Statement from the Committee to Support the Revolution in Peru [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG

2002-09-25 Thread poblachtach dearg
Statement from the Committee to Support the Revolution in Peru on:
The 10th Anniversary of Chairman Gonzalo's "Speech from the Cage"
Revolutionary Worker #1168, September 29, 2002, 
We received this statement from the Committee to Support the Revolution in Peru (CSRP).
September 2002 marks ten years since Chairman Gonzalo and other leaders of the Communist Party of Peru (PCP) were captured by the Peruvian political police in an attempt to decapitate the party and defeat the People's War in Peru. Chairman Gonzalo (also known as Abimael Guzmán) was given a sham trial by hooded military judges who declared him guilty of treason and sentenced him to life imprisonment. For the past ten years he has been kept under extremely cruel and isolated prison conditions.
The last time Chairman Gonzalo was seen and heard publicly was on September 24, 1992--the occasion of his historic "speech from the cage." The Fujimori government, in a crass attempt to shame and humiliate him, put him on display before the world's media, dressed in prison stripes and locked in a steel cage. Chairman Gonzalo turned the tables on the government by delivering a powerful speech that was broadcast in Peru and around the world and gave inspiration to revolutionaries and masses in Peru and everywhere.
In that speech, Chairman Gonzalo declared that the People's War, which was initiated in May 1980, is the road to liberation for the people of Peru. He called for the People's War to go forward despite his capture, saying: "We are fighting in these trenches, this is also combat, and we do this because we are communist! Because here we defend the people's interests, the principles of the Party, and the People's War! That is what we have been doing, what we are doing, what we will continue to do!" In the face of the oppressor's attempts to say that his capture represented the defeat of the People's War, Chairman Gonzalo said that it is "merely a bend in the road" and that "the road is long and we will travel it to the end. We will reach our goal and we will win! You will see it!"
Chairman Gonzalo pointed to the main oppressors of the Peruvian people: "There is an imperialism dominating us, principally U.S. imperialism. This is something real and everyone knows it. Where has this led us? Here and now is the worst crisis in our entire history, a crisis the likes of which has never been endured by our people. Twelve years [of People's War] have demonstrated what? It has clearly shown to the world, and especially to the Peruvian people, that the Peruvian state, the old Peruvian state, is a paper tiger. It is rotten to the core...!"
Today, ten years later, Chairman Gonzalo's words in this historic speech still ring true. The Toledo government, elected in 2001 with U.S. backing following the downfall of the corrupt and genocidal Fujimori-Montesinos regime, continues to drag the people of Peru down the road of poverty, suffering, and subjugation to imperialism. Peru has one of the hemisphere's three worst rates of maternal and infant mortality. More than half of Peru's 27 million people live on a mere $1.25 a day or less. The situation is especially bad for the peasants in Peru's countryside. Preventable diseases like malaria, dengue fever, and tuberculosis run rampant while one quarter of Peru's people have no access to medical care.
There is widespread discontent, with almost daily mass protests in the streets. The government, desperate to raise money to pay back its $28 billion debt to international banks, is trying to sell off more public utilities and other state enterprises to foreign investors. Toledo follows in the well-worn footsteps of his predecessors, enforcing economic policies dictated by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.
At the same time he continues the brutal so-called "pacification" campaign against the People's War, with plans to open several new military bases in the countryside, while keeping thousands of political prisoners locked away in inhuman conditions under Peru's draconian anti-terrorism laws.
The People's War is today more than ever the just and genuine road to liberation for Peru's people. It is being carried forward by the Communist Party of Peru through twists and turns and in the face of difficult challenges resulting from the capture of its top leadership and the continuing U.S.-backed counter- insurgency. On this tenth anniversary of Chairman Gonzalo's historic "speech from the cage," the Committee to Support the Revolution in Peru (US) hails the revolutionary stand and powerful message he delivered that day to the people of the world calling for the People's War in Peru to continue.
In the speech, Chairman Gonzalo also saluted the advance of revolution around the world: "Maoism is marching relentlessly forward in its task of leading the new wave of the world proletarian revolution... I want to take the opportunity to salute the international proletariat, the oppressed nations of the 

March For Palestine! Chicago, September 29 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-25 Thread poblachtach dearg
Chicago, September 29
Free Palestine!
Revolutionary Worker #1168, September 29, 2002, 
For three generations, the children of Palestine have grown up with stories of land stolen by Israeli troops, of aunts or cousins or brothers killed by bullets from Israeli guns, of hundred-year-old olive groves destroyed by Israeli bulldozers, of homes blown up by Israeli dynamite.
These stories are part of the history of a people...and also the ongoing reality in occupied Palestine. Every day, more Palestinian youth are gunned down by the Israeli occupiers, more homes demolished, more olive trees bulldozed.
On September 29, people are marching in the streets of Chicago to raise the demand for the Palestinian right of return, to commemorate the beginning of the third year of the Second Intifada, and to honor the victims of the Sabra and Shatila massacre 20 years ago.
The majority of Palestinian people today are refugees--living under Israeli military occupation, in nearby countries, or in other parts of the world. The right of return means the right of the Palestinians to return to and regain the land that was unjustly and violently taken away from them by oppressive powers.
Who can deny the profound justness of the Palestinian people's demand for the right of return?
Yet the Zionist rulers of Israel declare they will never concede to this demand. The reason is clear: The question of the Palestinian right to return points to the basic truth that the Israeli state is built on the cold-blooded dispossesion, expulsion, and suppression of the indigenous people of the land.
And the U.S. rulers--who cynically claim to be an "honest broker" between Israel and the Palestinians--refuse to accept the right of Palestinians to regain their homeland. Israel serves as a key strategic fortress for the U.S.'s global empire, and the U.S. government will not stand for anything that questions Israel's "right to exist." This is why the U.S. has ignored Israel's repeated violations over several decades of UN resolutions upholding the right of the Palestinian refugees to return to their land--while George W. Bush, trying to justify a pre-emptive strike on Baghdad, accuses Iraq of defying UN resolutions. While the U.S. accuses Palestinians of "terrorism" for fighting with small weapons, Israel receives billions of dollars in U.S. aid and arms each year, further building up its monstrous arsenal of F-14s, attack helicopters, tanks, and nuclear weapons.
For the Zionist oppressors and the U.S. imperialists, the Palestinian right of return is totally out of order. For the Palestinian people and their supporters worldwide, the right of return is a key part of a just solution to the conflict--the overthrow of the state of Israel and the establishment of a secular, democratic Palestinian state for all the people throughout the territory of Palestine.
The September 29 march is taking place at a time when the Palestinian people--who have waged courageous resistance in the hopes of regaining a homeland--face a historic turning point. They are confronting the most severe onslaught by the Israeli armed forces since Ariel Sharon led the Israeli military to attack the Palestinians in Lebanon in 1982. Millions of people in the West Bank and Gaza are living under cruel curfews and closures. And in the most recent offensive, Israeli troops have destroyed most of the Palestinian Authority headquarters in Ramallah. Thousands of people in the West Bank and Gaza have braved the Israeli tanks and guns to protest this latest outrage.
Israel claims to be acting in "self defense," as part of the U.S.'s worldwide "war on terror." But to those who can see, it's clear that Sharon and his generals are out to wreck Palestinian society and to demand complete submission from the Palestinian people.
And this year's Right of Return march takes place at a time when Bush and the U.S. rulers have declared "permanent war," as they plot with wild ambition to restructure the world in a way more favorable to their ability to exploit the planet.
It's a time when the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, Indian Ocean, and Arab (Persian) Gulf churn from the wakes of U.S. warships heading toward Iraq in preparation for a new and major war that will lead to many more Iraqi people dying.
It's a time when the U.S. government is carrying out unprecedented attacks on the rights of the people in this country. A time when being Arab, Muslim, or South Asian in this country means living dangerously--subject to arrests, long detentions, deportation, and more--solely because of one's background or appearance.
The U.S. government is carrying out all this in the name of the people of this country. These dangerous and urgent times call for people in the U.S. to declare, for the people around the world to hear: Not in our name!
A world where the U.S. imperialists can dictate whatever they want, whenever they want it, will be an intolearble nightmare for people everywhere, including in 

U.S. OUT OF THE PHILIPPINES NOW! Presented by Libros Revolucion [WWW.STOPNATO.OR

2002-09-22 Thread poblachtach dearg
Sun, Sept 29 @ 2 p.m.
Presented by Libros Revolucion ($2 donation)

Libros Revolucion and Bayan International invite you to come find out why the U.S. is so intent on having its troops planted on Filipino soil, and why in Manila and in front of Philippine Consulates around the world, people are demanding "U.S. Troops Out of the Philippines NOW!"
In June 1898, U.S. troops invaded the Philippines, supposedly as an ally against Spanish colonialism, only to install their own neo-colonization. Now, under the guise of fighting terrorism, the U.S. has stationed more than 1,000 U.S. troops there, as part of their vicious war on the world. And, on Oct. 26, 2002, Balikatan will begin, which is the biggest U.S. deployment since Afghanistan, with 8-12,000 U.S. troops in the Philippines.
On Sept. 29, a Bayan representative will speak about the U.S.' true intentions in the Philippines, and about the continued atrocities they commit, as well as the long history of resistance of the Filipino people.

LIBROS REVOLUCION is located at 312 W. 8th Street (between Broadway and Hill in Downtown Los Angeles). (213) 488-1303 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Get a bigger mailbox -- choose a size that fits your needs.


2002-09-18 Thread poblachtach dearg
CommuniquéHANDS OFF THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES!We denounce to the Greek and world people the new provocative decision of the USA and certain European governments, to include the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People's Army in their shameful "anti"-terrorist lists. The attempt to label as "terrorist" a movement that defends the rights of the people, applies unswervingly the international law concerning the respect of the civilian population and of the POWs, and observes a most humanitarian attitude that is recognized even by its enemies, will not succeed! The attempt to demonize and exterminate a movement with deep roots among the working people, the youth, the intellectuals, the peasantry and the national minorities of the Philippines, will not succeed! We condemn the escalating "diplomatic" and military intervention of the USA in the Philippines, that is now openly directed against the revolutionary movement as well as against the legal democratic mass movement of the Philippines' people - a movement that is struggling since decades for the national and social liberation of the country. We furiously condemn the murders, "disappearances" and other barbaric attacks against dozens of militants and civilians, members or supporters of the legal party Bayan and of the progressive social organizations of the Philippines by the government military and police forces and the paramilitary gangs. We condemn in the most unequivocal way the non-respect of humanitarian law and international conventions by the US-Macapagal-Arroyo regime in the conflict with the New People's Army and the revolutionary movement.We denounce the total subordination of the Dutch and British governments, up to now, to the demands of the USA, as it is expressed by their decision to "freeze" the bank accounts of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines and of known leaders, such as Jose Maria Sison. We underline that these persons are legally living in Europe as political refugees covered by the relative European and international conventions, and are members of the internationally recognized NDFP negociating panel in the peace talks with the government of the Philippines, that are sponsored by the Norwegian government. We denounce the escalating pressure towards the other governments of the member states of the EU, to comply with the demands of the USA.A few days before the first anniversary of the 11th September attack against the USA, it is now crystal-clear to even the most "unsuspicious" citizen that the real target of the so-called "anti-terrorist campaign" of the imperialist forces is no else than the progressive and revolutionary movement. The real targets are the peoples of the whole world that are struggling for Bread-Work-Independence and Dignity. The global reactionary attack aims at the subordination and enslavement of the peoples in favor of a tiny minority that exploits and terrorizes the whole planet. But one thing is sure: this arrogant effort of imposition of a planetic dictatorship will founder on the peoples' resistance, that becomes more and more active in tens of countries all over the earth!Athens-Greece, 1st September 2002The Leading Committee of the Revolutionary Marxist Organization A/synechia(published in the journal "Aristera!" of 7 September 2002)**Revolutionary Marxist Organization A/synechiaAddress: Tsamadou 8, 10683 Athens, GreecePhone +30 10 3839246 / Fax +30 10 3833955Internet: / Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  **Get a bigger mailbox -- choose a size that fits your needs.

