Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

2021-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : thetasigma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

So the crash at the standard mode character select screen is a text the spire specific issue since it happens also when say the spire is disabled. Someone has also already created a GitHub issue about it.About unlocking the watcher. What I have read says that you only need to have the other 3 characters unlocked and then beat the game with one of them to unlock watcher. And I assume that achievement enabler has to be active when you do get that win.


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Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

2021-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : thetasigma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

The same crash started to happen to me yesterday with the same mods and language is english. The exception in the slay the spire log refers to an error from text the spire. I can post the log here later today. Though first I am going to try to investigate a bit more. Namely I'll try to see is it just text the spire or say the spire and text the spire together that cause the crash i.e. I'll try with one of the mods disabled and see what happens. If it is only a text the spire problem I'll create a github issue about it for the text the spire project.


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Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

2021-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : thetasigma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

Here is a link to the Achievement enabler mod @alisson mentioned.


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Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

2021-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : thetasigma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

I would argue that it is quite essential to plan your route in advance if you want to win more consistently. However it does not mean necessarily that you decide in the beginning of the act a single route that you follow whatever happens. More ideally you would give yourself some options along the way: first I go this way and if things go well I can go here to fight some elites but if things do not go well I go here where there is more rest sites. If you don't plan at all you can miss good opportunities and encounter more risks. For example you could have a lot of gold but miss all shops or you could endup on a route with multiple elites and regular enemies with no rest at all. I generally try to find 3 or even 4 rests but 2 can suffice. I also want at least one elite, preferably 2 or even 3 if I feel strong and there are rests nearby. I also want a shop and then both regular enemies and unknowns. Of course map layouts can be tricky so you seldom get exactly what you want and you just have to figure out what route is the best in the current situation.@Lirin sounds like you have a good memory for the route alternatives and a good ability to create a mental picture about the route possibilities. Or alternatively you just have normal abilities and mine suck  . I understand how the say the spire system works well enough but just feel that I cannot understand the different possibilities with it. I can explore one route well enough but exploring multiple routes and remembering their differences and similarities feels hard. Though admittedly I have not tried hard. Since I started playing slay the spire with text the spire I just kept using it for routing except for some minor route exploration with say the spire. But otherwise I think that playing with say the spire is much more convenient.


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Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

2021-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : thetasigma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

You might try using Text the spire when planning your route. That is how I do it as I have previously mentioned here. In case you don't know already,  text the Spire is another accessibility mod that makes Slay the spire text based. It can be used together with say the spire. I feel that it gives you a better overview of the map and allows you more easily to plan your route and compare different paths. Of course some people just find it confusing and manage just fine with say the spire's map functionality, so it is not suitable solution for all.But here is how it works. It has a map window which just lists for every floor what they contain. As an example  here is a part of the map for couple floors from my current run:Rest Floor:13 X:1Elite Floor:13 X:4Rest Floor:13 X:5         Shop Floor:12 X:2Rest Floor:12 X:3Unknown Floor:12 X:4Monster Floor:12 X:5               Unknown Floor:11 X:2Unknown Floor:11 X:3Monster Floor:11 X:4Elite Floor:11 X:5Rest Floor:11 X:6Now this just gives you an overview and does not tell anything about possible routes though you can make some guesses. For example you should be able to go from the floor 12 shop to the floor 13 x:1 rest but you cannot say if you can get to the elite from there. But you can find all possible routes to that elite from your current location which in my case is beginning of the act with the command:path 13 4Which gives you a result like this:Unique Paths 48Elite 2, Rest 1, Unknown 1, Monster 8, Monster 1 3, Monster 2 3, Monster 3 3, Monster 4 3, Monster 5 2, Elite 6 2, Monster 7 3, Monster 8 4, Treasure 9 3, Monster 10 2, Unknown 11 3, Rest 12 3, Elite 13 4, Elite 2, Rest 1, Unknown 2, Monster 7, Monster 1 3, Unknown 2 4, Monster 3 3, Monster 4 3, Monster 5 2, Elite 6 2, Monster 7 3, Monster 8 4, Treasure 9 3, Monster 10 2, Unknown 11 3, Rest 12 3, Elite 13 4, Elite 2, Rest 1, Unknown 3, Monster 6, Monster 1 3, Unknown 2 4, Unknown 3 4, Monster 4 3, Monster 5 2, Elite 6 2, Monster 7 3, Monster 8 4, Treasure 9 3, Monster 10 2, Unknown 11 3, Rest 12 3, Elite 13 4, Elite 2, Rest 1, Shop 1, Unknown 1, Monster 7, Monster 1 3, Monster 2 3, Monster 3 3, Monster 4 3, Shop 5 3, Elite 6 3, Monster 7 3, Monster 8 4, Treasure 9 3, Monster 10 2, Unknown 11 3, Rest 12 3, Elite 13 4, ... and so fort for all 48 options which can be overwhelming so you might not want to look directly to the end of the act from the beginning. You can instead look first bit earlier and then look forward from there. For example you can check if you can get from the unknown x:2 on floor 11 to the floor 13 elite with command:path 11 2 13 4Which did not provide any results so there is no path there. Now this process can be somewhat tedious but in the end it can give you more understanding about the possible routes. I copy interesting routes to a text file so I can compare them and when I start progressing I can check the text file for where I should go next. If using this with say the spire the floor numbering differs with say the spire starting floor numbering from 0 and text the spire from 1.


