[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Diagnosing issues with ArchivesSpace

2023-05-25 Thread Michael Smith
Hi Peter & Joshua,

Thanks for getting back to me, here’s some replies to your posts.

> memory allocation for app & solr

ArchivesSpace 3.20 with 35G
Solr 8.11.1 with 512M

> The plugins that you are using probably aren't the culprit, but they can 
> add/override index functionality, so listing those out may help as well.

These are the plugins that are enabled on our Dev / Test / Prod ArchivesSpace.

  *   nla_staff_spreadsheet_importer 
<https://github.com/nla/nla_staff_spreadsheet_importer> 3.1 running a fork of 
  *   nla_accession_events<https://github.com/nla/nla_accession_events> 0.2 
running a fork of https://github.com/hudmol/accession_events
  *   as_reftracker<https://github.com/hudmol/as_reftracker> 1.0
 3.0 running a fork of https://github.com/hudmol/accessions_summary_reports
  *   archivesspace_local<https://github.com/nla/archivesspace_local> nla 
custom plugin only for various AppConfig and other customisation 
  *   nla_accession_reports<https://github.com/nla/nla_accession_reports> 
running a fork of https://github.com/hudmol/nla_accession_reports/

> Couple of things that sprang to mind to check (if you haven't already). Have 
> you noticed this same behavior in an instance that is not in use? IE have you 
> set up a clone of your production instance, let it do its initial full index, 
> and then just let it sit? Do you see errors in the app log that have any 
> bearing on the problem or pop up around or just before the app goes 
> unresponsive or OOM?

We were seeing identical issues in our dev and test instances of AS though a 
little less frequent (less concurrent editing users).

I have found the cause for our troubles, we upgraded to MySQL 8 in July/August 
last year, at the time our DBA / Systems Administrators added 
=UTC to the connection string in our config.

I’ve confirmed in our test instance that if edits to a record are started, then 
stopped (in this case around 2023-05-26 13:27:41 AEDT). While editing, the 
table correctly incremented the timestamp by 10 seconds (INTERVAL_PERIOD in 
frontend/app/assets/javascripts/update_monitor.js). However, after the edits 
were stopped a new row with +10 hours was added to the table. As the frontend / 
backend continue to sync their copies of the active_edit table, the number of 
rows continued increasing by 1 with the 10-hr difference. After only a minute 
or so after exiting the record the table had the following rows and would 
continue to add new rows with timestamps further into the future. Eventually 
the active_edits would expire when their timestamp was less than current time – 
30 secs (EXPIRE_SECONDS in backend/app/model/active_edit.rb), but it couldn’t 
keep pace with the rows being created.

'17212459','/repositories/2/accessions/5133','mismith','2023-05-28 05:27:41'
'17212458','/repositories/2/accessions/5133','mismith','2023-05-27 19:27:41'
'17212457','/repositories/2/accessions/5133','mismith','2023-05-27 09:27:41'
'17212456','/repositories/2/accessions/5133','mismith','2023-05-26 23:27:41'
'17212455','/repositories/2/accessions/5133','mismith','2023-05-26 13:27:41'
'17212455','/repositories/2/accessions/5133','mismith','2023-05-26 03:27:41'

I’ve confirmed that our production instance has just over 15 million records in 
the active_edit table with timestamps as far in the future as 2150. We’re 
planning maintenance to stop ArchivesSpace next week and clear the table, we’ve 
also updated the time zone in our connection string to the correct time zone 
=Sydney/Australia (which matches our server timezone now). We’re 
also going to take ArchivesSpace up to v3.3.1 at the same time.

These queries helped when it came to working out system / global time zone 

SELECT @@GLOBAL.time_zone, @@SESSION.time_zone;
SELECT @@system_time_zone;

Hopefully, I’ve been able to describe that behaviour in a way that’s able to be 
understood, but feel free to ask me any further questions.

