Re: [Asterisk-Users] Text to Speech - Someone needs to do this

2003-07-16 Thread Moshe Yudkowsky
At 15:41 2003-07-15 -1000, Matthew John Darnell wrote:
Why hasn't someone found 50 people who sound alike, put them in sound
studios and record the 10,000 most commonly used words.  You would all
differnent forms of the 1,000 most words, i.e. leading, trailing, question
You can synthesize the other 0.05% when you run into them.  With hard drives
so big, processors so fast and EXT3 that can handle 30,000+ files in a
single directory that seems like the way to do it.
You could sell it for BIG bucks.
Text-to-Speech (TTS) is usually either formative, created by synthesis of 
sounds; or concatenative, created by concatenating sounds of actual speech 

However, concatenative TTS usually works by using small fragments of 
speech, not entire words. The storage requirements are much smaller, and it 
gives the system an opportunity to pick units of speech that match the 
units of speech that precede and follow them.

The real trick is to get the correct posidy. Here's three sentences with 
the same words but each with different prosidy:

I said 'yes.'

I said yes?

_I_ said '_yes_'???!!

Both formative and concatenative systems add prosidy. Adding prosidy to 
whole-word concatentative systems is difficult.

If you're in a buying mood, there are some excellent TTS systems available. 
For example, Rhetorical ( has some excellent 
voices. And they have the funniest TTS current available is the Southern 
California female voice; I use it for non-serious demos (That's so 
totally awesome.)

Commercial TTS is actually very intelligble and perfectly adequate for many 

 Moshe Yudkowsky
 2952 W Fargo
 Chicago, IL 60645 USA
 +1 773 764 8727
Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Text to Speech - Someone needs to do this

2003-07-16 Thread Moshe Yudkowsky
At 10:11 2003-07-16 -0700, Chris Albertson wrote:

if you want a synthetic voice to sound
natural you will have to tell the software the _intent_ of the words
not just the words.  You would need a markup language for that
emph I /emph said quotequestionword yes /quote/questionword
The W3C has a TTS markup language, SSML, However, SSML is not a _semantic_ 
markup language. SSML gives directives about prosidy and pronunciation.

 And don't put down festival.  Many (most?) of the comercial systems
_are_ festival.
I am not putting down Festival. However, I don't believe that many or most 
commercial systems are based on Festival.

I think we should take any further discussion off-list.

 Moshe Yudkowsky
 2952 W Fargo
 Chicago, IL 60645 USA

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] VXML?

2003-07-15 Thread Moshe Yudkowsky
At 21:35 2003-07-14 -0400, Kevin Herzig wrote:
Anyone know of anybody doing VXML with Asterisk and/or Linux?

Open-source VoiceXML (VXML) interpreters are available for Linux. This does 
you absolutely  no good, of course; you must integrate the interpreter into 
the platform. I.e., input in the interperter is VoiceXML, the output is in 
some API that must integrate with the platform. Even getting ECMAScript 
running in VoiceXML is a non-trivial task.

Speechworks and Nuance will cheerfully sell you VoiceXML on Linux. I think 
IBM may also have something... check Alphaworks.

I assume that you're attempting to build VoiceXML services on top of SIP? 
This is something that interests me as well. What architecture do you have 
in mind, if I may ask? Integrated VoiceXML on Asterisk wouldn't be my 
initial choice, at least for what I have in mind.

Unfortunately, despite a month of futzing around, I cannot get Asterisk to 
work a softphone -- any softphone -- so I have no practical advice.

 Moshe Yudkowsky
 2952 W Fargo
 Chicago, IL 60645 USA
 +1 773 764 8727
Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] 2003-06-10 CVS: softphone connection failures

2003-07-10 Thread Moshe Yudkowsky
I just downloaded the latest CVS. RTP streams from a X-Lite on a PC, to 
the Linux box running Asterisk and Linphone, seem to connect:

-- Called m4
-- SIP/m4-dd8f is ringing
-- SIP/m4-dd8f answered SIP/m12-3649
-- Attempting native bridge of SIP/m12-3649 and SIP/m4-dd8f

But then Linphone sends an endless stream of complaints:

(linphone:20223): oRTP-WARNING **: Error sending rtp packet: Connection refused.
This is new behavior... not to say that X-Lite and Asterisk ever 
successfully sent streams to each other in my hands, just that this 
current CVS seems to be a backwards step.

