[android-developers] Re: Rotating an image using Drawable

2008-10-05 Thread Ramesh Kumar Mayala
Thanks for input.

Yeah I have already seen the Lunar Lander example. In this they rotate 
the canvas but In my app I have nearly 20 objects on the canvas. Out of 
20 objects I have to rotate only 10 alternative objects.  I don't like 
the approach of rotating canvas and invoke save and restore each time.

Can some one provide me an example of 
android.graphics.drawable.*RotateDrawable* class? How the current level 
value can be used to rotate another drawable objects?

Thanks again,

Jason Proctor wrote:
 i don't know whether this is what you're looking for, but Lunar 
 Lander has an example of drawing a rotated Drawable.


 create image using the bitmap
 then use the Matrix and its preScle func..
 and paasing this as a parameter u can create another bitmap..
 like createBitmap(image,0,0,imahewidth,height,matrix,false)

 based on the prescale value it will give the transformed image




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[android-developers] Re: on-screen 12-key keyboard

2008-10-05 Thread skink

On 5 Paź, 06:06, sullitf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 android.view.KeyCharacterMap seems to be exactly what I'm looking for
 but there are no constructors or setter methods.  Once I found this it
 seemed like I should easily be able to build an Activity with a
 KeyCharacterMap view of PREDICTIVE type, but without constructors this
 class is essentially useless.  Am I looking at this incorrectly or
 does this seem to be a currently incomplete class?

there is static method KeyCharacterMap.load(int keyboard) that returns
KeyCharacterMap instance. it has no doc but it seems you have to pass
PREDICTIVE as keyboard parameter.

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[android-developers] Fwd: Send DTMF

2008-10-05 Thread legerb

Joining this one.
Is it possible to send DTMF during an ongoing call in SDK 1.0?
The Phone.java was removed from the new SDK, and I couldn't find an
equivalent to sendDTMF in other classes.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Renato Mangini [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Jan 10, 9:36 pm
Subject: Send DTMF
To: Android Developers


There is a method inandroid.telephony.Phone class (version m3-rc37a)

./android/telephony/Phone.java:    public abstract void sendDtmf(char

Since it is not documented, I'm not sure how stable or even usable it
is. It seems that you have to use PhoneFactory methods (also
undocumented) to get a Phone instance.

PS: I haven't tested any of these. Please, report if it works.

Renato Mangini.

On Nov 22 2007, 2:55 am, Alex Zhilyakov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I am wondering if it is possible to make a call and then sendDTMF
 digits usingAndroidAPI. I can't find an appropriate method tosend
 digits inandroid.telephony.IPhone interface. Is it possible?


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[android-developers] Re: httpclient and timeout

2008-10-05 Thread arnouf

Nobody have a solution? Or an idea?


On 4 oct, 20:43, arnouf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello all,

 in previous versions there was a bug on setTimeOut(long) checking a
 lost web connection.
 Is there a solution now? I'm using SDK 0.9 but I didn't find a

 Thanks a lot by advance.

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[android-developers] Re: httpclient and timeout

2008-10-05 Thread arnouf

Thanks dai.
I'm using 0.9...could you give me a part of your code where you use
the setTimeout?


On 5 oct, 11:58, dai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I dont a bug about it, but how'bout using SDK1.0?

 On 10月5日, 午後6:27, arnouf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Nobody have a solution? Or an idea?


  On 4 oct, 20:43, arnouf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hello all,

   in previous versions there was a bug on setTimeOut(long) checking a
   lost web connection.
   Is there a solution now? I'm using SDK 0.9 but I didn't find a

   Thanks a lot by advance.

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[android-developers] Re: Why did I delete the project, but it still run ?

2008-10-05 Thread Baonq86

Ok. It works well !! Thank you !

On Oct 5, 3:36 pm, dai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If what you are saying project is an Android project on Eclipse, you
 maybe delete app(.apk) via DDMS view.
 You can go there by DDMS view, then go down data/app folder. You'd see
 apps you've build so far.