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Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

2021-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : thetasigma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

Someone else had a similar problem they wrote about  in another topic. I replied to that with an idea about the issue but the original poster never replied so I don't know if my idea worked. My post to that topic is below and here is also the link to that topic: … the-spire/Seems that for some reason mod the spire initializes the mods in the wrong order. It tries to load say the spire before basemod. And since say the spire requires basemod to work its initialization fails. Not sure if this is possible but perhaps you installed say the spire first via steam workshop and after that installed basemod and this is then the order in which mods are loaded. At least for me it seems that the mods are initialized in the same order as they are shown in the mods list in the mod the spire window so you might check if it is the same for you. In case you don't know and are using NVDA the mods list can be inspected with NVDA's object navigation. The say the spire documentation has more info about that if you need it.To fix your problem I would try the following assuming you are using steam workshop. Unsubscribe from say the spire and check from the mod the spire mods list that it is really gone. Then subscribe to it again and check from the mods list that it has appeared and now hopefully after base mod. Also check that it is enabled which you can do with object navigation if using NVDA. Possibly you could also unsubscribe from basemod and say the spire both. Then ensure that you subscribe first to basemod and then to say the spire. Hopefully this helps but I am not sure what determines the order in which mods are initialized so this might not work.


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Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

2021-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : thetasigma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

If you are using NVDA you can navigate the mod list with object navigation. See the say the spire documentation for more info: is also a button "toggle all mods on/off" pressing that once enables all the mods i.e. they are not enable by default.


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Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

2021-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : thetasigma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

@brad since this is the say the spire topic I assume that flameAlchemist is trying to install it and not text the spire for which read the spire is an add-on. Though of course you can use both say, text and read the spire as I do but without text the spire read the spire is not useful.


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Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

2021-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : thetasigma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

Steam can save game progress to their cloud. A conflict can arise if the save is different between your computer and the cloud. I think this can happen for example if you start the game directly and not through steam. Then if you later start through steam it tries to sync but cannot. In the error you are getting steam is asking you if you want to keep your local data or the cloud data. This window just is not accessible so you have to use ocr. Since you have not started playing it does not matter which option you choose. Or if you start the game directly i.e. not through steam's user interface you should not get that error at all.


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Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

2021-01-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : thetasigma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

Hmm, you are confusing the incense burner relic with something else since it does not give you burns. But yeah apparitions are quite powerfull though I often hesitate to take them and if I do I'll be nervous for the rest of the run. In each battle you have to draw apparitions when you need them and hope you don't draw them when you don't need them. And if you don't draw an apparition when a lot of damage is coming and cannot mitigate it well with other cards you can lose a significant part of your remaining health. And getting healt back is also harder since resting does not heal so much anymore since 30 % of your max health is not so much anymore. But still they are quite strong and I have won with them including killing the heart. Generally speaking my understanding is that they are considered to be very strong and you should almost always take them.I have less experience with the bites and have similar reservations related tot hem as for the apparitions. I don't quite know how to evaluate if the bites would make my deck stronger or not.I think I have no thad especially good luck with the bottle relics but I always dream getting the one which can bottle a power for example demon form on Ironclad or noxious fumes or well laid plans on the silent.I had a losing health deck in one daily climb with rupture, combust and brutality. But I was able to chose my starting cards so it does not fully count I suppose. In another normal run I managed to kill myself with brutality since I forgot I had it active and then miscalculated how much health I have left after a strong attack from the heart that is I survived the attack with one health left and then brutality killed me in the beginning of my next turn  .Decks I have not yet had and would like to experience  are a deck that can go infinite, and a deck with corruption and dead branch. For example with ironclad you can go infinite with two dropkicks, a source of vulnerable and either deck with 11 or less cards or a way to exhaust the deck down to 11 or less cards. Then when you have a vulnerable enemy, all of your cards in hand, you can dropkick, do 5 damage, get 1 energy draw your other dropkick which then can do 5 damage, get 1 energy and draw the first  dropkick and so fort.p.s. My ironclad block deck did not only beat the heart but completely destroyed it. It was the first heart fight where I did not take any damage. Usually if I defeat the heart I have only a little health left.


