Re: General Question

2002-03-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>My AMANDA server is on a private network and the AMANDA clients are on a
>publicly accessible network.  The public servers cannot route to the
>private server because of the non-routable IP.  Would this prevent my
>backups from working?  ...

I'm not sure.  However, you might get a copy of the latest 2.4.3 beta
release from SourceForge and look at the docs/PORT.USAGE file.  There is
also a copy here if it's easier:

At one point I thought about this enough to write down some notes about
how Amanda uses UDP and TCP ports, and there is a section on firewalls
and such.

>Does the server pull the data off of the clients
>or do the clients push the data back to the server.

Yes :-).

The server sends a (UDP) packet to the client requesting a backup be done.
In the packet is a list of ports to connect to back on the server (who
is sitting there waiting on the client).  The client connects to those
ports and starts shoving data.

>PS.  Please don't flame me for asking.  

Not a chance!  :-)

This is a very friendly mailing list.  There is practically never
any heat.  Ask whatever you need to ask and we'll try to help you get
going with Amanda.

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Barcode reader

2002-03-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>... the labelfile for the configuration remains empty, even after running an
>"amtape Config show". Any ideas on how to close the final gap on getting
>the mapping to work?  ...

I **think** (but I'm real fuzzy on the barcode stuff because I don't
use it) that you need to run "amtape Config update" to create/update
the label database.


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ADIC / Dell Powervault 120T changer problems under Linux

2002-03-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>The problem is that I cannot get Amanda to play nice with the changer.  ...

Ah, yes.  Changer configuration.  A true art form :-).

>... and am using the 'chg-mtx' changer script.  ...

As I recall, that one is *only* for use with an old HP version of mtx.
If you're using any recent version of mtx, you should use chg-zd-mtx.

You might try this version of the changer:

Save your current and replace it with this one, then
rerun ./configure (or config.status) and re-install.  It's what will be
released with 2.4.3, but I'm pretty sure it works with older versions.

There is a lot of cleanup in the script, including a whole bunch of
comments at the front about how to set it up.  It also does a lot better
job of logging (to /tmp/amanda).


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: request timed out

2002-03-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>... On this server I've got large partition - aprox. 25Gb. I set 
>etimeout to 6000 and dtimeout to 18000 - I thought this should be 

Assuming the message you're getting is from planner ("Request to XXX
timed out"), only etimeout would have any effect.  Dtimeout is the "data
timeout" for when the dump is actually run.

>In log on client side (sendsize.debug) it is written as directory was
>finished, but in my amanda e-mail report I've got Request timed out 

Look at the first and last lines of that file.  How long did the
estimate take?

What version of GNU tar are you using ("gtar --version")?

>I think that this might be result of one of two problems:
>   - simply tar of directory was made, but couldn't be send to
> server in time. This could be solved with setting even 
> higher etimeout value


>   - problems are with holding disks ...

The holding disks don't have anything to do with the estimates.

> ... Does amanda know what holding disk to take, or 
> should I configure it manually.

It depends on what version of Amanda you're using.  If you set a chunksize
to break the images up into pieces in the holding disk and you are using
a new version of Amanda (e.g. 2.4.2p2), the chunks will be scattered
around all of your holding disks.  Older versions of Amanda would put
all the chunks (or the whole image) in whatever disk they started out in.

Note, however, that Amanda uses the estimated size to guess at which
disk has enough space (in older versions).

>Does Amanda have any limitations with etimeout, dtimeout, max. 
>directory sizes?

Amanda does not have limits on the timeouts.  As to the directory size,
that's not an Amanda problem, it's a GNU tar one.

>I read about manually backup partition for the first time, and then
>configure to only incremental backup it everytime - do you think
>this could be the solution?  ...

I'd keep trying to find out why tar is so slow.  You might have an old
version.  Or there could be some really deep directories (or bajillions
of files), etc.

Another possibility would be to back up the individual top level
directories of that big file system, if that's not too much hassle.
You'll be splitting up the load that way so each estimate (and backup)
will be a smaller chunk.

If you decide to upgrade to a new version of GNU tar, make sure you
get the latest from and make sure it is 1.13.19 or later.
Do **not**, under any circumstances, run anything older than that (e.g.
plain 1.13) -- there were lots of bugs in those.


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: amanda compile error

2002-03-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>amanda.h:1092: conflicting types for `strncasecmp'
>/usr/include/strings.h:32: previous declaration of `strncasecmp'

What is supposed to happen is ./configure should see that you already
have a declaration for strncasecmp and disable the Amanda version.
For instance, here's what is said on one of my machines:

  checking for strncasecmp... yes
  checking for strncasecmp... (cached) yes
  checking for strncasecmp declaration in string.h strings.h... yes

What did it do when you ran it?

If you look in config.log for "checking for strncasecmp", what's there?

>Brian Davidson

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: admanda problem

2002-03-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>1) i have both windows and os/2 clients down here.
>now with amanda installed on my linux box can i take
>back-up's of both those os's i.e os/2 and win.

You can certainly do the Windows boxes.  See docs/SAMBA that comes
with Amanda.

I don't know anything about OS/2.  In general, you either need quite
a bit of Unix-style support from a client OS, such as network sockets,
or you need something like Samba that runs on Unix but can see the disks
on the other OS.  Sounds like you should find an OS/2 mailing list to
ask some of these questions.

>3) what all should i include in my crontab file?

See docs/INSTALL.

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: format of exclude list

2002-03-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>Ok, say I want to back up some directories in /usr and I wanted to
>exclude the directories below.  Is the format that I used below
>appropriate to exclude the directories and their subdirectories below?

Not quite.  What you have will exclude the contents of the directories
but not the directory itself.  In other words, if you did a restore
you would get back the directories but they would be empty, which might
actually be what you want.

But if you want to the exclude the directory, too, you need to double
up each entry:


I can never figure this stuff out in my head, so use this test script:

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Planner FAIL to backup /

2002-03-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>FAIL planner /dev/sda2 0 [disk /dev/sda2
>offline on]

You should **always** run amcheck before running amandad, or whenver
you get errors like this.  It does a much better job of diagnosing what
is wrong.

The most likely culprit is a permissions problem on /dev/sda2.

If amcheck does not show anything, look at /tmp/amanda/sendsize*debug
on the client.  There is probably something in there.

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Backing up NFS mirrored filesystem

2002-03-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>... it would be nice is I could get Amanda to
>backup up which ever of the servers responded.
>Any ideas

Let's assume the two servers are named S1 and S2 and the disk is
named BIG.  Also assume they are currently using dumptype "redundant".

Write a wrapper script around amdump, such as what I use:

(this is a good idea in general, not just for your situation).

Add this line to your amanda.conf:

  includefile "redundant-servers"

Change disklist to put S1/BIG in dumptype S1-redundant and S2/BIG in
S2-redundant (do not put those dumptypes in amanda.conf -- that's next).

Change the wrapper (or, in my case, add a "pre.amdump" script) to ping
each server (or whatever) to decide which one is up, or pick one if
both are.  Write a new copy of "redundant-servers" like this (assuming
you decide to dump S1):

  define dumptype S1-redundant {
redundant # inherit the rest of the parameters

  define dumptype S2-redundant {
redundant # inherit the rest of the parameters
strategy skip # do not do this host/disk this time

If you decide to do S2/BIG, put the "strategy" line in that dumptype.

When Amanda runs, it will dump the one without the strategy line and do
the other.

Another way to do this would be to put both entries in a template disklist
file but commented out.  The wrapper script code would copy that file
to the real disklist, uncommenting the one that should be backed up.

There are a couple of problems with either of these.  One is that Amanda
will not be happy about backing up (e.g.) S2 once and then not getting
to do it again for months.  At some point it will start whining about
you overwriting the last good backup.

Using the disklist trick would help this, but when the primary system
is down and the secondary is picked, Amanda would probably decide it
had been forever since the last backup and schedule a full dump, which
may or may not be a problem.

There are probably some evil things you could do with symlinks in the
curinfo database area that would get around this, but I'd want to think
about it before diving in.

There will also be issues if things flip back and forth very often
because the backup program will not know about the incremental done on
the "other" system unless you do some magic merging on /etc/dumpdates
(or the GNU tar listed incremental files).

Don't know if any of this really helps, but maybe it will give you a
few ideas to point in a good direction.

>Anthony Worrall

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Found it!