Video of Bush at Booker Proves 9-11 Attack Was No Surprise [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-17 Thread poblachtach dearg
* Emperor's Clothes Email List * URL for this article is our email list at articles from Emperor's Clothes Website Send a link to this article to a friend! Copy and paste the following URL into your browser:mailto:ENTER FRIEND'S EMAIL ADDRESS HERE?subject=Here's a great article from!body=I just read the following article which I thought you would find most interesting. Here's the address: of Bush at Booker Proves 9-11 Attack Was No Surpriseby Jared Israel[Posted 16 September 2002]===A video was shot of President Bush's visit to the Booker School on 9-11. The Booker School put a link to that video up on their Website for awhile, then took it down. Copies of the video are available and you can view it. For instructions on viewing full video, go to A short excerpt can be seen at The best way to access this is right click on the link above and save the file to your hard drive ("save target as"). It's about 7 Megs. Then click on the icon and play it. You'll need RealPlayer, which you can download for free at ** This Short Clip Is a Smoking Gun **In the short clip Bush is seen sitting in a classroom observing a reading lesson. Immediately Andrew Card, his Chief of Staff, hurries over and whispers something in his ear. Bush makes no reply. Andrew Card rushes off.What it is wrong with this picture?According to the official account, Andrew Card whispered that a second plane had hit the World Trade Center and there was a national emergency.Here's how Bush described that moment at a California Town Hall meeting January 5th: "Andy Card came and said, 'America is under attack.'" (1)If his Chief of Staff tells the President the country is under attack, the President would discuss it. He would ask questions. Demand more information. Leave the room. Meet with advisers. Do *something*. But Bush just sat there.The Chief of Staff is the President's *employee*. If he tells the President, "America is under attack" the President would *give him orders.* But Bush said nothing - not one word. And Andy Card didn't wait for instructions; he rushed away. What does this mean?It means Andy Card did not expect a response.It means he cannot have been informing Bush that an *unexpected* national attack was underway.It means he was giving Bush an update on the progress of a plan of which Bush was already aware, and he had to get back to work.And as for Bush, later in the short clip he is seen smiling and giving a pep talk to the children. In the full version, available at you can see him cheering the students and then giving them a longer pep talk when the lesson is over.This is not the picture President stunned by a horrific event and confronted with an unexpected national emergency. This is the picture of treason.-- Jared Israel===Further Reading ===(1) CNN LIVE EVENT/SPECIAL 12:59 January 5, 2002 Saturday "Bush Speaks at Town Hall Meeting" By Jonathan Karl (2) 'Articles on 9-11' has a broad range of articles from Emperor's Clothes on what happened on 9-11 and why. Can be read at To subscribe to the Emperor's Clothes email list go to You will receive texts posted at Emperor's ClothesGet a bigger mailbox -- choose a size that fits your needs.

Libros Revolucion invites you to a program in downtown L.A. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2002-09-17 Thread poblachtach dearg
Libros Revolucion invites you to a program with twoRevolutionary youth who will give a report back of their trip to occupied Palestine. Come hear them share the stories of the lives and fierce resistance of the Palestinian people against the U.S. backed Israeli regime. They will also give a first hand account of their experience in an Israeli jail. In addition there will be an important update on the Intifada.
Sunday, September 22nd at 2:00 p.m.
Libros Revolucion, 312 W. 8th St., (between Broadway  Hill Sts.) in downtown L.A. (213) 488-1303.
Free Palestine. $2.00 Donation at the door.
Also, we'd like to invite you to a program on Sunday, September 29th at 2:00 p.m. hereat Libros Revolucion where Filipino activists will speak about the struggle against 1,200 U.S. troops recently deployed in the Philippines, a part of U.S. government's so-called "war on terrorism".
Join us this weekend saturday september 14th and sunday september 15that Libros Revolucion to go out in Olvera street (Placita Olvera) to celebrate the Mexican Independence and at the same time, take out revolutionary literature. 
-Last and very important notice, remember October 6th is the NOT IN OUR NAME (NION) mobilization on the one year anniversary of the U.S. bombing of Afghanistan. Join people across the country as we makethe powerful statement:
War on the world? -Detentions and Round-ups? Police state restrictions?
Sunday, October 6th
1:00 Gather at the Westwood Federal Building
 (coner of Wilshire and Veteran in West L.A.)
2:00 March to the U.S. Army training
Volunteers Needed!
Weekly meetings held on Wednesdays @ 6:30 p.m. at the Peace Center, 8124 W. 3rd St. in Los Angeles. Contact at (310) 236-0732 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Center/California National Guard
3:00 Rally at the Westwood Federal Building.Get a bigger mailbox -- choose a size that fits your needs.

East-West Raids in Nepal People's War [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-17 Thread poblachtach dearg
East-West Raids in Nepal People's War
Revolutionary Worker #1167, September 22, 2002, AND
"The surviving police personnel from the incident at Area Police Office (APO) at Bhiman, Sindhuli district last Saturday night are undergoing immense mental trauma..."

Kathmandu Post , September 10, 2002

Krishna Prasad Parajuli, Assistant Sub-Inspector of Police, survived the raid and told the Kathmandu Post that he escaped by jumping over a narrow gorge near the post and climbing a tree in the nearby jungle.
Another survivor, a police constable, said he hid by covering himself with earth with only his head peeping out in a paddy field.
A district member of the ruling Nepali Congress Party said, "I saved myself by hiding underneath the bed."
Trying not to break down in sobs, Krishna Kumar Parajuli, assistant sub-inspector in Bhiman, Sindhuli told the Kathmandu Post from his hospital bed, "Bullets flew on either side of us. We hid in a trench. But, we couldn't stay there... So we worked our way up to the commanding post. After a lot of firing there was a pause. Our Inspector, who was in command, thought we had won. `Nepal prahari jindabadh!' (long live Nepal Police) he shouted." But then the firing began again.
Saturday Night: Bhimad

The People's Liberation Army launched a daring raid late Saturday night, September 7, on a police post in Bhimad in the eastern Sindhuli district, about 100 miles southeast of the capital city of Kathmandu.
There were 74 police in the station at the time and 49 were killed and 21 wounded. The few who were able to survive had fled into the dense jungle surrounding the town.
This is the first major rebel offensive since the 10-month-long State of Emergency was lifted on August 28.
Police officials said around 1,000 to 1,500 rebels were involved in the five-hour operation.
It has become common practice at government outposts for the police to leave the barracks at night. Fearing attacks, they routinely sleep in trenches in the surrounding forest. When the attack began, the police came out from the trenches in a panic--only to face a volley of bullets.
Eyewitnesses said the guerrillas came in three batches and encircled the police station. Local people told reporters that the rebels rained bullets and socket bombs like hailstones.
The guerrillas set almost all government facilities on fire except the district hospital. The police post was completely destroyed, and the rebels captured whatever arms were at the post.
The guerrillas had blocked approaches to the town with huge boulders and felled trees--preventing the arrival of reinforcements until the morning. The battle site is only an hour's drive from the district headquarters, but newly deployed security forces arrived six hours later--and by this time, the guerrillas had already completed their operation and left the area.
News reports said two security personnel on their way to the battle site were injured in a landmine detonated by the rebels. And according to a Captain of the Royal Nepal Army, his men had to fight the rebels for about an hour before they were able to get to the destroyed police post.

Sunday Night: Sandhikharka

"It was around 3 p.m. on Sunday night. A silent small valley in the hills of Arghakhanchi in west Nepal suddenly went berserk when the Maoists, numbering in the thousands, attacked the district headquarters of Sandhikharka.

"Bharat Pyakurel, an Armed Police Force personnel, speaking from the hospital bed, told The Kathmandu Post, "The reinforcements sent in by the helicopters were not allowed to land on time and we were soon overwhelmed by the Maoists."
Kathmandu Post, September 10, 2002

Only 24 hours after the raid on Bhimad, the People's Liberation Army launched another daring raid on a police post--this time 185 miles west of Kathmandu, in the remote town of Sandhikharka, the district headquarters of Argakachi.
About 200 police and soldiers were posted in the town. And according to news reports, 85 security personnel were killed and 22 were wounded. All the government buildings and a prison were set on fire and destroyed.
Eyewitnesses said the attack began about 10 p.m. when thousands of rebels (some reports say 4,000) entered the town chanting Maoist slogans. The guerrillas attacked an army barrack, the office of the armed police, and the civilian district post of the civilian police. One police official said that a large number of young guerrillas set government buildings on fire while other groups of rebels attacked the security bases with sophisticated weapons.The attack continued until Monday morning.
Officials said the Maoists seized cash from local banks and exploded bombs at government installations including the district police office, army barracks, the district administration office.
Nepal television quoted one policeman saying the Maoist guerrillas attacked from all sides with very sophisticated 

34 Shots for Gonzalo Martinez: Police Murder in Downey, CA [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-17 Thread poblachtach dearg
34 Shots for Gonzalo Martinez
Police Murder in Downey, CA
Revolutionary Worker #1167, September 22, 2002, 
Darkness reaches down all the way to the ground in the wee hours. Its shadows hide hard edges, and its soft fingers gently tuck the world into bed, covering the earth like an eyelid. But here, on a street in the southern California town of Downey, the night is bright with light, and everything is hard. Flashlights, spotlights, and a helicopter's beam all focus on a car pocked with bullet holes, only a fringe of shattered glass in its windows.
Gonzalo Martinez sits quietly in the driver's seat. Two policemen aim their guns at his head as more black-and-whites arrive, then an ambulance. Calmly, almost leisurely, the cops walk around, talking to each other. With a dozen guns trained on him, Gonzalo exits his car. His right arm is raised in a gesture of surrender while his left arm, already wounded, dangles limply at his side. He is unarmed.

In the next instant, the police open up with a machine gun and handguns, strafing the neighborhood with dozens of bullets. At least 34 shots are fired at Gonzalo, and five or six rounds rip through his body. Gonzalo remains upright for a few seconds. Wisps of smoke curl around his convulsing body, then hang in the space that was his when he crumples to the pavement. A police dog grabs him by the leg, shakes him like a rag doll. He's still alive, but the police put him in a body bag and zip it up. It's only when they put him in the ambulance that they unzip the bag. With medical attention, Gonzalo might survive, but the cops just stand there. Finally, the ambulance slowly drives away, never turning on its siren. There is a hospital only 3 minutes away, but they don't take him there. When he finally gets to a hospital 20 minutes away, Gonzalo Martinez is DOA. He was 26 years old.

It's 2 a.m., February 15, 2002 and a neighborhood full of eyewitnesses--including one with a video camera--has seen and heard everything,. There will be no gentle sleep here tonight.

Downey is "Small Town, USA" in transition. Even though it's a close-by suburb of L.A., one of the most diverse and dynamic concentrations of cultures anywhere, Downey has always tried to keep its claws dug into traditional American culture. What used to be an almost all-white, middle class community with a socially conservative and politically backward population is now a town where 75% of the residents are Latino, many of them immigrants. But the power structure remains basically unchanged: a "good old boy" network, open racism, and a gun-slinging police force with a history of brutality.
The Martinez family has nothing in common with that. Gonzalo's father Norberto works in a furniture factory, his mother in local real estate. They came to Downey from Argentina almost 30 years ago and have raised three sons here. Gonzalo, known as "Gonzo," was the oldest. He worked 65 hours a week so he could help his parents financially. He helped support his grandmother and put his 22- year-old brother Sebastian through college in Argentina. And he was always there for his 16-year-old brother Norberto. Gonzalo loved to joke--everybody who knew Gonzo will tell you a story about how he made them laugh. Gonzo was planning on moving to Argentina; the U.S., he said, was just too racist.
The day he was murdered was Gonzalo's day off, and he had escorted his grandfather to a Valentine's Day celebration at his retirement home. After the party, he went to the Stardust, a local bar where he and his friends often hung out and danced. The police also hang out at the Stardust, lying in wait in the parking lot for patrons to leave so they can follow them, harass them, give them a ticket, maybe arrest them. Everybody who goes to the Stardust knows about the police in the parking lot. The night Gonzo was murdered, they were there. When he got in his car, they followed him. Soon, they signaled him to pull over.
Gonzo had never been in trouble with the police. He probably got scared, and he took off. They chased him onto the nearby freeway, and his car crashed into a guardrail. When Gonzalo tried to back his car up, police opened fire. They claimed later that he was trying to kill them with his car and that they feared for their lives. An eyewitness told the family that when Gonzalo backed his car up, the police were hanging way back, far away from Gonzo. He was clearly not a threat.
Wounded and alone with the police on a deserted freeway, Gonzalo must have feared for his life. He drove into a residential neighborhood. This is where the cops rear-ended his car, drew down, and waited two minutes for more police to arrive. A freelance videographer, who'd picked up the chase on his police scanner, turned on his camera. Gonzalo's execution was caught on tape.
After the smoke cleared, the police saw the cameraman hiding in the bushes. They demanded his tape and tried to take it from him. Emboldened by a 

London events: U.S. imperialism Hands Off Korea! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-04 Thread poblachtach dearg
Please find details below of events in London. These details have been posted to various news lists where People differ in view in relation to the Democratic People`s Republic Of Korea. One thing is for certain and that`s we must all defend the Democratic People`s Republic Of Korea from U.S. imperialist led aggression! As you read this, the RIMPAC 2002 war exercises ( including nuclear War rehersals ) are taking place on a massive scale. These manouvers include the U.S. imperialists, the Japanese imperialists, british imperialists, South Korean reactionary forces and even two puppet reactionaryarmed forces of South America! The recent massacre of over 30 members of the Korean People`s Army Navy was a War crime and those on these lists who predominantly live in imperialist countries ( but not all ) should support these events below and take to the streets if/when a reoccurance happens in the near future!
Please Forward far and Wide!
* Korea Events in London against U.S. led imperialism and threats of War!
Public Meeting: Monday 8th July 2002 @ 7p.m.
Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London, WC2 ( Near Holborn Tube)
Includes a very recent video taken in Korea and of the Arirang 2002 Mass gymnastics. Plus talk by recent visitor to the Democratic People`s Republic Of Korea.
Organised by the Society For Friendship With Korea.

