Ozawa warns about China, says Japan could go nuclear [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-07 Thread Steve Wagner



Ozawa warns about China, says Japan could go nuclear

Sunday, April 7, 2002 at 18:00 JST

FUKUOKA - The leader of Japan's opposition Liberal Party, Ichiro
Ozawa, says it would be a simple matter for Japan to produce nuclear
weapons and surpass the military might of China if its neighbour got
"too inflated."

  Inviting a sharp response from Beijing, which is sensitive to any
signs of militarism in Japan, Ozawa told a seminar in the southern
city of Fukuoka Saturday that "China is applying itself to expansion
of military power."

  "If (China) gets too inflated, Japanese people will get hysterical,"
Kyodo news agency quoted him as saying.

  "It would be so easy for us to produce nuclear warheads. We have
plutonium at nuclear power plants in Japan, enough to make several
thousand such warheads," he said.

  Ozawa said his statements, coming only days before Japanese Prime
Minster Junichiro Koizumi visits China, were meant to encourage
stronger ties between China and Japan, the only country to have
suffered a nuclear attack.

  He said he made similar comments recently to a person he described as
being affiliated with the Chinese intelligence agency.

  "I told that person that if we get serious, we will never be beaten
in terms of military power," he said.

  Ozawa said Japan found itself in a difficult position.

  "Northeastern Asia, in which both China and North Korea are located,
is the most unstable region in the world," he said.

  "China is applying itself to expansion of military power in the hope
of becoming a superpower...following the United States."

  Koizumi will visit China for three days from April 11 to attend an
economic conference on Hainan island, although he is also expected to
meet Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji.

  Li Peng, chairman of China's parliament, who is on a visit to Japan,
said in an interview published in a regional newspaper on Saturday he
was optimistic about Japan-China relations.

  Li said Japan and China, long resentful over its treatment at the
hands of Japanese invaders, may encounter difficulties on the path to
closer ties because the countries were so different.

  "Even in such cases, the two nations can solve any problems with
effort and foresight," Li said in an interview with the Kitanippon
Press, a newspaper in western Japan.

  Li's visit is one of several high-level exchanges between China and
Japan to mark the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic
ties in September 1972.

  Ties have been strained in recent times by Koizumi's visit last year
to a shrine honouring Japan's war dead, including convicted war
criminals, and Japan's approval of a history textbook that China and
other Asian countries say downplays Japan's wartime aggression.

(Reuters News)

Click the link below to view this article and related discussions on
Japan Today

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U.S. Counts Down Last Days of Saddam [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-07 Thread Miroslav Antic


Mondo Washington
by James Ridgeway

U.S. Counts Down Last Days of Saddam

Seizures in the Middle East 

Ariel Sharon's siege of Yasir Arafat's headquarters may well turn out to
be Saddam Hussein's major victory in his struggle to convince the Arab
world to oppose a planned attack on Iraq. 

While George W. Bush says rhetorically that it hasn't decided whether or
when to attack, there are numerous indications that the administration
is seriously considering some form of strike. 

"I don't know when, but I know this president is not going to let Saddam
Hussein stay in power," said South Carolina Republican congressman
Lindsey Graham last week. He is running for the GOP Senate nomination.
And the Turkish press quoted Dick Cheney as telling Sharon that the U.S.
was planning to attack Iraq "first and foremost for Israel's sake."
There has been some increase in U.S. military presence, with forces in
Kuwait being doubled to 10,500 in recent months. There now are some
80,000 American military personnel in the Middle East and Central Asia. 

An attack may come in the form of heavy bombardment of Iraqi
installations thought to be researching and making mass-destruction
weapons, or of seizure of oil fields in southern Iraq. The latter would
not require the tens of thousands of troops; theoretically, at least,
that would keep U.S. casualties to a minimum. Seizing the oil fields
would throw down the gauntlet to Saddam and leave him no choice but to
respond by sending in his own army. If that were to happen, our planes
would have a turkey shoot. Despite what the hard-line mullahs say, Iran
in the past has indicated it would stay out of a war between the U.S.
and Iraq. 

In any event, Sharon's strike at the Palestinians seems to have
temporarily united the Arab world, and it made the Saudis, who had just
proposed a peace plan, look like fools. The situation between the Saudis
and U.S. military is difficult. The U.S. is believed to have about 4500
troops stationed at the Prince Sultan base; the number of planes based
there is unknown. From the base, U.S. planes patrol the southern no-fly
zone in Iraq. If retaliatory strikes are involved, the planes would fly
out of Kuwait so as not to upset the Saudis. Saudi Arabia refused the
U.S. permission to fly sorties over Afghanistan, but the base did serve
as an electronic hub for the campaign. Crown Prince Abdullah, the de
facto ruler of Saudi Arabia, has been against any attack on Iraq. He
told Cheney that the U.S. "should not strike Iraq, because such an
attack would only raise animosity in the region against the United
States." To relieve tensions, the U.S. is reportedly planning to move
its big base from Saudi Arabia to Qatar. 

The real Arab weapon is oil, and last week Saddam urged Arab leaders to
employ "economic measures" against Israel and its supporters. If the
Arabs were to mount an oil embargo as they did in the 1970s, the war
would come home, and Bush probably would face a major political



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Afghan civilian victims of US bombs gather [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-07 Thread Barry Stoller


AP. 7 April 2002. Bombing Victims Gather in Kabul.

KABUL -- Most came from rubble-strewn corners of this city -- bowed
women hidden under veils, whose shoulders shook as they told their
stories; vacant-faced men who pressed their pleading letters into the
hands of whoever happened by.

The gathering of civilian victims from the American bombing campaign
also drew Afghans from distant villages, including a father and
8-year-old daughter who alone survived in an extended family of 18 when
their two houses were struck in November.

About two dozen such survivors were brought together by the U.S.-based
advocacy group Global Exchange in Kabul last week for psychological
counseling sessions at a city hospital. On Sunday, 60 survivors held a
rally at the gates of the U.S. Embassy.

