Re: AR System 8.1 on AIX

2014-05-29 Thread D Dussie

I'm living your frustration. We have the similar setup. NO OOB/ITSM. Custom 
environment since 1.0 roughly. Just ARSystem!

Our production is still at 7.5P4 because i'm not confident in the upgrade to 
8.1.00 P2 with various hotfixes from BMC.  We are trying to get it as stable as 
possible, so we can be on a supported version. We too have been practicing in 
test; we mirrored production, etc. - atleast 6 iteration, and still running 
into small errors. 

In short years working with this product, well most of the products I support, 
I have noticed that these software companies don't have AIX test environment. 
It is the most frustrating thing. 

I will watch for the increase in memory usage as we go forward.

We have deployed a stable Version 8.1.00 201401101150 Hotfix MT on WebSphere 
8.5 on AIX 7.1 Clustered + 2 Http Servers + BigIp. 

Our issues is with Single instance 201308272305Hotfix ARS on 11g - 
and continuously trying to get it stable, without to much outage time.
We ran into a ServerAdmin and plugin issue.  Where the ports and queue was 
blank; it turned out the activelinks cannot process order of operation if is 
has 2 and more actions; which we pointed out,  they took that  info - create a 
fix - basically going throught the ServerAdmin.def and separating the actions 
into multiple setfields. What they could not tell me if there wasnot an 
underlining issue, that would affect - our custom environment that have 
setfields with multiple actions. But so far those are fine, so i'm chalking it 
up to issue specific to serveradmin.def.

Just yesterday, the USER form , does not inherit the permissions from the 
previous in an upgrade. So a tester, ran into issues where they could not 
retrieved from USER because the access was missing.  So we spent time, going 
thru ensuring the system forms and our custom stuff  - inherited the 
permissions. Such a freaking pain. 

This upgrade in gong to painful.

Sharing you frustration, D.

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Custom to ITSM

2014-05-16 Thread D Dussie
Hi list,

We have Arsystem installed with our custom change and incident mgmt.

If you acquire the ITSM, Do we install separate from the above Arsystem or on 
top of the current installed Arsystem? 

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Re: ARERR 90: Looking for

2014-05-07 Thread D Dussie
Thank Andy,

I was unable to export the ReportCreator to xml, kept getting dev studio 
error:Failed to export to the file. ERROR (110): Incorrect data type value for 
this parameter.; ReportCreator,  5190, .

So, Tried .def, there was no entry for dummy, except for Active link 
(ReportCreator:GetExpressionIDs1-6), help text "Convert the statistical 
expression from the user format to an internal format.There is some extra 
logic needed to convert the expression into a qualification.  This is needed as 
the operations to parse the command can only operate on qualifications.  So, a 
dummy left-hand side is added, the parsing is performed, and then the extra 
operation is removed."

So, I compared the the server reportvendor.def to the export. Since they where 
the same, reimported the reportvendor.def & remove from 
etc/host. So far that is working. 

will see. Last resort, put back dummy in etc/host

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Re: ARERR 90:

2014-05-07 Thread D Dussie
Thanks Fredrick,

I tried that prior to re-importing the server/installform/en/reportvendor.def. 
Nothing surfed.

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2014-05-06 Thread D Dussie
Hello List,

Error:Cannot establish a network connection to the AR System server : RPC: Success (ARERR 90)

This error only occurs, On the report creator form; while modify, search, 
create a report. Also, this affects the report selection from table, loading 
each line. 

Resolution: add to the /etc/host file. 

I'm trying to understand, why the application is looking for 
Can anyone assist? hopefully, a solution that allows us to remove the entry 
from etc/host. 

Background: Upgraded from 7.5P4 to 8.1.00 P2 Hotfix ARS on UNIX 7.1 and 11g. 

Thank you Dee.

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2013-06-04 Thread D Dussie
We use mainly Telalert, but we have leverage outlook for notification 
(especially for gorup paging)..

We have 2 installs of telalert , on Remedy and Tec/Ominbus...

1. We use telalert to notify varies vendors ( ATT, SPRINT, TMOBILE, Telpage 
(inhouse infrastructure), Verizon pager, and other remote pager/phone companies 
across the US).  With text messaging we have it configured, such that phone 
enduser, can reply to place incidents/requests in progress; except for some 
smart phones on some carrier that the replies have an embeded gif; but we are 
working on coding for that; this is an intergation with outlook.

2. Another telalert notification it is used for, on TEC/Ominbus server, they 
correlate incidents from Remedy and leverage the telalert IVR component/call 
feature to notify for a specific incident.  another, The schedule is used to 
disable notification when changes are being implemented. 

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Re: Midtier 7.6 sp 4 on websphere 8 is not working, any suggestions?

2013-05-24 Thread D Dussie
Good Morning, 

we are experiencig issue again, where the mid tier redirects to the login page 
at login, but on the backend the user is loged  into the application. 

MT 7.6.04 SP 4 on Websphere 8 on Aix 6.1.7
ARS 7.5 P4 on Oracle 11g on Aix 6.1.7

we have implement the configuration to the websphere that was suggested 
(KA377228). This worked that day. 

- after which we modified the warfile with SSO  (built internally)  The 
webadmin redepolyed the MT, and we have been experiencing this from yesterday.

At a lost. Unfortunately, I don't have access to the websphere environment to 
trouble shoot.


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Re: Midtier 7.6 sp 4 on websphere 8 is not working, any suggestions? Resolved.

2013-05-20 Thread D Dussie
Thank you Pascale Sterrett

Webadmin  made the changes, and it worked...Thank you so much!

In the Websphere Admin Console, choose WebSphere Application Servers > 
serverName > Session management > Enable Cookies. (Existed)
Make sure that the path is set to the context root of the mid tier. (Need to be 
To ensure that users can log in successfully, create a new 
NoAdditionalSessionInfo property:
Choose WebSphere Application Servers > serverName > Web Container > Custom 
Create a new NoAdditionalSessionInfo property, and set it to true. (Need to be 
Restart the IBM WebSphere server. (Need to be added)

Again ... thank you.

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Midtier 7.6 sp 4 on websphere 8 is not working, any suggestions?

2013-05-20 Thread D Dussie
Good Morning List,

We are using 
Back end - ARS 7.5 P4  on Unix 6.1.7 with 11g
Currently - We have a functioning 7.5 P4 MT 32 bit environment connected to the 
back end. 
This new MT 7.6 SP 4 is our attempt to upgrade the MT environment, then do the 
back end. 

New MT env,
UNIX 6.1.7
Websphere 8 64 bit
Deployed 7.6 SP 4
Able to login in to config
- and add the backend server, and the report and log filesystem.
I'm currently not going thru the loadbalancers.

