Re: anyone have graill to the theefe?

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: anyone have graill to the theefe?

Hi.Google is your friend:


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Game Purchase Request Topic

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : titan_of_war via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game Purchase Request Topic

Could someone please by a western dromma wen it comes out, i'm 11 and i can't spen d any munney, and even if i told my Mom about audio games she wouldn't understand it and probibly  wouldn't spend munney on it. so please


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Commentary screen reader

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Commentary screen reader

Agreed with Ethin.


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anyone have graill to the theefe?

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : titan_of_war via Audiogames-reflector


anyone have graill to the theefe?

Hi all, sorry for posting 2 topics on the same day but i've really wanted this game for a wile and don't no if i still can or not,  the link that i use from the db doesn't work. So i can't download it and i've seen some videos and i would really love it if someone has it and if they could upload it. if not then ile just go on with my day and thank you. lol.


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Re: Problem creating RS games account

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hannes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem creating RS games account

Thats a good idea thanks


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Re: calling out to mac users

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : giorgi elbaqidze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: calling out to mac users

yeah if you will explore it is quiet helpfull


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Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Introduce Yourself to Gain Access : Arthur via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

Hello. I got blind when I was 2 years old. Really interested in audiogames, especially RPGs and action titles. You might not know me, but I know you, because I regularly check this forum, and finally and officially decided to register. Just do not expect me to talk a lot or reply everything right after.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

I've done some basic research into this.Indications are that Harris did misrepresent some things - overstating losses Trump has suffered in manufacturing jobs, for instance, and some flip-flopping on fracking that seems inconsistent - but otherwise, I think she stuck to the truth. Now, that isn't to say she always answered questions. She didn't. When asked about packing the supreme court, she did the right thing and simply didn't answer that question, because republicans know there is no good answer. Instead, she focused on getting through this crisis as a greater priority, which I agree with.Frankly, Pence wasn't immune here either. By no means did he lie exclusively, but he definitely told a few. I think the biggest one was the lie that he and Trump trust the American people. Clearly they don't, or they would have told them more about the coronavirus earlier on, allowing them a chance to prepare. Another one I caught from Pence was about the travel ban. Pence tried to make it sound like Trump shut down all China-related travel, and Biden called this xenophobic. In fact, Trump did not do this; citizens and families of citizens could still travel, and Trump already had intelligence that, in fact, the American Covid-19 cases actually started from Europe. So not only did Trump push an anti-China agenda, but his "travel ban" had no teeth, and it didn't work. This is what Biden was criticizing, I believe.neither candidate was entirely honest here. Harris glorified some stuff to make Trump look worse. Pence tried to pull a snow-job to make Americans think that he and Trump care about them and have a plan for them; they've had a plan for months, and there...ahem, hasn't been much result.So yeah. In short, it's fair to say it, but not complete. I watched a couple of YouTube videos that fact-checked selected claims from the debate, and Harris looked less guilty than Pence here, but neither was clean.All -that having been said, this level of truth manipulation is more in keeping with your average politician. It's not good, but it's not the grandiose, self-serving, constant level of lying that Trump engages in. I think that guy's up to eighteen thousand (no, not mistyped) and counting.


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Re: Artus' "Extended Clok mod"! Mush-z and mushclient.

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Artus' "Extended Clok mod"! Mush-z and mushclient.

the community are there for a reason. If I have to create a guide, it'd be very generic and doesn't work with everyone. I'll help if I'm on. But I'm not gonna explain much on here aside from telling you to see what you can do with your character and activities on the mud. I'm not sure where you left off.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

@16, what do you think of the various news articles about Harris supposedly lying? I remember one claimed she'd told twenty four and the other claimed ten. I don't have links on hand, unfortunately, and I haven't watched the debate primarily because I've been dealing with other things (thank god I can just go watch it anytime I like, bless the internet) but I'm watching this topic -- and politics in general -- with interest to see where things go.


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Re: A Galaxy Consumed, Science Fiction RPG game I found

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Luel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Galaxy Consumed, Science Fiction RPG game I found

Everyone, just a heads up.There is an updated version on the website.It fixes bugs which caused me to accidentally skip most of the mission on Taria.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

Fair enough. I will have to just see where things go, as I said at the end of my other post.Ironically, you bring up the "maybe there's more" and "maybe Trump had his reasons" arguments again, and this is actually what made me warier of you in the first place. This is a version of apologism; basically you're trying to suggest there may be excuses for pretty inexcusable things, without actually suggesting what those excuses are. Using the same logic, you would be the guy who showed up, saw a man with a gun to a pizza-guy's head, and said, "Well maybe he has his reasons". Sure, maybe the guy with the gun is literally starving, and it's either hold up a dude for a pizza or his family starves. But it's up to the guy with the gun, or those supporting him, to prove this. It's not up to us to invent excuses for him, or to suggest that there must be a good reason. Trump has had a long history of doing things just because it benefits him personally, and both the things we were talking about make him look strong and supportive of his base and whatnot. None of it actually excuses what he did. Thus, apologism. And a lot of apologists are also racist apologists, sexist apologists and the like. If you aren't, that's awesome; like I said, I want to be wrong, so that's cool. I won't badger you about this beyond this point; I raised my worry and that's an end to it.Now, to speak more directly about Pence and Harris.Yes, Harris confronted the moderator and asked for a bit more time. Here are her reasons.1. Pence was at this point infamous for not answering the question, and in some cases impugning Harris's record when he should have been talking plans, policy and, y'know, the assigned topic.2. The moderator had no real way to stop Pence, and Harris knew it. Pence did too, which is why he'd keep right on rolling. Harris eventually stood up for herself. I didn't see her as especially rude (again, a dog-whistle here). She stood up for herself, she basically said enough is enough; if he gets extra time by running long, then I want a little extra time to make up for it. Welcome to feminism, where women have been asking for this more or less for the past century and a bit, and largely getting it only when they raise hell first. I said in a different post that I feel like this debate represented the ironic problem with the average republican: white, male, and wanting to dominate the conversation. Well eventually Harris decided that no, that wasn't fair. It hasn't been fair for a century and a bit, and it's not fair now. If the moderator had been firmer and had done her job, Harris doesn't have to confront her because Pence is reined in properly.I am sick to fucking death of women being perceived as hostile because they have the nerve to ask for consideration that is already being granted to their male counterparts. This VP debate was no different, and whether you intended or not, you did exactly what I expected you to do, and when I called you on it, you snarled exactly how I expected you to snarl. I said it, and meant it, that I'll leave it here, but perhaps this will explain why I brought up the sexism angle. Women in politics being aggressive is still loaded. In 2020, women are still looked upon disfavourably when they're too rough. I actually thought Harris was more -gentle than she should have been.I'm glad you also noted Pence's own attacks, digs and problems. For everything you say about Harris confronting the moderator and asking for extra time, what about the bit where Pence began an unrelated question by saying, "I want to go back and talk about...", then rode over, interrupted and completely ignored the moderator when she attempted to do her job? As you say, it's a limited-time format, and if Pence exhausted his time for topic A, then it's gone, he's lost it, and he needs to respect the format and move on, especially given that he's already been stretching and pushing at boundaries numerous times. When the moderator states clearly that "we have to move on", and you ignore that, surely that's grounds for greater censure than you've seen fit to apply. Are these things - Harris demanding more time, Pence running long and then ignoring moderator instructions - not equal? Why are they not being characterized as somewhere near the same thing? If one was disrespectful, then they both were in some ways.I think we all know what the take-away is here though. Stick to your time limit as much as possible. If you do this, then your opponent can't claim to need extra time, and neither can you. Nobody interrupts anyone. Nobody ignores anyone. Nobody gets to dismiss moderator instructions. The lylnchpin is not trying to dominate the conversation. Pence tried to do this, and in several ways, Harris made it clear that she would not allow this. This, mainly, is why I think she won the debate.