* Exhibition of Books, photos and Art from the Democratic People`s Republic Of Korea.
Saturday 20th July 2002, 1:30 - 5:00p.m. 
Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London, WC2 ( Near Holborn Tube). Entrance by donation.
Organised by the London Pyongyang Cultural Information Centre.
* Korea / Cuba celebration.
Saturday 27th July 2002 @ 5 p.m.
Venue: Saklatvala Hall, Dominion Way, Southall ( Nearest Station Southall ).
* 27th July is the 49th Anniversary of the Victory of the Korean People with the assistance of the Chinese People`s Volunteers over U.S. led imperialism.
* 26th July is Cuba`s National Day and the day of the armed attack on the Santiago barracks housing Batista`s U.S. armed troops.
We will be Commemorating these events with speeches, music, photographs and Barbecue. Join us!
For more information E - Mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Click hear for the HOME PAGE: the FIFA World Cup goals with exclusive video highlights!

PUBLIC MEETING : Women, Violence and Genocide in Gujarat [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-03 Thread poblachtach dearg

Women, Violence and Genocide in Gujarat
Camden Town Hall, Judd Street, London WC1,
(nearest tube Kings Cross)
Tuesday 16th July 2002
Asiya Sareshwala, Indian Council of Muslims
Bina Fernandez, Forum Against Oppression of Women, India 
a new documentary film about events in Gujarat 
Why are women singled out for such horrific violence during communal attacks?
What does the ‘Hindutva’ ideology of India’s ruling BJP and the internationally active VHP mean for women?
What are the implications of what is happening in Gujarat for South Asian women in Britain?
How can we support the demands of women’s organisations working with those affected in Gujarat?
Gujarat has moved out of media focus. But the toll of death and destruction there is still mounting. Violence has not yet ceased . The attacks on the Muslim community in March have left more than 2,000 dead, more than 100,000 homeless and property worth millions of rupees destroyed. Now. relief camps are being closed down and Muslim survivors are being forcibly and systematically prevented from returning to their homes and resuming their occupations . 
It is now clear that what happened in Gujarat was planned, premeditated and cold blooded . As in the case of the killings of Jews in Nazi Germany, in Gujarat, for months before these attacks, lists of intended victims identified on the basis of religion were being collected. In other words this was genocide. And it happened with the complicity of the state government. The fact that the Chief Minister Narendra Modi and others like him who implicitly or openly supported these attacks and police officers who participated in killings have not been dismissed underlines the role of the central government. In these genocidal attacks women and children were the main targets. As the Citizen’s Initiative report, The Survivors Speak, put it "Among the women surviving in relief camps are many who have suffered the most bestial forms of sexual violence - including rape, gang rape, mass rape, stripping, insertion of objects into their body, and molestations. A majority of rape victims have been burnt alive". The extent of sexual violence and brutality witnessed during the carnage in Gujarat since the 28th of February is likened by many to the horrors of the post-Partition riots in 1947. We must speak out against this violence. 
Further details from South Asia Solidarity Group 0207 267 0923, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] c/o 293-299 Kentish Town Road London NW5 2TJ. (Venue booked with assistance from Unison)
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Campaign call for Nepalese journalist [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-03 Thread poblachtach dearg

Wednesday, 3 July, 2002, 10:43 GMT 11:43 UK 
Campaign call for Nepalese journalist
Security forces have been criticised for rights violations

By Bhagirath Yogi BBC reporter in Kathmandu 

An umbrella organisation of journalists in Nepal has warned the government that it will launch a protest movement if the latter does not disclose the whereabouts of a missing pro-Maoist editor. 

Police detained many under emergency rulesThe Federation of Nepalese Journalists (FNJ) has urged the authorities to reveal the whereabouts of Krishna Sen, editor of pro-Maoist Janadisha daily. 
Mr Sen was reportedly tortured to death last month while in custody although this has not been confirmed. 
International press freedom organizations too have asked the Nepalese government to conduct inquiries into Mr Sen's reported death. 
Human rights violations 
The FNJ President, Taranath Dahal, says the FNJ will launch a phased protest campaign if the government does not make public the whereabouts of the missing editor immediately. 
But he did not say what form the campaign would take or when it would start. 

Clashes between rebels and the troops continue
He said the government had arrested more than 100 journalists without any formal charges since the imposition of a state of emergency in November and nearly two dozen were still being held. 
The government imposed the state of emergency to fight a Maoist insurgency after the rebels pulled out of peace talks and resumed violence late last year. 
The Nepalese security forces have come under heavy criticism from within the country and beyond for alleged violations of human rights during their counter-insurgency operations. 
International criticism 
Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba has admitted there could have been some lapses in the security operations and said he has instructed the security forces to respect the people's human rights. 
He has alleged that some professionals were assisting the rebels in their violent activities. 
Human rights groups say that the government should not take people into custody without evidence and should produce them before the court. 
The New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists and Paris-based Reporters sans Frontiers, among others, have demanded independent probes into reports of Mr Sen's death in custody. 
Local media reports said that Mr Sen was taken into custody in the third week of May and was allegedly tortured to death within a few days. 
Mr Deuba says the government will provide details at "an appropriate time" without specifying when that might be.


Year of chaos
Political woes

Meeting the Maoists
Bitter war
Rebel assault

Royal massacre
Tourism slumps
Nepal profile
Nepal timeline


News in Nepali

Internet links
Kantipur Online
Nepal News

See also:
27 Jun 02|South AsiaNepal journalist 'tortured to death' 
27 May 02|South AsiaNepal emergency re-imposed 
27 Mar 02|South AsiaNepal press freedoms under fire 
11 Jan 02|South AsiaNepal journalists 'must be freed' 
23 Nov 01|South AsiaAnalysis: Maoist threat to Nepal peace 
06 Jun 01|South AsiaNepal journalists charged with treason 

Internet links:
Government of Nepal
Reporters Without BordersThe BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites

Top South Asia stories now:
Al-Qaeda 'fighters' killed in Pakistan 
Pakistan denies Kashmir incursions 
Doubts over Gujarat train attack 
Bush regret over Afghan deaths 
Campaign call for Nepalese journalist 
Hoon aims to calm tension 
Protests over Pakistan gang rape 
Pakistani police kill four gunmen  
Links to more South Asia stories are at the foot of the page. 

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Statement from families of political prisoners being held in Peru's notorious Ch

2002-07-03 Thread poblachtach dearg
The Committee to Support the Revolution in Peru recently received this statement from families of political prisoners being held in Peru's notorious Challapalca prison. The government of Peru has been using Challapalca prison to meet out especially brutal treatment to revolutionary prisoners who have carried out heroic resistance from inside the prison walls. June 2002.

From the family members of the Political Prisoners, arbitrarily imprisoned in the Challapalca-Tacna prison.
We address ourselves to public opinion and to the national and international press to publicly expose and denounce the following authorities: Fernando Olivera Vega, the Minister of Justice; Javier Bustamante, the President of the INPE; Hilma Luna Frisancho, the Puno Regional Director of the INPE; and Rolando Delgado Zea, the Warden of the Challapalca Prison, as the responsible parties for the following violations of national and international law:
For the application of a prison policy in Challapalca prison which infringes on the fundamental human rights of every individual, specifically, increasing isolation of prisoners, killing of prisoners and systematic genocide.
For the theft of personal belongings of the prisoners as they were moved from Yanamayo prison to Challapalca prison.
For the inhumane conditions and constant intimidation that family members of the prisoners are subjected to.
For the ongoing relocations of the prisoners to the Challapalca prison without complying with the required procedures for such relocations.
In the following section we document the above-mentioned abuses.
1. Violation of Fundamental Human Rights
1.1 Isolation
The policy at the Challapalca prison is officially called "The Special Closed Regimen" but it is commonly known as the "punishment" prison because the guiding philosophy at the prison is that prisoners can be "rehabilitated" through the application of pressure, torture and even death. Challapalca's character as being in an extremely remote, "extra-territorial" region serves these ends, since international and national laws regarding human rights are completely disregarded at the prison. The injustices, continuous abuses and repression have been happening for a long time now as is shown by what happened in Yanamayo prison February 6th and 7th of 2000, when the prisoner, Carlos Ponce Perez, was killed. It is now known, through the release of a Vladivideo (Montesinos video-La Republica newspaper Sept. 30, 2001) that Vladimir Montesinos orchestrated an attack against the prisoners by authority forces inside the prison. The government and press version of the assault at that time said that "the shining path prisoners had staged a rebellion and that they themselves had killed their own companion". This version of events was thoroughly exposed as a lie with the release of the Montesinos video.
Visits: Due to the extreme remoteness, high cost of transport and harsh traveling conditions to the prison, family members cannot visit frequently. Upon entering the prison, freedom of movement is severely restricted, and family members and prisoners are harassed, and threatened. This is further aggravated and great pain and suffering is caused when family members finally do arrive to the prison, and then are not allowed to have direct contact with imprisoned family members who have to pass 30 days in total isolation without visits and then pass 120 more days with only visits through phone/waiting room booths. Intimate visits are also denied. Authorities claim that these measures are applications of DS 005-97-JUS and DS 006-2001. But DS-005-97 was repealed and DS-006-2201 (sic?) allows authorities to put restrictions on, but not deny the rights of the prisonersRight to a Defense: Many of the prisoners need to submit court papers for the review of their cases, arrangements for upcoming release etc., but they cannot do so because the prison is so remote and because they are extremely poor and do not have the economic resources to carry out a defense. This makes it impossible to pay a lawyer, much less have a lawyer visit them. It should also be said that the INPE does not offer any legal services to the prisoners and what is worse, if an order to release a prisoner were to arrive they would simply throw the prisoner out on the street without even notifying their family.News, Information and Education/Culture: Challapalca prison violates article 39 of the document of the United Nations (protection of persons who are detained or imprisoned) to which Peru is a signatory and article 74 of the Penal Code because it does not allow radio or TV. The only books in the prison are from the 1930's, 1940's and 1950's and there are a few magazines from the 1990's which do not serve in any way to educate or raise the cultural level of the prisoners. With great personal effort, 

Pakistanis tell of US prison horror [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-30 Thread poblachtach dearg
Saturday, 29 June, 2002, 19:44 GMT 20:44 UK 
Pakistanis tell of US prison horror
Observers say anti-US feeling is likely to rise

By Owais Tohid BBC reporter in Islamabad 

Pakistanis repatriated in recent days say they have suffered months of "degradation" and "abuse" in prisons across the United States. 

I was shackled and handcuffed - completely bound - and questioned as if I were an associate of Osama Bin Laden 

Mufeed KhanLos Angeles resident Some 131 Pakistanis, many who had lived in the US for years, were deported and flown home two days ago - most charged by US immigration with overstaying their welcome and having invalid documents. 
All were detained in the months after the 11 September attacks on New York and Washington last year. 
The deportees arrived in Islamabad late on Thursday aboard a chartered Portuguese airliner, and were allowed to go to their homes. 

Pakistan is co-operating with America... and America in return is treating Pakistanis as terrorists 

Jahanzeb ZulfikarIowa resident They accuse the US of forcibly sending them back following 11 September, and say the treatment meted out to them in prisons and in detention was inhuman and unjust. 
"I was treated as a terrorist. I was psychologically tortured in the prison," 35-year-old Mufeed Khan told the BBC on Saturday. 
"I was shackled and handcuffed - completely bound - and questioned as if I were an associate of Osama Bin Laden." 
Dream sours 
Mr Khan had lived in America for 11 years and ran a small business in Los Angeles before his detention in February this year. 

