Something long overdo

2019-04-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Something long overdo

Before you read this and assume that this is just the rantings of a child wanting forgiveness, I understand that my reputation here, and through the community is completely tanked, and I don't deserve any, nore should I have any.I'm not here to fix any of that or to become a resident of the forum again, as I now understand that interacting online and taking crittisism is not my strongsuit in the slitest. I would like to however, man up and apoligize for my behaviour over the past 5 years.It was rong of me to just generalize every other blind person in the neggitive way I did in my last topic, it was rong of me to point out and crittisize other game developers while ignoring my own behaviour, it was rong to crittisize my testers when I myself am guilty of neglecting my own work and it was rong to snap at everyone here in my last topic. So, I guess what i'm trying to say is, i'm sorry for letting my falts get the better of me. This place and this community isn't the right place for me and I should have just admitted it and walked away last time instead of making the same mistake.For those who accept it, thanks for your understanding. For those that don't, I don't wish to change your opinion because I don't deserve to have it accepted, and I have no intrest in saying my falts are in the past or that I won't make exactly the same mistakes again, which is why i'm trying to move on and leave because I know I will end up making those same mistakes again. I can perfectly understand why you'd not accept it however, since this has been done so menny times before and I can't just apoligize and clean things up, as it were, and I don't want to ly and say things'll get better and that it won't happen again.With all that said, would it be possible to deactivate my account, not to delete all the topics or anything or clear anything because I have no intrest in pretending it didn't happen, but to render me unable to use the account, possibly via a permenent ban or a password change or something? That way I won't have a temptation to come back here and remake all the same mistakes i've done over the past several years again?


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Re: aviation (aircraft) freaks, gather here!

2017-08-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: aviation (aircraft) freaks, gather here!

@post30 Jets and jet engines have been around long before the 707 rolled off the production line. In fact the hole idea of the jet engine goes as far back as the 1930's with frank widdle, and some guy in jerminy I believe it was in the 1940's during world war 2. However, jet engines were seen as too unreliable and fuel hungry for airliner usage, until the comet came around. Unfortunitly, while the comet itself was a really nice airplane, indeed i've flown the comet1 on fsx a cupple times, its rather bad safety record, involving metal fatigue problems that caused 2 acksadents, partly caused airlines to generally shy away from the hole jet idea. Not to mention the dc7 and vikers vicount, both turboprops were proving to be just as effective at transporting passengers as pistin airplanes, while at the same time being less noisy than pistins. That is, until the 707 came around, that and the dc8. Dougless already had an impressive reputation with some dc3's still fly
 ing today. I can't exactly remember all of the factors that made airlines switch, but i'm sure Pan AM had something to do with it, they were giant supporters of boeing. That and everyone was going to the jetliner. You had the americans with the 707 and dc 8, britin with the comet4, french with the caravell, and the soviets with the TU 104. As for airships, god knows the zepolins were amazing if incredibly slow. Its well known that healium isn't flamible like hydragin is, although it provides a bit less lift. The U S had 3 zepolins at one point, 2 were lost in bad weather. Still, it would be cool to see the zepolins return to the skys again.


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Re: Any Red Dwarf fans out there?

2017-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any Red Dwarf fans out there?

@post 13 You are not behaving like a true dalek. You should be exterminated. @post 12 I already told you to die in bed you trojan pigdog. If you need assistance with that request, please notify us greeks so we can dispatch you a gift. Right then, my favorites of red dwarf, season 6 and the layter bits of season 7. Season 8 has its moments. I like all of the seasons, with the acception of season 9. I have yet to watch the full season 11 since I only baught one episode. Season 1 I like but the arguments between lister and rimmer in that season do eventually get on my nerves, if anything at most I like the first episode and the sixth episode, and some ocasional bits from episodes 3 and 4. I saw the special talked about in the last post before mine. For anyone else that has seen it, when asked what you've got to either cook or work with, can't remember which fully, the answer is not kerelyn karmin's ear. Nore should you ask your host about his life in school when he has
  the initials A H, for anyone that doesn't understand the joke behind that don't ask. As in regards to red dwarf and star trek, I believe this quote should work fine. Don't give me this star trek crap, its too early in the morning.


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Re: NVDA remote's security

2016-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NVDA remote's security

@post 12 Agreed. The customer isn't always right, neither is the dev always right. However, in this case, I can somewhat see the devs argument. Think about it this way, guys. If someone offers you a random drink off the street, would it not be your falt if you looked at it, said it looked harmless, baught it, then promptly got poisoned or some other bad effect happened from drinking said drink? The internet and applications are a simmiler if not exact same experience. While it is the dev's responsibility to insure that he has some methid of security, the devs of nvda remote have made a good point in that they've open sourced the code, and this is one of the menny reasons sirten devs just don't like open sourcing their code. I agree with others that a warning should have been placed, but I also agree with the devs that you guys should take some responsibility for the programs you run. Besides, the app does have the word remote in its name. It stands to reason th
 at remote in this context means going into someone elses computer. Thus, logicly, if you can get into a friends computer to assist him with a computer problem, than no matter what happens someone can get into yours and tamper with it. If you don't want that risk, don't use any solutions that let you remote into something. And do keep in mined. As someone once said to me, at no point on the internet itself do you have any privacy.


