[alto] SIGCOMM'20 Network-Application Integration/CoDesign Workshop

2020-08-13 Thread Y. Richard Yang
Dear ALTOers,

Some of us at ALTO are co-organizing this workshop tomorrow (Friday, the
14th). Agenda please see below. Anyone from ALTO or related field is


SIGCOMM'20 Network-Application Integration/CoDesign (NAI) Workshop
August 14, 2020, US East Coast Time
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/96660434613
Passcode: 644241

10:00-10:10 Opening Remark, Co-chairs

10:10-10:40 Invited Talk: Domain Science Applications and the Role of
Networking, Deep Medhi (US NSF)

10:40-11:20 Invited Talk: No Queuing and "Reverse CDN" for NAI, Bruce
Maggs (Duke/Akamai)

11:20-12:30 Session I: NAI Frameworks

Toward Deep Network & Application Integration: Possibilities,
Challenges and Research Directions, by Danny Alex lachos Perez
(University of Campinas (UNICAMP)), Qiao Xiang (Yale
Christian Esteve Rothenberg (University of Campinas), Sabine
Randriamasy (Nokia Bell Labs), Luis Miguel Contreras Murillo
(Telefonica) and Börje Ohlman (Ericsson)

Dawn: Co-programming Distributed Applications with Network
Control, by
Shuhe Wang (Tsinghua University), Dong Guo (Tongji University),
Wei Jiang (Wuhan University), Haizhou Du (Tongji University) and
Mingwei Xu (Tsinghua University)

Semantically Aware, Mission-Oriented (SAMO) Networks – A
Framework for
Application/Network Integration, by Timothy J. Salo (University
of Minnesota) and Zhi-Li Zhang (University of Minnesota)

12:30-12:50 Break

12:50-13:30 Invited Talk: Edge and 5G for NAI, Albert Greenberg

13:30-15:00 Session II: Network to Application Exposure & Adaptive

MoWIE: Toward Systematic, Adaptive Network Information Exposure
as an
Enabling Technique for Cloud-Based Applications over 5G and
(Invited Paper), by Yunfei Zhang (Tencent),
Chunshan Xiong (Tencent), Yixue Lei (Tencent), Wei Huang
Yunbo Han (Tencent), Gang Li (China Mobile),
Anwar Walid (Nokia Bell Labs), Richard Yang (Yale University)
Zhi-li Zhang (University of Minnesota -- Twin Cities)

Federated Adaptive Bitrate Live Streaming over Locality
Playback Coalitions, by Abhijit Mondal (Indian Institute of
Technology, Kharagpur) and Sandip Chakraborty (Indian Institute
of Technology,

Trading Latency for Compute in the Network, by Pietro Bressana
   (Universitá della Svizzera italiana), Noa Zilberman (University
of Oxford),  Dejan Vucinic (Western Digital Research) and
Robert Soulé (Yale University)

Trading Cold Start in Serverless Computing with Container
Reusing, by Kun Suo (Kennesaw State University), Yong Shi
(Kennesaw State University), Xiaohua Xu (Kennesaw State
Dazhao Cheng (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)
and Wei Chen (Nvidia Corporation)

15:00-16:25 Session III: Application to Network Signaling

Bi-directional Network and Application Interaction: Application
Intents upon Abstracted Network Information (Invited Paper), by
Kai Gao (Sichuan University), Luis Miguel Contreras Murillo
(Telefonica), and Sabine Randriamasy (Nokia Bell Labs)

NetworkAPI: An In-band Signalling Application-aware Traffic
using SRv6 and IP anycast, by Takuya Miyasaka (KDDI Research,
Yuichiro Hei (KDDI Research, Inc.) and Takeshi Kitahara
(KDDI Research, Inc.)

Network Tokens (Invited Talk), by Yiannis Yiakoumis (Selfie

ETCNet: Encrypted Traffic Classification using Siamese
Networks, by Lu Xu (New York University), Daihui Dou
(New York University) and H. Jonathan Chao (New York University)

16:25-16:30 Closing Remark, Co-chairs
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[alto] ALTO Minutes from IETF-108

2020-08-13 Thread Jan Seedorf

Dear all,

please find below the minutes from the ALTO session at IETF-108 which I 
just uploaded to the datatracker. Please let us know any comments or 
corrections you might have.

A big thanks to Qiao and Sabine for taking the notes!