SJPhone still has the one-way talk-path problem -- a connection seems to 
go through, very static-filled indeed, and then after about 5 seconds 
the talk path goes down.

I don't know if it this is a problem with my softphone installation, or 
if  it's an Asterisk problem.

 Moshe Yudkowsky *
Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] One-way talk paths (without INVITE?) and other issues

2003-07-07 Thread Moshe Yudkowsky
I'm experiencing one-way voice paths, followed by a hangup on one 
softphoine and not the other. Also, caller ID has odd outputs -- and I 
wonder if the problems are related.

My configuration has Asterisk and a Linphone softphone running on the 
same box. I have a PC, and on that PC I use X-Lite or SJPhone to connect 
to the Linphone instance.

When I call from the PC to Linphone:

* I call from the PC (user m12) to Linphone (usr m4), which rings

* I answer on Linphone

* Asterisk attempts to set up a talk path. Here's the output from 
Asterisk, with Linphone (m4) connecting to the PC (m12):

-- Called m4
-- SIP/m4-8f2b is ringing
-- Registered SIP 'm12' at port 5060 expires 500
-- SIP/m4-8f2b answered SIP/m12-195f
-- Attempting native bridge of SIP/m12-195f and SIP/m4-8f2b

I don't know how the registered statement appreared in the middle.

At this point I can talk into the PC and hear it on Linphone -- but I 
cannot speak into Linphone and hear myself on the PC.  After about 10 
seconds, possibly less:

* The PC phone gets a hangup message (BYE).

* Linphone does *not* get a hangup message and remains offhook. Any 
attempt to call Linphone from the PC results in Asterisk routing the 
call to voicemail. I must manually hang up Linphone.

Oddly enough, the caller ID displayed by Linphone, and apparently sent 
by Asterisk, is incorrect. Instead of showing m12 as the caller ID, 
Linphone receives m1 as the caller ID:

Via: SIP/2.0/UDP x1.x2.x3.x4:5060;branch=z9hG4bK0c4d7e4c
From: m1 sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED];tag=as62b91e33
To: sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:5062;tag=4210403538
Contact: sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
CSeq: 104 INVITE
User-Agent: Asterisk PBX
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 159
(x1.x2.x3.x4 substituted for the actual IP address.)

To my fairly untrained eye, this looks like a legitimate proxy message 
but the caller ID is wrong. My SIP configuration file does contain both 
m1 and m12 as legitimate callers:

I also note the following Asterisk warnings. I cannot tell if they 
happen just before or just after I lose the one-way voice path:

WARNING[81926]: File chan_sip.c, Line 415 (retrans_pkt): Maximum retries exceeded on 
call [EMAIL PROTECTED] for seqno 103 (Request)
WARNING[81926]: File chan_sip.c, Line 415 (retrans_pkt): Maximum retries exceeded on 
call [EMAIL PROTECTED] for seqno 104 (Request)
Furthermore, I have yet to see a SIP channel disappear after a call is 
over. They are always listed as active, even hours later. Here are is 
the result of show sip channels:

Peer User/ANRCall ID  Seq (Tx/Rx)  Lag  Jitter  Format  478c64565be  00104/0  0ms  ms  0  4d330ced01e  00104/1  0ms  ms  0  0bb7855f15b  00104/1  0ms  ms  0  3db8538b4b4  00104/1  0ms  ms  0
4 active SIP channel(s)

but none of these calls are active in any sense of the term that I can 
think of. I have tried to use the sip show channel command for further 
testing, but apparently I don't understand the syntax of the command -- 
sip show channel 478c64565be and sip show channel m4/478c64565be and 
sip show channel SIP/m4-8f2b all give the same error message, no such 
SIP call ID 'whatever'. Either I don't understand the sip show 
channels command, or there's a bug.

My questions are:

* How is it that I get one-way voice paths? Is this a configuration 
problem? Are the INVITES not getting through but the voice paths 
established anyway?