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Re: Ruined reputation, again.

2016-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ruined reputation, again.

Notice, my post might be coming off a little harsh, so apoligies if it afends anyone. Mason, this would be fine if this were the first time you've done this. But this is the second, maybe even third time. Their's only so menny times one can apoligize before people quit falling for it. When it comes to money that's an even grater subject. To some, 5 bucks is cheap. To people like me, 5 bucks are a rair thing. Regardless of how you look at it, it isn't funny to play with people's money like that. Some may accept the apoligy right off the bat. Others, like myself need proof before we start trusting you. And some people's trust you've lost already and may not be able to earn back. I'm posting this in the hope that it helps a little. Instead of trying to apoligize through this topic, why don't you try to show us with your actions, maybe getting sbp back up and keeping it in operation with out the frequent pay/free/pay ruteen? Just a suggesti


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Re: Klango is down!

2016-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Klango is down!

All i've gotta say on this subject is, its about time. Klango has been steddily declining ever since 2013 or 2012, and more and more things have been breaking down with it, including its youtube support. If their's really anything to be surprised about its that it held out as long as it did.


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Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

2015-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

@techmaster20 That post actually made me smile, glad to know that im considered a bit of an idal for some. To be honest, I may have gotten slitely out of control, I wont bring up the ishues here. To be honest, when I sent you the game initially, it was out of both a little bit of respect for you, and because you wouldnt stop asking. However, I can perfectly understand exactly why. When I first produced dmnb, their were a lot of people who had so menny ideas on what it should have been, from a miriani stile game all the way to a realistic type game with realistic starship controls and such. I stuck in the middle, using the various science fiction programs I watched as a kid for inspiration. Fun fact, just throwing this out their. Before dmnbs early development, I had never even watched a star trek episode, until I decided to sit down and watch an episode of tos in the very early stages of development. Its ok though tyler, we all make mistakes. It is true tha
 t we actually have come from the same mainstreem market, and played the same games when we were growing up, however as I said previously. When I want a friend, I just want a friend. The friend doesnt need to be the coolest person on the block. All I want is to be treated like a normal human being, and not as an all powerful game dev. In fact, one of the things ive learned quite a lot in my 3 or so years of developing games is that programming a game isnt about the cool features, the flashy code and such, its simpply about creating your code and shairing, hents its why I tend to get a bit on the angry side when a programmer or someone else comes in and attempts to instruct me on what I should do better, or constantly complains about my work as aposed to playing it and enjoying it for what it is, and letting it grow over time, and I think thats what broke our friendship was that drastic thing. Which I understand. Id just like to say that as I said previou
 sly. When im added to skype, id prefer to be treated as one of you. I consider popularity as a bonus, that is not my goal for being in this community, my goal is to simpply make friends. Ask the people who really talk to me on skype, theyll tell you I rairly bring up my games if at all, and the very few times I bring up my games is if ive got a new feature that im wanting to show someone, or if they bring the game up. Im also a bit shy when it comes to meating new people at times, and tend to not talk that offten in voice calls and such. So thats really all that needs to be said on the subject of yours and is friendship.


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Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

2015-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some background info about my gaming life and some things i have learn

I can see why you were adicted, however, the key is learning when to put down the game and to walk away from the computer, as aposed to playing it for 24 hours strate. As much as I enjoy dmnb and the fun its provided me, their are thoughs times where I must get off it before I scream. Curiously, I had a simmolor situation to yours that whent along the lines of too much of playing muds adiction, and I became quite the jerk during that pyriod. Now a days however, muds are a distant passtime for me, ill play them and then get board. For instants, miriani used to be extremely speshel and I used to spend half my time on it, now adays though its simpply their, I cant even play it for 30 minutes with out stopping myself from falling asleep. So yes, the key to gaming is moddoration. Remember, gaming is fun, but too much of it can lead to unintended side effects.


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Re: Distancing myself from the blind community

2015-07-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Distancing myself from the blind community

Hi. I can see both sides of the ball here, but others have already stated what I wanted to so I wont repeat whats been already said. While were on the subject of vision, I have slitely enough, in both eyes to see pictures and my surroundings. However, a lot of things tend to get blurry when in constant motion, hents is why I wouldnt be able to see whats going on the tv for instants. Moving to the subject of younger game devs, every time this gets braught up, and since my game is an online game, I always for some reason have a feer that my game is one of the games being referd too here. In case it is, id just like to say that while I am by no means a perfect admin, I do try to run the game to the best of my abilitys. Getting back on topic though, id just like to say this, I can see both positive sides of the sited and the blind communitys. As for here, while ive had my bad moments, and difficultys, its all part of the learning expirie
 nce, and ive found that each bad moment here gives way to a better time, where ive learned something new. In a lot of ways, this community has helpt me to better myself, the same with the sited community as well.