US attorney-general has led crackdown"For me America was the dreamland. I used to think that I was lucky to live in a liberal and democratic country. 
But the dreamland became hell for me after 11 September," he says. "Even if I was not carrying valid documents to stay there, I did not deserve such treatment. 
"I was treated badly because I am a Muslim. 
"Carrying a Muslim name should not be a crime. Not every Muslim is an extremist or a terrorist." 
Like Mr Khan most of the deportees complained of ill treatment by the US authorities. 

Before 11 September we were Pakistani Americans - now we have become aliens who want to destroy America 

Arshad MehmoodChicago resident Jahanzeb Zulfikar, 28, is one of them. He had been detained since April. 
He says he went to the US on a student visa when he was just 17 years old, and was living in Iowa. 
"I never thought I would be put through such mental torture. My rights were abused, my dignity violated and self-respect insulted and compromised in the detention centre," Mr Zulfikar told the BBC. 
"Pakistan is co-operating with America in its fight against terrorists - and America in return is treating Pakistanis as terrorists. 
"Isn't this injustice?" 
Tough laws 
In the aftermath of 11 September, strict legislation regarding immigration was introduced in the US. 
It gave sweeping powers to law enforcement agencies to detain people without charge. 
Many, even within the US, say the measures are "draconian". 
Hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis are still living in America. 
Since the 1980s, going to America has been a dream for many teenagers who want to make their fortunes in the United States. 
The exodus continued until recently. Many families have moved in their entirety, and are living there illegally. 
'Friend of Osama' 
But those who have been deported say the US authorities want to demoralise and discourage Pakistanis from staying in America. 

Pakistan has been integral to the coalition against terror. This will influence public opinion 

Mohammad Riaz, analyst Arshad Mehmood, who lived in Chicago for almost a decade, has now been sent back. 
"For them (the American authorities) every Pakistani is now an activist of the Taleban or a friend of Osama. They do not want us to live over there. 
"Before 11 September we were Pakistani Americans - now we have become aliens who want to destroy America," Mehmood says. 
"They have deported me and allowed my wife and two children to stay in America. 
"Obviously we cannot live our lives like this. Soon my wife and children are coming to Pakistan," he says. 
Pakistani officials say they are expecting more Pakistani deportees from America. 
The families and friends of those detained or deported are embittered by these accounts. 
There already exists anti-American sentiment in certain elements of society. 
Observers believe these accounts will further spur such feelings, even among those who were not initially hostile. 
"Most of these people are educated. They moved there for better economic opportunities," says one analyst, Mohammad Riaz. "Now people hear of them being treated as criminals. 
"They will feel betrayed, since Pakistan has been integral to the coalition against terror. This will influence public opinion." 
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All India Nepali Unity Society has gone underground [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-29 Thread poblachtach dearg
Magnus Bernhardsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: goes underground By Ujir MagarKATHMANDU, June 28:All India Nepali Unity Society (AINUS) has goneunderground after the Indian government publicised its intention to crackdown on it. A source at New Delhi told The Kathmandu Post that the Society has haltedits activities there. “Though the Indian government has not formally announced the decisionyet, the activists of the society has gone underground considering the evildays for them ahead on the wake of King’s India Visits and growinginternational pressure against India to curb on Maoists’ activities,”the source told The Kathmandu Post on telephone. The Maoists, sheltering in the Indian soil have been launching theiractivities through AINUS. It may be said that the Indian government mighthave taken the decision to curb on their activities as the response to theallegations that India has played dualistic role by giving shelter to theMaoist top brass. Maoists’ policy revealed two years ago seemed moderate and it renderedthe critics to allege India of providing shelter to the Maoists. Maoist leader KB Mahara in an interview to an Indian paper “AmarUjala”, showed loyalty by pledging not to allow the Pak militants toenter India via Nepal’s border and insisting for construction of RamMandir at Ayoddhya. Deepak Pandey, a mainstream member of the AINUS affiliated to CPN (Masal)said that the Maoist supporters from the AINUS have halted their actionafter the Indian government’s “decisions” were publicized throughnewspapers. Ram Prasad Sharma, cousin of Maoist supremo Prachanda, is active in thesociety for 22 years. In 1982 Dr Baburam Bhattarai had joined the Societyduring his student days. Relive the FIFA World Cup goals with exclusive video highlights!

Nepal: (1) Economy hit by insurgency; (2) More on Nepal journalist 'tortured to

2002-06-27 Thread poblachtach dearg

Check the Home Page:
Thursday, 27 June, 2002, 09:25 GMT 10:25 UK 
Nepal economy hit by insurgency

The Nepalese Central Bank has said that the country's economy has slowed down sharply this year due to the continuing Maoist insurgency and the government's efforts to contain it. 
The bank said that industrial production, tourism and trade have sharply declined. 
The report comes ahead of a new fiscal budget which is due to be announced early next month. 
A correspondent for the BBC in Kathmandu says that the insurgency has badly affected industrial production, and exports have fallen. 
Many development projects have been abandoned because of lack of funds and concerns about security. 
A state of emergency has been in force in Nepal since November last year as government forces continue their campaign against the insurgents. 
From the newsroom of the BBC World Service 
Thursday, 27 June, 2002, 13:26 GMT 14:26 UK 
Nepal journalist 'tortured to death'

Mr Sen was accused of supporting the Maoists

A human rights group has called on the Nepalese Government to investigate the case of a journalist who reportedly died under torture by the security forces. 

We ask you to order the security forces to cease their acts of torture 

Reporters Without Borders Reporters Without Borders (Reporters sans Frontières) says that Krishna Sen, editor of the pro-Maoist newspaper Janadisha, died last week after being taken into detention in May. 
RSF said Mr Sen had been tortured to force him to confess to contacts with rebel leaders and that his body was handed over to his family for cremation. 
There has been no firm reaction from the government to Mr Sen's death nor to the anger his death appears to have generated. 
Maoist rebels have been fighting to overthrow Nepal's monarchy for the past six years. 
Maoist support 
In a letter to the Nepalese Prime Minster Sher Bahadur Deuba, RSF General Secretary Robert Ménard says the organisation was very shocked by reports of Mr Sen's death. 

The appeal was sent to Prime Minister Deuba
"The death of a journalist under torture, even if the latter supported the Maoist movement, can in no way be justified by antiterrorist war", he says. 
The BBC's Daniel Lak in Kathmandu says the case has brought about rare unity among Nepal's various journalists' groups and newspapers. 
He says even journalists traditionally close to the government are demanding to know what happened to this veteran pro-Maoist editor, and how he died. 
The Federation of Nepalese Journalists has already called on the government to give information about Mr Sen. 
The federation's chairman, Bishnu Nisthuri, said government officials had been avoiding them. 
Krishna Sen was released from two years' detention in March last year. 
The authorities jailed him on charges of having published an interview with the leader of the rebel movement, Baburam Bhattarai. 
Rights concerns 
The human rights group Amnesty International has voiced concern that Nepal is facing a human rights crisis because of the escalating conflict between the government and the rebels. 
In a report issued in April, it said both sides engaged in abductions, torture and unlawful killing. 
The situation has become particularly bad after a state of emergency was imposed in November, restricting freedom of expression. 
Some 4,000 people are believed to have been killed in the insurgency since it began.


Year of chaos
Political woes

Meeting the Maoists
Bitter war
Rebel assault

Royal massacre
Tourism slumps
Nepal profile
Nepal timeline


News in Nepali

Internet links
Kantipur Online
Nepal News

See also:
19 Jun 02|South AsiaUK urges military aid for Nepal 
19 Jun 02|South AsiaNepal ruling party rift deepens 
14 Jun 02|South AsiaNepal troops 'thwart' rebel attack 
27 May 02|South AsiaNepal emergency re-imposed 
23 Apr 02|Country profilesCountry profile: Nepal 

Internet links:
Government of Nepal
Reporters Without BordersThe BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites

Top South Asia stories now:
Musharraf 'threat to democracy' 
Militant attacks defy Kashmir diplomacy 
Violence rocks eastern Sri Lanka 
Nepal journalist 'tortured to death' 
Pakistan hunts al-Qaeda suspects 
Indian website defends its record 
Fighting in northern Afghanistan 
Live: England v Sri Lanka  
Links to more South Asia stories are at the foot of the page. 

Relive the FIFA World Cup goals with exclusive video highlights!

In pictures: G8 protests [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-27 Thread poblachtach dearg
Thursday, 27 June, 2002, 11:09 GMT 12:09 UK 
In pictures: G8 protests
Tight security has stopped protesters getting close to the world leaders meeting for the G8 summit in Kananaskis. But protesters have been making their voices heard in Calgary and other Canadian towns. 

Fair trade with the developing world is one of the many demands voiced by the protesters

Protests ranged from traditional marches to more unconventional demonstrations

Protesters' anger was aimed at the event in general, but also at America in particular

Although protests have been mainly peaceful ... (AP)

...there have been some scuffles...

...and a few confrontations
Relive the FIFA World Cup goals with exclusive video highlights!

Indian Martyr Bahagt Singh [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-26 Thread poblachtach dearg
An interesting speech given recently in Southall on the Anniversary of the brit execution of Indian Revolutionary Bahagt Singh. An important essay for all anti-imperialists who wish to understand more of the role of brit imperialism in India.
 Salaudin Ayubi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
Dear Friends,around 20 comrades from SLP and SLP Youth, CMKP and Che-Leila YouthBrigades, who attended the Birmingham SLP education school, wne to see a screening of 'The Legend of Bhagat Singh', and Hindo language film with english subtitles (you'll have to find a cinema which screend Bollywood movies, which exist in every major city and town in Britain)Shaheed E-Azam Bahagt Singh, is the equvalent of India's Che Guevara orJames Connolly. A revolutionary, a marxist-leninist, whic, at the age of 23 was hanged by the British Labour Imperialist admin in India in March 1931. He elctrified the patriotic and revolutionary youth of India to such an extent that the people denounced Gandhia and the congress for failing to save Bahgat Singh, and that they took up socialist and anti-imperialist ideas for the first time on a mass scale.There are three films in this young revolutionary which are coming out. One of them supposed to be even better than the one we saw! So watch out for them.You MUST go and see this film, it is a great revolutionary film, better than any other we had seen!Below is a short speech by muyself on the subject of Bhagat Singh.Inqilab Zindabad! (Long live revolution!)Samajwad Murdabad! (Death to Imperialism)SukantInquilab Zindabad! - Long Live Revolution!Martyr of the Freedom Struggle Shaheed E-Azam Bhagat SinghOn the 8th of April, the 'Committee to Commemorate Bhagat Singh' held ameeting to mark the 68th anniversary of his judicial murder at the hands of the British Raj. It was very fitting that the rally was held in Saklatvala Hall, in Southall. The contribution of comrades Bhagat Singh and Shapurji Saklatvala should be widely known and celebrated by all progressive people. The rally was addressed by Malkiat Bilku, of the Hillingdon Hospital Strikers; Avtar Jouhl, from the Indian Workers Association (GB) and the SLP; Braham Lata, who brought greetings from the Panjab Kala Sangam in India; Harpal Brar, SLP NEC and editor of Lalkar. SLP Youth were honoured to take part in the rally and we reproduce below the speech made by its representative, Sukant Chandan.-Why did India produce Shaheed Bhagat Singh?Because India was exploited and oppressed, primarily by British Imperialism.Imperialism exploited India economically; Shah and Khambata, two of India's leading economists said in 1924, "the average Indian income is just enough either to feed two in every three of the population, or give them two in place of three meals they need, on condition that they all consent to go naked, live out doors all the year round, have no amusement or recreation, and want nothing else but food, and that the lowest, the coarsest, the least nutritious" (quoted from India Today and Tomorrow, Palme Dutt, 1951).Imperialism oppressed India; just one example is the Amritsar massacre, the shooting of hundreds of unarmed workers and peasants by British troops in 1919 which gave rise to another of India's great patriots andrevolutionaries - Shaheed Udham Singh (note; Shaheed means martyr. Bhagat Singh is known as Shaheed 'E-Azam' Bhagat Singh, which means he is THE martyr above all others).Bhagat Singh and his comrades in the Hindustan Republican SocialistAssociation (note - Hindustan is the Indian term for India, everyone from all religions uses this term) decided to throw a bomb in the Legislative Assembly on 8 April 1928 to expose the farce of the Assembly, and to protest against the passing of anti-insurgent and anti-union laws. The bomb was not intended to hurt anyone and did not, leaflets were thrown with the slogan "Inqilab Zindabad", "Long Live Revolution" which was to be taken up with one voice by the Indian people. Bhagat Singh was to give himself up and use the trial to expose British Imperialism in India.Shaheed Bhagat Singh's development to Marxism-Leninism in Jail.In jail Bhagat Singh had time to reflect on his ideas and practice through his unquenchable thirst for knowledge through reading and discussion with his comrades. He came to understand Marxism-Leninism and adhere to it. What in Marxism-Leninism did he learn?The need for and understanding of revolution, "Revolution does notnecessarily involve sanguinary strife, nor is there any place for individual vendetta. It is not the cult of the bomb and pistol. By revolution we mean the ultimate establishment of an order of society which may not be threatened by such break-downs and in which the sovereignty of the proletariat should be recognised and a world federation should redeem humanity from the bondage of capitalism and the misery of imperial wars." (Bhagat Singh defining the word 'revolution' in court).The need for organisation, the need 

Part 2: Is Talk About Revolution Real--How Could Revolution Come About in the U.

