Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Locked Out of My House

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: brad

Re: Locked Out of My House

Hi.Great post.Unforchanetly I can't really help, since I don't have that problem.hmm, this is random, but if you wanted a good anti virus program for windows eight, try bullguard.Notsure if it's in the US, it should be, but don't know.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Locked Out of My House

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Nocturnus

Locked Out of My House

Ok, so maybe that was a bit, overdramatic, but goodness knows it sure as hell feels like that to me, and since I'm the one this is happening to, I've the right to feel that way, right?  Of course ei'm right!  When have you, reader, reading this post, ever heard me say something that was wrong?  Can you remember such a time right off the top of your head?  Of course you can't, because i'm right as right can be, which is the way I usually am, right?  Right.With all of that rightness and truth out of the way, what am I ranting about, you ask?  I purchased a machine running windows 8 some four months ago and still have the same issue which feels like unnecessary security that taunts me every single time I want to do anything specifically important, like transferring a DLL file to system32, or making a change to the program files directory.  Access denied, continue with administrative rights, bla bla bla.  Ta
 king ownership of any of these places seems impossible, since trying do to so ends up with the PC firing errors at me on that very subject.  Killing user account control does absolutely nothing to soften the blows other than minimizing the amount of dialogue windows I'm going to encounter along the way, sort of like opening another box to find another box to find another box to find that the final box which might or might not contain another box is a box I cannot open because the main box doesn't want me to open it!  WHAAAT? Who built this crazy thing anyway, and what sort of design is it that requires you bang your shin against 1000 items and smash your fingers into another 1200 just to get your sticky hands on a particular item?  I mean, sure, I get it, keep hackers out, avoid malicious software, don't mess with personal stuff, but when the guards at y
 our place don't know who in the blue hell you are and won't let you in to grab a bite, do your business, plunge your toilet, wash your hands, maybe take a shower and get dressed in piece, maybe it's time for a reality check?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want softvoice tts for n v d a

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: prince animeshh

Re: i want softvoice tts for n v d a

jack wrote:Softvoice is free. However, you won't get it full stand alone on modern windows. The library is 16 bit so only works on 32 bit os. The only way to get softvoice or willow pond tts as it's also called, is to get the sapi4 synth called chatterbox, which is an English and Rusian version of the softvoice male voice. I know either Ghorthalon or Robjoy has softvoice as I recognize one of the voices as the same voice that was used in the speaker test for operation black square. But for now, this is all we havehi i googled it but not able to find it, can u surch it for me? if yes then it would be nice for me thanksURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Game ideas!

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: kamochek

Re: Game ideas!

hi gamers.i have another game idea:i think, why not to create a game about one of the crusades?in the history, there wer 6 crusades over 200 years in the middle, why not to create a game, where you are a crusader, which coming to get the holy land and jerusalem. i think it will be good to create a game about or a first, or a third crusade. what to you think?shalvaURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Death Match

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: danny

Re: Death Match

OK, the installer should be fixt. Is the installer. Give that a try and let me know if it works.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Death Match

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: danny

Re: Death Match

It does, the menu music will stop. The game won't say anything, but if the menu music stops you are hosting. Remember you must have port 2000 opened as U D P. I can't describe the process of opening ports as it differs baste on router.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] what was the first audiogame you ever played?

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: turtlepower17

Re: what was the first audiogame you ever played?

Well, it is possible to run Grizzly Gulch on a 32 bit edition of Windows 7. I tried it for nostalgia's sake recently. I think that game could have been so much more than it was. There should have been a mode where, instead of going out to catch bad guys, you could be one of the bad guys instead. Your mission would be to loot the town and other neighboring towns, run from the police, shoot the marshals and whoever else came after you, and so on. You could still go into the saloon and play the games, but you would be listening for tips about where the police thought you were. And, if there really had to be a quest element to the game, perhaps you could win after you made a certain amount of money, or completed a certain amount of missions to steal stuff.But that's not my only complaint. The store should have been open whenever you wanted to go in it, and you should have had more options to buy stuff. Like, some oats for your horse, a selection of guns, some soap, foo
 d, I don't know, just anything other than the quest items.And, speaking of guns, I had a real problem with the way the shooting in that game was handled, even when I was 10 years old and playing it for the first time. I'll list my gripes:1. There should have been a lot more voices. Having essentially 4 bad guys makes for quite a silly experience. When you repeatedly gun down the same men, over and over and over again, you start to think they must be the undead or something!2. There were no body falling sounds. Even if they didn't want there to be gore or whatever, there didn't have to be bullet impact sounds. A simple thump would have done nicely. It just increased the undead effect a hundredfold, and really made the tough wild west image all but nonexistent.3. Once you completed the quest where you get a bigger gun to go and shoot Robbin' Rob, the gun sound should have changed. Honestly, this should have been a no-brainer. Here I was
 , all excited, thinking, "sweet, a new gun!" And then the disappointment hit me like a wave as I realized that it was the same damn gun, I was just supposed to believe it was different because the game said so.Ok, I'll stop now. For what it was, it was a pretty good game. It was the first Windows game, so we have to give it props for that. Otherwise, there's not much else to say about it except that it's rather simplistic and, once you've heard the punch lines and quests a few times, there's really no replay value.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Mac verses Windows

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: Mac verses Windows

That curser thing is interesting though I have noticed on windows people often don't know the difference between back space and delete, ie, back space removes the letter behind! the curser position, delete removes what the curser is actually on. Visually the curser isn't literally between the letters, as I remember it hovers around at the bottom right hand corner of each letter, but still on the same cell if you like.The major difference on mac sounds like the curser reads the letter to the left with arrow keys when going through rather than the one to the right that the curser is actually positioned over in windows. For example, if I wrote the word wlcome missing out the e, and wanted to put the e back in I'd need to go to where my curser was on the same cell as the d, ie, in between the d and the w, so that I could continue writing. It sounds like on mac the curser is slightly different, since it starts writing forward from curser position, I'd 
 need to be on the w not the l. Not necessarily missinformation I think, just a difference in style which unfortunately affects the way leters work. I actually have noticed this when using my bluetooth keyboard on my iphone as well.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] if your an audiogames fan, read this

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: articuno

Re: if your an audiogames fan, read this

yep. well, danny, sam has been fixing the problems for me, because he was in the call when when it happened, so yeah. lifesaver, if you ask me. Anyway, hopefully he can help so more.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Tiger electronics line of Sports Feel handheld games

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: turtlepower17

Re: Tiger electronics line of Sports Feel handheld games

Oh yes, I remember Brain Bash. I still have one somewhere. I'm not sure if it still works, but now you've made me want to go hunting for it, lol.Ok, so a description of Brain Warp. It's basically a round ball with 6 round protrusions sticking out of it. Each of these circles has both a number and color printed on it.Before I explain gameplay, I'll go over all the modes. there's colors, numbers, colors and numbers, memory match, code buster, and pass attack.For each game, the object is to turn the device so that the number or color it asks you to is pointing upward. There's what I guess I would describe as a weight inside there, which triggers a sensor when the device is turned to the correct position. So, you don't actually press anything. You simply turn the device to what it asks you to, at increasingly faster speeds. You have three rounds to play. The first round ends either when you get 12 right or you mess up; the second ro
 und consists of 24 colors or numbers to turn to; and the third just keeps getting faster until you mess up. Then the game ends. This only is true of the first 3 games; I'll explain all of them below.1. Colors: Turn the Brain Warp to the specified colors until you either get one wrong or the game is over.2. Numbers: Same as colors, but with numbers instead.3. Colors and Numbers: same as above, but with both, as the title implies.4. Memory Match: You will get a sequence of colors and numbers that you must remember and match. It starts out with 3, and continues increasing by one the higher you go. Think of it as a Simon game.5. Code Buster: Turn the Brain Warp to discover the hidden sequence of colors and numbers. It will start with 5, and you have to keep cracking new codes until you run out of time. As the levels increase, not only does your allotted time decrease, but so does the number of colors and numbers in the sequence.6. Pass Attack: Li
 ke Memory Match, this one is all about remembering sequences. The difference is that it's meant to be a multi-player game. So, you might turn the Brain Warp to green to start the sequence. The next person might turn it to orange. You pass it around the circle until someone messes, you may be wondering, but how is this accessible? Well, when I was a kid, I actually did put Braille labels on the circles, but this isn't really necessary. The red circle has the speaker on it, so it feels different; the yellow one has a small hole to insert a screwdriver, since it serves as the battery cover. Just have someone tell you what the rest of the colors are and where, and then orient it to your liking, using red and yellow as reference points.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Regarding Lack of Formal Independent Outdoor Travel Training