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Re: The races of startrek

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The races of startrek

Borg tractor beams do seem to be a lot stronger. From what ive seen tholion webs are easyly breakable. * must watch more of tng * Ill admit to watching some, right now ive stopt on the episode regarding the econians, probably misspelled it. Speaking of that, youd think ship computers would be way more protected as aposed to letting an alien computer program just slip in. Turning to the ferenggy, ive only seen them in season 1 of tng, during that episode where the enterprise is chasing them for an energy converter they stole from a planet.


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Re: The races of startrek

2015-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The races of startrek

* needs to sit down and watch that episode * Enterprise does tend to get a little bit loopy when it comes to klingons, but its humans and vulkins which are constantly at each others throtes, which makes it slitely difficult to believe as kirk and spoc got on so well during tos, and maybe the animated series. Their were some quite loopy episodes of tos, but the troubles with tribbles and this side of paradise, among the doomsday machine, the deadly years, and the city on the edge of forever are sirtenly good ones. The red shirts thing dephanatly continues on throughout the series, frankly its amazing their are any left as so menny of them get killed off, at least 5, maybe 6 in the episode obsession alone. Their are of course a few episodes of tos which are not my favorite, but which I tend to come back too, the 2 episodes dealing with harcourt fenton mud are sort of enjoyable for good laughs, and the only episode ive ever payed some attention too in season 3 with the defiant.
  I rather liked the idea of the tholions, and do wunder from time to time what happened to them as they show up once in tos, and 2 times during enterprise, but you never here from them after that.


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Re: The races of startrek

2015-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The races of startrek

@dark Such a shame, as the tholions did sound a little bit intresting. Though I never could quite figure out the difference between the tholion web, and a borg tractor beam both seemed to do the same thing, with the acception that one could easyly escape a tholion web. From what ive herd the romulans do appear a bit more in tng. In tos they were just outright creepy, in fact in balance of terror its almost a shame to see them go boom. Enterprise was ok, but vulkins and humans, lets just say, dont get a long that well. In fact its amazing that archer opps to keep tpoll as science officer. I still need to sit down and watch a few episodes of ds 9. Ive watched a few episodes of tng and am slowly getting into it.


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Re: The races of startrek

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The races of startrek

I can handle tos fine, its only once you get to season 3 where I stop being able to handle it. Though I sirtenly liked the idea of the tholions, wunder whatever happened to them? The klingons in enterprise seemed a bit more well developed as aposed to tos.


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Re: The races of startrek

2015-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The races of startrek

Hi, well, I cant speak for tng or ds 9 or voyager, seeing as I never payed that much attention, but in tos the klingons mainly resembled more or less space pirates to me. The vulkins I happen to agree with you on, indeed while spoc tried to oppress his emotions more or less it didnt work that well, the same with tpoll on enterprise. Although I do admit in my view tpoll did a much better job at hiding her emotions than spoc. I can only speak for the first season of enterprise since thats mainly what ive payed attention too, and the first 2 seasons of tos, since I quit watching at season 3. I do intend at somepoint to sit down and watch either ds 9 or tng.


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Re: A quick word.

2015-05-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A quick word.

Completely agree, severe storm steve. @tyler, thats really all you got to work on, is learning when not to push for things, and learning when its a lost battle. Their are plenty of things that id so want, but unfortunitly, cant have, the key here is to learn to accept things for what they are, as aposed to trying to force them to change, it goes with the hole rushing things through quickly problem. If youd at least work on that? Then I think that the community would be more willing to accept you and accept your ideas. And ill give you credit. Some of your ideas, have been quite good, the problem, again, is you giving them, followed by another a day layter. Payshants will be the key here. Who knows. With a little bit of payshants, you might see your idea implemented in some fassion. It may not be the exact idea you wanted, but ay, not everything goes according to plan, and unfortunitly, we liv in a world where its not always perfect. This was the exact
  reason why you ran into trouble on dmnb. I dont know about whats gone on on stw since I resigned from adminship with in the first few weaks of launch, so ill leave that alone. As ironcross said, this is also the exact reason why you got into trouble a few days ago on dmnb in the firstplace, because you made not one, but 2 alts to, in your own words, show me that youve changed. Saddly, thats not really what youve shown me. This is not intended as a slandering post. I do believe that at some point, if you can learn when its a lost battle and not to continue further, and if you could simpply respect the fact that the players on dmnb dont want you around them, I could see this community opening up more, and you being included with that. Of course, not everyone will open up to you and welcome you back in with open arms, but sometimes, as I had to learn the hard way, their are just thoughs times where theirs people whom are not ready 
 to accept you back quickly and whom are not ready to be friends, the key is to move along, and hope that one day, they might accept you back. But acting like everyone hates you, and that your a failure is not going to get you back into the community. Sometimes, we all do bad things were not proud of, and lose a bit of reputation or lose a friend or 2 over, but were only human.