2002-06-24 Thread poblachtach dearg
Part 2: Is Talk About Revolution Real--How Could Revolution Come About in the U.S.?
Bob Avakian Speaks Out, Interviewed by Carl Dix
On War and Revolution, On Being a Revolutionary and Changing the World
Revolutionary Worker #1156, June 23, 2002, posted at
In heavy times like these, the people require extraordinary things to help prepare them for the challenges we face. What follows is truly extraordinary, something that will help arm those who want to take on the U.S. rulers' juggernaut of war and repression with the kind of understanding they need to deal with these times--the immediate challenges in front of us and a whole lot more involved in changing the world. The Revolutionary Worker is beginning the publication of an important interview with Bob Avakian, the leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party..

I had the honor of doing this interview with him in early 2002. Going into it, I knew there were burning questions many people would've wanted to put to him if they had the chance. They had been putting those kinds of questions to me when I went out there around the Party's Draft Programme or got down with people around the "war without limits" the U.S. imperialist ruling class has unleashed on the world. I was going to have the responsibility, and the opportunity, to put these questions to him for them.

Doing this was intense. It was hard, and it was fun. I hadn't had a chance to get into it with Bob Avakian like this for quite a while. He was the same "fired man" (to borrow a term from Peter Tosh) who had provided crucial leadership for the revolutionary movement at key junctures so many times in the past. He was right on top of what was going down in the U.S. and around the world. And he had the same boundless enthusiasm to dig into world historic questions concerning the process of proletarian revolution. We spent the several days doing the interview, getting into everything from the current situation to the role of religion to what sustains him as a veteran revolutionary leader. And then, when we finished our work, we went deep into the night talking about basketball, movies and more.

I hope those who read this interview get as much out of it, and enjoy it as much, as I did in the process of doing it.

Carl Dix

The Revolutionary Worker is very excited to present to our readers this interview and exchange between Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, and Carl Dix, national spokesman of the RCP.

In coming weeks, the many different subjects covered in this important and wide-ranging interview will be made available. This week is Part 2. Part 1--"The New Situation--The `War on Terrorism'"--appeared in last week's issue and is available online at A number of additional segments will be coming soon in the RW. In the future, the complete interview will also be published, made available online, etc.

The transcript has been slightly edited for publication.

Carl Dix: Okay, I think you've opened up a very big and important topic and one that when you raise it to people--and I'm talking about a lot of different kinds of people, I'm talking about proletarians, people in the ghettos and barrios, I'm talking about people in more privileged positions in the middle class in society who see all this coming down and understand that there's something very fundamental wrong. And some of them approach this with a more hopeful approach, some with a more pessimistic approach, but across the board it's pretty much questioning like, revolution, how could something like that come about? How could a situation within which you could really make a try for revolution come down? I wonder if you could speak to that some?
Bob Avakian: Well, I think we've always recognized that there are two essential factors or elements that go into making a revolutionary situation. This is one way to understand it anyway. One, there have to be the objective conditions. There have to be things happening in society and in the world and in the way in which things all over the world are impacting within a particular society that ripens the conditions which call into question the right and ability of the ruling class to continue ruling--things which call forth massive resistance and opposition and turmoil and upheaval and volatility throughout the society and which raise, as I said, fundamental questions about the whole direction of society. That's one thing that has to happen, and this can come out of many different places. Obviously, it can come out of the warfare that's waged by the imperialists internationally and the repercussions of that. It can come out of economic crisis. It can come out of internal conflicts within the ruling class, although generally those arise sharply in response to more fundamental things and more fundamental difficulties that their system is running into in pursuing its interests through warfare or other means, in the U.S. itself or in other 

Continuity IRA Propaganda Video [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-04 Thread poblachtach dearg
Continuity IRA Propaganda Video! Right click to down load first.. You Yahoo!?
Get personalised at My Yahoo!.

Build the World People’s Resistance Movement! Statement By the Provisional Organ

2002-05-03 Thread poblachtach dearg
Build the World People’s Resistance Movement!
By the Provisional Organising Committee, World People’s Resistance Movement

 The people of the whole world are confronted with a global challenge by a dangerous enemy aiming to solidify and expand a world-wide empire. This enemy has declared its right to use military force to intervene anywhere and everywhere, to destroy peoples and their lands, to slander the people’s struggles as “terrorist” in order to legitimise snuffing out any resistance to their vicious military, political and economic order. They have proclaimed their “right” to replace regimes at will. But even when they attack the most despicable of tyrants (most of whom they themselves have created and fed), the ultimate victim and target is not these tyrants but the peoples themselves. The previous smokescreen of human rights and democracy has been largely replaced with the naked gangster logic of national self-interest and the resurrection of the “white man’s burden” of nineteenth century colonialism and holy wars pitting Christianity (or the “Judeo-Christian tradition”) against the “heathens”. And this reactionary crusade carried out in the name of the “war on terrorism” is backed by the most powerful weapons of terror and mass destruction that have ever existed on earth. 
 The progressive forces in every country are confronted with a great challenge. The chieftain-in-crime has said people are either “with us or against us”. Long before 11 September the injustice of the world order, in which a relative handful live off the labour and misery of the world’s peoples, was screaming out for resistance. Millions were already in motion and the need for world-wide unity was already apparent. Now it is all the more clear that the road to social progress and liberation cannot side-step a direct confrontation with the US-led machine. 
 It is the urgent duty of all progressive forces to dare to resist and unite against this common enemy of the world’s people, whose name is imperialism. 
 When the masters openly praise the virtues of torture, it is a green light for every despotic regime in the world to use it freely. When the imperialists declare that there are no national frontiers that they need to respect, the people, too, are required to unite their forces across national lines. Powerful movements against the global institutions of the wealthy states calling the shots, bring together demonstrators from many backgrounds and countries. The actions of even a relative few reverberate throughout the empire, and the blows struck in distant corners strengthen the resolve of those fighting in the belly of the beast itself. The courageous stand taken by prominent writers and artists in one country inspire counterparts the world over. The protectors of a vicious system want a global struggle – so be it!
 We can never allow our foes to determine which struggle is legitimate and which is not. All struggles against imperialism and reaction must be supported, including those where the oppressed and exploited have taken up arms against the enforcers of the old order. We can never accept that the biggest criminals on earth can burn down whole cities, whilst the people are forbidden to light candles. 
 The World People’s Resistance Movement (WPRM) is being formed to help the struggles all over the globe flow together into a mighty torrent. The WPRM provides an international vehicle to promote and facilitate the world-wide unity against our common foe. Today’s focus must be opposing the imperialist crusade carried out under the slogan of the “war on terrorism”.
 The WPRM does not seek to supplant or compete with any other people’s organisation on a national or international level. All those on the same side of the barricades are welcome. Help form branches of the WPRM in every country with individuals, circles, associations and political parties. North and south, east and west, unite the people’s struggles!
Our first action will be in support of the Palestinian people who have been amongst the foremost targets of this ugly war on terrorism by the US and Israel, its attack dog in the Middle East. The Palestinian’s courageous frontline resistance is giving heart to people all over the world. We call on all who can to demonstrate against George Bush’s visit to Berlin on 22-23 May. We are also calling for demonstrations in many countries of the world on Saturday June 15.
Contact the Provisional Organising Committee of the WPRM by email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Revolutionary_Diary [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-29 Thread poblachtach dearg
Revolutionary_Diary is a list designed for Comrades to publicise progressive, anti-imperialist ( Ireland, Iraq, Peoples Korea, Turkish Hunger Strike activities, Cuba, Palestine, Nepal events ETC ), anti-fascist/racist, anti-war events etc such as: Public Meeting, Marches, Demonstrations etc for publicity. All you need to do is write up the text necessary for posting; Date, Time, Venue, Town, or even country if this becomes International! International Comrades welcome to join this list! Please forward the details of this list, get hundreds to join and to spread the word of events. Also welcome to post reports of past events for publicity. Please forward attachments of posters, leaflets for future events and photos of past events. Send to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To Join, please send a message to: 

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May Day Statement 2002 - Revolutionary Internationalist Movement. [WWW.STOPNATO.

2002-04-28 Thread poblachtach dearg

Long Live Red May First!
The First of May 2002 dawns on a world that is different in many ways from what it was only a short time ago. Most importantly, there has been a leap in the world situation -- the forces of imperialism and reaction, headed by the US, and the forces of the people, although often scattered and under different kinds of leadership, are locked in combat on a world scale more sharply than at any time in recent decades.
With the declaration of its "war on terrorism", the US has gone on a rampage against the world’s people for the all but openly avowed purpose of consolidating a global American empire and enforcing what it considers a "favourable environment" in which to squeeze even greater profits out of the labour of the people in the dominated countries. Acting both through their own troops and their puppets who rule these countries, they have launched a global terror campaign to crush anything that could stand in their way.
While the US launched its aerial bombardments and ground special forces killers on Afghanistan, it also unleashed its Zionist guard dogs against the Palestinian people. Operating with American arms and money and US blessings, Israel is carrying out the bloodiest "ethnic cleansing" since the Zionist settlers first stole the land from the Palestinians.
In country after country the ruling classes are trying to stamp out every spark of the people’s resistance. But this is only one aspect of what is becoming an increasingly fierce and more globalised battle on both sides. Every act of resistance by the people to the US war machine is a source of strength for the world-wide revolutionary struggle of the proletariat and the oppressed peoples and nations. The Palestinian people, numbering only a few million and fighting under desperate circumstances, are taking their place on the frontline of resistance to the US-led offensive, and are daring to stand up and stand fast in the most unequal combat. They have given voice and inspiration to people everywhere and become a major, unexpected and for the imperialists and their flunkies most unwelcome factor in the unfolding of world events. If the US  Co. expected their mechanised "war on terrorism" to be able to simply and smoothly roll over the people, the Palestinian people have shown otherwise.
The Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties have been in the forefront in leading the people in their struggles for liberation. The People’s War under the leadership of the Communist Party of Peru (PCP) has persevered for nearly 22 years, holding high the red flag of revolution and representing the hopes of the downtrodden for a world they rule and completely transform. In the Philippines, Turkey, India and elsewhere the revolutionary armed struggle is continuing and coming into more and more direct conflict with the US-led crusade. In Nepal during the last few months the People’s War launched six years ago has reached a critical juncture. On the one hand, great advances of the People’s Liberation Army led by the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) have made it possible for millions of peasants and their allies to overthrow the feudal landlords and bureaucrat capitalists in vast areas of the countryside, set up their own political power and begin to build a whole new society based on the interests of the people. On the other hand the increasingly cornered ruling class is lashing out against the masses, sending its army to kill, rape and terrorise the common people and abolishing elementary rights through a declaration of emergency. On this May First we call on all revolutionary and progressive people to step up support for the People’s War in Nepal and to condemn the State of Emergency.
People living in the imperialist countries, including the USA, are increasingly taking a strong and active stand with the peoples of the world against the parasitic imperialist ruling classes who feed on 90% of the world’s people and the proletariat of their own countries. The world-shaking movement against the war in Vietnam is a standard to live up to and surpass in an ever more tumultuous world where resolute and enlightened struggle may open up unprecedented possibilities.
In fact, the US led world-wide reactionary offensive is accelerating the awakening of masses of people across the globe to political life and calling forth its opposite: determined resistance in all its many forms, in a rising spiral of confrontation. The Revolutionary Internationalist Movement supports this resistance wholeheartedly, and will strive to link up its various streams and help lead them into a single raging current that can fully and finally emancipate humanity.
Down with Imperialism! Stop the US-driven War Machine! 
Palestine Will Win!
Support the People’s War in Nepal – End the State of Emergency!
Long Live Proletarian Internationalism!
Build Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties United in RIM to Lead the Struggle!

Committee of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement

Spanish version of MAY DAY Statement - Revolutionary Internationalist Movement.

