You're Invited: Congressional Poll Briefing and Panel on U.S.-Iran Relations under Biden

2021-01-28 Thread PAAIA
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ABOUT PAAIA: The Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans, PAAIA, Inc., is 
a nonprofit, nonpartisan, nonreligious 501(c)(4) organization that serves the 
interests of Iranian Americans and represents the community before U.S. 
policymakers and the American public at large
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PAAIA Requests Meeting with Sen. Graham After DNA Comment

2018-10-17 Thread PAAIA
In response to Senator Lindsey Graham's offensive comment on Fox & Friends, 
PAAIA has written a letter requesting to meet with the Senator.

For Immediate Release:
Contact: Morad Ghorban
Phone: 202-828-8370
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October 17, 2018

Washington, DC –  Today, the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans 
(PAAIA) sent a letter to Senator Lindsey Graham requesting a meeting and urging 
him to refrain from broad generalizations about the Iranian people.

The letter was prompted by Senator Graham’s clarification over his recent 
offensive comment on Fox & Friends, when he said that if he took a DNA test, it 
would probably show that he was “Iranian” and “that’d be, like, terrible.” 
Senator Graham later apologized for his comment and insisted that his joke was 
directed towards the rulers of Iran and not the Iranian people.

“While we are appreciative of your clarification about the comment, it is 
important for you to understand that your insensitive joke came across as 
bigoted and deeply offensive to the Iranian American community,” Dr. Leila 
Austin, Executive Director of PAAIA, explains in the letter.

The letter also notes the significant contributions Iranian Americans have made 
to all sectors of U.S. society.  It explains that the Senator's constituents of 
Iranian descent are hard-working Americans who deserve his respect and should 
be praised rather than casually derided.

“We hope that you will take the concerns of the Iranian American community 
seriously and in the future refrain from broad generalizations that are likely 
to mischaracterize an entire group of Americans and run counter to U.S. foreign 
policy objectives,” said Austin.

PAAIA is committed to educating Members of Congress about the Iranian American 
Read the Letter 
ABOUT PAAIA: The Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans, PAAIA, Inc., is 
a nonprofit, nonpartisan, nonreligious 501(c)(4) organization that serves the 
interests of Iranian Americans and represents the community before U.S. 
policymakers and the American public at large
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Copyright © 2018 Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans, All rights 

Our mailing address is:
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Senators Send Letter Requesting Clarification of the "Waiver" Process

2018-04-23 Thread PAAIA
Senators Van Hollen, Murphy, and Blumenthal sent a follow-up letter requesting 
clarification of the waiver provisions outlined in the Travel Ban.

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** Senators Send Letter Requesting Clarification of the "Waiver" Process

** April 23, 2018

Washington, DC – On April 19, 2018, Senators Van Hollen (D-MD), Murphy (D-CT), 
and Blumenthal (D-CT) sent a follow-up letter 
  to the State Department (DOS) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) 
to request further information on the administration’s implementation of 
Presidential Proclamation 9645, specifically “waiver provisions” outlined in 
President Trump’s latest Travel Ban.  This follow-up letter is the latest 
request for clarification in a series of inquiries from the administration 
initiated by a coalition of prominent Iranian American organizations including 
PAAIA, IABA, and Pars Equality Center in partnership with an alliance of civil 
society, advocacy, and legal organizations who met with the senators to discuss 
the issue in January.

In the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s decision 
 to lift the stay on the Travel Ban, the coalition received numerous reports of 
long-pending visa applications under “administrative processing” being denied, 
en masse rejection of visa applicants, and the unavailability of waiver 
applications. In response, the coalition sent a letter to the State Department 
and met with the senators’ offices to ask for their help in obtaining answers 
from the Trump administration.

The coalition provided the offices with a brief background of our lawsuit 
( , our findings on the ground, and our 
recommendations and urged them to follow up our letter with one of their own.  
As a result, Senators Van Hollen and Flake wrote to the departments asking for 
clarification on the waivers and stated their discontent with the Travel Ban in 
general. On February 22, the State Department responded to the inquiries which 
raised more concerns about the clarity of instructions provided to consular 
officers and also the ostensible number of waivers, only 2, issued by February 

In the follow-up letter, the Senators pointed to the lack of information on the 
baseline criteria required by section 4(a) of the proclamation that requires 
“the Secretary of State to conduct engagements with the countries subject to 
the travel restriction on ‘information sharing, identity-management, or risk 
factor deficiencies’”, and asked for clarification on “the engagements the 
administration has conducted with the countries identified in the proclamation 
or the actions the identified countries have taken to come into compliance.”