"Those who suffered are all angry and sad. They're saying, `We weren't
in a military area, or near a checkpoint. Why did the Americans bomb
us?'" said Baz Mohammad, one of 10 Afghans who surveyed areas of
Afghanistan for Global Exchange in search of civilian victims of the
bombing campaign, which began last October as the United States waged
war to bring down the Taliban government.

The limited survey, in eight of Afghanistan's 29 provinces, has produced
about 450 claims for compensation.

About half of them involve loss of life, said Marla Ruzicka, the Global
Exchange representative in Kabul.

No official count has been made, but some estimates of the number of
civilians killed by American bombing range in the low thousands.

Pentagon officials said repeatedly during the bombing that any civilian
deaths were the result of unavoidable "collateral damage" from attacks
on military targets, or were people killed by bombs that went astray.

The U.S. Embassy has told the Global Exchange activists to submit such
claims to the embassy, "but they never let us know the status of the
claims," complained Ruzicka.

The advocacy group suggests the United States should pay $10,000 per
family to rebuild homes and compensate for the loss of breadwinners' and
others' lives.

The Republican leader of a U.S. congressional delegation visiting Kabul
last week was asked by reporters about compensation for Afghan bombing

"We will support it in Congress as a legitimate cost of doing business,"
that is, waging war, said Rep. Dana Rohrabacher of California [!!].

The facts were recounted calmly by 8-year-old Amina, the girl who came
to Kabul with her father from the northern district of Khanabad.

She was alone in the kitchen making tea when a bomb struck, killing her
five brothers, two sisters, mother and grandmother elsewhere in the
house, she said. As she ran toward her uncle's house next door, a second
bomb hit there, killing all seven inside.

She was wide-eyed and strong-voiced as she told of the Nov. 18 bombing.
But her father, the man who had to bury his family's dismembered pieces
in a common grave, was unable to talk about it.

Baz Mohammad, the surveyor for Global Exchange, was asked why the site
might have been bombed.

"Who knows?" he said. "Their house was six miles from the front lines."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller


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Powell Talks to Trilateral Commission [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-07 Thread Steve Wagner


Powell Talks to Trilateral Commission


Sat Apr  6, 6:21 PM ET

By VANESSA PALO, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON(AP) - Between celebrating his 65th birthday and embarking on
a trip to the Middle East, Secretary of State Colin Powell found an
hour Saturday to outline U.S. diplomatic policy at the annual meeting
of The Trilateral Commission.

  Characterizing Powell's private remarks, a senior member of the
commission said he gave a "commanding sense of U.S. diplomacy and the
importance of its diplomatic role."

  Delivering unprepared and off-the-record remarks, the secretary gave
a review of the problems facing the Western world and discussed some
details of the Mideast tour, the commission member said.

  However, several members who attended the secretary's speech declined
to provide specifics of Powell's remarks.

  Powell turned 65 on Friday and departs Sunday for the Mideast.

  Among the 250 political, business, academic and media leaders
gathered for the group's weekend meeting at a plush hotel, bow-ties and
dark suits were the apparel of choice. But former secretary of state
Madeleine Albright, wearing a lavender-colored suit, offered a reprieve
from the dark parade.

  Henry Kissinger, another former secretary of state, was among
Saturday's speakers.

  Since its formation in 1973 by private citizens from North America,
Europe and Japan, The Trilateral Commission has aimed to look at the
issues facing North American, European and Pacific Asian countries. The
commission's discussions this year have focused on issues arising since
the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11.

  In the commission's 29-year-history, such discussions have remained
closed to the public and all remarks made by speakers are

  The commission, however, has "always made a point to invite important
voices of the press," said Francois Sauzey, the group's press officer.
Copyright © 2002 The Associated Press. 
All rights reserved. 

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts & ends at the colonnade between Grand & Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
every Sunday.  Info:  (510)763-8712, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or http://www.webwm.com/LMNOP

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News, 7.4.2002, 16:00 UTC [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-07 Thread Miroslav Antic


   Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   April 7th, 2001, 16:00 UTC

   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

   How an Empire Fell
   German media giant Leo Kirch will file for insolvency on Monday,
   according to a number of different sources. When he does, it will
   spell the end of an empire that fell to risky ventures and creative

   To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the 
   Internet address below:

   Israeli soldiers kill 30 Palestinians in Nablus

   The Israeli army has confirmed that at least 30 Palestinians were
   killed this weekend in the West Bank city of Nablus. Early Sunday
   Israeli Apache helicopters fired rockets into the Jenin refugee camp
   as Israeli tanks and troops moved into another West Bank village near
   Ramallah. Local residents inside the camp confirmed fierce battles
   had taken place between Palestinian gunmen and Israeli soldiers.
   Meanwhile, the standoff near the biblical birthplace of Jesus Christ
   continued on Sunday with no end in sight. Some 200 Palestinians, some
   armed, remain holed up inside the Church of the Nativity, in
   Bethlehem. Publishing statistics on the operation "Defensive Shield"
   the Israeli military said it had detained over 1,400 Palestinians
   including 361 on its most wanted list. It also said 12 Israeli
   soldiers have died and 143 others have been wounded in combat.
   As the fighting in the West Bank and Gaza Strip continued, US
   Secretary of State Colin Powell prepares for talks with key leaders
   in the Middle East. Mr. Powell who will depart Washington for Middle
   East late Sunday said if circumstances permit, he would meet with
   Palestinian President Yassar Arafat. Deflecting a call by US
   President George W. Bush for an Israeli military withdrawl "without
   delay", Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon promised only to end the
   campaign "as expeditiously as possible". Brigadier-General Ron
   Kitrey said the military has received no orders to change its battle

   Hundreds of thousands of people protest Israeli military incursions

   Hundreds of thousands of people around the world on Sunday took to
   the streets to protest Israel's 10-day-old incursion in to the West
   Bank and Gaza Strip. A crowd estimated at more than half a million
   filled the main boulevards of the Moroccan capital, Rabat. The
   five-hour pro-Palestinian march was peaceful. In Lebanon, thousands
   of demonstrators, many of them Palestinian, marched peacefully
   through the centre of the capital, Beirut. At the same time some
   3,000 supporters of the militant group Hamas rallied in front of a UN
   regional headquarters. In Bahrain, thousands of people chanting
   "Death to America, Death to Israel" joined a funeral procession for a
   young man who died of injuries sustained during a violent rally at
   the U.S. embassy on Friday. In Europe, some 10,000 demonstrators
   took to the streets of Brussels. Some minor violence was reported
   when pro-Palestinian demonstrators hurled stones at the American
   embassy, however, the march from Brussels' commercial district to the
   European Union institutions' quarter was mostly peaceful.