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: camlorn

Re: Regarding Lack of Formal Independent Outdoor Travel Training

No, no.  I don't mean that I train the dog to do that kind of stuff. Definitely not.  What I mean is, for example, that they tell us to reward them with food when we get to our destination (we use food now-I don't know if you do, and it's a recent change at Guide Dogs).  This gets them to show us the destination next time.  If I always take a turn, I make a game of it at first-stop, reward, go back a few steps and do it again-and my dog picks it up within one or two days.  he's clicker trained, which helps a lot; I taught my previous dog to lay on a specific side in a week (I used this for grooming).  They get all of the basic stuff, and then we spend a day or two on how to teach them new things, including what we might want to teach them for those who don't see the use (crosswalk buttons, etc).I did not say that tone is exclusive, just that it is more important than the word in a whole lot of cases.  If I yell &quo
 t;good boy" angrily a my dog, it sure isn't going to think that it's a good boy, for example.  They know the word-I'm not saying they don't.  I'm saying that they also queue to the tone, perhaps more so (it doesn't much matter what I call my dog, to be honest...I can even leave off the name altogether and still elicit a response).  if someone then adds in body language, that's an even stronger indicator.  basically, what I'm trying to say is, if someone wants to call your dog they're going to be able to with or without the name.Situations in which the cane is better are rare but have been known to happen.  I often leave my guide dog at home, for example, when going to the doctor as keeping hold of the leash in that situation is hard.  We also get a lot of rain (and I mean a *lot* of rain, think standing in the shower sometimes) followed by really hot weather; this situation normally means bath day 
 not too long afterwords, so sometimes he stays at home if the weather is exceptionally awful (this is why I want to leave Florida-we get great weather here, got to love that lightning).  I've left him home a couple of times for extremely long tests during which I won't be able to leave, as i can't get him outside (maybe once or twice in my life, not his).  On the whole, he's with me 95 to 99% of the time; the remaining 1% to 5% does remain, however.  I try to work in a bit of cane work just in case he were to become really ill, and because there will probably be a gap between dogs during which i have to use it.  Since I know for a fact that my cane skills are much less than they used to be, I think a day or two a month maintaining them is probably worth it.I don't know what a pedestrian intersection is.  I suspect we may be thinking of different things.  My dog stops at all street crossings, and at anything that resembles 
 one-there just isn't much that does here.  I kind of wonder if the reason your dog is trained to show you more is because England is more regular.  Since I don't have any sort of evidence to back up this statement, it's probably untrue.  I do think we do have wider extremes of climate, and there's large swathes of America that are basically small towns without sidewalks.  Everything from blistering hot, fry an egg on the asphalt to below zero.  Our dogs are taught to walk in the road in the event of no sidewalks, and the last time I went we spent at least two days on this.  At least one student in the class this summer literally didn't have sidewalks anywhere at home.  My college campus does not resemble a city in any way, and I can find lots and lots of turns that look nothing like intersections.  To be honest, if I were to train my dog to stop like this, I don't know what pattern there is for my dog to pick up o
 n-there really isn't one at all.  The reason they may not teach this kind of thing here may simply be that there's no good common ground that works for everyone, or even most people, or perhaps the turns your dog shows you fall out of the road intersection training without much extra work.  I'd' be curious to know if England is more urban, or if it tends to have more regular cities, or what difference there might be, if any.I've never heard of back.  obviously, it means go back...that could be useful.Regarding the family and close friends not being obstacles, this is quite possibly something that just happens to happen to me, or possibly even something I inadvertently cause.  It's the only thing i can think of that could be mistaken for distraction, though.As for using the cane for new routes, well, maybe that's personal taste. If I get completely lost, though, I'd prefer to have that extra information.&nb
 sp; It isn't really that much more to learn it with a cane, and I'm not introducing new routes once a week; I'm not even doing new ones once a month.  Even with the cane, it only really takes once for me to get it.  The routes I take are irregular, with all sorts of twisting and curving sidewalks, 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Death Match

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: hanif

Re: Death Match

and why when I want to host a co-op game, why it desn't starting up?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Audible and converting a a files to Mp3

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: brad

Re: Audible and converting a a files to Mp3

Hi.Does share where mean I have to by it?If so it's around 20 dollars, it seems to work fine. Can you convert a lode of files at once?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: dd

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

@bladestorm, yeah I figured that out right after I actually tried it, hahaURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Audible and converting a a files to Mp3

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: brad

Re: Audible and converting a a files to Mp3

Hi.I just tried the trile version, and it doesn't seem very accesible?You can put files in the list to be converted but I can't find a convert button?Could you  help?Thanks.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Audible and converting a a files to Mp3

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: brad

Re: Audible and converting a a files to Mp3

Hi.I didn't think sound taxi could convert aa files?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: chrisfaelnar

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

guys, i have a problem. It is all about the game. I am now in stage13.4. And i use weapons like mashine gun and mesile. But when i go back to stage 11.3, all my weapons are gone. I didn't do anything. I think its a bug? i don't know what's happeningURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Audible and converting a a files to Mp3

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Victorious

Re: Audible and converting a a files to Mp3

Use sound taxi. its pretty accessible but shareware.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] the arcade - A new radio show, covering various softwar e

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Nocturnus

Re: the arcade - A new radio show, covering various softwar e

@powergamer,Sometimes the weirdest and most illogical and nonsensical tricks tend to get rid of that stuff and it's just a matter of finding the one that does.  Have you tried a different mic, for instance?  Plugging the PC into another outlet might do the trick, or using a powerstrip instead of connecting directly into the wall.  Is the mic you're using analog or USB?  IF analog try switching out to a headset like the Beyerdynamic MMX 2 PC Gaming Multimedia Digital Headset, which will probably singlehandedly get rid of the humb and give you great sound at the same time, and only costs about $90 as of this writing. … B001BYOY42Don't let its name fool you; this headset's mic does really well in just about any setting, and worth every dollar.Feel free to contact me for any further assistance if you like; I'm willing to help.URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: kratos

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

 thanks, I will tri it. .URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: ianr

Re: Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

If you'd like some help working with Visual Studio 2010 and C# you can contact me at and I can help you get started with the most useful hot keys and such.I do not read with my eyes and use Visual Studio 2010 every day.It's got it's fair share of accessibility problems, but for me the benefits are worth the problems.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: camlorn

Re: Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

Once you learn a bit, and get into multifile programs, you can get build tools, for example typing scons builds all of camlorn_audio for me, and typing build_all runs my camlorn_audio + all supporting libraries script.I suggest python, typically.  Very not-in-an-ide friendly, which helps.  You can do 99% of programming without an ide, but a fully accessible one would be a major boon (Eclipse tries and this thread is raising the importance of my experiment with it project).  Command line is fine for learning, and lots of sighted programmers still do that too.  c/c++/c#/java/python/perl/ruby/etc all have command line compilers, in some cases multiple command line compilers, and they're all pretty much equally accessible.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: arqmeister

Re: Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

Well it's a shame on the visual studio not being very accessible front, i like the idea of an IDE, and it would be nice to play around with an accessible one. Oh well, need to work on my command line skills i suppose.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: bladestorm360

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

DD, the cruiser isn't a weapon, it summons them as allies to the stage. And just like Kara's weapons can't hit you, your cruisers won't hit you or her.Kratos, You can not kill the flying building, you have to press f to fire your grappling hook at it when it's above you. The compact sonar helps with this.Atlan and everyone else, The password to the door in 7-1 is hidden, you will find it later on in the game.Fatih, Go listen to my demonstration of 6-1 and 6-2, it shows you how to play the levels.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: bladestorm360

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

DD, the cruiser isn't a weapon, it summons them as allies to the stage. And just like Kara's weapons can't hit you, your cruisers won't hit you or her.You can not kill the flying building, you have to press f to fire your grappling hook at it when it's above you. The compact sonar helps with this.The password to the door in 7-1 is hidden, you will find it later on in the game.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Bokurano Daiboukenn 3 Comprehensive Walkthrough/Playthrough

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: bladestorm360

Re: Bokurano Daiboukenn 3 Comprehensive Walkthrough/Playthrough

There's a platform you have to make sure you land on. Use your camera to find it.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] fun facts

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: fun facts

18 seems totally wront to me, heck I've got a bottle of extremely good wisky at home right now that is close to 50 percent proof, most distilled spirits are almost pure alcohol that picks up impurities from it's distilling barrels, but since it's the impurities that actually give the flavour this makes sense. Even not counting spirits, ciders tend to be more alcoholic than most beers, and I am told most real distilled local ales tend to be more alcoholic than commercially produced stuff or indeed the carbonated beer popular in America, though whether this is true I'm not sure since I am not in any sense a fan of beers or ales of any kind,   Rum, Wisky, various cocktales are more my thing, and even then in fairly small amounts, (I've never actually been drunk enough to forget what I was doing or have a hang over).URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] fun facts