* What's the problem with the incorrect caller IDs? I have *no* caller 
ID settings that I'm aware of in my *.conf files. The PC's program 
registers as m12 but Asterisk sends m1 as the name. PC-side 
debugging shows that the PC sends [EMAIL PROTECTED] as its name.

Although this feels like a bug, I strongly suspect that I'm missing some 
simple SIP configuration issue, but I haven't been able to track it down 
just yet.  And I'd like to clarify any other issues before starting on a 
bug hunt.

 Moshe Yudkowsky *
Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Today's Message from linphone; update on Khpone and SJPhone and X-Lite

2003-07-02 Thread Moshe Yudkowsky
At 22:10 2003-07-01 -0400, you wrote:
To find out what version yuor using, dial *999 and a debug/trace window will
appear.  In the SIP messages it will indicate the type of UA your using and
the version.  example below:   try another call attempt with this window
open and capture the call flow and send it to me.  See below in bold or
(User-Agent: X-PRO build 1035).


Thanks for writing. After you wrote, I had a brainwave and remembered that 
the UA is in the debug logs on asterisk...

Be that as it may, I'm using X-Lite, and the latest version from their web 
site is build 1016. That's as of today (Wednesday, 07-02), and that's the 
version that I'm using on my system.

I will send you the debug logs off-list, but here's the question: is it 
likely that X-Pro works but X-Lite still has trouble with its SDP?


- Original Message -
From: Moshe Yudkowsky [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 9:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Today's Message from linphone; update on
Khpone and SJPhone and X-Lite
 At 20:08 2003-07-01 -0400, Michael Kane wrote:
 What version of X-Lite are you using.  The latest is build v1035.  There
 where problems in earlier releases with SDP values, that could be the
 you not seeing invites or media.  I had issues only with the media not
 setting as X-lite tried to negotiate media with another endpoint and teh
 was hosed.


 I downloaded the version I'm using late last week or early this week. It
 ought to be the latest. There's no way to tell from looking at the app
 (that I can find) what build it is.

 Let's see... created June 18th. That's pretty recent. I think it may be
 bug-report time.

 Any softphones you recommend for PC or for Linux? I'm actually rather
 disappointed with everything I've tested, with the exception of SJPhone
 (but I've only fiddled with it very briefly).

 Michael Kane
 To-Talk Communications LLC.
 37 Sandusky Dr.
 Wareham, Ma. 02571
 - Original Message -
 From: Moshe Yudkowsky [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 7:24 PM
 Subject: [Asterisk-Users] Today's Message from linphone; update on Khpone
 and SJPhone and X-Lite
   Today's frustrated programmer award goes to Linphone, which has the
   following debug output:
(linphone:28655): LinphoneCore-WARNING **: this fucking remote sip
 did not answered properly to my sdp offer!
   I get this message when I connect to linphone using a softphone, or
   I try to use linphone to connect to asterisk and listen to an
   announcement. I suspect that this is a linphone problem... other
   don't report problems.
   In other news, according to my trace of Ethernet packets, the PC
   softphone X-Lite sends no RTP packets -- neither UDP nor TCP -- to my
   Linux softphone, nor does it play out the UDP packets that it
   This is not an asterisk problem because the PC's SJphone does work --
   The PC's SJPhone does send/receive packets directly to asterisk. But
   there seems to be a problem with someone's negotiation protocol --
   Kphone seems to expect GSM and SJPhone is apparently sending G.711.
   can imagine how that sounds. More later if I get it straightened out.
 Moshe Yudkowsky *
   Asterisk-Users mailing list
 Asterisk-Users mailing list

   Moshe Yudkowsky
   2952 W Fargo
   Chicago, IL 60645 USA
   +1 773 764 8727

 Asterisk-Users mailing list

Asterisk-Users mailing list

 Moshe Yudkowsky
 2952 W Fargo
 Chicago, IL 60645 USA
 +1 773 764 8727
Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] Sorry 'bout that

2003-07-02 Thread Moshe Yudkowsky
Sorry 'bout that vacation message. Procmail usually is smart enough to 
avoid sending replies to mailing lists. I put in a rule to prevent this 
from happening again.