(installed tomcat on win7 pc , and deployed 7.6sp4 mt against 7.5p4 backend, 
works fine)

New MT:
new_httpserver >-F/W- http port1, port2--> 
new_websphere_app_MT7.6SP4_server_1---> F/W- http port1, port2, 80, 8080, TCP_1 

new_httpserver >-F/W- http port1, port2-->new_websphere_app_MT7.6SP4_server_2 
---> F/W- http port1, port2, 80, 8080, TCP_1 -> Backend_ARS_7.5P4_server

New MT:
old_httpserver:port3>-no firewall --> old_websphere_app_MT7.5p4_server_1 >-F/W- 
http port3, port4, 80, 8080, TCP_1 ->Backend_ARS_7.5P4_server   

old_httpserver:port4>-no firewall -->old_websphere_app_MT7.4P4_server_2  >-F/W- 
http port3, port4, 80, 8080, TCP_1 ->Backend_ARS_7.5P4_server



after entering id and password it returns the below page and not getting 
authenticated and same login page appears with below url -

However, the user is logged in, per the license usage or being prompt to logout 
user when try to log into old http servers.

This is the closest to the our issue I have looked at for references, please 
let me know if i'm on the the right track..

MT Logs

May 20, 2013 1:46:18 PM - INFO (com.remedy.log.CONFIG) : (Thread 22) 
com.remedy.arsys.config.ConfigProperties save Saved properties file 
May 20, 2013 1:45:05 PM - FINE (com.remedy.log.SESSION) : (Thread 22) 
com.remedy.arsys.session.DefaultAuthenticator redirectToLogin 
May 20, 2013 1:45:05 PM - FINE (com.remedy.log.SESSION) : (Thread 22) 
com.remedy.arsys.session.DefaultAuthenticator getAuthenticatedCredentials 
DefaultAuthenticator: Credentials requested
May 20, 2013 1:45:05 PM - FINE (com.remedy.log.SESSION) : (Thread 22) 
com.remedy.arsys.session.Login establishSession Login: establishing Session
May 20, 2013 1:45:05 PM - FINE (com.remedy.log.SERVLET) : (Thread 22) 
com.remedy.arsys.stubs.GoatServlet setupSessionData GoatServlet: No session or 
new session
May 20, 2013 1:45:05 PM - FINE (com.remedy.log.SERVLET) : (Thread 22) 
com.remedy.arsys.stubs.GoatServlet postInternal cookie=MJUID=-1969732504; 
rsi_segs=H11232_10025|H11232_0; s_nr=1366810903654; 
JSESSIONID=gQ-xOUSE5MkhH5v_UBBxraT:17q2c61va; P=1; st=3600; lt=60
May 20, 2013 1:45:05 PM - FINE (com.remedy.log.SERVLET) : (Thread 22) 
com.remedy.arsys.stubs.GoatServlet postInternal GoatServlet: 
May 20, 2013 1:45:05 PM - INFO (com.remedy.log.SESSION) : (Thread 21) 
com.remedy.arsys.session.LoginServlet doThePost User exg0test on IPAddress
May 20, 2013 1:45:05 PM - INFO (com.remedy.log.SESSION) : (Thread 21) 
com.remedy.arsys.session.LoginServlet doThePost Context path is/arsys
May 20, 2013 1:45:05 PM - FINE (com.remedy.log.SESSION) : (Thread 21) 
com.remedy.arsys.session.LoginServlet doLogin LoginServlet: Authentication 
status: 16
May 20, 2013 1:45:05 PM - FINE (com.remedy.log.SESSION) : (Thread 21) 
com.remedy.arsys.session.LoginServlet authenticate LoginServlet: Authenticating 
exg0test against server arsserver
May 20, 2013 1:45:05 PM - FINE (com.remedy.log.SESSION) : (Thread 21) 
com.remedy.arsys.session.DefaultAuthenticator getAuthenticatedCredentials 
DefaultAuthenticator: Using credentials from login page - exg0test
May 20, 2013

Re: Remedy Alert List Delete admin permission only issue

2013-05-15 Thread D Dussie
Thank you ryan,

Sorry should have mentioned, I have that already and works great. 

Trying to figure out why the non-admin on this form cannot execute the table 
view delete. 

I will revise our current delete with your suggestions.

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Re: IE8 Session Handling and Multiple Login Issue

2013-04-05 Thread D Dussie
The generic id is read restricted, acccessible to all support groups. 

We have sso, however, we will need to give floating/fix license user write 
access to survey form - which the users could manipulate unfavorable, after a 
customer using the generic has submit survey. We have seen similiar incidents.

Possible a bug .. but its alway been like this since we had remedy 92, version 
1.x on UNIX. The survey has been in place aleast 6-10 years..You can have 
multiple logins, different users, as long as it is a different IE session.  
with exceptiong for floating license user, they cannot login multple times, 
regardless of new sessions. 

Its an issue with how IE8 handles session, was hoping SW00293926 would fix it 
in the upgrade to 7.604 SP 4, but same issue. 

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Re: IE8 Session Handling and Multiple Login Issue

2013-04-04 Thread D Dussie
Reposting, hoping for some direction. I have a BMC request opening but nothing 
- (Outside of allowing the logined in user to submit survey under there id, 
doing this will be negate the survey, as some users try to get around the 
- we were hoping upgrade which includes  SW00293926 would resolve the issue but 
doesnot; and it may not  be the solution.

MT:7.5P5 on Websphere 6.1 all 32 bits. Upgraded to 7.6.04 SP4 (same issue)
ARS: 7.5P5 on AIX 6.1.7 on 11g
(We are in process of upgrading to 7.6.04 SP4 on test)

Win7/Xp - On IE8, all windows opened share the same session. Unless start new 
session/ cmd: iexplore.exe -nomerge.

We have a survey, that is emailed to Customers. This email uses a its generic 
id to login and bring up the survey form; overall multiple log in. 

No. of Remedy Users: 1300.
No. of Customers: 15,000. 
So this issues only affects 1300 people, 9%. Even thought not a lot - politics.

Issue Scenarios:

1. Open IE (1st session), login into midtier. If users clicks on survey, its 
trys to launch in the 1st Session IE and fail. 
ARERR [9361] - A current session exists for a different user 

2. Open IE (1st session), login into midtier. Open IE (2nd session), (file /arsys/servlet/ViewFormServlet?form=&view=&server=&username=&pwd=&qual=

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Re: IE8 Session Handling and Multiple Login Issue

2013-03-28 Thread D Dussie
Additional info,

Good Morning List,

MT:7.5P5 on Websphere 6.1 all 32 bits. 
ARS: 7.5P5 on AIX 6.1.7 on 11g
(We are in process of upgrading to 7.6.04 SP4 on test)

Win7/Xp - On IE8, all windows opened share the same session. Unless start new 
session/ cmd: iexplore.exe -nomerge.

We have a survey, that is emailed to Customers. This email uses a its generic 
id to login and bring up the survey form; overall multiple log in. 

No. of Remedy Users: 1300.
No. of Customers: 15,000. 
So this issues only affects 1300 people, 9%. Even thought not a lot - politics.