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Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Blue-Eyed Demon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

@Jayde:One large thing that I would like to point out right here is that you, among others, have looked for things in words I never spoke. Just because I never said Trump was being hostile, that doesn't mean that I think he wasn't acting inappropriately and with hostility. Not at all. I think that I have made myself plenty clear that I do not out-and-out support Trump. Honestly, like I said before, if I could just exterminate both candidates' campaigns, I would, and Trump is definitely included in that I promise you. He has acted wrongly, hostilely, for sure, but the reason I never said it is because it was not relevant at the time. When we were speaking about it originally, this thread was talking about, and only about, the vice-presidential debate that took place on Wednesday the seventh of October. At that debate, Trump was not in attendance, and furthermore, he did not say one word at that debate, so why would I bring him up in a conversation about something in which he is not involved? You see what I am getting at there?And just to cover my bases, there is always the argument you could use regarding my comments from the other thread we bumped heads in. What I want you to understand about those comments that I was making before about Trump and the mask stuff, is that I was not out-right defending him. i know I know, it definitely seems like I was, but let me explain. I want people to think a little deeper about all of what is going on. We take what we see in the media and we take what we get to see in videos released on the news and on social media, and we as a society tend to take those things at face value. So, during that conversation, we were discussing Trump's lack of a mask and his joy ride. What I was trying to get across there was that everyone takes him to be just another idiot and a big oaf for doing such a thing, but what if he really wasn't? What if there was more to this whole situation that the American people are not getting access to for some reason. Whether that be that there is unknown information about Covid that we haven't been given, or whether it is the fact that he never had covid in the first place and now they are trying to cover it up. The point is, I wanted people to look into the situation more and not just take things at face value. I am not an out-and-out Trump supporter. I highly disagree and question with a lot of the things he does.Now I apologize for my little rant and tangent just now but I just wanted to be sure of my position here. So i will get back on topic and move forward. To get back to your whole sexism piece, I promise you, and you can believe this if you want, or you can choose to completely disregard me, either way is fine, but I am in no way a sexist. I don't care who is standing at the podium, or who is fighting for a job slot at some business, or whatever you want to make the situation. The person can be a male, a female, a transgender person, gay, straight, pansexual, etc etc. It really does not matter to me. In my eyes, people are people. Because honestly, why should there be any difference in the way people are perceived based off such physical, and in some of those cases, moral and emotional things? All i care about, is whether or not that person competing for that specific spot is a good person at heart, whether they can speak in the tone that puts them at the level they should be, and so much more. I just want good people to be in the positions they deserve to be in. So if a woman stands up to a man and fights for her place fairly, excellent. All the credit to that woman and honestly it is a beautiful thing to see, because gender and racial equality is still a huge problem today. So if that woman is standing up to that man for justifiable and genuine reasons, and she does so in a genuine and fair way, then all the power and praise to her. But it is when that person becomes rude, full of negative attitude, shooting people down at the blink of an eye. For example, when Pence spoke against Harris's prosecution record, ok yeah, it was a nasty shot, but that is politics today, she had done the same to him throughout the debate and his status as vice, so there it is. When the moderator was trying to move on, Harris got noticeably hostile, and even went as far as to take it out on the moderator who was trying to move on. She continuously shot down the moderator's attempts to move forward, and undirectly told the moderator to shut her mouth and to let her talk, despite the debate being on a time constraint at that point. Now yes yes I know, Pence did indeed do the same thing earlier on when he didn't get the time to respond that he wanted and went on to complain about it like a school child not being able to extend their hours past normal bedtime. But my focus is on Harris here so i am going to stick with that subject. it wasn't right. And that was woman against woman in that moment. Harris was in the 

Re: Think of your own Manamon

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : fonografico2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Think of your own Manamon

name. perrorotype. holyfisical description. perroro is a dog. it has a gray muzzle, a gray tail and dull teeth and claws. it has lon fur all over it's body, in it's paws, in it's head, in it's uper and lower back, and in a ton of other places.manapedia entry. this dog it's your best friend. wild ones want to be caught imediately when seeing a tamer instead of attacking, but tamed ones will be loyal and attack other manamon when it's tamer wants it. it likes to show afection by sleeping on it's tamer's feet, or leting them pet it. it licks it's tamer sometimes. but that is not always the case. there are only male perroro, and there's no female creatures that resemble perroroavilities.underdog, moves normally not effective with another manamon will receibe a power boostdomesticate, it will calm the foe that is battling with him, and will lower it's foes magic attack and strenght by one stageautocatch, instead of the person that wants to catch him throw the mananet to him, he'll throw a hook and then bring the mananet to him. then it will put himself on the mananet. if there's not enough space, he will go to the transportalmoves.holy claw (1)bark (4)bark, sound type move. it's 100 acuracy, it's 40 power, but if he levels up this powers until 140power. he can lose his voice if it reaches 140 effect points, can be cured using a total cure or a medical miracleholy water (6)growl (8)battle cry (10)sandy wind (12)steel horn (15)exorcise (17)holy light (20)steel stomp (25)aerial vision (28)retribution (30)antidefense (32)quake (34)mud ball (35)obscure (40)white lance (48)lunar cannon holy overdrive (50)holy overdrive. gray energy pours from the user, who begins shacking out of control from the intensity of the blast. the user will rest 2 turns after it is usedrestoring light (60)one blade (68)libation (75)ghost power (100)ghost power. a 140 power fisical ghost move, it's 100 acuracy, the user charges for this attack, and hits multiple targetsstats, at level 1 if they are perfect14hp, 9attack, 7special attack, 8speed, 8defense, 8special defense


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Re: Another political topic because why not

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : musicalman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Another political topic because why not

Have to agree with Ironcross here. He sounds a little different, but I also feel like he's always had a bit of a rasp in his voice, so it's hard for me to tell exactly what is within normal limits. I've heard though that he looks terrible. As a blind person I of course can't say that, but I'd be interested to know how sick he looks. I'm a bit hesitant to ask a sighted person though; I feel like a lot of them will see how sick he supposedly sounds and project that onto how he looks, or vice versa. Of course I'm not saying every sighted person can't separate sound from sight, but it's a pattern worth considering I think.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Another political topic because why not

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : musicalman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Another political topic because why not

Have to agree with Ironcross here. He sounds a little different, but I also feel like he's always had a bit of a rasp in his voice, so it's hard for me to tell exactly what is within normal limits. I've heard though that he loooks terrible. As a blind person I of course can't say that, but I'd be interested ot know if he sounds better than he looks. I'm a bit hesitant to ask a sighted person though; I feel like a lot of them will see how sick he supposedly looks and project that onto how he sounds or vice versa. Of course I'm not saying every sighted person can't separate sound from sight, but it's a pattern worth considering I think.


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Re: Manamon 2 postgame, what do I do exactly?

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : star fire via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Manamon 2 postgame, what do I do exactly?