 Moshe Yudkowsky *
Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] Today's Message from linphone; update on Khpone and SJPhone and X-Lite

2003-07-01 Thread Moshe Yudkowsky
Today's frustrated programmer award goes to Linphone, which has the 
following debug output:

(linphone:28655): LinphoneCore-WARNING **: this fucking remote sip phone did not answered properly to my sdp offer!
I get this message when I connect to linphone using a softphone, or when 
I try to use linphone to connect to asterisk and listen to an 
announcement. I suspect that this is a linphone problem... other clients 
don't report problems.

In other news, according to my trace of Ethernet packets, the PC 
softphone X-Lite sends no RTP packets -- neither UDP nor TCP -- to my 
Linux softphone, nor does it play out the UDP packets that it receives. 
This is not an asterisk problem because the PC's SJphone does work -- 

The PC's SJPhone does send/receive packets directly to asterisk. But 
there seems to be a problem with someone's negotiation protocol -- 
Kphone seems to expect GSM and SJPhone is apparently sending G.711. You 
can imagine how that sounds. More later if I get it straightened out.

 Moshe Yudkowsky *
Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Today's Message from linphone; update on Khpone and SJPhone and X-Lite

2003-07-01 Thread Moshe Yudkowsky
At 20:08 2003-07-01 -0400, Michael Kane wrote:
What version of X-Lite are you using.  The latest is build v1035.  There
where problems in earlier releases with SDP values, that could be the reason
you not seeing invites or media.  I had issues only with the media not
setting as X-lite tried to negotiate media with another endpoint and teh SDP
was hosed.


I downloaded the version I'm using late last week or early this week. It 
ought to be the latest. There's no way to tell from looking at the app 
(that I can find) what build it is.

Let's see... created June 18th. That's pretty recent. I think it may be 
bug-report time.

Any softphones you recommend for PC or for Linux? I'm actually rather 
disappointed with everything I've tested, with the exception of SJPhone 
(but I've only fiddled with it very briefly).

Michael Kane
To-Talk Communications LLC.
37 Sandusky Dr.
Wareham, Ma. 02571
- Original Message -
From: Moshe Yudkowsky [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 7:24 PM
Subject: [Asterisk-Users] Today's Message from linphone; update on Khpone
and SJPhone and X-Lite
 Today's frustrated programmer award goes to Linphone, which has the
 following debug output:

  (linphone:28655): LinphoneCore-WARNING **: this fucking remote sip phone
did not answered properly to my sdp offer!

 I get this message when I connect to linphone using a softphone, or when
 I try to use linphone to connect to asterisk and listen to an
 announcement. I suspect that this is a linphone problem... other clients
 don't report problems.

 In other news, according to my trace of Ethernet packets, the PC
 softphone X-Lite sends no RTP packets -- neither UDP nor TCP -- to my
 Linux softphone, nor does it play out the UDP packets that it receives.
 This is not an asterisk problem because the PC's SJphone does work --

 The PC's SJPhone does send/receive packets directly to asterisk. But
 there seems to be a problem with someone's negotiation protocol --
 Kphone seems to expect GSM and SJPhone is apparently sending G.711. You
 can imagine how that sounds. More later if I get it straightened out.

   Moshe Yudkowsky *

 Asterisk-Users mailing list

Asterisk-Users mailing list

 Moshe Yudkowsky
 2952 W Fargo
 Chicago, IL 60645 USA
 +1 773 764 8727
Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] Connections, but no voice paths except by console

2003-06-30 Thread Moshe Yudkowsky
I have a software-only PBX set up. I can register various softphones and 
they will call each other -- but I've never succeeded in getting any 
voice routed from any of the softphones. Only the console will transmit 

I am writing to ask if I have missed some obvious step in configuring 
the system.


(1) Softphones running on the same machine as the PBX: Only Kphone seems 
to work reliably. Kphone will register and connect, but if I dial a 
different softphone on the same machine and get routed to voice mail, I 
hear the voice mail announcement but I am unable to leave a voice mail 
messsage. The reason is explicit on the debug output (I nearly used the 
phrase ROP!), which says that the voicemail SIP connection is dropped 
because there's been no input.