Issue Scenarios:

1. Open IE (1st session), login into midtier. If users clicks on survey, its 
trys to launch in the 1st Session IE and fail. 
ARERR [9361] - A current session exists for a different user 

2. Open IE (1st session), login into midtier. Open IE (2nd session), (file /arsys/servlet/ViewFormServlet?form=&view=&server=&username=&pwd=&qual=

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IE8 Session Handling and Multiple Login Issue

2013-03-28 Thread D Dussie
Good Morning List,

MT:7.5P5 on Websphere 6.1 all 32 bits. 
ARS: 7.5P5 on AIX 6.1.7 on 11g
(We are in process of upgrading to 7.6.04 SP4 on test)

Win7/Xp - On IE8, all windows opened share the same session. Unless start new 
session/ cmd: iexplore.exe -nomerge.

We have a survey, that is emailed to Customers. This email uses a its generic 
id to login and bring up the survey form; overall multiple log in. 

Issue Scenarios:

1. Open IE (1st session), login into midtier. If users clicks on survey, its 
trys to launch in the 1st Session IE and fail. 
ARERR [9361] - A current session exists for a different user 

2. Open IE (1st session), login into midtier. Open IE (2nd session), (file /arsys/servlet/ViewFormServlet?form=&view=&server=&username=&pwd=&qual=

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Re: Frustration

2013-03-20 Thread D Dussie
this may sound backward .. but it worked for us.

We don't have same issue. Our 7.5x to 7.6x macro is not executing the std out 
error, otherwise macro works fine. What we did was continue using version of 
the macro we upgraded from (6.3p 20) runmacro - until we/bmc can resolve the 
issue.  The impact to business was big as automation to Tec/Netcool was 
dependent of that. We still have the issue, so we have moved to Web Services as 
a primary bridge. Macro called externally.

So in your instance, try the 7.1 ./bin/runmacro only, does this connect and 

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Re: MVP 2012 - Congratulations LJ Longwing!

2012-10-22 Thread D Dussie
Belated Congratulations LJ, well deserved. 


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webservices on view form, does not return field as null.

2012-10-17 Thread D Dussie
Issue: webservices on view form, does not return field as null or blank.

1. Is this because its a view form or bug? Should return in example below, U1 
and T1 = NULL, vs not return the complete string.

Local Installs : ARS 7.5.p4. on Oracle 11g on UNIX aiv 6.1.7
Websphere 6 on UNIX 
MT 7.5p4
Developer Studio 7.6. sp 4

1. We have created a view form to read the Status History Table, H Table called 
2. Then create a getlist WebService to Test_StatusHistory called 
3. Using Soap UI to consume this webservice.
If the incident status history that is being querries, did not contain a 
Re-Assigned information, the webservices does not return that field. 

example : of not returning U1, T1"; 

example: Returning all entries in the H table"; 


-"; /> 

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Re: List and Fast Thread.

2012-10-05 Thread D Dussie
Patrick, not dumb... great question.

We are custom shop; using Remedy since i think version 3. That being said, 
since runmacro, we have been using it in automation between Remedy and TEC.  
Until now, we are upgrading TEC to Ominbus, therefore, replacing the runmacro 
with webservices rather than the Remedy Ominibus gateway.  So we are gradually 
moving away from it. 

So, recently along with webservice replacing runmacro, we build mobile app 
interface and dashboard using webservice and perl, jquery, etc. 

AIE - I have looked at this. will look at it more we move forward.

Thank you all for your responses. D

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Re: List and Fast Thread.

2012-10-04 Thread D Dussie

aix box has dedicated 2 cpu

Processor Clock Speed: 4144 MHz
CPU Type: 64-bit
Kernel Type: 64-bit

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Re: Farewell arslisters

2012-09-28 Thread D Dussie
Good Luck with new venture, Andrew.


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Re: Querys that kill my system

2012-09-17 Thread D Dussie
Hi Chris,

We running into to this issue, ocassionally. It brings ours to crawl.

What is your db?

We are oracle on aix. 

1. We know out heavy hitters, so user log help to find out who is on. Then 1 of 
3 admins help to write their queries do they are more effiecient.
2. Precise, unix/db tool which can marry which aio/oracle process to explicit 
query. We can kill to job.
3. We are upgrading OEM ( oracle endpoint manager ) .. So this should provide 
same capability as Precise.
4. We constantly train, to prevent table search. 
5. All else bounce application. 

Hopefully this helps, 

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Re: IE Trusted Site Meduim Security is Blocking Report Download (cvs, etc)

2012-09-14 Thread D Dussie
We are looking for a workaround.  This setting has to remain. 

I thank you all for your input and future one.

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Re: IE Trusted Site Meduim Security is Blocking Report Download (cvs, etc)

2012-09-14 Thread D Dussie
Andrew, that is what I thought initially. 

An exception was made, which we didnot catch until now. Its has been like this 
in our environment for sometime. Our workaround was the User tool, but we are 
attempting to drive these heavy users to the web. We worked with BMC, there 
final answer pointed to IE issue. With a recent production issue, lead us down 
this path.

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Re: IE Trusted Site Meduim Security is Blocking Report Download (cvs, etc)

2012-09-14 Thread D Dussie
IE has Trused Sites in corner.

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Re: IE Trusted Site Meduim Security is Blocking Report Download (cvs, etc)

2012-09-14 Thread D Dussie
Hi Andrew, 

Fireworks fine. No issue.

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Re: IE Trusted Site Meduim Security is Blocking Report Download (cvs, etc)

2012-09-14 Thread D Dussie
Hi Fred.

Nothing happens when you select the banner. 

All other browers work because they are not being managed by gp (group policy). 
 Unfortunately, IE is corporate standard. 

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Re: [EXTERNAL] IE Trusted Site Meduim Security is Blocking Report Download (cvs, etc)

2012-09-14 Thread D Dussie
Thanks for the responding Natalie.

1. The domain in question is applied with group policy and forced on each 
login. So, the user has the ability to remove the setting locally each time, 
but that would be a nussiances. Actually, it does not work in IE8, either. But 
currently, IE7 is the corporate standard. However, I am addressing IE8, with 
its rollout.

1a. It works in all other browsers not management by any policy. So, this rules 
out the proxy.pac.

2. Yes, we can put in the local intranet which has med-low security setting, 
but the issue it is current in trusted site. (in our environment with many 
applications to consider, removing it will be an issue, as the impact cannot to 
gauged, especially for critical apps.)

The solution i can think of,

1.  is new domain. Which will be alot of work 
2. have users install non-standard browser, which group policy don't control. 
3. users go directly to http servers, behind bigip (worst solution, but still 

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Re: IE Trusted Site Meduim Security is Blocking Report Download (cvs, etc)

2012-09-14 Thread D Dussie
Thanks for responding John,

No SSL (https).. at any layer.

BigIP >> 2 httpserver > 2 webapps server > 7.5P4 ARS.