2002-03-15 Thread Doug Silver

On Sat, 16 Mar 2002, Robert SHEN wrote:

> What should I do, if I want to reuse a Labelled tape in Amanda. What I 
> mean is  I have tested my first installation with some amlabelled tape 
> and now I want to put it in production and reuse the tape in other 
> configs. What steps shoudl I follow?

Go in your amanda configuration directory and edit the tapelist files --
or delete them altogether.  You also might need to relabel the tapes if
the string is different.

Doug Silver
Network Manager
Quantified Systems, Inc

Re: amrecover, cannot use "cd A windows dir with spaces"

2002-03-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>amrecover interface seems to be unable to cd to dirs with spaces in its
>names, I tried quotes, backslashes ... Any suggestion?

What kind of quotes?  I use double quotes all the time (miserable
PC's and Mac's :-):

AMRECOVER Version 2.4.2p2. Contacting server on ...
amrecover> cd xxx
amrecover> cd "Rescue squad"<<
/home/whatever/j/xxx/Rescue squad
amrecover> ls
2002-02-23 .
2002-02-23 Staff.doc

At 2.4.3 (now in beta test) you can use wildcards on "cd" like you can
with "add" which would also work to get around these problems.

>Other question, can I recover directly to clients (windows) ...

Yes.  Use "setmode smb".  The default is "setmode tar" which brings them
back to the Samba server via tar.

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Found it!

2002-03-15 Thread Robert SHEN

What should I do, if I want to reuse a Labelled tape in Amanda. What I 
mean is  I have tested my first installation with some amlabelled tape 
and now I want to put it in production and reuse the tape in other 
configs. What steps shoudl I follow?

Re: Amanda general question

2002-03-15 Thread Robert SHEN

Don Potter wrote:

> Also if you have duplicate configs make sure to set "record no" in the 
> global dumptype
> Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:
>> On Fri, 15 Mar 2002 at 1:35pm, Robert SHEN wrote
>>> 1) how amanda records how many runs performed in a dumpcycle? Let's 
>>> say if dumpcycle=7 and runspercycle = 5 and what happens if I 
>>> configure 6 cron jobs to run from monday to friday
>> Then you'll get extra backups -- I don't think it'll confuse amanda 
>> too much.  Note that dumpcycle has units -- I'm assuming you mean 7 
>> days.
>>> 2) what happens if runspercycle > dumpcycle?
>> Then you're telling amanda that you plan on running it more than once 
>> a day (again, assuming your units on dumpcycle is days), and you'd 
>> better do so or amanda will get very unhappy.
>>> 3) if I want to apply the following strategy, what config should I put?
>>> Monday full backup for a directory /home/public
>>> Tuesday->Friday incremental backup of /home/public
>> AGH!  :)  Why?  This has been discussed *many* times.  You *can* 
>> force amanda into your schedule.  But, unless you have a very good 
>> reason why, then it really is best to let amanda set the schedule.  
>> It does a very good job at it.
>> If you must do it, the canonical method is via two configs, one which 
>> does the full (via a dumpcycle=0 dumptype) and one which does only 
>> incrementals.
Sorry would you explain how amanda set the schedule.? would you post the 

>>> 4) What suggestion for disaster recovery?
>> A boot floppy/CD with, minimally, mt, dd, and tar/restore, and 
>> possibly with the amanda tools.

Re: Problems with very large dumps

2002-03-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>...  I have another DLT7000 tape drive
>that I can pull into the config but I'm not sure how amanda can handle this.
>Reading through the docs it seems you can use libraries but not really
>multiple standalone units.  ...

The chg-multi script will do this.  It simulates a changer by moving
between multiple drives.

>If that fails is it possible to still use ufsdump on the Solaris 8 client
>but split the partition by backing up parts instead of the full disk?

You can do this but amrecover has some trouble with it.  If /xxx is your
big file system and you back up subdirectory /xxx/yyy the index file
generated still refers to xxx, which confuses amrecover.  I haven't had
time to think about this more to see if can be dealt with.

>Either way the partitions will only grow further so I'm very open to any

Use smaller partitions.  The folks here used to grow home directory file
systems like crazy until they had to start doing the backups themselves
instead of letting me pick up the pieces every day.  Then there was
this mad scramble to get them all down below about 37 GBytes (DLT7000).
It was mildly amusing to watch :-).


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: amandad failure on Sun box

2002-03-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>Going thru the FAQ (which I did before I posted) ...

Bless you!!!  :-)

>#1. /var/adm/messages
>Mar 14 21:59:45 db-dev inetd[158]: [ID 858011 daemon.warning]
>/usr/local/libexec/amandad: Hangup   

Two things about this.  First (the good news), it probably means you
have all your service and inetd information set up right since inetd is
able to detect an incoming packet and try to start amanda.  Amandad is
dying **very** early if it's not even able to create its debug file.

Second, when inetd detects a mis-behaving service it "downs" it and will
not listen for any new packets for (as I recall) 10 minutes.  So after
each test you either need to send a HUP to inetd to get its attention
or wait a while.

>#3. /etc/inetd.conf
>amanda  dgram   udp waitamanda
>/usr/local/libexec/amandad  amandad

Your mail wrapped this line and I'm sure it doesn't really look like this.
Just make absolutely certain this is all on one line.  In particular,
if that trailing "amandad" is actually on the next line it will cause
the kind of trouble you're seeing.

If that's not it, here's the new two bigger hammers I pull out (from
comment lines in my inetd.conf:

# First debug trick -- create this shell script (chmod +x /tmp/amandad.test):
# #!/bin/ksh
# exec > /tmp/amandad.out.$$ 2>&1
# echo "$(/bin/date): starting amandad ($#): " "$@"
# /opt/amanda/libexec/amandad "$@"
# status=$?
# echo "$(/bin/date): amandad done: status is $status"
# exit $status
# amanda  dgram   udp waitbackup /tmp/amandad.test amandad
# Next debug trick -- run amandad under truss:
# amanda  dgram   udp waitbackup /bin/truss amandad -fo 
/tmp/amandad.truss /opt/amanda/libexec/amandad

Make sure you adjust the paths as needed for your system.

The idea of the first test is that inetd should not have a problem
running this and it will redirect stdout and stderr from the "real"
amandad to a temp file for examination.

The second trick will log all the system calls involved in getting
amandad started and hopefully something will show up there.

>Also on my MP-RAS box I'm getting this error running selfcheck:
>ERROR: edaf6.irs.sat NAK: amandad busy 
>amandad: received dup P_REQ packet, ACKing it
>sending ack:

This debug file does not match the "amanda busy" message.  You should
see a line with "received other packet" in it.

What happened in this particular report is that the selfcheck took a
long while (30 seconds, unless you changed ctimeout in amanda.conf)
so amcheck on the server tried again and amandad told it to go away,
it was still busy with the first one.

The same general section of code produces the "amandad busy" error, but
in that case the packet looks to amandad like it is coming from some
other host.  You didn't accidentally have more than one amcheck or an
amcheck and an amdump running at the same time, did you?

It's probably a bad thing that selfcheck is taking so long.  You might
try running selfcheck by hand and see how long it takes.  Take the lines
from the "got packet" section, starting with "OPTIONS" and put them in
a file someplace:

GNUTAR /home/tp 0 OPTIONS |;bsd-auth;srvcomp-fast;index;exclude-list=exclude.txt;
GNUTAR /eec/msg/logs 0 OPTIONS |;bsd-auth;srvcomp-fast;index;exclude-list=exclude.txt;
GNUTAR /eec/data/test 0 OPTIONS |;bsd-auth;srvcomp-fast;index;exclude-list=exclude.txt;
GNUTAR /eec/var/inf_dumps 0 OPTIONS 
GNUTAR /eec/var/inf_archive 0 OPTIONS 
GNUTAR /eec/var 0 OPTIONS 
GNUTAR /eec 0 OPTIONS |;bsd-auth;srvcomp-fast;index;exclude-list=exclude.txt;

Then run selfcheck **as the Amanda user** with that file as stdin.
It will do the checks and write the results (about a dozen lines)
to stdout.

It might also be worth a look at /tmp/amanda/selfcheck*debug to see if
it's complaining about anything.  If you don't get anywhere with this,
let me know and I'll give you some debugging code to find out where all
the time is going.

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Found it!

2002-03-15 Thread Morse, Richard E.

Hi!  I figured out why my Solaris 2.6 box was hanging while trying to compile

Apparently my compiler is old enough (yes, I know, I will work on upgrading
it...) that it doesn't like #line pragmas which contain the source file.  By
manually editing the file, and removing all of the references to
'/home/gandalf/u66/jrj/work/amanda...' I was able to get it to compile.  I got
the idea because of a comment in the file stating that 'some compilers choke on
comments #line lines'.

