Re: Lossless Audio in Games

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Lossless Audio in Games

I'd like to weigh in here. I'm a little late to the party, but I love flac and would love to see lossless audio in an audiogame. The differences for me are subtle, but I can definitely tell when audio's been compressed. As I say, it's subtle and it's not a giant leap, but in music, for instance, drums, especially symbols have that little extra bit of crisp, and other small nuonces. I think it'd be awesome.


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Re: Manamon 2: Impressions Thread

2019-11-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Manamon 2: Impressions Thread

@3050I am in no way critticizing Pokemon fans, I was just curious if those people who had played it were at an advantage or disadvantage when it comes to Manamon because of how similar some of the games are but in other ways how different. I've read through some of the pages of this topic, not so that I can get spoilers to ruin my own gameplay experience, but to see if there are hidden items, etc in the areas that I'm in. I'm just glad I don't see a bunch of negativity about the game or Aaron himself this time around. I recall when the first Manamon came out there were people saying Aaron should be taken to court, etc because he basically stole a product, or that he didn't come up with an original idea which, gasp, is almost impossible because there really are no original ideas in this day and age. Everything has it's start somewhere and I was glad this game seemed to be welcomed more openly than the last one was.I keep hoping a Manamon 2 guide will make an appearance at some point, because I'd definitely use it. The last one came in very handy a few times. My wife and I play these games together and we help each other solve a lot of the game's puzzles, but when neither one of us has an answer, we'd check the guide.I think we also make the game a little more difficult for ourselves to play through because we like capturing every creature and grinding it up to a decent level, not so we're overleveled and battles are no longer a challenge but because you never know what you're going to need in that next fight, also we'd really like to complete the Manapedia.Jayde, I personally don't see how you beat the game in six days but I'm all ears lol.


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Re: Manamon 2: Impressions Thread

2019-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Manamon 2: Impressions Thread

Hi everyone.I am going through the game very slowly. That being said, I'm really, really enjoying it but I had a question. I wonder, is it easier to enjoy the game if you didn't really watch a lot of people playing Pokemon or understand how the mechanics of it all work? Of course I knew about Pokemon--who doesn't? Growing up my brother was very much into Pokemon, had one of those handheld Pokedex things and everything. I knew you fought other trainers and tried to beat them, much like we do in Manamon, but as far as the mechanics, I know nothing about how the two games differ and I was just curious if those people who don't understand Pokemon's mechanics have a more fun time because they're not consciously or subconsciously comparing the two games' play styles.


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Re: Win a free copy of A Hero's Call

2018-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Win a free copy of A Hero's Call

Honestly, I've not had that many issues with AHC myself. There was one version where it would sometimes crash when I was navigating through very big areas, but I just learned to save every few minutes and it wasn't too big a deal. Most of the issues I dealt with were sounds not playing correctly sometimes, but I would tend to agree with those who say that the Out of Sight team had to choose between releasing the game when they said they were going to or keep holding off until things were "perfect." Years ago on this forum I was one of the ones who did quite a lot of bitching, if I may use the word, about games that didn't come out when they were supposed to etc etc etc. Now, I'm a lot older. I'm a married man, and an experience like that will teach you that you can't always, in fact most of the time you don't have the option to wait until everything is just perfect. Would it have been nice to have a few less bugs for people to find when AHC came out? Yes. But was their "we're going to find these bugs and flesh them out" attitude a wonder to behold after some games that were released and then put way on the back shelf never to be dusted off and updated or patched again equally awesome to watch? Yes. A lot of times it's not simply the game, it's the attitude of the people who made it. Out of Sight has shown us that they are a developer who is committed to the gamers. To this community. In future, they may or may not announce release dates, deciding instead to take the road of it'll be here when it gets here. I don't know. Hopefully this disjointed rant made sense to somebody lol.