   Car bomb kills 10 in Colombia

   A powerful car bomb has exploded on a crowded street in southeastern
   Colombia killing at least 10 people and injuring 25 others. Police
   said no group has claimed responsibility for the bomb, which exploded
   in a popular area packed with restaurants and nightclubs in the city
   of Villavicencio, some 40 miles (64 km) southeast of the capital

   29 killed in Nepal

   The Nepal defense ministry on Sunday said at least 24 Maoist rebels
   and 5 government soldiers have been killed in the past 24 hours.
   Most of the casualities occurred early Sunday when rebels attacked
   government soldiers in Bardiya district. The ministry also said 9
   rebels were arrested and a small cache of home-made bombs was
   confiscated. The government of Nepal imposed a state of emergency
   last November following a series of attacks on security posts.

   Tenth body recovered from sunken Libyan ship

   Rescue teams have recovered the remains of a tenth sailor from a
   Libyan cargo ship that sank on Thursday in bad weather off the coast
   of Morocco. The freighter, on its way to Tripoli from Casablanca with
   7,700 tonnes of flour had a total of 34 people on board. Nine sailors
   who were found alive flew home on Saturday evening.

   34,000 people have already sought asylum in Germany this year

   The number of people seeking asylum in Germany during the first three
   months of 2002, was significantly less in comparision to the same

CBCNEWS - Mideast peace protests staged from Canada to Europe [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

2002-04-07 Thread Steve Wagner


LMNOP Palestine resource page:

The following is a news item posted on CBC NEWS ONLINE
at http://cbc.ca/news

WebPosted Sun Apr  7 03:48:42 2002

TORONTO--Thousands of Canadians held demonstrations in several cities
across the country Saturday, demanding that Israel end its military 
offensive in the West Bank. 

 In Toronto, about 500 protesters gathered outside the Israeli
Consulate demanding troops withdraw from Palestinian territory. Police
officers kept a close eye on the crowd, refusing to let people near the

Rally in Vancouver 

 "End the occupation now," demontrators chanted. Some carried signs 
reading "Stop Genocide" and "Free Palestine." 

 The president of Palestinian House, Rashad Saleh, said his
organization does not support suicide attacks against the Israelis. He
called on both sides in the conflict to return to peace negotiations. 

 "We are calling for ending the hostilities and the violence," Saleh 
said. "The Israelis are slaughtering Palestinians in refugee camps, 
towns, cities. They have cut off water, food, medicine, supplies.
What we are witnessing now in the occupied territories is a new

 Similar rallies were held in places like Vancouver, Edmonton,
Winnipeg and Windsor. 

 Many of the marchers called on Ottawa to become more vocal and press
for an immediate end to the Israeli incursions. 

 "We need to speak out," said one woman in Edmonton. "I cannot sleep 
while my brothers suffer," said another protester. 

Big protests in Paris, Rome 

 In Europe, tens of thousands of people held demonstrations
expressing support for Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, who has been
under siege for more than a week. 

 About 20,000 protesters marched through the streets of Paris, urging
a peaceful solution to the conflict. 

Paris protest 

 Some blamed Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and U.S. President 
George W. Bush for the ongoing violence – chanting "Sharon,
Bush, they are the assassins," and "Arabs, Jews together against
Sharon." A few carried defaced American flags. 

 In Rome, an estimated 50,000 demonstrators packed into Piazza del 
Popolo. Some shouted demands for a "liberated Palestine" while others
carried banners with slogans like "Intifada until victory." 

 Several of Italy's big unions and socialist parties had planned to
take part in the protests, but they withdrew at the last minute after 
complaints from Jewish groups. 

 Concern has been growing around the world over Israel's military 
campaign in the West Bank, which began March 29 after a series of
deadly suicide bombings. 

 European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana issued a statement
Saturday expressing fear over the "humanitarian situation throughout
the Palestinian territories." 

Copyright © 2002 CBC 
All Rights Reserved

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts & ends at the colonnade between Grand & Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
every Sunday.  Info:  (510)763-8712, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or http://www.webwm.com/LMNOP

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2002-04-07 Thread Boyle, Francis


Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820 USA

-Original Message-
From: Boyle, Francis 
Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2002 3:34 PM
To: Killeacle (E-mail)

Any State Party to the 1948 Genocide Convention has the authority to sue
Israel for genocide against the Palestinian People in accordance with the
legal theory outlined in the  Memorandum below, and to ask the World Court
to issue a temporary restraining order against Israel.
Francis A. Boyle
Professor of International Law

Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820 USA

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 1998 4:15 PM

 __  __   _  ___  __
/  |/  / __/ _ | / |/ / __/ | /| / / __/
   / /|_/ /\ \/ __ |// _/ | |/ |/ /\ \  
  /_/  /_/___/_/ |_/_/|_/___/ |__/|__/___/  

 Support MSANEWS, a project of learning and enlightenment
   "A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste"

[ see footer for contact and other pertinent information ]

Date: Thu, 8 Jan 1998 16:03:16 -0600
Email: "Boyle, Francis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


   From: Boyle, Francis
   Sent: Thursday, January 08, 1998 10:31 AM
   To:  'Al-Kidwe'
   Cc:  'wafapal'
   Importance:  High
   Sensitivity: Confidential
   Francis A. Boyle
   Law Building
   504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
   Champaign, Ill. 61820
   Phone: 217-333-7954
   Fax: 217-244-1478
   Francis A. Boyle*
   Professor of International Law
   In Honor of the Tenth Anniversary of the Intifadah
   Gaza City, Palestine
   13 December 1997
   ©Copyright 1997 by Francis A. Boyle.  All rights reserved.
*The viewpoints expressed herein are solely those of the author
   and do not reflect the opinions of anyone else.
I would like to propose publicly here in Gaza, Palestine--where
   the Intifadah began ten years ago at this time--that the Provisional
   Government of the State of Palestine and its President institute legal
   proceedings against Israel before the International Court of Justice
   (ICJ) in The Hague (the so-called World Court) for violating the 1948
   Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
   I am sure we can all agree that Israel has indeed perpetrated the
   international crime of genocide against the Palestinian People.  The
   purpose of this lawsuit would be to demonstrate that undeniable fact
   to the entire world.  These World Court legal proceedings will prove
   to the entire world and to all of history that what the Nazis did to
   the Jews a generation ago is legally similar to what the Israelis are
   currently doing to the Palestinian People today: genocide.