Note that actually, while writing the email message, I discovered that I didn't
get all of the #line lines -- at least one was left (the one to the bison.simple
file), so I don't know why it choked on the other ones, unless it has to do with
the size of the path...


Richard MorseSystem Administrator 
MGH Biostatistics Center  50 Staniford St. Rm 560
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 617/724-9830

Sayýsal Lotoya Para VERMEYÝN...!!!!!!!

2002-03-15 Thread Musteri Hizmetleri
Title: C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\2freebooks.htm



Sayýsal Loto oynamak 
çoðumuz için güzel bir
tutku. Her zaman þans yüzümüze gülmese de o heyecaný yaþamak 
bile güzel. Ayný
heyecaný internette yaþamaya ne dersiniz? Hem de
ÜCRETSIZ! Hem de Amerika’da. Devir artýk 
internet devri. 
7 numarayý bilenlere rüya gibi bir ödül var: 1
Milyon $. Ama 6 bilirseniz de 1.000 $ hemen sizin. 
BEKLERÝZ (ücretsiz
sayýsal loto)
Bana çýkmaz demeyin. Þansýnýzý ÜCRETSIZ
Þanslý gününüzde olmasanýz bile internette, hem 
Amerika’nýn güvenilir bir Loto kuruluþunda Sayýsal Loto oynamanýn 
yaþayýn. Arkadaþlarýnýza anlatacak hoþ bir anýnýz olsun. 
BEKLERÝZ (ücretsiz
sayýsal loto)
Ýyi eðlenceler, bol þanslar, 
Lucky Surf




[no subject]

2002-03-15 Thread rwk


Can anyone tell me what the problem below is and what might have caused
it?   ... or where I should look to investigate further?



These dumps were to tape Daily5.
The next tape Amanda expects to use is: Daily7.

  solo.ameri / RESULTS MISSING
  solo.ameri /bigger RESULTS MISSING
  solo.ameri /idebigger RESULTS MISSING
  gorn.ameri / RESULTS MISSING
  maul.ameri / RESULTS MISSING
  andorian.a / RESULTS MISSING
  binar.amer /home RESULTS MISSING
  gorn.ameri //zena/C RESULTS MISSING

  Total   Full  Daily
Estimate Time (hrs:min)0:04
Run Time (hrs:min) 0:04
Dump Time (hrs:min)0:02   0:00   0:02
Output Size (meg)  46.81.3   45.5
Original Size (meg)46.81.3   45.5
Avg Compressed Size (%) -- -- --(level:#disks ...)
Filesystems Dumped   13  1 12   (1:12)
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)   362.8  159.5  376.7

Tape Time (hrs:min)0:00   0:00   0:00
Tape Size (meg)47.21.3   45.9
Tape Used (%)   (level:#disks ...)
Filesystems Taped13  1 12   (1:12)
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)  1958.9 1227.5 1993.6

  driver: WARNING: /dumps/amanda: 4096000 KB requested, but only 32980 KB available.
  planner: Last full dump of on tape  overwritten in 1 
  planner: Last full dump of on tape  overwritten in 1 run.
  planner: Last full dump of on tape  overwritten in 1 run.
  planner: Last full dump of on tape  overwritten in 
1 run.
  planner: Last full dump of on tape  overwritten in 1 run.
  planner: Last full dump of on tape  overwritten in 1 run.
  planner: Incremental of bumped to level 2.
  taper: tape Daily5 kb 48384 fm 13 [OK]

-- - 
andorian.ame / MISSING --
binar.americ /   1 384384   --0:07  56.1   0:01 494.0
binar.americ /database   1  32 32   --1:13   0.4   0:01  84.1
binar.americ /home MISSING --
binar.americ /usr1 224224   --0:23   9.8   0:01 321.1
gorn.americo / MISSING --
gorn.americo //zena/C  MISSING --
gorn.americo /ideroot1 288288   --0:06  47.9   0:01 375.4
gorn.americo /ideroot2 MISSING --
maul.americo / MISSING --
maul.americo /boot   1  32 32   --0:00 173.3   0:01  78.7
solo.americo / MISSING --
solo.americo /bigger   MISSING --
solo.americo /boot   1  32 32   --0:00  96.2   0:01  84.6
solo.americo /idebiggerMISSING --
solo.americo /ideboot1  32 32   --0:00 121.3   0:01  80.3
solo.americo /ideroot1 288288   --0:01 256.9   0:01 392.3
vulcan.inter / MISSING --
vulcan.inter /boot   1  32 32   --0:00  74.2   0:01  80.4
vulcan.inter /home   01344   1344   --0:08 159.5   0:011226.9
vulcan.inter /usr  MISSING --
vulcan.inter /var  MISSING --
wookie.inter /   1   43584  43584   --0:104377.0   0:104303.6
wookie.inter /boot   1  32 32   --0:00 198.3   0:05  12.4
wookie.inter /usr11664   1664   --0:02 728.9   0:011578.7

(brought to you by Amanda version 2.4.2p2)

Continuing saga..

2002-03-15 Thread Morse, Richard E.

Is there some way to preprocess a file with gcc to determine why it is
hanging?  Whenever the machine tries to compile recover-src/uparse.c, it
hangs.  It has no problems with any of the other files (so far as I can


Richard MorseSystem Administrator 
MGH Biostatistics Center  50 Staniford St. Rm 560
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 617/724-9830

Re: Part way there...

2002-03-15 Thread Martín Marqués

On Fri, 15 Mar 2002, Morse, Richard E. wrote:

> Hi!  Thanks for all the responses so far -- I finally got it to compile on
> one of the Solaris 2.7 boxes (I found 'ar' -- I forgot that Solaris doesn't
> have a root path which includes most of the tools by default).  I then
> tranferred it over to the other 2.7 machine, and it seems to be happy there
> as well!
> Could I just transfer the 2.7 binary over to the 2.6 machines?

That won't work. 2.7 and 2.6 binaries are not compatible.

> If not, does any one have any ideas why I should be hanging while trying to
> compile uparse.c?

I have it compiled on Solaris 7 and 8, and I had no problem. Which
compiler are you using?

Saludos... :-)

Porqué usar una base de datos relacional cualquiera,
si podés usar PostgreSQL?
Martín Marqués  |[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programador, Administrador, DBA |   Centro de Telematica
   Universidad Nacional
del Litoral

Part way there...

2002-03-15 Thread Morse, Richard E.

Hi!  Thanks for all the responses so far -- I finally got it to compile on
one of the Solaris 2.7 boxes (I found 'ar' -- I forgot that Solaris doesn't
have a root path which includes most of the tools by default).  I then
tranferred it over to the other 2.7 machine, and it seems to be happy there
as well!

Could I just transfer the 2.7 binary over to the 2.6 machines?

If not, does any one have any ideas why I should be hanging while trying to
compile uparse.c?

Thanks again,

Richard MorseSystem Administrator 
MGH Biostatistics Center  50 Staniford St. Rm 560
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 617/724-9830

RE: Informix backups

2002-03-15 Thread TBeason
Title: RE: Informix backups

I configure informix to write the backups to disk and then have amanda backup the file.  With a little scripting you can automate the whole processes.


-Original Message-
From: Bowie, Lawrence D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 10:35 AM
Subject: Informix backups


I know Informix has ontape for its backup but what if I want to use
AMANDA for a more sophisticated
backup operation. Is anyone out there doing something similar?



Informix backups

2002-03-15 Thread Bowie, Lawrence D


I know Informix has ontape for its backup but what if I want to use
AMANDA for a more sophisticated
backup operation. Is anyone out there doing something similar?



Informix backups

2002-03-15 Thread Bowie, Lawrence D


I know Informix has ontape for its backup but what if I want to use
AMANDA for a more sophisticated
backup operation. Is anyone out there doing something similar?



deleting logs for ex-server

2002-03-15 Thread David Hayes

I recently retired a server that had been getting backed via Amanda.
I've taken it out of the disklist, etc., but I've got zillion old logs
files for this machine that I don't need anymore.  Can I safely

  find /amanda/logs -name \*NameOfServer\* -exec rm {}\;

or do I need to do something more to eliminate these logs?


amrecover, cannot use "cd A windows dir with spaces"

2002-03-15 Thread Jordi Vidal


amrecover interface seems to be unable to cd to dirs with spaces in its
names, I tried quotes, backslashes ... Any suggestion?

add command with wildcards work fine.

