Re: UltraPower

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower

yep, Ill bet that was an admin. the admins of up are noturious for using their admin abilities to gain advantage over other players, and there are a lot of them, and many of them dont have good backgrounds Im sure.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hey guys,A question.Would it be logical, and/or possible, to store peoples game variable files on an http server, so that they couldnt modify them?I mean, where the game would load, ask for your name, and retrieve your stats off of the server, rather than having them at easy access.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Braillemon status update!

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : daigonite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braillemon status update!

firence wrote:Hi RachelI have a question about the lan.ini file.I have almost finished traslating it at present, but some lines of the [Pokemon_Menu] aprear in english, even if they are translated in the file.Here are the file., greetings.Ill take a peek maybe tonight or tomorrow. In the meantime, can you tell me what menu functions seem to be causing the issue? I may have just not implemented the translation in that part yet.


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Re: Shadow Line full voice demo released!

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Shadow Line full voice demo released!

The game has been completed for a while now, yes.. if you mean finished developing, theyre still adding some things, but this next one is supposed to be the final update. In the meantime, if you mean if anyone has finished the game, many of us have beat it multiple times.


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Re: Does a recording of this exist? Anywhere?

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does a recording of this exist? Anywhere?

I have a pretty decent collection of vinyl myself. Most of it has been passed down from my parents, who werent using it anymore anyway, so Ive cleaned it up as best I can, and still very much enjoy listening to it.The only reason I havent bought any lately is because I dont have the space for it, sadly.I was a 90s kid, so I should have loved CDs. But I really didnt, not even then when they were in. They were much too easy to break, scratch, and mishandle for my liking. Not that I took especially good care of them when I was a kid, but still. Its no wonder theyve been phased out, for the most part. I cant remember the last time somebody told me they were going out to buy music on a CD. Now, its all about services like ITunes, Amazon, Bandcamp, Spodify, and so on. Not that I mind that, in itself. I have a pretty sizable digital collection of music, nearly 4 terrabytes, in fact. But I wouldn
 9;t give up my vinyl for anything. I think both digital and analog music has its place.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible bible programs for windows?

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : FM94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible bible programs for windows?

Hi.I dont know about the new version. Im still using 7.98Its accessible with JAWS and NVDA, although you have to do some workarounds with NVDA.Have a nice day.Francois


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: RTR servers down

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FM94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: RTR servers down

Hi.Make sure you have all the maps and entities. Then the other servers should work.Francois


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Re: Beatstar discussion

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar discussion

Ah, I dont think too many people would be upset if you gave a rough idea of when those packs might be done. Theyre just parts of the game, after all, and were getting new ones all the time.Still, if you want to surprise us, thats cool too. I dont know if you saw the other topic where soundpacks are being discussed, but if you have seen it, youll know that I, personally, will be excited to see a metal pack. So take your time with it, and make it awesome.


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Re: PS4 accessibility features

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cj89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PS4 accessibility features

@Sightless Kombat:Yeah Im glad you said that. While its good to remain optimistic, its already going to be sort of a slap in the face if it does turn out to be chat only.


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Re: Clok Mud

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clok Mud

They say in the clok wiki thingy that its still in beta. I dont believe so still, cause as I said, Its been further from what we call the beta stage. I cant think of anything thats inaccessible in that mud now. Hope the soundpack has an update soon.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Clok Mud

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clok Mud

Ah @marta I see what you mean about spear fishing, although you also need spear weapons skill for that as well. I dont mind using a rod for now. As to clok, yep its surprising how much is there, but there is I think more to ad, look at the pottery skill as an example.


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Re: Death match a new beginning, online roleplaying science fiction MMO

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vlad25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Death match a new beginning, online roleplaying science fiction MMO

ok ok danny. congratulations for your suggestions.You can do it!keep up the good work. i cant play but im reading this topic.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Death match a new beginning, online roleplaying science fiction MMO

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mike-tan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Death match a new beginning, online roleplaying science fiction MMO

hi hi. who have this problem. when I connect to the surver, it crash the game not responding what I hear is music. and not try to connect. maybe my quota or whatever


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Clok Mud

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clok Mud

Great idea about the bank vault. Thanks Mata!This Mud is only in Beta?I would have thought it was fully developed, from what Ive seen so far.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Mortal Kombat x officially announced!

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mortal Kombat x officially announced!

I dont know why NRS is choosing to make this decision either, because as I said, no other fighting game I can think of off the top of my head has region locked netplay, since hte idea is to be able to fight anyone you want in the world online.


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Re: RTR servers down

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: RTR servers down

all servers are right just main server is down


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Mortal Kombat x officially announced!

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mortal Kombat x officially announced!

Hi,Ive been reading this topic for a while and thought Id come and clear up a few things based on what I know. Im willing to stand corrected on facts If you have any sources that can prove me wrong on news regarding this game, but here goes.As far as I know the PC version is being developed in house, running on next generation technology. From what I understand this has been confirmed on the thread, but just in case people werent clear, this is apparently now the case. However, X360 and PS3 are still under development by High Voltage Software. Make of that what you will.Jason of Friday the 13th fame is coming as the first character in the Kombat Pack of four characters. This pack will contain2 classic Mortal Kombat fighters as well as an extra guest character (speculations are welcome).The achievement list has been leaked by way of the Xbox hub for the game. Read this at your own disgression, bu
 t on a personal level Id say it doesnt really spoil very much for those of us who have no vision at all. Read it here on the site. If you guys want a version thats more easily organised let me know and Ill see what I can find.The mobile game, which is most likely not going to be playable as it follows Injustice and WWE Immortals in style and mechanics, has a good looking preview, found on the DroidGamers youtube channel.Ive just started a guide to MKX, which I hope to expand post-release gathering resources from sites like Gamefaqs etc.The roster according to IGns wiki on the game is listed below in no particular order, although of course the full version will be included in my guide once the game releases:SonyaJohnny CageJasonKitanaJaxShinnokJacqueline BriggsTakashi TakedaKung JinGoro *available as a preorder bonus, no word on availability post launch as of yet*MileenaErmacScorpionSub-ZeroCassie CageDVorahKotal KahnFerra/TorrRaidenKanoReptileKenshiKung LaoQuan ChiI hope this information is of use, I will update the guide as and when but probably wont post notifications here of when this will happen due to infrequency or otherwise of updates.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Clok Mud