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Re: Ten year anniversary

2015-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ten year anniversary

If were talking how long ive actually been active on this forum, it would be almost 3 years, even though I registered an account in 2011. Its been a fun and difficult ride so far.


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Re: Something I found

2015-04-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I found

Hi, if im not mistaken bill is actually still on this forum, at least, he still has a user here.


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Re: Something I found

2015-04-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I found

Agree with dark on this one. I couldnt even listen fully in with the file because the audio of the narrator was so baddly distorted it even blew out the guitars on my end, personally I think its better to just take this file off the net as no matter what anyones done, no one deserves that in my opinion, and to take it all and remaster it so it looks like a comity is even more sick than attempting to watch it with out the guitars, it just makes the creators sound as immaturish or even more immaturish than the person being slandered here in my view. I actually know the original person who recorded the file, and hes been asking that this file stop being redistributed and that it really be cleared off forums like these if at all possible.


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Re: Something I found

2015-04-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I found

Because I happen to know the people responcible behind this, they did it for a simpple joke, revenge as it were to get back at bill for something I dont even know of him doing, but yes, the hole file, guitars and all, is childish. So is, threatening while im asleep to put twice as menny copys in the folder. These guys were simpply looking for some amuzement im guessing.


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Re: Something I found

2015-04-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I found

I didnt even think the commentary owned, it was loud, completely unneeded, and was completely out of priportion to the file itself. I hope that this is eventually removed off forum at some point as clearly its not getting the laughs the creator intended.


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Re: Something I found

2015-04-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I found

Ive actually listened to a copy of the file with out guitars in it, and really, I dont see how in the least bit thats funny, if I wanted to listen to something like that id just go and hang over at my cousins place jk, but in all seriousness, I do not see why everyones getting big laughs out of it seeing as a copy was dropt in our dropbox folder, with a message from one of the people who helpt making it saying if I deleted it id find 2 more copys scattered about my folder. The person this file happens to be refering to is indeed or used to be on this exact forum.


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Re: Something I found

2015-04-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I found

Id like to ask how on earth that is funny?


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Re: Ubuntu

2015-03-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ubuntu

Hi, ive used ubuntu mate no problems accept for the previously mentioned accessibility problems. Its a nice alternitive to gnome, speshily since if I remember correctly, the gnome-session-fallback which used to be installable with older versions of gnome 3 had a less functional panel. I intend at somepoint to give ubuntu another go around once I can actually boot it, but currently im running a vmware version of ubuntu mate and it works fine for me no problems.


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Re: Let's Discuss Everything About Star Trek

2015-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's Discuss Everything About Star Trek

@dark Id so love to get the radio play if I could actually find it anyware. Mayby I will eventually give tng another try, its mostly do to the sound design of the enterprise, which has been dooplicated in so menny ways in miriani and other space mud soundpacks that is actually grating on my ears rather than pleasing.


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Re: Let's Discuss Everything About Star Trek

2015-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's Discuss Everything About Star Trek

Hi, if you want some of the mud soundpacks, the miriani soundpack has quite a few. also has quite a lot of tng stuff. @dark Ill need to look into the radio play. If their was one thing from star trek the original series sounds I did not like, its that stupid door sound which can get on your nervs at times. I still prefer the enterprise bridge as aposed to the enterprise d bridge background, but thats just me.


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Re: Let's Discuss Everything About Star Trek

2015-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's Discuss Everything About Star Trek

I really need to sometimes sit down and try reading a good book, though, sometimes, reading brail is such a pain for me id much rather move across the country than sit their another hour trying to decode every single letter of what im reading, this is partly also do to the fact my brother is a slow reader along with my mom. That and the teachers at my old school absolutely insisted I keep! Reading as fast as I could for a few hours, but the books theyd give me wernt in the least bit intresting. However, after reading a bit of the hichikers guide to the galaxy in brail, I am more open to trying to sit down and read more science fiction, indeed it was the book which initially got me hooked on the series. I used to listen to audio books quite a lot back when they had the old bulky N L S tape players or whatever you called thoughs things, but after mine died I wasnt really up for requesting a replacement. Considering my parents have elected to keep 
 me out of school though after the recent record of our school district, and the fact they are both working day jobs now, ill have more time on my hands to take a break and read some more novels and watch a bit more of star trek. As for the hole personality thing, one can change given the correct amount of time, and before I was even in a blind school I used to listen to a lot of books, in fact ive listened to all of the harry potter books and all that, in fact I used to enjoy writing small novels on my own. Fun fact, thats actually how the dm series started out as, after I grew it from its initial idea, I turned it into a short novel.