Other question, can I recover directly to clients (windows) or must I
recover to a tmp dir then share it and copy from win client?


RE: help on DAT 40

2002-03-15 Thread Dan Garthwaite

'tapeinfo' -> poll all the settings from

'scsitape' -> set various bits and pieces of above

The actuall 'mtx' program is a must if you have a tape changer as well.


> -Original Message-
> From: Maurizio Bossi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 10:59 AM
> Subject: help on DAT 40
> Hi ..
> I have the same problem of compression with HP c5687 DAT40
> and Linux, could
> you send me a copy of the debugging software of Eric Lee
> Green to check the
> device ?
> I used "mt" but I don't have much information
> Do you have information on dip-switch more than in manual for
> compression ?
> Regards

Re: amrecover is kicking my butt......

2002-03-15 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Hi Don,

Try this patch on the client, it makes a stricker pattern by enclosing
it in ^$


PS. The patch is untested.

On Fri, Mar 15, 2002 at 10:35:34AM -0500, Don Potter wrote:
> Being that I'm restricted to using only the name since the expresion is 
> ported to amrestore when I do the "sethost " is I can 
> setup a cname for that machine (can't change the machine name since it 
> is the mailhost) and adjust my disklist entry to reflect the cname.  And 
> if I'm feeling really "randy" ( I always wanted to use that term in a 
> email)...I can see about adjusting the code of amrecover to allow 
> literal patterns as opposed to pattern matches (at least for the host 
> portion.
> Don
> Don Potter wrote:
> > Whoops .I forgot..but I think I have found the problem (not the 
> > solution).  I've summized (sp???) that the amidxtaped is spawning an 
> > amrestore and the host portion does a pattern search as opposed to a 
> > literal search it fails  (follow my thinking):
> >
> > The machine I'm restoring is chg and the filesystem is /var..and when 
> > I'm doing the amrecover it ouputs this:
> > amrecover> add dpotter
> > Added /mail/dpotter
> > amrecover> extract
> > Extracting files using tape drive /dev/rmt/0cn on host chgsfs.
> > The following tapes are needed: Daily_10
> >
> > Restoring files into directory /var/adm/amanda/sbin
> > Continue? [Y/n]: Y
> >
> > Load tape Daily_10 now
> > Continue? [Y/n]: Y
> > ./mail/dpotter is not on volume
> > set owner/mode for '.'? [yn]
> >
> > So at least I know that it is opening the correct index file.  Now 
> > this is where it gets freaky, I'm only cuttin' and pastin'the tail 
> > portion of the amrecover (since amrecover is working):
> > amrecover: stream_client: connected to
> > amrecover: stream_client: our side is
> > amrecover: try_socksize: receive buffer size is 65536
> > Started amidxtaped with arguments "6 -h -p /dev/rmt/0cn chg ^/var$ 
> > 20020314"
> > Exec'ing /usr/sbin/ufsrestore with arguments:
> >restore
> >xbf
> >2
> >-
> >/mail/dpotter
> >
> > Which then spawns the amidxtaped and then seems to run correctly, but 
> > never gets past chgsfs (another machine) /var.
> >
> > more amidxtaped.20020315095725.debug
> > amidxtaped: debug 1 pid 19244 ruid 9732 euid 9732 start time Fri Mar 
> > 15 09:57:25
> > 2002
> > amidxtaped: version 2.4.2p2
> > > SECURITY USER root
> > bsd security: remote host user root local user amanda
> > amandahosts security check passed
> > > 6
> > amrestore_nargs=6
> > > -h
> > > -p
> > > /dev/rmt/0cn
> > > chg
> > > ^/var$
> > > 20020314
> > Ready to execv amrestore with:
> > path = /var/adm/amanda/sbin/amrestore
> > argv[0] = "amrestore"
> > argv[1] = "-h"
> > argv[2] = "-p"
> > argv[3] = "/dev/rmt/0cn"
> > argv[4] = "chg"  <=== Here is the kicker
> > argv[5] = "^/var$"
> > argv[6] = "20020314"
> > amrestore:   0: skipping start of tape: date 20020314 label Daily_10
> > amrestore:   1: skipping primer._export.20020314.1
> > amrestore:   2: skipping intron._intron2.20020314.1
> > amrestore:   3: skipping sibpair._app_oracle_product_8.0.5a.20020314.1
> > amrestore:   4: skipping dnadoc.c0t0d0s0.20020314.1
> > amrestore:   5: skipping pcr._pcr2.20020314.1
> > amrestore:   6: skipping marker._var.20020314.1
> > amrestore:   7: skipping chgsfs.c0t0d0s0.20020314.1
> > amrestore:   8: skipping primer._usr.20020314.1
> > amrestore:   9: skipping mitosis._var.20020314.1
> > amrestore:  10: skipping sibpair._sibpair3.20020314.1
> > amrestore:  11: skipping pcr._var.20020314.1
> > amrestore:  12: skipping linkage._var.20020314.1
> > amrestore:  13: skipping sibpair._app_oracle_product_8.1.7.20020314.1
> > amrestore:  14: skipping wwwchg._usr.20020314.1
> > amrestore:  15: skipping wwwchg.c0t0d0s0.20020314.1
> > amrestore:  16: skipping locus._var.20020314.1
> > amrestore:  17: skipping theta._var.20020314.1
> > amrestore:  18: skipping allele._var.20020314.1
> > amrestore:  19: skipping hybrid._var.20020314.1
> > amrestore:  20: skipping primer._var.20020314.1
> > amrestore:  21: skipping diploid._var.20020314.1
> > amrestore:  22: skipping haldane._var.20020314.1
> > amrestore:  23: skipping exon._var.20020314.1
> > amrestore:  24: skipping weinberg._var.20020314.1
> > amrestore:  25: skipping chimera._var.20020314.1
> > amrestore:  26: skipping ligate._var.20020314.1
> > amrestore:  27: skipping ligate._export_home.20020314.1
> > amrestore:  28: skipping peptide._var.20020314.0
> > amrestore:  29: skipping annotate._var.20020314.0
> > amrestore:  30: skipping hybrid._export.20020314.2
> > amrestore:  31: restoring chgsfs._var.20020314.1
> >
> >
> > amrestore is my failing point..
> >
> > Does all that make sense
> >
> > Don
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Jean-Louis Martineau email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Departement IRO, Universite de Montreal
C.P. 6128, Succ. CENTRE-VILLETel: (514) 343-6111 ext. 3529

Re: Problems with very large dumps

2002-03-15 Thread Jeffery Smith

Hi Trevor,

You may want to check your chunksize.  I have mine set to 1GB so large
backups are split into 1GB files.  Additionally you may need, even on
Solaris 8, to update tar & gzip such that they will be able to handle
the larger files.

You could also effect this in your disklist.  Rather than having an
entry such as:

systemname /export/homecomp-root-tar

You could have more than one entry, breaking down the directories into
individual dumps:

systemname /export/home/dir1   comp-root-tar
systemname /export/home/dir2   comp-root-tar
systemname /export/home/dir3   comp-root-tar

I am not certain these are the best solutions, but I am pretty sure they
will work.

Best of luck!


| Jeffery Smith - Systems Administrator - [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Sky Computers, Inc. ( |

Re: Problems with very large dumps

2002-03-15 Thread Joshua Baker-LePain

On Fri, 15 Mar 2002 at 11:14am, Stott, Trevor wrote

> I have a number of very large file systems that require backups.  One
> containing 74GB of data and the other containing 65GB both have the
> potential to grow to 168GB in time.  The backups are currently failing to
> backup those partitions to a single tape.  I have another DLT7000 tape drive
> that I can pull into the config but I'm not sure how amanda can handle this.
> Reading through the docs it seems you can use libraries but not really
> multiple standalone units.  Even at that I'm not sure it can split a single
> dump or partition across 2 tapes.. Can someone out there offer some
> assistance?

The only way *I* know to use multiple tape drives is via multiple configs.  
You may be able to hack together a changer script, but I have no idea how.  
And, yes, you are correct that amanda cannot span a filesystem across 
multiple tapes.

> If that fails is it possible to still use ufsdump on the Solaris 8 client
> but split the partition by backing up parts instead of the full disk?

No.  You need to use GNUtar to do that.

> Either way the partitions will only grow further so I'm very open to any
> suggestions.

