Re: [android-developers] Re: Question on showing contacts with all numbers

2010-04-10 Thread Jiri
So i checked out the code, which I think you meant, but it seems to be 
using spinners. My goal is to reach the following in a listActivity, i.e 
present all the data as a 'flat' sctructure.

Is there anyone that can help me out on this one?



On 08/04/2010 15:20, nubh bhargava wrote:

I think I have posted the whole source code in earlier topic, just check

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[android-developers] Question on showing contacts with all numbers

2010-04-08 Thread Jiri


I am struggling on how to display all the contacts and all their 
phonenumbers in one ListView. Because the persons and their phonenumbers 
are in two seperate dbase tables I need to do two queries. First one, is 
to get the user _ID the second one is lookup the phones tabel and based 
on that _ID get the numbers.
Using a Cursor and a ListActivity with a single query is not that 
difficult, but what to do in this case where I need to do sub queries. I 
tried building my own datasctructure, but that is to slow and to 
expensive to do every time.
How do I go about this. The end result would look like this, where each 
number is separately click-able.


Thank you.


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Re: [android-developers] Re: Question on showing contacts with all numbers

2010-04-08 Thread Jiri

Hello NUBH,

did u mean this post ?

Thank you,


On 08/04/2010 15:20, nubh bhargava wrote:

I think I have posted the whole source code in earlier topic, just check

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Re: [android-developers] Send email in background

2010-04-05 Thread Jiri

See this:


On 05/04/2010 15:58, Mark Murphy wrote:

Is there and accepted way to send an email in the background?

You would need to integrate your own email client library (e.g.,
JavaMail), as there is no way to send email in Android natively without
user intervention.

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[android-developers] Re: Help with contacts/numbers data to listView.

2010-04-05 Thread Jiri

Is there someone who could help me out?


On 02/04/2010 14:25, jiri wrote:

Hello List,

I am looking for a solution to a problem where I have to query all
users and then for each user I query for her numbers. Offcourse I can
build a strcuture first, but that has proven to be quit slow. Building
a strcuture and  then placing it in a listview seems like a detour.
Now I would like to create a CustomCursor, where I want to implement
my own moveToNext() mehtod. The implementation needs to identify if it
is currently at a 'contactname' and if so, the next time it is called,
it should create a sub cursor that can go through the 'contact' s

My question, can somebody point me to some resources where I can study
how to do this, or some sample code. Advice is also welcome
offcourse .

The end result I am trying to achive is a ListActivity that show
ContactNames as a non-clickable seperator and then all the numbers of
that user. Like so:

contact name
contact name

Thank you,


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Re: [android-developers] Installing apps to Nexus One device

2010-04-02 Thread Jiri heitlager
Did u choose usb debugging there?

On 31 Mar 2010 08:47, oriharel wrote:

Im running Win XP 32 bit, SP3.
I have Nexus one device. and I develop on Eclipse.
I'm trying to...

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[android-developers] Question on Expandable list

2010-04-02 Thread Jiri


is it possible to use an expandable listview but have it by default that 
all groups are not collapsed. I am looking for a way to create something 
like this.

name contact
home -xxx
work xx-xxx-xx
name contact



Or is there an easier way to do this



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[android-developers] Help with contacts/numbers data to listView.

2010-04-02 Thread Jiri
Does someone know how to get a 'flat' map / list of the contacts and 
there phone numbers. I am currently using this to build a datastructure, 
so I can display it in a lIstView, which is not really fast. The code 
shows that I do two queries. Would it be possible to do this with one 
query so that I end up with a just one cursor. The structure ideally 
would be:

contact name
contact name

This would then allow me with a custom listView Adapter to display the 
data and make the names non clickable.


  public ListContactInfo getContacts(Context ctx) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub

String[] projection = new String[] { Contacts.People._ID, 
Contacts.People.NAME, Contacts.People.NUMBER };

ContentResolver resolver = ctx.getContentResolver();

Cursor cur = resolver.query(Contacts.People.CONTENT_URI, null, 
null, null, Contacts.People.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER);

String name = start_name_identitiy;

ArrayListContactInfo contacts = new ArrayListContactInfo();

if (cur.getCount()  0) {
while (cur.moveToNext()) {

ContactInfo info = new ContactInfo();
String id = cur.getString(cur.getColumnIndex(People._ID));
String dname = 
cur.getString(cur.getColumnIndex(People.DISPLAY_NAME)); = dname;

Cursor pCur = 
resolver.query(Contacts.Phones.CONTENT_URI, null, 
Contacts.Phones.PERSON_ID +  = ?, new String[] { id }, null);

int i = 0;
int pCount = pCur.getCount();

String[] phoneNum = new String[pCount];

String[] phoneType = new String[pCount];

while (pCur.moveToNext()) {
phoneNum[i] = 
//phoneType[i] = 

if(phoneNum[i] != null) {
   // info.numbers.add(  dname );
info.numbers.add(  phoneNum[i] );


   if( info.numbers.size()  0 ) contacts.add(info);


return contacts;

Thank you.


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[android-developers] Help with contacts/numbers data to listView.

2010-04-02 Thread jiri
Hello List,

I am looking for a solution to a problem where I have to query all
users and then for each user I query for her numbers. Offcourse I can
build a strcuture first, but that has proven to be quit slow. Building
a strcuture and  then placing it in a listview seems like a detour.
Now I would like to create a CustomCursor, where I want to implement
my own moveToNext() mehtod. The implementation needs to identify if it
is currently at a 'contactname' and if so, the next time it is called,
it should create a sub cursor that can go through the 'contact' s

My question, can somebody point me to some resources where I can study
how to do this, or some sample code. Advice is also welcome
offcourse .

The end result I am trying to achive is a ListActivity that show
ContactNames as a non-clickable seperator and then all the numbers of
that user. Like so:

contact name
contact name

Thank you,


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[android-developers] Getting contact phone numbers in a custom data layout.