Ok here's one hint. If you visit those Ruins, you may earn 100 gold. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The last of us part ii discussion

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The last of us part ii discussion

There's an audio indication when you can start running. Alternatively, you can press l3 to see if you can move.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pico tts for android

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pico tts for android

It sure beat Samantha back on IOS5 at least, lol. AS for the tts being edgy, that was par for the course on most Android phones with not so powerful speakers. It's even more so on smart glasses that use the synth. Although, something like the Dectalk/Fonix used in Mobile Speak wasn't that edgy, on speakers that otherwise were in every other way.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: what chat do you guys use??

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Draq via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what chat do you guys use??

Well, tried Discord on pC and it's as I thought. The interface is pretty clean, but message navigation is a pain in the ass unless I'm missing something. Usable, but irritating. Don't get me wrong. I do appreciate that they're making changes for accessibility,but I miss real programs, written in real programming languages, written for operating systems. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Another political topic because why not

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Another political topic because why not

To me, his voice is slightly lower than normal, and is slightly more nasal and hoarse. It's not crazy different, but it -is different. Totally nonpolitical take. He sounds like he's got a cold or something.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Another political topic because why not

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Another political topic because why not

It sounds like maybe he's breathing a bit more, but it certainly sounds like him. I recognized his voice right away. His breathing also doesn't really sound all that labored or anything, maybe just that he's been active. That's my objective take on this without bringing politics into it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : BoundTo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

I'll just slide in here and take the opportunity to point out that the largest takeaway from this debate on social media (and a lot of regular media in general) is a fly who found Mike Pence particularly interesting for two minutes. There's also a lot of interest around this strange thing he had going on with one of his eyes being bloody during the debate. Just a pessimistic reminder that optics caries more weight than the words being said.


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Re: The last of us part ii discussion

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : nolan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The last of us part ii discussion

Huh, so I'm not in the headspace to try this now, but you seemed to get through that area quickly. Is there any audio indication of when you can start following story progression again? I keep assuming I'll hear some massive yell or gate opening noise, but maybe you don't because they're trying to be stealthy?Tomorrow I'll try hitting L3 on the regular to see if I'm missing that. But I'm just not getting through this spot and don't know why.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Another political topic because why not

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : BoundTo via Audiogames-reflector


Another political topic because why not

SO, against my better judgement, I'm going to ask this and deal with the consequences. It's not even intended to be overly political. Donald Trump recently released this video from outside of the oval office where he commented on his experience with Covid and his plans for the future. It's not a very llong video. As soon as I started watching it, I instantly felt like something was off. I'm not even refering to the content of his speech. I've heard him speak in many different places with many different qualities of audio, but my initial reaction was that his voice in this video sounds quite different. I understand that he's been sick, but his voice/breathing in this video does not match those of someone who has fully recovered from anything. (which is the central point of this video) I'm asking if anyone else can hear it? It was so strange to me that I didn't even recognize him initially.P.S. This was the video he posted before he flew to Walter Reed for comparison.


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2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : titan_of_war via Audiogames-reflector



sad i can't by it, not soon anyways, ug.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Another political topic because why not

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : BoundTo via Audiogames-reflector


Another political topic because why not

SO, against my better judgement, I'm going to ask this and deal with the consequences. It's not even intended to be overly political. Donald Trump recently released this video from outside of the oval office where he commented on his experience with Covid and his plans for the future. It's not a very llong video. As soon as I started watching it, I instantly felt like something was off. I'm not even refering to the content of his speech. I've heard him speak in many different places with many different qualities of audio, but my initial reaction was that his voice in this video sounds quite different. I understand that he's been sick, but his voice/breathing in this video does not match those of someone who has fully recovered from anything. (which is the central point of this video) I'm asking if anyone else can hear it? It was so strange to me that I didn't even recognize him initially.P.S. This was the video he posted before he flew to Walter Reed, and this is a video of him discussing covid at the debate for comparison.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pico tts for android

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pico tts for android

Never liked  Pico. Just such an awful voice it went right through my head.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Another political topic because why not

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : BoundTo via Audiogames-reflector


Another political topic because why not

SO, against my better judgement, I'm going to ask this and deal with the consequences. It's not even intended to be overly political. Donald Trump recently released this video from outside of the oval office where he commented on his experience with Covid and his plans for the future. It's not a very llong video. As soon as I started watching it, I instantly felt like something was off. I'm not even refering to the content of his speech. I've heard him speak in many different places with many different qualities of audio, but my initial reaction was that his voice in this video sounds quite different. I understand that he's been sick, but his voice/breathing in this video does not match those of someone who has fully recovered from anything. (which is the central point of this video) I'm asking if anyone else can hear it? It was so strange to me that I didn't even recognize him initially.P.S. This was the video he posted before he flew to Walter Reed for comparison.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Another political topic because why not

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : BoundTo via Audiogames-reflector


Another political topic because why not

SO, against my better judgement, I'm going to ask this and deal with the consequences. It's not even intended to be overly political. Donald Trump recently released this video from outside of the oval office where he commented on his experience with Covid and his plans for the future. It's not a very llong video. As soon as I started watching it, I instantly felt like something was off. I'm not even refering to the content of his speech. I've heard him speak in many different places with many different qualities of audio, but my initial reaction was that his voice in this video sounds quite different. I understand that he's been sick, but his voice/breathing in this video does not match those of someone who has fully recovered from anything. (which is the central point of this video) I'm asking if anyone else can hear it? It was so strange to me that I didn't even recognize him initially.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

Enes, I want you to stop and read this. Slowly and carefully.You seem like you're a leftist. Hi. Fellow leftist here.Now that's out of the way, I'm going to give you a piece of advice that somebody gave me many years ago.When you're engaging in a discussion, especially a discussion where you disagree with someone or whatever it is they stand for, it's a good thing to assess your goals. do you want to be right at any cost? Do you want to change their mind to get them to accept that you're right? Or do you just want to play nice?Here's the difference between you and me (and it's really not so big a difference, I think, but I think you need to hear this):I'm usually in the middle camp. Until somebody proves to me that they aren't listening, I want to engage them and convince them that they're wrong and I'm right. It's not because I want to win the argument, and it's not because I think they're slime (even if I'm aghast at some of what they believe). It's because I truly think that I have the right of something, and I believe I'm doing good by getting someone to question an ideology or policy or leader or whatnot. When I get mean, it's because an individual's willful disregard for something I hold dear has hurt me, frightened me, angered me or disgusted me. I think I have a right to those feelings, and I confess that sometimes I step over the line a little in showing my opinion, because some of these people, if they get me to this reactionary point, have proven that they aren't going to change, and snarling at them or destroying them in an open forum like this arguably serves no one. My issue is that by this point, I feel almost as if it's my duty to repudiate them, to make a stand, to make sure everybody knows how foolish that other person or ideology or policy is. I've said it before: if I can steer even one person away from falling for bad systems, bad leaders, bad rhetoric, then perhaps it is worth it in the end. I doubt this will change entirely, but I'm doing my best to rein in my sharp tongue at least a little.You, on the other hand, seem to wish to be right, and that's it. You're more interested in trashing someone else and their opinions than you are at convincing them that they're wrong. You have every right to the opinions you hold, and as it happens, I actually agree with most of them. But you are, to put it really bluntly, the shrill sort of leftists who makes the rest of us cringe, the sort of person who does not seem interested in actually discussing these thing. You want to call them out and be done, convinced of both your righteousness in so doing and in your righteousness for demonizing the poor fools on the other side. There are loads of times when I want to do exactly the same thing, and in my younger days I'd say I probably took that tack more often than I do today. But at the end of the day, all my opponents will hear when I did that - and all your opponents hear when you do it - is someone who is shouting for the sake of shouting, angry for the sake of anger.As a fellow leftist, I'm here to tell you that while you don't have to be syrupy-sweet to everyone at all times, and while you shouldn't have to pretend that all opinions - even the vile, intolerant, bigoted ones - are deserving of equal consideration, your shrillness is clearly alienating you on both sides. When enough people start saying this, it's no longer their problem; it's your problem.So what's the solution, you ask?Simple. Just tone it down a bit. 95% of your points are great ones. Just moderate the language a little (no, this is not tone policing). I am not telling you that you have no right to outrage, disgust or disapproval. You have a right to feel and express all of those things, as do we all. But if you really want to heal these divisions, fix these systems and be part of the greater good, then sometimes it means moderation in speech and action, because the first thing our fiery little hearts want to is not always the best thing. Of course, I know I'm not the sole arbiter of what's best, but I've had a long time to think about this, plus the training implicit in my social-work background, plus the advantage of having come from a mindset similar to your own, by the look of things, to one that is slightly more considerate and slightly less damning. Put another way, Enes, I've seen tangible results. Oh, there are still people who dismiss what I say because I'm just a raging nutball leftist and they can't stand that, but I think even folks like Ironcross, Accman and Blue-Eyed Demon will tell you that while we ideologically disagree, they can usually (key word there) have productive discussions with me. And productive is the key word here; I don't believe that your outbursts are usually productive.Tl.dr: If all you want to do is set fire to the things and the people you hate, then keep on doing what you do. If you actually want to fix what's broken, you need to 

