Re: [Arm-netbook] Interested in pre-production unit for GNU Guix

2017-11-22 Thread Vincent Legoll
>> Looking at , I see that
>> HDMI is listed as "in linux mainline since 4.15". Yey!
>  progrss slow but getting there.
>> LVDS is still listed as "WIP" and VGA and CVBS are still listed as red
>> no-s, and VE (Video Engine) is listed as WIP.
>  make sense now, vincent?

I knew that very well, that's my homepage ;-)
Waiting for HDMI / H3 also...

But your advocating people to continue to work on ultra-obsolete versions
(security-wise, etc) instead of pushing people to work on upstream is what
I found kind of strange.

But that's my personal opinion, and you're right to chose what's best for
the eoma project. We may not have the same priorities.

No harm intended


Vincent Legoll

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Re: [Arm-netbook] Interested in pre-production unit for GNU Guix

2017-11-22 Thread Vincent Legoll

On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 4:37 PM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton

> stick with the known / tried-and-tested 3.4.104+ linux-sunxi kernel.

You must be kidding, right ?

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Re: [Arm-netbook] Communication improvements (Update Oct 10th)

2017-11-02 Thread Vincent Legoll

On Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 1:08 PM, Pablo Rath  wrote:
> On the Crowdsupply page there is still the misleading claim that orders
> placed now will ship Nov. 15th 2017. I have seen such claims backfire in
> other crowdfunded projects and recommend to change it immediately.

+1, even if there's no date to replace the probably wrong one displayed
on CS page

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Re: [Arm-netbook] Init Freedom

2017-08-09 Thread Vincent Legoll
On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 11:34 AM, zap  wrote:
>>  btw PLEASE zap, i believe i've had to tell you four or five times
>>  do you see what i did above?  i cut out everything that wasn't
>> relevant.  PLEASE DO THE SAME.
> Trim like this? To be honest, I thought I did trim it enough. my bad.


A good exercice, is to try reading web archives of a ML, you'll easily
understand why this is so important (at least to some of us).

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Re: [Arm-netbook] Init Freedom

2017-08-08 Thread Vincent Legoll

On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 11:57 AM, Pablo Rath  wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 05, 2017 at 09:56:23PM -0400, wrote:
>> I aught to have been more clear, almost all of those on the list found
>> systemd a bad choice for them vs. another init system.
> I disagree. The majority of people on this list (2000+) stayed silent on this
> particular topic.
> Many ordered their Computer Card with Debian.

I disagree, being silent about this topic is not endorsing any
particular option.
Neither is choosing a specific computer card.

At least in my case...

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Re: [Arm-netbook] HDMI High-Frequency Layout: Impedance

2017-08-03 Thread Vincent Legoll

does all that means HDMI output will be flakey ?

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Re: [Arm-netbook] Eoma68 update

2017-07-25 Thread Vincent Legoll
On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 11:17 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
> it actually got to be dangerous to try to bend / snap it, i was applying
> so much force i was concerned that shards might fly off.  applying a
> *lot* of pressure - enough to make marks on my fingers - only bent it
> about 2-3mm out of shape.

Did you also try some fall tests, because that's more likely to happen
in real life. Especially as the case design is not monilithic (if I remember
correctly), the shock forces will get applied to the weakest parts.

Hey, it's OK if you actually didn't ;-)

You could test with pieces that had 3d printing problems, so as not to
destroy any good ones.

And then label the project as being Eco-consciously tested !

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Re: [Arm-netbook] Arm Netbook, Saw the update,

2017-06-21 Thread Vincent Legoll
On Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 5:20 PM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
> appreciated.  there are however some people who would have pledged
> only for the card, and the cable kit: they'll be expecting to use the
> cards stand-alone.

Yes, there are some of those, I'm one for instance.

I would personally be less bothered by the lack of an SD card than the
missing HDMI.