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Re: Dungeon crawls--how sad we don't have more of them

2018-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dungeon crawls--how sad we don't have more of them

First of all, to me at any rate, AHC is the greatest game for the blind at the moment. I don't think there's a game that even comes close to challenging it. There are some that are almost as fun and interesting, but to me, AHC is truly where it's at as far as audiogaming goes. We were bouncing this idea around and let me ask what you think of two potential premises  I've come up with. One is that you're traveling through a forest. A nature witch is not happy that you're disturbing her domain, and she decides to do something about it. She uses her magic to make you stronger, but only so she can watch you languish in her pit of death. Unfortunately her magical prison is so sprawling that forces within it have formed alliances and factions and are actually at war with one another. There is some randomness to the encounters, there are shops you can find along the way, you can make friends or rescue beings who may decide to join you etc. The other is that you've died and gone to Hell, but it's a shambles. There are demons wandering around, but then you notice trolls, elves, goblins etc that are there, as well as cyborgs and other sci-fi related creatures. You have to figure out why the place is in such a state and, if you can, escape. Do either of these sound good or get anyone here excited about a potential project?


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Re: Dungeon crawls--how sad we don't have more of them

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dungeon crawls--how sad we don't have more of them

I appreciate all of the feedback. I'm carefully watching this topic to see what comes of it. I am very aware of at least some of Entombed's flaws. It's extremely random with no real back story, and I'd like to see what kind of back story I could come up with for a game of my own.


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Dungeon crawls--how sad we don't have more of them

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Dungeon crawls--how sad we don't have more of them

Playing A Hero's Call over the past month and having so much fun with it--thanks a lot Out of Sight Games, you are officially the bomb in my book, has put me in a fantasy sort of mood. Therefore, when I temporarily needed a break from AHC I attempted to find another fantasy type game similar to AHC but with less complexity so I could just have a little fun and not have to actually concentrate a whole lot on what I was doing. I came across an old audiogame treasure, Entombed. I've played this game a bit, and I have to say the mechanics are interesting, but why did the developer of that game release it and not update it? The bugs in that game are particularly annoying and if you just want to have a fun time wandering a dungeon and relax for a couple of hours, forget it. The game crashes for no apparent reason and it just gets very annoying after a little while to beat into submission. I'd love to see a game similar to that be made, but with less bugs and possibly some other tweeks. I've toyed with doing something like this myself--I have a very steep learning curve and there's no better time then now to figure out how to write code--after all the BGT engine is very easy to get and there is extensive documentation. I guess I'm just writing this as a rant/discussion starter, do you all think another dungeon crawler would be a great idea or do you think we need more games with an actual storyline etc?


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Re: miriani, anyone still play?

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Re: miriani, anyone still play?

Ah, Miriani ... it's been years, well, actually a little over two, since I last played there. At one time I had quite a lot of things, however I found out in February of 16 that I hadn't logged in enough times so I got purged and I'm lazy, so the idea of completely rebuilding just didn't interest me. I had a lot of fun there, but what someone else said here is true--the player base is not the friendliest and I almost feel like you have a better time if you already know someone there--preferrably one of the top dogs so you can grind a little bit then join their group or whatever so you aren't just dog meat for everyone else.


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Re: Collection of Accessible emulators for the blind

2017-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Collection of Accessible emulators for the blind

Hello everyone.As usual I'm late to a "gaming craze." A lot of folks here have discussed the idea of using an emulator to enjoy certain games they either enjoyed when they were sighted or that they played in their younger years. I would like to do this also. That being the case I downloaded the Playstation 2 emulator PCSX2, I believe it's called. I have a Windows X machine. What is the best way to configure this application so it will work properly, or is that one of the emulators that no longer works because it uses some old Directx plug-ins etc? Thanks a bunchHolden


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2016-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector



Hi everyone.For those people who are 18 and up and like to gamble a little bit I have the following website. Even if you're not in the US you can play here. If you are into playing the lottery at all and especially Powerball or MegaMillions, this is a place to do it. The best part is, you don't have to worry about losing tickets if you should happen to win or try to get a sighted person to drive you just so you can spend four or six dollars on a lottery ticket. You pick your numbers right from within the website and then those numbers get played for up to eight turns, at which point you can change the numbers or play using them again. It's $7.99 a month for a subscription, or you can buy a year subscription for $79.99. The MegaMillions tickets are $1 and the Powerball tickets are $2, so you'll get charged $8 for a Megamillions ticket or $16 for a Powerball, up to five different number combinations. I thought I'd post this here and if the admins here 
 decide it's newsworthy they can talk about it on the front page.Happy gaming!Here's my exclusive link.