If I reach the other softphone, I cannot transmit from one to the other.

Is the inability to transmit part of the continuing problems between 
Asterisk and ALSA?

(2) If I dial from the console into voicemail, I can hear and transmit. 
If I dial to/from the console to a softphone, then I can transmit audio 
from the console to the softphone (apparently -- there's no way I can 
see to debug this to determine who is getting audio from whom).

(3) Softphones on a different PC: Using X-Lite from my (*shudder*) 
Windows box, I can connect to the console on my PBX, or be routed to 
voicemail. In either case, I cannot transmit audio in *either* 
direction, from the PC to the console, or the console to the PC. E.g., 
the softphone does not hear the audio output of the voicemail announcement.

If I let the PC's softphone go to voicemaill, the debug output shows 
that * drops the call because there's no audio.

I'm deducing that for some reason I an not routing *any* audio via SIP. 
Is there some configuration issue I'm missing?

 Moshe Yudkowsky *
Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Connections, but no voice paths except by console

2003-06-30 Thread Moshe Yudkowsky
So, as usual, about 30 seconds after I send off the message I come to the 
realization that I've done a Dumb User Trick (aka operator error).

* noload of does disable the console.

* I can call from a softphone on the PBX to the PBX's voicemail and 
transmit audio!

* But -- I cannot transmit or receive audio from a softphone on a different 
machine. I can connect, but there's no audio sent or recevied to the PC.

They're all behind the same firewall, the debug output shows that the RTP 
port is correct. Any ideas for something else simple I've missed?

At 12:16 2003-06-30 -0500, Steven Critchfield wrote:
If you have the console working, then you can't use a softphone on the
same machine. If you want to test with a softphone, set the console
driver to noload and try again. This would probably be the same for your
dialing to other SIP phones.
I'm guessing that ALSA doesn't allow more than one connection to the mic
and asterisk already has it. Alsa I think allows multiple connections to
the speakers though.
On Mon, 2003-06-30 at 11:28, Moshe Yudkowsky wrote:
 I have a software-only PBX set up. I can register various softphones and
 they will call each other -- but I've never succeeded in getting any
 voice routed from any of the softphones. Only the console will transmit

 I am writing to ask if I have missed some obvious step in configuring
 the system.


 (1) Softphones running on the same machine as the PBX: Only Kphone seems
 to work reliably. Kphone will register and connect, but if I dial a
 different softphone on the same machine and get routed to voice mail, I
 hear the voice mail announcement but I am unable to leave a voice mail
 messsage. The reason is explicit on the debug output (I nearly used the
 phrase ROP!), which says that the voicemail SIP connection is dropped
 because there's been no input.

 If I reach the other softphone, I cannot transmit from one to the other.

 Is the inability to transmit part of the continuing problems between
 Asterisk and ALSA?

 (2) If I dial from the console into voicemail, I can hear and transmit.
 If I dial to/from the console to a softphone, then I can transmit audio
 from the console to the softphone (apparently -- there's no way I can
 see to debug this to determine who is getting audio from whom).

 (3) Softphones on a different PC: Using X-Lite from my (*shudder*)
 Windows box, I can connect to the console on my PBX, or be routed to
 voicemail. In either case, I cannot transmit audio in *either*
 direction, from the PC to the console, or the console to the PC. E.g.,
 the softphone does not hear the audio output of the voicemail announcement.

 If I let the PC's softphone go to voicemaill, the debug output shows
 that * drops the call because there's no audio.

 I'm deducing that for some reason I an not routing *any* audio via SIP.
 Is there some configuration issue I'm missing?
Steven Critchfield  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Asterisk-Users mailing list

 Moshe Yudkowsky
 2952 W Fargo
 Chicago, IL 60645 USA
 +1 773 764 8727
Asterisk-Users mailing list

RE: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk ALSA module not working

2003-06-25 Thread Moshe Yudkowsky
I've made a dumb user error: a typo in modules.conf had me loading both and works. works.
But you must pick one or the other. I will submit a patch in a few hours 
for moduules.conf so that Asterisk will work out-of-the-box.

