11-04 Thread Eritivus
On Tue, 2014-11-04 at 08:38 +, omd wrote:
 Is this supposed to Card the (nonexistent) previous Referee or
 yourself (successfully but incorrectly, since you didn't violate the
 rules last week due to not holding the office)?

Myself, clearly. If by incorrectly you just mean that the receiver
of the Card isn't the rule violator (the office), then I probably

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: Rulekeepor's notes on Proposals 7698-7710

2014-11-04 Thread Eritivus
On Tue, 2014-11-04 at 13:52 +, Kerim Aydin wrote:
 Pretty much the same thing that happens if a proposal took effect that
 says If the last digit of pi is 3, Eritivus gets one point.  This
 sort of thing has happened many, many times.

 In the current ruleset, your score would become Indeterminate.

But there is no rule that says pi has a last digit (and that would
be ineffective anyway). There _is_ a rule that says rule changes
always occur sequentially.

I had originally drafted an amendment to R105 which enforced that the
order be Indeterminate in cases where it doesn't (yet) matter to the
gamestate. Murphy's argument almost convinced me that this proposal
would be unnecessary.

Without such an amendment, though, can we really just agree to let the
order be Indeterminate because it doesn't seem to matter (yet)?

If so, what prevents us from doing so when the order does matter?

DIS: Re: OFF: Rulekeepor's notes on Proposals 7698-7710

2014-11-02 Thread Eritivus
On Mon, 2014-11-03 at 02:45 +, omd wrote:
  Proposal 7701 (AI=2) by Henri
   Replace every instance of the word points in the ruleset
   excluding the instances of the word points in Rule 1023 (Common
   Definitions) with credits.

 Fails due to lack of specified order.

I must not understand this comment. Surely the problem wasn't that
there was no specified order for the individual replacements? It
would seem very odd to require such an order.

DIS: Re: OFF: State of the Province of Agora

2014-11-01 Thread Eritivus
Sorry, what errors exactly?

My understanding would have been that, as DM, it would be legal for you to
ratify the Warrigal's hypothetical changes.

Apologies for the HTML, I hope a plaintext part comes through...

DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Deputy Promotor] Any proposals around?

2014-10-30 Thread Eritivus
On Thu, 2014-10-30 at 02:24 +, Eritivus wrote:
 The Promotor failed to publish all such information. In particular,
 e did not publish that Wordplay was in the Proposal Pool.


The information required is 'a list of all proposals in the Proposal
Pool, along with their text and attributes', not each individual
fact that list represents, such as 'that Wordplay was in the
Proposal Pool'.

The Promotor DID publish the list on time. The list was simply

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Deputy Promotor] Any proposals around?

2014-10-30 Thread Eritivus
On Thu, 2014-10-30 at 15:25 +, Sprocklem wrote:
 E did, however, fail to, as part of eir weekly duties, distribute all
 pending proposals, something that the rules say e SHALL do.

omd distributed the only pending proposal, Ribbons 2014. I don't
think this duty could enable deputisation again until Monday.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Deputy Promotor] Any proposals around?

2014-10-30 Thread Eritivus
On Fri, 2014-10-31 at 02:56 +, Kerim Aydin wrote:
 Once again, I vaguely remember a past CFJ that asked how much of
 a report could be missing and still be a considered a report (with 
 missing data) versus an entirely missing report.

The gist of my TRUE argument is that R2143 doesn't say that an
Officer's duty is to publish a report; it says that the duty is
publication of the information which is required to be in the
report. So it doesn't matter whether there was a report, if the
report was missing required information.

I think I can see an interpretation of all such information which
picks out a class of sets of data, not a particular set of data. In
this case the class of sets of data would contain both the data in
'the proposal pool is empty' and the data in 'Wordplay is in the
proposal pool' (along with proposal attributes, of course), even
though the latter was the true data.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proposal: restricted distribution

2014-10-28 Thread Eritivus
On Tue, 2014-10-28 at 19:49 +, omd wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 2:43 PM, Jonatan Kilhamn
  I had a vague memory of a rule which said that a CAN without mechanism
  was treated as CAN by announcement, but there is no such rule. Was
  there ever? Anyway, I will fix.

 IIRC there was a CFJ about this recently, but good form is to have 'by

For others following along at home, that's CFJ 3425, judged by G.:

On Thu, 2014-10-02 at 20:46 +, Kerim Aydin wrote:
 Note that this is not directly and officially by announcement
 exactly, as the last paragraph of R478 reserves that for cases
 where CAN by announcement is actually stated.  Instead, the
 attempt is performed by announcement, which then causes the
 action to succeed.  So, strictly and technically speaking, the
 attempt is by announcement, and the attempt causes the action to
 succeed, but that's not *quite* the same as the action being
 performed by announcement.