Re: Still don't want to wear masks?

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Still don't want to wear masks?

Sweden never imposed massive restrictions... and their numbers are nowhere near the US, even with the difference in population accounted for. So I personally am skeptical of the opinion that it came only down to the fact that the US lifted restrictions. It had to be more than that, and the lack of use of masks and downplaying by Trump certainly didn't help. But I don't thinkthe use of masks, or not, is the defining factor, which many people in this thread seem to think it is.


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Re: your opinion

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your opinion

honestly? None. Especially not trump. He's been involved in war... Giving him the peace prise would be a insult. He has not fought for peace. Hell, most of what he's done is get involved in wars killing god knows how many innocents... So no, if there is someone who shouldn't even be nominated; trump is. In this day and age, the peace prise is just... a curtesy, nothing more. I mean, when they nominate people who have their hands dirty with blood, who gets involved in wars... really tells you what state the world is in. The peace  price is given out to people who don't deserve it; actions speaks louder than words, and don't even get me started on trump's actions on, supposed peace, because if there is a way to make peace, it sure as fuck its not through war.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: your opinion

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ignatriay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your opinion

honestly? None. Especially not trump. He's been involved in war... Giving him the peace prise would be a insult. He has not fought for peace.


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Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

Blue-Eyed Demon, I need you to realize something.I've listened to hundreds, literally hundreds, of people try to tell me they're not racist/sexist/ableist/whatever else. Sometimes they're not, and that's cool. But probably ninety percent of them, or higher, are either lying through their teeth or, far more commonly, haven't stopped to consider their actions. If you are anything at all, you would definitely fall into the latter camp, I think. Note that word "if"; I'm coming back to this.Jayde wrote:"I think there may be just a teensy splash of sexism going on here too. Okay, I hear you groaning, I see you eye-rolling, but bear with me a moment."This is not an accusation. It's not an attack. First, note how it begins with the words "I think"? Note the term "teensy bit of sexism"? Note how I also ask you to "bear with me a moment"? This should make it clear that I was advancing a theory, not pinning you to a wall. I wanted you to think about your reaction. I did not want to throw the book at you and spit fire in your direction. I still don't.In response, you became rather aggressive, in my opinion aggressive enough to throw your entire defense into question. It would be akin to someone asking a child if he stole a cookie, and the child punching a wall or something. Based on my extensive experience with behaviour like this, your outburst tells me one of four things:1. You are extremely sensitive about these types of terms in general2. You know you're caught and can't stand it3. You are feeling unjustly attacked4. you do not understand that racism, sexism, ableism and the like can be passive, covert and largely unintentionalPlease remember, I'm not accusing you of anything. I'm advancing a theory. Now I'll back myself up.What I wanted you to do - and still do - is to think about why you believe Camala Harris is hostile. Ask yourself a few questions:1. Would I still feel this way if it were anyone else, regardless of their gender?2. What specifically provokes my reaction? What did Harris say or do that strikes me as hostile?3. Have other people in my life or history said or done these things to me, or to others I know or care about, which might cause me to be especially sensitized to Harris's style of rhetoric?Now, here's what led me to believe that there might be a "teensy bit of sexism present".1. I don't recall you ever characterizing Donald Trump or any other man as hostile. Indeed, I don't think I've ever seen you characterize -anyone this way before now. Since I believe Trump's hostility is far more overt, it struck me oddly that you were flagging Harris for this problem, and not Trump.2. You have expressed support for conservatives in general; indeed, we've been in conflict about this before. The opinions you have expressed, and the methods in which you have expressed them, make me believe that you may see yourself as a person who believes that some of these issues (ableism, sexism, racism) are being glorified by a group with whom you generally do not agree. Unfortunately, a common dog-whistle for people who share your professed sentiments is just this, the idea that a woman standing up to a man seems inherently hostile. This does not, in and of itself, mean you believe this, but it gave me further probable cause.3. Now that I have advanced my theory, and you have essentially snarled at me in return, it greatly increases the likelihood that I was justified. Your response is not in keeping with my initial wish for you to consider your position.I need to stop here and point out that just because someone says they treat everyone equally, regardless of race/gender/ability/whatever, that doesn't mean they do it, and it doesn't mean they can't possess unconscious bias. I believe that I treat everyone equally to the best of my ability, but I've made mistakes before, and almost certainly will again. Wanting to be an egalitarian is not a guarantee of good conduct, though it's an excellent start. In other words: your loudness doesn't prove your good heart. All it does, in fact, is make you sound like the other 90% of people I've come across in positions like this who, like it or not, were showing unconscious bias.By this point, you're probably heartily sick of my explanation. I can almost hear you curing me out, calling me a special snowflake, putting words in your mouth.I'm not. Not at all.All I ever wanted you to do was think. Because you are showing signs that you're being a teensy bit sexist. Hey, maybe I'm wrong about that, and if so, that's awesome. Less sexism in the world is a wonderful thing, let me tell you. But if you are, or if you might be, a teensy bit sexist, then maybe it would be a good idea to ponder that a little bit.For my part, I don't feel I need to prove anything here. This isn't a court of law, and you're not guilty of a crime. At the worst, maybe you're a teensy bit sexist, which is annoying but far from a mortal sin. At best, you don't 

Re: your opinion

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your opinion

I'm really excited to see the backlash personally.  I wonder how many people will protest outside the building because of Covid.


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Re: calling out to mac users

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : john_weed via Audiogames-reflector


Re: calling out to mac users

Sorry for double posting. Theoretically my mac arrives on saturday, so lets keep waiting lol. I've been exploring appleviss here and there and it's pretty nice.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

@enesI think you have an overly high opinion of your opinion, but that's just my opinion.


