question about bluetooth speakers and android

2020-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : nikosdemetriou via Audiogames-reflector


question about bluetooth speakers and android

Hi all.I am an android user using the nokia 6.1 which is an android one device.When using bluetooth speakers, all sounds are coming through the speaker including talkback.I was wondering if there is a way to fores talkback to come through the phone's speaker and all other sounds to go through the bluetooth speaker.Ios is more clever when using bluetooth devices.If the device is correctly identified as a speaker and not as headphone, voice over doesn't come through the speaker but it keeps coming through the phone.If you have got a solution to this issue it would be nice.ThanksNikos


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Re: Strange NVDA behavior

2020-03-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : nikosdemetriou via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Strange NVDA  behavior

Hello.The behaviour you are describing can happen for many reasons.My understanding is that some important dll files on your system either got removed or corrupted.This could happen for example if you try to uninstall microsoft office.Sometimes antivirus programs are known to mess up these dll files.You can try to fix the problem, by going to the nvda menu, under tools you will find an option which says Run COM Registration Fixing tool...If the above doesn't solve your problem, then I am afraid you might need more advanced help either from the nvda mailing list, or by contacting nv access directly.Good luck.Nikos


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Question about bootable usb sticks with windows 10

2019-04-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : nikosdemetriou via Audiogames-reflector


Question about bootable usb sticks with windows 10

Hi.I don't have experience at all with installing windows 10 from a usb but I am asking on behalf of some friends.If we create a bootable usb stick with windows 10 on it using the tool from microsoft and we choose Greek as the interface language, the Greek voice for narrator is not included so Greek speaking people cannot install windows 10 independently.Do you know if we can add additional voices for narrator in other languages? ThanksNikos


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Re: Looking for software to save documents in brf format

2019-04-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : nikosdemetriou via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for software to save documents in brf format

Hi all.Thanks for all your replies.I found a free software from Italy which seams to work for my needs.It is called biblos. contains all the tables from liblouis.The good thing about it is the fact that we can edit any braille table and make it how we want it.With the help of a friend, we were able to remove the dot 5 in front of the accented letters and make it easier to read.Thanks againNikos


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Looking for software to save documents in brf format

2019-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : nikosdemetriou via Audiogames-reflector


Looking for software to save documents in brf format

Hi.This is a new area for me.I am trying to help people at first but in the future I might be able to benefit as well from this.As the subject says, I am looking for a software which will enable me to export documents in brf format, so people can transfer the files in to their orbit reader 20 and read it without having to use a smartphone or a computer.I tried several pieces of software.The most promising is something called odt2braille.It is an extension for open office or libre office software which gives us the ability to export or embos documents in braille.But I am willing to try something else.For now I think it is better if it is a free solution, since I don't have the ability to test the files I will try to produce with it.I will work mainly with Greek text.I am looking for something which will allow me if possible to change some things in the braille table.For example, in Greek braille, accented letters have got the dot 5 in front of the letter, but most of the time we avoid the dot 5 completely.So for example, if the modern Greek table of odt2braille includes the dot 5 in the output result, can i fix it and how do I do this?I hope somebody can help me with this because I want to use such tools to help other people who like to read in braille. ThanksNikos


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Unusual issue with stereo recordings on my phone

2019-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : nikosdemetriou via Audiogames-reflector


Unusual issue with stereo recordings on my phone

Hi all.I hope somebody can help me with this issue.I recently got the nokia 6.1 mobile phone.The microphones on this phone are not bad, but when doing stereo recordings, the right microphone seams to be slightly louder than the left.So my questions are:1. How can we find the difference in db between the left and the right?My sound editor is goldwave.I assume it is a bit tricky to find because if we have got an ambient sound for example, the volumes keep changing all the time for both channels so I don't know if it is possible to do it well without having access to visual representations on the screen.By trying different volume changes, I guess that the right channel is about 4.5 db louder than the left but I can't seam to get it right.2. What is it better? To make the left channel louder or to make the right channel quieter?In goldwave's effects menu under volume, there is an option called max match or something like that.This method tries to accomplish what I am trying to do but again it doesn't sound right.Finally here is an audio sample if somebody is willing to have a listen and give me some advice.It is a street ambience about 19 minutes long.At the beginning it is me talking in Greek saying the date, time, weather information etc. … .mp3?raw=1Thanks in advance.Nikos