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clok Mud

f its not considered spoiling, I can show you where th other city is. Its not too hard to get to from shagerd, and its not too far. The chapterhouse is also not too far, just takes another branch.For mining, thebest way I always do, is get a large empty container and retrieve my pickax from the vault, then buy the lantern or power it with oil, after that go to the mine, which is not in shagerd. You wanna know where you can mine withut having to watchfr those shades? ll tell you the tips I discovered by accident. From the shagerd canyon, try to go east, north east, norteast as much a possible until you near the river. Theres a clearing there with closed door. Try knocking on it and go in as quick as you can. You cn start mining down there. No shade, nothing at all, just the falling mess as usual. Yu dont have to switch your lantern and weapon in the mine, its good to have your pckax as a weapon, take that as the haft practicing
  time. Te shde is easy to kill, just hide and ambush it when it comes. Its stupid enough to stand and get crushed by you.The thing I find more frustrated, is whenever I find a box from those infested crap, I brought it to the locksmith. A locksmith never just take the riln inside, but also take the bar of minerals and gems inside as well. Its not fair, seriously.


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Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : chris88 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

thanks Aprone for looking into this.It would be much appriciated.Running around maps with no chest armor is not very fun! 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: jailbreak for iOS 8.2, is it available?

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: jailbreak for iOS 8.2, is it available?

It seems as though almost every iOS Jailbreaking thread turns into an android vs iOS debate.  There are countless reasons why I prefer iOS over Android. First, Ive been an Apple user ever since iOS 3.1.2, and a person who jailbreaks since 3.1.3. I am completely comfortable with the OS and how to use it. Also, Ive been purchasing apps for years now, and I would hate to have to buy them again simply to switch platforms. Secondly, even with the VoiceOver bugs, I still find it much easier to use than Talkback. Im not sure why, but when I use Talkback, it stops responding. After 5 seconds or so, it will begin responding again and try to deal with all of the commands Ive issued since it froze. Im not sure what causes this, nor do I know if this is hardware related; (I own a Nexus 7 2013). Another thing Ive noticed is the hit or m
 iss when it comes to accessibility in applications. In iOS its the same way, but it does seem that inaccessible apps are much more Prevalent on Android. Finally, the main reason I jailbreak my iPhone and take advantage of the features gained is because I can. Ive also root and installed CyanogenMod on my Nexus, put a custom firmware on my ps3, modded my laptops audio drivers, etc. I like to push products as far as I possibly can. I learn from this while at the same time getting the best out of my devices. If Android was my primary OS, I would modify and change things on there as well. I dont jailbreak iOS just because of its limitations; I do it because its fun and I gain features in the process. To those of you who use Android, thats awesome. Same with Windows Phone. People have their preference, and thats a good thing. It creates competition between all of the platforms, and as a result, they get pushed forward an
 d better for everyone


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Mortal Kombat X: A Game Guide

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Mortal Kombat X: A Game Guide

This guide is currently under construction and will expand as time goes on with resources form various internet sites, which will be credited as added.***Disclaimer***If the moderators of this forum believe this guide to be in violation of any of the rules or stipulations that govern this forum, please inform me via private message and I will be happy to adjust/take it down as needed.***end of disclaimer*a note about spoilers**As this guide expands, there will be spoilers. Of course, there will As a gamer who doesnt actually like things being spoilt (accept in exceptional circumstances), I will put spoiler warnings around these. These will be presented as follows:***spoiler warning***[spoiler text]***end of spoiler warning*end of note**Table of contentsI. Mortal Kombat: The series.II. Mortal Kombat: New generation, new beginnings.III. Mortal Kombat X: systems and versions.IV. Input guide.1. Game mechanics.1.1. Ground movement.1.2. Jumping.1.3. Blocking.1.4. Running.1.5. Special Moves.1.6. Enhanced special moves.1.7. Throws.1.8. Interactibles.1.9. Brutalities.1.10. Fatalities.2. Characters.(sections will be listed here when full roster is released)3. Starting the game for the first time.3.1. Menu layout.3.2. Accessibility mode.4. Tutorial.5. Kombos.6. Story Mode.unnumbered: conclusions


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Re: UltraPower

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : App con via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower

Hi allOk but please unbann me because I did not do any thing wrong.And the map was weird befor I was banned.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Mortal Kombat x officially announced!

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mortal Kombat x officially announced!

Hi,Ive been reading this topic for a while and thought Id come and clear up a few things based on what I know. Im willing to stand corrected on facts If you have any sources that can prove me wrong on news regarding this game, but here goes.As far as I know the PC version is being developed in house, running on next generation technology. From what I understand this has been confirmed on the thread, but just in case people werent clear, this is apparently now the case. However, X360 and PS3 are still under development by High Voltage Software. Make of that what you will.In case this hasnt been flagged up, the PS3 and X360 versions are delayed until some time around June, possibly later. Why? Noone really knows. The PC, Xbox One and PS4 versions are all set to release on time though!Jason of Friday the 13th fame is coming as the first character in the Kombat Pack of four characters.
 bsp; This pack will contain2 classic Mortal Kombat fighters as well as an extra guest character (speculations are welcome).The achievement list has been leaked by way of the Xbox hub for the game. Read this at your own disgression, but on a personal level Id say it doesnt really spoil very much for those of us who have no vision at all. Read it here on the site. If you guys want a version thats more easily organised let me know and Ill see what I can find.The mobile game, which is most likely not going to be playable as it follows Injustice and WWE Immortals in style and mechanics, has a good looking preview, found on the DroidGamers youtube channel.Ive just started a guide to MKX, which I hope to expand post-release gathering resources from sites like Gamefaqs etc.The roster according to IGns
  wiki on the game is listed below in no particular order, although of course the full version will be included in my guide once the game releases:SonyaJohnny CageJasonKitanaJaxShinnokJacqueline BriggsTakashi TakedaKung JinGoro *available as a preorder bonus, no word on availability post launch as of yet*MileenaErmacScorpionSub-ZeroCassie CageDVorahKotal KahnFerra/TorrRaidenKanoReptileKenshiKung LaoQuan ChiI hope this information is of use, I will update the guide as and when but probably wont post notifications here of when this will happen due to infrequency or otherwise of updates.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Clok Mud