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Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

2021-01-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : thetasigma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

@mojsior sounds like you are viewwing your deck that is the cards you have obtained. You can then order them based on various criteria for example obtained which means when you got the card or cost which means how much energy is required to play the card. You can then list cards in ascending or descending order which means smallest first or largest first. So with cost in ascending order you get first cards that cost 0 then those who cost 1 and then those who cost 2. Obtained in descending order in the other hand lists first the cards that you got last. So this is just a way to inspect your deck in various ways.


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Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

2021-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : thetasigma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

If the crash happened during the credits then it might have already registered your win. You can check it from your run history though at least for me with say the spire the game crashes when I go to run history but text the spire allows me to view it.In the character select screen when you press y you toggle ascension mode on / off. When it is on you change the level with right and left bumper. You unlock higher ascension levels for each character by beating the game on the currently available highest level.I was very lucky with my block deck. I got impervious from my starting bonus when I chose to obtain a rare card. If I remember correctly I got also power through, barricade, 2 body slams and entrench all in act 1. In act 1 I also got good relics from elites: happy flower (extra energy every 3rd turn) and incense burner (intangible every 6th turn). In the end in the act 3 boss battle against time eater I ended up with 999 block and no longer had to care what the time eater was doing. Thus I was able to wait for the right turn to finish him of so that my incense burner was setup suitably for the act 4 elite fight. But yeah this was my first deck where I got to really use barricade and as I said I was very lucky with this deck. I also have not yet finished the run so I have to see if this deck can even beat the heart. Despite my efforts the deck has almost 30 cards so I am worried if I can get barricade in play early enough.Strength scaling with ironclad has been the more usual thing for me as well. Demonform with limit break and heavy blade can be ridiculous. I haven't used flex much and hesitate to take it. Since you have to have it and other suitable cards in your hand for it do do anything. Of course with some card draw (battle trance) and / or deck manipulation (headbutt, war cry) it could be better. Maybe I should pick it up more and try to get it work. And of course if you have artifact (prevent next debuf) or orange pellets (play power, skill and attac to remove all debufs) flex can also be better since the strength loss at the end of your turn is a debuff. But I still thingk that for example spot weakness is better though it also has its limitation namely enemy has to be attacking you for you to get strength from it.I have to at least somewhat disagree with you about bash. Of course uppercut especially upgraded is good doing some nice damage and giving both weak and vulnerable. But although initial damage from bash is not so good, bash gives more vulnerable (2 or 3 turns when upgraded). That then  can for example give your a better opportunity to hit a vulnerable enemy with your heavy blade.Omamori which prevents two curses is good as you said. I just have had bad luck with it either I got it near the end of a run or if I got it early I then naturally did not encounter any curses.Of course the thing with slay the spire is that you do not often get just the cards you want so you cannot do always something ridiculous like my 999 block. Instead you have to just try to build a deck that somehow can win doing various things well enough such as front-loaded and scaling damage, mitigation, dealing with multiple enemies and deck manipulation for getting the rigth cards in play when you need them. And sometimes  you are missing something and just die 


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Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

2021-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : thetasigma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

@Mitch as far as I know there is no way to tell which rooms are normally accessible and which would require the winged boots. Fortunately text the spire has this information so I have used that when I have gotten the winged boots. Though even with that pplanning how to best use them has been tricky. And related to the same topic there is another relic which as far as I have tried say the spire does not support. It is the singing bowl which allows you to get 2 max hp instead of the card reward after a battle. I have not found the option to use singing bowl with say the spire but here again text the spire can help.And I agree with you that the game is great and @stewie has done a wonderful job in making the say the spire mod. I have spend way too much time playing this game and am planning to continue to do so  . Currently I have a very archetypical block centric ironclad run going on ascension 3 and before that I had a neat heart kill on ascension 4 with silent using a deck which I doubted could win. So lot to do still if I want ascension 20 wins though I doubt if I have the time / patience / skill to go so far.


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Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

2020-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : thetasigma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

The Say the spire readme has instructions for working with the map under the map heading in case you did not notice them. Basicly you use the right stick to explore the map. Right or left shows choices in the current floor you are exploring. Right stick up goes forward as long as it can until there is a choice of rooms. When you press up it speaks the rooms that are on the path and as said it stops when there is a choice from which you can choose using right stick left or right. Down with the right stick takes you back. Left stick or d-pad right or left is then used to actually select the room you want to enter in the next available floor.


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Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

2020-12-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : thetasigma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

@liseo seems you are actually missing say the spire itself since it is not mentioned in the beginning of the log where the mods are listed. Either you have not dowloaded it or it is not enabled. Check from the steam workshop page for say the spire that you are subscribed to it. Then when you are sure you are subscribed when launching the game with mod the spire find the toggle all mods button and press it twice. So the first press disables all currently enabled  mods and the second press enables them including now hopefully say the spire.