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IE Trusted Site Meduim Security is Blocking Report Download (cvs, etc)

2012-09-14 Thread D Dussie
Hello List,

Issue: We are on IE7, users are unable to download reports to cvs, etc. 

BMC: We have reported the issue to BMC, who indicated the issue with IE.

We tool that further recently, found that domian which Midtier is hosted under, 
is a member of trusted sites at a meduim security.

We are unable to remove domain from trusted sites, nor will information 
security low securuty level.

Is there anything in the midtier configuration, that can all this function?

Domain (bigip) --> Http Servers --> WebApp Server.
MT 7.4p5 on Web 6.1 on aix 6.1.
ARS 7.4p5 on 11g on aix 6.1

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Re: Retrieving Attachments from ARS DBs ?

2012-08-17 Thread D Dussie
To retrieve multiple attachments for incidents and change what we have been is 
written a scripts are runmacro.

My env is Unix
1. Create a macro that exports the  attachment when pass the single 
change/incident variable.
2. Append the macro above "end' to-file: Report.xml
3. Export to *.rep, *.xml, or *.arx ..  file format should export the 
attachments, not sure which at the moment we use .xml/.rep
4. Run macro "runmacro path" -x server -a port -d "macro directory" -e "Name of 
Macro" -U "user" -P "password"
5. Note Name of Macro is not the filename, but the first line of the content of 
file bc WUT will give it a funky name.. 
6. This will export the attachments specific to change/incidents.
7. We added a wrapper to the process, to allow passing multiple 
incidents/change, and with the creation of each attachment export, grab to 
files, create a folder of that change record and place the respective 
attachments in them.
8. Otherwise, all the attachments will be in one location and you won't know 
which belongs to change/incidents request.
9. we used sharepoint to upload each change/incident folder, so user/auditor 
have access to attachments, instead of going to Remedy and look one at a time. 
10. we are exploring Documentum, for better storage since attachments with 
characters in name is not sharepoint friendly.

Kinda messy but it works.

Having spoken to BMC support: I was told runmacro will not go away when the 
client is decommissioned.

However, we are exploring if this can be accomplished with webservices.

Hope this helps.

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Re: Runmacro is not returning the stdout error

2012-08-10 Thread D Dussie
That is correct, it is being called externally. The tec/onmibus server ssh/rsh 
to the remedy server to executed the script. This is what I'm simulating, 
running it local on server (commandline), which should do the stdout of 
arerrors but this is not occurring with 7.5 runmacro, but does work with the 
6.3 runmacro.

This is what seen from shell and no error stdout.
BMC Remedy Action Request System  Unix Runmacro Version 7.5.00
Copyright (c) BMC Software, Inc. 1991-2009. All rights reserved.
Executing macro - Automation. Please wait...
Macro - Automation processing complete.


Action Request System  Unix Runmacro Version 6.3
Copyright (c) BMC Software, Inc. 1991-2005. All rights reserved.
Executing macro - Automation. Please wait...
 - You have selected a CPI that is not valid, please re-select a CPI to 
If you need to request a new CPI, Submit a Remedy Request with the following 
Sched./Planned Work -- Desktop Software -- Remedy-Request New CPI [ARERR 653258]
Macro - Automation processing complete.

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Re: Runmacro is not returning the stdout error

2012-08-09 Thread D Dussie
7.5 filter logs does capture the error, but does not do the stdout nor log to 
the arfork.log.  " Error while performing filter action: Error 653258"

  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 19:15:47.9647 */  Checking 
"*FP-SM 340 SM Validate CPI 1" (340)
 --> Failed 
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 19:15:47.9647 */  Checking 
"*FP-SM 350 SM Validate CPI 2" (350)
 --> Passed 
-- perform actions

You have selected a CPI that is not valid, please re-select a CPI to continue.

If you need to request a new CPI, Submit a Remedy Request with the following 

Sched./Planned Work -- Desktop Software -- Remedy-Request New CPI
while performing filter action: Error 653258
"*FP-SM 350 SM Validate CPI 2": No enabled error handler
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 19:15:47.9648 */ End of filter processing (phase 1) -- Operation - 
CREATE on FP-SM Svc Management System - 
Push Fields -> "FP-RA 750 S Submit Request" (ARERR 326)
while performing filter action: Error 326
"FP-RA 750 S Submit Request": No enabled error handler
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 19:15:47.9649 */ End of filter processing (phase 2) -- Operation - 
CREATE on FP-RA Svc Request Automation - AUTO0467618
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 19:15:47.9774 */Canceled filter processing due to error
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 19:15:47.9879 */ Start filter processing (phase 1) -- Operation - 
DELETE on AR System Current License Usage - 0113932
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 19:15:47.9880 */ End of filter processing (phase 1) -- Operation - 
DELETE on AR System Current License Usage - 0113932
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 19:15:47.9949 */ Start filter processing (phase 1) -- Operation - 
CREATE on AR System Historical License Usage - 

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Re: Runmacro is not returning the stdout error

2012-08-09 Thread D Dussie
Ok, found the protocol definition, its just defining the verison you are 

Protocol: Version
Protocol 11:6.3
Protocol 12:7.0.1
Protocol 13:7.1
Protocol 14:7.5
Protocol 17:7.6.03
Protocol 18:7.6.04

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Re: Runmacro is not returning the stdout error

2012-08-09 Thread D Dussie
Exactly, using a data that should not return an error and execute to create a 
incident ticket, this works fine for both versions 6.3/7.5. 

BMC is request recreating the macro in 7.5. vs the current which was created in 
probably 6.3 version at max. However, since this is a flatfile , i'm waiting on 
there response to why!

What is the protocol# relevance? 

(protocol 11) - 6.3 version 
(protocol 14) - 7.5 version 

This seems to be consistent.

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Re: Runmacro is not returning the stdout error

2012-08-09 Thread D Dussie
Thank you for responding,

api.log shows the marco is being executed, however that stdout of the error is 
not occuring,

when it registers "Unidentified Client" -- the stdout of the error occurs.
when it registers "runmacro" is fails..

What does it mean to be an Unidentified Client?