2010-03-30 Thread Jiri


i want to build a list view that shows all the contacts and their phone 
numbers. I have this working but I don't like the following. If a user 
has one contact that holds multiple phone number ( home, work etc) the 
cursor I receive will list every phone number with each duplicate name.

I am aiming for a representation of the phone numbers like this:

Name contact
Name contact
Name contact


What is the easiest/best/most efficient way to achieve this. I geuss I 
would have to make custom row layout for a the listview, and then keep 
in mind that there can be more labels.
The big thing I am really not sure on how to do is, how to create the 
underlayin data structure. Does android already provide a way of getting 
the data layed-out for me as described?

My code to get the contact is as follows:

Cursor contactsCursor = this.managedQuery( 
android.provider.Contacts.Phones.CONTENT_URI, null, null, null,null);

this.setListAdapter(new MyContactsAdapter(this, contactsCursor));

MyContactsAdapter is simply used to fill the fields in my custom row 
layout xml

Thank you for your help.


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[android-developers] Getting contact phone numbers in a custom data layout.

2010-03-30 Thread Jiri


i want to build a list view that shows all the contacts and their phone 
numbers. I have this working but I don't like the following. If a user 
has one contact that holds multiple phone number ( home, work etc) the 
cursor I receive will list every phone number with each duplicate name.

I am aiming for a representation of the phone numbers like this:

Name contact
Name contact
Name contact


What is the easiest/best/most efficient way to achieve this. I geuss I 
would have to make custom row layout for a the listview, and then keep 
in mind that there can be more labels.
The big thing I am really not sure on how to do is, how to create the 
underlayin data structure. Does android already provide a way of getting 
the data layed-out for me as described?

My code to get the contact is as follows:

Cursor contactsCursor = this.managedQuery( 
android.provider.Contacts.Phones.CONTENT_URI, null, null, null,null);

this.setListAdapter(new MyContactsAdapter(this, contactsCursor));

MyContactsAdapter is simply used to fill the fields in my custom row 
layout xml

Thank you for your help.


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Re: [android-developers] 3D Physics Engine For Android Demo

2010-03-17 Thread Jiri
Sorry to be off topic, but can somebody also point me to a 'decent' _2d_ 
physics engine.
I seen a few, but i was wondering what the general consensus is about 
the 'most' reliable one in terms of steady/continues development.



On 15/03/2010 15:25, Kevin S. wrote:

I've completed my first Android application.   It as 3D demo with a
physics engine.   It uses the phone's accelerometer so that you can
shake the world by moving the phone around.   There are  options to
adjust things like gravity, friction, and elasticity.

   The physics engine is a 100% Java port of the open source JigLib
physics engine.

   However, I only have a Motorola Droid, and I don't know if it will
work on any other phone.   The project is set to use Android 1.6.

   Before I put it in the market, I was hoping to get some feedback
from the developer community here.

   If anybody is interested in 3D stuff or physics simulation, you can
give the app a try.   The link is on the follow page.   There is a
screen shot there so you can get an idea of what the app is.


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Re: [android-developers] Re: Windows Phone and XNA. Nightmare is real. What we do with that ?

2010-03-17 Thread Jiri

Does this framework support simple 2d physics and collision detection 
and/or elastic collision?


On 10/03/2010 01:11, Mario Zechner wrote:

While it's not nearly as full featured as XNA i started working on
something similar to XNA. It allows you to develop your games mostly
on the desktop and deploying it to your Android device with just a
couple of lines that instantiate a special Activity subclass. It's
based on OpenGL and allows developing 2D and 3D games. I just finished
writting all the java doc for it and am constantly adding new features
to it. It's called libgdx and can be found at
I also started blogging about it lately and will continue so adding
sample codes for specific problems. You can find that blog at An introduction to it can be found at A
series of small tutorials wil follow this week and next week.

  The whole thing is LGPL so that there's no problem including it in
commercial apps. It's far from being perfect of course but i think the
base functionality and ease of use can kill some of the burden a fresh
android game developer has to overcome.

I'm open for suggestions and features you want to see in there!

On 9 Mrz., 22:35,  wrote:


At my daily job I work as WinMo C++ developer, so I had enough time to
become hater of that platform ;)

But now, M$ is coming with new Windows Phone. As I suspected, they
will abandon awful Win32/MFC native coding and all applications, will
be now managed - run in CLR sandboxes on top of 15 years old Win32

Main coding language will be C#  with .NET framework - Java rival.

WinMo always was terrible phone OS, but now, more interesting is, that
Windows Phone will support XNA framework:

This is full gaming framework with C# interfaces and support for 2D/3D
graphics, animation, sprites, net play, game sound, controllers, etc..
XNA greatly improves creating games, because it gives a developer an
ready to use game abstraction layer.

To the point; Android needs game framework, like XNA. Maybe it should
be written as NDK library, ready to link with your own application.
This library could load, manage and draw sprites, backgrounds, make
simple physics, etc..

Why ? To create games faster, easier. At this time, you must be very
skilled to create simple platformer with 2 bkgs and 5 sprites. Our
devices have even 1GHz CPU's and animation can be STILL too slow ! I'm
tired of the same logical bricks/ball/falling diamonds games over and

What do you think ?

Is there any chance, that Google will work on something like that ?

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Re: [android-developers] HTC tester needed

2010-03-17 Thread Jiri
Seems to work fine on a Nexus One. I added several words and they all 
show up as hints when writing an sms.


On 17/03/2010 22:06, Adrian Vintu wrote:

Hi all,

I ran into a problem and I need an HTC tester badly.

I developed an app for managing the user dictionary on Android. The
homepage is

Thing is, it works great, except for the HTCs. I think the HTC is not
using the standard custom dictionary :(

Tech: I am using the standard way to add custom words -
UserDictionary.Words.addWord(context, word, frequency, app_id)

I need an HTC owner to make a short test for me.