There are three steps that should be taken for Palestine to sue
   Israel before the International Court of Justice for genocide.  First,
   the President of the State of Palestine must deposit an Instrument of
   Accession to the 1948 Genocide Convention with the U.N. Secretary
   General, the depositary for the Convention.  This Accession would
   become effective in ninety days.

Second, the President of the State of Palestine should deposit a
   Declaration with the International Court of Justice accepting the
   jurisdiction of the Court in accordance with the Charter of the United
   Nations and with the terms and subject to the conditions of the
   Statute and Rules of the Court, and undertaking to comply in good
   faith with the decisions of the Court and to accept all the
   obligations of a Member State of the United Nations under Article 94
   of the United Nations Charter.  Article 35(2) of the Statute of the
   International Court of Justice gives the Security Council the power to
   determine the conditions under which the World Court shall be open to

40.000 demonstrated in Brussels - strong solidarity with Palestinians [WWW.STOPN

2002-04-07 Thread Bill Howard


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.Between 30 and 40.000 demonstrate this Sunday in Brussels to show
 strong solidarity with Palestina and to support the resistance against Israel army.
 Mostly Arabian people, boys, girls, women, men, children took part to the demo.
 what was being said?


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1/2 Re: Is the Last Empire Falling Down? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-07 Thread Rolf Martens


1/2 Re: Is the Last Empire Falling Down?

[Note: This goes to the Communism mailing list at
http://homepage.eircom.net/~kampf/ and to the Usenet
newsgroups 'alt.society.revolution', 'alt.politics.
socialism.mao', 'swnet.politik', 'eunet.politics',
'alt.politics.socialism', 'alt.politics.radical-left',
'alt.activism', 'alt.politics.communism', 'de.soc.
politik.misc' and 'alt.politics.india.communist'.]

Greg Schofield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote, to the
Communism list on 09:12 2002-04-04 +0800:

 >Rolf I think you are mixing to separate things up when you
 >identify the fall of the bourgeois and the last imperial
 >power together. And I think we must understand what is
 >happening historically.

[Rolf, earlier:]
 >>The Last Empire is not "merely" US imperialism but the
 >>entire rule of the bourgeoisie in the world, whose big
 >>gendarme of course is US imperialism."

 >World bourgeois rule, that is  the class becoming a world
 >ruling class, is in contradiction to the US rogue super-
 >power - state dominance of world affairs and only the
 >bourgeoisie lucky enough to be able to influence it, as
 >against the interests of the class as an international
 >What is going on at the moment is a schemism within the
 >bourgeois world class, where the last imperial power is
 >asserting itself against bourgeois internationalism.

On what's happening now as a whole, I don't agree with you,
Greg. True, to some certain extent, US imperialism *is*
acting as a "rogue" power within the international bourgeoi-
sie, *is* "asserting itself against bourgeois internationa-
lism". I didn't mention that aspect in my last posting,
written rather quickly. You're right in so far that this is
one aspect too.

However, it *is* a relatively minor one, I absolutely hold.
It above all *is* the desperate fear of the imperialist
bourgeoisie everywhere of the people in all countries that's
behind the present rather open warfare against the people.

A warfare which is engaged in most openly, true enough, by
the US imperialists, but which the other relatively big-time
reactionaries - the rulers of Russia, China, West Europe -
are supporting quite eagerly too, and in close co-operation
with US imperialism.

Remember that when on 11 September 2001, the US imperialists
vilely directed several passenger aircraft, supposedly "hi-
jacked" (by some stooges of theirs), to fly smack into the
World Trade Center towers and into their own Pentagon, kil-
ling upwards of 4,000 people, mainly civilians, and thereby
initiating this wave of warfare against the people every-
where, neither the Russian nor the Chinese nor the West
European bourgeoisie with as much as a whisper indicated
publicly who was behind this, as they of course could tell
too, but as one man supported the lies of the US imperialists
that this was the work of some "terrorists" supposedly "sup-
ported by" some of the poor and internationally-oppressed
and -exploited countries in the world.

(On the facts already at an early stage rather clearly
showing what forces *were* behind this, see e.g.
www.whatreallyhappened.com, www.emperors-clothes.com or
www.psyopNews.com, or #152-155 of my "UNITE! (etc) Info"

True enough, the French bourgeoisie apparently did not (at
once) go along 100% with Bush's open general declaration of
war against the people everywhere on 20.09.2001 (which
is one thing that suggests you're right in pointing to the
also "rogue" character of the US imperialists' actions too,
Greg - but this still *is* a *minor* factor). And then on
the following day, there was that devastating explosion in
a chemical plant in Tolouse in southern France, killing many
and destroying large part of the city. (See my #154en.)

But on the whole, the imperialist bourgeoisie elsewhere (the
French one too, eventually) *did* gone along with the US
imperialists in their warfare against the people. The Rus-
sian and the Chinese rulers came out in quite open support of
the following US aggression against Afghanistan, despite the
fact that this also contained some intentions of US encircle-
ment (attempted such, at least) against "their own" territo-
ries. And not only the British but also the French, German
and Japanese rulers, for instance, contributed troops respec-
tively naval units for that aggression too.