Re: DIS: Protos: bring back contracts!

2014-10-27 Thread Eritivus
Why were contracts repealed? So far all I've discovered is that the
repeal occurred during a lull in Feb 2010.

Contracts was the obvious answer to a question I had about an
idea, so I was pleasantly surprised to see your proposal.

I'm FOR unless I see good reasons not to bring this back.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Deputy Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 7698-7710

2014-10-26 Thread Eritivus
On Sun, 2014-10-26 at 19:15 +, Tanner Swett wrote:
 I was thinking that it may be useful to have a proposal say something
 like Enact a rule saying 'blah blah blah N blah', where N is the
 number of things that have happened in the past 14 days. I can't
 think of a good example, so on second thought, I retract this AGAINST
 vote and vote FOR instead.

I was also a bit confused by the meaning of full text of a rule

E.g. would Henri's Credits pass the test? The full text of the
proposal has been published. But A rule change is any effect... -- the
rule change is not the proposal, but the effect of the proposal through

So what is the full text of the rule change? I worried that it might be
the full diff of the rules the change would effect, which is not
directly included in Henri's proposal, and which seems too restrictive.

I'll be FOR if someone can convince me that publish the full text of a
rule change means something like publish text which unambiguously and
clearly specifies the full effect of a rule change on the rules.

DIS: yoyo?

2014-10-26 Thread Eritivus
Is yoyo still up? I note that the link in the Registrar's Census
(http://yoyo.its.monash.edu.au/mailman/listinfo/nomic) 404's. How do I

Even if it's no longer up, if anyone has an archive (preferably .mbox)
of all the yoyo messages, I'd appreciate a copy (or hints on how to
obtain one).

On Sun, 2014-10-26 at 19:38 +, Kerim Aydin wrote:
 For perspective, my personal favorite times in the game were mid-2001
 (tri-currency zombie auctions)and 2005 (Discordian Cards).

Wait, mid-2001? Where are these messages? I had assumed they were in
yoyo, but just discovered that the yoyo archives are available in html
(http://yoyo.its.monash.edu.au/pipermail/nomic/), and only go back to

DIS: Re: BUS: oyhh

2014-10-25 Thread Eritivus
I was confused by this when you mentioned it before: where do the rules
establish any kind of deadline at all?

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: oyhh

2014-10-25 Thread Eritivus
Ah, nevermind, found it.

DIS: Re: BUS: [Deputy Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 7698-7710

2014-10-25 Thread Eritivus
On Sun, 2014-10-26 at 02:48 +, omd wrote:
 Ah, I missed your resubmission.  I distribute 7701 again, same
 parameters, title, and text as before, but the corrected AI is indeed
 2.  I re-vote AGAINST.

Whoops, missed this. But didn't you resign?

Re: DIS: Two Days to Bet... place bets please!

2014-10-24 Thread Eritivus
On Fri, 2014-10-24 at 16:22 +, Benjamin Schultz wrote:
 I wager 10 Florins on 25-30, and another 10 on 0-24.

Note: unbet Florins are lost each week.

DIS: Re: BUS: Intent to Deputise for Promotor

2014-10-24 Thread Eritivus
I didn't think to actually echo your intent. However, I am ready to
distribute the proposals after ribbons; if you'd like me to do so,

DIS: Re: BUS: Brief for Moot on CFJ 3429

2014-10-23 Thread Eritivus
On Wed, 2014-10-22 at 21:41 +, omd wrote:
 Rules pertaining to sounds right to me, but people pertaining to
 sounds fundamentally wrong; this doesn’t change just because the rule
 talks vaguely about entities.

Yes, totally agree! While pretending pertaining to meant related to,
I completely failed to maintain its distinct connotation.

 E claims that “in order to play the game, players must be expected to
 understand[] messages at the time they are sent”, but certainly we
 want players to understand the rules at the time they play!

Yes, at the very least, this stuff should have been qualified better.

 If the rule were repealed before the judgement, intuitive sense says
 it shouldn’t change anything.

In the case that the rule is repealed, my recommendation is that judges
must still be permitted to use new information to interpret the repealed
text as it applied at the time of the action, and not be restricted to
information available only when the text was first proposed or enacted.