1. install UDM
2. go to Edit and add a test word like: TESTESTEST
3. go to SMS screen
4. start writing TESTE and see if the TESTESTEST comes up in the
suggestion bar.
5. let me know if the word appears in the suggestion bar

I will be very grateful to who can help me with this issue.

Thank you,
Adrian Vintu

PS you must not use any custom keyboard software, except the official on
from HTC, of course.

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Re: [android-developers] Creating first game

2010-03-09 Thread Jiri

This might be helpfull.


veel plezier. ;)

On 08/03/2010 20:26, Marlo wrote:

Greetings (i'm Dutch and only 14 so please don't not my English),

I'm currently starting to develop a game for Android since my mobile
phone runs Android but i do not know how to start. i want to make a
game where you can draw blocks and circles wich you can move around
and create a building out of them. could someone help me how to make
that with eclipse?

prethanks Marlo

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Re: [android-developers] Gps sorting question

2010-02-06 Thread Jiri
Ok, so if I use plain simple trigonometry there is some inaccuracy. I 
can live with that.

Thank you Frank

Frank Weiss wrote:
It's that simple unless you want to account for latitude compression or 
obstacles. Latitude compression is usually negligible if the latitude 
bounds are small (0.2 degrees), otherwise use great circle computation, 
which involves more calculation. Most nearness calculations are done as 
the bird flies, but such calculations are not true if the path is 
limited to roadways or land, such as for cars, walking, or crossing 
rivers via bridges.

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[android-developers] Gps sorting question

2010-02-05 Thread Jiri
How does one calculate the sorting of gps data in an order of close - 
far. So when I have a list of geopoints, and I know my own location, how 
do I sort that data based on the closest by points.
Can I consider each geo point data as x and y positions and then do some 
trigonometry on the points relative to my reference point, or is that to 
simple ?


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Re: [android-developers] Re: How to set a default item in a spinner drop down list

2010-01-27 Thread Jiri

Is this any help?


Sasikumar S wrote:

See this link

you will get the answer.

On Jan 26, 6:09 pm, MMC2 wrote:

How can I use code to set a default item in a spinner drop down list

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[android-developers] Question on NotificationManager, setLatestEventInfo() and custom view.

2009-10-23 Thread Jiri


I am creating a notification that displayes the progress of downloading 
files. Because I use a custom layout to be displyed in the expanded 
view. This custom view has a progressbar. I first make a call to the 
notification manager that will show the progress bar as being 
indeterminate and display a text 2 / 10 for instance.
Then when the downloading starts i only want to update the prgress bar.

 private void showNotification(String tickertxt, String displayTxt , 
  int total , int progress , Boolean indeterminate) {

 NotificationManager notifMgr = (NotificationManager) 

PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, 
new Intent(this, MainMenu.class), 0);

// construct the Notification object.
Notification notif = new Notification();

notif.flags = Notification.FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT | 
notif.tickerText = tickertxt;
notif.icon = R.drawable.icon;

RemoteViews nmView = new RemoteViews( getPackageName(), 
nmView.setProgressBar(, total, progress, 
nmView.setTextViewText(, displayTxt);

notif.contentView = nmView;

notif.contentIntent = contentIntent;

 notifMgr.notify(R.layout.custom_notification_layout,  notif);

So the first call i make when downloads are being prepared is:

showNotification(download... , n / n files , 1 , 1 , false)

then when downloading starts:

showNotification(download... , n / n files , class.getCurrent() , 
class.getTotal() , true)

What is bothering me is that I call the second call quit a lot and thus 
in the showNotification() a lot of objects are instantiated. In the docs 
it talks about  setLatestEventInfo() but this (afaik) cannot be applied 
when using a custom view.
Is this the way it is or is there a better technique.


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[android-developers] formatting text, before adding to textview

2009-10-22 Thread Jiri

Hello list,

If I have a string resource, for instance:

Hello world

and I want to have world be colored differently when i put it to a 
TextView. How do I do this?


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[android-developers] Re: formatting text, before adding to textview

2009-10-22 Thread Jiri

Thank you,

so I would first have to set the string to the field and then retrieve 
it again using getText and then style it. That seems a bit of a way around.

Well if thats how they made it, then thats how I will use it :) Or do I 
misunderstand it?


skink wrote:
 On Oct 22, 4:57 pm, Jiri wrote:
 Hello list,

 If I have a string resource, for instance:

 Hello world

 and I want to have world be colored differently when i put it to a
 TextView. How do I do this?

 use setSpan method

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[android-developers] Re: formatting text, before adding to textview

2009-10-22 Thread Jiri

Ok, i will look into that then. I allready thought it was a bit strange.

Thanx a lot


nEx.Software wrote:
 You don't have to set the text first. There is nothing stopping you
 from creating a Spannable string and feeding that to setText(). I do
 the same thing using SpannableStringBuilder.
 On Oct 22, 10:27 am, Jiri wrote:
 Thank you,

 so I would first have to set the string to the field and then retrieve
 it again using getText and then style it. That seems a bit of a way around.

 Well if thats how they made it, then thats how I will use it :) Or do I
 misunderstand it?


 skink wrote:

 On Oct 22, 4:57 pm, Jiri wrote:
 Hello list,
 If I have a string resource, for instance:
 Hello world
 and I want to have world be colored differently when i put it to a
 TextView. How do I do this?
 use setSpan method


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[android-developers] confused about service

2009-10-18 Thread Jiri

If i have a service tag in my manifest, does that mean that the service 
class gets instantiated, and if so do I then still need to send an 
intent from an activity to have it started?


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[android-developers] Re: GC question.

2009-09-25 Thread Jiri

Thank you both, that was what I needed to know.


