Re: Polling Sucks! (was RE: Atom feed synchronization)

2005-06-18 Thread Paul Hoffman

At 10:06 PM -0400 6/17/05, Sam Ruby wrote:
P.S.  Why is this on atom-sytax?  Is there a concrete proposal we 
are talking about here?  Is there likely to be?

Wearing my co-chair hat:

IETF WG mailing lists are normally used for creating specs that are 
listed in the charter. They are also used for general discussion on 
the topic of the WG, even if that general discussion is not covered 
in the charter. The latter is perfectly proper if it does not 
interfere with the former.

This WG is now in a waiting state on the format draft, and is 
actively discussing the protocol draft on a different mailing list 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]). Thus, discussions of things related to the 
use of the Atom format is fine on this list as long as it doesn't get 
"out of hand", for some very vague definition of "out of hand".

Discussions that might lead to individual (non-WG) submissions of 
Internet Drafts are expressly encouraged at this time. That is not to 
say "let's start adding a bunch of needless extensions and 
provisions", but certainly "I see a need and I think I might propose 
a solution" is a Very Good Thing for this list.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

Re: Polling Sucks! (was RE: Atom feed synchronization)

2005-06-18 Thread Sam Ruby

Joe Gregorio wrote:

On 6/17/05, Sam Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

P.S.  Why is this on atom-sytax?  Is there a concrete proposal we are
talking about here?  Is there likely to be?

Were you expecting [atom-syntax] to vanish in a puff of smoke
once we have a couple RFCs under our belt? Given the technology,
and the participants, I would expect [atom-syntax] to have the 
longevity of [xml-dev].

Silly me.  And here I thought it fertile grounds for a protocol 
discussion.  Carry on, then.

- Sam Ruby

Re: Polling Sucks! (was RE: Atom feed synchronization)

2005-06-18 Thread Robert Sayre

On 6/18/05, Joe Gregorio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 6/17/05, Sam Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > P.S.  Why is this on atom-sytax?  Is there a concrete proposal we are
> > talking about here?  Is there likely to be?
> Were you expecting [atom-syntax] to vanish in a puff of smoke
> once we have a couple RFCs under our belt? Given the technology,
> and the participants, I would expect [atom-syntax] to have the
> longevity of [xml-dev].


Re: Polling Sucks! (was RE: Atom feed synchronization)

2005-06-18 Thread Joe Gregorio

On 6/17/05, Sam Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> P.S.  Why is this on atom-sytax?  Is there a concrete proposal we are
> talking about here?  Is there likely to be?

Were you expecting [atom-syntax] to vanish in a puff of smoke
once we have a couple RFCs under our belt? Given the technology,
and the participants, I would expect [atom-syntax] to have the 
longevity of [xml-dev].


Joe Gregorio

Re: first request for an atom extension: Re: Polling Sucks! (was RE: Atom feed synchronization)

2005-06-18 Thread Bill de hÓra

Henry Story wrote:

[...]  Something like:

http://.../next"; href=" 

would be really useful. 


Mark Nottingham did something on this a while back; try digging through 
the archives.


Re: Polling Sucks! (was RE: Atom feed synchronization)

2005-06-18 Thread Bill de hÓra

Eric Scheid wrote:

how does Atom over XMPP help in this scenario:

1) wake up
2) scratch myself, stagger around in morning fog
3) turn on computer, launch feed reader
4) wonder what changes happened during the night

This is not the thread you're looking for - go back to bed!


Re: Polling Sucks! (was RE: Atom feed synchronization)

2005-06-18 Thread Bill de hÓra

Bob Wyman wrote:

Joe Gregorio wrote:

The one thing missing from the analysis is the overhead, and
practicality, of switching protocols (HTTP to XMPP).

I'm not aware of anything that might be called "overhead." What our
clients do is, upon startup, connect to XMPP and request the list of Atom
files that they are monitoring. They then immediately fetch those files to
establish their start-of-session state. From that point on, they only listen
to XMPP since anything that would be written to the Atom files is also
written to XMPP. HTTP is only used on start-up. It's a pretty clean process.

I'm guessing Joe is talking about network administration. There's no 
shortage of places that won't even let you use SSH or POP, never mind on 
XMPP. It's port 80 via the proxy or nothing. This is an observation of 
the current state of affairs, please don't confuse it with an advocacy 
of it.