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Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

2020-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : thetasigma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

@darrthscorrp in case you are not aware text the spire offers the kind of map exploration features you requested or at least most of them. As I mentioned previously this is one big reason I still use text the spire in addition to say the spire. Though even with that at least for me exploring the map and finding a suitable route takes quite a lot of time. This I think is where sighted players have the biggest advantage since they get the big picture about the possible routes with one glance.


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Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

2020-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : thetasigma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

@austen if you want more automatically spoken feedback about whats happening to your character and the enemies during battle you might use text the spire together with read the spire in addition to say the spire. AS I already mentioned in a previous post I use text and read still with say the spire and this more automatic speech during battles is one reason. Another reason being that I like text the spire's map window and path command in planning my route through each act. Which incidentally might be a good tip for you or any body else who struggles  with the game. I spend quite a lot of time perhaps too much in the beginning of an act planning my route. My goal being to get a couple of rests for healing or if things go well upgrading cards. I also want a shop or two as well as an elite or two. Though with elites I am very careful to have rests close by preferably both after and before.But as others have already said the point of the game is not to win every time rather you are expected to die learn from it, try die learn until you start winning. Though actually I have not found winning so hard. I got my first victory on my third try with ironclad, second try with the silent and won my first run both with the defect and the watcher. Overall I have 11 runs of which I have won 7. Though this has not being me just learning from playing the game, instead I have done some rreading about the game and watched too much videos about it on youtube. My play style is also very slow and I do way too much thinking and checking and double checking everything before I act. Of course after boasting about my victories here I probably will start losing much more  . And regardles there wil be more losing in my future since I have not yet tried with any ascension levels or even had the opportunity to try act four.


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Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

2020-10-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : thetasigma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

Hi, Am I just missing it or does not say the spire show me the blights you get when playing the endless mode. For those who don't know blights are kind of anti relics which cause permanent negative effects in the endless custom mode where you are returned to the beginning of act 1 after completing the game and you can do it again with the stuff you got from your previous run. Except now there are these blights which make your life harder. But as said unless I am missing something say the spire does not show them but luckily text the spire does.


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Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

2020-10-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : thetasigma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

@stewie thanks for the quick reply. Great to know that a fix is coming to the strategic bug.Seems that there is a NullPointerException when my run history crashes. Thought that I'll not post the whole about 300 line log here so below is hopefully the only relevant part from the log:19:50:55.562 INFO core.CardCrawlGame> Exception occurred in CardCrawlGame render method!19:50:55.562 ERROR core.CardCrawlGame> Exception caughtjava.lang.NullPointerException: null    at sayTheSpire.ui.DropdownElement.initialize( ~[sayTheSpire.jar:?]    at sayTheSpire.ui.DropdownElement.( ~[sayTheSpire.jar:?]    at DropdownMenuPatch$updatePatch.Postfix( ~[sayTheSpire.jar:?]    at com.megacrit.cardcrawl.screens.options.DropdownMenu.update( ~[?:?]    at com.megacrit.cardcrawl.screens.runHistory.RunHistoryScreen.update( ~[?:?]    at com.megacrit.cardcrawl.screens.mainMenu.MainMenuScreen.update( ~[?:?]    at com.megacrit.cardcrawl.core.CardCrawlGame.update( ~[?:?]    at com.megacrit.cardcrawl.core.CardCrawlGame.render( [?:?]    at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication.mainLoop( [?:?]    at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication$ [desktop-1.0.jar:?]


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Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

2020-10-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : thetasigma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Say the Spire, a Slay the Spire Accessibility Mod

First of all huge thanks to stewie for making this mod. It works well and makes the game easy to play. Though for me at least text the spire and read the spire are still usefull. I have read the spire speaking automatically the monster and player info and I use text the spire's map window and path commands still when I plan my route through the map.I noticed a small bug when an enemy is both doing something strategic and attacking multiple times at the same time. When chosing that enemy the mod says for example "strategic 6" when it should say "strategic 6 x 3". This happened to me at least consistently in the Donu and Deca boss fight. It happened also in some other fight but I don't remember which enemy that was. I noticed this since I also use text the spire and it reported the information correctly. Has any one else noticed this or could this be some strange interaction between say the spire, my NVDA settings and the Finnish language speech synthesizer I use.Another thing I noticed when I go to Run history from the Statistics main menu item my game always crashes. This is not mentioned in known issues so I wonder does this happen to others as well. I am aware that you can inspect the run history with text the spire. Also the character stats under statistics seem not to be currently accessible unless I missed something.


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