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: fun facts

18 seems totally wront to me, heck I've got a bottle of extremely good wisky at home right now that is close to 50 percent proof, most distilled spirits are almost pure alcohol that picks up impurities from it's distilling barrels, but since it's the impurities that actually give the flavour this makes sense. Even not counting spirits, ciders tend to be more alcoholic than most beers, and I am told most real distilled local ales tend to be more alcoholic than commercially produced stuff or indeed the carbonated beer popular in America.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: ianr

Re: Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

Well, compilers can usually be used from the command line, so they all end up accessible.A lot of this discussion has been about IDEs.  An IDE is an integrated development environment.Or in other words a fancy text editor that can build your code with a hot key, give you better ways to manage files, give you hot keys for changing method names throughout a program or for navigating your code better, present code completion to help you when you can't remember the exact name of a property, and give you a debugger to help you track down bugs without muddling your code with print statements.An IDE just calls the command line compiler though, so you can skip the IDE altogether and use your favorite plain text editor plus the command line compiler to get a completely accessible experience.Personally I use Visual Studio 2010 and C#, but as discussed Visual Studio does have some accessibility issues.For compiling C# you can use the compiler that com
 es with Visual Studio, or the mono compiler.Visual Studio's compiler has access to the latest C# features, but Mono is all about making C# cross platform, so they both have their benefits.I've never used mono myself.I can't comment on C++ since I'm not that knowledgable about it.Hope that helps.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: arqmeister

Re: Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

To ask a question real quick because i'm a beginner, what is the most accesible compiler when coding in either c# or c++? Just curious.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: ianr

Re: Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

I'm definitely not sure Perl and Ruby don't have one.In fact, I expect that all 3 of PHP, Perl, and Ruby have debuggers.It is just more common that people programming in those languages are not using one.Whereas using a debugger is the norm with C++, C#, and Java.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: camlorn

Re: Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

Well, no, I don't always have a debugger.  This is why, among many other things, I dislike php.  Are you sure ruby and perl don't have one?thing is, i hit my debugger craze a couple months ago, and every language I actually do real non-trivial non-school work in, I do (or would, if visual studio worked, because CBD is only barely countable, an the things I do in C++ mean no mingw).As for eclipse, I'd have to look at it.  I think you can open it with a hotkey, and I do recall it working once.  If you can't figure it out, or if you can find someone who definitely verifies that it doesn't, I suggest an NVDA and possibly an Eclipse ticket.  I've not used eclipse for anything in at least a year.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Bokurano daiboukenn topic

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Atlan

Re: Bokurano daiboukenn topic

hi can anyone upload bk2 please?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Wi-fi and Bluetooth issues with my school computer.

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Chris

Wi-fi and Bluetooth issues with my school computer.

Hi.Ok, so I've been having this issue with this hp elete book my school gave me 3 or so years ago.So, it's an hp elete book I think running windows XP.Aside from it being extremely bulky and heavy like most windows laptops, the wi-fi and bluetooth have been acting weird.Firstly, the wi-fi and bluetooth radios randomly stop working. I can tell when this happens because it plays the Windows XP hardware remove sound. Then, it randomly plays the xp hardware insert sound and the radios start working again.As far as I can tell, this appears to be random, though it could be possible I'm bumping a switch by accident.If so I can't find the switch.So, anyone know why this first issue could be happening? Could the wireless radios be damaged in some way or could it be defective drivers or something?Secondly, and weirdest of all is the fact I can't connect this to protected networks.I enter the correct key and it si
 ts for about 2 minutes saying connecting and acquiring ip address. Then it will just bring me back to the connections list and it doesn't connect.I know I'm entering the right wpa2 key because every other device I have connects just fine.So, what's going on? Honestly I think this hp computer is a piece of crap and want to replace it with the 2013 macbook air, but I still want to know what's going on here?As far as I know, it came like this, with the radios working and sometimes not working.Also, did I mention that the wi-fi is able to connect to non secure networks.So, what's going on here? Is it damaged hardware or software issues?This isn't really important, but I kind of want to get this resolved.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: ianr

Re: Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

Well I'm glad to hear your frustration is not with me, smile.You said: and yet no one does anything.I say: Agreed.  If you come up with a good way for blind programmers who want to use Visual Studio to get their voice heard at Microsoft please let me know.  I'd also love to see it improved, and I agree that it probably wouldn't take them all that long.Thanks for the information about Eclipse.  I just tried code completion in Java using Eclipse and it didn't seem to work in NVDA, but perhaps someone who does use it knows how to get at the information, or perhaps it is better in JAWS.You said: I do have to disagree about debuggers.I say: We'll just have to agree to disagree then, smile.You said: I cannot look up what my variables are at line 6 on iteration 500 through a for loop when x y and z are all happening at the same time without a debugger, or inserting a bunch of print statements and deleting them 
 at some later point.I say: So you can do it, but you have to use print statements and delete them later.I agree this is less efficient than a debugger, which is why I feel a debugger is a productivity tool but not necessary.I know you've had a lot of experience with different languages, have you really had a debugger available in every single one?PHP?  Perl?  Ruby?People code without debuggers all the time, it is often less efficient, but not necessary.I guess it just comes down to different view points, but I do understand you're frustration.Thanks for clarifying that your frustration is with Visual Studio.  It really does need a lot of improvements to accessibility.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Regarding Lack of Formal Independent Outdoor Travel Training

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: Regarding Lack of Formal Independent Outdoor Travel Training

@Camlorn, doing a route with a cane would strike me as unnecessary extra work given all of the other things you'd need to learn, generally I've found it's usually just necessary to know where I'm going, or at most to get someone to show me wwhere a praticular place is the once since then Reever will recognize it, even if it is a complex route down many turnings. Generally the stopping at turns thing is dependent upon the dog's personality than training. Reever is quite relaxed, thus when we do new routes she's quite prepared to take my lead on where to go and will expect it, but a more exhuberant dog will just charge off assuming! they know where to go originally, and thus you might run straight past an intersection in a building, though all British guide dogs are taught to stop when crossing streets even if it is a pedestrian pathway.I also don't necessarily agree on mobility situations where the dog would be extra work. Socially there mi
 ght be less convenient issues, such as happens with my brother, but i've never been in a mobility situation where I'm actually expecting Reever to work where it'd be easier without her. I'm a little amazed at what you say about "not seeing friends or family members as obstacles" since that's not something Reever has ever done. Occasionally if she's not seen someone for a while she'll want to go and speak to them, as happens when I go back to my parents, but that's understandable, however if I'm say out walking somewhere with my friends or my parents and they stop but I wish to go back behind them and check something out, reever will be quite sensative to the commands back and forward and will go round just as she would around anyone else. Regarding dogs and names that one seems very weerd, though I disagree about dogs not knowing their own names, having grown up with multiple dogs who you could always call individua
 lly. Generally dogs don't recognize their names or other words in the middle of other sentences, though I have met dogs who can do this, (zia my mum's guide dog knows when she is talking to me on the phone), but Dogs will recognize names at the ends of sentences at least as belonging to them, (I just tested this on reever myself by muttering a little and saying her name at the end of the sentence, she did react, raising her head to see what I wanted). Some dogs indeed can even recognize specific words when not aimed at themselves. my mum for example once saidto me while entering my room "where's reever" where upon Zia, (my mum's dog), went off and fetched her. Admitedly, Zia is the most intelligent dog I've ever met, (a dog who can recognize bus stops and can open a draw and get something out on command), but it is possible. I'd say it just depends upon how much you talk to your dog and how much your dog learns to listen to speci
 fic words and associate them with different concepts.It is true tone conveys a lot of meaning, command, reprimand, affection, but I don't think it's correct to assume it is just! tone.Regarding speaking to dogs on the street and names, it's not so much tone there as it is eye contact and indicated interest, irrispective of what a person says. I've had occasions where I've walked past someone saying "hello" in an affectionate tone to their dog and Reever hasn't bothered, but if someone speaks directly to her or looks at her she'll naturally turn around to see what they want. This is why she has a "don't destract me while I'm working" sign on her harnice. As to not letting people use your dog's name, that frankly sounds loopy to me. I also don't get the "don't walk with people" thing either, though guide dogs do tell you not to use the dog on harnice if your holding someone&#
 039;s arm, this indeed is part of the reason I don't take reever with me when I'm with my brother as I said. Most of the time though if I'm with someone else, I'll either ask Reever to follow them, or just walk forward with them walking beside me and we'll go in different directions as needed.Regarding "government programs" well I'm not exactly sure what you mean . In the Uk, most disability organizations are charities. These are registered with the government and recieve tax credit, ie, they don't pay tax and anyone who donates has their donations slightly suplimented if they're a tax payer (I'm not sure on the economic ins and outs of this but that's how it works). Thus, while such things are overseen by the government, they aren't actually government run. This indeed has recently caused something of a controversy with the government palming off services which should! require government supervision such
  as community care for the eldily to charities, many of whom function more like private, strictly for prophit enterprises than voluntary bennificial organizations, (the rnib or at least some parts of it work this way). Guide dogs however is definitely a charity, indeed they recently got on t