Michael Smith  |  Software Developer
02 6262 1029  |  mism...@nla.gov.au<mailto:mism...@nla.gov.au>  |  National 
Library of Australia
The National Library of Australia acknowledges Australia’s First Nations 
Peoples – the First Australians – as the Traditional Owners and Custodians of 
this land and gives respect to the Elders – past and present – and through them 
to all Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Archivesspace_Users_Group mailing list

[Archivesspace_Users_Group] Diagnosing issues with ArchivesSpace

2023-05-23 Thread Michael Smith

Our team has been facing recurring issues with our ArchivesSpace setup since 
October last year, which we've been unable to fully resolve despite concerted 

We’re currently running v3.2 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.9 (Maipo) and 
we do have a few custom plugins developed by Hudmol. These don’t appear to be 
causing the issues that we’re seeing but we haven’t ruled that out yet.

The primary problem involves intermittent system slowdowns and shutdowns, 
requiring frequent reboots to regain functionality. This occurs on average 3-4 
times weekly but can sometimes be more frequent. This issue is affecting 
multiple teams across our organization.

The most common symptom of our problem that we are seeing now looks to be a 
connection pool leak where what looks like indexer threads are holding 
connections in a closed wait state and preventing them from being used for 
other requests.  This leads to the main page timing out and staff seeing 504 
errors, when unresponsive in this manner we usually restart the application. If 
the application hits an OOM, it will restart itself.

Some of the things we’ve attempted so far,

  *   changed default config settings for indexer records per thread, thread 
count and solr timeout to 10, 2 & 300
  *   modified archivesspace.sh to increase memory available 
  *   disabled both PUI and PUI indexer
  *   application logging to a circular log
  *   changed the garbage collection policies 
(ASPACE_GC_OPTS="-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC 
-XX:NewRatio=1 -XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:+UseGCOverheadLimit")
  *   checked top_containers with empty relationships (0 results)
  *   checked for duplicate event relationships (0 results)
  *   checked for empty indexer state files per record type (0 empty state 
  *   nightly restarts of the system

Any advice with further diagnosis / troubleshooting would be appreciated. If 
you need additional information about our setup or the issues we're 
encountering, please let us know.


Michael Smith  |  Software Developer
02 6262 1029  |  mism...@nla.gov.au<mailto:mism...@nla.gov.au>  |  National 
Library of Australia
The National Library of Australia acknowledges Australia’s First Nations 
Peoples – the First Australians – as the Traditional Owners and Custodians of 
this land and gives respect to the Elders – past and present – and through them 
to all Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Archivesspace_Users_Group mailing list

Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] Looking for ways to best handle object record culturally sensitive restrictions

2022-11-11 Thread Michael Smith
Hi Naomi,

There is a video in the user manual that features as short section on using the 
notes field for restrictions. The demo starts at the 10.25 mark of the video 
titled “Adding Instances and Creating Top 


Best regards,

Michael Smith
Presbyterian Church of Victoria Archives
PO Box 9044 South Yarra VIC 3141
0425 858 228
Work days – Thursday and Friday

[A picture containing shape  Description automatically generated]

Personal and sensitive information provided by you and collected by the 
Presbyterian Church of Victoria will be used in conformity with our Privacy 
Policy (which can be found at www.pcv.org.au<http://www.pcv.org.au/> and 
www.safechurchpcv.org.au<http://www.safechurchpcv.org.au/> or mailed to you on 
request). This information is collected for the primary purposes of the 
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please do not provide it to us.

On 12/11/2022, 5:55 am, 
 on behalf of Franklin, Naomi" 
 on behalf of naomi-frank...@utulsa.edu<mailto:naomi-frank...@utulsa.edu>> 

Hello, hello.

I’m seeking advice for how to best handle archival object record restrictions 
in ASpace. During a recent consultation of an archive collection, a number of 
photographs were identified with being culturally sensitive thus needing to be 
not only restricted to public access, but also internal access. In our efforts 
to be NAGPRA compliant and to follow the wishes of the Tribe, I need to 
determine best method(s) of restricting these records based on the options 
available in ASpace. I cannot find any previous conversations around this 
topic, and am wondering if others have had to restrict records for similar 
reasons before or restrict in general. My institution migrated our archive data 
to ASpace from TMS (The Museum System) a little over a year ago, so we’re still 
becoming familiar with the ins and outs of ASpace. We have procedures 
established for handling NAGPRA/Culturally Sensitive materials in TMS, but not 
yet ASpace. I welcome any thoughts and suggestions. Thanks!

Cataloguing Manager and Associate DBA
Gilcrease Museum
Archivesspace_Users_Group mailing list