Wade, if you're not already doing so, use the command asterisk -d and 
look at the output; I use asterisk -d | tee /tmp/asterisktrace so 
that I will have a record to look at.

At 15:08 2003-06-24 -0400, you wrote:
I have exactly the same problem.  RedHat 8 w/latest Alsa.


 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:asterisk-users-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Moshe Yudkowsky
 Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 2:17 PM
 Subject: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk ALSA module not working

 Asterisk doesn't work with the latest CVS of ALSA (2003-06-24) . The
 module won't load even if the oss module,,
 isn't loaded. There are no error messages.

 Moshe Yudkowsky
 2952 W Fargo
 Chicago, IL 60645 USA

Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] Working Clients for Linux?

2003-06-24 Thread Moshe Yudkowsky
All the clients that I'm aware of for IP telephony have drawbacks. Some 
won't work at all.

KPHONE -- Kphone works best for me, but Kphone doesn't have a dialpad to 
dial tones during the middle of the call, so the demo that * comes with 
can't be run. Kphone (3.1, the latest) also has a habit of crashing if 
you do something even mildly stressful, such as hang up while Kphone is 
trying to connect.

LINPHONE -- Linphone does not work with ALSA, nor with ALSA's OSS 
emulation. I've used pre-packaged version of Linphone and compiled my 
own, using --enable-alsa to get it up and running. NOTE -- not all 
versions of ALSA let you do this! There's a silent failure to compile -- 
check config.log to make certain that the ASOUND_H is defined.

GNOPHONE -- Gnophone also does not work with ALSA, although I haven't 
yet tried to compile it from a tarball/CVS. With ALSA version 0.9.4, 
GnoPhone won't even give me a chance to configure the sound card. IIRC 
GnoPhone did work with 0.9.2 and possibly 0.9.3.

1. I invite comments from people who can get these clients to work with 
ALSA 0.9.4. I am working with the latest CVS of ALSA.

2. Are there other open-source clients that I've missed?

P.S. I've fiddled with the CVS versions only enough to get things to 
compile. E.g., in linphone, must be changed to find 
alsa/asoundlib.h instead of sys/asoundlib.h. Well, ok, I did add 
-mfmath=sse to some of the Makefiles but that should be harmless enough...

 Moshe Yudkowsky *
Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk ALSA module not working

2003-06-24 Thread Moshe Yudkowsky
Asterisk doesn't work with the latest CVS of ALSA (2003-06-24) . The 
module won't load even if the oss module,, 
isn't loaded. There are no error messages.

I've been chasing ALSA/Asterisk/client problems in one form or another 
for some time now. In previous versions of Asterisk and ALSA -- i.e., 
last week -- I could load either or; as of this 
morning, only will load.

The symptoms are very straightforward: If loads, no 
subsequent module loads. An outward sign is that show dialplan will 
have just a few items and not the entire dialplan because 
doesn't load, and important functions like stop now do not exist at 
the console.

There are no error messages, and just the ordinary debug messages. I 
haven't had any success deciphering the problem -- I'm still figuring 
out its extend and ramping up on new sections of Asterisk code.

I am using the latest (2003-06-24) CVS of asterisk.

Question: Is anyone using Asterisk's and ALSA version 0.9.4 
from a later CVS? I like to know if it's some problem with my local 
configuration or a bug I haven't found.

Related question: Are OSS and ALSA mutually incompatible? I would think 
so, but there's nothing in the documentation. If they should *not* be 
loaded simultaneously, I will submit a few lines to patch modules.conf.

 Moshe Yudkowsky *
Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Re: Applications, dialplan not loading

2003-06-16 Thread Moshe Yudkowsky
Just a brief progress report on the the applications and dialplan not loading:

If I don't load, by using in 
modules.conf, I do get the dialplan, apps, and etc. (I received a hint 
offlist from someone who had problems who'd tried a different version of 
this solution.)

I suspect that the problem is a conflict between the libasound2 libraries 
in the Debian package and the libasound provided by the latest version of 
ALSA. I am working the issue.