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Re: [Arm-netbook] mailing list etiquette

2017-06-19 Thread Vincent Legoll
+1 and kudos to people agreeing to follow the netiquette & ML posting

On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 6:36 PM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
> The generally accepted "right way" of doing things is called "inline
> posting", whereby you insert your comments straight after that on
> which you are commenting, having stripped unnecessary text from the
> original quoted text. The end result is something which makes much
> more sense because it reads like a conversation.

I'd add that you should also put a blank line between the context you
keep (the quote) and your answer / reaction to it, as that is also helpful
to make it more quickly readable by others.


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Re: [Arm-netbook] EOMA68-A20 2.7.4 pre-production prototypes received and working

2017-06-15 Thread Vincent Legoll
On Thu, Jun 15, 2017 at 5:10 PM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
>   tell you what, i'll make a news update on a server that i have
> access to, where i know it's entirely libre-hosted software by people
> that i trust :)
>  how's that? :)

Not bad, but you should be careful with your trust: that page has been
vandalized, to
restore, you should add back the missing "o":
instead of :

For the third picture to show up properly...

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Re: [Arm-netbook] list posting etiquette

2017-05-10 Thread Vincent Legoll
>> Could you also add something about staying on-topic, thanks.
>  awww!  i quite _like_ the horrendous straying off-topic-ness :)

OK, your call...

> would you settle for asking people to start a new thread?

Nope, I prefer when people follow the rules by themselves, I'm
not doing ML-police.

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Re: [Arm-netbook] list posting etiquette

2017-05-10 Thread Vincent Legoll

> well, one of the things we don't unfortunately enforce properly is
> good subject-line management, which would allow people to select the
> topics that they're interested in.  so, i'm going to try to start
> doing that and would appreciate people doing the same.

Could you also add something about staying on-topic, thanks.

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Re: [Arm-netbook] I saw your recent update, Luke

2017-04-18 Thread Vincent Legoll

On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 11:53 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
> On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 10:30 AM, John Luke Gibson  
> wrote:
>  fascinating.  bizarre but fascinating.  i seem to remember chris from
> thinkpenguin mentioned it to me (or someone did) as a potential OS to
> investigate: with four already on the list i remember thinking "ok
> that's probably enough for now".

It may have been me, I remember digging in GuixSD at that same time
as the eoma campaign was going.

>  still, might be worth investigating at some point.  it's on the GSoC
> list so clearly has a following.

I'll still be interested in this distro, when eoma ships.

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Re: [Arm-netbook] microdesktop v1.7 arrived, works fine... but...

2017-04-06 Thread Vincent Legoll
>  basic logical reasoning says: remove the NAND IC.

Yes, stop the madness, make it work as-is/as-you-can,
and keep the fancy for V2 :-)

Half-joke aside, I'm with you, get it out the door and take
a break.

If I undestand, the V2 may not even be A20-based...

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Re: [Arm-netbook] microdesktop casework as DXF files for laser-cutting

2017-03-30 Thread Vincent Legoll
>> (but hopefully with better looks!)

Hey look is subjective, I don't find this ugly. Let's keep simple for
the official
one and make a design challenge for artistic alternatives.

> From a wood engineering standpoint I'd be in favour of looking into this.
>  By using this method, wood movement with climate becomes negligible,
> which makes things a good deal easier there.

We're talking about plywood here, and smallish pieces, so I think the climate-
induced wood movement will be negligible whatever we choose.
Unless you sunk it. ;-)

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Re: [Arm-netbook] microdesktop casework as DXF files for laser-cutting

2017-03-30 Thread Vincent Legoll

Just throwing in my 2 cts, as I know nothing of CAD design...

>  ha!  cool!  looks really good.  i love the curves on the corners and
> the edges, if that shape can be retained i think it'll look absolutely
> stunning.

For the sake of CAD-illiterate people like me, would it be hard or take
much time to create some rendered pictures of the thing ?So that we
can see with our eyes, and maybe spot a thing or two, or have ideas...