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Re: Let's Discuss Everything About Star Trek

2015-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's Discuss Everything About Star Trek

@post 11 I wouldnt exactly say that the original series isnt ment for todays audianse. In fact, I got into the original series around 4 or so months ago after I decided it was finily time to give star trek a full on look. I personally prefer the original series sounds to the next generation ones. Call me frank but ive clapt out my ears so offen on the stupid space mud soundpacks, all using the next generations sound designs I could actually take the basic elements of the various backgrounds and turn them into their tng counterparts. If were talking actual planet background noises/phasers and such, I agree the sound quality of the original series was tarible, but the enterprise bridge background, even the background hum of the corridors in my opinion are softer, easier to listen too, and I can actually bare them unlike tngs sound design. @dark im afrade its a little too late, ive already watched the first episode of voyage
 r. Considering im never willing enough to sit down and watch a tv program on an actual tv for 5 minutes these days, I dont think ill ever get to the next episodes. I did however skip ahead and I rather liked the episode end game, even if the borg were destroyed in a crummy way.


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Re: Let's Discuss Everything About Star Trek

2015-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's Discuss Everything About Star Trek

Well its not the lack of description which is why I dont watch tv, its partly because of the fact I sometimes cant even sit still for 5 minutes in front of a tv to watch. I will watch tv if im eating dinner, but thats about it.


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Re: What do you think of a game console for the blind?

2015-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do you think of a game console for the blind?

@tward, thoughs are exactly the reasons I gave up on the project myself, too difficult, and for me, I dont have the resources required, nore the technical knowhow to even put together a computer system or fix problems with the hardware. As for sound panning, I really do eventually intend to look into other languages, but for now im content with pb. However, I have studdied a little bit of c, and ethin tried to get me onto c++, with out much success, though this is really do to the lack of me being able to learn from tutorials. Im more of a learner by exampples when it comes to that kind of thing. Considering though that ive just finished moving, my parents are struggling to get back on their feet after a lot of money troubles in florida where we were, and the fact that they are both working jobs at the same time, I think I might wait a long while before I decide to sit down and delv into the world of c++ and other languages. That said, I can see in th
 erey the kind of software possibly being used to create such a system, a linux kernel might work, but constructing one is always a difficult process, and in the end, like you said, the question is, will this project even be worth it, after youve gathered the parts, assembled them, installed and taken the time to develop the operating system, and sold it off to people.


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Re: Let's Discuss Everything About Star Trek

2015-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's Discuss Everything About Star Trek

Hi, I am a fan of star trek. Not to the extent of knowing everything their is to know, and having seen every episode, but enough to know which series I prefer and which I dont. My personal favorite is the original, speshily season 2. Season 3 just seemed to go completely out. Ive watched a little bit of next generation, however mayby its from the space moos which crop up, but I cant seem to get myself into it. It never herts to try watching a few more episodes though. I was able to get the first season of voyager, and have sat down and watched the first episode. Enterprise im not sure about. From the little ive seen of it, I dont really like captain archer that much.


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Re: What do you think of a game console for the blind?

2015-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do you think of a game console for the blind?

Hi, its actually been a while since I thought of this project, because I abandond it quite a while ago as a plane waist of time, and a pure nightmair to get it working. The idea originally started from techmaster20, which I at first ignored but then thought about giving it a try, going so far as to at least look into software development for it. Their are menny problems with this however. I dont have the money to even get the parts for such a console, nore the technical knowhow to actually assemble it and make sure the processer doesnt explode in my face, lol. Secondly, while in therey, I could easyly see how this could be done using a linux operating system or kernel, after intensive thought and investigation, in practice it wouldnt be possible. You may as well make a minny computer and be done with it instead, which is part of the reason it was abandond. @guitarman when I said sound panning wasnt on linux, I ment for pure basic, not for every audio compon
 ent lol. Its also been suggested I consider ios, I could actually easyly see a snow race mobile working on it, but again, the ishue here is the lack of resources, the lack of a mac to develop it on at least thats what im assuming and the fact that cross platform is more difficult than it sounds. I know, mason and I have tried it with dmnb and dm 2, and it was a massive fail on so menny levels we eventually said screw it and gave it up as a waist of time.


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Re: Ubuntu

2015-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ubuntu

Im agreeing with @tward here on vinux. I first used vinux in 2008 on vmware, but once ubuntu 9.04 came out, and I had had quite enough with windows, me running on windows xp at that time decided to switch, whent with ubuntu. Yes yes, I know, ubuntu 9.04 had a lot of instibilities, but once properly fixt, the responce was a grate leap over ubuntu 8.10, and ubuntu 9.10, despite being a complete failure with media play back, improved on speech support. Ubuntu 10.04 was just one of thoughs got everything right releases. Vinux was their, and if I remember correctly, a lot of pulseaudio fixes were ported to ubuntu 10.04, and these fixes, for the most part, stayed with ubuntu. In thoughs days, id happyly tell a new user vinux was the best and to get it for starting out. However, now adays, I dont even use it. Its miles behind the compitition, and accessibility in ubuntu has improved so much that vinux has saddly, become out of date. Sonar however, that
 s dephanatly an operating system id consider using, if my externnel drive actually worked, seeing as I dont have any blank dvds and I stopt using dvds a while ago anyway.