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clok Mud

the problem I had with mining and the lantern was the pulling of the handcart more than the mining itself. Sinse the handcart seemed pretty essential to get enough ore (sinse you couldnt carry it otherwise, but If you put the lantern in the cart, it went out, but obviously you needed to take it to you while looking for ore to mine, so what I had to do was memorize the exits, drop the lantern in the cart, pull the cart to the next room in the dark, (health and safety would have a field day), get the lantern out of the cart, survey for minerals, drop the lantern, stopp pulling the cart, get out my pickaxe and mine away, then when Id mined the ore out rince and repeat and thats not counting having to swap to my weapon and swing away at various shadows and other nasties who frequently had a fear attack that sent me running into yet another pitch dark room. It was all just too much of a hassle, especially compared to logging which is muc
 h more automated even if you do need to look out for spiders. its a shame sinse I do like the idea of prospecting for minerals underground, but other than taking a horse down the mine to reduce the amounts of hands needed for carting or having wearable lamps that would stop the need for shaking lanterns around I dont see how to cut the trouble. Ive also managed to get lost (and this time I followed the road), just trying to find another city away from shadgard whichisnt good either, especially if I want to find the Udemi chapter house. The maps really dont seem that useful in the game and other than that shadgard is to the south of the mountains and has a river and a road bridge near it to the northeast Im not really sure where the other main settlements are, still at least sinse Im practicing my archery I shouldnt starve, albeit that I probably wont be rich either unless I supplement with some herb collecting along
  with the hunting .Edit: well archery is improving although those are 25 arrows I wont see again, and at least all this hunting is keeping me fed in the wilderness, a shame about the skins but hay. The only slightly irritating thing as when I come to a recognizable place, Haites wagon, there doesnt seem anything there, I buy a ticket (which costs 50 riln), but there is nothing to see or do with it which is a bit of a waste of money, though at least Im at a recognizable place now so I can find my way elsewhere, Im thinking I ought to get lessons in perception and stealth, but teachers are expensive and it never seems fare to beg on channels.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Death match a new beginning, online roleplaying science fiction MMO

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Death match a new beginning, online roleplaying science fiction MMO

Hi, personally id like to stay away from having other alien races in the dm universe, mainly because dm has always been about humans and their adventures in space. The race which had created project alpha had died off long before humans even launched into space, and the aliens project alpha created were from human D N A.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Clok Mud

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clok Mud

I wont bother buying lines for my rod like before again. Spearfishingworks the same way, even if you suck at spears. This thing seems to help mprove your spears skill too.


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Re: Tactical Battle 2.0

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : milos via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tactical Battle 2.0

I have question when a new maps is been released?


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smugglers 3

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : milos via Audiogames-reflector


smugglers 3

Helo guys i need a help about smugglers 3. I wont to play this game but when i opening game and pressing arows on my kybord i dont hear anything... i using nvda and are is smugglers 3 accesibles with nvda and how to play it?


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Re: Beatstar discussion

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zseli via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar discussion

No, there is nothing wrong. I hear no sounds anytime i go into that pack.


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Re: Death match a new beginning, online roleplaying science fiction MMO

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Death match a new beginning, online roleplaying science fiction MMO

Mike, what is your ship name.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Huge bug in windows 10 and alt-tabbing

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Huge bug in windows 10 and alt-tabbing

Ive noticed it with some things and not with others. For example, the schedule restart thing, if you alt tab to get onto it, it just goes away.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Death match a new beginning, online roleplaying science fiction MMO

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Death match a new beginning, online roleplaying science fiction MMO

Hi.@Severestormsteve, The turbocar should stay where it is so you can take it back to where you were before.@Danny, I was playing project alpha and pondering the death match series. Do you think this series could include alien races later on? Putting in a part of dmnb or the other one where you go beyond the outer rim to find some different races. Maybe some are good and some are extremely evil. I have plenty of ideas for alien races so pm or email me and we can talk about it.Maybe you can create an awful race like the romulans in star trek lol.


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Re: Moderation notice please read

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Moderation notice please read

Hello,In a way it makes sense, but at the same time were talking digital goods and I cant seem to think of a scenario that makes sense.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

Hello,Good news for mkx pc players: the pc version will not be region locked at all, so Id definitely love to end up playing with pitermach, robjoy and possibly assault freak some day. Robjoy has said he wont be getting his copy at launch though but hell consider it later.


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Re: very urgent help with inquisitor 3 audiogame!!!

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Douglas1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: very urgent help with inquisitor 3 audiogame!!!

hi, this never appened to me. this is strange.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: jailbreak for iOS 8.2, is it available?

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: jailbreak for iOS 8.2, is it available?

It seems as though almost every iOS Jailbreaking thread turns into an android vs iOS debate.  There are countless reasons why I prefer iOS over Android. First, Ive been an Apple user ever since iOS 3.1.2, and a person who jailbreaks since 3.1.3. I am completely comfortable with the platform and how to use it. Also, Ive been purchasing apps for years now, and I would hate to have to buy them again simply to switch platforms. Secondly, even with the VoiceOver bugs, I still find it much easier to use than Talkback. Im not sure why, but when I use Talkback, it stops responding. After 5 seconds or so, it will begin responding again and try to deal with all of the commands Ive issued since it froze. Im not sure what causes this, nor do I know if this is hardware related; (I own a Nexus 7 2013). Another thing Ive noticed is the hi
 t or miss when it comes to accessibility in applications. In iOS its the same way, but it does seem that inaccessible apps are much more Prevalent on Android. Finally, the main reason I jailbreak my iPhone and take advantage of the features gained is because I can. Ive also root and installed CyanogenMod on my Nexus, put a custom firmware on my ps3, modded my laptops audio drivers, etc. I like to push products as far as I possibly can. I learn from this while at the same time getting the best out of my devices. If Android was my primary OS, I would modify and change things on there as well. I dont jailbreak iOS just because of its limitations; I do it because its fun and I gain features in doing so. To those of you who use Android, thats awesome. Same with Windows Phone. People have their preference, and thats a good thing. It creates competition between all of the platforms, and as a result, they get pushed forward
  and better for everyone


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UltraPower

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : soundworx via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower

Hi all,Youre probably not going to like this, but, Ive held work on ultrapower due to the sparking of interest in a new type of game. Im currently working on that project.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UltraPower

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vlad25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower

ok mason but if you dont have the time please give me the admin rights to fix the maps problemsbecause we cant access the second third forht and fith floors.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: jailbreak for iOS 8.2, is it available?

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: jailbreak for iOS 8.2, is it available?