I generally agree with the criticism, though, even if I think that
particular thought experiment is irrelevant.

 However, I disagree that discussion *must not* establish custom
 “before the first judicial test of the meaning of the term”; if it had
 been six months instead of three weeks, I think discussion and general
 playing-in-accordance would have a quite strong likelihood to
 establish custom, precisely *because* it did not “explicitly address[]
 the meaning of the term” (because the meaning was considered

Again, totally agree. I had meant to add some qualifications (i.e. don't
give judges cart blanche to invalidate any established interpretation by
discovering a more reasonable interpretation), but apparently forgot. As
I said in reply to ais523, this wording is just horrible. First
judicial test of the meaning is not really what I meant -- if the first
judicial test is months later, as you suggest, the fact that it is the
first test is not too relevant.

In this case, the current judicial process started almost immediately
after the question arose, so this was the first reasonable _opportunity_
for a judicial test of the meaning. I think that's closer to what I
meant to say. If players do not take advantage of this opportunity
within a reasonable time, then, yes, too late!

DIS: Re: BUS: Brief for Moot on CFJ 3429

2014-10-23 Thread Eritivus
So, several valid criticisms have been raised regarding my Brief.

I myself wasn't as happy with the end result as I'd hoped to be. I
submitted it anyway, because it was late (with regard to both deadlines
and clocks), because I expected that any potential harm was revertible,
and probably due to the sunk cost.

I want to note, though, that the sunk cost would not cause me much
bother in the case that I were to, say, retract the Brief and join the
revolutionaries. So, if it would be better not to pollute the fine
judicial records of Agora with a bad opinion, I'd be happy to do that. I
don't think I properly understand the big picture yet, though, so please
advise if you care one way or the other.

DIS: Re: BUS: A little briefer than hoped

2014-10-23 Thread Eritivus
On Mon, 2014-10-20 at 06:31 +, Alex Smith wrote:
 You know what? I'm actually really concerned with the current Moot
 process. By making things into a vote, not a discussion, it's pretty bad
 at actually finding the truth. And at this point, I'm not really
 sure /what/ to think about this case. There are a lot of viewpoints and
 potential issues to consider, and we're not going to get a single
 judgement that considers them all. The final judgement is thus a word,
 and not something that should guide play (nor does it have any influence
 beyond R217).


 I've never intentionally sabotaged a CFJ about a real issue before (I've
 done a bunch of screwing with CFJs, but nearly always on ones with
 trivial statements like This is a CFJ). However, as someone who
 believes in a platonic gamestate, CFJs coming to the wrong result is
 really bad for the game unless they're enforced by ratification or
 proposal. I don't know what the correct result is here, and this Moot
 process doesn't do much to reassure me that it'll be reached; I'd much
 rather sabotage the CFJ than the actual facts about the gamestate,
 especially as CFJs are currently expected to be biased and thus not a
 good judge of truth.

I'm not sure I understand your concerns.

When you say nor does it have any influence beyond R217, do you
specifically mean that only these suspect judgements have no influence
beyond R217, or do they have no influence beyond R217 simply because
they are judgements?

I recently was somewhat surprised to find that the current CFJ rules are
completely silent on the effects of CFJ resolution. In hindsight, it
seems like that might be obviously the right thing.

As far as I can tell, though, R217 is the only rule-defined influence,
for any judgement?

So, then, what do you mean when you say sabotage [...] the actual facts
about the gamestate?

Maybe, sabotage the gamestate facts by causing players, through a
non-rules-defined convention, to continue play with an incorrect view of
the gamestate?

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proposal: Fast Track

2014-10-23 Thread Eritivus
Suppose I send the following message, having sent no previous relevant
messages (i.e. no previously published intent).

I hereby fast track the following proposal:

Proposal: Eritivus Regnat
AI: 4

Create a new Power-4 Rule titled Eritivus Regnat:

Eritivus CAN cause this rule to amend itself by
announcement. Rule changes by this method need not be subject to
any review whatsoever, rules to the contrary notwithstanding.

The self-ratifying clause seems worrisome, because it is not obvious
to me that it requires the conditions in the first paragraph (AI=1, 7
days notice, etc) to be satisfied. If it were

 A message purporting to fast track a proposal constitutes
 self-ratifying claims that such a proposal existed and was fast

then I'd think it clear that such a message can't skip the requirements
(because the ratified fact is that a proposal was fast tracked, and I
think ratification would fail).