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Re: The Active SoundScape Engine

2018-04-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : nikosdemetriou via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Active SoundScape Engine

Hi.As far as I know you don't write ---start--- at the beginning of your soundscape.This was written in the tutorial to mark the beginning of the example.My soundscape starts as"Cyprus village, morning sounds in a small Cypriot village. Most sounds are recorded by me but some of them are from"If you want the rest of my code I can post it here.To be honest I don't remember how to make them any more.I just had a quick look at my file.I will have to study the tutorial again to be able to make another one.Nikos


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Re: The Active SoundScape Engine

2018-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : nikosdemetriou via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Active SoundScape Engine

Hi.You can have your soundscapes in any folder you like. They don't have to be in the soundscapes folder in program files.If during installation you enabled the file associations the program needs then you can right click your script file with the extension ass and compile your soundscape in a single file with the extention ase.Then you can distribute your ase file and other users can play it if they installed active soundscape engine.Nikos


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Re: The Active SoundScape Engine

2018-04-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : nikosdemetriou via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Active SoundScape Engine

Hi.Below are the setup files again.Hopefully this time the links won't stop working.The main setup file. … p.exe?dl=1The bug fix patch.I think this one gives the ability to control the volume of a soundscape with the arrow keys. … h.exe?dl=1Finally the documentation of how to make soundscapes.Only registered users can compile them to a single file. … l.htm?dl=1Finally my soundscape called Cyprus village. … e.ase?dl=1Finally I think it is time to give my registration info. Registration name: Nikos DemetriouUnlock key: a3c7288b021df2Enjoy.


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Re: New free accessible diary, timely release for 2018

2017-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : nikosdemetriou via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New free accessible diary, timely release for 2018

Hi.This diary sounds very interesting.But the description is a bit confusing.It seams as the diary lasts only for 1 year.This is good for events and appointments, but if we want to have birthday reminders or other yearly anniversaries they will have to be repeated every year for ever.So what happens when 2019 arrives?Is there going to be another update? What is going to happen with birthdays?Are we going to rewrite them again in to the next version or are they going to carry over when we update?Thanks a lot.I was looking for a calendar program accessible. I tried google calendar with no much success so this one sounds good.Nikos


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Re: Gold wave, need help.

2017-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : nikosdemetriou via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Gold wave, need help.

Hi all.Since we are discussing goldwave I have got a question as well.I use goldwave for the last year. Before I was using adobe audition 3.0 on windows xp. Since audition 3 is old and doesn't run well on windows 10 I decided to give goldwave a go.I like everything on goldwave.The fact that is responsive, and perhaps the most accessible of all.The only thing that I don't like on goldwave is the dynamic compression. I tried with all the presets, and I even tried changing some of the settings myself but I can't keep an even level to my recordings.The level keeps going up and down very quickly with goldwave and I don't have much success.I am talking about talking material like audio books.I admit I don't understand well the different settings like ratio, threshold etc. In adobe audition there was a preset called classic soft knee which was working really well for my needs.Also in goldwave th
 ere is a dynamics option which seams to work better than the compression, but I think the settings seam to be visual and we can't adjust them easily. At least I didn't understand how it works.Sorry if I asked this question in this forum before.I remember that I mentioned it somewhere but I am not sure if it was here or not.If you could help me it would be much appreciated. I am very confused with all these settings and numbers.ThanksNikos