>  * the PCB will fall out of the casework (both ways, forwards and backwards).
>  * it will also lift upwards by about... 1mm, rattling around.
>  * the middle layers also need to be split into separate halves.
> right now, the components are in the way.
>  * the layer below the PCB (with a cutout for the micro-sd card) will
> be in direct contact with the PCB, preventing heat dissipation
>  * also you notice the cut-away in the corner of the PCB underneath
> the eject button for the PCMCIA holder? the idea there is to put a
> small recess (which we have to think how not to interfere with the
> aesthetics) that will make it easier to eject.
>  * layers 5 and 6 really should be hollow, so that there's a chance
> for air to circulate

... because that is a bit hard to follow if you can't see anything.

>  also, a decision needs to be made whether to line up layer 2's "high
> edge" with the top of the PCB or whether to line it up with the
> *bottom* of the PCB, ass you've done.  the way i've tried it, you end
> up with one less piece of plywood.  but the way i've tried it, layer 2
> will need to be 4mm thick.  i'm still leaning towards that

From a build perspective if the layers can be made with identical
source materials, it would be better, as there will probably be lost
cutouts, and some of them may be thrown away. It would go with
the eco- consciousness of the project.

> one other consideration, should there be ventilation holes drilled in
> the top and bottom, for air circulation?

I'd hazard that this would be a absolute yes, even in case of no OC'ing,
nor tinkering. Always good, no real downsides.

> people might wish to
> overclock these things and there should be room for them to put an
> ultra-slim fan inside, as well as electronics (access to the 20-pin
> header).

But you'll have to stop somewhere, not to overdesign, so the tinkerers
will be able to modify the thing to suit their needs, as all will be libre.

>  on the crude technique i'm using, images microdesktop_1.png and
> microdesktop_2.png are here:

Ah, that may be the answer to my first question above, but: 404, so
I can't really tell.


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Re: [Arm-netbook] passthrough, a20 and rk3288 cards

2017-02-22 Thread Vincent Legoll
Hi Luke,

>  the main thing i need from people before i send them $300 to $350
> worth of equipment is a 100% committment that they'll be doing active
> development of some kind which helps the other backers directly or
> indirectly, or helps further the goals of the eoma68 project.

I can do kernel debug/testing, distro and/or release things, but the free
time is scarce, so cannot promise anything, especially not a scary
"100% committment" though...


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Re: [Arm-netbook] New Eoma68 housing idea

2017-02-17 Thread Vincent Legoll
Oops, forget what I just said...
Broken link it is

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Re: [Arm-netbook] New Eoma68 housing idea

2017-02-17 Thread Vincent Legoll
It's on the home page:

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Re: [Arm-netbook] Mainlining the EOMA68-A20

2017-02-13 Thread Vincent Legoll

On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 7:18 AM, Allan Mwenda  wrote:
> Starting this new topic on Eric's request.
> I do find this a priority as shipping an aged Debian/Fedora/etc is not ideal
> at all.
> Let's discuss, and maybe even set up targets in the wiki?

Kernel looks almost OK:

even if there are still some WIP entries and some green but "?", does
anyone tested those ?

I think DRM display (HDMI, etc.) & VE (video Engine) are important, as
a lot of people will want them.

There's a section here:§ion=6#Rhombus_Tech

Maybe a status page could be added here:

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Re: [Arm-netbook] nexell s5p6818 pcb v0.1

2016-11-03 Thread Vincent Legoll

On Thu, Nov 3, 2016 at 10:25 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
> on the way.  final 0.1 pcb revision sent to nexell for review.

Looks like the last sentence was cut mid-way...

