[Artemis-users] Java web start with Artemis

2012-03-19 Thread PIRA (Preethi Ramaiya)

I would like to be able to serve up genomes with BAM files as shown in 
http://www.sanger.ac.uk/resources/software/artemis/ngs/. It is very handy for 
our end-users to be able to visualize the a NGS alignments in a familiar tool.

Is there a how to  set up artemis with Webstart  and bam files loaded per 
genome- how do you get from my genome file and the correspond .bam and .bai to 
the jlnp file that is needed by the web start.

- its probably obvious but I am new to web-start and would appreciate any help.

The server is running Ubuntu with Apache as the web server. It is set up with 
the right mime types for Java Webstart.

Thank you

Best Regards
Preethi Ramaiya

Artemis-users mailing list

[Artemis-users] Conversion of GFF3 into EMBL multiple files

2011-10-06 Thread PIRA (Preethi Ramaiya)
Is there a way to convert multiple GFF3 files into EMBL format with the correct 
"join"  for euk. CDSes? Artemis is able to correctly read and write the GFF3 
/EMBL file I have but how do I do this for multiple contig files. Bioperlish 
options seem straightforward for a one exon ->one CDS mode. I have Parent and 
ID tags in gene/transcript/CDS  structure


Artemis-users mailing list

[Artemis-users] BamView counts/rpkm in Artemis

2011-10-04 Thread PIRA (Preethi Ramaiya)
Is there a way to get all the counts/rpkms generated by loading the BAM file in 
Artemis extracted for all CDSes?


Artemis-users mailing list

Re: [Artemis-users] Artemis Export EMBL From GFF

2010-08-17 Thread PIRA (Preethi Ramaiya)
Trying to do the same thing, multiple contigs

 GFF3 file with FASTA included. GFF has only gene/mRNA/exon/CDS calls trying to 
convert into EMBL.
Gets to the export point and then complains that destination format cannot 
handle keys/qualifiers and then nothing...

Also the Write amino-acids to qualifier - using the GFF3 file writes the 
translation to the exon features rather than the CDS and then the resulting 
file is unreadable by artemis.

Version 12.0.1
>From the link that Tim  posted.

Any pointers...would it help to split the fasta+GFFs  for each contig ?

Many thanks

Artemis-users mailing list

[Artemis-users] MAGPIE .. artemis

2006-09-27 Thread PIRA \(Preethi Ramaiya\)


Has anyone tried out 
the MAGPIE/bluejay system out of http://magpie.ucalgary.edu and compared 
ease of use/feature sets with artemis (web-based)  or apollo -based 
system for annotating microbial genomes. I am interested in your experiences and 
what your conclusions were.
Specifically for a 
community based annotation effort where it will be necessary for third party 
editing of things like gene-names, functions etc but not necessarily of sequence 
data itself.
Artemis-users mailing list

[Artemis-users] CHADO connectivity

2006-09-19 Thread PIRA \(Preethi Ramaiya\)
I am following up on a post I made in Jan 2006. I am currently trying to
use Artemis8 and GFF3. We are planning on using the CHADO schema from
GMOD and also, Gbrowse. We have the CHADO/Gbrowse part working with some
test GFF3 data that we have adapted from the Artemis GFF3 dump. Is there
any plan to get CHADO connectivity in Artemis soon..? :-) That might
save us an Artemis->Apollo migration. We like the user interface in
Artemis (bacterial genomes) and would like to have a straight pipe into

Thank you!


"Hi Preethi

I plan to get a Artemis/ACT release out in the next couple of months
(hopefully sooner than later). To get it talking to CHADO it has become
GFF3 compliant which is what we are working towards but this has not
used in anger yet. 


Artemis-users mailing list

RE: [Artemis-users] database

2006-01-26 Thread PIRA \(Preethi Ramaiya\)

Has anyone converted  Artemis GFF into 
1. Apollo compatible GFF
2. Gbrowse compatible GFF 

There seems to be several quirks specific to each flavor of GFF. Makes
life difficult!

Tim, its great to know that database connectivity(CHADO) is going to
come our way soon. Any thoughts on how soon this might get into
Artemis.. :-)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of biarshin
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 6:50 AM
To: Artemis-users@sanger.ac.uk
Subject: [Artemis-users] database

I would like to set up a database for a small community studying a model

organism. We would we like to have a small database running on our
server that 
the community could access using Artemis. Users would use Artemis for
gene annotations and browsing the genome. Ideally the users would have
option of either connecting to the online database or using a cached
copy of 
the database residing on their local computer (which could be in flat
format since it would be a single user environment).

My question is has anybody set up such as system using Artemis, and
might I get information on how to set it up. Specifically is there
available on how to set up a a centralized database for our genomic 
information that the users could browse with Artemis?


Artemis-users mailing list

Artemis-users mailing list

RE: [Artemis-users] Window placement request

2005-03-25 Thread PIRA \(Preethi Ramaiya\)
I use a similar set-up dual monitors and that would be a nice to have
feature in Artemis.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brooke
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 12:24 PM
To: artemis-users@sanger.ac.uk
Subject: [Artemis-users] Window placement request

I have a feature request that won't kill me to have ignored by the
developers if its a huge bother since I'm probably in a minority of the
userbase and its just a mild annoyance.  Certainly, the other scientists
I've gotten to use Artemis locally don't share this setup.

My request is that the developers keep in mind the location where the
user placed the last instance of a window when opening new windows of a
similar type.  This is not an issue when windows are simply hidden upon

The systems I use when working with Artemis have a dual-monitor setup. 
Because Artemis tends to open dialogs in a screen-centered position
rather than relative to the parent or application window, they are
always nicely split by the borders between the two monitor screens and
must be dragged to the viewable area of one monitor or the other in
order to be sensible.  For example, there are many activities in using
the application where I sequentially open a large number of windows to
look at the information for some features or compare them.

In my own java applications I usually track placement with a rectangle
so that any user-invoked resizing is not lost either.  A Point marking
the current window origin would work nicely as well but I just track the
bounds rectangles so I can reuse a single code snippet to place the

This may not affect enough users to be worth any coding time.  Just
sharing an "I wish..." that frequently runs through my mind when working
with Artemis.  :o)


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