It seems as though almost every iOS Jailbreaking thread turns into an android vs iOS debate.  There are countless reasons why I prefer iOS over Android. First, Ive been an Apple user ever since iOS 3.1.2, and a person who jailbreaks since 3.1.3. I am completely comfortable with the OS and how to use it. Also, Ive been purchasing apps for years now, and I would hate to have to buy them again simply to switch platforms. Secondly, even with the VoiceOver bugs, I still find it much easier to use than Talkback. Im not sure why, but when I use Talkback, it stops responding. After 5 seconds or so, it will begin responding again and try to deal with all of the commands Ive issued since it froze. Im not sure what causes this, nor do I know if this is hardware related; (I own a Nexus 7 2013). Another thing Ive noticed is the hit or m
 iss when it comes to accessibility in applications. In iOS its the same way, but it does seem that inaccessible apps are much more Prevalent on Android. Finally, the main reason I jailbreak my iPhone and take advantage of the features gained is because I can. Ive also root and installed CyanogenMod on my Nexus, put a custom firmware on my ps3, modded my laptops audio drivers, etc. I like to push products as far as I possibly can. I learn from this while at the same time getting the best out of my devices. If Android was my primary OS, I would modify and change things on there as well. I dont jailbreak iOS just because of its limitations; I do it because its fun and I gain features in doing so. To those of you who use Android, thats awesome. Same with Windows Phone. People have their preference, and thats a good thing. It creates competition between all of the platforms, and as a result, they get pushed forward and b
 etter for everyone


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UltraPower

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : App con via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower

My name on the game was readwulf.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: DiscWorld mud help

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DiscWorld mud help

I tried this one a while back, and it looked like fun. But I didnt play for long, because I couldnt find anything! If there were text directions somewhere, Id give it another go. I really wanted to play, because I love the idea of Muds based on books.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: UltraPower

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower

yep appKon,I was banned by Ethin when he was still an admin. Im still banned it seems. ah well. weve still got rtr, ei? If I dont get unbanned soon I can always uninstall it, Mason wouldnt care Im sure and it would not be very hard. so yeah.:)


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Re: Legal request crack?

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Legal request crack?

Ok, I went to Munawars website (, and the site seems works find. and also heres the news from February wrote by munawar:Decided to Keep GoingFebruary 8th, 2015On February 5th, I posted this message to the website: February 5th, 2015:Hello Everyone,  In April of 2014, my dad suddenly passed away after being on life support for two weeks. In December, I graduated university and am seeking to start full-time employment soon, as opposed to the part-time positions Ive held over the years. The latest event in my life is my mother being diagnosed with cancer which has been declared terminal. Current predictions are that she has six months to live. While all this was going on, I was trying to keep up with BPC and the TDV reboot. I regret to inform you that I can no longer maintain BPC and also deal with family things. Therefore, BP
 C will cease to exist in two weeks time. In light of this, so that you have time to read this message, the dissolution process will be as follows. The website will remain active for the next two weeks from the date of this posting. The latest build of TDV can be downloaded from this URL: After the two-week period ends, the website will be shut down and TDV will no longer be available for download. If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact me at [removed]. This Email address will remain active until the website goes offline. You can also send suggestions here, such as things you think I can do to make this as fair of a process as possible. Its been a great experience working with you all, getting to know people and also developing entertainment for you, but when your sound designers and other people contracted by you start stepping down 
 in rapid succession, its a sign that somethings not right. I tried my best to actively develop TDV through all this, but I think its now time to let it go. It will give me more time to be with my mom in what little time she has left, and also focus on personal health and family affairs after her passing. Id like to apologize to you as customers who have paid my salary and allowed for the funds to pay the number of contractors I have hired to try and make TDV a success. Your hard-earned dollars went a long way, and kept the project going for six years, with TDVs first release in 2010. Even the amount of support I received over the years after it seemed like TDVs development was inactive for some time never failed to amaze me, and I appreciate every word of encouragement I have received. When I received criticism, it was always constructive, and I did my best to implement what the audio gaming community taught me. Once again, I&
 #039;d like to thank you for your support over the years and hope that you will accept my apology if I have harmed you in any way for making this decision.  Munawar I would like to let you know that this was a rushed decision on my part, and is no longer true. The website will remain active, and TDV is under development. Version 2 is now available, with multiplayer under testing. This is because while the game was in beta, we were testing local play. Testing has now moved to online play since local play is complete. By way of explanation, I think the best way I can put all this is that the last couple of years have been hard for my family and I as we dealt with (and are still dealing with) various personal things. However, after reconsideration of my decision to shut down BPC, I realized how much faith a lot of you have in the TDV project, despite everything. Its this support that has always encouraged me to keep things going. The support came in the f
 orm of outrage when the news spread that BPC was shutting down. I got a lot of comments saying how it is sad to see TDV go, especially after so much effort has been put into the project. These came through Email and also to me in person, and its really what made me rethink my position on the matter. As a result, I would like to thank all of you for helping me see the error in what I was doing, not the least of which is bailing on everyone who had preordered the game. Times like these are tough for people going through them, and I hope you will understand this and accept my apology for all this. Thank you as always for your continued support.


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Re: Vinux on a vertual machine?

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ambro86 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Vinux on a vertual machine?

Hi severestormsteve1, thanks for the site, I didnt know it, and its interesting. Ive found also a podcast for create talking Windows installer with lev winstaller that is cool!X etin, thanks, can you tell the process to install the two distributions you told? Ive tried only ubuntu and vinux, but I would an accessible and updated version. Another thing, how can I use eloquence voice with orca? I hate the espeak voice!Thanks.


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Re: free collection of 10GB+ of premium sound effects for game developers

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : the terminator via Audiogames-reflector


Re: free collection of 10GB+ of premium sound effects for game developers

hican someone upload that in another service? I exceeded my stupid limit rank.


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Re: Shadow Line full voice demo released!

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : afsilva90 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Shadow Line full voice demo released!

Hi everyone,Has Shadow Line full voice been completed yet or not? Whats Bladestorm 360s e-mail address?Take care,André


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Re: Clok Mud

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clok Mud

Im discovering more and more about this game, and it just gets better!I didnt think fishing would be that interesting, but I trained it, just so I could keep myself fed in the wilderness. But then I tried it, and ended up fishing for a long time. Its fun! Then I tried cooking, and my success in that was about the same as my success in real life. Heheheheh.Question about farming:Can you just farm anywhere, or do you have to buy land?