Mark Murphy wrote:
 Actually, the OP's example is final, not static.
 Final references cannot be pointed to null, as they cannot be modified.
 However, they are also not static, so they should be garbage collected
 once the containing object (an activity in this case) itself is garbage
 Static references remains on memory until the process where your activity
 running is destroyed.

 So, in order to avoid memory leaks, point the reference to null in


 Felipe Silveira

 On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 10:58 AM, Jiri

 I have a simple question, in my ctivity i define a static private as so:

 private final FileFetcher ff = new FileFetcher();

 what happens when this activity is destroyed, is the reference to the
 FileFetcher completly gone, and can everything be marked for GC?

 Or would it better to write

 private FileFetcher ff;

 and the in my onCreate instantiate the FileFetcher and nullify it in the
 onDestroy method?

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[android-developers] GC question.

2009-09-24 Thread Jiri

I have a simple question, in my ctivity i define a static private as so:

private final FileFetcher ff = new FileFetcher();

what happens when this activity is destroyed, is the reference to the 
FileFetcher completly gone, and can everything be marked for GC?

Or would it better to write

private FileFetcher ff;

and the in my onCreate instantiate the FileFetcher and nullify it in the 
onDestroy method?


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[android-developers] Please, some layout help.

2009-08-25 Thread Jiri

Hello list,

i think i need some help with a layout issue. I have three views, two 
TextViews (header and footer) and in between a ListView. They are 
rendered good, in portait mode. When i go into landscape mode, the 
ViewList is gone. Switching back to portait mode and the ViewList is 
still goneHere is my xml.

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
RelativeLayout xmlns:android=;

Any ideas why this is happening?



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[android-developers] What happens when more activities 'listen' to the same intent?

2009-08-20 Thread Jiri

Intents can start activity's, what happens if two or more activities 
listen to the same intent, i.e. the both have an intenfilter defined 
with the same android:name?

How is the decisive process being performed?


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[android-developers] Re: Unable to start service intent

2009-08-18 Thread Jiri

Should it be :

service android:name=.MyService
instead of
service android:name=.service.MyService

because the package @name allready includes the service


Mark Murphy wrote:
 Honest wrote:

 I tried to create service by following code but in logcat i got
 following error  Unable to start service intent The following is
 my manifest.xml file.

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 manifest xmlns:android=;
 application android:icon=@drawable/icon android:label=@string/
 activity android:name=.ServiceExample
 action android:name=android.intent.action.MAIN /
 android:name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER /
 service android:name=.service.MyService



 uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=3 /
 uses-permission android:name=android.permission.READ_FRAME_BUFFER/
 Is your service named com.saltriver.service.service.MyService?
 You might try spelling out the full java package on your service
 element to see if it clears up your problem.

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[android-developers] Re: How to style part of TextView

2009-08-18 Thread Jiri

I thought that it would be easier to style the first text field
tfield 1 = John says:
tfield 2 = this is what he says

but come to think of it, one field would indeed be easier and probably 


skink wrote:
 On Aug 17, 9:18 pm, Jiri wrote:
 I am quit new to Android, but as far as I know you could make a custom
 view. Take a linearLayout and add two textfields.
 Something like this.
 LinearLayout where orientation is horizontal.
 | TextView | TextView  |

 Create a custom adapater that extends BaseAdapter and override the
 getView method where this method then returns your custom view and
 populates the fields.
 Set this adapter to be your ListView adapter in the activity.
 ListView sounds ok here but why custom view with two TextViews? you
 can use simple TextView as your ListView rows

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[android-developers] Re: How To Keep ListView Header From Scrolling With ListView Content

2009-08-18 Thread Jiri

I think you can create a layout, listview_layout.xml
LinearLayout xmlns:android=;

!-- this will be the header  then --
ListView android:id=@id/android:list

in the onCreate you will have to set:


This is how I would do it, but i am really a newby, so if anyone has a 
better suggestion, lets hope they speak up :)


chinchin wrote:
 Hello Guys,
 I've written the following but I cannot figure out how to add the non
 scrolling header Item. If I only extent an Activity then I cannot
 override the onListItemClick method. This is why I have written it to
 use the ListActivity class. Any help would be greatly appreciated,
 here is my code so far:
 public class HelloListAdapter extends ListActivity {
   private ListView lv;
   private TextView tv;
   private ListAdapter la;
   /** Called when the activity is first created. */
 public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
 tv = new TextView(this);
 tv.setText(Hello Text, Top of List);
 lv = (ListView) getListView();
 la = (ListAdapter) new ArrayAdapterString(this,
 android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, COUNTRIES);
 static final String[] COUNTRIES = new String[] {
 Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, American Samoa,
 Angola, Anguilla, Antarctica, Antigua and Barbuda,
 On Jul 31, 1:49 pm, Atif wrote:
 I have similar issue with TableLayout. There must be some mechanism to
 define non scrolling header row. If I took out my header row from
 ScrollView+TableLayout and define it in new layout than the columns
 are not aligned.


 On Jun 26, 3:35 am, Mike wrote:

 I use the same view for my rows as I do my table header, so in order
 for them to size correctly (make sure the columns in the header line
 up with the column in the rows), they have to be within the same
 container to have the same width, correct?  That's all I meant by
 needing to be in the same ViewGroup.
 - Mike
 On Jun 25, 9:54 am, Marco Nelissen wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 8:46 AM, Mike 
 Thanks guys.  This does work provided the ListView and the header View
 are within the same parent ViewGroup.
 Can you give an example of when they would not be?
 I would, however, like to request that the ListView be enhanced with
 two new methods:
 voidaddHeaderView(View v, Object data, boolean isSelectable, boolean
 void addFooterView(View v, Object data, boolean isSelectable, boolean
 This would allow a dev to leave management of the headers and footers
 entirely with the ListView and provide the ability to have sticky
 headers and footers that are owned by the ListView.
 What's the advantage of this over putting your headerview above the 
 in a LinearLayout?