But the current

 A message purporting to fast track a proposal constitutes
 self-ratifying claims that such a proposal existed, was adopted,
 and took effect.

seems to declare that the ratified fact is not that a proposal was fast
tracked (regardless of what the message says), but that it was
adopted. Ratification of this fact seems more likely to succeed.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proposal: Fast Track

2014-10-23 Thread Eritivus
On Thu, 2014-10-23 at 18:33 +, omd wrote:
 That it ignores the AI=1 requirement is accidental, but probably not
 important.  If someone makes an obviously deficient fast track
 attempt, that's what a Claim of Error is for.

Sure, I just don't have a feel for how likely it is that skilled
Ridering or inattentiveness might allow a high-powered rule to get
through, hence worrisome.

You think it's very unlikely, I take it?

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proposal: Fast Track

2014-10-23 Thread Eritivus
I guess the power of rules enacted by illicit fast track ratification
actually can't be more than 3, since the fast track rule has power 3?

So not as worrisome as I thought.

DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Minister for GNP Evaluation] Weekly GNP Analysis Report

2014-10-23 Thread Eritivus
On Thu, 2014-10-23 at 19:47 +, Kerim Aydin wrote:
 CoE:  I came up with 37, not 36.  Here are the date strings (dunno if
 it's helpful).  The x means I eyeballed it in the archive text file.

Thanks for checking my work!

 Sun, 19 Oct 2014 15:02:17 -0700 = 2014-10-13 x

I don't have this one. I think you're counting the dice server's copy of
your message to it, in the body of its message?

I guess it might be arguable whether such an embedded message counts for
GNP. The MfGNPE's position is that it does not count, since this makes
eir job easier.

The MfGNPE will make no official comment at this time, but unofficially
can confirm that e has, in the past, used GNP measurement devices
susceptible to similar errors, and thus that eir previous reports may
contain small errors.

The MfGNPE's current methods are not susceptible to this sort of error,
but may still suffer from other sorts of error. As always, e continues
to work to improve the accuracy of eir reports.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Brief for Moot on CFJ 3429

2014-10-22 Thread Eritivus
On Thu, 2014-10-23 at 01:27 +, Nich Del Evans wrote:
 1) No one mentioned that interpretation until you did, so this leads
 me to believe that interpretation is not the most natural one, and
 makes me think most people weren't aware of it (I certainly wasn't).

I argued in the Brief that, except for omd, players reading the text
before the scam implicitly had this interpretation in mind. I find the
interpretation natural for the same reasons we had that interpretation
in the first place. Discovering the belonging to sense only made the
original interpretation seem permissible given the text (where omd's
scam had made it seem impermissible).

 Let's say an imaginary rule states All players must publish one
 spritual document. A player publishes a document about eir beliefs,
 but its validity is contested for some reason X. We discuss this for a
 week. Suddenly a player notes that it never was valid, because writing
 their document was not directly influenced by the Holy Spirit. This
 has nothing at all to do with X. It seems clear to me that this
 interpretation, which is valid modern-day Christian jargon, is not a
 reasonable one.

Agreed. In your thought experiment as described, though, the influenced
by the Holy Spirit reading does not 'lower the energy' of the text at
all. The spiritual does not make any more sense in the context of the
rule under that reading (actually, much less sense, I think).

 3) If there is any preference in the current rules for either
 legalistic or ordinary-language meanings, it's for ordinary-language
 meanings because Mother, May I? (Rule 2152) seeks to provide
 guidance in determining the ordinary-language meaning of a term when a
 rule includes a term otherwise.

We need no guidance for determining the ordinary-language meaning --
it's related to. I don't see how this text could be construed to give
preference to the ordinary-language meaning. I note that this text was
introduced into R2152 during the time that R754 still gave preference to
legal meanings (not to imply that this is a good argument that it
doesn't now give any preference).

DIS: Re: BUS: Intent to Deputise for Promotor

2014-10-22 Thread Eritivus
I had been planning to send a similar message. Happy to give the office
a shot if neither you nor aranea want it.

DIS: Re: BUS: Brief for Moot on CFJ 3429

2014-10-22 Thread Eritivus
On Wed, 2014-10-22 at 21:59 +, Alex Smith wrote:
 This is something of a problem. If the rule had used a word with a
 meaning in English, and another meaning in a language that most players
 didn't know, then it'd probably be the English meaning that took
 precedence. In this case, we have a word with a familiar English
 meaning, and also a meaning that I was previously unaware of (and I
 expect many other players were too). At what point does a word become
 obscure enough to lose its ability to have meaning within the rules?