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Re: UltraPower

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : soundworx via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower

Actually, theyre no longer admins, and yeah, Ill admit, they did do some pretty stupid shit. Am going to unban you now.


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Re: Mortal Kombat x officially announced!

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mortal Kombat x officially announced!

Thanks for all the facts sightless_kombat! Those pretty much match what Ive seen... except for the character list pulled from ign. since the actual set of characters hasnt been confirmed officially by nrs, most of this information was actually taken from someone who supposedly leaked the set, but I cant confirm or deny that. hahaha.


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Re: 2d platformer, remake!

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : coltonhill01 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 2d platformer, remake!

Oh, and by the way, any changes you make, the format in the changelog is name colon change. Make sure you document your changes!


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Re: UltraPower

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : soundworx via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower

Steve, according to records, you were not banned.


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mk9 menues and moveset guide?

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


mk9 menues and moveset guide?

Hey guys. Just a small request if anyone still has this. Does anyone have the menues and movesets for mk9? I know I could go on gamefaqs for this stuff, but these were all nicely in an html file organized by headings and such. Also the challenge tower walkthrough if anyone has that as well. Thanks.


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Re: PS4 accessibility features

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PS4 accessibility features

Well, the kinnect just allows voice commands, which is basically a shortcut to doing a lot of the same thins that could be memorized on the ps4... that would be like having an iphone user who uses siri verses someone who doesnt. More just a matter of personal preference as it is with the whole situation of which console is more accessible, which is better, etc. Im hoping that tts wont just be for party chat, and I dont even have a ps4 yet... but I hope it does more than that as well. Microsoft should be encouraged as well of course, but I think the people in this thread are probably more likely to buy ps4s, and this is only causing so much hype because sony did this without being asked, and are obviously willing to work with fans to even allow the beta program to be a thing. I know the only reason I have for getting an xbox1 is Killer Instinct, other than that the ps4 does more or less the same things I want, and also has a bonus of being region free unlike
  the xbox, which means I can buy imports. Just my opinion though, of course, and thanks for the reality check since as hyped as I am, this may indeed turn out to be less than what I think it is. lol


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Re: Legal request crack?

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Legal request crack?

Hi Danie,I have a Dropbox link for Hot Spot Shield. Actually, I guess its called Expat Shield now, I just happen to like the old name better. … shield.exeIf you need any help with it, let me know. Its a pretty straightforward setup process, though. And, if for some reason it doesnt work for you, Ill get you a setup file for the current version of Ultra Surf. I dont have one anymore. Basically, these two programs do the same thing. They can bypass blocked websites by changing your IP address.


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Re: Clok Mud

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clok Mud

lol, fishing is the best way if you have no money, or have some but dont want to spend. You can even add flavor to you cooked stuffs. I dont recommend buying any fancy ingrediant from the store, because itll be just a waste, unless you want a fancy meal for yourself


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Mortal Kombat X: A Game Guide

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Mortal Kombat X: A Game Guide

This guide is currently under construction and will expand as time goes on with resources form various internet sites, which will be credited as added.***Disclaimer***If the moderators of this forum believe this guide to be in violation of any of the rules or stipulations that govern this forum, please inform me via private message and I will be happy to adjust/take it down as needed.***end of disclaimer*a note about spoilers**As this guide expands, there will be spoilers. Of course, there will As a gamer who doesnt actually like things being spoilt (accept in exceptional circumstances), I will put spoiler warnings around these. These will be presented as follows:***spoiler warning***[spoiler text]***end of spoiler warning*end of note**Table of contentsI. Mortal Kombat: The series (mk1-mkvsdcu/mk8).II. Mortal Kombat: New generation, new beginnings (reboot).III. Mortal Kombat X
 : systems and versions (list of consoles/systems).IV. Input guide.1. Game mechanics.1.01. Variations.1.1. Ground movement.1.2. Jumping.1.3. Blocking.1.4. Running.1.5. Special Moves.1.6. Enhanced special moves.1.7. Throws.1.8. Interactibles.1.9. Brutalities.1.10. Fatalities.2. Characters and variations.(sections will be listed here when full roster is released)3. Starting the game for the first time.3.1. Menu layout.3.2. Accessibility mode.4. Tutorial.5. Kombos.6. Story Mode.unnumbered: conclusions


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Re: Death match a new beginning, online roleplaying science fiction MMO

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : RTR_Assassin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Death match a new beginning, online roleplaying science fiction MMO

Hi Danny,As I started to play through Project Alpha the second time around, I realized how much exploration on the ground could be improved. I would love to see lockers scattered throughout the surfaces of planets and space stations. These lockers would provide players with many of the same items found in Project Alpha such as medkits, upgrade components, and most importantly of all, credits. I think this would make the game even more exciting and would give players a reason to venture outside of their ships.


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Re: Vinux on a vertual machine?

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Vinux on a vertual machine?

its fairly easy to create a virtual machine. The only sighted assistance you might need is if you war wanting to virtualize a 64-bit guest OS and your EFI / bios has the hardware assisted virtualization option disabled. Other than no problems at all. Sonars image is not working for me at the moment, i want to install it in dual boot with windows 10 tech preview but the image is just not working when i write it to usb. Ive tried two USB thumb drives and still it just sits.


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Re: NVDA remote access

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NVDA remote access

Time for a quick campaign update:$11,987USDRAISED OF $10,000 GOAL120%35 days leftThis campaign started on Mar 10 and will close on April 21, 2015 (11:59pm PT).


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Re: My first ever fully functional bgt game, target!

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : coltonhill01 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: My first ever fully functional bgt game, target!

Okay, I have created a little forum on my site, not trying to replacate the forum, but its using the same engine because its the simplest to use.


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Re: Clok Mud

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : wp85 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clok Mud

Ill have to check that out.