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[android-developers] Re: Determining Who Passed an Intent to You

2009-08-18 Thread Jiri

COuld you maybe use

intent.getComponent() and then use the packageManager its 

Not sure if this is what you need, or if it is the best solution.


Jonathan Herriott wrote:
 I was wondering if there is a way to determine who passed an intent to
 my application.  For example, I have a service, that I want to act
 differently depending on who passed the intent (for security
 reasons).  I'm trying to sandbox each calling application, so they
 only have access to their data stored in my application.
 For it to be secure, I cannot trust any application to be truthful
 about the identifying data it is passing into my service.  Therefore,
 I need some system way of identifying who sent the intent in a way
 that the calling application cannot change that information.  I don't
 know if it is possible, but I can't find anything in the Intent class,
 and I was wondering if there may be another structure which does what
 I want it to.  If it is not possible, I would like to get some type of
 mechanism to do this in the roadmap.
 Jonathan Herriott

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[android-developers] Re: How to style part of TextView

2009-08-17 Thread Jiri

I am quit new to Android, but as far as I know you could make a custom 
view. Take a linearLayout and add two textfields.
Something like this.
LinearLayout where orientation is horizontal.
| TextView | TextView  |

Create a custom adapater that extends BaseAdapter and override the 
getView method where this method then returns your custom view and 
populates the fields.
Set this adapter to be your ListView adapter in the activity.

Have a look here:


fhucho wrote:
 I want to include a chat feature into my application. But I don't know
 what widget should I use for the chat - now I use TextView but I have
 two problems:
 1) In the TextView there will be lines like John: Hi, how're you
 doing?. I want the text John to have blue color, how can I do that?
 2) When a new message arrives I want the chat to scroll automatically.
 What do you think is the simplest way to implement chat according to
 my requirenments?

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[android-developers] Question on Seekbar - clipping of thumb

2009-08-15 Thread Jiri

I am using a SeekBar which has a android:thumb set. It works fine,but 
the thumb gets clipped on the left and right side, by the canvas clip 
Is there some way to avoid this.


GPU wrote:
 Hi ,
 Can anyone tell ,what are the steps to add a new attribute for
 I added a attr in framework/core/res/value/attr.xml under
  declare-styleable name=ViewGroup
 but its not reflecting in after building.

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[android-developers] Re: Simply touching screen reduces fps

2009-08-14 Thread Jiri

Could someone please post a snippet on how to do this?


Dianne Hackborn wrote:
 And the solution is NOT to increase your thread priority so you can 
 better fight with the system.  You will get better results by putting 
 in the sleep so you aren't fighting.
 On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 3:32 PM, Justin (Google Employee) wrote:
 The recommendation for this is to sleep in the touch event handler.
 The system will send you touch events as fast as you can process them.
 If you artificially decrease this by sleeping in the handler, you will
 allow more processing time for other threads which are theoretically
 running your computations for screen updates.
 Android Team @ Google
 On Aug 10, 9:38 am, sahn0 wrote:
   Yes, it is.
   Try SpriteMethodTest, set 100 sprites, select OpenGL / Use VBO,  let
   it run for a while. You will get something around 20ms / 50 fps. Now
   run it second time, and simply touch screen while test is
 running. You
   will get something around 35ms / 29 fps. So it is 15 ms difference.
   As I understand, the answer is simple - it is that dispatcher thread
   running with THREAD_PRIORITY_URGENT_DISPLAY priority.
   Setting THREAD_PRIORITY_URGENT_DISPLAY priority (will it work on non-
   ADP firmware?) on renderer thread yields 30 ms / 33 fps.
   Are there any other workarounds?
 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer
 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to 
 provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such 
 questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see 
 and answer them.

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[android-developers] Re: ListView if I don't wan use xml, but programatic... how??

2009-08-14 Thread Jiri

Maybe this pdf will provide some insights.


Wesley Sagittarius wrote:
 hi all,
 can any one show me a simple example how can I create ListView using
 code, not xml...
 and add item into list and remove item in the list anyway I wan???

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[android-developers] Re: Good practise

2009-08-14 Thread Jiri

Thnx Kaj,

well it is not really an app. I am exploring Android and Java, coming 
from an AS3 backgound. I havent even begun to look inot threads.
But to answer your question. The app is just drawing dots to the canvas 
and one button is moving them all x+=1. I wanted to find out how to deal 
with this in Android.
1. use an intent that all the newly created dots are listenening to.
2. use a model and register this to listen to an intent. When it 
responds, it goes through the dots and updates them.


Kaj Bjurman wrote:
 You haven't told us how many dots that you have, but I do think it
 sounds like an odd design. What kind of application is it? How often
 are they moved? How many dots do you have? What do they represent?
 I might of course be wrong here, but this sounds a bit like a common
 problem that I often see in people who are starting with game
 programming and is using e.g. one thread per bullet or what ever
 they have that is moving.
 On 11 Aug, 20:10, Jiri wrote:
 Thanx Yusuf,

 your advice is right, i should optimise later. I have to admit i am just
 started exploring Java and the android API, so hence the sloppyness.

 The main point is, that being so new, i have to post these kind of
 questions to take away some insecurity on choices i make. If I
 understand your point correctly, it is not bad practice what i did. I
 just need to optimize...

 Using a dotmanager, isnt it more expensive to go through all the dots an
 update them. I can imagine by using the architecture as is and not
 implement another structure, this would be faster.

 Any ideas on that?