  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:02.5327 */+GSIARGetServerInfo -- as user tivoli from runmacro 
(protocol 14) at IP address ARSERVERIP
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:02.5385 */-GSI  OK
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:02.5489 */+GSIARGetServerInfo -- as user tivoli from runmacro 
(protocol 14) at IP address ARSERVERIP
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:02.5832 */-GSI  OK
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:02.5937 */+VERARVerifyUser -- user tivoli from runmacro 
(protocol 14) at IP address ARSERVERIP
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:02.5945 */-VER  OK
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:02.6027 */+VERARVerifyUser -- user tivoli from runmacro 
(protocol 14) at IP address ARSERVERIP
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:02.6038 */-VER  OK
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:02.6305 */+VFCARValidateFormCache -- form FP-RA Svc Request 
Automation from runmacro (protocol 14) at IP address ARSERVERIP
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:02.6714 */-VFC  OK
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:02.6799 */+EXPARExport -- as user tivoli from runmacro (protocol 
14) at IP address ARSERVERIP
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:02.9796 */-EXP  OK
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:02.9963 */+EXPARExport -- as user tivoli from runmacro (protocol 
14) at IP address ARSERVERIP
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:03.2139 */-EXP  OK
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:03.2301 */+CE ARCreateEntry -- schema FP-RA Svc Request 
Automation from runmacro (protocol 14) at IP address ARSERVERIP
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:04.1499 */-CE   FAIL
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:13.7207 */+GEIARGetEncryptInfo -- as user  from Unidentified 
Client (protocol 11) at IP address 
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:13.7208 */-GEI  OK
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:13.7290 */+GSIARGetServerInfo -- as user tivoli from 
Unidentified Client (protocol 11) at IP address ARSERVERIP
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:13.7294 */-GSI  OK
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:13.7333 */+GSIARGetServerInfo -- as user tivoli from 
Unidentified Client (protocol 11) at IP address ARSERVERIP
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:13.7524 */-GSI  OK
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:13.7594 */+VERARVerifyUser -- user tivoli from Unidentified 
Client (protocol 11) at IP address ARSERVERIP
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:13.7601 */-VER  OK
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:13.7685 */+VERARVerifyUser -- user tivoli from Unidentified 
Client (protocol 11) at IP address ARSERVERIP
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:13.7687 */-VER  OK
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:13.8196 */+VFCARValidateFormCache -- form FP-RA Svc Request 
Automation from Unidentified Client (protocol 11) at IP address ARSERVERIP
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:13.9915 */-VFC  OK
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:14.0106 */+CE ARCreateEntry -- schema FP-RA Svc Request 
Automation from Unidentified Client (protocol 11) at IP address ARSERVERIP
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 15:30:14.6678 */-CE   FAIL

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Re: Runmacro is not returning the stdout error

2012-08-09 Thread D Dussie
Hello List, 

Hoping someone can assist.

With further investigation, I have found that filters are not being executed 
with 7.5 Runmacro executes. The errors are not being written to arfork.log.

With Runmacro 6.3, 

Arfilter.log logs this entry, which is reflected in the stdout error for 
runmacro 6.3 version,
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 11:32:16.9885 */  Checking 
"*FP-SM 350 SM Validate CPI 2" (350)
 --> Passed 
-- perform actions

You have selected a CPI that is not valid, please re-select a CPI to continue.

If you need to request a new CPI, Submit a Remedy Request with the following 

Sched./Planned Work -- Desktop Software -- Remedy-Request New CPI
while performing filter action: Error 653258
"*FP-SM 350 SM Validate CPI 2": No enabled error handler
  /* Thu Aug 09 
2012 11:32:16.9886 */ End of filter processing (phase 1) -- Operation - 
CREATE on FP-SM Svc Management System - 

$/usr/ar/remedy/bin/runmacro -x server-a port-d /home/remedy/arHome/arcmds -e 
Automation -p Automation_Tag=D774_EVENT  -p SRD="Testing_Psl_Ups" -p wo>
Action Request System  Unix Runmacro Version 6.3
Copyright (c) BMC Software, Inc. 1991-2005. All rights reserved.
Executing macro - Automation. Please wait...
 - You have selected a CPI that is not valid, please re-select a CPI to 
If you need to request a new CPI, Submit a Remedy Request with the following 
Sched./Planned Work -- Desktop Software -- Remedy-Request New CPI [ARERR 653258]
Macro - Automation processing complete.

$/usr/ar/remedy/bin/runmacro7.5 -x server-a port-d /home/remedy/arHome/arcmds 
-e Automation -p Automation_Tag=D774_EVENT  -p SRD="Testing_Psl_Ups" -p>
BMC Remedy Action Request System  Unix Runmacro Version 7.5.00
Copyright (c) BMC Software, Inc. 1991-2009. All rights reserved.
Executing macro - Automation. Please wait...
Macro - Automation processing complete. 

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2012-07-17 Thread D Dussie
SRDF = Symmetrix Remote Data Facility
DR = Disaster Recovery

Instead of database replication with Oracle Data Guard, which we currently use 
, is anyone using SRDF method?

If yes, what issues (if any), did you encounter??


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Re: (prod issue) rpc socket delete from ar.conf

2012-07-09 Thread D Dussie
Thank you for responding. 

It amazes me, BMC has no responses for this.

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Re: (prod issue) rpc socket delete from ar.conf

2012-07-09 Thread D Dussie
Has anyone encountered this,

These parameters was removed from ar.conf not by human (for what I know) 

Private-RPC-Socket:  390601   1   1
Private-RPC-Socket:  390603   1   1
Private-RPC-Socket:  390620   2  12
Private-RPC-Socket:  390621   5  16
Private-RPC-Socket:  390635   2   8
Private-RPC-Socket:  390680   2   2
Private-RPC-Socket:  390626   2   4

Needing to figure out how this happened?

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Re: How to monitor Remedy server

2012-05-25 Thread D Dussie

Not sure if native Remedy does this, 
- but look at the snmp and mib file.

however, we used IBM infosphere guardium,

1. How many users has logged in to remedy server? Currently Application User 
translation for guardium cannot tell specifically which user is logged in, only 
the app id. 
2. How many forms have been modified by users? You can monitor tables/schemas, 
for sql procedure calls. 
3. How many session that users has started at remedy server?Currently 
Application User translation for guardium cannot tell specifically which user 
is logged in, only the app id. 
4. How many users have been logged into UNIX box?Now, if you users are logging 
into the unix server (putty/sqlpus), and acting on the daabase, then the tool 
should be OS User, DB User, Source Program, full sql. Howeever, if thru, the 
application, then dbuser = remedy application id.
5. Is there any Back up activity happening on any of the production remedy 
servers ?sql procedure calls and full sql will lat you know if the backs are 
running, or source programs like Rman, etc.
6. At UNIX level check how many process running currently and which process 
taking long time and too much memory? Guardium cannot to this , but use i 
think, (will need to check with Monitoring team).. nmon with another tool

Hope this helps,

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Re: Changing the port on oracle; Question?

2012-02-13 Thread D Dussie
To be safe with production, we will schedule outage -- shutdown-port 

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Resolved: Changing the port on oracle; Question?

2012-02-13 Thread D Dussie
Thanks Fred, was hoping would not have to.

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Re: Installation questions

2012-02-07 Thread D Dussie
Thanks Fred,

tnsnames.ora, db uses ldap to authenticate
In the install screen doesnot put "servicename" in the Connection 
Identifier,but does in ServiceName/SID. Doesnot populate the port which is 
different from 1521, and hostname.