2002-04-28 Thread poblachtach dearg
¡Viva el Primero de Mayo rojo!
— Comité del Movimiento Revolucionario Internacionalista
 El Primero de Mayo de 2002 amanece en un mundo con muchas diferencias al mundo de hacía poco tiempo. De mayor importancia, la situación mundial ha dado un salto: las fuerzas del imperialismo y la reacción, encabezadas por el imperialismo yanqui, y las fuerzas del pueblo, con frecuencia dispersas y con líderes de diverso tipo, están trabadas en un combate más agudo a nivel mundial que en ningún momento de las últimas décadas.
 El imperialismo yanqui ha declarado su “guerra contra el terrorismo” y se desboca contra los pueblos del mundo con todo y el propósito de consolidar un imperio global e imponer un “ambiente favorable” a su parecer para exprimir aún mayores ganancias a la mano de obra en los países dominados. Por medio de sus propias tropas y los títeres que gobiernan esos países, ha lanzado una campaña de terror mundial para aplastar a todo el que se interponga en el camino.
 El gobierno yanqui lanzó sus bombardeos aéreos y a sus asesinas fuerzas especiales terrestres contra Afganistán y a su vez soltó a sus perros sionistas contra el pueblo palestino. Con armamento, plata y alabanzas del gobierno yanqui, Israel lleva a cabo la “limpieza étnica” más sangrienta desde que los colonizadores sionistas se robaron las tierras a los palestinos en 1948.
 En país tras país, las clases dominantes luchan por apagar la resistencia del pueblo. No obstante, eso es sólo un aspecto de lo que ha llegado a ser una batalla global y encarnizada de dos lados. Cada acto de resistencia del pueblo contra la máquina de guerra yanqui es una fuente de fuerza para la lucha revolucionaria mundial del proletariado y los pueblos y naciones oprimidos. Unos cuantos millones de palestinos, con una lucha en circunstancias desesperadas, toman su lugar en las primeras filas de la resistencia a la ofensiva encabezada por el gobierno estadounidense y se atreven a alzarse y a no ceder en un combate muy desigual. Han dado voz e inspiración a los pueblos del mundo y llegado a ser un factor importante, inesperado y –para los imperialistas y sus lacayos– muy desagradable en el curso de los acontecimientos mundiales. El imperialismo yanqui y sus secuaces esperaban que su “guerra contra el terrorismo” mecanizada aplastara fácilmente al pueblo, pero el pueblo palestino ha frustrado esa esperanza.
 Los partidos marxista-leninista-maoístas han estado en las primeras filas dirigiendo al pueblo en sus luchas de liberación. La Guerra Popular bajo la dirección del Partido Comunista del Perú (PCP) ha perseverado casi 22 años, con la bandera roja de la revolución en alto y como ejemplo de las esperanzas de los oprimidos para gobernar y transformar el mundo completamente. En las Filipinas, Turquía, la India y otros países, la lucha armada revolucionaria continúa y entra en mayor conflicto con la cruzada encabezada por el imperialismo estadounidense. En los últimos meses, la Guerra Popular que se lanzó en Nepal hace seis años ha alcanzado una coyuntura crítica. De un lado, mediante los grandes avances del Ejército Popular de Liberación dirigido por el Partido Comunista de Nepal (Maoísta) millones de campesinos y sus aliados han podido derrocar a terratenientes feudales y capitalistas burocráticos en vastas zonas del campo, establecer su propio poder político y comenzar a construir una nueva sociedad al servicio de los intereses del pueblo. De otro lado, las clases dominantes, arrinconadas como nunca antes, se desbocan contra las masas, mandan a su ejército para matar, violar y aterrorizar a las masas populares y abolir los derechos básicos con la declaración de emergencia. En este Primero de Mayo, convocamos a todos los revolucionarios y progresistas del mundo a redoblar el apoyo a la Guerra Popular en Nepal y a condenar el estado de emergencia.
 Los habitantes de los países imperialistas, como Estados Unidos, muestran mayor firmeza y entusiasmo en su apoyo a los pueblos del mundo y en contra de las clases dominantes imperialistas parasíticas quienes chupan la sangre del 90% de los pueblos del mundo y del proletariado de sus propios países. El gran movimiento contra la guerra de Vietnam es un ejemplo que hay que recordar y que hay que rebasar en un mundo mucho más tumultuoso en que luchas resueltas y conscientes podrían generar posibilidades sin precedente.
 La ofensiva mundial encabezada por el imperialismo yanqui está jalando a las masas populares del mundo a la vida política y generando su contrario: muy diversas formas de resistencia determinada en una creciente espiral de confrontación. El Movimiento Revolucionario Internacionalista apoya de todo corazón la resistencia y lucha por vincular sus diversas corrientes y ayuda a dirigirlas hacia un solo torrente incontenible que pueda emancipar plena y finalmente a la humanidad.
¡Abajo el imperialismo! ¡Detener la máquina de guerra impulsada por Estados Unidos!
¡Palestina vencerá!
¡Apoyar la Guerra Popular en Nepal, 

May Day Event - Organised by Sympathizers Of The Revolutionary Internationalist

2002-04-28 Thread poblachtach dearg
 May Day Event -
Organised by Sympathizers Of The Revolutionary Internationalist Movement including the following Parties - ALL WECOME !
Communist Party Of Iran ( Marxist - Leninist - Maoist ) -
Communist Party Of Turkey ( Marxist - Leninist )
Tuesday 30th April, From 6.45 P.M. Onwards At the Hundred Flowers Centre, 2A, Belgrade Road, Off Stoke Newington Road, London, N16.
Public Transport: Dalston Kingsland BR; Buses: 67, 76, 149, 243
* Wide - Ranging Discussion Of the International Situation today and the need to step up the struggle against the U.S. Led imperialists!
* Video Material regarding the situation in Palestine!
* Live Revolutionary Music and Food.
Those coming from outside London should bring a sleeping bag if they want to stay the night so as to be able to leave and Join The Maoist Contingent on the May day March the next morning..Do You Yahoo!?
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TWO National Protests coming up in LONDON for PALESTINE! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread poblachtach dearg

National Rally for PalestineinTrafalgar Square
Saturday,18 May 2002, 12:00 Hyde Park, Speakers Corner toTrafalgar Square

Organised by: Palestine Solidarity Campaign

March and Rally for PalestineinLondon
Thursday,13 June 2002, from 13:00: atSpeakers Corner,Hyde Park (nearest tube, Marble Arch)
March from Speakers Corner to Trafalgar Square. Speakers, Jeremy Corbyn MP and others. Supported by UKIM, MCB, PRC, Da'watul Islam and other Muslim/Non-Muslim organisations.
Organised by: Muslim Association of Britain,Please view this site for more information on transport etc.Do You Yahoo!?
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RIM Statement on Palestine [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread poblachtach dearg

The Hope for the Middle East:
Not the Peace Process, but the Palestinian People’s Just Struggle!
The Palestinian people, though they number only a few million, have continued to be a focal point of world history as they struggle unflinchingly against the storm-troopers of the US outpost in the Middle East known as Israel. Over a year ago, Israeli hardman Ariel Sharon led a thousand armed soldiers and police into the Al-Aqsa Mosque, a key symbol of the Muslim religion in East Jerusalem, which is itself viewed as the historic capital of Palestine by the Palestinians and the Arab world generally. Flaunting Israel’s control of this key Palestinian site was designed to humiliate the Palestinian people and assert Israeli unchallengeable supremacy. 
The response of the Palestinian people came immediately in the form of the "second Intifada": this region will never know peace until there is justice.
For over 50 years, the Israeli rulers, backed and armed to the hilt by the world’s most powerful imperialists, have carried out repeated military aggression and wielded their overwhelming military superiority throughout the region. They have attacked and defeated the neighbouring Arab regimes in a series of aggressive wars (1956, 1967 and 1973), and annexed more Palestinian territory to beef up the security cordon around the territory seized in 1948 upon the creation of Israel. Labour Party and Likud Party alike erected settlements throughout the occupied territories, despite the unanimous condemnation of the international community, including in UN resolutions. Internally they imprisoned tens of thousands of Palestinians over the decades; they tortured thousands, in defiance of condemnation by international human rights groups; they carried out a campaign of state-sanctioned death squad assassinations of their opponents; they bombed outposts of the internationally recognized Palestinian Authority with F16 fighter-bombers; they razed thousands of Palestinian homes, making over 40,000 homeless. They threaten anyone who defies them in the region with their vast arsenal of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons built up under the protection of the US imperialists. 
This is a settler colonial state that has stopped at almost nothing to subdue its opponents. And yet they know no peace. Fifty years after setting out on their blood-soaked trail of terror and death, the US imperialists’ Zionist henchmen are no closer to squashing opposition to their rule than when they first set out. This is powerful confirmation of the truth of Mao Tsetung’s observation that wherever there is oppression there is resistance.
Faced with this reality, ten years ago US imperialist chieftains George Bush and Bill Clinton pushed hard for a peace process in the Middle East that was supposed to do for that region what the change of the guard in South Africa accomplished there. A dynamic was set in motion that promised the Palestinian people an end to their degradation and oppression. The process was agreed in Oslo, sealed on the White House lawn by the Arafat-Rabin handshake, ratified in seven meetings, recorded in innumerable documents and trumpeted to the world.
The peace process has proved to be a trap. Now the whole world is seeing that the honey-coated words of the imperialists were merely fancy cover for a means of getting Arafat and the Palestinian compradors and their henchmen to do the dirty work of suppressing the Palestinian masses themselves. Arafat’s Palestinian Authority was not even given control of the flow of water into the Occupied Territories. They were allowed just enough guns to suppress internal opposition to the Israeli occupiers, but nothing that would even remotely challenge the Israeli arsenal. The detection of a single boatload of weapons to Palestine that wouldn’t come close to equalling Israel’s daily arms imports brought howls of rage from the imperialist media.
A year ago, impatient with Arafat’s inability to rein in the Palestinian people’s resistance, the US-Israeli rulers brought in as head of state Ariel Sharon, the Butcher of Beirut who presided over the slaughter of hundreds of Palestinian civilians in the refugee camps at Sabra and Chatila in Lebanon in 1982. Sharon’s troops have invaded much of the territory supposedly "governed" by the Palestinian Authority, showing that all along it was but an empty shell, devoid of what the Russian revolutionary leader Lenin long ago pointed out as the crux of state power: armed forces.
The peace process had taken off at a certain juncture in world politics: the Soviet social-imperialist empire had collapsed, creating a vortex that sucked under large numbers of their puppets and client states around the world. Reactionary comprador forces that had relied on the so-called Soviet Big Brother now quavered in fear at being left to face up to the US imperialists. Arafat and important sections of the Palestinian elite likewise concluded they had no choice but to jump at the 

May Day Statement 2002 - Revolutionary Internationalist Movement. [WWW.STOPNATO.

2002-04-24 Thread poblachtach dearg

Long Live Red May First!
The First of May 2002 dawns on a world that is different in many ways from what it was only a short time ago. Most importantly, there has been a leap in the world situation -- the forces of imperialism and reaction, headed by the US, and the forces of the people, although often scattered and under different kinds of leadership, are locked in combat on a world scale more sharply than at any time in recent decades.
With the declaration of its "war on terrorism", the US has gone on a rampage against the world’s people for the all but openly avowed purpose of consolidating a global American empire and enforcing what it considers a "favourable environment" in which to squeeze even greater profits out of the labour of the people in the dominated countries. Acting both through their own troops and their puppets who rule these countries, they have launched a global terror campaign to crush anything that could stand in their way.
While the US launched its aerial bombardments and ground special forces killers on Afghanistan, it also unleashed its Zionist guard dogs against the Palestinian people. Operating with American arms and money and US blessings, Israel is carrying out the bloodiest "ethnic cleansing" since the Zionist settlers first stole the land from the Palestinians.
In country after country the ruling classes are trying to stamp out every spark of the people’s resistance. But this is only one aspect of what is becoming an increasingly fierce and more globalised battle on both sides. Every act of resistance by the people to the US war machine is a source of strength for the world-wide revolutionary struggle of the proletariat and the oppressed peoples and nations. The Palestinian people, numbering only a few million and fighting under desperate circumstances, are taking their place on the frontline of resistance to the US-led offensive, and are daring to stand up and stand fast in the most unequal combat. They have given voice and inspiration to people everywhere and become a major, unexpected and for the imperialists and their flunkies most unwelcome factor in the unfolding of world events. If the US  Co. expected their mechanised "war on terrorism" to be able to simply and smoothly roll over the people, the Palestinian people have shown otherwise.
The Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties have been in the forefront in leading the people in their struggles for liberation. The People’s War under the leadership of the Communist Party of Peru (PCP) has persevered for nearly 22 years, holding high the red flag of revolution and representing the hopes of the downtrodden for a world they rule and completely transform. In the Philippines, Turkey, India and elsewhere the revolutionary armed struggle is continuing and coming into more and more direct conflict with the US-led crusade. In Nepal during the last few months the People’s War launched six years ago has reached a critical juncture. On the one hand, great advances of the People’s Liberation Army led by the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) have made it possible for millions of peasants and their allies to overthrow the feudal landlords and bureaucrat capitalists in vast areas of the countryside, set up their own political power and begin to build a whole new society based on the interests of the people. On the other hand the increasingly cornered ruling class is lashing out against the masses, sending its army to kill, rape and terrorise the common people and abolishing elementary rights through a declaration of emergency. On this May First we call on all revolutionary and progressive people to step up support for the People’s War in Nepal and to condemn the State of Emergency.
People living in the imperialist countries, including the USA, are increasingly taking a strong and active stand with the peoples of the world against the parasitic imperialist ruling classes who feed on 90% of the world’s people and the proletariat of their own countries. The world-shaking movement against the war in Vietnam is a standard to live up to and surpass in an ever more tumultuous world where resolute and enlightened struggle may open up unprecedented possibilities.
In fact, the US led world-wide reactionary offensive is accelerating the awakening of masses of people across the globe to political life and calling forth its opposite: determined resistance in all its many forms, in a rising spiral of confrontation. The Revolutionary Internationalist Movement supports this resistance wholeheartedly, and will strive to link up its various streams and help lead them into a single raging current that can fully and finally emancipate humanity.
Down with Imperialism! Stop the US-driven War Machine! 
Palestine Will Win!
Support the People’s War in Nepal – End the State of Emergency!
Long Live Proletarian Internationalism!
Build Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties United in RIM to Lead the Struggle!