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Re: Ubuntu

2015-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ubuntu

Hi, while its been forever since ive used ubuntu, I always changed my desktop to gnome-shell or gnome-session-fallback as my prefered desktop, though lately ive had a go at the ubuntu mate remix and loved what I saw of it, I might even consider if I gett a second computer to reformat this old desktop and give game development on linux ago. If I remember my unity correctly however, pressing windows brings up whats called the dash. In older versions of ubuntu this used to be very accessible, at least to where you could get to your apps, but my last run with ubuntu showed me nothing of the same. Have you tried pressing alt f2 and typing in the name of the app you want to run?


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Re: Ubuntu

2015-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ubuntu

The weerd thing is, previous versions of ubuntu used to have this unity dash at least somewhat useable. If I ever get to a position however where I want to replace windows, not likely to happen as I cant find a good rapper for sppech-dispatcher for pure basic in linux, id go with mate. It has the old look and feel of the gnome2 desktop, theyve even retained the top panel menu with the easyly accessible system menu containing the shutdown and log off items, things which for some really odd reason gnome-session-fallback lacks.


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Re: Accessible Ps2 and Ps3 Games?

2015-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible Ps2 and Ps3 Games?

Dead space 3 is a bit of a sor spot in the series. You want the best one, dead space 1, as, in my opinion thats where the story really showed. Dont get me rong, dead space 3 is a good game, but if your in it for the story youll be sorly disappointed and some of the features, like weapon crafting ive found not to be all that accessible. Dead space 2 is playable, after the initial first chapter bit. Ive beaten it with sited assistance. I had to have some sited assistance with the layter chapters in the first dead space, but once you master the controls, you can beat chapter 1 no problems. The other 2 chapters are playable but difficult. Chapter 4 is dephanatly a spot where youll require sited assistance, as sited users even struggle with it. The ssx series, which is where snow race got its inspiration from, is well playable and accessible on both platforms once you master the moves and controling your snowboarder. Ive played all of the insta
 llments, with the acception of ssx blur, but that was because it was another ssx 3 spinoff. I was very disappointed with the newest one thats released on playstation 3. Its easy to pull off the moves just a few taps of a few buttons on the controler, but the over all goal was changed from showing off, to showing off and surviving. This doesnt sound too bad, for the first few runs, until you get to the runs with deadly dropoffs and such which require a wingsuit to fly over. And if you fall down one, the only way youll get out of it is by rewinding time, which doesnt work very well, and as your doing it other snowboarders on the course just continue on. The rest of the ssx games are all on playstation 2 and perfectly playable.


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Re: lets erge microsoft to develop a fully functional screen reader!

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: lets erge microsoft to develop a fully functional screen reader!

As others have stated, this pitition is a bit overkill. Narrator in the last versions of windows, while it does lack behind, is quite useable and ive used it fine before, even didnt really depend on nvda for a day while using it. As gortholon said, it does however seem to lag quite a lot, but narrators barely new with its upgrades since windows 8 came out, what was it, 2 years or so, I cant remember. Also, O S X and windows are 2 completely different things. While it would be nice to have an installer that talks, were not quite up to that point, and before we even start asking for that or for a better screen reader, I really think we should wait for windows 10. After all, windows 8.1 wasnt really a major release, so of course their wouldnt be that menny narrator improvements. After all, developing a screen reader is no simpple thing.


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Re: Certain people getting ignored?

2015-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Certain people getting ignored?

While I do see ethins point here, im personally drasticly confused by this hole thing. First you say your not some attention seeking kid. Yet your first post, and im trying my best to say this in the nicest way possible says that you want people to pay a little more attention to you and speeder. As post 39 says, you and speeder are no different from everyone else on this forum. Its sort of saying I dont want popularity for my games, but I post saying why wont anyone play my games, which basicly means I want popularity. People arnt simpply ignoring people because they think bad of them, its just because they dont know how to answer the topic, dont have any intrest on the subject, etc.


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Re: Certain people getting ignored?

2015-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Certain people getting ignored?

Completely agree with everyone else, best to delete this topic and forget this ever happened.


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Re: Certain people getting ignored?

2015-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Certain people getting ignored?

Ethin.While I for the most part defend you on some of your outbursts, even try to explain them to people, this is crossing the line. Think what your setting for the reputation of not only yourself, but the software group your a part of, reality software. For the record, ive posted stuff, to have them ignored, not on new forum topics but on already created topics. Its life. Do I get angry and fustrated with the community? Possibly? But I dont see the need to go on here and post why! Why! Are all my posts being ignored! You move on, someone will eventually go back and answer your post, but im afrade if you had any hopes of starting a mud up, with the forum post you made, that you may have downed your reputation even more by this.Now, I must ask you as a friend. Please, please, please stop with the public outbursts, ok? You and I both know speeder, if hes really that ticked enough that people dont answer him, he can post for himself on the is


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Re: Anyone here got a favorite science fiction tv show?