The follow-up letter also raised concerns about the number of waivers issued 
and the “inconsistent and incomplete” numbers reported by the State Department. 
It also alluded to the lack of “meaningful guidance on the waiver program”, 
specifically the three criteria required for a waiver, “national interest,” 
“undue hardship,” and “threat to national security.” Given these concerns, the 
letter requested more information to be provided by April 30, 2018.

We are awaiting responses from the State Department and the Department of 
Homeland Security and hope to meet with appropriate representatives to discuss 
the issue more in-depth.  We thank Senators Van Hollen, Murphy, and Blumenthal 
for their help in seeking clarification of the waiver process.  PAAIA and the 
coalition will continue to update you on how the Travel Ban is affecting the 
Iranian American community.

Please click here 
 to read a full copy of the letter from PAAIA and its coalition.
Please click here 
 to read a full copy of the follow up letter from senators.

ABOUT PAAIA: The Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans, PAAIA, Inc., is 
a nonprofit, nonpartisan, nonreligious 501(c)(4) organization that serves the 
interests of Iranian Americans and represents the community before U.S. 
policymakers and the American public at large
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PAAIA Hosts Retreat and Gala, Organizes a Coalition to Request Broader Licensing Authorizations, and Interviews Iranian American Liliana Bakhtiari

2017-10-25 Thread PAAIA

PAAIA's IA-100 Hosts 2017 Retreat and Gala in Los Angeles, PAAIA Organizes a 
Coalition Letter Requesting Broader Licensing Authorizations, and Interviews 
Iranian American Candidate for Atlanta City Council, Liliana Bakhtiari

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** October 25, 2016

** PAAIA's IA-100 Proudly Hosts Annual Retreat and Gala in Los Angeles

LOS ANGELES - The Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA) proudly 
hosted its annual Retreat and Gala for its members and special guests at the 
Montage Beverly Hills this October. The event assembled Iranian Americans from 
across the country, including elected officials, foreign policy and immigration 
experts, best-selling authors, and members of PAAIA’s Emerging Leaders Program 
 to discuss critically important issues to the Iranian American community. If 
you would like to see photos of the event, click here. 

PAAIA honored three remarkable members and advocates of the Iranian American 
community with prestigious awards at the event. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti 
was presented with a “Distinguished Public Service Award” and Hadi Partovi, CEO 
and Founder of, was presented with the “Career Achievement Award” for 
his successful development of computer programing education across the United 
States. Finally, the Farhang Foundation received the “Excellence in Community 
Service Award” for celebrating and promoting Iranian art and culture for the 
benefit of the community at large, including the Los Angeles Freedom Sculpture, 
unveiled on July 4th, 2017.

This event would not have been possible without the hard-work and dedication of 
many helping hands. We would like to thank our excellent panelists, moderators, 
volunteers, and all those in attendance at the event. Please click here 
 to read more about the event, or if you would like to watch our video of the 
panel discussion “Coming to America: The Immigration and Visa Quagmire,” please 
visit PAAIA’s Facebook Page 

** PAAIA Helps Organize a Coalition Letter Requesting Broader General Licensing 

WASHINGTON - The Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA), along 
with a coalition of civil society, advocacy, technology, and Iranian American 
organizations, sent a letter 
( to the 
Secretaries of State and Treasury requesting the Treasury Department’s Office 
of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) broaden general licensing authorizations to 
enhance private technology entrepreneurship in Iran by allowing technology 
start-up companies to make their applications available on app stores operated 
by U.S. parties.

Signed by nine prominent organizations including the Center for Human Rights in 
Iran, United 4 Iran, the National Iranian American Council, Pars Equality 
Center, and the Iranian American Bar Association, the letter advocates for the 
expansion of General License D-1 
  (GL D-1) which allows U.S. companies to provide a targeted set of 
communications tools to Iranians. GL D-1 has been widely praised as an 
effective example of securing human rights and protecting access to online 
information in Iran. Please click here 
 to read more.