Thanks for the update

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Re: [Arm-netbook] EOMA Specification / Documentation Issues

2016-10-04 Thread Vincent Legoll

>>> H3 support is mostly hindered by availability and interest.
>> I've got an H3 based SBC that I'm tinkering with, and a few others are
>> also working on it. But that's getting off topic.
> no it's not: if there's a chance that a specific processor can be
> utilised in EOMA68 Cards it's definitely ON topic.

Yes, but it may be better to wait when you're ready for launching the
second CPU card project (ie probably after the first one is done or
almost) so that you can work and lobby for a more up-to-date SoC to
be used/usable...

The H3 is already contentious because of that very subject which may
not be liberable (even if it looks like a small thing, HDMI output is an
important factor(HTPC). So not having it may be a showstopper for a
significant portion of the currently reachable user-base)


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Re: [Arm-netbook] EOMA Specification / Documentation Issues

2016-10-03 Thread Vincent Legoll

On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 1:26 PM,  wrote:
>> There are problems with the H3 (& variants) display driver, on the
>> HDMI output front,
>> as seen on :
>> Currently the driver cannot be mainlained as-is.
> Bear in mind that page is regarding the code in the "Allwinner (Lichee)"
> kernel. This does not reflect the code made by the sunxi community to
> enable graphics output on mainline.

I was speaking of the driver written by Jean-François Moine:

But some of it is based on AW's lichee code, and some of it would need
further informations (HDMI PHY model) from AW before being mainlinable.

I spoke last week about such things with Jean-François.

> Besides the code from Allwinner, even with the proper licencing, is not
> mainline material. Very quick and dirty code and hacks.

Yes, we all know that, sadly... :-(

> H3 support is mostly hindered by availability and interest.

I've got an H3 based SBC that I'm tinkering with, and a few others are
also working on it. But that's getting off topic.


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Re: [Arm-netbook] EOMA Specification / Documentation Issues

2016-10-02 Thread Vincent Legoll

On Sun, Oct 2, 2016 at 10:25 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
>> There are problems with the H3 (& variants) display driver, on the
>> HDMI output front,
>> as seen on :
>> Currently the driver cannot be mainlained as-is.
> ... and as direct a result the H3 has been crossed off the list for
> consideration and inclusion in EOMA Cards.

That may change, as it needs only some license clarification on some published
code from AW. And knowledge of the HDMI PHY model they used (which differs
from the previous generations of HW).

Do you have contacts inside AW for the groups that created this chip, maybe you
could try a bit of lobbying in that case...


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Re: [Arm-netbook] EOMA Specification / Documentation Issues

2016-10-02 Thread Vincent Legoll

On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 4:55 PM,
> Not quite sure that is the case. U-Boot provides "early" setup, regulator
> and clocks etc., for u-boot output. SimpleFB takes over the settings from
> U-Boot (via u-boot modified device-tree). But a proper KMS/DRM driver (sunxi
> has something working for A13, H3, A33) may change all that.

There are problems with the H3 (& variants) display driver, on the
HDMI output front,
as seen on :

Currently the driver cannot be mainlained as-is.

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Re: [Arm-netbook] EOMA Specification / Documentation Issues

2016-09-26 Thread Vincent Legoll
>> Care to elaborate a bit on that, is there more information somewhere,
>> a bug report, anything ?
>  *i* haven't... because the linux-sunxi community operate off of
> non-free infrastructure.

You could also report that kind of things to LKML, as a generic ARM
problem, it'll probably reach a significant part of the same people...

> if you'd like to report a bug using the
> non-free resource known as github, or would like to join their mailing
> list using the proprietary web interface, and are happy to have your
> email address and your copyrighted words treated as "advertising
> fodder" by google, please feel free to do so! :)

There are alternatives, and I don't understand why *I* should report
something I don't have experienced myself, I don't have the HW to
reproduce and is too vague... But I understand your time is precious
these days.