Committee of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement

L.A. Slide Show on `peoples War In Nepal` [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread poblachtach dearg
Li Onesto, author of
“DISPATCHES: Report from the People’s War in Nepal”
Sunday, April 28 at 3pm
Slide presentation by Li Onesto

In the Spring of 1999, RW reporter Li Onesto had the rare opportunity to travel in guerrilla zones in the mountains of Nepal. Since 1996, there has been intense fighting between the Nepalese government and Maoist guerrillas. Yet there has been little news of this in the western media. Li Onesto embarked on this journey with the aim of capturing the passion, voices and faces of the peasants involved in this revolution. She interviewed party leaders, guerrilla soldiers, activists in mass organizations and villagers—those waging this genuine Maoist people’s war and beginning to exercise new people’s power. She is the only photojournalist allowed this kind of access and the only person with this “inside” human story of the war in Nepal.

Libros Revolucion
312 W. 8th St. (between Broadway  Hill)
Downtown L.A.
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March and Rally for Palestine [Oxford] [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread poblachtach dearg

A reminder to all for this Saturdays March For Palestine in Oxford, please forward to all contacts..

March and Rally for Palestine [Oxford] Oxford Palestine Solidarity Campaign End Israeli Occupation NOW! Justice for Palestine! March and rally in Oxford Saturday 27th April 2002 13.30pm Assemble Manzil Way, Cowley Rally with speakers in Broad Street, city centre Called by Oxford Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Oxford Stop the War Coalition and the Oxfordshire TUC For further information email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Do You Yahoo!?
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PSNI blast a wake-up call -­ CIRA - Andersonstown News [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread poblachtach dearg
Andersonstown News 22 April 2002 PSNI blast a wake-up call - CIRA Dissident republican group the Continuity IRA has said the recent bomb attack on a Police Service of Northern Ireland training college was a wake up call for those who believe the war was over. The CIRA have claimed a series of bomb blasts over the past few weeks, and a spokesperson with links to the dissident republican group has warned they now "intend to step up their bombing campaign." Reacting to the recent attacks the spokesperson said: "In the past the campaign has been sporadic, developments were monitored and a strategy was put in place as to the best way to move forward. "In the coming weeks and months, I believe we will see an intensifying of that campaign, support has grown and the army are now prepared to carry on with the war." And the dissident republican warned that there were now many younger people poised and ready to carry out future attacks. "The war was always about achieving a United Ireland and that has now been abandoned by the Provisionals. Those people who struggled for that cause gave up their lives, and sacrificed everything are rightly disillusioned with the current peace process. "But support has now grown beyond that generation and young people are now throwing their lot in wanting to get involved. It is a sad reality that after all these years we are still forced to take military action to achieve our objectives." But the anti-agreement republican added that they believed most of the future attacks would be concentrated around dissident strongholds. "Nationalist areas of Belfast are controlled by the Provisionals and people are afraid to speak out even though they disagree with the peace process. "The Continuity are not going to work to anyone else agenda, they will strike when they are ready. "The CIRA have shown they are able to carry out effective military operations in the past, but I would say we haven't seen anything yet."Do You Yahoo!?
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TWO National Protests coming up in LONDON for PALESTINE! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread poblachtach dearg

National Rally for PalestineinTrafalgar Square
Saturday,18 May 2002, 12:00 Hyde Park, Speakers Corner toTrafalgar Square

Organised by: Palestine Solidarity Campaign

March and Rally for PalestineinLondon
Thursday,13 June 2002, from 13:00: atSpeakers Corner,Hyde Park (nearest tube, Marble Arch)
March from Speakers Corner to Trafalgar Square. Speakers, Jeremy Corbyn MP and others. Supported by UKIM, MCB, PRC, Da'watul Islam and other Muslim/Non-Muslim organisations.
Organised by: Muslim Association of Britain,Please view this site for more information on transport etc.Do You Yahoo!?
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Protest Israeli Embassy London, Saturday 27th April. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread poblachtach dearg

Please forward details of this protest!

Protest Israeli Embassy LondonProtest from 3pm to 6pm Israeli Embassy Junction of Palace Green and Kensington High Street tube StationDo You Yahoo!?
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Photos from Last saturdays Massive London March for Palestine! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG

2002-04-24 Thread poblachtach dearg
Images from the Anti-IsraelDemo 13th April 2002

A Field of Flags and Banners

The Official Figures for the march were around 15,000 to 30,000but I would have put the figure well above 50,000 and more like 100,000

People from all over demonstrating peacefully.

"1, 2, 3, 4 we don't want your dirty war!"

"Bush, Bush we know youdaddy was a killer too!"

Park Avenue

All generations and all nationsunite against injustice,oppression and tyranny

Protestors outside the Ritz Hotel on the way to Trafalgar Square.

How ironic, a race of people who have suffered and know what it is to be oppressed, brutalised and murdered are now inflicting the same suffering on another innocent people and rightful inhabitants of the holy lands! O Children of Israel have you not learned from history have you forgotten "Never again" have you forgotten the holocaust which you remind the whole world of?

Rt. Hon. Jeremy Corbyn MP 

Tony Benn (ex-MP)"This is the largest number of demonstrators I have ever seen","Bush only wants peace in Palestine so that he can bomb Iraq", 

Rt. Hon. George Galloway MP"Victory to the Intifadah!""Shame on the Arab governments and the Arab leaders"

"Down down Israel, Down down USA!"

A minute's silence for the martyrs of Palestine

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Press Release: Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Association [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

2002-03-21 Thread poblachtach dearg


Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Association. 
Press Release: Immediate. 
Contact: Marian Price (Chairperson). 
Tel. No: 07801729412. 
21st March 2002. 
The IRPWA Calls for an end to the Degrading and Inhumane Treatment of Republican POWs 
and their Families. 
The IRPWA has learned that the Republican Prisoners in Maghaberry Gaol are being 
forced to refuse the closed visits they are being subjected to. In the past prisoners 
have been reluctant to refuse visits as many of their families had travelled lengthy 
journeys to the gaol, in some cases round trips of over 200 miles. However after 
consultation with their families they have agreed that the current situation can no 
longer be tolerated. 
A so-called passive sniffer dog is being used as a ploy in order to inflict maximum 
suffering on these prisoners and their families. In many cases young children are 
being denied any physical contact with their fathers for weeks at a time. This current 
issue is just the latest in the systematic erosion of the Political Status so dearly 
won in 1981. 
Marian Price said  We in IRPWA stand fully behind these men in their demands to be 
treated as the Political Prisoners they are. We will be holding a white-line picket at 
Free Derry Corner on Saturday 23rd at 2.00pm as part of our ongoing campaign to 
highlight their plight. She concluded,  I call on all Republicans to give their 
support and show that we will not tolerate the brutalisation of these men. 
Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Association. 

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2002-03-21 Thread poblachtach dearg
 Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Association.
BLAIRS BACK- RESTORE STATUS NOW! Bring Banners, placards, and friends!!!Organised by Irish Political Status Committee and Prisoners Aid Committee, London.##E mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Snail Mail: IPSC, BM BOX 1981, London, WCIN - 3XXIPSC Day Of action on the web Press Releases and Statements ##Do You Yahoo!?
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War Against Terror or War to Govern the World? By Mumia Abu-Jamal [WWW.STOPNATO.

2002-03-20 Thread poblachtach dearg
War Against Terror or War to Govern the World?
By Mumia Abu-Jamal
Revolutionary Worker #1144, March 24, 2002, posted at rwor.orgIt is helpful sometimes, in times of great and confusing events, to consider simple things, which can shed light on things that are far more complex. 
The events of 9/11, and in turn the resultant aerial bombardment of Afghanistan by American military, is now the opening act of what promises to be a global military campaign that threatens to be waged in Iraq, perhaps Iran, Somalia, and even the far Philippines.
We are told that this war will be waged for years, perhaps for decades, in far-flung areas of the earth. It is, in Bush Administration terms, a `war against terrorism,' a `war against evil,' and a `clash of civilizations'. (Of course, the royal "we" are the perfect good; "they" are the eternal evil).
One wonders, when is a `terrorist,' not a terrorist?
The late Pakistani scholar, Eqbal Ahmad, points to how history and circumstance can change characterizations:
Until the 1930s and 1940s, the Jewish underground in Palestine was described as "terrorist." Then something happened: around 1942, as news of the Holocaust was spreading, a certain liberal sympathy with the Jewish people began to emerge in the Western world. By 1944, the terrorists of Palestine, who were Zionists, suddenly began being described as "freedom fighters." If you look in history books you can find at least two Israeli prime ministers, including Menachem Begin, appearing in "Wanted" posters saying, TERRORISTS, REWARD [this much]. The highest reward I have seen offered was 100,000 British pounds for the head of Menachem Begin, the terrorist (Yitzhak Shamir is the other).
Eqbal Ahmad, Terrorism: Theirs  Ours ,Seven Stories, 2001, p. 11
The terrorism of yesterday has become the nationalism of today.
The interests and objectives of the US, and its Western partners, have less to do with terrorism, than with making the world quiescent and calm in the face of a neo-colonialist, corporate capitalism.
What is at stake is not democracy, for if this was so why does the West support regimes, like the Saudis or the Emirates, that don't even have a pretense of a democratic form of government? What is at stake is western control over resources, like oil, or natural gas.
What is at stake is hegemony, or the continued dominance over the emerging world by the industrial, corporate West, under the flag of globalism.
What is globalized is the use of force to suppress local, national and regional movements seeking liberation or autonomy. What is globalized is the media machinery of the wealthy elites to justify an inequitable status quo. What is globalized is terror, on a world scale, to protect the system.
2/6/02 Copyright 2002 MAJ

This article is posted in English and Spanish on Revolutionary Worker Onlinerwor.orgWrite: Box 3486, Merchandise Mart, Chicago, IL 60654Phone: 773-227-4066 Fax: 773-227-4497(The RW Online does not currently communicate via email.)Do You Yahoo!?
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The Brave Resister in the Camps: World War 2 Roundups of Japanese-Americans [WWW

2002-03-20 Thread poblachtach dearg
The Brave Resister in the Camps
Part 2: World War 2 Roundups of Japanese-Americans
Revolutionary Worker #1144, March 24, 2002, posted at
In "The Crimes of Executive Order 9066" ( RW #1138) the RW explored how during World War 2 over 110,000 Japanese Americans on the West Coast were rounded up and shipped to 10 distant concentration camps in some of the most inhospitable territory in the U.S.

The conditions in the camps were harsh. At Minidoka, Idaho, the fence surrounding the camp was electrified. There was never enough to eat. Workers were initially promised prevailing wages but ended up receiving less than 50 cents per day. At the Poston camp in Arizona summer temperatures climbed to 124 degrees in the shade. While in the winter, many newborn infants died because the hospitals often had no heat. Dust was everywhere.

Guards at the camps had orders to "shoot to kill" anyone who looked like they were trying to escape. In one of many incidents, Shoichi James Okamoto was shot at Tule Lake and died the next day. Despite many witnesses who testified that Okamoto was killed in cold blood, the soldier who shot Okamoto was acquitted--except for a fine of $1 "for the unauthorized use of government property" (the bullet).