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Mortal Kombat X: A Game Guide

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Mortal Kombat X: A Game Guide

This guide is currently under construction and will expand as time goes on with resources form various internet sites, which will be credited as added.***Disclaimer***If the moderators of this forum believe this guide to be in violation of any of the rules or stipulations that govern this forum, please inform me via private message and I will be happy to adjust/take it down as needed.***end of disclaimer*a note about spoilers**As this guide expands, there will be spoilers. Of course, there will As a gamer who doesnt actually like things being spoilt (accept in exceptional circumstances), I will put spoiler warnings around these. These will be presented as follows:***spoiler warning***[spoiler text]***end of spoiler warning*end of note**Table of contentsI. Mortal Kombat: The series (mk1-mkvsdcu/mk8).II. Mortal Kombat: New generation, new beginnings (reboot).III. Mortal Kombat X
 : systems and versions (list of consoles/systems).IV. Input guide.1. Game mechanics.1.1. Ground movement.1.2. Jumping.1.3. Blocking.1.4. Running.1.5. Special Moves.1.6. Enhanced special moves.1.7. Throws.1.8. Interactibles.1.9. Brutalities.1.10. Fatalities.2. Characters.(sections will be listed here when full roster is released)3. Starting the game for the first time.3.1. Menu layout.3.2. Accessibility mode.4. Tutorial.5. Kombos.6. Story Mode.unnumbered: conclusions


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Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : seal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

Yeah, nether netcode sucks really compared to such a great netcodes like GGPO.Plus, the MKX will have really high requirements. Robjoy GF will not run it for SURE the same with mine wich is better than his.


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Re: Beatstar discussion

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar discussion

Hi,First off, interesting game, its frustrating but addictive at the same time, depending on how well the packs have been put together.Secondly, Im working on a couple of things. A Mortal Kombat pack (not an MK3 one) and a metal pack of sorts. I wont set a release date, as Ive seen so many projects, kickstarters etc anger fans by setting those. I can say categorically that when its done and I feel ready to hand it to the public, itll be done and Ill hand be ready to hand it to the public.Look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with in the future for this title.


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Re: DiscWorld mud help

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DiscWorld mud help

With the sad recent news about Sir Terrys meeting with the reaperman, I thought I ought to investigate this one, just because its always been long running and is a game that has always had notes on its vi access despite some very huge areas, and I do want to investigate some more muds for the db sinse thus far we dont really have many, although several do have very good customizations for Vi players.I did find some handy resources on their wiki although thus far Ive not experienced much as Ive only just finished the newbie area (I took the time to get the most out of it), Im not even sure which class I want, witch looks interesting in terms of abilities and activities though apparently levelling combat as a witch is harder.So, does anyone else play discworld? the only thing that is a tad annoying at the moment is the need to type hole words and get pr
 etty exact strings. So when I was trying to find a shortsword in a shop, I couldnt type list short or list sword. On the plus side, the writing and atmosphere is great, even in the newbie village, and Im highly impresse at the amount of interactable objects, for example in the first room there is a cot, and I couldnt just examine the cot and lie on it, but examine the blanket and the pillow as well. So it seems the descriptive part has been very well done. whether Ill end up getting lost in Ankh-morpork well see .Edit: okay well I dont actually think ankh-morpork is too bad, sinse each room has an individual description and the streets are all named, however Im becoming very frustrated with the games lack of direction. The quests command just gives you a truly insane! num
 ber of alternatives and doesnt tell you where things are or what level they are, just bangs them off in alphabetical order, and when I asked people directed me to the website, which is fine but I dont want to start a new game with spoilers. I keep running into memorable discworld characters like coffin henry, post master Grot and Mr. Tulip, however they seem to all be window dressing, theres nothing I can do! with them. This game really! needs a quest list command and some directions, hell Ive barely found anything to fight sinse Im in ankh-morpork and kill random npcs is aparently frowned upon (Ive fought a rat and a crow but thats it). I must admit Im quite disappointed, I was expecting a game where commander vimes would give me missions cleaning up his city or the patrician would have tasks to do with an edge, but all I find is a beautifully described environment with very little to interact with, this game should be r
 enamed discworld for tourists .


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Re: Death match a new beginning, online roleplaying science fiction MMO

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Death match a new beginning, online roleplaying science fiction MMO

Hi Danny.Interesting. Well I like that space opera style. Aliens are fun but the exploration and horrible creatures will never get old lol.


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Open Broadcaster Software

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Open Broadcaster Software

***Disclaimer.***If this article contravenes the rules of the forum, moderators please let me know***End of disclaimer***Ive been using Open Broadcaster software for a while and Ive seen many blind and visually impaired users have trouble or just be almost intimidated by the interface. Therefore, Ill try and give what tips I can here linking to information that I find useful etc. This wont probably turn into anything, might not even be expanded beyond this point, but well have to see.This article is designed to help those wishing to stream games, whether they be audio games with graphics or mainstream content, with the assistance of a screen reader, highlighting pitfalls and interesting quirks that might be encountered.


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Re: Legal request crack?

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Legal request crack?

Im actually studying at an south african unibersity and used their internet. I visited their site in 2013, and then there was the close down / stop development message on their website. So when i tryed their website several times last year, i thought theyre really done. So sorry for the misunderstanding. turtlepower17, Do you have links for these software.


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Re: PS4 accessibility features

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PS4 accessibility features

***The following post is entirely subjective. Apologies if anyone feels if I am being too generic here and making too broad a statement.***I believe a lot of people have jumped the gun and been swayed by this almost idilic vision of the PS4s new TTS concept, forgetting a few important things.1. Both consoles would currently for blind individuals, according to several separate people I know who own different consoles (and through limited personal experiences with both, be about as accessible as each other, with the Xbox One winning slightly due to the Kinects wider ranging functionality that according to a fair amount of revieweres seems to work better than its PS4 rival, the Playstation Camera.2. The TTS itself, according to rumours, currently reads only party chat. Whilst this has not been confirmed, it basically means that you go in and even if the features are available, it will not do what youre wishing it did.3. 
 Microsoft should be encouraged to work on similar features, as their console is lagging in this particular area at the moment. Whilst encouraging Sony is a great idea, I believe that Microsoft should also be given a fair chance. Im not saying spam the heck out of Microsofts access email address (that would be the worst possible scenario IMHO), just encourage the growth of accessibility features.If you do want to contact Microsoft about this, Id recommend you use:xaccess at microsoft.comI discovered this address whilst looking through their support pages on accessibility for the Xbox One.I do hope that Sony actually do well at this, very much so. However, I am, being an Xbox player, of the opinion that Microsoft will make a vast improvement over whatever Sony does given what they can already do with things like Windows 8.1 narrator.


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Re: Angry Grandpa

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Angry Grandpa

Its comedy gold. At first i thought it was real too, but then after i actually started to see what was really going on, nah, its so obviously fake. That hasnt stopped me from watching it though, and laughing my ass off.