>>> there's clearly a bug somewhere around 4.0rc5 to 4.0rc6 which, if
>>> found, fixed, and patched, would make mainline perfectly acceptable
>>> for ongoing usage (with the EOMA68-A20).
>> That should be easy enough to bissect, if you have a reproducer.
>  i tried: it was an absolute bitch.  as in, i tried for THREE DAYS,
> did approximately 100 kernel compiles, and still couldn't isolate it.
> the problem stems from the way that "git bisect" works, compounded by
> the fact that other kernel errors interfered with the assessment of
> whether a given kernel was "good" or "bad".

Yes, sometimes there are multiple bugs that fight against your bisection,
I already have endured one of those (in intel's drm driver), but eventually
found the culprit... It was time consuming though...

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Re: [Arm-netbook] EOMA Specification / Documentation Issues

2016-09-26 Thread Vincent Legoll

> btw remember that mainline u-boot / kernel *does* actually work...
> with the Revision 2.2 EOMA68-A20 Cards it just only works for about 90
> to 300 seconds and i haven't been able to track down why.

Care to elaborate a bit on that, is there more information somewhere,
a bug report, anything ? I ask because the 300 seconds uptime rings
a bell, maybe not relevant, but suspicious at least. The kernel was
(maybe still is) initializing the timer (if I remember correctly) subsystem
5 minutes before wraparound, just so it is easier to catch bugs, by making
those wraparound bugs easier triggerable...

> there's clearly a bug somewhere around 4.0rc5 to 4.0rc6 which, if
> found, fixed, and patched, would make mainline perfectly acceptable
> for ongoing usage (with the EOMA68-A20).

That should be easy enough to bissect, if you have a reproducer.

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Re: [Arm-netbook] EOMA68-A20 progress

2016-09-21 Thread Vincent Legoll
>> Am I the only one who find the rhombus site a bit difficult to browse ?
>  it's note-taking over 5 years.  there's an index page somewhere.

Hope your not speaking of the home page ( ?

>> OK, there is "search", I know about the url.append("/news"), but an index,
>> or a site map page would be a good thing to have imho.
>  there is a sitemap page (surprise!)

Found it... ;-)
And added a link at bottom of home page, for web-impaired people like me...

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Re: [Arm-netbook] EOMA68-A20 progress

2016-09-21 Thread Vincent Legoll

On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 10:32 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
>  please bear in mind that i keep a per-project news archive.  in this
> case, the information you seek (the context) is here:

Am I the only one who find the rhombus site a bit difficult to browse ?

OK, there is "search", I know about the url.append("/news"), but an index,
or a site map page would be a good thing to have imho.

And to be clear: No, Luke I'm not asking you to do that while you have
other more important things to do. Just throwing ideas in the air for
web-competent (I'm not) people to chime in... ;-)

Vincent Legoll

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Re: [Arm-netbook] [Dev] [libreplanet-discuss] EOMA68 and freedom in digital technology

2016-09-19 Thread Vincent Legoll

On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 4:11 PM,
> There are two problems. 1st a legal one 2nd a technical. The technical one
> is being resolved by the community. With little help from Allwinner. I say a
> "little help" not "no help". When A64 is bootable by uboot then it might by
> a possible EOMA68 target, from firmware perspective.

There are also problems wrt HDMI output on the H3, that may, still be there for
a64, c.f.:

They may currently be under reverse engineering, but the status is
still not perfect

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Re: [Arm-netbook] EOMA68 Libre laptop PCB2

2016-09-16 Thread Vincent Legoll

On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 4:48 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton

I've been searching on:

(with a slight formatting fix, may need double check...)

And I couldn't find what I wanted to know: are there GPIO (or anything
else that can do) available on the laptop pcbs ?

I ask in the context of the keyboard ligthing LED idea we discussed earlier.

That would make some other laptop tinkering / modification ideas viable...

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Re: [Arm-netbook] The sincerest form of flattery

2016-09-16 Thread Vincent Legoll

On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 3:32 AM, Christopher Havel
> I rather suspect that smartphone computing is going to be a major part
> of the future -- libre, 'open', or proprietary.