 - Jan & Vijay


IETF 108, Virtual Meeting
ALTO WG, Mon Jul 27, 2020 14:10 - 15:50

14:10 - 14:15   5"   Chair slides
14:16 - 14:26  10"   Unified Properties, Sabine Randriamasy [1]
14:27 - 14:35   8"   Performance metrics, Richard Yang [2]
14:36 - 14:41   5"   CDNI, Jensen Zhang [3]
14:42 - 14:52  10"   Path vector, Kai Gao [4]
14:53 - 15:50  57"   Recharter discussion

[1] https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-alto-unified-props-new-12
[2] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-alto-performance-metrics/
[3] https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-alto-cdni-request-routing-alto-12
[4] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-alto-path-vector/


- ATTENDANCE: 40-43 people ---

WG Chairs: Vijay Gurbani, Jan Seedorf
Area Director: Martin Duke

Minute takers: Sabine Randriamasy, Qiao Xiang


CX Chunshan Xiong
DL Danny Lachos
JS Jan Seedorf
JZ Jensen Zhang
KG Kai Gao
MD Martin Duke
RY Richard Yang
SR Sabine Randriamasy
VG Vijay Gurbani

APM     ALTO Performance Cost Metrics (WG draft)
CDNI    Content Delivery Network Interconnection (CDNI) Request Routing: 
 Footprint and Capabilities Advertisement using 
ALTO (WG draft)

PV     Path Vector (WG draft)
UP     Unified Properties for the ALTO protocol  (WG draft)
EG     e.g.


- 0. Chair slides

Overall document status: cost calendar and SSE are in RFC editor. CDNI 
has passed WGLC. Unified properties is in WGLC.

The focus of the WG is to finalize the charter items. Right now things 
are going well. unified properties is in WGLC, and the chairs things 
path vector and performance metrics are also ready for entering WGLC. 
However, due to their dependency on unified properties, the chairs and 
the AD decide to hold them from WGLC until unified properties passes WGLC.

In addition, this meeting will also discuss rechartering. The chairs are 
happy to see the discussion and energy on the mailing list for 
rechartering items.
VG on the ALTO rechartering disc kick-off. The goal is to get a sense, 
as meant in RFC2418, (see slide 7: does charter address relevant issues 
for the Internet community? Are goals specific and achievable (in 
reasonable time) ? Does the WG have the expertise ? ) Goal is not to 
take a re-charter decision during IETF 108 but open the discussion.  The 
proposed stuff should be achievable. So expertise and energy is needed in WG

- 1. Unified Properties:
Sabine introduces the key design update and text update in the draft. In 
particular, the definition of "defining information resource" is 
introduced. The draft is in WGLC until August 7.

Vijay: the draft is fairly mature.
Jan: people are encouraged to read the document and if there is any 
question, please send to auhors. SR adds 2 other drafts depend on UP so 
UP needs to be clear.

- 2. Performance Metrics:

Richard introduces the key design updates from v10 to v12 to address key 
comments from 107 meeting: (1) how to choose types of metrics => ALTO 
provides guidance, not measurement framework, and 4 types of guidance 
are chosen; (2) how to conform to rfc6390 => define metrics in the 
document by defining metric name, metric description, units of 
measurment and measurement points, and provide context information for 
coarse-grained information such as routing system information; (3) how 
to handle different statistics => provide complete statistic by adding 
stddev and stdvar and (4) how to convey freshness => use HTTP Last-Modified.

Vijay: after the minor edits suggested by the authors, this document is 
ready for WGLC after UP.

- 3. CDNI:

Jensen presents the key changes from v11 to v12: (1) generalize media 
types and attribute names to make FCI a special case, and (2) update 
sections related to unified properties, such as representing footprint 
objects as property map entities and representing CDNI capabilities as 
property map entity properties.

Vijay: this document also depends on unified properties.
No questions so this draft will move ahead.

- 4. Path vector:

Kai presents the updates and status of this draft. This draft is waiting 
to start WGLC, depending on unified properties. Key updates in v11 
includes text updates on the motivation example of flow scheduling, the 
discussion on ephemeral ANE and persistent ANE, and to be in sync with 
the unifie

[alto] IETF 108 meeting minutes (draft)

2020-08-13 Thread Vijay Gurbani
All: The meeting minutes are now available at

Please let Jan and me know if there are any changes to be made.

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