 Yusuf T. Mobile wrote:
 Code first for simplicity then optimize if/as needed. That being said
 (well, more like pontificated, sorry), a simpler design would be to
 aggregate all your dots into a DotManager. This would listen and draw
 all the dots as needed. Aggregation works if all the dots are similar
 enough that their code can be centralized, and if I understand your
 problem correctly (all dots listen for the same event and then they
 all move), my brilliant and royalty-free design would be appropriate.
 Yusuf Saib
 ·T· · ·Mobile· stick together
 The views, opinions and statements in this email are those of the
 author solely in their individual capacity, and do not necessarily
 represent those of T-Mobile USA, Inc.
 On Aug 11, 9:13 am, wrote:
 I was wondering if the following is considered good practice.
 I am creating mulitple Dot instance. A Dot instance is a value object
 containing x,y, color, diameter fields.
 I draw each created Dot to a view:
canvas.drawCircle( dot.getX(),dot.getY(),dot.getDiameter
 Now i want all the Dots to listen to a certain event, lets say that i
 want to click a button and move all the Dots.
 What i do is in the Dot constructor i add this code:
IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter
Appcontext.registerReceiver(this, intentFilter);
 public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
 this.x += 5;
 Then from my button i send the intent :
 I am wondering if someone could give me some feedback on this. Is it
 expensive for instance, and are there better ways to achive the same.
 Thank you,

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[android-developers] Re: / restore() , what is this?

2009-08-14 Thread Jiri

Thanks Jeff,

not sure if i understand it correctly. I come from an AS3 background and 
   tf matrixes i understand.
So if i would scale the canvas via a matrix and then draw stuff on it, 
this stuff is then scaled when drawn.
if i then after the scaling do a restore() all is 100% scaled again?

Or is that the matrix is resetted but the drawn stuff remains how it was 
before calling the restore()?


Jeff Sharkey wrote:
 Think of it as checkpointing the transformation matrix and clip
 rectangle of your Canvas at a known place in time.  This is useful
 when rendering children views that may leave them in an unknown state.
  (You can restore back to the checkpointed state when children are
 done drawing.)  Here's an example from ViewGroup:
 final int restoreTo =;
 [perform some drawing that might change the transformation matrix or
 clip rectangle]
 On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 3:04 AM, wrote:
 Could someone explain to me the and restore(). I come from
 a flash background, and this is a new concept for me. Reading the
 documentation is not helpfull.



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[android-developers] Re: Simply touching screen reduces fps

2009-08-14 Thread Jiri

I see, thanks a lot.


Streets Of Boston wrote:
 E.g. when you handle the ACTION_MOVE in your touch-handler, just do a
 Thread.sleep(20) before your method returns.
 If you don't have a touch-handler in your app, just register one and
 only do the Thread.sleep(20) when handling the ACTION_MOVE.
 On Aug 14, 3:32 am, Jiri wrote:
 Could someone please post a snippet on how to do this?


 Dianne Hackborn wrote:
 And the solution is NOT to increase your thread priority so you can
 better fight with the system.  You will get better results by putting
 in the sleep so you aren't fighting.
 On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 3:32 PM, Justin (Google Employee) wrote:
 The recommendation for this is to sleep in the touch event handler.
 The system will send you touch events as fast as you can process them.
 If you artificially decrease this by sleeping in the handler, you will
 allow more processing time for other threads which are theoretically
 running your computations for screen updates.
 Android Team @ Google
 On Aug 10, 9:38 am, sahn0 wrote:
   Yes, it is.
   Try SpriteMethodTest, set 100 sprites, select OpenGL / Use VBO,  let
   it run for a while. You will get something around 20ms / 50 fps. Now
   run it second time, and simply touch screen while test is
 running. You
   will get something around 35ms / 29 fps. So it is 15 ms difference.
   As I understand, the answer is simple - it is that dispatcher thread
   running with THREAD_PRIORITY_URGENT_DISPLAY priority.
   Setting THREAD_PRIORITY_URGENT_DISPLAY priority (will it work on non-
   ADP firmware?) on renderer thread yields 30 ms / 33 fps.
   Are there any other workarounds?
 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer
 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
 provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
 questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see
 and answer them.- Hide quoted text -
 - Show quoted text -

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[android-developers] Re: / restore() , what is this?

2009-08-14 Thread Jiri

Ok, i see I think coming from flash I think to much in timelines and 
frames. In Java there is offcourse no such thing, so i understand ( i 
think ) why one needs to sometimes revert back to previous canvas state.

Thnx for clearing that up.


Streets Of Boston wrote:
 Before you call save() on the canvas, your canvas is in a certain
 state (clip region/transformation matrix/etc).
 Then you call save() and all this info is saved away somewhere.
 Then other code (e.g. paints of child-views) can modify this canvas
 anyway they like.
 Then when control is returned back to your code, just call restore
 (level) on the canvas to get your old saved state back.
   // do some drawing/clipping/scaling/etc on my canvas
   int level =;
   // after this, the canvas could be in any (unknown) state
   // restore to my known state, as it was just before
   // calling letSomeOtherCodeDoSomeDrawing
   // do some more drawing/clipping/scaling etc on the canvas
 On Aug 14, 10:55 am, Jiri wrote:
 Thanks Jeff,

 not sure if i understand it correctly. I come from an AS3 background and
tf matrixes i understand.
 So if i would scale the canvas via a matrix and then draw stuff on it,
 this stuff is then scaled when drawn.
 if i then after the scaling do a restore() all is 100% scaled again?

 Or is that the matrix is resetted but the drawn stuff remains how it was
 before calling the restore()?


 Jeff Sharkey wrote:
 Think of it as checkpointing the transformation matrix and clip
 rectangle of your Canvas at a known place in time.  This is useful
 when rendering children views that may leave them in an unknown state.
  (You can restore back to the checkpointed state when children are
 done drawing.)  Here's an example from ViewGroup:
 final int restoreTo =;
 [perform some drawing that might change the transformation matrix or
 clip rectangle]
 On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 3:04 AM, wrote:
 Could someone explain to me the and restore(). I come from
 a flash background, and this is a new concept for me. Reading the
 documentation is not helpfull.
 Jiri- Hide quoted text -
 - Show quoted text -

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[android-developers] Re: Scope issue - newby question

2009-08-14 Thread Jiri

you are right. Cheers!