Re: Polling Sucks! (was RE: Atom feed synchronization)

2005-06-18 Thread Bob Wyman

Sam Ruby wrote:
P.S.  Why is this on atom-sytax?  Is there a concrete proposal we are 
talking about here?  Is there likely to be?

   Because James Snell asked a question?.. But, more seriously:
   I intend to write an Internet draft for RFC3229+feed and hope that I'll 
be able to get the working group to consider it. Given the implemenation 
history, we certainly meet the IETF tradition of having more than three 
independent implementions as well as considerable experience in field use. 
Also, the "Atom over XMPP" Internet Draft is something that I think the 
Working Group should consider once the issues related to the syntax and 
protocol specs are dealt with.
   In any case, I think it is traditional for IETF mailing lists to provide 
a forum for discussion of potential use of the protocols that they define in 
addition to providing a forum for the work of defining the language of the 
specifications themselves. It is only by developing a common understanding 
of the various use cases that we can understand how the future work, if any, 
of the working group should be defined.

   bob wyman

Re: Polling Sucks! (was RE: Atom feed synchronization)

2005-06-18 Thread Bob Wyman

James M Snell wrote:

If I understand Bob's solution correctly, it goes something like:
1) wake up
2) scratch whatever you need to scratch
3) turn on computer, launch feed reader
4) feed reader does some RFC3229+feed magic to catch up on what happened 
during the night
5) feed reader opens a XMPP connection to receive the active stream of new 
   This is precisely what I was describing and it is what we implement in 
the PubSub Sidebar clients. This hybrid combination gives you the best of 
both worlds. The result is the lowest possible bandwidth consumption as well 
as the lowest latency in delivering content to clients.
   The Push+Pull approach is particularly well suited to the kind of high 
volume application that James Snell describes -- particularly if the server 
has a large number of readers. While I've previously pointed out the benefit 
to the network (efficient utilization of bandwidth) and to clients (low 
latency), it is important to point out that the Push model offers real 
benefits for the server as well. In extremely high volume applications, it 
is important that the server be able to control and smooth load. Server 
based load control is most easily accomplished with a Push system. In a Pull 
based system, load is almost totally dependent on client-driven scheduling 
and thus load tends to be very bursty. Bursty load is the worst possible 
thing to have in a network-based system. In Push based systems, the server 
is able to eliminate load bursts by spreading delivery of entries over 
time -- without worrying about the need to service bursty client requests 
within the window of their request time-out limits.
   Even though there are all sorts of advantages to using Push-based and 
hybrid Push+Pull systems, the reality is that only a tiny percentage of all 
the millions of servers that support Atom feeds will have sufficient traffic 
or readership to benefit from these methods. As Joe Gregario suggests in his 
recent note: "99.99% of all syndication is done via HTTP" and this will 
probably remain the case in terms of a raw census of servers. However, it is 
also clear we are seeing significant growth in the use of feed aggregators 
like PubSub, FeedBurner and the other blog search and monitoring services. 
Also, we are seeing an increase in the use of feed-readers on mobile devices 
which require that feeds be consolidated and fed through proxies in order to 
reduce the amount of polling and other processing done by those mobile 
devices. As the use of these services increases, it will make sense for 
client developers to implement client-based support for Push+Pull and thus 
provide to their users the benefits of reduced bandwidth, reduced session 
management, and reduced latency. Broad client-based support makes sense even 
if similarly broad server-based support does not.

   bob wyman

first request for an atom extension: Re: Polling Sucks! (was RE: Atom feed synchronization)

2005-06-18 Thread Henry Story

This is a good venue. I think XMPP and polling can be explored.

But for the needs of BlogEd [1] on which I am working, and for my  
personal needs,
I would really like us to introduce an extension to the link concept,  
to provide
a pointer to the next page in a historically ordered sequence of feed  
For many people who have dumb internet connections with very minimal  
servers, the
xmpp solution requires a lot more technology than we have available  
or want to be

bothered with. Something like:

http://.../next"; href=" 

would be really useful. It requires only a working apache on the  
server side.
On the client side it is really simple to follow. The client just  
needs to have access
to the base feed url, and can follow these links through all the  
change history of the

feed if he wishes.

It would allow me to have a:
  - a remote backup of my blog
  - provide the means to synchronize it between two editors
  - allow clients and aggregators to get a complete historical view  
of the feed.

And it comes at really no cost, since all it requires is for us to  
mint a new "next"
url. So how does one go about extending atom? This was meant to be a  
feature of it,

and especially of the link concept.