Another, interesting case - (is this the conflict, can the application not 
connect to servicename, excluding the SID; because tnsping SID will resolve 

Current Remedy_p, has servicename_p = sid_p on port 1521
New Remedy_d, has servicename_d != sid_d not on port 1521, but sid_d=sid_p

tnsnames.ora file: =
  (SID = PLSExtProc)
  ) =
  (SERVICE_NAME = servicename)

 Looking at the install log, note only installing Arsystem not the ARDC, 
etc components..(working with each errors, as experienced is prior upgrade)

Feb 06 2012 06:02:31.958 PM 
  THROWABLE EVENT {Description=[Failed to validate AR DB user exists]},
  Throwable=[java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

Feb 06 2012 06:02:37.995 PM 
  THROWABLE EVENT {Description=[Failed to retrieve oracle system file path]},
  Throwable=[java.sql.SQLException: Listener refused the connection with the 
following error:
ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect 
The Connection descriptor used by the client was:

Re: Installation questions

2012-02-07 Thread D Dussie
Looking thru the install logs, I see the below being set eventhough I am 
running as true root, 

(Feb 06 2012 05:48:43.217 PM 
(Feb 06 2012 05:48:43.217 PM 
  LOG EVENT {Description=[Property],Detail=Warning! ORACLE client libraries do 
not have the appropriate privileges or 64 bit libraries or Oracle

Connection Identifier is mistyped and an unknown database error 
occurred. Set the appropriate privileges and retry the installation. (For more 
information about the privileges of the installation user for the database 
client libraries and versions, see the Compatibility Matrix at 

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Re: Help: Oracle Error - New Installation 7.5P4 ARS

2012-02-02 Thread D Dussie
We have checked PATHS, PERMISSION, ROLES, .please help

additional information:

Logs errors,

Feb 02 2012 11:09:10.727 AM 
(Feb 02 2012 11:09:10.728 AM 
(Feb 02 2012 11:09:10.773 AM 
  LOG EVENT {Description=[COMPLETED 
(Feb 02 2012 11:09:10.794 AM 
  LOG EVENT {Description=[CREATED 

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Unable to create cvs file on mid-tier

2010-09-10 Thread D Dussie

Is/has anyone experiencing this issue of being unable to create an cvs report 
from the mid-tier. Can you help with a solution?

Getting: Report Error: Fail to perform action.

On the Reports Forms,
- Selecting a report format 
- Setting
Destination = File
Override Query Format in Report? No
Report Format = CVS
Character Encoding = windows-1252
On running this report
Dialog box Report File Name = Report.cvs (default)
- OK
- On screen report appears as well as the Report Error above.

Seems it cannot preform the to-file action. 

This had worked initially.


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[no subject]

2010-08-30 Thread D Dussie

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[no subject]

2010-08-27 Thread D Dussie

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Re: ARS 6.3/Oracle 9 -to- ARS 7.5/Oracle 11g

2010-07-16 Thread D Dussie
If you can verify 9i client works against 11g db on same os, then probably this 
will work. 

My environment is .. aix.

Our migration path to 11g,
aix 5.3 L7 -6.3 -  9i - 10g 
aix 5.3L7 - 7.5 - 10g
aix 6.1 - 7.5 - 10g.

We needed aix upgrade and os and application.




-Original Message-
From: Rabi Tripathi 
To: arslist 
Sent: Fri, Jul 16, 2010 2:47 pm
Subject: ARS 6.3/Oracle 9 -to- ARS 7.5/Oracle 11g

Hi all,

To make the above switch, I am planning to first upgrade to Oracle 10g, then 

upgrade ARS to 7.5, then upgrade Oracle to 11g. 

The key fact being that Oracle 11g is not supported by ARs 6.3, but Oracle 10g 

is supported by both ARS 6.3 and ARS 7.5.

The lazy in me is trying to find out if I can somehow skip 10g. To do so, I 

would have to try ARS 7.5 with Oracle 9, or ARS 6.3 with Oracle 11g. I know 

these are not supported combinations, but it doesn't mean I can't have them 

(especially for the duration of the upgrade work). Anybody done it?

ARS (both 6.3 and future 7.5) and Oracle 9 are in Solaris. Oracle 10g, 11g will 

be in Linux.

Thanks in advance.



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Re: Client 7.5

2010-06-07 Thread D Dussie
- Disk1 Folder
-- InstData Folder
-- utility
-- setup.cmd

 -- setup.jar

---> There documentation say setup.exe but that doesn't exist. Instead, 
setup.cmd launches the installer.




-Original Message-
From: Kevin Begosh 
To: arslist 
Sent: Mon, Jun 7, 2010 1:41 pm
Subject: Re: Client 7.5

**once the install starts running you will then be able to decide what you want 
to install.  The new install with 7.5 comes with everything, AR Server, 
Clients, Mid Tier, Approval, Email etc...

On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 1:38 PM, Kathy Morris  wrote:

I am using the executable   When I select "setup" 
it tells me I am about to install AR Server 7.5.  I do not want AR Server on my 
desktop.  And I do not see the user.exe.  The setup.exe is listed.

In a message dated 6/7/2010 1:17:47 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 

-Original Message-
From: Kathy Morris 
To: arslist 
Sent: Mon, Jun 7, 2010 1:14 pm
Subject: Client 7.5

I am trying to install the client 7.5.  I went to Remedy's website and there 
are 2 files and  I have tried 
both or these files multiple times and I keep getting the executable to install 
AR Server 7.5.  I do no want to install AR Server 7.5 on my desktop.  I just 
need the client  7.5.  Where do I get this executable from?
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_attend WWRUG10 ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"_

_attend WWRUG10 ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"_ 

Kevin Begosh
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Re: Client 7.5

2010-06-07 Thread D Dussie



-Original Message-
From: Kathy Morris 
To: arslist 
Sent: Mon, Jun 7, 2010 1:14 pm
Subject: Client 7.5

I am trying to install the client 7.5.  I went to Remedy's website and there 
are 2 files and  I have tried 
both or these files multiple times and I keep getting the executable to install 
AR Server 7.5.  I do no want to install AR Server 7.5 on my desktop.  I just 
need the client  7.5.  Where do I get this executable from?
_attend WWRUG10  ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"_

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Re: Resolved: 7.5.1 ARS Install on AIX problems

2010-04-27 Thread D Dussie



I think I ran into this issue Remove the X11 bin for the libpath, default 
on AIX environment.

b.export ORACLE_HOME=
c.export TNS_ADMIN=
d.export ORACLE_SID=
e.export PATH=
f.export LIBPATH =
g.export JAVA_HOME=
h.export LAX_DEBUG=true


-Original Message-
From: DigiLife 
To: arslist 
Sent: Tue, Apr 27, 2010 2:01 pm
Subject: Re: Resolved: 7.5.1 ARS Install on AIX problems

What did you SA exactly do to get this to work? Did you blank out your LANG
variablein your profile? Any detail you can provide would greatly be