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Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Blue-Eyed Demon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

@10: Alright I am all for respecting your opinion, but do not, and I mean do not, throw assumptions at me calling me a sexist in any way. I don't give a damn if a candidate is male, female, trans, straight, gay, an immigrant, born in this country, or anything else you want to add onto that. I don't give a damn about groups and all of that. To me, people are people. And what I want to see is a person who can be strong in their thinking and yet still appeal to the American people and I just do not feel like Harris did that. So before you go assuming and labeling me and my thinking, I urge you to get off of your little aggressive high-horse.As for Trump and Biden, it's like I said in my last post, I don't like either of them in office. I personally can hardly stand either of them in terms of being a leader. They are corrupt, they are very much suspicious on many fronts, and I hate that about politicians these days.


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Re: Still don't want to wear masks?

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Still don't want to wear masks?

That article is correct there. The pandemic restrictions were lifted too soon. Trump was going lets open everything up yyeaah! And alot of republican governers eagerly complied, and now? Look at Florida, Georgia and Texas's numbers.


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Re: Pico tts for android

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pico tts for android

Wow, didn't know that was still around in its original form. Had one of those but unfortunately wasn't is the original source of SmartvoiceThere are no Vocalizer voices included in this - this is an official package with just Pico and nothing more.


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Re: Still don't want to wear masks?

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Still don't want to wear masks?

The thing about the mask debate is this: if everyone at the head of the party who turned not wearing masks into a political stand getting Covid within 2 weeks of each other doesn't convince people to wear a mask, nothing we say or do will.


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Re: Genux OS: My thoughts

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Genux OS:  My thoughts

Really there is only so many options in the boot menu. Your linux distro is first, your fallback kernel one or two or something, then windows then enter setup. You can also configure it to have like a 5 second timeout which then defaults it to windows. That means that once you get an idea of how long it takes to reach the menu, all you need to is hit enter. But if you ever go down that road, I strongly recommend not using Jenux as your linux distro.


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Re: Pitch Black: The 'AAA' Audio Game

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sethgamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: The 'AAA' Audio Game

@pitch black, awesome exposure micanic! I really liked how the sound design worked, as well as the micanic itself. some real strategy involved here.


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Re: your opinion

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aryamansingh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: your opinion

I am really excited to see who gets the Nobel Prise as the date is today.


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Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

Well I say it how it is. Those arguments are bullshit arguments, I'm not going to pretend they are based on valid arguments, when in fact they aren't, and are  based on right wing crazy conspiracy theories or  idiotic myths.People may believe they have valid reasons, but  that doesn't make those reasons any more valid than believing the earth is flat, or that 5g causes coronavirus. And I'm sorry, but those groups you claim I paint in a certain way? All my descriptions are fucking accurate and spot on. Especially  republican myths. And they are myths. Fucking over blind people? What was I to say? So removing the ACA, destroying the social safety net, removing or weakening the  ADA? How is this not  fucking over blind people?  Depicting blind or  disabled people as lazy idiots? You expect me to not call out that bullshit? If you don't provide healthcare to someone, you might as well give them a revolver and a bullet so they can do themselves in if they want to. That is the merciful thing to do by far. People might think they have opinions, and know what the world is, but if they don't know what they are arguing, E.G, if a right winger is calling single payer healthcare socialism, and then think communism and socialism are the same thing, yet can't describe what they are, or their differences, then that oppinion is not even a valid or even mildly respectable one. The most basic component of having an opinion is to actually know the thing you think you have one first, and then form the opinion. If people can't handle that, that's fine, but the truth is ttruth, regardless if you close your eyes to it or see it. There are topics, where certain points have aspects of validity, and in those debate is merited, but certainly not in topics such as, "does unemployment during coronavirus motivate people to sit on their asses at home" type questions. I have a bullshit detector hardwired into my brain, and when it detects bullshit, I will mercilessly rip into that asertion, and obliterate it entirely.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

Well I say it how it is. Those arguments are bullshit arguments, I'm not going to pretend they are based on valid arguments, when in fact they aren't, and are  based on right wing crazy conspiracy theories or  idiotic myths.People may believe they have valid reasons, but  that doesn't make those reasons any more valid than believing the earth is flat, or that 5g causes coronavirus. And I'm sorry, but those groups you claim I paint in a certain way? All my descriptions are fucking accurate and spot on. Especially  republican myths. And they are myths. Fucking over blind people? What was I to say? So removing the ACA, destroying the social safety net, removing or weakening the  ADA? How is this not  fucking over blind people?  Depicting blind or  disabled people as lazy idiots? You expect me to not call out that bullshit? If you don't provide healthcare to someone, you might as well give them a revolver and a bullet so they can do themselves in if they want to. That is the merciful thing to do by far. People might think they have opinions, and know what the world is, but if they don't know what they are arguing, E.G, if a right winger is calling single payer healthcare socialism, and then think communism and socialism are the same thing, yet can't describe what they are, or their differences, then that oppinion is not even a valid or even mildly respectable one. The most basic component of having an opinion is to actually know the thing you think you have one first, and then form the opinion. If people can't handle that, that's fine, but the truth is ttruth, regardless if you close your eyes to it or see it. There are topics, where certain points have aspects of validity, and in those debate is merited, but certainly not in topics such as, "does unemployment during coronavirus motivate people to sit on their asses at home" type questions.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Genux OS: My thoughts

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : vablus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Genux OS:  My thoughts

yeah, not actually putting it on a machine because I'm scared of duel booting because I need to load Windows and there's no accessible way for you to know which OS  you're booting before it loads. So, I'm taking your advice.I put it on a USB mainly for experimental purposes. And as far as I know, according to the latest version, the  errors that were once there have now been fixed, if you look at post 18 of the Starting Linux topic in this room. Basically  that's what I was told, so I felt safe in testingGenux.JMT


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Genux OS: My thoughts

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : vablus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Genux OS:  My thoughts

yeah, not actually putting it on a machine because I'm scared of duel booting because I need to load Windows and there's no accessible way for you to know which OS  you're booting before it loads. So, I'm taking your advice.I put it on a USB mainly for experimentalpurposes. And as far as I know, according to the latest version, the  errors that were once there have now been fixed, if you look at post 18 of the Starting Linux topic in this room. Basically  that's what I was told, so I felt safe in testingGenux.JMT


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

An interesting article which discusses the science behind why the U.S is doing so poorly compared to other developed and even some less developed, higher population countries in terms of per capita Covid stats. … -too-soon/I consider this as more evidence for the Trump administrations failure, though some of it is almost certainly a systemic issue that existed before he took office.Of course, he and his people didn't exactly help the situation either...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

An interesting article which discusses the science behind why the U.S is doing so poorly compared to other developed and even some less developed, higher population countries in terms of stats. … -too-soon/I consider this as more evidence for the Trump administrations failure, though some of it is almost certainly a systemic issue that existed before he took office.Of course, he and his people didn't exactly help the situation either...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Still don't want to wear masks?

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Still don't want to wear masks?