 On 10月5日, 午後5:16, Ludwig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  If nothing helps, read the 

  2008/10/5 Baonq86 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   I have a project. I don't need it more and I deleted it. But when I
   run android simulator, I still see it and it still run well. How can I
   delete my project ? I deleted this project in workspace and clear the
   Temp Folder in Window, but there isn't effect. Please help me ! :(

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[android-developers] Program stopped unexpectedly when access database

2008-10-05 Thread iamaelephant

I'm brand new to Android development (and mobile development in
general) so please bare with me. I'm trying to write a very simple app
that will display a list of items from a database to get myself
acquainted with the environment. Everything works fine until I try to
access the database. In my main activity class I have a method,
fillData() which creates a new cursor by calling the method
fetchAllEntries() from my database helper class. I have narrowed the
problem down to this method.

If I return null from this method, it works fine. Obviously I don't
want to return null, I want to return a Cursor. I use the following
code in the method:

String[] columns = {KEY_AUTHOR, KEY_ENTRY};
Cursor c = mDb.query(DATABASE_TABLE, columns, null, null, null, null,
return c;

This code is virtually identical to the code in Google's notepad
tutorial. It should work perfectly. It doesn't - the apps just stops
responding. For completeness I'll include some other relevant code
from my database helper class. Please help me with this problem, it
has me tearing my hair out. I can't even do something so basic without
breaking this damn thing.

public class FriendBoxDbAdapter {

public static final String KEY_AUTHOR = author;
public static final String KEY_ENTRY = entry;
public static final String KEY_ROWID = _id;

public static final String TAG = FriendBoxDbAdapter;

private DatabaseHelper mDbHelper;
private SQLiteDatabase mDb;

/* Database creation SQL statement */
private static final String DATABASE_CREATE =
create table inbox (_id integer primary key 

+ author text not null, entry text not null);;

private static final String DATABASE_NAME = data;
private static final String DATABASE_TABLE = inbox;
private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 2;

private final Context mCtx;

 * Inner class DatabaseHelper helps us interface with the DB.
 * Pretty standard SQLite statements used to initialise/upgrade
private static class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

DatabaseHelper(Context context) {
super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);

public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {


public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int
newVersion) {
Log.w(TAG, Upgrading database from version  + oldVersion
+  to 
+ newVersion + , which will destroy all old

 * Finally, our constructor. Gives us the context for our DB
 * to be created and managed.
 * @param ctx The context we can work in
public FriendBoxDbAdapter (Context ctx) {
mCtx = ctx;

 * Opens our database using Android's getWritableDatabase
 * which is required to write to a DB.
 * @return this (self reference allows chained initialisation
 * @throws SQLException if the database can't be opened or
public FriendBoxDbAdapter open() throws SQLException {
mDbHelper = new DatabaseHelper(mCtx);
mDb = mDbHelper.getWritableDatabase();
return this;

public void close() {

 * Fetches a cursor over all entries in the database table.
 * @return a cursor over database entries
public Cursor fetchAllEntries() {
return null;
/*String[] columns = {KEY_AUTHOR, KEY_ENTRY};
Cursor c = mDb.query(DATABASE_TABLE, columns, null, null, null,
null, null);
return c;*/

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[android-developers] How to distinguish between dialing and active call states?

2008-10-05 Thread legerb

I would like to catch the moment when an outgoing dialing call becomes
active, that is accepted at the other side.
according to the documentation the CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK :
Device call state: Off-hook. At least one call exists that is
dialing, active, or on hold, and no calls are ringing or waiting.
Makes no separation between the dialing and the active call states.
Is there any other way to distinguish between those states?

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[android-developers] Re: going to the metal

2008-10-05 Thread Mark Murphy

Vinegar Tasters wrote:
 But you gotta understand that there is a major problem
 with interpreted applications.  They are too damn slow! 

That depends on what sort of app you want to create. You seem fixated on 
games. Android is not necessarily designed to be a gaming platform. And, 
it's possible those Android devices that *are* gaming platforms will 
offer their own binary SDK alongside the stock Android one, if they feel 
it necessary or useful.