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: camlorn

Re: Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

my frustration is not with you, it is with Visual Studio.  I am a good programmer.  I am currently unable to even consider any job that uses Visual Studio.  It would take Microsoft months at the most to fix it, possibly even weeks, and probably only a team of 3 or 4 people.  They have the resources without question.  It is the best tool for windows-only development.  I cannot use it.  I cannot be hired to use it.  I cannot even get my files added to a project without opening it, because they chose to have their custom project file format (msbuild is documented.  By the time they're done scripting in their custom xml-based language, it's not  recognizable anymore).  This is bad for most, if not all, blind programmers who actually want jobs.  I do not know exactly how bad, but it's definitely more than minor, and yet no one does anything.As for Eclipse, I have no idea about code completion.  I have
 n't touched IDEs in a long time.  Investigation of just how far I can push Eclipse before it comes toppling down is on my to do list.  I will give it this: NVDA can see formatting information in the editor, so someone could probably develop an add-on that lets it say things like "error" in the same way it can say misspelled and italic in word.  All of the package explorers that I've seen in it are accessible, and most options dialogs, even in the third party plugins, come out fine or at least fine enough I can use them.  Depending on what you're doing, however, you might be out of luck for C#.  I don't know the C# landscape well enough to comment on it.I do have to disagree about debuggers.  I can look up function names as needed, and will eventually learn them without completion. I cannot look up what my variables are at line 6 on iteration 500 through a for loop when x y and z are all happening at the same time with
 out a debugger, or inserting a bunch of print statements and deleting them at some later point (and then doing that tens or hundreds of times every time something breaks at different points in the program).  At least I get some benefit from memorizing the functions-I don't from the latter (yes, I know completion is faster even then).URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] It's my body and I'll spy if I want to

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — AG-News room: Dark

It's my body and I'll spy if I want to

Well we can't get rid of choiceofgames it seems, they just keep cranking them out. This time their new game is the Orphius Ruse, surprisingly (given recent deathly presence on the forum), not about a love lorn ancient Griek musician. The game  is actually a paranormal spy thriller where you take on the roll of a body swapping psychic agent infiltrating a deadly espionage ring, and yes, body swapping.  Sadly this technology is completely fantasy, so your stuck with me for the news perminantly, but at least you should have fun with this game if you like choice based accessible interactive stories for your Android or Iphone.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: ianr

Re: Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

@Camlorn, I sensed some frustration or anger in your message.Let me apologize.  My last post was actually pointing out that I am in a different situation than others and so it seems more accessible to me than it would for others.You said: I am aware of the benefits of visual studio.I say: I was not presuming to educate you, just to point out that those features mean a lot more to me than the debugger does.You said: If you are a good enough coder that you can live without a debugger for all your projects, congrats.  Is refactoring/completion nice? yes.  But not necessary.I say: Neither a debugger or refactoring / code completion are necessary.  We could all program in notepad, but obviously debuggers and code completion / refactorings give us better productivity most of the time.You said: If i had used it for a very long time before we started having these issues, I suppose I'd have my little tricks built up to a point where I could use words like room for improvement.  The fact that you, with your hotkeys and workarounds, are saying room for improvement means unusable for the rest of us.I say: Me, with my hot keys and workarounds?  Again, I did not mean to offend you.I don't think the editor is unusable, I suppose the debugger is, and I definitely see most of the frustrations you have pointed out.To clarify I'm using Visual Studio 2010 for most of my work, and I do agree things get worse in 2012.And as already stated, I realize I'm in a different position than most other blind programmers.I can't speak to the pains you get in C++ as I don't usually code in it.Do you know if Eclipse has accessible code completion?I ask because it is one of the more important features to me, and I would like an IDE with better accessibility if I can switch without giving up too much.I'd also appreciate any additional information you can give about the accessibility benefits of Eclipse, even a compare and contrast of Eclipse to Visual Studio.Thanks for your patience with me.Ian ReedURL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] Audible and converting a a files to Mp3

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: brad

Audible and converting a a files to Mp3

Hi.I was wondering if it was posible to do it?Convert a a files to mp3 I mean.Ive looked around but so far cant' find much.And the program I tried on the mac seemed very messerly designed for a visually impaired or blind person.I really want to do this since I'm tired of a a files not being able to be played on other devices.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Regarding Lack of Formal Independent Outdoor Travel Training

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: camlorn

Re: Regarding Lack of Formal Independent Outdoor Travel Training

Okay, that is false.  Guide dogs would be pretty much useless if other people couldn't be with you.  If your guide dog school tries to tell you this, consider a different one.  I've heard of some schools saying that you shouldn't let people call them by name, but these are indirect stories and may not be true.  Even so, the dog queues more into your tone, and not the word being used.  Most, if not all pet dogs, do not come running when you say their name in conversation.  Both are not true of guide dogs in general; perhaps some school, somewhere, teaches this for some reason.  If I were getting mine, and they told me that I couldn't have other people walking with me because it's distracting my dog, I'd leave.Now, you can have an interesting thing where the dog decides that people you know well are not obstacles, but that's not something to avoid by not having them walk with you.  I don't know why
  this is, but have seen it with both my dogs.  They're not distracted; they just don't rate said person as an obstacle.  This can be fixed and doing so isn't very hard, especially since you probably know them well enough to get a bit of cooperation.  By people you know well, I mean parents or really close friends that you're going out with all the time, or people you live with.  Eve so-this is not something that you should think is unfixable.And calling my dog by name, yeah, that's a no-no.  Feel free to talk about my dog by name, even talk with me about my dog by name with the dog sitting next to me.  Call it over, especially while it's working, and you're getting a lecture of some sort.Edit for clarification: Calling my dog not by name is also bad.  The point here isn't the name, it's the calling.And also: Giving the dog's name out or not isn't going to make much difference 
 from the dog's point of view. If someone looks at it and uses the "doggie" tone, that's just as good as calling it by name.  It might avoid some social issues on the human side of things, but using a fake name/refusing to give out my dog's name is just avoiding things that aren't, in the grand scheme of things, a big deal in the first place.Finally, do your homework before settling on a guide dog school.  There's a lot of differences between them.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Regarding Lack of Formal Independent Outdoor Travel Training

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: camlorn

Re: Regarding Lack of Formal Independent Outdoor Travel Training

Okay, that is false.  Guide dogs would be pretty much useless if other people couldn't be with you.  If your guide dog school tries to tell you this, consider a different one.  I've heard of some schools saying that you shouldn't let people call them by name, but these are indirect stories and may not be true.  Even so, the dog queues more into your tone, and not the word being used.  Most, if not all pet dogs, do not come running when you say their name in conversation.  Both are not true of guide dogs in general; perhaps some school, somewhere, teaches this for some reason.  If I were getting mine, and they told me that I couldn't have other people walking with me because it's distracting my dog, I'd leave.Now, you can have an interesting thing where the dog decides that people you know well are not obstacles, but that's not something to avoid by not having them walk with you.  I don't know why
  this is, but have seen it with both my dogs.  They're not distracted; they just don't rate said person as an obstacle.  This can be fixed and doing so isn't very hard, especially since you probably know them well enough to get a bit of cooperation.  By people you know well, I mean parents or really close friends that you're going out with all the time, or people you live with.  Eve so-this is not something that you should think is unfixable.And calling my dog by name, yeah, that's a no-no.  Feel free to talk about my dog by name, even talk with me about my dog by name with the dog sitting next to me.  Call it over, especially while it's working, and you're getting a lecture of some sort.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: camlorn