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Re: Manamon Trading thread

2016-08-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Manamon Trading thread

Hello everyone. I have a question. I traded a couple of Manamon earlier today and they are ignoring me. I read in this thread something about Mons ignoring you if you don't have a certain number of stadium keys or something. I know for a fact both myself and the other individual only had one key each. Suggestions?


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Re: Mac Users Rejoice, you should now be able to play Manamon natively

2016-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mac Users Rejoice, you should now be able to play Manamon natively

Is there any sort of distribution in which that would work? If there was one that wasn't free but fairly priced I might look into it.  I did try to find that Transgaming thing you mentioned but I couldn't locate it.


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Re: Mac Users Rejoice, you should now be able to play Manamon natively

2016-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mac Users Rejoice, you should now be able to play Manamon natively

Oh, I wanted to follow up on my post earlier about NVDA support. It doesn't look like that's going to be possible right now. I've tried running NVDA both as a portable version and tried actually installing it with no results.


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Re: Looking at making a Mac port of Rhythm Rage

2016-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking at making a Mac port of Rhythm Rage

Thus far my attempts to get NVDA to work inside the Rhythm Rage wrapper have been unsuccessful. I'll keep watching the updates though and if at some point Oriol adds Sapi support I should be able to make it work no problem. As I said earlier, right now the game itself works, there's just no speech.


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Re: Mac Users Rejoice, you should now be able to play Manamon natively

2016-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mac Users Rejoice, you should now be able to play Manamon natively

I don't notice any problems on my end. The only real problem with putting a port out there is that everyone has a different problem it seems. For some everything runs well as is, others can't get it to work at all and for some there's an issue with speech or sounds somewhere. Hopefully as more people try this out and tell me something about their setups we'll be able to make it run better. I'm very new at this but I want to make sure that as often as possible those with Macs aren't left out in the rain when it comes to games. I love having a Mac and would never go back to Windows as my home machine but it does kind of irritate me that more debs haven't made Mac versions of their games available. I understand it's partly a money thing; still not enough people have Macs to justify it I guess but I'm hoping that myself and a few other people can start sharing their ports of games so that we can be with everyone else as often as possible.


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Re: Looking at making a Mac port of Rhythm Rage

2016-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking at making a Mac port of Rhythm Rage

It's really too bad that I don't have access to any kind of sighted assistance. I tried installing NVDA inside the Rhythm Rage wrapper and I hear the tone that lets me know NVDA is running however there is no speech. I've also tried making a portable version from a Windows machine I have, loading that onto a thumb drive and using that on the Wineskin wrapper with the same result. I hear the piano tone but then nothing. I don't suppose anyone here has any thoughts?


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Re: Mac Users Rejoice, you should now be able to play Manamon natively

2016-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mac Users Rejoice, you should now be able to play Manamon natively

I'm looking at NVDA installation. Also, you shouldn't have to go into Wineskin and test run. You should just be able to go to whereever you put the Manamon app and launch it like you would any other app.


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Re: Looking at making a Mac port of Rhythm Rage

2016-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking at making a Mac port of Rhythm Rage

Yes. I installed the Sapi speech tools, ran the game and got nothing.


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Looking at making a Mac port of Rhythm Rage

2016-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Looking at making a Mac port of Rhythm Rage

Good morning and happy Monday everyone.Another game a lot of people have been talking about around here lately is Rhythm Rage. I am looking at making a Mac port of that game like I did Manamon. I don't know how many, if any, limitations exist with the app I'm using but I am trying right now to get NVDA to work inside the wrapper because I don't believe RR supports Sapi at this time. I'll keep you all posted with any updates here but I also wanted to ask has anyone else done this and, if so, what did you have to do or is this an impossibility? I already installed the game into a wrapper but there's no speech at the moment so I know the game runs at least, I just need to see if getting NVDA to work is going to be possible.


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Re: Mac Users Rejoice, you should now be able to play Manama natively

2016-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mac Users Rejoice, you should now be able to play Manama natively

I wonder if there's a correlation between the model of Macbook you have and the game and whether there is a fix for it. We also have 2015 models.