Henry Story


On 18 Jun 2005, at 06:27, James M Snell wrote:

Sam asked
> P.S.  Why is this on atom-sytax?  Is there a concrete proposal we  
are talking about here?  Is there likely to be?

I launched this discussion here for three reasons:

1. Everyone who care's about it is probably already here

2. Main discussion about the syntax is pretty much complete so  
there is no real risk of derailing anything

3. If there was no already accepted solution to the problem, this  
would be a logical place to begin hunting for and discussing the  

That said, however, is there a better venue that you could suggest?

Capping out the conversation a bit, Bob Wyman's RFC3229+feed  
proposal, once written up into an Internet-Draft, will provide the  
solution that I'm searching for (e.g. the ability to catch up on  
what has changed in a feed over a given period of time).  The XMPP  
Push model would likely not be implemented in the case I'm  
considering but I couldn't rule it out completely.  I believe it is  
Bob's intention to draft up the RFC3229+feed and pitch it to this  
group for discussion.

Sam Ruby wrote:

Joe Gregorio wrote:

On 6/17/05, Bob Wyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Joe Gregorio wrote:

The one thing missing from the analysis is the overhead, and
practicality, of switching protocols (HTTP to XMPP).

   I'm not aware of anything that might be called "overhead."

I was referring to switching both the client and server from running
HTTP to running XMPP. That may not be practical or even possible
for some people. Yes, I understand that you run this right now.
Yes, I understand that you run a business doing this right now.
Yes, I agree that your solution is one way to solve the problem.

Do you agree that 99.99% of all syndication is done via
HTTP today and also offering an HTTP based solution would be of  

Joe, I'd be careful with how you structure this argument.  It  
could be applied in a different context, for example:

  Do you agree that 99.99% of all syndication is done via HTTP GET
  and POST today and offering a solution based only on these two
  verbs would be of value?

One can go down this path and cater to the least common  
denominator always, or one can say that perhaps MIDP 1.0 phones  
are not particularly well adapted to perform complex editing tasks  
beyond simple GET and POST.

Perhaps HTTP is suited to a wide, but not universal, range of  
applications dealing with relatively coarse and relatively  
infrequently updated content; and XMPP is well suited to a  
different -- always on, firehose -- set of applications, with a  
wide overlap between the two.

And perhaps they could be combined.  I could see a future where  
there was a "feedmesh" backbone with nodes exchanging data via  
XMPP, serving content out to the rest of the universe via HTTP.

- Sam Ruby

P.S.  Why is this on atom-sytax?  Is there a concrete proposal we  
are talking about here?  Is there likely to be?

Re: Polling Sucks! (was RE: Atom feed synchronization)

2005-06-17 Thread James M Snell

That's what I believe Bob's RFC3229+Feed proposal addresses. 

If I understand Bob's solution correctly, it goes something like:

1) wake up
2) scratch whatever you need to scratch
3) turn on computer, launch feed reader
4) feed reader does some RFC3229+feed magic to catch up on what happened 
during the night
5) feed reader opens a XMPP connection to receive the active stream of 
new entries

Eric Scheid wrote:

On 18/6/05 6:57 AM, "Bob Wyman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Let's keep Atom as it is now -- without the "first" and "next" tags
and encourage folk who need to keep up with high volume streams to use Atom
over XMPP. Lowered bandwidth utilization, reduced latency and simplicity are
good things.

how does Atom over XMPP help in this scenario:

1) wake up
2) scratch myself, stagger around in morning fog
3) turn on computer, launch feed reader
4) wonder what changes happened during the night



Re: Polling Sucks! (was RE: Atom feed synchronization)

2005-06-17 Thread James M Snell

Sam asked
> P.S.  Why is this on atom-sytax?  Is there a concrete proposal we are 
talking about here?  Is there likely to be?

I launched this discussion here for three reasons:

1. Everyone who care's about it is probably already here

2. Main discussion about the syntax is pretty much complete so there is 
no real risk of derailing anything

3. If there was no already accepted solution to the problem, this would 
be a logical place to begin hunting for and discussing the solution

That said, however, is there a better venue that you could suggest?

Capping out the conversation a bit, Bob Wyman's RFC3229+feed proposal, 
once written up into an Internet-Draft, will provide the solution that 
I'm searching for (e.g. the ability to catch up on what has changed in a 
feed over a given period of time).  The XMPP Push model would likely not 
be implemented in the case I'm considering but I couldn't rule it out 
completely.  I believe it is Bob's intention to draft up the 
RFC3229+feed and pitch it to this group for discussion.

