DIS: Re: BUS: Re: [Emergency] [Proposal Distribution] Dictator Dethronement

2021-02-10 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion

On 2/7/2021 7:23 AM, ATMunn via agora-business wrote:
> On 2/3/2021 10:16 AM, ATMunn wrote:
>> I intend, with 3 Agoran Consent, to repeal all existing Emergency
>> Regulations.
> Having received support from Jason and no objections, I do so.

Simple and straightforward.

My plan had been to uncertainty-entangle aspects of the gamestate that
were not protected from indeterminacy (in particular, entangle deadline
extensions and a championship win for a paradoxically-existing win and a
meta-win on the paradox), using essentially-similar arguments to Gaelan's

So hard for me to claim eir arguments are wrong... :)


DIS: Re: BUS: Re: [Emergency] [Proposal Distribution] Dictator Dethronement

2021-02-07 Thread Gaelan Steele via agora-discussion

> On Feb 7, 2021, at 7:23 AM, ATMunn via agora-business 
>  wrote:
> On 2/3/2021 10:16 AM, ATMunn wrote:
>> I intend, with 3 Agoran Consent, to repeal all existing Emergency
>> Regulations.
> Having received support from Jason and no objections, I do so.
> -- 
> ATMunn
> friendly neighborhood notary and Prime Minister in exile :(

I CFJ, barring G.: { No emergency regulations are in place. }

I submit this CFJ to the referee.

TL;DR The LAWS of G.RAVITY aren't "reasonably available information",
so the value of the PM Officeholder switch isn't determinate, so it reverts
to ATMunn


Rule 2614/6 (Power=3.1)
Eclipse Light

  The Prime Minister CAN, in an emergency message and with 3 Agoran
  consent, enact, amend, or repeal Emergency Regulations, provided
  that the intent to do so was also contained in an emergency
  message. [...]

Rule 1006/44 (Power=2)

  An Office is a position described as an Office by the Rules.
  Officeholder is an office switch tracked by the ADoP, with
  possible values of any person or "vacant" (default). [...]

Rule 2518/0 (Power=3)

  If a value CANNOT be reasonably determined (without circularity or
  paradox) from information reasonably available, or if it
  alternates indefinitely between values, then the value is
  considered to be indeterminate, otherwise it is determinate.

Rule 2162/13 (Power=3)
  [...] If a type of switch is not explicitly designated as
  possibly-indeterminate by the rule that defines it, and if an
  action or set of actions would cause the value of an instance of
  that type of switch to become indeterminate, that instance instead
  takes on its last determinate and possible value, if any,
  otherwise it takes on its default value. [...]

Regulation ER4/0
The Second Regulation of G.ravity

 The LAWS OF G.RAVITY is a document that:
 1. is labelled LAWS OF G.RAVITY;
 2. has the following SHA-256 hash:
 and 3. has had its SHA-256 hash calculated by G. on or before

 G. CAN, by announcement, cause this regulation to perform any
 action that emergency regulations CAN perform as per Rule 2614,
 except for any action explicitly described as IMPOSSIBLE by the

Caller's arguments:

Rule 2614/5 allows the Prime Minster to repeal emergency regulations with
3 Agoran Consent, provided that both the intent and the final action were
sent in an emergency message. ATMunn declared the intent to repeal G's
regulations four days ago in an emergency message. Jason supported, and
nobody objected. Today, in another emergency message, e did so. The only
question that remains is whether ATMunn was Prime Minister.

G. attempted to prevent this by using emergency regulation ER4 to remove
ATMunn from the office of Prime Minister. ER4 allows G. to cause the
regulation to perform any action it is permitted to preform, provided that
eir doing so is not prohibited by a document known as the LAWS of G.RAVITY.
This document has not been made public.

Officeholder is a switch, and therefore subject to Rule 2162's determinacy
protections. To determine the value of Officeholder after G's message
purporting to flip it with ER4, one would need to know whether it is
prohibited by the LAWS of G.RAVITY. Because that document is not public, the
value of this switch "CANNOT be reasonably determined... from information
reasonably available". Therefore, G.'s message would have caused
Officeholder to become indeterminate. 2162's protection kicks in, and 
the switch "takes on its last determinate and possible value", ATMunn.
Therefore, ATMunn is the Prime Minister, and the emergency regulations were
successfully repealed.