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Re: Mac Users Rejoice, you should now be able to play Manama natively

2016-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mac Users Rejoice, you should now be able to play Manama natively

OK, I just verified I don't need the Wineskin Winery to play the game. I'm so sorry that you're having this issue my friend. It worked perfectly on both mine and my wife's computers. Do me a favor if you could. Find the app wherever you've installed it, hit V+O+Shift M to bring up the context menu, find show package contents, and from there find the wineskin app. In that app you should find a test run button. Go ahead and press it. When it's done it'll ask you if you want to see the log. It should open in Text Edit. Paste that into a blank document and send it to my email. I'll go to the Wineskin forum and have them take a look at the log. Again, I'm sorry this happened. It worked well on the two Macs I have access to.


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Re: Mac Users Rejoice, you should now be able to play Manama natively

2016-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mac Users Rejoice, you should now be able to play Manama natively

What exactly is happening? The only thing I have is Wineskin Winery which is used to build the wrapper but after that I don't use it for anything.


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Mac Users Rejoice, you should now be able to play Manama natively

2016-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Mac Users Rejoice, you should now be able to play Manama natively

Hello everyone.It is my pleasure to bring to those of you with Macs the ability to play Manama natively on the Mac. I made a wrapper using Wineskin. I have also included a read inside with as much instruction as I can give on installing updates, other voices etc. It may be necessary to get sighted assistance doing those things, but if you just want to download and play it should work. I've tested it on my 2015 Macbook Pro and my wife's 2015 Macbook Air. If anyone has any issues post here or contact me through the methods in the realm and I'll do what I can to help. Happy gaming. The download link is …


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Re: Does Anyone play Sryth anymore?

2015-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does Anyone play Sryth anymore?

OK, so I have an update on the Sryth/browser issue. Ive tried it using Chrome on the iPhone and, for whatever reason any issues have gone away. The save button can easily be located and I can bring up the different sections with no problem. If I could get Chrome to download on the Mac, depending on how accessible it is Id try it there too but for some reason every time I click the download link it doesnt work. If anyone has any suggestions feel free to throw them at me.


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Re: Does Anyone play Sryth anymore?

2014-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does Anyone play Sryth anymore?

Ugh, really, 1000 ATs? I had no idea. Ive had one for a few years now and Im shocked to learn that he raised the price of them that much. If I knew of a way to get them other than draining my bank account Id be happy to tell you of a way, but I dont. Over the years Ive spent a ridiculous amount of cash to build up my char to what it is now. But I didnt always have bills/stuff to pay. The way I always figured it was, there are plenty of other games you pay way more to get less. What about all these freaks who play games like, well a few years ago it was World of Warcraft, but Im not sure what the big game now is. Ive got a friend who spends money to make new modules and expansions available for his xBox games so I really didnt think much of it, but I can see your point. That sucks man. It really does.


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Re: Does Anyone play Sryth anymore?

2014-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does Anyone play Sryth anymore?

The save now issue wasnt always an issue. Before the latest IOS, gameplay on the iPhone was pretty much all right. I never had a problem. I didnt start having problems on the computer either before Apple put out Mavericks last year. Ever since then, both on my Mac and on the iPhone gameplay has been difficult and sometimes impossible. I hate that, as Ive put a lot of man hours into a character and lets just say a lot of money as well.


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Re: Does Anyone play Sryth anymore?

2014-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does Anyone play Sryth anymore?

Over the years we have corresponded. I just havent emailed lately because I dont know what the problem could be or even where to tell him to start looking. I dont know where there are any settings I could mess around with to see if they improve things any. Its not as if theres a part of the game thats totally inaccessible. I just dont understand what the differences are between the last couple of Mac OS versions and IOS 7 and 8.


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Re: Does Anyone play Sryth anymore?

2014-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does Anyone play Sryth anymore?

Unfortunately it isnt possible or very possible on ios8. Its as if certain page elements arent visible. When i click the save button for instance i have difficulty finding the save now button.


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Does Anyone play Sryth anymore?

2014-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Holden via Audiogames-reflector


Does Anyone play Sryth anymore?

Hello. I admit its been a while but I wanted to pose a question to you all and see if I can get some feedback. I still play Sryth quite a lot, though not nearly as often as I used to, a lot of the reason being due to the fact on my iPhone and Mac Voice-over doesnt read things very well, that is to say on the Mac I have to reload the page every time I click a link and on the phone scrolling doesnt work correctly and I cant always save my game. Ever since I got Mavericks last year and IOS8 this year it hasnt worked right. Things didnt improve on Yosemite either. Does anyone have any ideas as to what could be going on or any suggestions as to what to do?


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