Re: Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

I am aware of the benefits of visual studio.  I am glad it works for you.However: I should not have to know a 5 or 10 keystroke workaround.  New people to the platform will never figure out these workarounds.  Software is not accessible if doing everything in it requires these workarounds.  2010 rates as barely useable; 2012 breaks pretty much everything with NVDA.  Jaws may work, but jaws is jaws and has so many problems in so many ways in and of itself these days, and currently offers no support for 2012.  Perhaps someone else can speak to how Jaws works with it.  Before touting something as accessible because it works with jaws, however, realize first that lots of places are switching to NVDA and that second Microsoft seems to have it in for mirror display drivers (It almost died in 8.  I'd not be surprised to see it go in 9).The alt-tabbing may have to do with alternate high contrast color schemes, but both Jaws and NVDA
  have, since 2010, not alt-tabbed out properly.  They get stuck in some sort of interesting phantom menubar that doesn't actually exist.If you are a good enough coder that you can live without a debugger for all your projects, congrats.  Is refactoring/completion nice? yes.  But not necessary.  Visual studio is the only debugger that I'm aware of that knows how to output STL containers in all cases and cdb/windbg are cryptic as it is.  You've got a workaround for your one case.  I bet you can't find one for all of them.  All of the debugger listboxes are invisible, even with the official microsoft Accessibility API testing tools that come with the SDK.  I can refactor, all be it more slowly, outside the IDE.  I cannot easily debug C code, and parts of C++ are undebuggable without knowing internal implementation details of Microsoft's standard library.  I went back as far as 2008, and the debugger isn�
 39;t exposing itself even there (hello process injection, mirror display drivers, possibly hooking the message loop somehow.  This is what Jaws has to do here).  2012 compounds this: the error lists and compiler output have similar problems, depending on whether or not it is a good day.  I dived into this for an NVDA ticket, and support on their end is not possible unless Microsoft gets their act together (Hah! The day someone cures all blindness).Even ctrl+tabbing in 2012 breaks.  The listbox is visible via object nav, but as it turns out querying the accessibility API starts changing UI state.  It is very, very, very bad.  I could not use this tool professionally.  I can't even use it unprofessionally at this point.  Fortunately, the command line compilers still exist-without them, I wouldn't even be able to get at a good fourth of the windows API, because nothing else is fully compatible.  I am very, very fortunate that
  I am past the classes that mandate Visual Studio, because 2012 is ridiculous if you're blind and my university has officially upgraded.C# does have good completion, yes.  C++ is...much more iffy.  Visual studio, in terms of accessibility, is not just "room for improvement".  It is literally inaccessible.  If i had used it for a very long time before we started having these issues, I suppose I'd have my little tricks built up to a point where I could use words like room for improvement.  The fact that you, with your hotkeys and workarounds, are saying room for improvement means unusable for the rest of us.Eclipse is not  a bad choice.  It works well for Java and Scala.  C++ works all right, provided that you don't want to use the MS compilers, and are working on something that doesn't need the newest APIs.  I do not know how well C# works in it, but plugins exist for Mono and probably .net.  
 There are plugins for most programming languages.  Accessibility is passable to great, depending.  I have not tried the debugger, because i just do ideless coding these days; none of them are worth the overhead, and Eclipse can't access everything things like camlorn_audio need anyway.  I intend to revisit it for python at some point in the near future.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] space odyssey a cool fleet managemennt mmorpg

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark

Re: space odyssey a cool fleet managemennt mmorpg

@Wp84, yes, that is! confusing. As Pelantas said going through the guide (the one available at the guide link), will help. I do have good news however. The developers have got back to me since this morning (actually very quickly I wasn't expecting anything until at least tomorrow). They will not only fix the star lables, but the pve server is! indeed exactly what I thought it was. They disabled sign up on the Pve server because they want more people signing up to the main game, but they said they will reintroduce it soon, and I've asked them to let me know when it's up and running, which i think will be a much better option for people who don't want to have 7 shades blown out of them by other commanders.I actually get the impression they are looking for new players of the game, so if you've got friends who might like this one it's probably worth letting them know.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Death Match

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: danny

Re: Death Match

So far I havn't been able to fix the installer yet. As for repairing the system if you payed attention to the tutorial, it explains all databoards go into some system, be it turbocar or otherwise. To repair these systems r is the key to use here. Rail gun can't be unlocked until you reach mission 2 and get past the 0 g envirement outside the ship. As for the 2 systems thing, that is the case in mp mode. One partner will repair a system, then the other partner will repair the other to complete the mission. However in single player, its just one person, one system.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Regarding Lack of Formal Independent Outdoor Travel Training

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: jjgeek

Re: Regarding Lack of Formal Independent Outdoor Travel Training

Well, I've learned some new things about guide dogs just by reading these replies so thank you. My former roommate used a guide dog throughout the last few years of his life. His came from the Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, and she worked out very well for the most part. He had to fly out there for training, and he was there for about 2 weeks. To be honest, I was pretty cool with being alone in the apartment throughout the duration of his training. I know that sounds a bit cruel, but he was quite crabby most of the time. Not just to me but to pretty much everybody. He could also be very friendly, but those times were far and few between. In fact, we always called him the "loveable kermudgeon." It seemed as though he became a bit more friendly upon returning with the dog. But back to guide dogs. He honestly didn't say much about the training, but he really had a good time. I remember someone from The Hadley School for the Blind came to our apartment before 
 the training, to shoot some photos of him walking around using his cane. Then a little while after the training, a representative from the Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind came out to assess the progress. My roommate had some pretty serious health issues though, which made it difficult if not impossible for him to take the dog out for her daily walks and to do her business in our backyard. But our neighbors were always glad to help out with that. One thing I do remember quite well though is that whenever he and the dog were walking together, I couldn't go along because he said it would distract her. He also was extremely careful not to give out her name in public. As a matter of fact he snapped at pretty much anyone who called her by her name. I obviously knew it as he told me right when he came back from training, and the other neighbors knew it. The staff of our organization also knew the dog's name, but I think that's all the people who knew it. Right after his p
 assing she was taken to live with a nurse who came and helped him out with all the meds, but I think she has since been sent back to the school.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: kratos

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

Hi all. Please, I am in stage 8 part 4, and I dont know, how should I kill second strange fliing thing. I have tried throw any strange things when I will press x, but it has much health. I have searched something similar to sky spear, but nothing found. Thanks for reply.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want softvoice tts for n v d a

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Andy93

Re: i want softvoice tts for n v d a

Hello everybody.OK this is what I have to tell, so listen. Soft voice isn't free, it was sold as an SDK for developers. So, if someone wants to implement it in a solution, that person have to purchace the entire SDK library as the creators of ST did. by the way I tried that program and well, not bad since it has almost every characteristic of softvoice bundled with it, but a christian like me shouldn't use something like that, you know.The company who made and distributed soft voice, called, well I don't know what happened with that company. Since 2007 til today, I see their website with the same content, so there isn't any updates. I said 2007 because in that time I heard about it, and also downloaded PW webspeak. If you want, you guys can contact them via the eMail address they provide in their website, but I don't insure they really answer cuzz as I said, I don't know if the company still exist or not.Its not possi
 ble to create an add-on for NVDA like hey did with decTalk, because the difference is that most decTalk stuff  is under public domain, so you can still get this and that. that is not the case of soft voice, there isn't even a library available to play with it, and soft voice wasn't designed to work with SAPI, although I don't know why on earth text2speech promiced a sapi4 version of the package to be releaced soon. The only way to get it to work will be with a version compatible with Arkenstone SSIL, that'll make it to work at least with JAWS. The big problem is, there isn't any file with that old engine.The only thing that text2speech made available for the public was a little text editor called Talk it, it used the bilingual english/spanish soft voice engine and API. that thing was made first as an example for programmers and regular users to show how it works, it was like a little showcace. But unfortunately they've not make any anouncemen
 t, the only anouncement you can see on your website is that the Windows version was releaced, but that happened in 1998. looks like tehy've abandoned the product and its distribution, as well as the company. Let me see what can I do and if there's any possibility to come to an agreement between Andysoft technologies, my little company, and them. though if they don't answer, ladies and gentleman, we have another bavisoft! and here comes mister Sebby to act and make his job, LOL.But for now, the only solution I see is, if ya wanna have softVoice and its nice and different voices, try PW web speak, its a dinosaur and can't do too much like our modern browsers, but its great and cool. It can even be used with decTalk and sapi4, but the decTalk command in the .ini file never worked to me. The browser worked just fine on Win XP, I dono how good its gonna be with WIndows7, I haven't installed it yet and I don't use it for ages, LOL.Or, if you prefe
 r, try talk it, though for a screen reader user its very hard to make it talk, because the interface itself is accessible, but the buttons to make it talk and select the voices, didn't work.Finally, and Gorthalon correct me if I'm wrong. The FL studio music software, from earlier versions when it was called Fruity loops, includes a little set of voices from the softVoice synthesizer, bundled as a library. I know FL studio isn't very accessible, but we're working on a set of scripts for it. OK the point is, I think Gorthalon could use something like this for the speaker test from operation black square, cuzz I recognize the Colosus voice. This voice was also very used in many radio stations of my countryURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Death Match

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: Atlan

Re: Death Match

have anyone fixed the soundproblem?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: fatih

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

What should I do in 6-2 other than turning left when the alarm plays?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: Atlan