I think this campaign agrees with you $BIGTIME:

Love their 1080p display option...

I like the idea, but they didn't go far enough, I'd love to have an
additional HDMI (and DP, and VGA)
in for the display, added usb based (u)SD/TF card reader, more USB
ports, I.e. a full featured
everything-you-may-need-but-the-CPU. That would have a very long
lifespan for me...

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Re: [Arm-netbook] brief update

2016-09-16 Thread Vincent Legoll
>  you do _not_ want to be using swap space on raw nand or even eMMC.
> or USB-based external storage media.  in fact, you don't want to be
> using swap space at all... with the exception possibly of compswap
> (the much better version of zram, which linus torvalds refused to
> allow the full set of patches for, into the linux kernel).

NBD-based (network block device) swap is also a viable solution with
Gb eth, and is better than getting OOM-killed...

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[Arm-netbook] RAM

2016-09-13 Thread Vincent Legoll

and apologies if this already has been talked about, I tried to find
previous discussions on ML archives, elinux & rhombus sites.

It looks like the DRAM will be standard DDR3, has low power DDR3
been studied ?

Too expensive ?
No available init code ?

I ask because some other ARM boards differentiate themselves
from the other one by using LPDDR3 and that has much better
power consumption characteristics, and so do not heat as much.

The regular DDR3 ones (in certain cases have a heat problem and
have to be down-clocked to operate properly whereas the LP ones

On the same subject of heat dissipation, some boards use a layer
of the pcb just below the soc to act as a heat spreader by having
a copper area that is not used for signals, and it looks like this is
effective, because other boards that don't have it endure heat

I had a look at EOMA PCB pictures, but I lack knowledge to definitely
tell if there is such a copper layer provisioned.


And Luke, don't overwhelm yourself into burn out.

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Re: [Arm-netbook] Housing idea: screenless laptop

2016-09-13 Thread Vincent Legoll

Wouldn't that community better served by a "libre" (1) USB braille keyboard,
that could be hooked to anything that has usb, and something like that
as a display (I dont' know which technology those kind of displays need for

This would be cheaper / easier to produce / far more reaching that a specialized
product ? And be reusable between different products, kept when upgrading the
computer part, etc...


(1) replace by whatever term is appropriate, (IANALanguageL)

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Re: [Arm-netbook] Housing idea: screenless laptop

2016-09-11 Thread Vincent Legoll
All that is also assuming that the laptop won't be shared with someone
able to use a display

On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 4:48 AM, Benson Mitchell
> On Sun, Sep 11, 2016 at 4:31 PM, Matt Campbell  wrote:
>> It occurred to me that for blind people, who use a screen reader such as
>> Speakup or Orca, a laptop housing without the screen or the touchpad would
>> be quite convenient.
> I don't know anyone in that situation personally, but it's not clear
> to me that the touchpad should go. Sure, using it for pointing input
> is unhelpful with no screen, but I would expect it could still be
> useful for gesture input, right?
> Seems there's not much benefit from removing the touchpad, as it
> doesn't buy you any space savings, and it should have pretty small
> impact on battery life compared to the screen. (Especially if you can
> run it as input without powering the touchpad display -- I assume this
> is possible, but haven't really looked.) So I wonder if even a little
> usefulness for gesture input means it should stay.
> Benson
> ___
> arm-netbook mailing list
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Re: [Arm-netbook] HDMI HEC on future boards

2016-09-07 Thread Vincent Legoll
>  it just never occurred to me (it definitely should
> have) that that would result in potential "lock-in".

I don't buy into this, there's no lock-in to me. The user
will fill his needs whatever the mean, either by using
something provided (almost) freely by the SoC, or by
buying additional HW.

So what can be argued is: will the few things added to
every boards to provide the SoC specific functionalities
be compensated by the things not needed for those who
will get it anyways. That's a trade-of, additional price will
also be a factor.