Problems to solve:

* Resolving library issues

* Determining why asterisk does not issue sufficiently complaints about (or whatever it is that's blocking loading the dialplan.)

 Moshe Yudkowsky
 2952 W Fargo
 Chicago, IL 60645 USA
 +1 773 764 8727
Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] .gsm files

2003-06-15 Thread Moshe Yudkowsky
At 10:34 2003-06-15 -0400, you wrote:
Hi guys,
Being a true Linux geek, I've never been too much into sounds or sound
files other than a few .mp3 songs I got.  My question is pretty
straightforward and simple.  I see that the music format of choice for
asterisk is .gsm.  What can I use to listen to files in .gsm format and
what is the most effective way of recording files into .gsm format?
The sox program will convert wav into gsm:

$ sox foo.wav foo.gsm

does the trick.

 Moshe Yudkowsky
 2952 W Fargo
 Chicago, IL 60645 USA
 +1 773 764 8727
Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Re: Applications, dialplan not loading

2003-06-15 Thread Moshe Yudkowsky
At 18:31 2003-06-15 +0200, you wrote:
But you're using a packaged version of asterisk?

Have you tried with downloading, compiling and installing
from cvs?
The pre-packaged .deb always gave me this problem -- stop now never 
worked, but at least it loaded all the dialplans when I'd start it.

The CVS version used to work, with all functions enabled including stop 
now. However, The CVS no longer works. I tried the latest CVS as of today 

I'm still experimenting...

 Moshe Yudkowsky
 2952 W Fargo
 Chicago, IL 60645 USA

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Applications, dialplan not loading

2003-06-14 Thread Moshe Yudkowsky
I checked that; the directories point to the correct places.

As I mentioned in a follow-up message, strace shows that my system 
doesn't even try to load the modules. I can load, etc., 
followed by load to get a dialplan -- but then the system 
doesn't find the voice files, and doesn't even try to find the voice files.

autoload=yes in /etc/asterisk/modules.conf.

I welcome any suggestions. Because of the Sabbath I haven't had an 
opportnity to figure out  how to attach ddd to the correct aseterisk 
process to debugh file.c. I am using the CVS of 06-13 (Friday).

At 17:03 2003-06-14 -0500, you wrote:
Is it possible your asterisk.conf reflects different directories for
storing your modules?

On Fri, 13 Jun 2003, Moshe Yudkowsky wrote:

 At 09:32 2003-06-13 -0500, you wrote:
 Since you're using the sound card for testing you need to
 change in the /etc/asterisk/alsa.conf or oss.conf


 Thanks very much for the suggestion.

 I tried setting


 in alsa.conf. That didn't work. I decided to delete oss.conf to see if it
 made a difference, and that didn't work either. Neither did re-creating
 oss.conf  and using context=default.

 I should mention that dial [EMAIL PROTECTED] didn't work either; not surprising,
 since there's no dialplan loaded other than the parkedcalls context.

 I'd appreciate any further suggestions!

   Moshe Yudkowsky
   2952 W Fargo
   Chicago, IL 60645 USA

 Asterisk-Users mailing list

Asterisk-Users mailing list

 Moshe Yudkowsky
 2952 W Fargo
 Chicago, IL 60645 USA
 +1 773 764 8727
Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] Applications, dialplan not loading

2003-06-13 Thread Moshe Yudkowsky
I've built the latest CVS of asterisk -- not the zaptel or libpri 
directories, just the asterisk directory. asterisk installs 
successfully, but there are severe problems. I built this system in the 
past and ran it, but now building it again fails. This is the CVS as of 
this morning, 2003-06-13, but I had problems on 06-11/12 as well.

After make; make install; make samples; make config, I have a complete 
system installed with all the demo packages. As I have done previously, 
I attempted to test the system using dial 500. This failed with the 
messsage No such extension '500' in context 'local'.

I have diagnosed several problems:

(1) None of the application modules seem to autoload, so Macro and 
Zapateller are not loaded automatically. (/etc/modules.conf does 
contain autoload=yes). I can load these from the command line, but 
they do not autoload as they did in the past.