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

hi, i search the password of 7-1 it must bee 11 numbersthanksURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: shang tsung

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

how to get 21.2URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] space odyssey a cool fleet managemennt mmorpg

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: wp85

Re: space odyssey a cool fleet managemennt mmorpg

The only thing I find confusing is the ship designing and the perchasing of fleets.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: ianr

Re: Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

Camlorn said: Since the debugger is the most important part, I dropped it.I say: Personally I appreciate the go to definition, intellisense, and a few of the refactorings more than the debugger.I'll admit I don't use the debugger much anymore, but it is still useable if you know how it works.I think though that I have an advantage there because I used Visual Studio extensively before I lost my ability to read with my eyes, so I can do a few things without my screen reader being able to tell me everything.In fact as I think about it I use a few little work arounds to get at information I want that would not be obvious if coming to the tool with no previous experience and no vision to help figure out the workarounds.For instance the watch window does not read in NVDA, but you can still press F2, type the name of the value you want to watch, press enter, then press control + C to copy it to your clipboard and press NVDA + C to have it read to y
 ou, or paste it into a another editor.I realize that sounds extensive, but since I'm already so familiar with the tool a few of these little workarounds are worth it for the continued use of the tool.I have considered moving to something like Eclipse, but that would require a significant learning curve, and I'm not really sure it would result in a better experience, perhaps that is only for me personally, not for people new to both IDEs.In addition, Visual Studio gets to be the first class citizen when it comes to new Microsoft technologies.For instance I recently installed Visual Studio 2012 so that I could install the plugin for TypeScript.I found the install experience to be painful, but now that it's installed I do enjoy the go to definition, intellisense, and refactorings it provides.So Visual Studio definitely has a lot of room for improvement, but it is useable and still the most productive tool for me personally.As 
 an aside, I don't understand what problem you've had alt tabbing out of Visual studio.  That seems to work fine for me.I'd be interested to hear what other IDEs people have used, and specifically if intellisense works well in them for C#.Thanks!Ian ReedURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Bokurano Daiboukenn 3 Comprehensive Walkthrough/Playthrough

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Bogdan

Re: Bokurano Daiboukenn 3 Comprehensive Walkthrough/Playthrough

Hi all. I am in the 6.4 stage. How can I travel on the mine? I all the time fall down after the last level of boulders.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: dd

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

@bladestorm, but won't the cruiser hit kara on the way back though? or am i missing somethingedit: okay never mind that question, that's kinda odd because the rest of your weapons can hit her, but the cruiser can'tI wonder if its a bug?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Scrolling Battles

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: Niklas

Re: Scrolling Battles

Well, that's my question as well. Or is it planed to integrate a Story mode in SB1? Maybe that's easier as to have two Projects going, especialy if the development of SB1 is going so well. And mason, will the new custom made enemies, enemie packs and themes be included into newer Versions of the game? >If not, it would be good if we could collect those in a seperate source, so you haven't to go through the whole Topic to find them. What do you think about that?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Sebby

Re: Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

Yes. WinDBG is how we did debugging. We had to. We collected the crash logs on other peoples' computers using Dr. Watson, if it happened to be installed.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Bokurano Daiboukenn 3 Comprehensive Walkthrough/Playthrough

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: assault_freak

Re: Bokurano Daiboukenn 3 Comprehensive Walkthrough/Playthrough

That one is common sense... the boss will be vulnerable to attacks when it's charging up to spawn enemies. Take out the enemies when the generator is far away then go after it.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Regarding Lack of Formal Independent Outdoor Travel Training

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: nin

Re: Regarding Lack of Formal Independent Outdoor Travel Training

hi guys. this topic is becoming very interesting. I also think that in 20 years we will have some electronic device that will be better than a guide dog. also reading this topic I had a crazy idea.what if some one will research the special sixth sense that some blind guys have the echolocation as they call it?I've been reading lately about this subject and this fascinates me because I realized I have this since when I was small and I was unconsciously using it to my own benefit. I can use it for example to detect large objects, doorways, and even distinguish between types of walls for example if it's a wooden one or if it's a gate in it. I can also say when a door is open or not and when something is right in front of my head.this was extremely usefull in some situations and prevented my head from banging in to things.this is a sense that bats have too, but their's is more developed. they can feel an insect some meters 
 away. now imagine if a device will be made that will improve it.what do you think?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: dd

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

@bladestorm, but won't the cruiser hit kara on the way back though? or am i missing somethingURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want softvoice tts for n v d a

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: jack

Re: i want softvoice tts for n v d a

Softvoice is free. However, you won't get it full stand alone on modern windows. The library is 16 bit so only works on 32 bit os. The only way to get softvoice or willow pond tts as it's also called, is to get the sapi4 synth called chatterbox, which is an English and Rusian version of the softvoice male voice. I know either Ghorthalon or Robjoy has softvoice as I recognize one of the voices as the same voice that was used in the speaker test for operation black square. But for now, this is all we haveURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Regarding Lack of Formal Independent Outdoor Travel Training

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: camlorn

Re: Regarding Lack of Formal Independent Outdoor Travel Training

By private, I mean no government support at all.  There are laws protecting service animals, but that's it.  The way you described it, I thought you were saying it's a government program.  My bad.I don't know where they got the only left turns from, then.  It was just something interesting that they mentioned last time I was there, and we were all incredulous.  Apparently, they get representatives from other countries from time to time and share information between the schools to some extent.  Maybe this is one of those events wherein the information got really distorted, or maybe it wasn't England.Our dogs do stop at street intersections, of course.  Even so, they're not taught to stop at turns in buildings, for example, or sidewalks that branch off.  If you're in a big city and every turn is a street, it works out fine, and you do indeed know every turning.  If I'm going to explore a univ
 ersity campus (or at least the ones that are optimized for pedestrians and not traffic), my dog does not tell me about sidewalks or doors that I might opt to go into, so they might as well not exist.  Thus, I usually walk new routes the first time with the cane.I'm not sure how I'd feel if my dog showed me everything.  For familiar routs (99% of mine these days), that seems like the dog stopping for every possible turn-off would be annoying.  On the other hand, there's a lot, lot, lot of times that would be useful.  The philosophy here seems to be to teach the dog things yourself, i.e. where you usually need to turn, and not worry about the things you don't need to know about, at all.  I do wish they taught the dogs to, I don't know, turn their heads or bark or something for possible turns.And yes, you can just work cane practice into your routine.  Sometimes, the dog is overhead that you don't need or the envir
 onment is just not conducive to it, so there you go.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Bokurano Daiboukenn 3 Comprehensive Walkthrough/Playthrough

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: hanif

Re: Bokurano Daiboukenn 3 Comprehensive Walkthrough/Playthrough

hi, I need help to beat the boss in 3-4? it seams that the enemies is generating alot.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] fun facts