I know the feeling.  tar and lots of tapes is the way to go.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University


2002-03-15 Thread Massimiliano Panichi

Redhat 7.2
Tandberg library TDS 1420 SLR100
Amanda 2.4.3b3

Try to restore, I get this error

EOF, check amidxtaped.debug file on
amrecover: short block 0 bytes
amrecover: Can't read file header
extract_list - child returned non-zero status: 1
Continue? [Y/n]: n

The amidxtaped.debug file say

amidxtaped: debug 1 pid 7212 ruid 33 euid 33 start time Fri Mar 15
17:04:09 2002
amidxtaped: version 2.4.3b3
bsd security: remote host user root local user amanda
amandahosts security check passed
> 6
> -h
> -p
> 0
> ^/etc$
> 20020315
Ready to execv amrestore with:
path = /opt/amanda/sbin/amrestore
argv[0] = "amrestore"
argv[1] = "-h"
argv[2] = "-p"
argv[3] = "0"
argv[4] = ""
argv[5] = "^/etc$"
argv[6] = "20020315"
amrestore: could not stat 0
amidxtaped: amrestore terminated normally with status: 2
amidxtaped: could not stat 0
could not stat 0
amidxtaped: pid 7212 finish time Fri Mar 15 17:04:09 2002

and the amrecover...debug say 

add_file: Pondering ditem->path="/zshenv"
add_file: Pondering ditem->path="/zshrc"
amrecover: stream_client_privileged: connected to
amrecover: stream_client_privileged: our side is
amrecover: try_socksize: receive buffer size is 65536
Started amidxtaped with arguments "6 -h -p 0 ^/etc$
Can't read file header
amrecover: pid 7211 finish time Fri Mar 15 17:04:09 2002
amrecover: pid 7200 finish time Fri Mar 15 17:04:17 2002

any help ?


  Infogroup S.p.A.
  Massimiliano Panichivia delle Panche 140
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel: +390554365725
  Fax: +390554365735

Problems with very large dumps

2002-03-15 Thread Stott, Trevor

I have a number of very large file systems that require backups.  One
containing 74GB of data and the other containing 65GB both have the
potential to grow to 168GB in time.  The backups are currently failing to
backup those partitions to a single tape.  I have another DLT7000 tape drive
that I can pull into the config but I'm not sure how amanda can handle this.
Reading through the docs it seems you can use libraries but not really
multiple standalone units.  Even at that I'm not sure it can split a single
dump or partition across 2 tapes.. Can someone out there offer some

If that fails is it possible to still use ufsdump on the Solaris 8 client
but split the partition by backing up parts instead of the full disk?

Either way the partitions will only grow further so I'm very open to any


RE: amlabel problem

2002-03-15 Thread Stott, Trevor

Figured it out...  Once the drive recognises the tape it takes another 4 to
5 seconds before it's actually ready to do anything with it. 

-Original Message-
From: John R. Jackson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: March 14, 2002 11:21 PM
To: Stott, Trevor
Subject: Re: amlabel problem 

>This is what I'm getting when I try to do an amlabel to a new tape.  Is
>an amlabel problem or a tape drive problem?

What version of Amanda?  What OS?

>rewinding, reading label, reading label: Value too large for defined data

I *think* what this says is that amlabel was built for 32 bit file systems
but the kernel (or libc?) is using 64 bit structures (but that's kind
of a wild guess).

Did you build Amanda yourself or use some evil, you get what you deserve,
pre-packaged thing :-)?


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Barcode reader

2002-03-15 Thread Eric Trager

On Mon, 11 Mar 2002, Thomas Hepper wrote:

> Hi,
> On Fri, Mar 08, 2002 at 11:38:32AM -0800, Stephen Carville wrote:
> [..]
> > In changer.conf set havereader=1
> Hmm i think it must be
> havebarcode 1

Thomas, et al:

I added this to the chg-scsi-solaris.conf file I use and the chg-scsi
debug files now report that a barcode reader is available, but the
labelfile for the configuration remains empty, even after running an
"amtape Config show". Any ideas on how to close the final gap on getting
the mapping to work? Below is a debug file from a recent attempt to
perform an "amtape Config label LABEL".

TIA, Eric

chg-scsi: debug 1 pid 22862 ruid 0 euid 0
start time Mon Mar 11 16:21:29 2002
chg-scsi: $Id: chg-scsi.c,v 2001/12/30 17:26:22 martinea
Exp $
ARG [0] : ./chg-scsi
ARG [1] : -label
ARG [2] : CMAG-12
Number of configurations: 1
Tapes need eject: Yes
Inv. auto update: No
barcode reader  : Yes
Tapes need sleep: 20 seconds
Cleancycles : 1000
Changerdevice   : /dev/changer
Labelfile   : /usr/cbel/opt/amanda-2.4.3b2/etc/amanda/Simple/labelfile
Tapeconfig Nr: 0
  Drivenumber   : 0
  Startslot : 0
  Endslot   : 19
  Cleanslot : 30
  Devicename: /dev/rmt/1bn
  changerident  : none
  SCSITapedev   : none
  tapeident : none
  statfile  :
  Slotfile  :
  Cleanfile :
  Usagecount: /usr/cbel/opt/amanda-2.4.3b2/etc/amanda/Simple/totaltime

DecodeModeSense : Element Address Assignment Page
Medium Transport Element Address 1
Number of Medium Transport Elements  1
First Storage Element Address   256
Number of  Storage Elements 30
First Import/Export Element Address 64
Number of  ImportExport Elements1
First Data Transfer Element Address 128
Number of  Data Transfer Elements   2
DecodeModeSense : MT can store data cartridges 1
DecodeModeSense : ST can store data cartridges 1
DecodeModeSense : IE can store data cartridges 1
DecodeModeSense : DT can store data cartridges 1
DecodeModeSense : MT to MT 0
DecodeModeSense : MT to ST 1
DecodeModeSense : MT to IE 1
DecodeModeSense : MT to DT 1
DecodeModeSense : ST to MT 1
DecodeModeSense : ST to MT 1
DecodeModeSense : ST to DT 1
DecodeModeSense : IE to MT 1
DecodeModeSense : IE to ST 1
DecodeModeSense : IE to ST 1
DecodeModeSense : IE to ST 1
DecodeModeSense : DT to MT 1
DecodeModeSense : DT to ST 1
DecodeModeSense : DT to IE 1
DecodeModeSense : DT to DT 1

ChgExit in MapBarCode, reason MapBarCode, DB Version does not match

[no subject]

2002-03-15 Thread otis_johnson

unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Other problems...

2002-03-15 Thread Jeffery Smith

Hi Richard,

Hang in there!  I think I can offer a little help.  Rather than going to
the trouble of compiling gcc, which can be a bit intimidating, perhaps
you may like to download a PKG.

If you go to you can browse to the pages for
both Solaris versions you have and download the appropriate gcc.  Once
you have them downloaded, 'gunzip' them and run a 'pkgadd' to install.  

I have found that works well for me.  You need to make sure you have
enough space in your "/usr/local/" partition because that is where these
packages like to install themselves.  

Additionally, you may need to get new versions of: Tar, GZip, Flex, and
Make.  I found that after updating these programs it was much easier to
compile Amanda.

I hope this helps!

| Jeffery Smith - Systems Administrator - [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Sky Computers, Inc. ( |

Re: Amanda general question

2002-03-15 Thread Joshua Baker-LePain

On Fri, 15 Mar 2002 at 10:38am, Don Potter wrote

> Also if you have duplicate configs make sure to set "record no" in the 
> global dumptype

Actually, if you're trying to force amanda's schedule, then you need 
"record yes" in your Weekly (or whatever) full-only config in order for 
the Daily incr-only config to know when the last level 0 was run.  You'll 
also need "record yes" in the Daily config to ensure you're getting the 
right levels.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

Re: Amanda general question

2002-03-15 Thread Don Potter

Also if you have duplicate configs make sure to set "record no" in the 
global dumptype
Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:

>On Fri, 15 Mar 2002 at 1:35pm, Robert SHEN wrote
>>1) how amanda records how many runs performed in a dumpcycle? Let's say 
>>if dumpcycle=7 and runspercycle = 5 and what happens if I configure 6 
>>cron jobs to run from monday to friday
>Then you'll get extra backups -- I don't think it'll confuse amanda too 
>much.  Note that dumpcycle has units -- I'm assuming you mean 7 days.
>>2) what happens if runspercycle > dumpcycle?
>Then you're telling amanda that you plan on running it more than once a 
>day (again, assuming your units on dumpcycle is days), and you'd better do 
>so or amanda will get very unhappy.
>>3) if I want to apply the following strategy, what config should I put?
>>Monday full backup for a directory /home/public
>>Tuesday->Friday incremental backup of /home/public
>AGH!  :)  Why?  This has been discussed *many* times.  You *can* force 
>amanda into your schedule.  But, unless you have a very good reason why, 
>then it really is best to let amanda set the schedule.  It does a very 
>good job at it.
>If you must do it, the canonical method is via two configs, one which does 
>the full (via a dumpcycle=0 dumptype) and one which does only 
>>4) What suggestion for disaster recovery?
>A boot floppy/CD with, minimally, mt, dd, and tar/restore, and possibly 
>with the amanda tools.