2014-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here got a favorite science fiction tv show?

I just watched the film all the way through, well almost, and it does appear to be some what funny. Ill check for the radio play since that sounds quite nice, and ahh yes, the joke about the wiel on the end of the tv series. Though my personal favorite joke is the one made before that on the ship, about the captain being in the ships bath for 3 years.


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Re: Anyone here got a favorite science fiction tv show?

2014-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here got a favorite science fiction tv show?

Speaking of brail, im still slowly making my way through the brail version of hichikers guide to the galaxy, havent moved onto the sequels yet. Though all 6 episodes of the tv series had me hooked, the movie produced was just, bleh, speshily how they did zaphod and trilian in the movie I didnt like, and the vogones didnt sound like reel aliens too me. They sound loads better in the tv series.


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Re: Anyone here got a favorite science fiction tv show?

2014-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here got a favorite science fiction tv show?

Marvin was quite funny in the philm, I just couldnt grasp the part of zaphod though. I however did quite like the book even when reading it in brail which im still doing, and though its slow going, it is good practice for some what improving my brail reading skills. I liked the series more for how it brung the universe to life for me. The vogons were quite well done in the series, not to mention the ambience used in the vogone flagship when ford and arther are going through the corridors of the ship.


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Re: Anyone here got a favorite science fiction tv show?

2014-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here got a favorite science fiction tv show?

So I just got into watching star trek fully, both the original series and next generation, havent started on voyager or deep space 9. I think both series are good, personally my favorite episode is the dooms day device from the original series, as in my opinion that had a really good plot with the konstolation and the dead crew. I havent watched next generation neerly as much as the original series, but I like what ive seen of the series so far and I intend to watch more episodes.


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Re: Schools for the blind, training centers, and how they perform.

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Schools for the blind, training centers, and how they perform.

@gamedude Yours sounds almost like my time in speshelist schools, accept my parents didnt even realize what was going on until late in the last year I was their. Before then whenever I would approach them about sirten things going on, their simpple excuse was to go talk to the schools counceler, who was no help one bit. They only realized it after both of our old cats had past, my brother had snuck home another cat, and after I at least tried talking to my teacher about letting me use my own laptop. That goes into a hole different subject, but it should be good enough to say that she simpply brushed mom and I off, told me I needed to work on my brail reading just because it happens to be slow, and acted like the computer was simpply a toy, something I played games on. In thoughs days I was missing so much school from point blank refusing to go the school had basicly tried to say, if you came every day you could bring your laptop on frydays, which I didnt fall for
 . In the end my parents, shortly after our second cat past away 2 days after my birthday said screw it, and told the school they wernt having it anymore. So in short I got an extended summer, punctuated with a move to florida, which is where im currently at.


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Re: Anyone here got a favorite science fiction tv show?

2014-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here got a favorite science fiction tv show?

@dark ive just got one of the red dwarf novels, infinity welcomes careful drivers, which im enjoying quite a lot. Their are some differences that im noticing from the tv series, the main one being that rimmer wasnt the reason for the death of the crew, but other than that im really liking it. In fact I like the way they go into detail about the initial failure of the driveplate, where as in the series they just simpply said rimmer failed to repair it properly and that was it.


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Re: Schools for the blind, training centers, and how they perform.

2014-12-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Schools for the blind, training centers, and how they perform.

Hi, as someone who whent through 6 years in a public school, and then most of my middleschool years in a speshelist school, I can say I prefer public school vastly to speshelist schools.My main problem was the restrictions, and the fact the teachers got mad at you if you did one thing rong. Brail note breaks down? Your falt, lets yell at you for an hour. Dont show up for a few days? We give you a 3 hour talking too. Decide to not go to school because your cat died? Its a cat, move on.The services wernt helpful either. I got a simpple brail note mpower because the school didnt trust us with apexs because their policy was blaim the student, not the device, and well, brail notes have a bit of a reputation for breaking down. I was their for 4 years before my cat past in late october of 2011, than right after my birthday we lost another one, and I couldnt take it anymore, so I stopt coming.In terms of socializing, while I was their I was 
 a far different person. I wasnt open at all with my own parents about problems, and the kids had no idea what I was even talking about, accept for a select few. I was mainly a mainstreem video gamer, I watched tv, and they really didnt get much of it. So thats why my parents in 2011 decided we would move out of arizona and move to florida.


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Re: Anyone here got a favorite science fiction tv show?

2014-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here got a favorite science fiction tv show?

While im not a fan of the newer movies myself, what I have watched from star trek seems quite intresting enough. Perhaps when im not coding I should really sit down and try watching star trek sometimes. And for thoughs who are curious. Futurama actualy ended at season 7 with the episode meanwhile, which, while it wasnt my favorite does serve as a good end for the series, while still allowing possibilities for the series to continue should it restart. Voyager I remember from watching it with mom when I was in fith grade/forth grade, though thats because I ended up being sick quite a lot. What I saw of it was good.