Since this is [android-developers], not [android-discuss], please post 
some sample code that demonstrates how you are unable to achieve 
adequate performance using Dalvik. It may be that we can offer some 
suggestions to help improve performance.

 If you put a java layer on top of it, you are
 going to make apps 5-10 times slower! 

And your proof of this assertion is...what exactly? Please provide 
peer-reviewed scientific analyses if possible. And then bear in mind 
that those analyses are probably for a desktop Java implementation 
running on arbitrary hardware, versus Dalvik run on Android-optimized 
hardware. More on this point below.

 Before I start a flame war, lets get the main point: I am asking for
 another sdk for programming to the metal, not get rid of the java sdk
 that is android now.

Soon, you can use the open source firmware. We believe it will be 
released in or around the general availability of the first phones on 
October 22nd. Since Android is Linux-based, one would imagine developing 
binary modules is simply a matter of getting the appropriate 
cross-compiling toolchain going.

Then, all you need to do is either:

1. Convince people to download your modified Android distro and install 
it on their phones.

2. Submit patches for potential inclusion in Android that expose APIs to 
the Dalvik-based SDK (or updated drivers or whatever) that perform 
better to get around any specific bottlenecks you encounter when using 
the existing SDK. I suspect this has a better chance of success than #3 
below, because the improvements will benefit a wider audience.

3. Submit patches for potential inclusion in Android that enable 
platform-specific machine-code programs. Be prepared to answer lots and 
lots of questions regarding security, battery life, and long term 
support of this option.

I realize this isn't the answer you want to hear.

There is also a decent chance that something resembling JNI support 
(whether the real JNI spec or something similar) will be added and 
supported long-term by the Android team. In that case, specific bits 
that need optimization can be written in assembler and loaded as binary 
modules. However, this is not officially available as of Android 1.0.

 While normal programs will be able to run at the speed of
 the chip directly without going through interpretation. 

Just because Java is a VM, and Dalvik is a VM in the emulator, does not 
mean that Dalvik is a VM (= *virtual* machine) in an Android-specific 
phone. There could be a Dalvik chip. Hence, Dalvik might not be 
interpreted, any more than machine code is interpreted.

And, again, you haven't demonstrated that anything you want to write 
cannot be written using Dalvik.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)

Android Training on the Ranch! -- Mar 16-20, 2009

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[android-developers] Re: Web service using XML-RPC working on Android SDK 0.9

2008-10-05 Thread Cezar Augustus Signori


You could connect to the web service and get the response. Later you
could handle the xml and extract your objects from them.

The firt part how-to, is avaiable here: 

it is in portuguese, but the code is Java :P


On Oct 4, 4:33 pm, Hans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anyone out there ready to share some sample project which features a
 web service using XML-RPC working on SDK 0.9. I managed to get hold of
 some other samples but unfortunately these do not work successfully in
 SDK 0.9. Any help as with regards to web services on android would be
 greatly appreciated. Thanks
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[android-developers] Re: Trouble opening a raw resource

2008-10-05 Thread kelseywright

No one has any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this? =(

On Oct 4, 11:21 pm, kelseywright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am trying to open a file in res/raw. I've tried to open it with code
 similar to the following:

 int file = R.raw.myfilename;
 System.err.println(file: + file);
 Resources res = Resources.getSystem();
 System.err.println(Resources created);
 InputStream compiledIS = res.openRawResource(file);

 When I compile and run the emulator the first 4 lines work fine and it
 prints out the file id and the Resources created message, but fails on
 the last line with the message:

 10-05 03:08:22.896: WARN/ResourceType(218): No package identifier when
 getting value for resource number 0x7f040005

 I've tried searching Groups and haven't been able to find anyone else
 with the same problem. I am doing everything the documentation I have
 been able to find says to do, so I must be doing something wrong that
 I am not seeing.  Does anyone else have more file experience with
 Android that could provide some suggestions?