But providing additional interface on the far end of the
card is no philosophical problem to me. Especially for
ubiquitous things like ethernet, I can't think of this being
a locking-in feature. After all these boards are designed
to have a long lifespan, so the need to upgrade is not as

And if (and only if) a future upgrade does not provide it,
then you always be able to switch to an USB one, if (and
only if) you still need it...

>  i always thought, y'know, things like HDMI would be ubiquitous /
> common enough that you would always be able to find an upgraded
> computer card with USB-OTG and HDMI: the impact of specialisation at
> the *user-facing* end never hit my tiny brain :) huh.

In my computer life I've seen 2 wired net techs (BNC & eth), whereas
I've used 5 for display (VGA, BNC, DVI, HDMI, DP). I'm OK with USB
because of its backward compatibility (I'm still not sure it will stay that
way) So I'm not sure trying too hard to guess the future is mandated
here, just being pragmatic. Which I can (and have) be(en) convinced
EOMA68 is...

But I'm convinced that providing as much of the SoC functionalities as
pragmatically possible is better. Either by enabling more widespread
adoption, or by avoiding the need for USB-based addons.

Vincent Legoll

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Re: [Arm-netbook] HDMI HEC on future boards

2016-09-07 Thread Vincent Legoll
>> The EOMA68 standard has no provision for ethernet, but AFAIU the other
>> end of the CPU card can be more or less free to use.
>  yyep

That may be a good way to tackle SoC-specific functionalities, without wasting
them... An easy way to be even-more-earth-friendly... Think about
going the extra
mile, or squeezing every last bit out of it...

>> So would it be possible to link a future SoC w/ ethernet to the HDMI HEC
>> pins and get at least a 100Mbps ethernet, without needing any USB dongle.
>  yep!  i wonder if there's ethernet already on the A20.

Ah that would be extra-extra nice, but no cigar ;-)

The H3 has one (even with an integrated 100Mbps PHY), that would be nice...

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[Arm-netbook] HDMI HEC on future boards

2016-09-07 Thread Vincent Legoll

I wanted to ask here, after trying to search ML archives & rhombus site.

The EOMA68 standard has no provision for ethernet, but AFAIU the other
end of the CPU card can be more or less free to use.

So would it be possible to link a future SoC w/ ethernet to the HDMI HEC
pins and get at least a 100Mbps ethernet, without needing any USB dongle.


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[Arm-netbook] ESD protection

2016-08-31 Thread Vincent Legoll

I just wanted to raise awareness of problems potentially linked
to lack of ESD protection on some boards.

I'm no EE, and my electronics background is near zero, so I
cannot asses if EOMA68 boards (CPU & docks) are affected or not...

You can have a look at this report:


Vincent Legoll

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Re: [Arm-netbook] Keyboard

2016-08-29 Thread Vincent Legoll

On Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 10:23 PM,   wrote:

Thanks for the links, they are useful

> I don't know if any aspect of the Thinklight concept or its implementation
> is patented or covered by design rights, etc. I would hope not - it's just a
> light with a switch! - but "Method of swinging on a swing", and all that...

Looks like HP & DELL also have that feature, so hopefully it is not patented.

In fact I've never used a backlit keyboard so I cannot compare the 2 solutions,
but the LED was very effective for such a simple thing.

Vincent Legoll

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Re: [Arm-netbook] Keyboard

2016-08-27 Thread Vincent Legoll
On Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 9:29 PM, Alexander .S.T. Ross
> some thinkpads at one point had a led light that pointed down and lite
> up the keyboard without shining in the users eyes i think. it was in the
> top bezel of the screen. maybe that would be a simpler mod.

Yep, that's the one (thinkpad T42p) it was located just next to the webcam,
over the display, angled towards the keyboard, with a slight overhang from
the case, so that the led was not directly visible. It was switchable with a
key Fn combo. Just ON/OFF, no real need for light levels.