Agreed that this is a problem. I think I probably didn't adequately
address the failure to communicate concern in the Brief. At the very
least some qualifications are needed.

 The intent of a rule, or how it obviously works, is thus rather
 dubious as a tool to judge a rule's meaning; it would be highly against
 the interests of the game for the meaning of a rule to depend on whether
 the person who submitted it introduced a bug intentionally. Imagine if
 omd had been the submitter of the proposal, and e'd placed the
 pertaining in there in the hope that nobody would notice.

I agree that what aranea intended to say is mostly irrelevant. Actually,
I was quite surprised to find eir message suggesting adding
exclusively, because it seems to suggest that e didn't know explicitly
about the belonging to sense -- otherwise, why wouldn't e have pointed
it out? Still, that action also suggested to me that e did originally
intend them as synonyms.

Of course, that's mostly irrelevant. When I say that pertaining to is
obviously being used as a synonym for belonging to, I don't mean that
aranea obviously intended it as a synonym, I mean that when looking at
just the text itself, this interpretation makes much more sense,
regardless of whatever the author thought or didn't think.

 Would it influence your opinion to know that I was /totally/ planning to
 exploit this if G.'s process argument was upheld (most likely to set
 my own Power to 1)? I don't consider this situation as all that
 nonsensical; broader dictatorship rules have existed in the past.

I don't think so. That you were going to try to use it doesn't make it
seem any less absurd to me. If a rule directly said Eritivus CAN cause
this rule to set properties of ais523 by announcement, I would consider
that absurd: I cause R to set ais523's net worth to 1 billion
USD. Again, the physical impossibility of some uses would not
necessarily rule out other uses. If that were actually directly in a
rule, I think it could work for e.g. setting power. But that text
doesn't have a less absurd interpretation available.

omd's points about this seem pretty convincing to me so far, though.

 I don't believe the meaning of the rule depends on our knowledge about
 potential meanings it could have, except inasmuch as it affects the R217
 game custom clause (just as the meaning of a rule does not depend on its
 potential implications, except inasmuch as it affects the the best
 meaning of the game clause).

I'm not sure I understand this point -- are you also a believer in
Platonic rule meanings? I originally had (our interpretation of) the
text, but dropped it. Would that have helped?

  4) The only official actions and gamestate changes with direct bearing
 on this case was the judicial process up to this point (G.'s two
 judgements and this Moot). No large backlog of gamestate changes
 has accrued which would have to be retroactively fixed due to
 discovering the misinterpretation.
 This is, of course, not a reason to affect the interpretation of a rule,
 other than arguably the best interests of the game clause in R217.
 It's also worth mentioning here that Agorans have quite a bit of
 experience at this sort of reconstruction (partly in Agora, but mostly
 in B Nomic, where many Agorans also played).

Agreed. I didn't tie those comments into the rest of the Brief very
well. I think I only had a vague impression that large revisions of
history were unacceptable, but no solid reason why.

  At the very least, such discussion must not establish custom before
  the first judicial test of the meaning of the term!
 This would seem to be at odds with practice. Often something only
 becomes controversial much later than it's been established (such as,
 for instance, the four-day waiting period on rules changes by fiat).

Totally agreed! That wording was just horrible. omd also made this
point, I think, so I will respond to this point when I respond to em.

DIS: Re: BUS: A little briefer than hoped

2014-10-20 Thread Eritivus
On Mon, 2014-10-20 at 06:13 +, omd wrote:
 The second is a little more concerning.  The judgement of FALSE will,
 as things currently stand, be a composite of the following two

 - (G.) The prescribed method of by announcement does not include a
 review period and is thus inherently incapable of satisfying Rule 105.
 - (Eritivus) The rule has no bug because it is using a secondary
 definition of pertaining.

Note: I have not submitted a Brief yet, because I was deregistered when
I attempted to do so.

I'm pondering whether to resubmit as is, expand, or abandon.

Re: DIS: Brief count

2014-10-20 Thread Eritivus
Note: I do intend to submit a(n expanded) Brief, by 07:00 UTC Tuesday
(midnight tonight PDT), perhaps earlier. I did some related grunt work
last night (collecting and reviewing all relevant contemporary messages,
and more mostly -- but not totally -- fruitless CFJ searching). I 'just'
need to polish the structure and then write it out.

Generally, I want to address the prima facie unclarity of pertain, and
the question of it being defined by game custom in the discussion
preceding the Moot.