 PS. I am still on SDK 0.9 and haven't upgraded yet.
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[android-developers] phone to phone applications?

2008-10-05 Thread whitehexagon

I'm really struggling to find information on if it's possible to get
two android handsets talking to each other without an intermediate
server.  In theory this should be possible via wireless or more likely
BlueTooth.  But both API's seem crippled to prevent this, or am I
missing something?  I find it hard to believe android would be
launched without some kind of phone to phone communication support?


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[android-developers] Cannot create new Android Projects

2008-10-05 Thread Anm

My Eclipse framework no longer create new Android Projects.  I get the
following error:

Cannot create linked resource '/.org.eclipse.jdt.core.external/
folders/.link0'.  The parent resource is not accessible.

After clicking past the error, I see a stub project with three errors:

one.test.Main does not extend android.app.Activity  AndroidManifest.xml
1Test   line 8  Android Problem
The project was not built since its build path is incomplete. Cannot
find the class file for java.lang.Object. Fix the build path then try
building this project   1Test   Unknown Java Problem
The type java.lang.Object cannot be resolved. It is indirectly
referenced from required .class files   R.java  1Test/src/one/test  line 1
Java Problem

Looking at the project properties, I see there is no Android Library
in the build paths.  I also don't know how to fix this manually.
(When adding a library, none of the options lists Android Library as
an option.  Nor does copying the library from other working project
seem to work.)

And just to be clear, I check the plugin preferences and made sure the
path to the Android SDK is correct.


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[android-developers] Re: PackageManager??

2008-10-05 Thread nknize

This is exactly what I want to do - let the user choose to install an
apk.  How do you go about doing this without involving
PackageManager.installPackage() (that inevitably throws a permission
denied exception)?  Right now I'm providing the user with an install
Button whose onClick method calls PackageManager.installPackage() to
do the work.  Obviously this results in a permissions exception.  Are
you saying that by 1) downloading an apk, 2) instantiating an Intent,
and 3) using the setData(Uri data) method (where Uri is a file) will
install the apk file at the top level?  If this isn't the case then
how does one allow the user to approve apk installs?

Thanks for the help

- Nick

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[android-developers] Re: PackageManager??

2008-10-05 Thread nknize

Adding android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES to the manifest results in
the following:

10-05 18:50:45.631: WARN/PackageManager(57): Not granting permission
android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES to package com.test
(protectionLevel=2 flags=0x44)

Subsequently tried the following without any luck...

try {
   Intent myIntent = new Intent(
   Uri.parse(file:// +
} catch (Exception e) {
   Log.e(tag, e.getMessage();

Results in the following:

10-05 18:50:49.440: ERROR/APKInstaller(316): No Activity found to
handle Intent { action=android.intent.action.PACKAGE_INSTALL
data=file:///c:/test.apk }

I'm assuming the PackageManager and/or IPackageInstallObserver must
play a role somewhere in this process.

What exactly do you mean by launch an intent to view it?

Thx to anyone that can help clear this up.

- Nick

On Aug 26, 4:27 am, hackbod [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You can download an apk and launch an intent to view it, allowing the
 user to install it, like the browser does.  You can't directly install
 an apk without the user being involved (and thus approving the

 On Aug 26, 1:26 am, Wesley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



  so this is means we cannot download the apk and install it or somehow delete
  the package using our application???



  On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 3:36 PM, hackbod [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   This is not available to applications, sorry.

   On Aug 26, 12:25 am, Wesley Sagittarius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Does anyone successful use thePackageManager to install apk???


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[android-developers] Re: Why did I delete the project, but it still run ?

2008-10-05 Thread Karthik P
This is just that user data is still present, if you want to clear off
entire user data then use wipe command either from command line or while you
do Run Configuration-Target-Wipe User data (Check this). This will clear
off all user data.


2008/10/5 Baonq86 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Ok. It works well !! Thank you !