The authorities pitted Nisei, second generation Japanese Americans born in the U.S. and therefore U.S. citizens, against Issei, first generation Japanese Americans who were born in Japan and who, by law, could not become U.S. citizens. Camp administrators gave direct support to the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), an organization of professional Nisei, which in turn helped the War Relocation Authority (the government bureau that administered the camps) in order to prove their loyalty.

But contrary to the view of many historians that the Japanese were "culturally passive," many concentration camp prisoners waged intense resistance, in the face of threats, murderous shootings, and heavy repression. This article tells the hidden story of that resistance.

"I hope to dispel the myth that we were all `Quiet Americans'--that after being stripped of our constitutional rights by our own government, removed from our homes, businesses and jobs, then interned in concentration camps in god-forsaken areas of the deserts and prairies, we all went quietly and sheep-like, into segregated combat units to become cannon fodder to gain acceptance by the Great White Father..."
Frank Emi, a leader of the draft resistance at Heart Mountain concentration camp

Some of the earliest resistance broke out at the Manzanar camp in California. As in all of the camps, the WRA administration gave support to and propped up a section of pro- administration Nisei and used them against the resistance. In Manzanar a coalition between pro-America patriots like the JACL and supporters of the revisionist Communist Party, USA formed the Citizen's Feder- ation. The main concern of this group was not combating the unjust conditions but pressing for the "right" to volunteer to fight in the U.S. imperialist armed forces.
Other concentration camp prisoners denounced the Citizens Federation's stand and called them inu (dogs or stool pigeons in Japanese). An underground group, formed to take on the inu , called itself the "Blood Brothers Organization" and used a Black Dragon as its emblem.
A rebellion at Manzanar took place in December 1942 following the arrest of Harry Ueno, a popular leader of the Kitchen Workers' Union and an outspoken critic of corrupt practices by the administration. Ueno was accused of assaulting a JACL leader who was suspected of being a government informer. Most people in the camp were convinced that Ueno's arrest was a frame-up.
A mass meeting followed Ueno's arrest, and lists were drawn up naming "stool pigeons" and "traitors to our people." A "committee of five" was elected to present the demands to the camp administration. A determined group of over 1,000 marched to the camp administration building where representatives met with the camp administrator.
That evening, internees defied a ban on further mass meetings and called for retaliation against certain inu and the rescue of Ueno from the jail.
The administration, which sent informers to infiltrate public meetings, quickly placed the targeted inu in the safety of the military garrison, while troops armed with submachine guns and rifles swarmed into the compound and surrounded the jail.
Finding the informants had been removed, the demonstrators moved toward the jail--where they ran head on into a wall of waiting troops. The troops fired tear gas. When the wind blew the tear gas away from the protesters, the troops opened fire on the unarmed people. Two demonstrators were killed and at least eight others were injured.
The administration declared martial law and arrested the committee of five. When a new committee was elected, it too was put under arrest. In protest, most of the camp's residents refused to report to 


2002-03-19 Thread poblachtach dearg

The Monitoring Group in Chinatown
MONDAY 15th APRIL 2002
FROM 10.00am TO 2:00pm
Church Hall, St Anne Church, 55 Dean Street, Soho, London W1
Guest Speakers include:Imran Khan, civil rights lawyer. (Confirmed)
Saffron Burrows, actress and activist (Confirmed)
David Yip, actor and writer (Confirmed)The 15th of April will witness a unique event in London - the launch of the first ever race monitoring and campaign group involving UK’s Chinese community.

Official and Government sources have always claimed that the Chinese community does not suffer racism or that it never complains about it. However the work undertaken by the group proves beyond doubt that not only does this community suffer brutal attacks but that its grievances are never properly addressed nor acknowledged. As importantly, perhaps, when individuals and organisations in the community challenge racism, their contribution remains hidden, unsupported and unrecognized.

The launch of the Min Quan is truly a historic event, which will include an analysis of the problems faced by the Chinese community, contributions from eminent speakers supporting the work of the group and eyewitness accounts from the group’s clients.

Proposed Agenda:
10:00am Registration
Please note that all the proceedings will be conducted in Cantonese and English.
10:30 Introduction by Bobby Chan, -chair of TMG (Chinatown) Steering Group 

10:45 Presentation of Report by Jabez Lam, project officer and Suresh Grover, co-ordinator of TMG
11:15 Contribution from Guest Speakers: Saffron Burrows, David Yip (to be confirmed) and Imran Khan and testimonies from victims 
12:30pm Questions and contributions
1:00pm Light Refreshments 
2:00pm EndFor further information, please contact:
Jabez Lam on 07940 514 268 or /and Sandeep Garcha at TMG on 020 8843 2333 and fax on 020 8813 9734 You can also email us on [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Please note that if you wish to attend, you must confirm your attendance in advance.Do You Yahoo!?
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PATA activist meeting will be held on Monday 25th March 2002 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2002-03-19 Thread poblachtach dearg


The first People Against the Terrorism Act activists meeting will be held on Monday 
25th March 2002, 7pm at Conway Hall (not Thursday 22nd as originally planned). All 
those who are interested in getting involved in the campaign are invited. Below 
follows a report by Beth Handley on the PATA campaign launch meeting: PEOPLE AGAINST 
THE TERRORISM ACT – CAMPAIGN LAUNCH Comrades from the Socialist Labour Party London 
Region have been involved in launching a new campaign against the Terrorism Act 2000 – 
People Against the Terrorism Act (PATA). The Terrorism Act and the various amendments 
to it (TA), represent a fundamental attack on human rights in this country. The new 
legislation gives the police powers to detain, interrogate and arrest without the need 
for any evidence or even any suspicion that a person has been involved in terrorist 
activities or committed any offences. The government says that this act is necessary 
to prevent a terrorist attack on this country, but in fact this law is not targeted at 
any real or proven threat. Take the experience of two of our party youth members, 
Fahim Ahmed and Sukant Chandon, both were detained under the TA in recent months– 
their crime: Being Asian it seems, plus wearing a badge in support of the Palestinian 
struggle. Before the TA was the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) which was directed 
at Irish people during the 1970s – 80s. Over 7,000 Irish people were arrested under 
the PTA but 97% of these people were released without charge. The damage had already 
been done however - many of these people went on to lose their jobs and were 
stigmatised. The law had served its purpose – to create fear, to create division, and 
to intimidate people from speaking out against injustices. This is the aim of the TA 
and this is why we must unite and stand against it.  A successful launch meeting was 
held in London on 16th March 2002. Around 25 - 30 people attended. Suggested aims of 
PATA were: To mobilise the working class and all oppressed communities to fight 
against the TA To educate people about the TA To support those affected by the TA To 
promote maximum unity of the working class and the oppressed communities. PATA hopes 
to engage in the following actives: providing free legal advice and support to those 
arrested under the TA; setting up pickets outside police stations were detainees are 
being held; establish a telephone tree to mobilise large numbers of people quickly; 
distribute leaflets, posters, pamphlets and cards; set up stalls on estates and high 
streets and at meetings, colleges, schools and community groups; have a presence on 
demonstrations, organise public meetings and concerts; contact unions and other 
progressive organisations; fundraising activities. This is an important campaign and 
we would be grateful for your support. If you would like to be involved in the 
campaign, or to be notified of events, or if you would like to set up a branch of PATA 
in your area, please contact Beth Handley 0208 752 1588 or Fahim Ahmed 07818 026 883.

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Scottish Republican Rally [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-14 Thread poblachtach dearg
The Declaration of ArbroathScottish Republican RallySaturday 6th April 20021.00pmSpeakers include Rosie Kane and Janet Cameron – Scottish Friends of Palestine - others to be confirmed.UP THE REPUBLIC! BIN THE MONARCHY!We want an independent Scottish socialist republicThe Declaration of Arbroath is said to be the most important document in Scottish history for two reasons. It set the will and wishes of the people above the monarchy, and it affirmed the nation's independence in a way no battle could, justifying it with a truth that is beyond nation and race.Meet at Victoria Park Gates, Kings road, Arbroath, 12.45pm Rally starts 1.00pmBus leaves George Square, Glasgow, at 9.30am. Return fare £10.00 Seats to be booked in advance 0141 337 6476A Scottish piper will attendMusic, food and drink afterwardsAbsolutely no football colours Do You Yahoo!?
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Communists won the WWII (West Took the Credit)* [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-14 Thread poblachtach dearg
Forwarding this from another list. Very interesting indeed and reminds me of a similar move by NATO today to conquer oil / gas rich areas of the former Soviet Union by literally carpet bombing their way in! Both Yugoslavia and Afghanistan are launch pads for even greater imperialistcrimes to come!If only we had another Red Army today to smash NATO!! At least they exist in Nepal, Peru, Turkey and so on.
10 March 2002 Communists won the WWII (West Took the Credit)* 
On June 22, 1941, more than 3,000,000 Nazi troops invaded the Soviet Union. Fascist troops from Finland, Rumania, Hungary, Italy and Spain later joined them. The largest military attack in history was a second attempt by the capitalists to smash the world's first workers' state. Only 16 years earlier the Bolsheviks had defeated imperialist troops from 14 countries, including the U.S., Britain and France, who had invaded the Soviet Union in 1917 to "strangle the socialist infant in its cradle." Though 4.5 million Soviet workers lost their lives, the communist-led Red Army defeated them. Now Hitler's armies would meet a similar fate. 
Virtually all Western military experts predicted Hitler would be in Moscow in six weeks. Less than four years later, Soviet troops marched triumphantly into Berlin, having smashed the "invincible" Nazi war machine. 
About 80% of Hitler's armies were tied down in Russia on the 2,000- mile-long Eastern Front. By the time the allies launched the D-Day invasion of France in 1944, the Red Army had already swept the Nazis out of all of occupied Russia and part of Eastern Europe and Soviet tanks were rolling towards Germany at 40 miles a day. 
Today a flood of movies, books and TV specials tell us how the US single-handedly won World War II, saving "Private Ryan" and the world. In fact, U.S. rulers were worried that if they didn't invade France when they did, the Red Army would liberate all of Western Europe by itself. 
Even Western historians agree the Soviet Union bore the brunt of the battle against Hitler and the Soviet victory at Stalingrad was the turning point of the WWII. The USSR lost over 20 million lives defeating the Nazis (75 times the 300,000 U.S. deaths). In the Nazi- occupied areas of the Soviet Union, "about two-thirds of the houses and productive capacity was destroyed." Not one bomb fell on the U.S. during the entire war. [All figures from The World Almanac of World War II.] 
The imperialist conspiracy to smash the Soviet Union began long before WW II. The British and French rejected five separate Soviet proposals for an alliance against Hitler in the 1930s. The West supplied Hitler with oil, rubber and bank loans for his war machine. They hoped Hitler would move east and crush the Soviet Union and thereby prevent the spread of the overthrow of the profit system. When Hitler marched into Poland, Britain and France "declared war," the "Phony War," because 110 Western divisions did nothing while the Nazis mopped up in Poland, hoping Hitler would continue to move east. 
But before they took on the Soviets, the Germans occupied Holland, Belgium and Norway. Hitler then invaded France. The French high command went over to Hitler's side, allowing him to march into Paris in three weeks, driving British troops into the sea at Dunkirk. 
In almost all of Europe, the communist underground led the resistance that helped defeat the Nazis over the next four years. Communist-led partisans behind enemy lines in the Soviet Union alone destroyed one million Nazi troops, more than the combined total destroyed by the U.S. and British in the entire war. 
When Hitler finally invaded the Soviet Union, the predicted "six weeks" victory never happened. German troops found total destruction and desolation in every captured Russian city or town — the "scorched earth" policy. Soviet defenders burned everything to the ground that they could not take with them — and then organized armed resistance behind enemy lines. Over 6,000 factories were dismantled and moved east of the Ural Mountains, re-assembled to produce weapons again, a feat requiring total unity and support of Soviet workers, unmatched by any country, before or since. 
By Dec. 2, 1941, the Nazis were just 20 miles from the Kremlin. Stalin stayed in Moscow throughout this period and rallied the Soviet workers and Red Army. On Dec. 6 (the day before Pearl Harbor), the Soviets launched a counter-attack on a 500-mile front and drove the fascists from the gates of Moscow. Hitler was forced to halt this offensive. 
By September 1942, the Nazis had begun another offensive, reaching the outskirts of Stalingrad. They planned to take that city and then seize the oil of the Caucuses to the south (bordering oil-rich Iran) and drive on Moscow to the north. But it was not to be. Soviet soldiers and workers fought for Stalingrad block-by-block, house-by- house and room-by-room to halt the "unbeatable" Nazi invaders. Workers in arms factories produced weapons for the Red Army working