** PAAIA Interviews Iranian American Candidate for Atlanta City Council, 

Iranian Americans receive the Ellis Island Medal of Honor, the State Department requests tighter visa scrutiny, and PAAIA interviews Arian Moayed.

2017-05-17 Thread PAAIA
PAAIA congratulates nine Iranian American recipients of the Ellis Island Medal 
of Honor, PAAIA consults with immigration attorney Parastoo Zahedi on the 
Department of State's call for increased visa scrutiny, and PAAIA interviews 
Tony Award Nominee Arian Moayed, star of the provocative dual-language 
adaptation of Hamlet.

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** May 17th, 2017

** PAAIA Congratulates Nine Iranian American Recipients of the Ellis Island 
Medal of Honor

Ellis Island, New York - On May 13^th, 2017, nine highly accomplished Iranian 
Americans, including IA-100 member Mohammed Farzaneh, were awarded the 2017 
Ellis Island Medal of Honor for outstanding achievement in their personal and 
professional lives, as well as their commitment to the preservation of their 
Iranian culture and heritage and noteworthy citizenship to the United States.

Established in 1986 by the National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations (NECO), 
the Ellis Island Medal of Honor ranks among the nation’s most prestigious 
awards, paying annual tribute to the ancestry groups that comprise America’s 
unique cultural mosaic. The Medals are presented on Ellis Island to American 
citizens of diverse origins for their outstanding contributions to their 
communities, their nation, and the world.

The U.S. Congress sanctions the Ellis Island Medals of Honor and recipients’ 
names are listed in the Congressional Record. Six Presidents of the United 
States, Nobel Prize winners, athletes, leaders of industry, artists, and others 
are among the remarkable group of individuals to have received the award. Click 
 to view the full article.

PAAIA Consults with Expert Immigration Attorney, Parastoo Zahedi, on the State 
Department’s Proposal for Tighter Visa Scrutiny,
 DC – Recently, the Trump Administration proposed 
 stricter vetting procedures, including investigating social media profiles, to 
keep visa applicants who warrant additional scrutiny “in-connection-with 
terrorism or other national security-related visa ineligibilities” out of the 

The tighter vetting measures have been submitted to the Office of Management 
and Budget (OMB) for a public comment period.  If initiated, the new measures 
could apply to Iranian visa applicants.

PAAIA recently reached out to Parastoo Zahedi, an expert immigration attorney 
who has been practicing immigration law since 1989, to provide legal analysis 
of the proposed measures and their impact on Iranian visa applicants. Click 
 to read her analysis.

PAAIA Interviews Tony Award Nominee Arian Moayed, Star of the Provocative 
Dual-Language Adaptation of Hamlet York, NY - Waterwell Theater Company 
(  is undertaking a professional stage production of 
Shakespeare's Hamlet set in 1917 Tehran, during the dawn of World War I. 
Performing Shakespeare's words in both English and Farsi, Waterwell’s 
adaptation of Hamlet explores the shifting cultural identities that Persians 
were facing as the rest of the world was modernizing. With passages spoken in 
Farsi, this version of Shakespeare's celebrated tragedy explores parallels 
between Hamlet's central existential dilemma and the compromises of a nation 
faced with the encroachment of Western influences, then and now.

The production features a cast of Iranian, Middle Eastern, and South Asian 
actors including Tony Award nominee Arian Moayed, the first Iranian actor to 
play the role of Hamlet in the United States.

PAAIA recently had the opportunity to discuss Waterwell’s cultural adaptation 
of Hamlet with Arian Moayed who received a Tony Award nomination for Best 
Featured Actor in 2011 for his performance as Musa in Bengal Tiger at the 
Baghdad Zoo.

PAAIA: Hamlet has been adapted to many cultures and settings, including recent 
productions in Iran. How is this different? And how does it reflect the 

You Are Invited to PAAIA First Annual Gala

2010-08-24 Thread PAAIA

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You Are Invited to PAAIA First Annual Gala
PAAIA Gala Invitation Card - Oct 9 2010

Lifetime Achievement Award
Bijan “Bijan Pakzad”

Career Achievement Award
Shohreh Aghdashloo

Philanthropist of the Year
Bita Daryabari

Saturday October 9, 2010
7:00 PM

Ritz Carlton Half Moon Bay, California

For more information and tickets please call or email PAAIA at

Table of Ten $10,000 Ticket $1,000
Black Tie Optional


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