Now that the Israeli zionists, with massive support by the
US imperialists, are perpetrating their particularly large
and vile aggression, the other relatively big-time reactio-
naries are "having some doubts", true, and this has forced
the Bushies too to put some hypocritical (purported) "brakes
on", but there's no really effective counteraction by Russia,
by China or by the West European bourgeoisie.

What the Frankfurter Rundschau (Germany), for instance, is
"complaining" (in a leading article on 05.04) is only that
"this escalation in the Middle East and the resulting resis-
tance against it" is "now mak

2/2 Re: Is the Last Empire Falling Down? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-07 Thread Rolf Martens


2/2 Re: Is the Last Empire Falling Down?

[Continued from part 1/2]

[Greg Schofield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, to the
Communism list on 09:12 2002-04-04 +0800, ctd.:]

 >This is the last revolutionary act of the bourgeoisie, the
 >last major historical reform and being the bourgeoisie they
 >do it blindly and despite themselves, they have to be driven
 >to doing it, and this force derives from too separate areas.
 >One is the force of the US as a rogue state, this is already
 >starting to force the bouyrgeoisie (especially in Europe but
 >also in the oil states) to start thinking and acting as a
 >world ruling class.

 >Look at the present proposition to use oil as a means to
 >tame the US - quite different from threatening sanctions, as
 >each oil state must wonder who will be next on the US hit

For reasons mentioned earlier by me, "oil" today is not
much of a means, any longer, to "tame" US imperialism. This
it's necessary to see too. I'm bringing again a passage
from an earlier "UNITE! Info" on some facts concerning oil.

[QUOTE from my 'UNITE! Info #157en: The Afghanistan war
"success"', 29.11.2001:]


Several decades ago, control of the plentiful and particularly
cheap oil in, above all, the Middle East certainly was a vital
objective for US imperialism, for the other, smaller, "tradi-
tionally"-imperialist powers too and for Soviet social-imperia-
lism as well, though that power had sufficient oil of its own
also for export.

Today not only have oil extraction methods developed conside-
rably, so that an oil well today yields twice the amount a
comparable one did 25 years ago. Much more importantly, all
"real oil people", all governments for instance, today since
long know that the earlier prevalent theory about the origins
of oil (and of natural gas, which is more or less the same
substance) is all wrong. Oil does not come from "decomposing
plants and animals of millions of years ago" - which might
mean it could be relatively scarce on earth - but from gigan-
tic amounts of hydrocarbons which exist everywhere rather
deep in the earth's crust (present already when the planet it-
self was formed) and which are continually seeping upwards,
in very many places around the globe not very difficult to
find and only marginally more expensive to extract than those
amounts, in e.g. the Middle East, which happen to lie quite
close to the surface.

That is, oil is enormously plentiful, practically everywhere
on earth.

This fact, of there being oil in "ordinary rock" (granite etc)
at somewhat larger depths, was conclusively proven, as it
happens, here in Sweden from where I'm sending this, around
1990, and that knowledge has since been utilized in practice
in several countries such as Russia, China and Vietnam, where
today much oil is being extracted from, say, 7000 m down.

However, neither here in Sweden nor for instance in the USA(!)
is any such oil being extracted at all - this for certain
arch-reactionary political reasons characteristic of today's
long-since obsolete social system of capitalism and imperia-
lism, whose rulers more and more fear the very development of
industry since this also means the development of a strong
workers' movement.

The US imperialists (for instance) today could easily get
plenty of cheap oil "at home" - only, they *don't want to*
any more. They and other "leading" reactionaries since decades
back in fact are striving to make all energy as scarce and
expensive as only they can, which is the main reason also
for their fanatical campaign against nuclear energy in the
world, and the reason why "ordinary people" still today are
being fed by all the media those, today completely bullshit,
stories about oil's "having biological origins" and "being
scarce" - "We're running out of oil!" - and also since long
are being treated to that likewise complete nonsense, to which
international big "conference" after international big "confe-
rence" has been dedicated, of a purported "manmade global
warming" - so that "now, oil use must be curtailed", with the
most catastrophic consequences of this, which in part is real-
ly taking place, for the people in all countries.

An oil pipeline through Afghanistan? A few capitalist "indus-
trialists" may want this. "Their own", incomparably more
powerful, *politicians*, in the USA and elsewhere, certainly
will have none of such things.

Of course the 11.09 atrocities in the USA were *not* planned
and executed as a pretext for "merely" such a thing as a
present-day "war for oil". The dimensions, and intentions, of
this crime were and are much bigger than that: Warfare, now
in part quite open such, for years to come, by the main ruling
reactionaries against practically everybody on earth, in order
to stem up against the rising tide of opposition everywhere
to tha

Scotland: 1000 protest over Israeli action. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-07 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2002 6:33 AM
Subject: [kominform2] Scotland: 1000 protest over Israeli action.

From: "Stasi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: [Peoples War] Scotland: 1000 protest over Israeli action - BBC

Saturday, 6 April, 2002, 17:40 GMT 18:40 UK

Online Video Report:
- BBC Scotland's Jamie McIvor reports : "Many people carried Palestinian
flags and placards of people they say were killed by the Israelis"

Scots protest over Israeli action
The demonstration passed off peacefully

Hundreds of people have marched through the centre of Edinburgh to show
solidarity with the Palestinians.
The protesters called for an immediate end to Israeli military action in the
West Bank.

The demonstrators also said Israel must give up all the territory it has
occupied since 1967.

It is has been estimated that 1,000 people joined the march and many carried
Palestinian flags, while others carried placards of people they say were
killed by the Israelis.

Mick Napier, of the Palestine Solidarity campaign, said: "The Palestinians
are the longest standing unresolved injustice of the century.

"They were ethnically cleansed , they are being slow motion ethnically
cleansed by Ariel Sharon and Britain continues to send machine parts to keep
the weapons of assassination and ethnic cleansing flying."

The demonstrators called on Edinburgh's city centre shoppers to boycott
companies which sell Israeli goods.

Earlier this week Glasgow Labour MP George Galloway renewed his call for
consumers to boycott produce from Israel.

He said the public should be on the lookout for products like some oranges,
avocados and vegetables.