 On Oct 5, 3:36 pm, dai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If what you are saying project is an Android project on Eclipse, you
  maybe delete app(.apk) via DDMS view.
  You can go there by DDMS view, then go down data/app folder. You'd see
  apps you've build so far.
  On 10月5日, 午後5:16, Ludwig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   If nothing helps, read the documentation:
   2008/10/5 Baonq86 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have a project. I don't need it more and I deleted it. But when I
run android simulator, I still see it and it still run well. How can
delete my project ? I deleted this project in workspace and clear the
Temp Folder in Window, but there isn't effect. Please help me ! :(

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[android-developers] Re: n00b question - Phone Detection?

2008-10-05 Thread Nikkelitous

Well there are some significant issues with this.  Now, there are
several different wireless options available on the G1 and most if not
all Android systems should have at least ONE wireless option, however,
this doesn't guarantee any way to use it.  There are several apps
designed to find friends such as Skypop but thats not particularly
in one room.

Your app idea has actually already been done.  Not using wireless, but
using 2d barcodes.  (see 
)  You could easily write an app that would display the 2d barcode
from any contact data.  Or you could use something else like vcards.
But wireless discovery is very difficult on it's own.

Besides that, you *COULD* use Wifi or bluetooth.  The problems with
this is Wifi isn't guaranteed on every device and the Bluetooth API
isn't yet active.  Either way, it would be very difficult, require a
*LOT* of testing and probably require a very difficult setup.

Not suggested, but possible.

On Oct 5, 11:53 am, Priz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 Been lurking for a while on and off. Finally got some free time, so
 I've been learning Java the last few days so I can whip up an app or
 two I'd really like to see come to the phone/OS.

 I've glanced at the documentation and such, but I didn't really see it
 listed so I figured I'd ask to see if I can even pull this first app
 off - is there anything in the code or any easy way to detect nearby
 android phones (say, in the same room as you)?

 The first app I have in mind (maybe someone's already working on it,
 but even so, I'd like to try to whip up a version on my own even if it
 doesn't get released, for the experience) will let you configure
 profiles with your info (Home - name, phone #, e-mail address, Work -
 Name, company name, Phone #, E-mail, Website) within the app of your
 contact info for different situations and if you ever meet someone who
 also has an Android phone, they can launch the app and set their phone
 to receive, then you can launch the app, select a profile to send them
 (if it's a business contact, they don't need your home address) and
 look at what phones in the area are in receive mode (in case someone
 else happens to be running this app at the same time, such as at a
 convention/conference/bar) and select the phone in question and click
 Send. Once the info is received on the other person's phone, they
 have the option to edit/add it to their contacts list.

 I know it sounds ambitious... does anyone feel this would be difficult
 to implement? I think it'd be something nice and basic to have. It's
 an idea I've been kicking around in my head for the last few months...
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2008-10-05 Thread Christine

When I install my app on the emulator using adb install, after signing
installed. How do I find out what's wrong?

Before installing, I did remove the copy of the app that was installed
by Eclipse.

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2008-10-05 Thread Mark Murphy

Christine wrote:
 When I install my app on the emulator using adb install, after signing
 the app, I get INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE. The app is not
 installed. How do I find out what's wrong?
 Before installing, I did remove the copy of the app that was installed
 by Eclipse.

Worst-case scenario, wipe your emulator and start from scratch.

According to the docs, this error appears if a previously installed 
package of the same name has a different signature than the new package 
(and the old package's data was not removed).

If you're sure you removed it, there may be some spot where the old 
signature is still floating around that removal didn't, um, remove. 
Wiping the emulator should clear up the problem.

If this keeps happening, though, it might indicate a more serious 
toolchain problem.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)

Android Training on the Ranch! -- Mar 16-20, 2009

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[android-developers] Re: Issue with installing ADT for Eclipse Ganymede 3.4

2008-10-05 Thread Fräntz Miccoli

Nobody has an idea ?

On 4 oct, 14:42, Fräntz Miccoli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yeah, i've realized after post that the problem wasn't the same.