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Re: Vinux on a vertual machine?

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Vinux on a vertual machine?

Hi,If your on a mac, I would not recommend installing any Linux distributions. The linux distributions screw up Windows and cause it to not be able to boot. Ive seen tis problem many times, and Ubuntu fails to fix their own problems that are right in their faces. Well, just goes to see how bad Ubuntu can be sometimes...As for Vinux, I wouldnt recommend it. Its old and not up-to-date. Therefore, Id recommend a different distribution, such as Talking Arch-Linux or Gentoo (yes, it is possible to install both. I can help you out with both, as I have done both before).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: PS4 accessibility features

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PS4 accessibility features

***The following post is entirely subjective. Apologies if anyone feels if I am being too generic here and making too broad a statement.***I believe a lot of people have jumped the gun and been swayed by this almost idilic vision of the PS4s new TTS concept, forgetting a few important things.1. Both consoles would currently for blind individuals, according to several separate people I know who own different consoles (and through limited personal experiences with both, be about as accessible as each other, with the Xbox One winning slightly due to the Kinects wider ranging functionality that according to a fair amount of revieweres seems to work better than its PS4 rival, the Playstation Camera.2. The TTS itself, according to rumours, currently reads only party chat. Whilst this has not been confirmed, it basically means that you go in and even if the features are available, it will not do what youre wishing it did.3. 
 Microsoft should be encouraged to work on similar features, as their console is lagging in this particular area at the moment. Whilst encouraging Sony is a great idea, I believe that Microsoft should also be given a fair chance. Im not saying spam the heck out of Microsofts access email address (that would be the worst possible scenario IMHO), just encourage the growth of accessibility features.If you do want to contact Microsoft about this, Id recommend you use:This adress, as found in their support pages on accessibility for the Xbox One.I do hope that Sony actually do well at this, very much so. However, I am, being an Xbox player, of the opinion that Microsoft will make a vast improvement over whatever Sony does given what they can already do with things like Windows 8.1 narrator.


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Re: star traders 4 x empires

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: star traders 4 x empires

Hi Milos.Well unfortunetly development on a game this complex will take a while but I would say probably in the next year or so we will see a release depending on how big there team is. I checked out star traders 4x and was very disappointed to find out it is completely inaccessible.As far as strategy games if you havent checked them out already go and play with all the smugglers games. From what I know of star traders was inspired by smugglers. Also try aprones strategy game lunimals which is not exactly like star traders but is similar in some ways.Hth.


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Re: Prometheus: The Eternal Wars

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PrometheusMOO via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Prometheus: The Eternal Wars

Greetings!Bringing to you...Communicator-linked pipelines for starships!The purpose of these is to link your communicator with your starships computers, so that any time the computer of the control room announces something in the linked ship, it transmits the same information to your comunicator, into a channel tagged as SHIPCOMM.You can link as many ships with your communicator as you wish!The command to manage this system is commpipe.Enjoy!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

Seal, Im not sure about a pc release, but I dont know if thatll happen as there hasnt been any news about it. But its definitely a game worth the money for sure. Similar to so many games, but the grd system makes it a game with a very unique feel and its truly a game that goes back and forth between both players.Aaron, I have no idea whether Ill be getting it on pc... but sure, Id love to get a group together to play... assuming the netcode isnt as bad as the last two games have been.


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building a new platform for the disabled

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : balliol via Audiogames-reflector


building a new platform for the disabled

Hi,I realize this doesnt have a thing to do with audiogames, this is why it is being posted in the off topic room.The users of this forum, however, are part of the target group of a platform I am wanting to build.This idea has been in my head for a while now, and last week I took the plunge and wrote up the spec.To summarize, the platform will be means for the disabled, not just the visually impaired but people with any disability, to learn from each other the skills they need to survive or even live, since these are two different things in my opinion.After the recent success of the NVDA Remote Access campaign, I felt inspired and started a campaign of my own to raise funds for this rather involved project. The link to this campaign, as well as more information about the project, can be found here: … e-a-dream/Id love to hear what you guys think of this initiative, and it would be great if you could perhaps back me, or just share the word.I really want to make this happen, I think it would help out a huge amount of people. And Id love it if I could be the one to help them.Regards,Balliol


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Re: Vinux on a vertual machine?

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Vinux on a vertual machine?

I got it off of coolblindtech.comnot blind cool tech, its cool blind tech. I know, confusing, right?


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Re: Death match a new beginning, online roleplaying science fiction MMO

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : flame_elchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Death match a new beginning, online roleplaying science fiction MMO

the server was probably down when you tried getting in


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Re: Death match a new beginning, online roleplaying science fiction MMO

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mike-tan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Death match a new beginning, online roleplaying science fiction MMO

ok danny. youre right. I think im stuck. try move me to mikecracker please


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recordet nfl games

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


recordet nfl games

Hello everyone.Due to a presentation I have to do in our English lesson, I have a little question.I chose the topic nfl and football. I now want to show my classmates parts of a football game.Does someone of you know where I can get recordet nfl games or parts of it?Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Mortal Kombat x officially announced!

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mortal Kombat x officially announced!

this is espeically infuriating, or it would be if I was stuck with only PSn, as most of the people I want to play online with are from the US anyway. Weve not been able to play much online, if at all as of yet. hopefully the useability of steam will make things easier.


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Re: Prometheus: The Eternal Wars

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PrometheusMOO via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Prometheus: The Eternal Wars

Greetings!This has been asked for by many...And now it is here!Starship damage type can be changed from ship options. The options are either units (by default), or in percentage.Enjoy!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Death match a new beginning, online roleplaying science fiction MMO

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mike-tan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Death match a new beginning, online roleplaying science fiction MMO

hangon. let me try turn on my 3g on iphone lets see wether it works or not


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Death match a new beginning, online roleplaying science fiction MMO

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mike-tan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Death match a new beginning, online roleplaying science fiction MMO

no. my problem is not on my ship. my problem is when I try to connect its stuck. deathmatch not responding.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Clok Mud

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : wp85 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clok Mud

I just wanna say real quick, that I have always and will continue to enjoy this mud. The only thing I wish was different is that horses were a little bit cheaper. 5000 riln seems like a lot. then again thats just my opinion. Even stil this game is great. I do have some questions about mining though. Obviously I know their is a mine in Shadgard, and Ive heard their is one in mistral. Wasnt their a time where you could dig your own mine? How come that was disabled?Also Ive heard mining is a huge money maker. So far Ive gotten vary little. Ive tried to Look at the PDF mining guide that someone put on the wiki but I dont have Adobie reader so it doesnt work. If someone could post tips for mining to help get me started that would be great. I would like to try it out. I just need some help.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible bible programs for windows?