An interesting article about the potential reasons for why the U.S's stats are so bad compared to other developed countries, and even some less developed and higher population ones, by percentage. … -too-soon/


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

"So blind people can get fucked over", "the bullshit argument".  It's language like that, every word dripping with pointless venom as if you're just looking for a fight, and the fact that you paint entire groups of people with the same brush that makes others not want to engage with you or listen to you.You said your self that you think certain points of view aren't valid or deserving respect, but we're not talking about opinions like "I think Trump is a bad leader because of his stupid orange skin tan" or "everyone who supports Kamala Harris is a filthy communist".  Most people have reasons for what they believe and most of the issues you're simplifying as right and wrong are actually multilayered and complex.  You seemingly avoid important facets of the problem on purpose to prove your point rather than being honest and explaining both sides like many of us are.You come on way too strong and you don't seem to care about understanding anyone else, so why would we bother having a conversation with you?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

"So blind people can get fucked over", "the bullshit argument".  It's language like that, every word dripping with pointless venom as if you're just looking for a fight, and the fact that you paint entire groups of people with the same brush that makes others not want to engage with you or listen to you.You said your self that you think certain points of view aren't valid or deserve respect, but we're not talking about opinions like "I think Trump is a bad leader because of his stupid orange skin tan" or "everyone who supports Kamala Harris is a filthy communist".  Most people have reasons for what they believe and most of the issues you're simplifying as right and wrong are actually multilayered and complex.You come on way too strong and you don't seem to care about understanding anyone else, so why would we bother.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

"So blind people can get fucked over", "the bullshit argument".  It's language like that, and the fact that you paint entire groups of people with the same brush that makes others not want to engage with you or listen to you.You said your self that you think certain points of view aren't valid or deserve respect, but we're not talking about opinions like "I think Trump is a bad leader because of his stupid orange skin tan" or "everyone who supports Kamala Harris is a filthy communist".  Most people have reasons for what they believe and most of the issues you're simplifying as right and wrong are actually multilayered and complex.You come on way too strong and you don't seem to care about understanding anyone else, so why would we bother.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The last of us part ii discussion

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The last of us part ii discussion

@nolanIt's in Japanese though, here is the recording I did that stage. Seek to 17 minutes., hold l1. repeatedly press l3 and keep moving. When escaping, don't bother even if you're hit.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why do most people choose python?

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why do most people choose python?

@25_javascript_ counts as a programming language.  In fact I actually like modern _javascript_ and React, and one of the things I've got is a currently closed source Electron-based prototype engine (I'd have something to show for it but then Synthizer happened instead).WebAudio is a bit meh, but it's better than anyone who isn't able to say "I don't like this, how about I write an audio library from scratch" currently has access to around here.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The last of us part ii discussion

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The last of us part ii discussion

@nolanIt's in Japanese though, here is the recording I did that stage. Seek to 17 minutes.


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Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Subdragon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

so the idea is you can't use translaters, cause it's generally a japanese programming language, oh god, and these lessons are payed.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Does the phone tones folder still exist?

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does the phone tones folder still exist?

Maybe it would be best to close the topic and edit the link if any any time something like this comes up until you guys can verify then?  That happens on other forums...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

I didn't see Harris as especially cold and hostile. Firm, yes, but she's a prosecutor, and right now, the single most important issue when it comes to Americans is the coronavirus, and she rightly sees the Trump administration's failure as something indefensible. I ask you, why should she be sweet and nice about this?I think there may be just a teensy splash of sexism going on here too. Okay, I hear you groaning, I see you eye-rolling, but bear with me a moment. A very common refrain in feminist and inclusive circles is that women can't be harsh or they're seen as overly hostile. Any deviation from gentleness, matronliness, kindness, etc., is seen as hostile. Challenging a man is seen as hostile. I didn't see anything in Harris's words or speech, or even hear it from what I've had people tell me about her body language, that suggests she was especially harsh or hostile. I think she came with a very no-nonsense attitude, and I think that's all right. She has a right to be pissed. We all have a right to be pissed. So what I'm going to ask you is to take a step back and breathe. Ask yourself if you would view a man saying and doing what Harris is saying and doing as hostile. Contrast it to Donald Trump last week. Wouldn't you see the sort of bullying he was doing last week, for instance, as way more hostile and aggressive than anything Harris did?For what it's worth, though? I agree with you re: we can't have rapists or sexual assaulters in positions of power. But I give you five words from Trump's own mouth that should've damned him before he ever ran: "Grab her by the pussy". Oh, and two more words: Stormy Daniels. I'm kind of wondering why Clinton could be impeached because of his affair with an intern, but Trump couldn't be touched even though he paid hush money to a porn star and then tried to cover it up.


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Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Blue-Eyed Demon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

Honestly, if I could alter things in this world like some messed up superpower, I would eliminate both candidates. I don't like the direction that the democratic party is headed, not at all, so I just cannot support them. However, I don't see Trump as a politician. I never have. he is a business man, all be it a question one many would point out, but he is a business man nonetheless. I dislike both candidates to a burning degree. But it is what it is. As for who won, i could never say that Harris won by any means, and that doesn't even have to do with her being a democrat. When she spoke, she was hostile, cold. There were only a couple times that I can remember when her tone actually softened. When you are trying to gain support, that is no way to speak. And just as Pence deflected, harris did a lot of the same. She did so horribly at answering questions. Yes, it is definitely true that Pence had a habbit of going way over his time limit, I cannot argue that one at all. Dear god no. Overall, both sides are in such a horrible horrible position and I don't particularly care for either.


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2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sethgamer via Audiogames-reflector



@75 good point. me too. sure as hell buying this.


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Re: Does the phone tones folder still exist?

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does the phone tones folder still exist?

Thank you for bringing up the point about company-specific ringtones. Part of the problem really is that one of us needs to go and look at this to verify that it isn't a false alarm like with what happened with 3dyw. IT isn't so much that it isn't being enforced, it's that we want to make sure we have all the facts straight. I was under the impressions all these tones were all stock from the operating systems, thus generic and not sold/rented. And that, they might very well be. But I'll have to verify this now that you bring up the fact they may be custom.As for the sound library, that took a lot of resources and was professionally produced, no matter how small it is. I should know: I was the only backer of the folded crowdfunding campaign. I'm pretty sure he went off of a word or two that suggested that it was legal to pick up those sounds from a dead landline (I don't recall the model name exactly, but I have used the phone who's sounds the library has included several times before). Usually one doesn't go through the intense time and resources necessary to build a library if they don't check everything against anything that could go wrong, particularly one that is being sold commercially.


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Re: A Galaxy Consumed, Science Fiction RPG game I found

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : milos via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Galaxy Consumed, Science Fiction RPG game I found

Hmm when you open quest program, you can pres control + o to open file. When i say file i mean on file which you're download. After select file press open and wait to loading game.


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Total Commander For Android: Tips?

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : spiderManiac via Audiogames-reflector


Total Commander For Android: Tips?

Hi there,I just got my tablet today, the Galaxy Tab S7, and I'm having some trouble learning Total Commander.First up, how would one copy and paste files/folders across directories, so if I wanted to get something off my drive and onto my internal, what would I do? I copied one directory but... to itself so I ended up with tons of directories.Any other tips and tricks I should know of?


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Re: why do most people choose python?

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why do most people choose python?

Aren't people also starting to use _javascript_ with Electron more?  It's definitely a smaller segment and I know that _javascript_ isn't really considered a programming language as such but I thought I would mention it since it's also modern and not BGT...


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Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

I don't like her, which is one of the reasons I won't vote Biden. I do not believe that Biden is healthy enough to be president, so I see her needing to step in at some point. I also think that his mental state isn't as good as it once was.To me, she seems mean spirited. Not passionate about doing good, not driven. Of course those things but she just seems fucking mean and like she is cold and doesn't care about anyone or anything. I could have voted for Elizabeth Warren perhaps, but not Harris.I don't see Biden as having the capacity to wreck the country, he's just not with it enough. The only way that could happen is if he is getting bad advice. Whenever he stutters by the way, I'm having a buddy of mine who has better vision than I do tell me it's because he's reading off a teleprompter and lost his place, which I can believe.My mom also told me about something she saw where he got caught squeezing the nipples of an 8 year old girl at an event. On one hand, I can't find this anywhere, but on the other, I believe her since she is not really political on any side and wouldn't make shit up.It's pretty sick that our leaders are basically pedophiles and sexual deviants no matter which of them we elect. I could care less about some things: Criminal trespassing, marijuana use, things of that nature. I don't want my country represented by a rapist though.