Sam Ruby wrote:

Joe Gregorio wrote:

On 6/17/05, Bob Wyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Joe Gregorio wrote:

The one thing missing from the analysis is the overhead, and
practicality, of switching protocols (HTTP to XMPP).

   I'm not aware of anything that might be called "overhead."

I was referring to switching both the client and server from running
HTTP to running XMPP. That may not be practical or even possible
for some people. Yes, I understand that you run this right now.
Yes, I understand that you run a business doing this right now.
Yes, I agree that your solution is one way to solve the problem.

Do you agree that 99.99% of all syndication is done via
HTTP today and also offering an HTTP based solution would be of value?

Joe, I'd be careful with how you structure this argument.  It could be 
applied in a different context, for example:

  Do you agree that 99.99% of all syndication is done via HTTP GET
  and POST today and offering a solution based only on these two
  verbs would be of value?

One can go down this path and cater to the least common denominator 
always, or one can say that perhaps MIDP 1.0 phones are not 
particularly well adapted to perform complex editing tasks beyond 
simple GET and POST.

Perhaps HTTP is suited to a wide, but not universal, range of 
applications dealing with relatively coarse and relatively 
infrequently updated content; and XMPP is well suited to a different 
-- always on, firehose -- set of applications, with a wide overlap 
between the two.

And perhaps they could be combined.  I could see a future where there 
was a "feedmesh" backbone with nodes exchanging data via XMPP, serving 
content out to the rest of the universe via HTTP.

- Sam Ruby

P.S.  Why is this on atom-sytax?  Is there a concrete proposal we are 
talking about here?  Is there likely to be?

Re: Polling Sucks! (was RE: Atom feed synchronization)

2005-06-17 Thread Sam Ruby

Joe Gregorio wrote:

On 6/17/05, Bob Wyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Joe Gregorio wrote:

The one thing missing from the analysis is the overhead, and
practicality, of switching protocols (HTTP to XMPP).

   I'm not aware of anything that might be called "overhead."

I was referring to switching both the client and server from running
HTTP to running XMPP. That may not be practical or even possible
for some people. Yes, I understand that you run this right now.
Yes, I understand that you run a business doing this right now.
Yes, I agree that your solution is one way to solve the problem.

Do you agree that 99.99% of all syndication is done via
HTTP today and also offering an HTTP based solution would be of value?

Joe, I'd be careful with how you structure this argument.  It could be 
applied in a different context, for example:

  Do you agree that 99.99% of all syndication is done via HTTP GET
  and POST today and offering a solution based only on these two
  verbs would be of value?

One can go down this path and cater to the least common denominator 
always, or one can say that perhaps MIDP 1.0 phones are not particularly 
well adapted to perform complex editing tasks beyond simple GET and POST.

Perhaps HTTP is suited to a wide, but not universal, range of 
applications dealing with relatively coarse and relatively infrequently 
updated content; and XMPP is well suited to a different -- always on, 
firehose -- set of applications, with a wide overlap between the two.

And perhaps they could be combined.  I could see a future where there 
was a "feedmesh" backbone with nodes exchanging data via XMPP, serving 
content out to the rest of the universe via HTTP.

- Sam Ruby

P.S.  Why is this on atom-sytax?  Is there a concrete proposal we are 
talking about here?  Is there likely to be?

Re: Polling Sucks! (was RE: Atom feed synchronization)

2005-06-17 Thread Eric Scheid

On 18/6/05 6:57 AM, "Bob Wyman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Let's keep Atom as it is now -- without the "first" and "next" tags
> and encourage folk who need to keep up with high volume streams to use Atom
> over XMPP. Lowered bandwidth utilization, reduced latency and simplicity are
> good things.

how does Atom over XMPP help in this scenario:

1) wake up
2) scratch myself, stagger around in morning fog
3) turn on computer, launch feed reader
4) wonder what changes happened during the night


Re: Polling Sucks! (was RE: Atom feed synchronization)

2005-06-17 Thread Joe Gregorio

On 6/17/05, Bob Wyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Joe Gregorio wrote:
> > The one thing missing from the analysis is the overhead, and
> > practicality, of switching protocols (HTTP to XMPP).
> I'm not aware of anything that might be called "overhead."