Justin Bennett-3 wrote:
> Thanks for the assist yesterday guys, but after working a few variables
> (the SA did something) the installer popped up and started the install. 
> It is a lot slower then I would like but at least we got it going.  I was
> going to use the silent install as the back up and have the txt file ready
> if we need to go that route.
> justin
> - Original Message 
> From: Jarl Grøneng 
> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 11:07:06 AM
> Subject: Re: 7.5.1 ARS Install on AIX problems
> A customer had similar problems. A workaround is to use the silent
> installer.
> The bug should be fixed in patch 002.
> --
> Jarl
> 2009/5/12 Justin Bennett :
>> Hello listers,
>> I am trying to get 7.5 to install on a AIX machine through the GUI, but I
>> am getting a cannot create fontset error.  This problem is occuring after
>> we set the language to unicode.
>> Here is more detail on the message we are getting when we try to install
>> Remedy 7.5 on AIX 6.1.  We are running Hummingbird Exceed as the
>> emulator, with CDE Desktop running via Hummingbird.
>> ./
>> Running installer with DISPLAY environment variable set to:
>> x.x.x.x:0(this is correctly filled in on our screen with
>> IP address)
>> Preparing to install...
>> Extracting the JRE from the installer archive...
>> Unpacking the JRE...
>> Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
>> Configuring the installer for this system's environment...
>> Launching installer...
>> Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 12333
>> Cannot create fontset.
>> Cannot create fontset.
>> Cannot load fonts for IMF.
>> Cannot create fontset.
>> Cannot load fonts for IMF.
>> Cannot create fontset.
>> Justin Bennett
>> Remedy Consultant
>> ___
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>> Platinum ARSlist: "Where the Answers
>> Are"
> ___
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> Platinum ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"
> ___
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Sent from the ARS (Action Request System) mailing list archive at

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Re: ARS 6.3 - Upgrading Oracle from 9i to 10g

2010-04-25 Thread D Dussie

 Are you able to connect the sqlplus in the 9i path to the 10g db?



-Original Message-
From: Jarl Grøneng 
To: arslist 
Sent: Sun, Apr 25, 2010 2:40 pm
Subject: Re: ARS 6.3 - Upgrading Oracle from 9i to 10g

6.3 has never supported 64 bits oracle client.  AR System 7.5 has
64bits support, and therefore support for 64 bits oracle client.


2010/4/25 Fatima :
> **
> Thanks Jarl,
> I have a question, I am currently running ARS 6.3 on a 64bit Oracle 9i
> Database directly without the client and it has been working fine for the
> past three years, is 6.3 compatible only with the 64bit database but does
> not support the 64bit client?
> Regards,
> Fatima
> On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 6:56 PM, Jarl Grøneng 
> wrote:
>> AR System 6.3 only support 32 bit client of Oracle.
>> Regards,
>> Jarl
>> 2010/4/25 Fatima :
>> > **
>> >
>> > Hi List,
>> >
>> > ARS 6.3 - Upgrading Oracle from 9i to 10g
>> >
>> > I know this issue has been discussed a lot on the list, and I have read
>> > most
>> > of these discussions. Conclusion from past threads: ARS 6.3 does not
>> > work
>> > directly with 10g must be through a 9i client. I have done the
>> > configuration
>> > based on these requirements but still I couldn’t quite get it to work.
>> >
>> > My current problem:
>> >
>> > We are running ARS 6.3 with an Oracle database, we upgraded the
>> > database to 10g.
>> >
>> > I am having a problem starting the ARS; the start script terminates with
>> > following error:
>> >
>> > 390600 : Failure while trying to connect to the SQL database.
>> >
>> > Please ensure the SQL database is running or contact the Database
>> > Administrator for help (ARERR 550)
>> >
>> > ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
>> >
>> > 390600 : Cannot initialize contact with SQL database (ARERR 551)
>> >
>> > Stop server
>> >
>> > These are the configurations:
>> >
>> > OS: Solaris 10 [SPARC – 64bit]
>> >
>> > AR: 6.3 patch 23
>> >
>> > DB: Oracle 10g [64bit]
>> >
>> > Oracle Client: 9.2.0 [64bit]
>> >
>> > I configured the oracle 9.2.0 client to have a TNS entry to direct to
>> > the
>> > 10g database.
>> >
>> > Entries in ar.conf:
>> >
>> > Dbhome-directory: set to the oracle 9 client home
>> >
>> > Oracle-Two-Task: set to TNS entry name in the 9 client that directs to
>> > the
>> > 10g database
>> >
>> > Db-name: name of table space on the 10g database
>> >
>> > Db-user:  correct username
>> >
>> > Db-password: correct password
>> >
>> > My questions:
>> >
>> > 1.   What am I missing?
>> >
>> > 3.   In ar.conf, Can someone explain to me why do I need to enter
>> > the
>> > Db-name if I am entering the Oracle-Two-Task and since its going through
>> > the
>> > TNS entry.
>> >
>> > 4.   Do I need to set the environment variables at the OS level [for
>> > ORACLE_HOME & TWO_TASK] and does ARS read from the environment variables
>> > or
>> > only the entries in ar.conf?
>> >
>> >  Thanks for the help.
>> >
>> > Fatima Amin
>> >
>> > _attend WWRUG10 ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"_
>> ___
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>> attend wwrug10 ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"
> _attend WWRUG10 ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"_

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Re: ARS 6.3 - Upgrading Oracle from 9i to 10g

2010-04-25 Thread D Dussie


We have ran our test environment must of 2009, on 6.3 on 10g, and recent 
upgraded our production and backup to 10g. 

Its simple, 

1. Keep the 9i client
2. Stop the application
3. Back-up ar.conf/
4. Comment out ORACLE_SID
4. Add Oracle-Two-Task = "oracle_sid"
5. Keep the oracle path to point to the 9i cleint (sqlplus)
6. Upgrade the db to 10g.

Please note Ars 6.3 and db sits in same server (unix).




-Original Message-
From: Jarl Grøneng 
To: arslist 
Sent: Sun, Apr 25, 2010 2:40 pm
Subject: Re: ARS 6.3 - Upgrading Oracle from 9i to 10g

6.3 has never supported 64 bits oracle client.  AR System 7.5 has
64bits support, and therefore support for 64 bits oracle client.