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Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

I don't think any of us is asking you to walk away from being a conservative in general. Nocturnis still is, and look where he stands. There are plenty of right-wingers out there that I can get along with, even if we don't agree on the big picture. But your representation as Trump seeing this as a game he has to win at any cost resonates with me. It's not a game America has to win. It's a game Trump has to win. And that was something else, to circle back to last night's debate, that I saw a great deal. Harris spoke a great deal about numbers, about plans for the future, about keeping Americans safe. Pence tried to do this, but came out sounding insincere. I don't think he believes for a second that it's a game, but I also don't think he can torpedo his own boss either. It leaves him trying to make excuses for the inexcusable.


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Re: So i've just finished reading neverwhere and its amazing

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : lemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: So i've just finished reading neverwhere and its amazing

Hi,@Camlorn, my other half is the same, she enjoys reading braille and can read incredibly fast. For me, losing sight later in life I haven’t had quite as much contact with Braille, I was lucky that work funded equipment such as Jaws, OCR software etc, but it meant there wasn’t a huge need for Brail at work. I learnt Brail though when my little boy was born so I could read children’s stories to him. so although I can read brail I’m not particularly fast, so I tend to get more enjoyment out of audio books. I’ll listen to kindle and with a good screen reader or having them read through Alexa is an option which isn’t too bad, but for me it’s not quite the same as a well voiced audio book. Either way if I can’t find this as an audio book I’ll definitely check it out on kindle and again thanks for the recommendation.Paul Lemm


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Re: Why isn't talkback improved, or as good as voiceover

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why isn't talkback improved, or as good as voiceover

Now that, is highly weird.Hmmm... Won't know for sure what happens until my S10E gets Android 11.


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Re: Does the phone tones folder still exist?

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does the phone tones folder still exist?

@jackI'm talking about the company specific tones, produced for and bought by them, and any that would have been paid for normally such as the ones from app stores.  Fare use doesn't cover redistribution, and while it is interesting to know that stock Android goes with public domain/CC tones, that's only a small part of the whole.As for the NS sound library, I think we both know it's too small for anyone to care, and if you are talking about very generic rings that many companies use, it would be impossible for them to prove anyway.I take your point about backseat modding, but I really, really wish you guys would either enforce this rule you've decided to implement more effectively or get rid of it entirely.  I see far too much indecision, bias, and lethargy coming from the team when it comes to relatively clear cut topics like this.


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2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Muhammad Hajjar via Audiogames-reflector



If anything, and while post 51 has stated an opinion from a personal point of view, it has unfortunately somewhat ruined the fun of anticipation and trying for me. This is if it also didn't instil hesitation in buying the game or not in some people, which I see is an obvious premature matter, even if Lirin wasn't following a related clause with the developers. I'm pretty sure that his intention wasn't to spoile stuff for people, and I appreciate his fighting for accessibility and high quality, well polished audio games. He might just wanted to deliver an idea that I think was a bit unfledged.Anyhow, I'm still looking forward to this game as I've tried the demo, and would be buying it for sure upon release.


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Re: Game Purchase Request Topic

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tabalus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game Purchase Request Topic

thanks Mat! yes, i received the email


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Re: Pitch Black: The 'AAA' Audio Game

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pitch Black: The 'AAA' Audio Game

Hi:I've just listened to the overexposure mechanics video; it's very interesting. Traversing dungeons in this game will be very interesting if all of these concepts make it into the final release. I don't think stealth, for example, appears in many  audiogames. Keep it up guys; looking forward to this game.


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Re: Why isn't talkback improved, or as good as voiceover

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rich_Beardsley via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why isn't talkback improved, or as good as voiceover

Hi.So, as I've said, people's decisions to avoid Android were with good reason. However, ever since Android 8, accessibility has come a long way. And someone I talked to on TT said they were on Android 11 but they had Voice Assistant


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Re: Long shot: anyone have any Microsoft Xbox contacts?

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : nolan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Long shot: anyone have any Microsoft Xbox contacts?

OK, cracked it with the help of a Microsoft employee friend. Turns out that a failed attempt to load Tolk pulled in the MSVC APIs, which aren't available on the Xbox. On desktop UWP it just fails to load Tolk and falls back to WinRT speech. If I strip out Tolk support completely, speech works fine (though the game itself freezes after a few minutes, which is either an engine issue or has to do with my game running with the much lower app limits.)So we're now into debuggable-by-me territory. Hopefully I can publish one of the first audio-only Xbox games, but I'm not out of the woods quite yet.


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Re: Does the phone tones folder still exist?

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does the phone tones folder still exist?

Replying purely as a user for now:Alright @defender.You're clearly getting a little too close to backseat moderating a bit, so you might want to reign yourself in a little just to be sure. This is not cautionary yet, but you seem to be putting up a pretty damn strong defense - last I checked you weren't in the business of manufacturing ui sounds, so:Tones are generic and 100% disposable, especially true as new systems come out. As far as I am aware there's no law in the books that specifically copyrights the sound assets in the phone, particularly when:1. There were markets for commercial ringtones already,2. Android Open Source distributions in particular used public domain/creative commons/otherwise distributable material anyway, and3. Most royalty free music cannot be distributed as ringtones for this reason alone, because the copyrighteable asset would be on its own in one form or another and not used within a project. Ringtones are/were clearly distributable to begin with, sans commercially available ringtones of songs/commercially-available ringtone databases that used to be around like the great 1001 Ringtones.4. Defender, did you, like, literally just completely forget about the commercially-available NS Studios sound library, the one that has the stock sounds and tones from a landline phone? If he had rights to clear, I doubt it would be on the market today because no landline phone manufacturer is going to come back from the dead within a few weeks to a month and say yeah, you're good to go, and even if they did, that would mean the sound library would be way more than 70 bucks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Does the phone tones folder still exist?

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does the phone tones folder still exist?

Replying purely as a user for now:Alright @defender.You're clearly getting a little too close to backseat moderating a bit, so you might want to reign yourself in a little just to be sure. This is not cautionary yet, but you seem to be putting a pretty damn strong defense - last I checked you weren't in the business of manufacturing ui sounds, so:Tones are generic and 100% disposable, especially true as new systems come out. As far as I am aware there's no law in the books that specifically copyrights the sound assets in the phone, particularly when:1. There were markets for commercial ringtones already,2. Android Open Source distributions in particular used public domain/creative commons/otherwise distributable material anyway, and3. Most royalty free music cannot be distributed as ringtones for this reason alone, because the copyrighteable asset would be on its own in one form or another and not used within a project. Ringtones are/were clearly distributable to begin with, sans commercially available ringtones of songs/commercially-available ringtone databases that used to be around like the great 1001 Ringtones.4. Defender, did you, like, literally just completely forget about the commercially-available NS Studios sound library, the one that has the stock sounds and tones from a landline phone? If he had rights to clear, I doubt it would be on the market today because no landline phone manufacturer is going to come back from the dead within a few weeks to a month and say yeah, you're good to go, and even if they did, that would mean the sound library would be way more than 70 bucks.