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Re: Anyone here got a favorite science fiction tv show?

2014-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here got a favorite science fiction tv show?

Well, for me futurama hasnt really dipt in quality. Zapp branigon is still a jerk, bender still likes to do extremely stupid things, you still have the planet express ship, thats what makes futurama so funny is they stick to what makes the show good. Here in the U S they aired season 3, season 2, a bit of season 6, but no season 4 yet at least in reruns, and no season 7.


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Anyone here got a favorite science fiction tv show?

2014-11-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Anyone here got a favorite science fiction tv show?

Hi all, so I was watching one of the reruns of futurama, and decided to start a topic to see if anyone else had any favorite science fiction shows that they like to watch.My personal favorites are futurama, star trek though I dont pay attention to it that much, and the 6 episodes of the hichikers guide to the galaxy, sorry for the misspelling of its name. I have tried getting into starwars, but while I like a space battle or 2, I had a bit of difficulty following its storyline.


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Re: a proposal, jaws lite shareware by freedom scientific

2014-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a proposal, jaws lite shareware by freedom scientific

Hi, actualy microsoft has made improvements to narrator in win 8. While its sirtenly not the ultra best screen reader in the world, and while it needs improvements, it isnt the worst, and its good to see microsoft at least made an attempt to improve narrator itself. I dont know about windows 10 since its far too early to judge and it hasnt even come out, but narrator on win 8 is sirtenly useable and ive used it to browse the web among other things.


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Re: a proposal, jaws lite shareware by freedom scientific

2014-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a proposal, jaws lite shareware by freedom scientific

Thats because apple and the other company were 2 large corporations, each selling their products for money. Nvda is a not for profit thing run on donations and grants.


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Re: a proposal, jaws lite shareware by freedom scientific

2014-11-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a proposal, jaws lite shareware by freedom scientific

@afrim Every screen reader copys from one another, be it jaws, window eyes, what have you. This isnt exactly a bad thing, it just means the features happen to be useful. For exampple, when snowboarding games first came out on the playstation, their were quite a lot of them, each of them being a copy of one another, but they all had their little differences. Cool boarders focused more on grafics than actual gameplay, 1080 snowboarding took what was good about cool boarders gameplay and combined that into a truely good game for the nentendo 64. The same thing applys to jaws and nvda. Nvda simpply took some of jaws good features because they would be useful and added them to their own product, which, again, isnt really a bad thing.


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Re: a proposal, jaws lite shareware by freedom scientific

2014-11-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a proposal, jaws lite shareware by freedom scientific

I personally use nvda on a full time basis, mainly because I dont need the extra features of the other screen readers, that and jaws and I didnt get along on my old desktop. And to point out, while we may make a lot of money in the US, it has to do with the econimy as well. My parents themselves are struggling with trying to find a job, hents is why we are going back to arizona in january or febuary, and keep in mined they themselves are sited. I dont cair whos copyed who, I couldnt cair less if nvda even copyed the jaws window. If it gets the job done for me, so that by the end of the day I have enough done on the computer and im ready to go to sleep, thats what counts to me.


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Re: a proposal, jaws lite shareware by freedom scientific

2014-11-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a proposal, jaws lite shareware by freedom scientific

Oh, just thought I would point out as well. This specific thing of sitting around paying off the government isnt just done by blind people, nore is it done by the majority, at least from what I know. I happen to go to the florida lighthouse program and know quite a few blind people who have jobs.


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Re: a few complaints about the blind comunity

2014-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a few complaints about the blind comunity

You know, I have noticed something here. Speaking from a developers standpoint, I understand the time and effert that goes into software development. I get that it costs money for sirten libraries, and I get that companies need money. But your post, @bryant, was actualy quite afensive. For your information, I was raised in the sited community. I whent to both a public school and a speshelized school. And keep in mined here I do have vision loss. First of all. Have you actualy considered why these people think a sirten app should be free? Dont respond back with the hole because they think they are poor aditude, because for all you know, they really could use that bit of tech, but they dont have the required money. And sited people do it as well to let you know the facts. I can remember tuns of times when I was growing up asking my mom for a game, and wishing it was at a reduced price or free. Why? Not because im blind,. My family happens to be struggling with mone
 y currently. If you are really that annoyed with some people, stay away from them or put it simpply deal with it and dont flaim them. Because right now, you are in fact doing the same thing, only on a different argument. Im done for now, but I just had to get this out of my system as I did find that post quite affensive. To the rest of you sorry for this rant.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

@brad as someone whos been through mainstreem school and speshel schools I can completely agree with you their. I know my spelling isnt really the best, but I have been slowly improving and making attempts to change it. My brail, however, is far below that. I can write in it, no problem. When it comes to reading it however, its a horible time for me. And as ive told everyone in school, ive been reading it ever since I can remember. Im starting to think it partly has to do with the fact I still have some quite useful vision, so whenever im reading my hands are on the braile but my eyes are focused someware else, making it extremely difficult to focus on what im actualy reading.


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