I was referring to switching both the client and server from running
HTTP to running XMPP. That may not be practical or even possible
for some people. Yes, I understand that you run this right now.
Yes, I understand that you run a business doing this right now.
Yes, I agree that your solution is one way to solve the problem.

Do you agree that 99.99% of all syndication is done via
HTTP today and also offering an HTTP based solution would be of value?


Joe Gregorio

RE: Polling Sucks! (was RE: Atom feed synchronization)

2005-06-17 Thread Bob Wyman

Joe Gregorio wrote:
> The one thing missing from the analysis is the overhead, and
> practicality, of switching protocols (HTTP to XMPP).
I'm not aware of anything that might be called "overhead." What our
clients do is, upon startup, connect to XMPP and request the list of Atom
files that they are monitoring. They then immediately fetch those files to
establish their start-of-session state. From that point on, they only listen
to XMPP since anything that would be written to the Atom files is also
written to XMPP. HTTP is only used on start-up. It's a pretty clean process.

> Let's keep Atom as it is now explain to folks who need to keep up with 
> high volume streams the two options they have, either streaming over
> XMPP or "next" links.
Where are these "next" links defined? I don't see them in the Atom
Internet Draft. The word "next" doesn't even appear in the ID... If they
aren't there, how can you call them "Atom as it is now"? I thought Henry
Story was proposing these as extensions.

bob wyman

Re: Polling Sucks! (was RE: Atom feed synchronization)

2005-06-17 Thread Joe Gregorio

On 6/17/05, Bob Wyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Let's keep Atom as it is now -- without the "first" and "next" tags
> and encourage folk who need to keep up with high volume streams to use Atom
> over XMPP.


Let's keep Atom as it is now explain to folks who need to keep up with 
high volume streams the two options they have, either
streaming over XMPP or "next" links.

>  Lowered bandwidth utilization, reduced latency and simplicity are
> good things.

The one thing missing from the analysis is the overhead, and practicality,
of switching protocols (HTTP to XMPP).


Joe Gregorio

RE: Polling Sucks! (was RE: Atom feed synchronization)

2005-06-17 Thread Bob Wyman

Antone Roundy wrote:
> 5. If the feed had entries that were old and not updated, go to step 7 6.
> If the feed has a "first" or "next" or whatever link, go to step 1 using
> that link 7. Open a socket 8. Send "login" XML stanza 
I am assuming that if you are pushing entries via Atom over XMPP,
you would only push new and updated entries. Thus, a client shouldn't need
to check for "old and not updated" entries. Also, I'm assuming that since
you are pushing entries, you wouldn't be inserting "first" or "next" links
that needed to be followed. The client would get all of its entries from the
XMPP stream.

> XMPP could achieve parity in getting feed changes that occurred while
> offline, at the expense of implementation complexity parity, by
> polling the feed once upon startup.
My assumption is that any well-built XMPP feed reader will, in fact,
also be able to read Atom files via HTTP. This is what we do at PubSub and
Gush does the same. I think Bill's app also does this. 
The original question dealt can, I think, be summarized as: "How
does one best keep up with a high-volume Atom publisher?" My point was that
the "first" and "next" links don't make things any easier. They just force
the client to do a great deal of work to discover what the server already
knows -- which entries have been updated. The "first" and "next" links
approach just makes the process of working with feed files more complex as
well as more bandwidth intensive. XMPP support is a much better solution for
keeping up with changes while connected.
Let's keep Atom as it is now -- without the "first" and "next" tags
and encourage folk who need to keep up with high volume streams to use Atom
over XMPP. Lowered bandwidth utilization, reduced latency and simplicity are
good things.

bob wyman

Re: Polling Sucks! (was RE: Atom feed synchronization)

2005-06-17 Thread Antone Roundy

On Friday, June 17, 2005, at 12:32  PM, Bob Wyman wrote:

This is *not* simpler than taking a push feed using Atom over XMPP.
For a push feed, all you do is:
1. Open a socket
2. Send a "login" XML Stanza
3. Process the stanzas as they arrive.


For your solution, you need to:
1. Poll the feed to get a pointer to the "first link". (each poll
will cost you a TCP/IP connection).
2. If you got a new "first link" then go to step 5
3. Wait some period of time (the polling interval)
4. GoTo Step 1
5. Open a new TCP/IP socket to get the next link
6. Form and send an HTTP request for the next entry
7. Catch the response from the server
8. Parse the response to determine if its time stamp is something
you've already seen.
9. If you haven't seen the current entry before, then go to step 5
10. Go to step 1 to start over.