[no subject]

2002-03-15 Thread JOHNSON,OTIS (A-ColSprings,ex1)


Re: amrecover is kicking my butt......

2002-03-15 Thread Don Potter

Being that I'm restricted to using only the name since the expresion is 
ported to amrestore when I do the "sethost " is I can 
setup a cname for that machine (can't change the machine name since it 
is the mailhost) and adjust my disklist entry to reflect the cname.  And 
if I'm feeling really "randy" ( I always wanted to use that term in a 
email)...I can see about adjusting the code of amrecover to allow 
literal patterns as opposed to pattern matches (at least for the host 


Don Potter wrote:

> Whoops .I forgot..but I think I have found the problem (not the 
> solution).  I've summized (sp???) that the amidxtaped is spawning an 
> amrestore and the host portion does a pattern search as opposed to a 
> literal search it fails  (follow my thinking):
> The machine I'm restoring is chg and the filesystem is /var..and when 
> I'm doing the amrecover it ouputs this:
> amrecover> add dpotter
> Added /mail/dpotter
> amrecover> extract
> Extracting files using tape drive /dev/rmt/0cn on host chgsfs.
> The following tapes are needed: Daily_10
> Restoring files into directory /var/adm/amanda/sbin
> Continue? [Y/n]: Y
> Load tape Daily_10 now
> Continue? [Y/n]: Y
> ./mail/dpotter is not on volume
> set owner/mode for '.'? [yn]
> So at least I know that it is opening the correct index file.  Now 
> this is where it gets freaky, I'm only cuttin' and pastin'the tail 
> portion of the amrecover (since amrecover is working):
> amrecover: stream_client: connected to
> amrecover: stream_client: our side is
> amrecover: try_socksize: receive buffer size is 65536
> Started amidxtaped with arguments "6 -h -p /dev/rmt/0cn chg ^/var$ 
> 20020314"
> Exec'ing /usr/sbin/ufsrestore with arguments:
> Which then spawns the amidxtaped and then seems to run correctly, but 
> never gets past chgsfs (another machine) /var.
> more amidxtaped.20020315095725.debug
> amidxtaped: debug 1 pid 19244 ruid 9732 euid 9732 start time Fri Mar 
> 15 09:57:25
> 2002
> amidxtaped: version 2.4.2p2
> bsd security: remote host user root local user amanda
> amandahosts security check passed
> > 6
> amrestore_nargs=6
> > -h
> > -p
> > /dev/rmt/0cn
> > chg
> > ^/var$
> > 20020314
> Ready to execv amrestore with:
> path = /var/adm/amanda/sbin/amrestore
> argv[0] = "amrestore"
> argv[1] = "-h"
> argv[2] = "-p"
> argv[3] = "/dev/rmt/0cn"
> argv[4] = "chg"  <=== Here is the kicker
> argv[5] = "^/var$"
> argv[6] = "20020314"
> amrestore:   0: skipping start of tape: date 20020314 label Daily_10
> amrestore:   1: skipping primer._export.20020314.1
> amrestore:   2: skipping intron._intron2.20020314.1
> amrestore:   3: skipping sibpair._app_oracle_product_8.0.5a.20020314.1
> amrestore:   4: skipping dnadoc.c0t0d0s0.20020314.1
> amrestore:   5: skipping pcr._pcr2.20020314.1
> amrestore:   6: skipping marker._var.20020314.1
> amrestore:   7: skipping chgsfs.c0t0d0s0.20020314.1
> amrestore:   8: skipping primer._usr.20020314.1
> amrestore:   9: skipping mitosis._var.20020314.1
> amrestore:  10: skipping sibpair._sibpair3.20020314.1
> amrestore:  11: skipping pcr._var.20020314.1
> amrestore:  12: skipping linkage._var.20020314.1
> amrestore:  13: skipping sibpair._app_oracle_product_8.1.7.20020314.1
> amrestore:  14: skipping wwwchg._usr.20020314.1
> amrestore:  15: skipping wwwchg.c0t0d0s0.20020314.1
> amrestore:  16: skipping locus._var.20020314.1
> amrestore:  17: skipping theta._var.20020314.1
> amrestore:  18: skipping allele._var.20020314.1
> amrestore:  19: skipping hybrid._var.20020314.1
> amrestore:  20: skipping primer._var.20020314.1
> amrestore:  21: skipping diploid._var.20020314.1
> amrestore:  22: skipping haldane._var.20020314.1
> amrestore:  23: skipping exon._var.20020314.1
> amrestore:  24: skipping weinberg._var.20020314.1
> amrestore:  25: skipping chimera._var.20020314.1
> amrestore:  26: skipping ligate._var.20020314.1
> amrestore:  27: skipping ligate._export_home.20020314.1
> amrestore:  28: skipping peptide._var.20020314.0
> amrestore:  29: skipping annotate._var.20020314.0
> amrestore:  30: skipping hybrid._export.20020314.2
> amrestore:  31: restoring chgsfs._var.20020314.1
> amrestore is my failing point..
> Does all that make sense
> Don

RE: Other problems...

2002-03-15 Thread Davidson, Brian

I grabbed gnu make, libtools and gcc from which
I "think" will give you everything you need to compile amanda. I went thru
the same process the first time I built amanda on Solaris.

-Original Message-
From: Morse, Richard E. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 9:59 AM
Subject: Other problems...

Hi! It's me again

I'm having problems.

I have four different Solaris boxes -- two of them are Solaris 2.6, the
two are 2.7.

One each of the two different boxes have the problem that the compiler
match the OS.  I've never built gcc before -- does it take a lot of space?
These computers are rather old (2 ultra-1s, an ultra-30, and an ultra-60)
don't have a lot of free disk space.

On the other 2.6 box, Amanda hangs while trying to compile
.  Quite literally -- I've left it running for about an hour, and it just

On the other 2.7 box, it can't find a tool named 'ar'.  What is 'ar'?  How
do I
get it installed?

If I can get Amanda (client only -- the server compiled just fine on
compiled on any of the four boxes, will that binary run on the others?  Even
the Amanda user has different uids?  Do I need to get it compiled on one
each of
the 2.6 and 2.7 boxes?

Sorry to be such a newbie -- this is the first time I've really tried to do
anything major on Solaris, and it's not quite as transparent as I thought...

Thanks muchly for any advice / help,

Richard MorseSystem Administrator 
MGH Biostatistics Center  50 Staniford St. Rm 560
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 617/724-9830

Re: amrecover is kicking my butt......

2002-03-15 Thread Don Potter

Whoops .I forgot..but I think I have found the problem (not the 
solution).  I've summized (sp???) that the amidxtaped is spawning an 
amrestore and the host portion does a pattern search as opposed to a 
literal search it fails  (follow my thinking):

The machine I'm restoring is chg and the filesystem is /var..and when 
I'm doing the amrecover it ouputs this:
amrecover> add dpotter
Added /mail/dpotter
amrecover> extract
Extracting files using tape drive /dev/rmt/0cn on host chgsfs.
The following tapes are needed: Daily_10

Restoring files into directory /var/adm/amanda/sbin
Continue? [Y/n]: Y

Load tape Daily_10 now
Continue? [Y/n]: Y
./mail/dpotter is not on volume
set owner/mode for '.'? [yn]

So at least I know that it is opening the correct index file.  Now this 
is where it gets freaky, I'm only cuttin' and pastin'the tail portion of 
the amrecover (since amrecover is working):
amrecover: stream_client: connected to
amrecover: stream_client: our side is
amrecover: try_socksize: receive buffer size is 65536
Started amidxtaped with arguments "6 -h -p /dev/rmt/0cn chg ^/var$ 20020314"
Exec'ing /usr/sbin/ufsrestore with arguments:

Which then spawns the amidxtaped and then seems to run correctly, but 
never gets past chgsfs (another machine) /var.