He told BBC Scotland: "We have a special duty to come to the aid of the
Palestinian people and every person can do it by personally making
purchasing decisions which hurt the ability of the Israeli economy to
function normally."

After Saturday's march SNP MSP Margo Macdonald likened the Palestinian's
plight to that of the Scots 600-years ago.

She added: "I am more than proud to associate this small nation of Scotland
with the small nation of Palestine."


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Libya: On Mid-East [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2002 6:41 AM
Subject: [kominform2] Libya. Jamahiriya News Agency Apr 6

Jamahiriya News Agency

April 6th, 2002


Jana Political Affairs Editor Comment

Tripoli/Altayr 6/Jana

The political affairs editor commented on the Zionist refusal to let the
European delegation meet president Arafat.

The editor said that the Zionists refusal forced the European delegation to
leave occupied Palestine and return to where they came from.

The editor said that the Zionists caused a strong slap to the EU and
declared clearly their disregard for the Europeans and confirmed that they
only deepend on America and they do not respect the role of the

Europeans towards the situation in the region.

The editor added that such behaviour should enforce Javier Solana to resign
so the Europeans can save face.The editor questioned where is the
freedom,democarcy and transparency of the Zionists if they reject and refuse
even to let the people meet each other.

/Jamahiriya News Agency / 19 : 41


The Leader Receives Militant Robert Mugabe

Tripoli/6 al-Tayr/Jana

In a statement to Jana, President Robert Mugabe expressed his delight to
visit Great Jamahiriya, which he said the first country he visited after his
re-election by the Zimbabwean people for another term in office.

He said his visit was an historic opportunity to meet the Leader of the
Revolution to express to him and to the Libyan people the appreciation of
the Zimbabwean people of the assistance rendered and is still being offered
by the Libyan to the Zimbabwean people, through out the years of their
struggle, until their triumph and whenever the need arises.

President Mugabe said such assistance enabled the Zimbabwean people to stand
up economically in the face of all sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe. He pointed
out that some Western countries, particularly America and Britian tried to
interfere in the internal affairs of Zimbabwe.

President Mugabe said we relyed on the living conscience of our people in
the first place and the support offered by Africa in the forefront of which
is Great Jamahiriya.

President Mugabe went on to say:" We come to thank the Leader Muammar
al-Qadhafi and we say it frankly and publically to the Leader, "Your friends
are our friends and your enemies are our enemies".

file://Jamahiriya News Agency//

21 : 22


Sudan / Occupied Palestine

Khartoum/ al Tayr 6/ Jana

President Omar Hassan al Bashir of the Republic of Sudan called on the Arabs
to help the Palestinian people who are facing the war of annihiliation at
the hands of the terrorist Zionist army organisation.

In a speech yesterday President al Bashir demanded opening the peoples
defence camps for the Sudanese to receive training to help the Palestinians
in their confrontation with the Zionists.

He pointed out the success of the resistance in the south of Lebanon against
the Zionist occupation.

/Jamahiriya news agency / 23 : 10


Egyptian Pilots / Demands

Cairo / al Tayr 6/ Jana

The Egyptian pilots demanded the immediate stopping of Egyptian flights to
Tel aviv in a protest against the oppresive operation of the terrorist
Zionist army organisation against the Palestinian people.

In a massive demonstration in front of Cairo international airport they
demanded the halting of the Zinoist massacres against the Palestinian people
in the occupied territories.

/Jamahiriya News Agency / 23 : 16


American Citizens / Condemnation

Tripoli / al Tayr 6 / Jana

American citizens in Egypt condemned the funding of the supplies of the
Zionists with American weapons to be used against the Palestinian people
from the American tax payers money.

The Egyptian al Akhbar newspaper reported that the Cairo Centre for Human
Rights studies received a letter sent by 50 Americans living in Egypt sent
to the American ambassador in Cairo.

/Jamahiryia news agency / 23 : 19


Bush Speech / Rejeced

Amman / al Tayr 6/ Jana

The Palestinian people rejected the speech of the  American president on
Thursday at the White House in which he affirmed the American bias to the
Zionist side.

The journalist Khalid Amira emphasied that Bush is not familiar with the
situation in the Arab region because he is getting all his information from
the right wing in American politics which fully support the Zionists.

On the other hand, Bassem Eid, from the Palestinian human rights group said
that Bush must recognise that what the Zionists are doing in the occupied
territories is real terrorism and America has lost its credibility in the
region and this has escalated now due to its clear complicity with the

/Jamahiriya News Agency / 23 : 23


Zionists / Raid


China. People´s Daily Apr 8 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-07 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2002 5:51 PM
Subject: [kominform2] China. People´s Daily Apr 8


Arab FMs Hold Consultative Meeting in Cairo.

Arab foreign ministers held on Friday a consultative meeting at the
Cairo-based Arab League (AL) headquarters, Egypt's official MENA news agency

Arab foreign ministers held on Friday a consultative meeting at the
Cairo-based Arab League (AL) headquarters, Egypt's official MENA news agency
The participants exchanged views on "the serious situation in the occupied
Palestinian lands due to Israel's invasion of Palestinian cities and
villages," MENA said.
The meeting was held one day ahead of a planned emergency meeting of the
On Wednesday, AL chief Amr Moussa said that the emergency meeting, initiated
by the Palestinians, will deal with the Arab-Israeli conflict, the serious
development in the Palestinian lands and the implementation of a declaration
adopted at the March 27-28 Arab summit in Beirut, Lebanon.
The Beirut summit adopted an Arab peace plan, which calls on Israel to
withdraw from all the Arab territories it occupied since 1967 and recognize
an independent sovereign Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its
In return, Arabs states will normalize relations with Israel in the context
of a comprehensive peace with the Jewish state.
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has been confined by the Israeli army in
his office building in the West Bank city of Ramallah since last Friday,
despite a mounting call by the international community for Israel to lift
the siege on Arafat and fully withdraw from the Palestinian lands.
Israeli tanks rolled into Ramallah and shelled Arafat's compound last Friday
morning, marking the beginning of a sweeping military offensive in the West

Arab States Reiterate Support for Palestinian Resistance
In a statement issued following an emergency meeting of Arab foreign
ministers at the Cairo-based Arab League (AL) headquarters, the Arabs called
for implementing a declaration adopted by the Beirut Arab summit on stopping
the establishment of all ties with Israel.