(2) Other built-ins do not load. E.g., stop now is missing when I type 
help, and 'asterisk -rx 'stop now' fails with No such command 'stop' 
(type 'help' for help).

(3) The dialplan does not load. Using show dialplans, I expect to see 
the demo and default dialplans as given in the sample extensions.conf; 
however, the only dialplan I see is the parkedcall dialplan.

The log file does not shed any light (to my eyes, at least) as to why 
the dialplan in extensions.conf does not load.

What I find extremely puzzling is that this worked with a previous CVS, 
the one I first got on about 06-09. Since then I have upgraded to the 
latest version of alsa, but I can't understand why that would make a 
difference. (Although the log file complains about chan_oss and the 
sound resouce being busy, it does load alsa and dialing a parked-call 
extension does execute correctly).

Comments? Suggestions?

 Moshe Yudkowsky *
Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Disabled echo canceller because of tone (rx)

2003-06-13 Thread Moshe Yudkowsky
At 10:30 2003-06-13 -0400, John Congdon wrote:
Does anyone know what this means?  It is in DMESG, and we have
people complaining about echo.
Disabled echo canceller because of tone (rx)

Guess: to prevent multiple echo cancellers from working on the same call, 
an echo canceller adds a tone -- was it 100 Hz? -- to the voice path. Other 
echo cancellers, after detecting the tone, will stop.

 Moshe Yudkowsky
 2952 W Fargo
 Chicago, IL 60645 USA
 +1 773 764 8727
Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Applications, dialplan not loading

2003-06-13 Thread Moshe Yudkowsky
At 09:32 2003-06-13 -0500, you wrote:
Since you're using the sound card for testing you need to
change in the /etc/asterisk/alsa.conf or oss.conf

Thanks very much for the suggestion.

I tried setting


in alsa.conf. That didn't work. I decided to delete oss.conf to see if it 
made a difference, and that didn't work either. Neither did re-creating 
oss.conf  and using context=default.

I should mention that dial [EMAIL PROTECTED] didn't work either; not surprising, 
since there's no dialplan loaded other than the parkedcalls context.

I'd appreciate any further suggestions!

 Moshe Yudkowsky
 2952 W Fargo
 Chicago, IL 60645 USA

Asterisk-Users mailing list

RE: [Asterisk-Users] Disabled echo canceller because of tone (rx)

2003-06-13 Thread Moshe Yudkowsky
At 10:04 2003-06-13 -0600, you wrote:
But we get this message all the time though on normal voice calls and it's
not because we're calling fax machines or modems.
The tone is put in by long-distance voice network echo cancellers -- calls 
over 400 miles IIRC. This prevents multiple ECs from trying to echo-cancel 
the conversations.

So it's not just a fax/modem tone. It's a Bell-standard telephone-network 
EC tone.

 Moshe Yudkowsky
 2952 W Fargo
 Chicago, IL 60645 USA

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Applications, dialplan not loading

2003-06-13 Thread Moshe Yudkowsky
Some more info on this problem:

(1) None of the application modules seem to autoload, so Macro and 
Zapateller are not loaded automatically. (/etc/modules.conf does contain 
autoload=yes). I can load these from the command line, but they do not 
autoload as they did in the past.

(2) Other built-ins do not load. E.g., stop now is missing when I type 
help, and 'asterisk -rx 'stop now' fails with No such command 'stop' 
(type 'help' for help).

(3) The dialplan does not load. Using show dialplans, I expect to see 
the demo and default dialplans as given in the sample extensions.conf; 
however, the only dialplan I see is the parkedcall dialplan.

If I load at the cli, then load and, I can eventually get the dialplan loaded. This is 
problematical to say the least!

What I also find is that dial 500 fails because the demo file, in the 
demo directory, cannot be found -- it's printed out as a WARNING in verbose 
mode. However, the file is very clearly in the directory and is present.

I suspect, but cannot prove, there's hardcoded path lurking in the *.c 
files somwhere... unless someone has a suggestion?

 Moshe Yudkowsky
 2952 W Fargo
 Chicago, IL 60645 USA
 +1 773 764 8727
Asterisk-Users mailing list