more amidxtaped.20020315095725.debug
amidxtaped: debug 1 pid 19244 ruid 9732 euid 9732 start time Fri Mar 15 
amidxtaped: version 2.4.2p2
bsd security: remote host user root local user amanda
amandahosts security check passed
 > 6
 > -h
 > -p
 > /dev/rmt/0cn
 > chg
 > ^/var$
 > 20020314
Ready to execv amrestore with:
path = /var/adm/amanda/sbin/amrestore
argv[0] = "amrestore"
argv[1] = "-h"
argv[2] = "-p"
argv[3] = "/dev/rmt/0cn"
argv[4] = "chg"  <=== Here is the kicker
argv[5] = "^/var$"
argv[6] = "20020314"
amrestore:   0: skipping start of tape: date 20020314 label Daily_10
amrestore:   1: skipping primer._export.20020314.1
amrestore:   2: skipping intron._intron2.20020314.1
amrestore:   3: skipping sibpair._app_oracle_product_8.0.5a.20020314.1
amrestore:   4: skipping dnadoc.c0t0d0s0.20020314.1
amrestore:   5: skipping pcr._pcr2.20020314.1
amrestore:   6: skipping marker._var.20020314.1
amrestore:   7: skipping chgsfs.c0t0d0s0.20020314.1
amrestore:   8: skipping primer._usr.20020314.1
amrestore:   9: skipping mitosis._var.20020314.1
amrestore:  10: skipping sibpair._sibpair3.20020314.1
amrestore:  11: skipping pcr._var.20020314.1
amrestore:  12: skipping linkage._var.20020314.1
amrestore:  13: skipping sibpair._app_oracle_product_8.1.7.20020314.1
amrestore:  14: skipping wwwchg._usr.20020314.1
amrestore:  15: skipping wwwchg.c0t0d0s0.20020314.1
amrestore:  16: skipping locus._var.20020314.1
amrestore:  17: skipping theta._var.20020314.1
amrestore:  18: skipping allele._var.20020314.1
amrestore:  19: skipping hybrid._var.20020314.1
amrestore:  20: skipping primer._var.20020314.1
amrestore:  21: skipping diploid._var.20020314.1
amrestore:  22: skipping haldane._var.20020314.1
amrestore:  23: skipping exon._var.20020314.1
amrestore:  24: skipping weinberg._var.20020314.1
amrestore:  25: skipping chimera._var.20020314.1
amrestore:  26: skipping ligate._var.20020314.1
amrestore:  27: skipping ligate._export_home.20020314.1
amrestore:  28: skipping peptide._var.20020314.0
amrestore:  29: skipping annotate._var.20020314.0
amrestore:  30: skipping hybrid._export.20020314.2
amrestore:  31: restoring chgsfs._var.20020314.1

amrestore is my failing point..

Does all that make sense


Other problems...

2002-03-15 Thread Morse, Richard E.

Hi! It's me again

I'm having problems.

I have four different Solaris boxes -- two of them are Solaris 2.6, the other
two are 2.7.

One each of the two different boxes have the problem that the compiler doesn't
match the OS.  I've never built gcc before -- does it take a lot of space?
These computers are rather old (2 ultra-1s, an ultra-30, and an ultra-60) and
don't have a lot of free disk space.

On the other 2.6 box, Amanda hangs while trying to compile recover-src/uparse.c
.  Quite literally -- I've left it running for about an hour, and it just sits

On the other 2.7 box, it can't find a tool named 'ar'.  What is 'ar'?  How do I
get it installed?

If I can get Amanda (client only -- the server compiled just fine on FreeBSD)
compiled on any of the four boxes, will that binary run on the others?  Even if
the Amanda user has different uids?  Do I need to get it compiled on one each of
the 2.6 and 2.7 boxes?

Sorry to be such a newbie -- this is the first time I've really tried to do
anything major on Solaris, and it's not quite as transparent as I thought...

Thanks muchly for any advice / help,

Richard MorseSystem Administrator 
MGH Biostatistics Center  50 Staniford St. Rm 560
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 617/724-9830

Re: Where can I find more info on FAILED

2002-03-15 Thread Joshua Baker-LePain

On Fri, 15 Mar 2002 at 1:09pm, Thomas Robinson wrote

> this is probably a really easy one. Amanda reported a FAILED backup.
> Where can I find more information on what caused the failure and how can
> I backup that disk manually?

There should be output from the the backup program running the FAILED 
backup in the FAILED AND STRANGE DUMP DETAILS: section of the email 
report.  Also, look in /tmp/amanda/sendbackup*debug on the client.

amdump will get that disk next run, since amanda knows the backup failed.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

Re: does amlabel format a tape?

2002-03-15 Thread Joshua Baker-LePain

On Fri, 15 Mar 2002 at 2:49pm, Robert SHEN wrote

> as title
You don't format a tape.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

Re: Amanda general question

2002-03-15 Thread Joshua Baker-LePain

On Fri, 15 Mar 2002 at 1:35pm, Robert SHEN wrote

> 1) how amanda records how many runs performed in a dumpcycle? Let's say 
> if dumpcycle=7 and runspercycle = 5 and what happens if I configure 6 
> cron jobs to run from monday to friday

Then you'll get extra backups -- I don't think it'll confuse amanda too 
much.  Note that dumpcycle has units -- I'm assuming you mean 7 days.
> 2) what happens if runspercycle > dumpcycle?

Then you're telling amanda that you plan on running it more than once a 
day (again, assuming your units on dumpcycle is days), and you'd better do 
so or amanda will get very unhappy.

> 3) if I want to apply the following strategy, what config should I put?
> Monday full backup for a directory /home/public
> Tuesday->Friday incremental backup of /home/public

AGH!  :)  Why?  This has been discussed *many* times.  You *can* force 
amanda into your schedule.  But, unless you have a very good reason why, 
then it really is best to let amanda set the schedule.  It does a very 
good job at it.

If you must do it, the canonical method is via two configs, one which does 
the full (via a dumpcycle=0 dumptype) and one which does only 

> 4) What suggestion for disaster recovery?
A boot floppy/CD with, minimally, mt, dd, and tar/restore, and possibly 
with the amanda tools.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

Re: Two Drives

2002-03-15 Thread Joshua Baker-LePain

On 15 Mar 2002 at 1:01am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

> I have two tape drives and would like to split my backups between them.
> I understand that amanda does not presently have an automatic way to do
> this.
> To do it manually, do I simply create two schedules (say Daily-A and
> Daily-B) and run them both independently?

Yes.  Be sure that each client only appears in one schdule, as you cannot 
run two amandads at the same time.  Also, be sure that they don't share 
the same holding disk, as that could confuse amanda.

> One of my drives is an Onstream ADR50.  I understand there is a problem
> with this drive and amanda.  Does it mean that the drive is completely
> useless with amanda?

ISTR that there *may* have been some firmware release that made it 
minimally useful, but the general consensus was yes, they're useless (and 
not just with amanda).  Not having one, I can't give any more than that 
vague hand waving and insinuation.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

Where can I find more info on FAILED

2002-03-15 Thread Thomas Robinson


this is probably a really easy one. Amanda reported a FAILED backup.
Where can I find more information on what caused the failure and how can
I backup that disk manually?



Thomas Robinson
Ehbas Ltd
T: 01273 234 665
F: 01273 704 499

amcheck and Tandberg tape library

2002-03-15 Thread Massimiliano Panichi

Hi, I've installed amanda 2.4.3b3 and I'm trying to use it with a
Tandberg 1420 library with SLR100 tapes. I've configured the library and
labelled the tapes. When I try an amcheck I get this error

bash-2.05$ amcheck Infogroup
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /opt/amanda/dumps: 13160760 KB disk space available, that's
amcheck-server: fatal slot BarCode: == 1 and emubarcode == 1
ERROR: label IFGR00 or new tape not found in rack
   (expecting tape IFGR00 or a new tape)
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
NOTE: info dir /opt/amanda/etc/Infogroup/curinfo/ does
not exist
NOTE: index dir /opt/amanda/etc/Infogroup/index/ does
not exist
Server check took 60.920 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

Client check: 1 host checked in 0.035 seconds, 0 problems found

(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.3b3)

but the tape is labelled and is in drive as resulting from the amtape

bash-2.05$ amtape Infogroup current
amtape: scanning current slot in tape-changer rack:
slot 0: date Xlabel IFGR00

any help ?