2010/4/25 Fatima :
> **
> Thanks Jarl,
> I have a question, I am currently running ARS 6.3 on a 64bit Oracle 9i
> Database directly without the client and it has been working fine for the
> past three years, is 6.3 compatible only with the 64bit database but does
> not support the 64bit client?
> Regards,
> Fatima
> On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 6:56 PM, Jarl Grøneng 
> wrote:
>> AR System 6.3 only support 32 bit client of Oracle.
>> Regards,
>> Jarl
>> 2010/4/25 Fatima :
>> > **
>> >
>> > Hi List,
>> >
>> > ARS 6.3 - Upgrading Oracle from 9i to 10g
>> >
>> > I know this issue has been discussed a lot on the list, and I have read
>> > most
>> > of these discussions. Conclusion from past threads: ARS 6.3 does not
>> > work
>> > directly with 10g must be through a 9i client. I have done the
>> > configuration
>> > based on these requirements but still I couldn’t quite get it to work.
>> >
>> > My current problem:
>> >
>> > We are running ARS 6.3 with an Oracle database, we upgraded the
>> > database to 10g.
>> >
>> > I am having a problem starting the ARS; the start script terminates with
>> > following error:
>> >
>> > 390600 : Failure while trying to connect to the SQL database.
>> >
>> > Please ensure the SQL database is running or contact the Database
>> > Administrator for help (ARERR 550)
>> >
>> > ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
>> >
>> > 390600 : Cannot initialize contact with SQL database (ARERR 551)
>> >
>> > Stop server
>> >
>> > These are the configurations:
>> >
>> > OS: Solaris 10 [SPARC – 64bit]
>> >
>> > AR: 6.3 patch 23
>> >
>> > DB: Oracle 10g [64bit]
>> >
>> > Oracle Client: 9.2.0 [64bit]
>> >
>> > I configured the oracle 9.2.0 client to have a TNS entry to direct to
>> > the
>> > 10g database.
>> >
>> > Entries in ar.conf:
>> >
>> > Dbhome-directory: set to the oracle 9 client home
>> >
>> > Oracle-Two-Task: set to TNS entry name in the 9 client that directs to
>> > the
>> > 10g database
>> >
>> > Db-name: name of table space on the 10g database
>> >
>> > Db-user:  correct username
>> >
>> > Db-password: correct password
>> >
>> > My questions:
>> >
>> > 1.   What am I missing?
>> >
>> > 3.   In ar.conf, Can someone explain to me why do I need to enter
>> > the
>> > Db-name if I am entering the Oracle-Two-Task and since its going through
>> > the
>> > TNS entry.
>> >
>> > 4.   Do I need to set the environment variables at the OS level [for
>> > ORACLE_HOME & TWO_TASK] and does ARS read from the environment variables
>> > or
>> > only the entries in ar.conf?
>> >
>> >  Thanks for the help.
>> >
>> > Fatima Amin
>> >
>> > _attend WWRUG10 ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"_
>> ___
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>> attend wwrug10 ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"
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Re: ARERR [623] on Mid-tier only in User Form

2010-04-09 Thread D Dussie

 That would make sense. 

The request is passes from the MT to server and is successfully executed within 
server, but the return response to MT fails because it cannot authenticate the 
cookie. But back to the issue, this only occurs with admin modifying their own 
ID in user form. 

1. All other forms and even the admin modifying other user on the user form 
doesnot fail, wouldn't it use the same hand-shake between MT and ARS ?

2. Is it a failed security feature of the version 7.5, such that admins cannot 
modify there own ID's.

3. We are disable SSO - to see if this is interfering but this would affect 
2000 users if that were the case. 

Any thoughts.



-Original Message-
From: Richard Copits 
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Sent: Fri, Apr 9, 2010 4:03 pm
Subject: Re: ARERR [623] on Mid-tier only  in User Form

Isn’t a “623” midtierlogin error due to incompatable backchannel passwords?

From: Action Request System discussion 
list(ARSList)[] On Behalf Of Dee
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 11:46 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: ARERR [623] on Mid-tier only in User Form


Unix AIX 5.3 L9 
ARS 7.5 P4
Mid-tier 7.5p4
Websphere 6.1 32-bit
Java 1.5 32 bit
On the mid-tier only, as admin modifying -  my adminUser form (any field on the 
Form), produces the ARERR [623] Authenticationfailed error. I'm able to use 
mid-tier is full except this issue. Once I getthis error, I have to logout and 
back in.  Once loggged in, and view theUser form - the changes have been made. 
(Does not occur in WUT)
Fiddler -->
HTTP/1.1200 OK
Date:Fri, 09 Apr 2010 15:19:50 GMT
Keep-Alive:timeout=10, max=100
Content-Type:text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Mid-tier Log --->
Apr 8, 2010 3:10:49 PM - SEVERE (com.remedy.log.SERVLET): (Thread 104) 
com.remedy.log.SERVLETGoatException during NDXRequest: ARERR[623] 
Authentication failed 
atcom.remedy.arsys.backchannel.GetEntryListAgent.process(Unknown Source) 
atcom.remedy.arsys.backchannel.NDXRequest.(Unknown Source) 
atcom.remedy.arsys.backchannel.NDXFactory.handleRequest(Unknown Source) 
atcom.remedy.arsys.stubs.BackchannelServlet.doRequest(Unknown Source) 
atcom.remedy.arsys.stubs.GoatServlet.postInternal(Unknown Source) 
atcom.remedy.arsys.stubs.GoatHttpServlet.doGet(Unknown Source) 
Caused by: ERROR (623): Authentication failed; 
atcom.bmc.arsys.api.ProxyJRpcBase.verifyStatus(Unknown Source) 
atcom.bmc.arsys.api.ProxyJRpcBase.a(Unknown Source) 
atcom.bmc.arsys.api.ProxyJRpcBase.arCall(Unknown Source) 
atcom.bmc.arsys.api.ProxyJRpc.ARGetOneEntryWithFields(Unknown Source) 
atcom.bmc.arsys.api.ARServerUser.getOneEntryObject(Unknown Source) ... 31 more

Re: MSI Installer for Remedy 7.5 WUT

2010-03-25 Thread D Dussie

HI Bob,

We deploy the WUT to 300 users across the country. To deploy the WUT to these 
user, using IBM TIVOLI CONFIGURATION MANAGER . As to create a pack to deploy, 
we are currently working with BMC, using the silent install directions in the 
7.5 Installation document. However, we are having issues:

1. Separating the alert tool from the client, regardless of the switches in the 

2. The installation lays down install folder in temp direct, this folder varies 
with each installation, as a result, windows firewall is flagging the java 
within it.We unavailable to add to global firewall rule a variable exception.

To bypass the above issue, we have created a MSI, testing phase currently. 
Another group does this work for  us, but MSI can be built and deployed, such 
that non-admin enduser is not involved.

-Original Message-
From: patrick zandi 
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Sent: Thu, Mar 25, 2010 8:37 pm
Subject: Re: MSI Installer for Remedy 7.5 WUT

hey bob, 
you are correct, it can only be installed as local administor, not someone who 
has administrator rights (if it is hardened) .. 
That would be a great Idea though..
On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 6:34 PM, Robert Halstead  wrote:

** I was wondering if BMC has any plans on creating a MSI bundle for the Remedy 
7.5 WUT.  Our IT department would like us to give them an MSI bundle so that 
other users will be able to install it on their machines since they don't have 
admin access.  Something about user permissions inside the MSI bundle and so 

Has anyone on the list built an MSI package for the Remedy 7.5 WUT?  Or can 
users install without having admin access?

"A fool acts, regardless; knowing well that he is wrong. The ignoramus acts on 
only what he knows, but all that he knows.
The ignoramus may be saved, but the fool knows that he is doomed."

Bob Halstead
_attend WWRUG10 ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"_ 

Patrick Zandi
_attend WWRUG10  ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"_

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