 I've tried to use the archive in order to install and i got this when
 I'm trying to make a new Android project :

 Plug-in com.android.ide.eclipse.adtwas unable to load class
 An error occurred while automatically activating bundle

 When I want to set the parameters of the plugin I got a new error :
 Unable to create the selected preference page.
 An error occurred while automatically activating bundle

 Any idea around all this problem ? I found nothing around
 troubleshooting that could be helpful

 Thank you


 On 4 oct, 14:18, Charlie Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The issue with updating via the update site is different.

  For that one, make sure you have tried the troubleshooting steps in
  the install doc:


  Note that if you can't get to the update site, you can usually still
  download the plugin locally and install it as a local archive (see the
  troubleshooting section).

  On Oct 4, 7:21 am, Fräntz Miccoli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I got the same problem... The path given on android website is 

   This give me an error in my firefox browser, is this a problem that
   came from google's server ?

   On 20 sep, 04:04, Trevor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm having this issue as well, only after having installed everything
just today to start developing.

Using Ubuntu Hardy

Eclipse SDK Version: 3.2.2
Build id: M20070212-1330 (Ubuntu version: 3.2.2-5ubuntu2)

Update Manager for Eclipse also seems to be taking an eternity to run
as well. Perhaps the issues are linked?

On Sep 19, 2:35 am, Sidhartha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi All,

 I am trying to insatll theADTplug-in for Eclipse Ganymede 3.4 using
 the archive path. I had provided the archive for installing theADT.
 It gives me an error stating some resource files are missing. When i
 try to create a new project i get the following error:

 The selected wizard could not be started.
   Plug-in com.android.ide.eclipse.adtwas unable to load class
 (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0)

 This was working till Sep 17th, not sure i some new version's been
 released. Could someone provide some pointers as how to solve this

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2008-10-05 Thread Christine

Mark, thanks, I'll give it a try.

On Oct 5, 11:10 pm, Mark Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Christine wrote:
  When I install my app on the emulator using adb install, after signing
  the app, I get INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE. The app is not
  installed. How do I find out what's wrong?

  Before installing, I did remove the copy of the app that was installed
  by Eclipse.

 Worst-case scenario, wipe your emulator and start from scratch.

 According to the docs, this error appears if a previously installed
 package of the same name has a different signature than the new package
 (and the old package's data was not removed).

 If you're sure you removed it, there may be some spot where the old
 signature is still floating around that removal didn't, um, remove.
 Wiping the emulator should clear up the problem.

 If this keeps happening, though, it might indicate a more serious
 toolchain problem.

 Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)http://commonsware.com

 Android Training on the Ranch! -- Mar 16-20, 
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[android-developers] Re: Why did I delete the project, but it still run ?

2008-10-05 Thread Ludwig
If nothing helps, read the documentation:

2008/10/5 Baonq86 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I have a project. I don't need it more and I deleted it. But when I
 run android simulator, I still see it and it still run well. How can I
 delete my project ? I deleted this project in workspace and clear the
 Temp Folder in Window, but there isn't effect. Please help me ! :(

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[android-developers] Re: Trouble opening a raw resource

2008-10-05 Thread Steve Oldmeadow

On Oct 6, 11:07 am, kelseywright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is where I am n00bish. I don't know what it even means by package
 the R file is created in - I think I don't know enough about the R
 files.  I mean, this file is in a package in my source tree. Is it
 meanign that package? Or is it something else?

At the top of the R.java file what it the name of the package?  The R
file is automatically created but also double check you don't have
multiple R files in your project possibly because you refactored at
some stage.
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[android-developers] Re: JNI support in 1.0

2008-10-05 Thread Neil . He
What about the development of a hardware driver or middle wire on android?
2008/9/30 hackbod [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 To be clear: native code is not a supported part of the 1.0 SDK.  If
 you use it, your application will most likely break with future
 platform updates.