Mark Murphy wrote:
 Jiri wrote:
 I think it is a scoping issue, but I cant seem to find how to solve it.
 I would appreciate some help.

 public class SliderTest extends Activity {

  private HorizontalSlider slider;

  public TextView pView;

  public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {



  slider = (HorizontalSlider) this.findViewById(;

  pView = (TextView) findViewById(;

  slider.setOnChangeListener( new OnProgressChangeListener() {

  public void onProgressChanged(View v, int progress) {
  /// CRASHES HERE , it seems pView is not know here!!
  /// tried this SliderTest.this.pView
 String myString = Integer.toString(progress);
 pView.setText( myString );


 If it compiles, you do not have a scope problem.
 More likely, pView is null. You can determine this by checking the Java
 stack trace, available from adb logcat, DDMS, or the DDMS perspective in

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[android-developers] Re: receiver enabled=false , problems after instantiation to set to listen

2009-08-13 Thread Jiri

  If you don't want android instantiating a component, there is no reason
  to declare it in a manifest.

Thank you for the clear answer.

And yes it should have been



Dianne Hackborn wrote:
 If you don't want android instantiating a component, there is no reason 
 to declare it in a manifest.  If you just want to listen for broadcasts 
 while other code of yours is running, just write your class deriving 
 from BroadcastReceiver, and instantiate it and hand that instance to 
 On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 3:08 AM, Jiri wrote:
 Hello List,
 in my manifest I set an custom object Dots that extends a
 BroadcastReceiver to receive a certain broadcast string.
 action android:name=org.dadata.demo.receiverTest /
 I dont want Android to instantiate the object for me hence the
 In the Activity a new Dots is created
 Dots dots = new Dots()
 How do i now make the Dots start listening to the broadcasting. I tried
 this, but it doesnt work and it also feels much to complicated..
 ComponentName cName = new
 PackageManager pm = this.getPackageManager();
 pm.setComponentEnabledSetting(cName ,
 Is there a workable easy way to do this?
 Thank you,
 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer
 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to 
 provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such 
 questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see 
 and answer them.

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[android-developers] Re: receiver enabled=false , problems after instantiation to set to listen

2009-08-13 Thread Jiri

One more question. In my Activity.onDraw method I have this:

Dots dotModel = new Dots();

IntentFilter iFilter = new IntentFilter();
this.registerReceiver(dotModel, iFilter);

Then later in a click handler I wrote this:

Intent intent = new Intent();

Is there some way to externalise the now hardcoded string:
org.dadata.demo.ON_UPDATE so i can access it from anywhere and 
reducing the risk of typed errors?


Dianne Hackborn wrote:
 If you don't want android instantiating a component, there is no reason 
 to declare it in a manifest.  If you just want to listen for broadcasts 
 while other code of yours is running, just write your class deriving 
 from BroadcastReceiver, and instantiate it and hand that instance to 
 On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 3:08 AM, Jiri wrote:
 Hello List,
 in my manifest I set an custom object Dots that extends a
 BroadcastReceiver to receive a certain broadcast string.
 action android:name=org.dadata.demo.receiverTest /
 I dont want Android to instantiate the object for me hence the
 In the Activity a new Dots is created
 Dots dots = new Dots()
 How do i now make the Dots start listening to the broadcasting. I tried
 this, but it doesnt work and it also feels much to complicated..
 ComponentName cName = new
 PackageManager pm = this.getPackageManager();
 pm.setComponentEnabledSetting(cName ,
 Is there a workable easy way to do this?
 Thank you,
 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer
 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to 
 provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such 
 questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see 
 and answer them.

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[android-developers] / restore() , what is this?

2009-08-13 Thread Jiri

Could someone explain to me the and restore(). I come from 
a flash background, and this is a new concept for me. Reading the 
documentation is not helpfull.


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[android-developers] Re: button press on custom drawable

2009-08-12 Thread Jiri

Maybe this will help you:



Atif wrote:
 The default button turns yellow|orange when it is pressed.
 I just replaced the background through Drawable given below. But now
 it stop changing the color on press. Sure I have to provide another
 drawable (lets call it pressedButton) for that. But how and on which
 even I should apply this pressedButton Drawable. Thanks
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 shape xmlns:android=;
   gradient android:startColor=#FF505050
   android:endColor=#FF505050 /
   padding android:left=5dp android:top=5dp android:right=5dp
   android:bottom=5dp /
 Best Regards,
 Atif Gulzar
 I  Unicode, ɹɐzlnƃ ɟıʇɐ

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[android-developers] Re: button press on custom drawable

2009-08-12 Thread Jiri

Cool, let me know if u run into problems.


Atif Gulzar wrote:
 Thanks Jiri,
 That is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks again.
 Best Regards,
 Atif Gulzar
 I ◘◘◘◘ Unicode, É¹É zlnƃ ÉŸÄ±Ê‡É 
 On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 12:52 PM, Jiri wrote:
 Maybe this will help you:
 Atif wrote:
   The default button turns yellow|orange when it is pressed.
   I just replaced the background through Drawable given below. But now
   it stop changing the color on press. Sure I have to provide another
   drawable (lets call it pressedButton) for that. But how and on which
   even I should apply this pressedButton Drawable. Thanks
   ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
   shape xmlns:android=;
   Â  Â  Â  android:shape=rectangle
   Â  Â  Â  gradient android:startColor=#FF505050
   Â  Â  Â  Â  Â  Â  Â  android:endColor=#FF505050 /
   Â  Â  Â  padding android:left=5dp android:top=5dp
   Â  Â  Â  Â  Â  Â  Â  android:bottom=5dp /
   Best Regards,
   Atif Gulzar
   I ◘◘◘◘ Unicode, É¹É zlnƃ ÉŸÄ±Ê‡É 

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[android-developers] receiver enabled=false , problems after instantiation to set to listen

2009-08-12 Thread Jiri

Hello List,

in my manifest I set an custom object Dots that extends a 
BroadcastReceiver to receive a certain broadcast string.

action android:name=org.dadata.demo.receiverTest /

I dont want Android to instantiate the object for me hence the enable=false.