Arab states on Saturday reiterated firm support for the Palestinians'
resistance against Israeli occupation.
In a statement issued following an emergency meeting of Arab foreign
ministers at the Cairo-based Arab League (AL) headquarters, the Arabs called
for implementing a declaration adopted by the Beirut Arab summit on stopping
the establishment of all ties with Israel.
"The Arabs stand by the Palestinian people and their elected leader Yasser
Arafat," the statement said, adding that any attempt to undermine the
Palestinian National Authority would lead to serious consequences.
It called on the U.N. Security Council to deploy an international force in
the occupied Palestinian territories to protect the Palestinians, while
urging the United States to be a fair mediator and stop its bias toward
At the request of the Palestinian side, foreign ministers or their
representatives of 22 Arab nations held the meeting on the Arab-Israeli
conflict and the worsening situation in the Palestinian lands.
An Israeli siege on Arafat in his office building in the West Bank city of
Ramallah has entered its ninth day.
Israeli tanks rolled into Ramallah and shelled Arafat's compound Friday
morning, marking the beginning of sweeping military offensives in the West

Israeli Planes Raid South Lebanon in Response to Hezbollah's Attacks.

Israeli forces Saturday launched air raids on south Lebanon in retaliation
for Lebanese resistance guerrillas group Hezbollah's (Party of God) earlier
attacks, security source reported.

Israeli forces Saturday launched air raids on south Lebanon in retaliation
for Lebanese resistance guerrillas group Hezbollah's (Party of God) earlier
attacks, security source reported.
Hezbollah Saturday fired Katyusha rockets at Israeli positions in the
disputed Shebaa Farms on the Lebanese-Israeli border. It was reported that
three Israeli civilians were injured in the incident.
Israeli forces retaliated immediately with artillery shells to Lebanese town
of Kfar Shouba along the border area. Israeli warplanes launched several
air-to-ground missiles to suspected targets.
Hezbollah launched daily attacks with rockets and mortars on the Shebaa
Farms and northern Israel starting on March 29. Israeli army retaliated with
shells and air-to-ground missiles to southern Lebanese area.
Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah has claimed that his
organization will spare no efforts to support Palestinian people and hinted
the possibility of opening a second front with Israel.
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon claimed tha


2002-04-07 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message - 
From: info <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 06, 2002 10:39 PM

-- Forwarded Message
From: "Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002 21:44:56 -0500

Norway Grocery Store Chain
Boycotting All Israeli Goods

Nazareth (MENO) - Israeli Radio reported today that the largest
grocery chain in Norway has announced that it is imposing a boycott on goods
produced in Israel.
Company officials of the Co-op chain also urged other firms in
Scandinavian nations to follow suit.
The radio added that there would be discussions in Sweden later in
the day over a possible widening of the reported boycott.

  The Mulindwas communication group
(Uganda has no way to go but anarchy)

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Large Palestinian Solidarity Showing in Dublin [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-07 Thread Bill Howard


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- Original Message - 
From: info <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 06, 2002 4:19 PM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] Large Palestinian Solidarity Showing in Dublin

-- Forwarded Message
From: "mhdasein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 06 Apr 2002 23:05:19 -
Subject: [UK Left Network] Large Palestinian Solidarity Showing in Dublin



Thousands of Dublin's citizens today turned out in solidarity with
the Palestinian people. In one of the biggest political mobilisations
seen in the capital for many years, ordinary people took to the
streets in support of the Palestinian people and in opposition to the
Israeli Governments violent repression and re-occupation of
Palestinian territory.

Thousands more people lined the streets on a busy shopping day to
clap and cheer the protestors on in a clear public display that the
cause of the Palestinian people has wide spread sympathy among the
people at large.

The mention of the name Mary Kelly the Irish nurse now working in
Bethlehem, was cheer for her courage and bravery.  Also, the large
Palestinian community turned out in force to lead and the march
through the city.  

Speakers from the Labour Party, Green Party, Sinn Fein, Socialist
Party, and the representative of the General Delegation of Palestine
spoke. All speakers called for a boycott of Israeli goods.

The Communist Party of Ireland made a call last week for the recall
of the Irish Ambassador for Israel. Some speakers reiterated that
demand for the recall of the Irish Ambassador to Israel Patrick
Hennessy as a clear statement of opposition to Israeli military. The
time for talk has long since past and there is a clear need to show
much more open public demonstration of opposition to the government
of Ariel Sharon.

When the rally finished at the GPO to then march to the Israeli
Embassy to show support to three women who have been outside the
Embassy and a hunger fast all week. The rally was called by the
Alliance for Solidarity with Palestine.

Eugene Mc Cartan

Communist Party of Ireland

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Blair - 'We are ready to act on Iraq' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-07 Thread Bill Howard


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Sunday, 7 April, 2002, 
  18:38 GMT 19:38 UK 
  Blair - 'We are ready to act on 
  Blair and Bush are standing 



Nick Assinder BBC 
News Online's political correspondent, travelling with the prime 


  UK Prime Minister Tony Blair has given his strongest indication yet 
  that he is ready to back military action against Iraq to remove Saddam 
  Hussein from power. 
  In a keynote speech in Texas, he said Britain, America and the EU 
  should be prepared to act wherever terrorism or weapons of mass 
  destruction threatened them. 

If necessary the action should be military and 
again, if necessary and justified, it should involve regime change 

Tony BlairPrime Minister 
  He said action was not imminent and offered Saddam Hussein a possible 
  way out by allowing weapons inspectors unlimited access to his facilities. 

