Re: Sable Alpha is here!–free to download for Public alpha testing!

2020-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : BGFH via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sable Alpha  is here!–free to download for Public alpha testing!

Fluffy, here's how the brush size works.  If it's set to one, pressing Enter will change the terrain directly under your feet to the selected type.  If it's set to 3, it actually works like a 3 by 3 grid.  Think of it like you are standing on the number 5 key of a phone key pad.  The 5 key, and all the surrounding numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 will all get filled in with the terrain.  You can test this by moving to the edge of a map, like the left edge, and try to put down a terrain.  It won't work until you move one tile to the right, so all spaces around you get filled in.  Servior, it's becuase Windows defender likely ate your .exe file after unzipping the zip file.  Put the zip file into a desired folder, then follow the instructions near the top of the documentation HTML file to add that folder as an exception to Windows Defender.  Now if you try unzipping again, the .exe file should stay there.  The same thing happened to me, but the documentation addresses this in the first heading or two.  Also, is anyone else having trouble making a starting party size of one?  When I create a specific namedd character, and assign him to the Warrior class, entering Debug Mode still starts with at least 3 characters no matter what I do.  I don't get it...  I want my test game to start with one character, and then find others in the world that can join the party.  It's not working right though.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sable Alpha is here!–free to download for Public alpha testing!

2020-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : BGFH via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sable Alpha  is here!–free to download for Public alpha testing!

I've been listening to the YouTube videos today, and am in the process of downloading the Alpha now.  I have a couple of questions about whether a couple of things will be possible in the alpha or full game.  If I wanted to create a very large indoor environment, like the first area of the game would take place in a kingdom's castle and castle grounds, would it be better to create large buildings in an area, or just large indoor areas with stone walls?  The way I'm understanding things as of now, is that adding buildings only add square or rectangular locations.  Can the interiors of buildings be customized, so I could let's say, create an Inn and have an open common area with the inkeeper, but have a hallway and X number of individual rooms up and downstairs?  My other question is more for the full game.  Is it possible to have an event trigger that would take effect after a key point in a game's story that would effect the entire world from that point on?  For instance, early in my created game, I had general enemies like bandits, wolves, bears, etc.  Then something happens that curses the land.  In addition to, or in place of these original enemies, can the world reflect this, and now I'm fighting more powerful cursed versions of these enemies?  This could apply to the entire world, or specific user definable regions.  I hope that made sense.  I've actually just started trying to come up with a story, so that when the full game does release, I have the stories for the main and side quests, locations, characters, enemies, etc., and can start building the game.  I'm just not sure if a few of my ideas will work within the engine.  On a similar note, will there be a day night cycle, where different enemies can come out or change their stats based on time of day?  I'm thinking of my cursed example above, where fighting at night becomes more dangerous.  Thanks, and I'm really looking forward to trying the alpha.


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