  Infogroup S.p.A.
  Massimiliano Panichivia delle Panche 140
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel: +390554365725
  Fax: +390554365735

RE: amandad failure on Sun box

2002-03-15 Thread Davidson, Brian

Going thru the FAQ (which I did before I posted)

#1. /var/adm/messages
Mar 14 21:59:45 db-dev inetd[158]: [ID 858011 daemon.warning]
/usr/local/libexec/amandad: Hangup   
Mar 14 22:00:25 db-dev inetd[158]: [ID 667328 daemon.error] amanda/udp
server failing (looping), service terminated

#2. /etc/services
amanda  10080/udp   # Amanda Tape Backup
amandaidx   10082/tcp   
amidxtape   10083/tcp 

#3. /etc/inetd.conf
amanda  dgram   udp waitamanda
/usr/local/libexec/amandad  amandad
#4. netstat -a | grep -i amanda
  *.amanda  Idle 

#5. /tmp/amanda only gets created if I run it manually as amanda user.

#6. ls -lu shows amandad is getting updated (Manually run of course )
# ls -lu /usr/local/libexec/amandad

-rwxr-xr-x   1 amanda   operator  401408 Mar 15 06:47

#7. # su amanda -c "/usr/local/libexec/amandad amandad"

# more /tmp/amanda/am*.debug

amandad: debug 1 pid 1818 ruid 65576 euid 65576 start time Fri Mar 15
06:47:27 2002
/usr/local/libexec/amandad: version 2.4.3b2-20020308

/usr/local/libexec/amandad: build: VERSION="Amanda-2.4.3b2-20020308"

/usr/local/libexec/amandad:BUILT_DATE="Tue Mar 12 13:19:25 EST 2002"

/usr/local/libexec/amandad:BUILT_MACH="SunOS db-dev 5.8
Generic_108528-08 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-4"

'--with-user=amanda' '--with-group=operator' '--without-server'
'--with-tcpportrange=33300,33309' '--with-udpportrange=850,859'"

/usr/local/libexec/amandad: paths: bindir="/usr/local/bin"


/usr/local/libexec/amandad: defs:  DEFAULT_SERVER="db-dev"

/usr/local/libexec/amandad:LOCKING=POSIX_FCNTL SETPGRP_VOID
/usr/local/libexec/amandad:AMANDA_DEBUG_DAYS=4 BSD_SECURITY
/usr/local/libexec/amandad:CLIENT_LOGIN="amanda" FORCE_USERID
amandad: dgram_recv: timeout after 30 seconds

amandad: error receiving message: timeout

error receiving message: timeout

amandad: pid 1818 finish time Fri Mar 15 06:47:57 2002

>Also on my MP-RAS box I'm getting this error running selfcheck:
>ERROR: edaf6.irs.sat NAK: amandad busy 

What version of Amanda?


What's in the corresponding /tmp/amanda/amandad*debug file?

# cd /tmp/amanda

# ls -al

total 12

drwx--l---   2 amanda   operator 512 Mar 15 07:02 .

drwxrwxrwt   4 sys  sys  512 Mar 15 07:02 ..

-rw---   1 amanda   operator2712 Mar 15 07:02

-rw---   1 amanda   operator 812 Mar 15 07:02

-rw---   1 amanda   operator   0 Mar 15 07:02

# more amandad.20020315070227.debug

amandad: debug 1 pid 3087 ruid 22234 euid 22234 start time Fri Mar 15
07:02:27 2002

amandad: version 2.4.3b2-20020308

amandad: build: VERSION="Amanda-2.4.3b2-20020308"


Re: Documentation

2002-03-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>I did wrote a short doc on how to install amanda on Linux approx.
>7 months ago , and I did post it on this listMaybe it got lost a
>long the way :-)

That depends on how you define "lost" :-) :-).

I "found" your post.  It's article 1562 out of 4911 in my "yet to be
processed" Amanda folder.


>Tien That Ton

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2002-03-15 Thread Anthony Worrall


Is anyone working on allowing amanda to use NDMP?

Anthony Worrall
School IT Networking Coordinator
The University of Reading,
School of Computer Science, Cybernetics and Electronic Engineering
Department of Computer Science,
Whiteknights, PO Box 225
Berkshire, UK
Tel:   +44 (0)118 931 8610
Fax:   +44 (0)118 975 1822

Backing up NFS mirrored filesystem

2002-03-15 Thread Anthony Worrall


We have a file system that is mirrored by rsync across two systems to save net 
work traffic and increase speed when accessing the files. It also allows one of 
the machines to be taken off site and still work.

At the moment I am backing up each filesystem separately. However since the file 
system is about the same size as out backup tapes I would like to be able to 
backup just one.

I could just use a redundant automount to access the filesytems on the backup 
server such as 

mirror  -ro server1,server2:/mirror

and then use tar to backup the files. However running NFS on each machine just
for this seems a bit excessive and it would be nice is I could get Amanda to
backup up which ever of the servers responded.

Any ideas

Anthony Worrall
School IT Networking Coordinator
The University of Reading,
School of Computer Science, Cybernetics and Electronic Engineering
Department of Computer Science,
Whiteknights, PO Box 225
Berkshire, UK
Tel:   +44 (0)118 931 8610
Fax:   +44 (0)118 975 1822

Re: Documentation

2002-03-15 Thread Tien That Ton



I did wrote a short doc on how to install amanda on Linux approx. 7 months ago,
and I did post
it on this listMaybe it got lost a long the way :-)

Tien That Ton

Planner FAIL to backup /

2002-03-15 Thread Robert SHEN

START planner date 20020315

INFO planner Adding new disk

INFO planner Adding new disk

INFO planner Adding new disk

START driver date 20020315

START taper datestamp 20020315 label Monthly-03 tape 0

### here why the planner failed

FAIL planner /dev/sda2 0 [disk /dev/sda2
offline on]

FINISH planner date 20020315

STATS driver startup time 9.563

SUCCESS dumper /dev/sda1 20020315 0 [sec
0.662 kb 13056 kps 19718.0 orig-kb 13030]

SUCCESS taper /dev/sda1 20020315 0 [sec
30.250 kb 13088 kps 432.7 {wr: writers 409 rdwait 0.000 wrwait 11.281
filemark 18.961}]

SUCCESS dumper /dev/sda5 20020315 0 [sec
1339.587 kb 3969088 kps 2962.9 orig-kb 4423000]

Re: Relabel whitout dataloss ?

2002-03-15 Thread Gerhard den Hollander

* John R. Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Thu, Mar 14, 2002 at 10:37:38PM -0500)
>>Is it possible to relabel a tape, but preserve the existing data on the
>>tape ?

> No.  It's a fundamental aspect of tapes that any write operation sets
> end of device (i.e. there ain't nothing after that).

I was affraid of that.

Thanks for explaining ...

Kind regards,
Gerhard den Hollander   Phone :+31-10.280.1515
Global IT Support manager   Direct:+31-10.280.1539 
Jason Geosystems BV Fax   :+31-10.280.1511 
  (When calling please note: we are in GMT+1)
visit us at 3000 BN Rotterdam  
JASON...#1 in Reservoir CharacterizationThe Netherlands

  This e-mail and any attachment is/are intended solely for the named
  addressee(s) and may contain information that is confidential and privileged.
   If you are not the intended recipient, we request that you do not
 disseminate, forward, distribute or copy this e-mail message.
  If you have received this e-mail message in error, please notify us
   immediately by telephone and destroy the original message.

request timed out

2002-03-15 Thread Jure Menart

Hi all,
I've got question which already appear here, but none of answers were
not suitable for me.
I have configure my backup system and all works fine, except one 
server. On this server I've got large partition - aprox. 25Gb. I set 
etimeout to 6000 and dtimeout to 18000 - I thought this should be 
In log on client side (sendsize.debug) it is written as directory was
finished, but in my amanda e-mail report I've got Request timed out 

I think that this might be result of one of two problems:
- simply tar of directory was made, but couldn't be send to
  server in time. This could be solved with setting even 
  higher etimeout value
- problems are with holding disks - I've got two holding 
  disks. On first I don't have enough place to store backup
  of that directory - but on second one there is planty of
  room. Does amanda know what holding disk to take, or 
  should I configure it manually.

Holding disks are sized: 
/spool1 - 60 Gb
/spool2 - 40 Gb

This client otherwise works fine, because I tried to backup it, 
without problematic directory - so I think it is not configuration 

Does Amanda have any limitations with etimeout, dtimeout, max. 
directory sizes?

I read about manually backup partition for the first time, and then
configure to only incremental backup it everytime - do you think
this could be the solution? Which is the easiest way to backup 
directory by hand?

Well, I thank you in advance.

Goodbye, Jure