 On Sep 29, 8:48 am, Josh Guilfoyle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I haven't specifically tested with 1.0, but with 0.9r1 it was
  certainly possible.  The issue of it being supported, however, is more
  difficult.  There is no distribution mechanism for native code,
  furthermore the /system image is not writable on normal phones.  So
  unless there is a way to load native code from /data (I can't say one
  way or another; haven't tried), it's certainly going to be out of
  reach for any typical user to install.  Even still, it will require
  some moderate sophistication to install apps that use native code, and
  they won't be available on the Market which is probably a big
  deterrent for most users.
  On Sep 29, 12:15 am, wiki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   does Android supports JNI?
   I see the loadLibrary() function available in the System. but came
   across certain discussion that Native code is not supported in Android
   can somebody clear the picture please?

Best Regards

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[android-developers] Re: skia : error in decode file

2008-10-05 Thread Sudha

My code is like

imageStream = new FileInputStream(new File(+imageNames[position]));
imageShow = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(+imageNames[position]);

for the first image, position = 0 its coming fine
but from next image onwards its showing the skia exception

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[android-developers] Re: How did android.R.id.list got into android.R.java file??

2008-10-05 Thread dai

Satya, you could not edit R.java manually. This have been generated
automatically by understanding layout files etc.

ListView android:id=@+id/.../ is correct. R.id. comes
from  android:id=@+id/
(the + means that Android platform creates automatically the id on
condition that the id does not exsist yet)

 id is displayed in R.java sooner when you wirte @+id.

Satya Komatineni のメッセージ:
 Can one change R.java file manually? (I take it is auto generated
 based on res files)

 How did android.R.id.list constant got into android.R.java file?

 was there a layout in android that said

 ListView android:id=@+id/list.../

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[android-developers] Re: JNI support in 1.0

2008-10-05 Thread Ahmet A. Akin

middle wire.. sounds funny.

On Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 11:52 PM, Neil. He [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What about the development of a hardware driver or middle wire on android?
 2008/9/30 hackbod [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 To be clear: native code is not a supported part of the 1.0 SDK.  If
 you use it, your application will most likely break with future
 platform updates.

 On Sep 29, 8:48 am, Josh Guilfoyle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I haven't specifically tested with 1.0, but with 0.9r1 it was
  certainly possible.  The issue of it being supported, however, is more
  difficult.  There is no distribution mechanism for native code,
  furthermore the /system image is not writable on normal phones.  So
  unless there is a way to load native code from /data (I can't say one
  way or another; haven't tried), it's certainly going to be out of
  reach for any typical user to install.  Even still, it will require
  some moderate sophistication to install apps that use native code, and
  they won't be available on the Market which is probably a big
  deterrent for most users.
  On Sep 29, 12:15 am, wiki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   does Android supports JNI?
   I see the loadLibrary() function available in the System. but came
   across certain discussion that Native code is not supported in Android
   can somebody clear the picture please?

 Best Regards


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[android-developers] Re: Cannot create new Android Projects

2008-10-05 Thread Anm

Another couple of clarifications to the below message:
  I have no problems building Java projects.
  I'm running Ganymede on Mac 10.5.

On Oct 5, 11:01 am, Anm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My Eclipse framework no longer create new Android Projects.  I get the
 following error:

 Cannot create linked resource '/.org.eclipse.jdt.core.external/
 folders/.link0'.  The parent resource is not accessible.

 After clicking past the error, I see a stub project with three errors:

 one.test.Main does not extend android.app.Activity      AndroidManifest.xml
 1Test   line 8  Android Problem
 The project was not built since its build path is incomplete. Cannot
 find the class file for java.lang.Object. Fix the build path then try
 building this project   1Test           Unknown Java Problem
 The type java.lang.Object cannot be resolved. It is indirectly
 referenced from required .class files   R.java  1Test/src/one/test      line 1
 Java Problem

 Looking at the project properties, I see there is no Android Library
 in the build paths.  I also don't know how to fix this manually.
 (When adding a library, none of the options lists Android Library as
 an option.  Nor does copying the library from other working project
 seem to work.)

 And just to be clear, I check the plugin preferences and made sure the
 path to the Android SDK is correct.

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