Not to get into a big argument (each method has its advantages 
depending on circumstances), but allow me to revise the above a little. 
 The following assumes applications that attempt to keep you up-to-date 
on changes to the feed that occurred while you were offline:

1. Open a socket
2. Request and get the feed
3. Parse the XML
4. Process the entries (Determine whether each is new/updated or 
not--if so, do the appropriate thing)

5. If the feed had entries that were old and not updated, go to step 7
6. If the feed has a "first" or "next" or whatever link, go to step 1 
using that link

7. Open a socket
8. Send "login" XML stanza
9. Wait for a stanza (sending keep-alive packets periodically), and 
when it arrives...

10. Parse the XML
11. Process it (Determine whether the entry is new/updated or not and 
do the appropriate thing)

12. Go to step 9

1. Open a socket
2. Request and get the feed
3. Parse the XML
4. Process the entries (Determine whether the entry is new/updated or 
not and do the appropriate thing)

5. If the feed had entries that were old and not updated, go to step 7
6. If the feed has a "first" or "next" or whatever link, go to step 1 
using that link

7. Wait some period of time
8. Go to step 1

The XMPP app will need to contain a superset of the polling app's code. 
My assessment of which method wins on various issues:

Latency: XMPP
Implementation complexity: Polling
Bandwidth consumption: XMPP
Resource consumption between polls or pushes: Polling
Getting all feed changes while online: XMPP if you're trying to archive 
the feed, otherwise no difference

Getting feed changes that occurred while offline: no difference

If we're not concerned about ensuring that we get all changes, the 
story is different:

1. Open a socket
2. Send "login" XML stanza
3. Wait for a stanza (sending keep-alive packets periodically), and 
when it arrives...

4. Parse the XML
5. Process it (Determine whether the entry is new/updated or not and do 
the appropriate thing)

6. Got to step 3

1. Open a socket
2. Request and get the feed
3. Parse the XML
4. Process the entries (Determine whether the entry is new/updated or 
not and do the appropriate thing)

5. Wait some period of time
6. Go to step 1

My assessment:

Latency: XMPP
Implementation complexity: similar
Bandwidth consumption: XMPP
Resource consumption between polls or pushes: Polling
Getting all feed changes while online: XMPP
Getting feed changes that occurred while offline: Polling

XMPP could achieve parity in getting feed changes that occurred while 
offline, at the expense of implementation complexity parity, by polling 
the feed once upon startup.

Polling Sucks! (was RE: Atom feed synchronization)

2005-06-17 Thread Bob Wyman

Henry Story wrote:
> The best solution is just to add a link types to the atom syntax:
> a link to the previous feed document that points to the next bunch of
> entries. IE. do what web sites do. If you can't find your answer on
> the first page, go look at the next page.
> How do you know when to stop? If the pages are ordered  
> chronologically, the client will know to stop when he has come to a page
> with entries with update times before the date he last looked.

This is *not* simpler than taking a push feed using Atom over XMPP.
For a push feed, all you do is:
1. Open a socket
2. Send a "login" XML Stanza
3. Process the stanzas as they arrive.

For your solution, you need to:
1. Poll the feed to get a pointer to the "first link". (each poll
will cost you a TCP/IP connection).
2. If you got a new "first link" then go to step 5
3. Wait some period of time (the polling interval)
4. GoTo Step 1
5. Open a new TCP/IP socket to get the next link
6. Form and send an HTTP request for the next entry
7. Catch the response from the server
8. Parse the response to determine if its time stamp is something
you've already seen.
9. If you haven't seen the current entry before, then go to step 5
10. Go to step 1 to start over.
(Note: I've eliminated and compressed a few steps to avoid more
typing... An actual implementation would be more complex than I describe

Your solution is more complex and generates much more network
traffic (i.e. because of polling the feed, repeatedly opening new TCP/IP
connections with all the traditional "slow start" overhead, and requesting
each "next link"). Additionally, you end up with reduced latency since the
age of any entry you discover will be, on average, half that of your polling
frequency plus some latency introduced by link following. (Yes, you could
rely on continuous connections and thus remove the overhead of creating so
many TCP/IP connections, however, at that point, you might as well have a
continuous push socket open...)
The push solution conserves network bandwidth, delivers data with
much less latency and is simpler to implement. 
Polling sucks! (that was a pun...)

bob wyman