Real nice idea, before backlit keyboards...

I'll take some closeup pics when I get back where it is stored.

I'd do a dual one, with LEDs far apart, to avoid making hand shadows.

Vincent Legoll

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Re: [Arm-netbook] Keyboard

2016-08-27 Thread Vincent Legoll
On Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 8:10 PM, Christopher Havel
> If your flashlight died out after a few weeks in the way you describe

Sorry, but I won't use a flashlight to ease my typing in the dark :-)
I need my 2 hands to type...

I used a headlamp once, but it was not very comfortable.

The one I spoke of was an USB LED Stick Light, just like those:

4 dead LEDs out of ten...

Vincent Legoll

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Re: [Arm-netbook] Keyboard

2016-08-27 Thread Vincent Legoll

I don't know why, but I was kind of expecting this kind of answer ;-)

>> Is the laptop's keyboard only option the
>> Chicony P/N MP-03756GB-5287.
>  and associated variants, yes.

In fact the question I had in mind was more:

If there are such associated variants that can be (almost) drop-in
replacement, but with backlighting...

Because I naively expected the producers to reuse their designs when
adding such slight variations...

So the answer is no... Too bad

>> Or maybe the laptop case can be modified to allow placement of a few
>> leds around the screen that would get light on the keyboard. I had
>> this on an old T42p and it was better than nothing.
>  that would be much simpler - it's still abouuut... 2-3 weeks of work,
> redesigning casework

Ouch, I was thinking of just one or two small holes in the casing, and friction
slip the LEDs inside... I would not have expected this to take significant
work. It could even be done by careful drilling, without redesign.

> that's assuming no LED circuits are needed and
> there's a convenient place to draw power off of.  if it was under PWM
> control of something (to change brightness) that's.. 3-5 weeks of PCB
> design work and PCB assembly, 1-2 weeks of component sourcing and
> verification.

Here I show my almost complete lack of electronics-fu, I thought LEDs
were so low power that they could get piggybacked to the display power
line with just a 1K resistor added, and maybe a switch, to avoid needing
to route a GPIO there just for that.

>  *deep breath* get a small $2 torch from walmart :)

That's where I'm coming from, and where I expected not to stay... :-)

Especially as this is absolutely not eco-conscious, the one I got lost leds
after just a few weeks of light use, and now is getting useless. Maybe that
was bad luck, but I'm not holding my breath with a new one...

But thanks for the very detailed answer.

Vincent Legoll

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[Arm-netbook] Keyboard

2016-08-27 Thread Vincent Legoll

First, congrats on the campaign success !

I tried searching the ML archives & rhombus site, but couldn't find it.

Is the laptop's keyboard only option the
Keyboard: Chicony P/N MP-03756GB-5287.

Or can a backlit one be substitued easily? I.e. No other HW redesign...

Or maybe the laptop case can be modified to allow placement of a few
leds around the screen that would get light on the keyboard. I had
this on an old T42p and it was better than nothing.

That would make the laptop better suited  to night use.


Vincent Legoll

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Re: [Arm-netbook] Wikipedia article

2016-08-27 Thread Vincent Legoll
And after having read some of the heat the project got on forums & mls
we should be careful with the terms used to describe the "libreness"
of it or it could degenerate quickly into an wikipedia editing war...

Just my 2cents

On 8/27/16, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton  wrote:
> ---
> crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware:
> On Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 5:00 AM, Muhammed Adel Afzal  wrote:
>> Is "libre" better defined, and a better match, for EOMA-68?  Better than
>> "open" standard, I mean.  Genuine question .. I have no idea.
>> Wiki says "open" right now.
>  i know... it doesn't say "open source" though :)
>  honestly, i don't know.  "libre" has a specific connotation that
> requires that the "four freedoms" be applied to it.  i honestly
> haven't evaluated that yet.
> l.
> ___
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