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Re: NVDASAPI: convey SAPI speech through NVDA

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NVDASAPI: convey SAPI speech through NVDA

Here's that entombed thing you're talking about:


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Re: Commentary screen reader

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : milos via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Commentary screen reader

One question about commentary.I have samsung a 70 and i turn on commentary screen reader. But when i try to type message, or phone number all what i need to type wia keyboard, i hear letters, but when i type it not appear. I can tapping on letters but for unknow reason it do not writhe...


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Re: Wondering what's wrong with me.

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kjsisco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Wondering what's wrong with me.

One thing that we need to know as a society is that it is okay to feel things.  Sadness, anger, joy, these are all valid.  That's a good first step for anyone.


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Re: Still don't want to wear masks?

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : lemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Still don't want to wear masks?

Hi,So I don’t want to get caught up in the middle of this debate, however this is a subject which means a lot to me on a personal level. my dad was diagnosed in December of last year with terminal lung cancer and is hugely at risk if he were to catch Covid, obviously the fact it is lung cancer combined with the fact he is on regular kemo and immunotherapy  drugs he has an incredibly low immune system, therefore catching this would almost certainly be the end of him. . When I’m out I take precautions and where a mask, I socially distance, not so much for my own health but for others  around me and to ensure I don’t accidently catch it and pass it to my dad. I think the scary thing is as others have pointed out,  you can have Covid and show no symptoms  and  therefore be a carrier and pass it on to others, which is one of the things that makes this virus dangerous and difficult to control. Even if from a health perspective you are not classed as in the ‘At risk category’ or don’t believe in masks, spare a thought for people you pass in the street that  may be at risk, or that may be  inContact or caring for people that are shielding. when I go to visit my dad people I pass in the street see me as healthy and not at risk, but no one knows I’m off to see someone  who falls strongly into the ‘at risk category’.  Wearing a mask really isn’t a big ask of people and even if you believe that there is some hidden agenda, or the numbers really aren’t that big,  you wearing a mask could prevent you unknowingly putting someone at risk, as at the end of the day regardless of whether you believe it is more or less serious than the government/media would have you believe it is definitely a thing and you can do your bit to help. Anyway rant over, I’m sure people will disagree  and I want to make it clear I’m not trying to force or tell everyone they must wear masks or else, but I wanted to at least put my thoughts out there as someone trying to keep a close family member safe, and I thank those of you wearing masks for helping keep others like my dad safe.Paul Lemm


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Re: Still don't want to wear masks?

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kjsisco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Still don't want to wear masks?

I myself won't wear one just walking down the street but will wear one when in a building.


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Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kjsisco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

My vote is for a third party because I can't stand eether of them.


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Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

I'm not walking away from being republican, but I'm not voting for someone who takes this as a game, but a game he has to win at all costs.


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Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

Good for you. If you can't stomach voting for Biden, at least you're not directly contributing to Trump. That's one step in the right direction, and if it's as far as you can go, then at least you've gone somewhere.I disagree about telling the truth though. Previous presidents and world leaders would hopefully have told the truth, but tried to frame it in a positive light. If you trust your citizens, you tell them what to expect and prepare for, and you take every possible measure to keep them safe. You model good behaviour. Trump didn't do that, and this is why when Harris attacked his honesty, it hit home so hard. I won't go so far as to say that all two hundred and ten thousand deaths are Trump's fault - of course they aren't - but when your leader is deliberately lying, ignoring facts, ignoring science and not modelling proper behaviour (i.e., wearing a mask, physical distancing)...well, a leader's words and actions matter. I bet there are loads of people out there, people who are dead now, who thought they'd be okay because Mr. Trump didn't appear to be taking this seriously, so neither would they. And that's criminally inexcusable. So I hope your ethical upheaval happened as a result of this, and other things. But like I say, good for you. I mean that. Coming to terms with an ethical dilemma like this is not easy, even if sometimes it seems like I'm saying that it is. I know it's not easy, and it takes guts to say "you know what, I can't do this anymore".There's actually a YouTube channel where all kinds of republicans do this, in some form or other. I found it extremely enlightening.


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Re: accessible Mud clients for iOS?

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Rich_Beardsley via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible  Mud clients for iOS?

@1, MUD Rammer.@2, There's always Braille Screen Input


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Re: NVDASAPI: convey SAPI speech through NVDA

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Rich_Beardsley via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NVDASAPI: convey SAPI speech through NVDA

Where do you get the Entombed thing?


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Re: Rhythm games such as dj max and GrooveCoaster

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Rhythm games such as dj max and GrooveCoaster

Oh definitely agreed. Rhythm Heaven and Space Channel 5 are, honestly, two of my favourite video game series of all time just due to the amount of audio cues and playability. I don't even know how much I'll be able to manage when it comes to memorizing at the moment.


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Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Introduce Yourself to Gain Access : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Restricted/new users: introduce yourself!

@Dezzi you are now unrestricted.


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2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector



The thing I like to consider, is not all games have embargos until day of release. I think if that was the case, Lirin would not have posted. Put it this way, I have been told he was involved in stuff, but only after the fact a project got released, so I'm very much sure he'd be aware of an embargo.


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Re: why do most people choose python?

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Turret via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why do most people choose python?

@23, fair enough.


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Re: A Galaxy Consumed, Science Fiction RPG game I found

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Galaxy Consumed, Science Fiction RPG game I found

A little OT but I decided to try Quest on a spare Win10 it suposed to just come up with the text input box and nothing else when I start up?


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Re: NVDASAPI: convey SAPI speech through NVDA

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : the best in the world via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NVDASAPI: convey SAPI speech through NVDA

I already have that. but I wanted to try this one as well. but don't think it's gonna work for me. thank you though 


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Re: Think of your own Manamon

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Gaki_shonen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Think of your own Manamon

This has to other evolutions. I will finish the evolution when I have something I can easily type with.Name: catarmaDescription: catarma is a baby cat. It is very furry. and has a very sharp Set of claws on its paws. it’s paws are dark red and its eyes are purple.Mana Pedia entry, catarma is a rather violent kitten. It really likes to fight. They will challenge manamon of all sizesType. FightingAttack99Defense94Speed5321


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Re: Think of your own Manamon

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Gaki_shonen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Think of your own Manamon

Name: catarmaDescription: catarma is a baby cat. It is very furry. and has a very sharp Set of claws on its paws. it’s paws are dark red and its eyes are purple.Mana Pedia entry, catarma is a rather violent kitten. It really likes to fight. They will challenge manamon of all sizesType. FightingAttack99Defense94Speed53212


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Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Thoughts on the vice-presidential debate

When have humans ever been able to handle the truth as a society. Of course you hide from them because they're a panicky mess. Someone like me doesn't like the fact that the truth is hidden from me, but I get the reason behind it.I don't need to watch anymore. I've come to an ethical upheaval and I don't intend to vote for Trump this term. I don't intend to vote for Biden either, I'll probably do a write-in.


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Re: How to play pokemon Go with voiceover

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : sightlessgamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How to play pokemon Go with voiceover

There is an option in VO settings called descriptions or something.Tap it and download the recognition package. Then, you should see it in the roder. I'm not promicing that it will be playable but this should get you started. Hope this helps.


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Re: Think of your own Manamon

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Think of your own Manamon

Wow, that thing has insane, insane stats, assuming its growth is commensurate with its beginning stats. It's going to get three kills, switch out, switch back in, then kill off the rest of the foe's team with stats like that.I actually like the concept and the name fairly well, and the idea that you lose accuracy but gain defense is sort of a neat trick.


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