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible bible programs for windows?

Is eSword accessible? I dont know; Ive only heard of sighted people using it to easily compare translations and such, or search for specific words, etc.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: smugglers 3

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: smugglers 3

As with smugglers 4 and 5, you probably need the nvda review curser you cant just press keyboard keys and expect things to work. S3 doesnt have a blind compatibility mode the way s4 and 5 do, however it does have all its images etc labeled and uses list boxes and other more standard windows controls.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: jailbreak for iOS 8.2, is it available?

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: jailbreak for iOS 8.2, is it available?

Sorry to say, but if you think an iPhone is to limited regarding to features etc. why have you then chosen an iPhone? You should then consider an Android device. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Clok Mud

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clok Mud

i cant really help you with mining. What I can say now is, shagern mine is the easiest place you can access to.I dont care of mine building actually, miningisnt the only best way for me. I just hope to build a home or a place for myself without having to spend loads of riln getting that in an area. If its not a home, it could be at least a shelter or whatever.5000 riln seems reasonable for the horse price in my point of view, not sure about the others though. I dont use it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: DiscWorld mud help

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DiscWorld mud help

With the sad recent news about Sir Terrys meeting with the reaperman, I thought I ought to investigate this one, just because its always been long running and is a game that has always had notes on its vi access despite some very huge areas, and I do want to investigate some more muds for the db sinse thus far we dont really have many, although several do have very good customizations for Vi players.I did find some handy resources on their wiki although thus far Ive not experienced much as Ive only just finished the newbie area (I took the time to get the most out of it), Im not even sure which class I want, witch looks interesting in terms of abilities and activities though apparently levelling combat as a witch is harder.So, does anyone else play discworld? the only thing that is a tad annoying at the moment is the need to type hole words and get pr
 etty exact strings. So when I was trying to find a shortsword in a shop, I couldnt type list short or list sword. On the plus side, the writing and atmosphere is great, even in the newbie village, and Im highly impresse at the amount of interactable objects, for example in the first room there is a cot, and I couldnt just examine the cot and lie on it, but examine the blanket and the pillow as well. So it seems the descriptive part has been very well done. whether Ill end up getting lost in Ankh-morpork well see .


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Blog marketing

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : greenejder via Audiogames-reflector


Blog marketing

Marketing campaign. What is online marketing then online business. … eting.html


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Death match a new beginning, online roleplaying science fiction MMO

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Death match a new beginning, online roleplaying science fiction MMO

hi,sounds like a really great game to play.  cant connect here though, downloaded the game from the db link and it is not able to connect to any appreciated in advance.thanks


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: smugglers 3

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : milos via Audiogames-reflector


Re: smugglers 3

my apologies but what is nvda revievs cursor is it insert or capslock?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

RTR servers down

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : milos via Audiogames-reflector


RTR servers down

People my one friend who is not member of this forum but he is blind ask me why servers for rtr is down. And when i try to connect to any server that is not valid, that is problem with all servers. Are somebody know more about this situation?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Death match a new beginning, online roleplaying science fiction MMO

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Death match a new beginning, online roleplaying science fiction MMO

So after about 45 minutes to an hour of solid mining on my light frater, I finally got the innovations cargo vessel! I really like it, however, the thing is very large compared to the other one and it takes a bit longer to get to the consoles, but great ship nonetheless! Just a question, though. I take those turbo cars that bring me up decks, how do I go back down a deck? Are there secondary cars that can do that?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Death match a new beginning, online roleplaying science fiction MMO

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Death match a new beginning, online roleplaying science fiction MMO

hi,sounds like a really great game to play.  cant connect here though, downloaded the game from the db link and it is not able to connect to any appreciated in advance.thanksedit: glad to be the 600th poster. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Clok Mud

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clok Mud

Ive seen mines that people have dug, so I dont imagine its out of the game perminantly, though obviously its a difficult business. There are two major problems with mining. The first, is that you cant hold a light, or position one on a hand cart, meaning your doing stupid amounts of swapping stuff around, having to hold a lamp, then drop it to pull the cart, then pick it up etc, its all a big pest and I do hope wearable liht sources will be added soon (miners had lamps on their helmets for a reason, and come on you could always hang it on the cart). The second problem however is more serious sinse Shadgard is a mining town. Your not going to make money selling what youve mined there, and neeed to transport it elsewhere, however obviously pulling a handcart to another city would take a long time, an a horse an cart is expensive. So personally Ive decided to leave mining until I can aff
 ord the transport, logging is lucrative enough in shadgard so long as you dont choose pine and take the time to cut the logs into flitches at the saw mill, heck herb gathering can make a reasonable amount of cash. . I think the price of horses is historically accurate to the period, after all imagine playing a mud about today, you wouldnt just go out and buy a new car, and there have been some points in history where horses cost far more relative to the average wage than a car, however that doesnt necessarily make them easy to get or economic to come by, particularly if your planning a lot of wandering in the wilderness, though I could be wrong sinse Im still pretty much starting out.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: recordet nfl games

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bcs993 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: recordet nfl games

Not sure if it counts for American football as well, but on youtube Ive seen numerous recordings of major sporting events being uploaded. Im sure looking there will healed results.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Prometheus: The Eternal Wars

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : PrometheusMOO via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Prometheus: The Eternal Wars

Hello again!A few significant changes to hunting:1. You now automatically load your hunting rifle both when shooting (if it is not loaded already), and after the shot (if you have bullets available in your inventory).2. When an animal dies due to your shot, you are told the coordinates of its corpse for easier finding.Enjoy!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hey guys,A question.Would it be logical, and/or possible, to store peoples game variable files on an http server, so that they couldnt modify them?I mean, where the game would load, ask for your name, and retrieve your stats off of the server, rather than having them at easy access.Also, theres now a suggestions submitting form at the bottom of the page. I know there are a lot of headings before it, but to make it easier, navigate by heading level 2, or edit box, and soon Ill add a quick links section to the page.The form is easy to fill out; dont worry, I wont! ask for any of your personal information. Not even so much as a name or email! Just go to the form, jot down a couple ideas, and click submit. That simple!


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