In the Activity a new Dots is created

Dots dots = new Dots()

How do i now make the Dots start listening to the broadcasting. I tried 
this, but it doesnt work and it also feels much to complicated..

ComponentName cName = new 
PackageManager pm = this.getPackageManager();
pm.setComponentEnabledSetting(cName , 

Is there a workable easy way to do this?

Thank you,


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[android-developers] Re: Good practise

2009-08-11 Thread Jiri

Thanx Yusuf,

your advice is right, i should optimise later. I have to admit i am just 
started exploring Java and the android API, so hence the sloppyness.

The main point is, that being so new, i have to post these kind of 
questions to take away some insecurity on choices i make. If I 
understand your point correctly, it is not bad practice what i did. I 
just need to optimize...

Using a dotmanager, isnt it more expensive to go through all the dots an 
update them. I can imagine by using the architecture as is and not 
implement another structure, this would be faster.

Any ideas on that?


Yusuf T. Mobile wrote:
 Code first for simplicity then optimize if/as needed. That being said
 (well, more like pontificated, sorry), a simpler design would be to
 aggregate all your dots into a DotManager. This would listen and draw
 all the dots as needed. Aggregation works if all the dots are similar
 enough that their code can be centralized, and if I understand your
 problem correctly (all dots listen for the same event and then they
 all move), my brilliant and royalty-free design would be appropriate.
 Yusuf Saib
 ·T· · ·Mobile· stick together
 The views, opinions and statements in this email are those of the
 author solely in their individual capacity, and do not necessarily
 represent those of T-Mobile USA, Inc.
 On Aug 11, 9:13 am, wrote:
 I was wondering if the following is considered good practice.
 I am creating mulitple Dot instance. A Dot instance is a value object
 containing x,y, color, diameter fields.
 I draw each created Dot to a view:
canvas.drawCircle( dot.getX(),dot.getY(),dot.getDiameter

 Now i want all the Dots to listen to a certain event, lets say that i
 want to click a button and move all the Dots.
 What i do is in the Dot constructor i add this code:
IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter
Appcontext.registerReceiver(this, intentFilter);
 public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
 this.x += 5;

 Then from my button i send the intent :


 I am wondering if someone could give me some feedback on this. Is it
 expensive for instance, and are there better ways to achive the same.

 Thank you,


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[android-developers] Re: no classfiles specified and Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1

2009-06-21 Thread Jiri Danek

Check this:

You have to simply reload the project in Eclipse. Click on the project
in the Package explorer on the left and press F5(reload)

On 15 čvn, 02:12, xerberus wrote:
 Hi Guys,

 I have a working(Released) project that needs some updating. The
 Project was created with SDK 1.1 on Windows and Ecplise 3.4.
 A couple months ago i moved away from Windows to Mac and installed all
 tools on the mac including Android SDK 1.1. Everything was working
 fine at that time.

 I never bothered compiling the project against SDK 1.5 as the program
 was running fine on a 1.5 Device.
 But now i need to do some changes and installed SDK 1.5, following the
 installation guideline (

 So I build my project against  SDK 1.1 (as suggested) and failed with
 the following error messages :
 - no classfiles specified
 - Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1

 I receive the same error if I compile with SDK 1.5 (clean + build).

 First i thought there is something wrong with my code but could not
 find anything.
 After that I tried the example JetBoy and received the same error.
 Using Fix Project Properties was without effect for booth projects.

 I am kind of clueless right know and happy for any suggestion

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[android-developers] Widget opening a dialog instead of the browser...

2009-05-11 Thread Jiri


I'm trying to create my first widget for Android according to the
SimpleWiktionary example. In this example is shown how to open a web
browser after tapping on the widget. Can somebody explain me how to
open and other activity then the browser, for example a Dialog?

Best regards,
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[android-developers] Re: Widget design in Gimp

2009-05-11 Thread Jiri

I have been facing the same problem. First I wanted to create my own
widget background but then I have downloaded one of the examples of
the background from this site (
practices/ui_guidelines/widget_design.html). Then I have used the
draw9patch utility (part of the Android SDK -
to allow stretch the picture in any different size with correct
proportion. Using this utility you don't have to have precise size of
the background image because it will be resized as required.

This way, I have got the same look and feel of the widget background
what original Google widgets have.


On May 11, 3:31 pm, Jose de Paula Eufrasio Junior wrote:
 So, I was reading this 

 Does anyone here use Gimp to adjust the widget sizes and shadow? Or I am
 really limited to Photoshop?

 José de Paula Eufrásio Júnior (coredump)
 MCSO, GRC Professional
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[android-developers] How to refresh ListView?

2009-02-17 Thread Jiri


I'm facing to one problem with ListView. I would like to refresh the
ListView every time I change the base data. Please see the following

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

setListAdapter(new ArrayAdapterObject(this,
android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, mStrings));

new Timer().scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
Log.d(TAG, running timer: num= + num);
mStrings[0] = Unpdate  + num;

/** refresh the ListView - HOW??? **/
// what else???
}, 5000, 2000);

Can somebody give me a hint how to implement this feature?

Best regards,

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[android-developers] Shipping a European dev phone to the US?

2008-12-08 Thread Jiri

I'm interested in buying the Android Dev Phone 1, which I'd mainly use
in Finland and elsewhere in Europe. This means that I'd need to get
the version that uses the Finnish GSM and UMTS band, and of course
comes with a 230V charger.

I'll be visiting the US over the holidays, so it'd be very convenient
(read: probably faster and cheaper) for me to get the phone shipped to
a friend's place and pick it up from there. So my question is, is it
possible to get the European version of the phone shipped to an US



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