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: nin

Re: fun facts

here are some fun facts about alcohol. enjoy you heavy drinkers like me. ◾The strongest beer in the world comes from a German brewer named Georg Tscheuschner. He claims his Schorschbrau Schorsch Bock 43 is 43% ABV which is stronger than most distilled spirits. It sells for over 100 Euros per bottle and it most likely is also the most disgusting tasting beer on the planet.◾Common distillation cannot exceed 191.2 proof because at that point ethanol is an azeotrope with water. Alcohols of this purity are commonly referred to as grain alcohol and are not meant for human consumption, with the notable exception of neutral grain spirits.◾Non-alcoholic beers average about 94 percent less alcohol and 58 percent fewer calories then regular beer.◾Alcohol consumption causes inflammatory chemicals called Cytokins to be overproduced by our bodies. This results in memory loss, loss of focus, and sometimes pain in the head.◾The alcohol content of a standard drink of beer, dinner wine, or distilled spirits (either straight or in a mixed drink) are equivalent. Don’t think of yourself as a “light weight” if you are sipping wine or some fruity drink while others are chugging beer and doing shots. (Disclaimer – this is not true if you are watching football however)◾Consumption of beer in the United States is about 33 gallons per person per year based on persons over the drinking age of 21 years old.◾Most yeasts cannot grow when the concentration of alcohol is higher than about 18% by volume, so that is a practical limit for the strength of fermented beverages such as wine, beer, and sake.◾Strains of yeast have been developed that can survive in solutions of up to 25% alcohol by volume, but these were bred for ethanol fuel production, not beverage production.◾Fortified wines are produced by adding brandy or other distilled spirits to achieve higher ABV than is easily reached using fermentation alone.◾The Top 3 countries in the World in per capita beer consumption are the Czech Republic, Germany, and Ireland.◾The Top 3 countries in the world with the highest tax rates on beer are Norway, Finland, and Canada.◾Alcohol has been widely consumed since prehistoric times by people around the world.◾Gin was invented in Holland in 1650 about the same time European settlers in the West Indies began distilling sugar cane into Rum.◾Sir Winston Churchill was a total booze hound. He would start each day with a whiskey before moving on to brandy and martinis later in the afternoon and evening.◾The legal drinking age varies by country. In most of Europe it is 16, Canada 18, most of Asia 20, and in the US it is 21.◾Distilled alcohol beverages 1st appeared 12th century Europe among alchemists who were more interested in medical “elixirs” than making gold from lead.◾Spirits may be served in a variety of ways, some of which include1.On the rocks — spirits are to be served and drunk over ice.2.Straight up — the spirit is to be shaken or stirred with ice, but drunk by itself, with the ice filtered out.3.Neat — the spirit is served and consumed by itself, with nothing added.4.With a simple mixer such as tonic water, cola, etc.5.With water◾The average alcohol content of wine sold in the United States fell from 16.75 percent in 1950 to 10.49 percent in 1991 before rebounding slightly to 11.45 in 2002.◾The alcohol content in beer followed a similar pattern, falling from 5.02 percent in 1950 to 4.58 percent in 1993 and rising again to 4.65 percent in 2002.◾The District of Columbia had the highest average alcohol content of liquor sold, at 38.3 percent. Ohio had the lowest average alcohol content, at 34.8 percent. In both states, the 2002 alcohol levels were about 4 percent to 5 percent lower than 1950 levels.◾A popular drink in Cambodia is a Tarantula Brandy. You guessed it – the concoction includes rice liquor and freshly dead tarantulas.◾An even grosser drink than the Tarantula Brandy is the Baby Mouse Liquor found in rural Korea. This distilled rice spirit or filled with baby mice carcasses and fermented for 1 year.◾Overconsumption of alcohol causes scarring of the liver which must work overtime to produce enough of the enzymes that break down the ethanol in booze.1. The word “toast,” which means wishing good health originated in ancient Rome. A piece of toasted bread was literally dropped into wine back then.2. The soil of one of the vineyards in France is considered so precious that it is mandatory for workers to scrape the soil off their shoes before they leave.3. Anyone under the age of 21 should be careful of taking out trash bags in Missouri. If you are under 21 and the garbage contains an empty bottle of alcohol, you can be charged with illegal possession of alcohol.4. Most people think that drinking alcohol raises the body temperature. Alcohol actually lowers the body temperature.5. Here is a little surprise : The national anthem of United States “The Star Spangled Banner,” was written to the tune of a drinking song.6. Although

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] smugglers 5 help!

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: smugglers 5 help!

Add on! is the word, but yes, there is apparently going to be one for s5, and as I said given some of the conversations myself and some other fans of the game had with niels about where the game could go it has the potential to be awsome!Actually, it's for this sort of thing I really rather miss the nielsbauer forum, since then everyone could get involved with the discussion, and the blog that replaced it just isn't adequate.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Death Match

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: Atlan

Re: Death Match

hi, i cant play the game but i want play can anyone upload a earlier version?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Death Match

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: hanif

Re: Death Match

hi danny, how to unlock the rail gun?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] new SB enemi pack released!

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: the terminator

Re: new SB enemi pack released!

hayyes guys, you just need to place the sounds there, enemies folder, and no modds. they are original enemies.I, am a real terminator!add me at skype! raton.miguelito.glpsURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Scrolling Battles

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ

Re: Scrolling Battles

Hi.I have just read through the SB2 topic again, and now I remember. Lol. Are you still working on this game?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Scrolling Battles 2

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ

Re: Scrolling Battles 2

Hi.How is the development going of this game?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: bladestorm360

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

DD, make the mini cruiser weapon and grind 15-3. You'll have all bonus weapons in under an hour.As for 12-2, just stay as close to your ally as possible and let her do most of the work. If you can shoot away from her, then do it, but do not lose track of her, and keep her healed up with remote medical kits. Even though the fireballs are good experience if you can shoot them, try to mostly jump over them so you can stay cloase to Kara.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] new SB enemi pack released!

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ

Re: new SB enemi pack released!

Cool, thanks for your reply.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokura no daiboukenn 3, basic tips.

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: bladestorm360

Re: bokura no daiboukenn 3, basic tips.

Ah. I guess that'd be helpful, but I just change altitude to dodge missiles before they're launched, and follow the weapons carrier when I launch it if there's a weapon around.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] "Dance my ass off" a free colaborational music album

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: SLJ

Re: "Dance my ass off" a free colaborational music album

Hi.Sounds nice. Who have made the voiceover in the promotion? that is really epic. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The people behind TTS voices

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: SLJ

Re: The people behind TTS voices

Hi.The only thing I remember was a series of clips from the Eloquence synth and the real voice behind. It sounded like a very old recording which was brought in the radio much sooner. I'm sorry, I don't remember more from the recording, since it was back in 2002 I heard it, I think.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Mac verses Windows

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: SLJ

Re: Mac verses Windows

Hi.there have been a beta version of Winamp very long time ago, but it was totally inaccessible, so I stick with vlc player, which works really awesome on the Mac.The new iwork apple released last tuesday this week is amazing. Now we have a totally accessible office pack, which we only have waited for since 2009. Mail works now better with Voiceover. there are some very small changes such as date announcement for recieved mails which just makes it better. Otherwise, I haven't found much yet, accept for the same feature which we know from IOS, where Voiceover turns down the nromal sounds when Voiceover speaks, so you can hear the speech, if a program or game plays any noisy audio.Chris the cursor is very easy to understand, if you get the right explanation.  
 after you understand how it works, you would ask yourself why that hasn't been changed in all other screenreaders as well. Here is how it works:When moving the cursor left or right, the cursor isn't placed on the actual character, like it is in Windows. The cursor is placed between each character. here is an example:The sentense: "Welcoem to text editing.If you move the cursor as far as it can go to the left, the cursor is not on the letter W, but to the left of W. When you press the right arrow, Voiceover repeets the letter W. why? Because the cursor jumps over the letter, and is being placed between the letter W and the letter E. That means if you press backspace to delete, you'll delete the letter W, because it deletes the letter to the left of the cursor.Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it works the same way visually 
 in Windows. I think the screenreaders are playing a trick on us, and gives us the wrong information. In Windows, it sounds like the cursor is placed directly on the cursor which means out from my example above, that if we wanna delete the letter W, we have to press right until the speech says the letter E.I know that's just two ways of handeling things, but I like the way it works on the Mac, and IOS. It makes most sence to me.I hope you understand my example and explanations, but please let me know if you're having trouble on understanding how it works. That's something which needs to be read multiple times to totally get how it works. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] new SB enemi pack released!

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: fan

Re: new SB enemi pack released!

hi, just paste the enimys into the enimys folder of the scrolling battles folder. they are not mods to current enimys, so they won't override anything.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] smugglers 5 help!

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: cw

Re: smugglers 5 help!

Did I read addin? LOL. I would love to see more content, but then again, I haven't yet beat the game. LOL. I just wish it was on my IPod touch and or IPad. LOL.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone know of a good podcast app for the mac, prefferably free

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: kyle12

Re: Anyone know of a good podcast app for the mac, prefferably free

Hi, I just did some research on this. Its not free, but its the best i came up with. Search of pod snatcher on the app store, or simply search for podcast and click the pod snatcher link. Its $0.99URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Papasangre 2 competition and preview

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — AG-News room: Dark

Papasangre 2 competition and preview

Aaaagh no! begone oh fowl god of death, get your horrible and demonic writings off my news post!No,  can't stop it, need more garlic, gh! Don't click this link to feed the God of death souls Prophecies say his evil palace will be open on the day of the dead, halloween itself,  but he's trying to get more souls! and will sucker people into his evil domain earlier who send him souls, like tweeting little birds caught in an extractor fan.Oh, and definitely! Don't go here to listen to his evil voice Agh! need more garlic,  and holy water, and a holy sybmol,  do you think crossed joysticks will count?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] headphones and tinnitus?

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: SLJ

Re: headphones and tinnitus?

