Re: Beatstar 10.0.0 released, with a bunch of new stuff.

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : gamelolly via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar 10.0.0 released, with a bunch of new stuff.

HI all.  I am totally new to beat star and I'm looking for the game's users guide..  I saw this topic and wanted to try out the game.  I feel uncomfortable diving into the game without a users guide. I carefully looked through all the downloaded files but couldn't find a users guide.  I run the game but there is no tutorial  item in the menu. the only tutorial item I find is the mini games tutorial  in the help and settings item. What is the best place to put the game folder? I placed it in the root of my c drive. I also carefully searched the whole website but couldn't find a users guide for beat star. the version I downloaded is 11.0. Your help is much appreciated. NIcol


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Re: Crazy Party: mini-games and card battle! (beta75)

2021-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : gamelolly via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Crazy Party: mini-games and card battle! (beta75)

HI allMy favorite mini game in crazy party  is the  square roots game.My best score is 120.I don't know how to calculate square roots mentally.I've used the windows calculator app.At the end of a game, I reviewed all the calculations and memorized them.Most recently, I manage to remember all the answers so I no longer use the calculator.And I don't use any cheat engine.Bfn


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Re: new game from me: lost!

2021-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : gamelolly via Audiogames-reflector


Re: new game from me: lost!

HI all. Dan Zingaro made a similar game long ago. Its also called lost. check it out at


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Crazy Party: mini-games and card battle! (beta73)

2020-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : gamelolly via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Crazy Party: mini-games and card battle! (beta73)

HI AndréYes, this game can be very tricky if you are not good at distinguishing  musical notes. Before you press enter to start the game, press the number 1 a few times so that you can memorize the specific musical note. The good mushrooms is the  A note  or the  A sharp note. So when you get to a mushroom that is higher or lower than the A or A sharp  note, its a toxic mushroom. Sorry, I don't know how to explain it better than that. hth


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Crazy Party: mini-games and card battle! (beta73)

2020-08-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : gamelolly via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Crazy Party: mini-games and card battle! (beta73)

HI all. Has anybody been able to unlock the dragon scales game in the volcano? If so, which strategy do you find that will work?  I just can't manage to unlock it. I've played it about 20 times now. the dragons are just too fast, they kill me quickly.  If I  get  5 scales I'm lucky. Many thanks for any help. Nicol


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Crazy Party: mini-games and card battle! (beta73)

2020-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : gamelolly via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Crazy Party: mini-games and card battle! (beta73)

HI.  I also battled a lot with  read the die. Luke or dark  gave a nice explanation on the gamers  mailing  list. Since then I enjoy this  game a lot. If the number is 1, there's nothing on the first row. If the number is 2, there is a dot top left and top middle but nothing on the second row. If its 3, there is a dot top left and top middle and also a dot on the second row. If the number is 4, there is a dot at top left and top right but nothing on the second row. If the number is 5, there is a dot top left and top right as well as a dot on the second row. If the number is 6, there is a dot on the middle row in the left corner. hth


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sounds of Eden!

2020-08-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : gamelolly via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sounds of Eden!

Hi. Is there a demo  I can try before buying? I don't see a download link. And is the game in English? Many thanks


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Re: Challenge of the Horse, 2D Endless Sidescroller

2020-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : gamelolly via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Challenge of the Horse, 2D Endless Sidescroller

HI all. I have a suggestion. How about some bowls with water and bowls with horse food such as hay?  NO  horse can successfully walk and jump without water and food. A horse will get thirsty and hungry at some stage. so how about adding food and water bowls? If you hear the sound of the food or water bowl in the center, you press shift space then your horse drinks water or eats food . If you don't stop your horse  your horse will die from hunger or thirst and the game is over. thanks for such a nice game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Challenge of the Horse, 2D Endless Sidescroller

2020-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : gamelolly via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Challenge of the Horse, 2D Endless Sidescroller

HI. Thanks for this great game. My score is 150. I made 52 jumps and 37 dodges. The name for  my horse is black beauty and she is black.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Crazy Party: mini-games and card battle! (beta70)

2020-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : gamelolly via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Crazy Party: mini-games and card battle! (beta70)

HI Pragma and allThanks so much, Pragma. Cp is loads of fun. I'm not into card battles, I only play the mini games. Pragma, I have a few  suggestions. I would like to play a mini game where I swing from vine to vine. I know of no games for the blind where you swing on the vines. So a jungle world with a vine swinging game would be cool. Also I would love a farm world.  I would love to play a game where you have to take a basket and go to the hen and collect eggs. Then you go to the kitchen to drop the eggs.  Don't get too close to the hen else you will be pecked. Also a game where you buy groceries would also be nice. You have a shopping list and you have to walk in a grocery store and  your e key tells  you what is on each shelf. Maybe this could be added to the city world. Then I would also love to play mini games similar to the nintendo game circus charlie. When I was a kid,  I played Nintendo games with the help of my sighted friends. they told me when to push a button on the joystick.   A game where you walk on a tightrope and jump over monkeys would be so cool. IN circus charlie, there was this blue monkey that made the jumping tricky.  And also I would love a circus game where you are on the back of a horse and you have to jump over rings of  fire. Yes, I know there is horse jumping in the plain world, but I would like to jump over rings of fire. And also a game where you jump onto a trampoline and then from the trampoline onto a swing.   thanks so much pragma for being so generous and give us cp for free. warm regards.


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