  But he left guests at the George Bush Senior Presidential Library, 
  College Station, in little doubt that he was prepared to take on his 
  critics at home and back US action against Baghdad. 
  Mr Blair also said that Britain would be ready to help monitor a 
  ceasefire between Israel and Palestine, to help end the Middle East 
  Action not imminent 
  On Iraq he said: "If necessary the action should be military and again, 
  if necessary and justified, it should involve regime change," he said. 
  But, speaking to an audience of senior academics and politicians - 
  including former President George Bush, who led the 1991 Gulf war against 
  Iraq - he said action was not imminent. 
  With the opposition to military action against Iraq growing in Britain 
  and the EU, he declared: "I know some fear precipitate action. They 

The moment for decision on how to act is not yet 
with us 

Tony BlairPrime Minister 
  "We will proceed, as we did after 11 September, in a calm, measured, 
  sensible but firm way. 
  "But leaving Iraq to develop weapons of mass destruction in flagrant 
  breach of no less than nine separate UN resolutions, refusing still to 
  allow weapons inspectors back to do their work properly is not an option." 

  Clearly eager to meet head-on the opposition from his own backbenchers 
  and some ministers, he said: "The moment for decision on how to act is not 
  yet with us. 
  "But to allow weapons of mass destruction to be developed by a state 
  like Iraq without let or hindrance would be grossly to ignore the lessons 
  of 11 September - and we will not do it. 
  'Axis of evil' 
  "The message to Saddam is clear. He has to let the inspectors back in - 
  anyone, anytime, any place that the international community demands." 
  He also turned his attention to the "axis of evil" states targeted by 
  President Bush suggesting he would even support action there. 

Sponsoring terrorism or weapons of mass 
destruction is not acceptable 

Tony BlairPrime Minister 
  "We cannot of course intervene in all cases but where countries are 
  engaged in the terror or weapons of mass destruction business, we should 
  not shirk from confronting them. 
  "Some can be offered a way out, a route to respectability. I hope in 
  time that Syria, Iran and even North Korea can accept the need to change 
  their relations dramatically with the outside world. 
  Peacemaking role 
  "A new relationship is on offer but they must know that sponsoring 
  terrorism or weapons of mass destruction is not acceptable." 
  Turning to the Israeli-Palestinian crisis, he said: "In monitoring any 
  such ceasefire and in ensuring that the Palestinian Authority genuinely 
  takes action against the terrorists, we and others stand ready to help in 
  any way we can." 
  He again urged President Bush to remain engaged, declaring: "Above all 
  the Middle East requires continuous focus and engagement. 
  "The role of peacemaker, where hatreds are entrenched, is never easy 
  but it is massively in our interests to try." 
  Underlining his support for President Bush, he said when America was 
  fighting fo


2002-04-07 Thread sipila


Korean Central News Agency


Talks held between Kim Yong Sun and Rim Tong Won
     Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- The second round of talks were held
yesterday between Kim Yong Sun, secretary of the Central Committee of the
Workers' Party of Korea, and Rim Tong Won, special adviser to President Kim
Dae Jung on diplomacy, security and unification who is his special envoy. At
the talks both sides discussed measures to straighten out the grave
situation prevailing on the Korean Peninsula and warm the frozen
inter-Korean relations.
    They agreed upon a joint press release that calls for improving and
developing the overall inter-Korean relations.
    It was decided to publish the joint press release in Pyongyang and Seoul

"Joint action for withdrawal of selection of F-15K" formed in S. Korea
    Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- The council for independent reunification,
the (South) Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, the citizens' solidarity
for democratic society and 270 other citizens and public organizations in
South Korea reportedly held a press conference in Seoul on March 3 in
connection with the formation of the "joint action for a probe into the
truth behind the suspected outside pressure and withdrawal of the decision
on the selection of F-15K". At the press conference the "joint action"
presented to the "Ministry of National Defence" and other authorities
concerned seven-point demands for opening to the public of the contents of
assessment of the U.S.-made fighters and a stop to the schedule of
    Then the organizations issued a statement.
    The statement said that the authorities of the "Ministry of National
Defence " are planning to introduce fighters of the next generation on the
pretext of "threat" from the North and other countries, which is going
against the requirements of the times for fixing the atmosphere of
south-north reconciliation and disarmament for peace.
    After the press conference, they conducted an all people's signature
    Prior to the press conference, the organizations held a conference and
confirmed the plan to conduct an all people's signature campaign for a probe
into the truth behind the suspected introduction of fighters of the next
generation for a month of April and to hold an all people's joint rally in
Seoul on April 1 


Plan on cultural and scientific exchange between DPRK and Russia signed
    Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- The 2002-2004 plan on cultural and
scientific exchange between the governments of the DPRK and the Russian
Federation was signed in Moscow on April 3. Present at the signing ceremony
on the DPRK side were members of the DPRK government cultural delegation
headed by Hong Son Ok, vice-chairwoman of the Korean Committee for Cultural
Relations with Foreign Countries, DPRK ambassador to Russia Pak Ui Chun, and
on the Russian side were Russian vice-minister of foreign affairs Aleksei
Fedotov and officials concerned.

Inter-Korean joint press release
    Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- A joint press release was published between
the north and south of Korea. The following is the full text of the joint
press release: 
    The joint press release .
    Rim Tong Won, special adviser at Chongwadae on diplomacy, security and
unification, visited Pyongyang from April 3 to 5, Juche 91 (2002) in the
capacity of a special envoy of President Kim Dae Jung at the request of the
South side. 
    Kim Jong Il, Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK,
met with the special envoy and his party, received a personal letter from
President Kim Dae Jung and hosted a dinner for them.
    During their stay talks were held between Kim Yong Sun, secretary of the
C.C., the Workers' Party of Korea, and Rim Tong Won, special adviser at
Chongwadae on diplomacy, security and unification.
    At the talks both sides agreed upon the following points after having an
exhaustive discussion on the situation prevailing on the Korean Peninsula,
the grave developments facing the nation and all the issues related to the
inter-Korean relations:
    1. Both sides agreed to respect each other and strive not to create
tensions, guided by the basic spirit of the historic June 15 North-South
Joint Declaration. 
    2. Both sides agreed to bring back on track the inter-Korean relations
that had temporarily been frozen, according to the agreed points of the
joint declaration that calls for settling the issue of the country's
reunification independently by the concerted efforts of the Korean nation.
    3. Considering it important to relink the severed railways and roads
between the north and the south, both sides agreed to build as early as
possible new ra