However, I would be perfectly happy to leave that for a future CFJ, if
players would rather end the Moot sooner than later.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Registrar] Census

2014-10-19 Thread Eritivus
On Sun, 2014-10-19 at 16:45 +, woggle wrote:
 This information is not self-ratifying. The list of players registered is as a
 result of R2162(c).

Ah, I see. I mistakenly thought that all information required to be in
reports is self-ratifying.

Oh well, see you next month :).

Re: DIS: Re: OFF: [Minister for GNP Evaluation] Weekly GNP Analysis Report

2014-10-18 Thread Eritivus
On Tue, 2014-10-14 at 19:24 +, Kerim Aydin wrote:
 NOW TAKING BETS for GNP for the Week of 2014-10-13!

I see no reason not to bet at 23:59... except that that would be no fun.

So I bet 90 Florins on 27-36, 10 on 37+.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Brief for Moot on CFJ 3429

2014-10-17 Thread Eritivus
On Tue, 2014-10-14 at 18:58 +, Alex Smith wrote:
 In my case, I simply didn't know that pertain had two meanings; the
 only meaning I'd come across was relevant to. (I just looked it up;
 belonging to is indeed another possible meaning.)

 I'm not quite sure what effect this has on the case. It may be that game
 custom established the meaning of the ambiguous pertain, due to R217,
 before it was noticed it was ambiguous.

I didn't know of the second sense either. I guess that no one active

Is the pertain ambiguous, though? Given knowledge of the second sense,
I think it is quite unambiguous. I've been working on expanding my Brief
to argue that, when evaluating whether rule text is unclear, a judge
should consider common knowledge at the time of the judgement, which now
includes the second sense (since I pointed it out in a public message).

That is, I think the fact that two meanings have been reasonably
understood by players does not make the text ambiguous. It would only be
ambiguous if two meanings could _now_ be reasonably understood.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Brief for Moot on CFJ 3429

2014-10-17 Thread Eritivus
On Fri, 2014-10-17 at 21:52 +, omd wrote:
 Well, to the extent that language is communication, I think the
 failure of the term to communicate the seemingly intended meaning to,
 apparently, anyone in the audience is prima facie evidence for its

On the other hand, I think everyone voting on the proposal (except maybe
you, if you had already spotted the scam?) implicitly understood the
intended meaning. Perhaps only because they didn't look too closely, of

DIS: Re: BUS: Brief for Moot on CFJ 3429

2014-10-14 Thread Eritivus
I could probably be easily convinced to retract this Brief.

I think that the fact that (this part of) omd's scam became generally
accepted can be explained by the fact that equivocation can be difficult
to detect, especially if one sense is generally more common and overlaps
with the other, and especially if one is distracted by other issues
(e.g. R105).

However, this hypothesis requires my assuming that players have erred in
their acceptance of the scam. While I did detect in myself a failure to
detect the equivocation, I consider it somewhat likely that the error is
instead in my Brief.

Re: DIS: No more Rights means no informal process?

2014-10-12 Thread Eritivus
On 2014-10-09 21:34 UTC, Alex wrote:
 One argument the other way that may be worth considering is that just
 because omd's message gave Agorans an opportunity to review the rules
 change, it didn't give any opportunity for that review to have any
 effect. Depending on your interpretation of the rules, this might or
 might not matter.

I was drafting a Brief (which, for now at least, I do not intend to
submit, since I do not feel qualified) which attempts this argument.

I think the questions about the length of time required for review and
the legality of informal processes are relevant to the question of
whether omd's rule change was subjected to review through a public
process. However, even if I agree that they were _subjected_ to such
review (and I think I do), I don't agree that they were _subject_ to

I submit two definitions of subject, obtained from
www.merriam-webster.com, for consideration:

  subject (adjective):
contingent on or under the influence of some later action the plan
is subject to discussion

  subject (transitive verb):
to cause or force to undergo or endure (something unpleasant,
inconvenient, or trying) was subjected to constant verbal abuse

Is there precedent for interpreting subject in R105 not as subject,
but subjected, under these definitions? I take it that there may be at
least a custom of 'standard dictatorship processes' which seem to rely
on the latter interpretation?

Re: DIS: No more Rights means no informal process?

2014-10-07 Thread Eritivus
What is the flaw in this alternative argument?

The Low-Powered Rule sets up a Rules Change mechanism of By
Announcement. This is a different mechanism than the mechanism which
is, according to R105, the only mechanism. This mechanism is therefore
overruled by a higher-powered rule, and just plain old doesn't work.