Hi.I'm also sorry to hear about the tinitus.Excuse me if I read the article wrong, but it also seems as people who are having tonal tinitus find those headphones helpful.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Papasangre 2 competition and preview

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — AG-News room: Dark

Papasangre 2 competition and preview

Aaaagh no! begone oh fowl god of death, get your horrible and demonic writings off my news post!No,  can't stop it, need more garlic, gh! Don't click this link to feed the God of death souls Prophecies say his evil palace will be open on the day of the dead, halloween itself,  but he's trying to get more souls! and will sucker people into his evil domain earlier who send him souls, like tweeting little birds caught in an extractor fan.Oh, and definitely! Don't go here to listen to his evil voice Agh! need more garlic!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Bokurano Daiboukenn 3 Comprehensive Walkthrough/Playthrough

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: brad

Re: Bokurano Daiboukenn 3 Comprehensive Walkthrough/Playthrough

Hi.Best thing to do is upgrade your health and defense.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Scrolling Battles

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: Giovani

Re: Scrolling Battles

And also, in which post I found these instructions, how to delete the registry of this game?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Scrolling Battles

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: Giovani

Re: Scrolling Battles

Hi!This is a great idea to translate this game.I just think to that.For example, not everybody in My country speaks good English.And also, in another countries too, for example China.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Death Match

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: mike-tan

Re: Death Match

[[wow]]! I can't wait the full release! keep it up sir!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Bokurano Daiboukenn 3 Comprehensive Walkthrough/Playthrough

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: hanif

Re: Bokurano Daiboukenn 3 Comprehensive Walkthrough/Playthrough

hi, now I am at 3.2.What can I do to avoid those lazers?I climb up the ladder but I get hit by the lazers and 3 hits of the lazers I died.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Death Match

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: hanif

Re: Death Match

hi danny,How to insert those 7 databoards?I heard the instruction that there is 2 system.After you insert the 7 databoards, michael will insert another 7 data board to another system and we can get the turbocar station operational.But if I press enter on cooedinate 10:120, why it doesn't work?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] space odyssey a cool fleet managemennt mmorpg

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark

Re: space odyssey a cool fleet managemennt mmorpg

Okay, I couldn't register on the forum, (it had an audio alternative to the capture, but it didn't work for some reason), so I've sent a pm to the support team asking about either the so pve server or some sort of none pvp option in the game. (I also asked about the star labels while I was there). The worst they can say is no after all, and it really is a shame given how complex and how much there is to do in the game.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: chrisfaelnar

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

hi guys. Sorry to post this question. But i think no body did to answer my question. How do i beet the stage 12.2?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] smugglers 5 help!

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: smugglers 5 help!

Niels is a nice guy like that in terms of cash, he refunded me what I paid for empires and dungeons when i bought the game and the expantion in hopes he'd do the accessibility addon,   though it still somewhat narks me more people didn't get involved with that one, since we'd have potentially had another great rpg to play if people had. Oh well, we'll wait for the s5 addon which should be cool! Indeed, I confess I've been having quite some conversations with Niels about new features for the game, and if he adds some of them the game could be truly fantastic.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Something really weard

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: Something really weard

Why would you need to delete it? You asked a question, you got an answer and some replies, that's what the forum is for, and anyone with any thoughts on similar matters might want to reply in the future.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Regarding Lack of Formal Independent Outdoor Travel Training

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: Regarding Lack of Formal Independent Outdoor Travel Training

Well Camlorn I completely agree about keeping up cane skills for immergencies, and this is something I was recommended, though to be honest for me I don't need to make time to practice. I pretty much practice my cane everytime I take Reever for a none working walk off harnice, which I do fairly often (every couple of days). I also tend to use my cane every time I go to see my brother and watch anime, just because it worked out slightly easier that way for various reasons,  since my brother is less happy with me following with Reever than holding his arm as he's partially sighted, and as it's much harder for me to stop Reever picking up something nasty in Nottingham town center if she's not working. I'm not sure what you mean about "the dog isn't going to tell you about turns you don't take" since in England if your going straight down a street and you pass an intersection to one side, even if it is a pedestrianised one, the d
 og is supposed to stop at it and wait for the command to continnue, so you never miss turnings. The dog will also do this in buildings with branching corridors. It's true that you don't find every single door you walk past, but getting to the correct area and saying "find the door" will usually do, likewise while you don't necessarily get to hit park benches with your cane, I have taught reever to quite successfully find benches and seats so in any area where I believe there should be a bench I don't need to worry about it's exact position constantly. Bins are rather more difficult it's true, but then again in Britain bins are often so variable and random in placement I'd never hit them with my cane or realize what they were accept by residual vision if I saw someone putting something in,  and I've already taught reever to find post boxes.I suppose in general with a guide dog the experience is more along the 
 lines of having an idea of what location! something is in and then relying on the dog to zero in on it, rather than hitting everything and needing a constant memorization of dangerous obstacles, though of course since your not! having to memorise constantly, you can have more alertness and awareness for objects outside immediate range. This is also why it goes very well with my own risidual vision and sensory object recognition. Just as a correction, Guide dogs isn't run by the government, it's an independent  charitable organization funded by donations, although the health service or other professionals might refer people to! guide dogs, (indeed up until recently the organization didn't get status as a charity or tax credit), and to be honest if your not paying for it I don't really see what you mean by it being "private" Regarding classes, well it's not so much that you don't get to have fun, or that they are strict, rathe
 r that the training itself is particularly intensive just by nature of what your actually learning. Sometimes, as happened first off with my mum a number of people are sent off to do training together in a center of some sort, and the dynamics there are rather different since obviously you are! interacting with other people, and will use your cane around the center, (though your apparently expected to have the dog with you at all times). Other times, as with me your doing training at home, and that I believe is naturally harsher just because you pretty much are on your own. It's not so much that your forbidden from using your cane, it's more that your expected to be with your dog 24 hours a day 7 days a week, you wouldn't be allowed to say leave your dog in the house and go out on the town with your cane, indeed your generally discouraged from going out much at all,  although visitors are quite okay. I actually persuaded my tabletop rp group to come to my f
 lat rather than me getting a lift to the gm's house, (since they have a very nurvous dog this was doubly out), though amusingly enough since they actually liked playing here, (particularly how I put all the chairs out before hand and made coffee), they've continued to do this ever since! .It's not so much regulations in terms of "you must do this" so much as it is working out what is best for your dog. ther'es no problem with say giving toys or treats or whatever, but Guide dogs do mean to see you don't feed your dog something that will make it ill and you keep up with vaccinations etc, this is very mutual, for example Reever when she first came was on an anti allergy food which to be honest made her absolutely starving most of the time, (I think the local health officer who over reacts quite a lot went a bit nuts since I've never p
 ersonally noticed Reever having alergies at all), so her food got changed and it's been better ever since. After all also remember that various dog food companies actually provide! the food that guide dogs use, and you get it either for nothing or for a basic donation, freely delivered by post.

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Revelation - Exploration and discovery puzzle, by Aprone

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: AlexN94

Re: Revelation - Exploration and discovery puzzle, by Aprone

Hehe, I guess you could include that recipe in a future update, though. I'm not really sure whether the rainbow should be created from sunshine and steam or if rain would be better... Probably the latter. IDKThere shouldn't happen to be a rainbow recipe already? When thinking about it, I guess you should also be able to use that in another recipe, but I've got no idea about what that'd create then...Oh, and I love the recipe for crickets, though it doesn't make that much sense to me. Thunderstorm is cool too. Oh, and it seems that there's a bug when you press 3. That should list recipes possible at the moment, right? When I click on one of the recipes there (though I've only tried with the first one in the list) I'm told I don't have the needed items. I found that kinda odd.Besides from that, I'm still enjoy
 ing the game, though I haven't found much more that 40 achievements so far. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Let's play shadow line!

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: faelnar.christopher

Re: Let's play shadow line!

Yay!! I did it. I beat the game!Thanks morokuma san. I really enjoyed a lot in this game. Hoping that there is a next adventure.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Bokurano Daiboukenn 3 Comprehensive Walkthrough/Playthrough

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: grryfindore

Re: Bokurano Daiboukenn 3 Comprehensive Walkthrough/Playthrough

Ahh sheesh. I did read the guide in the first post,but kinda skimmed over the getting started section. Thanks. I haven't read the hole of the guide since figureing shit out on ones own a bit of it anyway,is quite fun. just a quick question. I am in the school,stage 1.1 I think,and have gotten a few weapons from a box,entered a tree place where I got  a key from,killed a bird,and now I am stuck. on the right,there is a small platform on which I stood and killed the dam bird,but if I travel left,there is a opstruction in the way,and I can't jump as there is no place to. and the door to get out of the place is to the left,as well. there are iron balls in the air,or some higher platform but I can't find a way to it.Grryf.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] smugglers 5 help!

2013-10-25 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: grryfindore

Re: smugglers 5 help!

I don't think anyone has noticed or it has been anounced,smugglers5 is beeing sold at a very high discount on if I haven't gotten the website name wrong,and on neals website as well. its at around $9.99 now as compared to the $29.99? it was those who haven't bought the game,should. I bought the game one day before the game was released at the discount price[sebby did for me,:d],and neal was kind enough to mail us with the offer to refund the rest of the $$ since we had bought the game just a day before. Grryf.URL:

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