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goldwave and mono files

2017-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : nikosdemetriou via Audiogames-reflector


goldwave and mono files

Hi all.I am very new to goldwave and I am still learning.I was using adobe audition 3 for many years but recently we upgraded to a windows 10 machine at work and I decided to start using goldwave because it is up to date and more accessible.I am using goldwave with the on board sound card and with a blue yeti usb microphone for recording.The machine is 64 bit.If I open a mono file, goldwave doesn't play it but it plays fine all stereo files.The file seams to open fine, but if I press space to start playback, I don't hear anything.Also I didn't find an easy way to convert a stereo file in to mono.I tried save us and I changed the different parameters to make the file mono but the size of the file doesn't reduce in half like it used to be in adobe audition.So what is the most effective way to make an mp3 file from stereo to mono?Even changing the bit rate doesn't seam to change the size of the fi
 le and I don't understand why.At the moment I am using the old fassion way and I convert wav files in to mp3 using cdex. I find it very effective because I can choose the bitrate I want and it seams to convert the files with no problems.But I didn't find a way to convert stereo files in to mono that way.I am happy with the program free audio converter from, but I will never use their software again because they install other things that I don't need such as avast antivirus toolbars and other things without asking, or mayby the way to avoid them is not accessible with screen readers.I am using nvda by the way.Over all I am very happy with goldwave and I think I increased my working speed when editing something because I can speed up playback etc.Thanks for readingNikos


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Re: Accessible midi editor

2016-11-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : nikosdemetriou via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible midi editor

Thanks a lot for the infoNikos


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Re: Accessible midi editor

2016-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : nikosdemetriou via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible midi editor

Hi.I think I came across this virtual midi synth yesterday but I didn't try it yet. But it sounds the easiest solution out of all. I just hope its settings are accessible with nvda.


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Re: Accessible midi editor

2016-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : nikosdemetriou via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible midi editor

Hi.I want to start working with midi myself but I am very confused.Things seam to be simple if somebody has got a hardware keyboard with onboard sounds such as the poster above with the yamaha one.Things are getting very complicated if people don't have such keyboards.The most strate forward solution for me seams to be cakewalk sonar which includes a synth called tts-1.TTS-1 is a standart midi synth with the standart 128 midi instruments included.I personally like this synth and I am not looking for anything more but the latest sonar which is accessible is version 8.5 which is very old and I don't know if it is sold any more.QWS is very good but to get software instruments to work with it you need other software which will comunicate between qws and the actual instruments.I read the articles on the qws website but they sound too complicated for me.Reaper on the other hand sounds very affortable and it is accessible wi
 th the osara plugin but since it doesn't come with any instruments included we need to hunt for vst instruments and set them up one by one.So I have got the following questions.Some of them have been asked in the home studio topic. Sorry about this but I am still confused.Can we get the tts-1 synth as a stand alone product so we can use it with reaper or qws without having to install sonar itself?Is there any other equivalent vst instrument like the tts1?Are there any usb sound cards with on board midi instruments?ThanksNikos


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Re: Accessible Home Recording Studio Setup

2016-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : nikosdemetriou via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible Home Recording Studio Setup

Hi again DgleksThanks for your answers.How much do audio interfaces cost?As I didn't use these kind of things for many years I am like a beginner again.And when I was at university other people set sonar for me up so I learned only how to use it.I think I was using it with an edirol ua09 usb soundcard if I remember right and a midi keyboard. I had the screen reader coming out through the primary soundcard and sonar through the edirol.Maybe I still have this sound card around.But I don't know anything at all about instruments since sonar came with a few of them and I didn't look for anything more.Nikos


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Re: Accessible Home Recording Studio Setup

2016-10-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : nikosdemetriou via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible Home Recording Studio Setup

Hi DgleksI was a sonar user many years ago when I was at university back in 2007.I want to start again using something mainly for producing midi music.Does reaper come with any midi instruments like sonar?I don't want anything fancy. I would use the microsoft synth if there wasn't delay with it. Otherwise I don't mind the sound of it.Nikos


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Re: Stereo microphone simulation

2016-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : nikosdemetriou via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Stereo microphone simulation

Thanks a lot.Any way it is easier for you dropbox link, google drive I don't mind.Nikos


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Re: Stereo microphone simulation

2016-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : nikosdemetriou via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Stereo microphone simulation

Hi raygroteI am very glad somebody actually downloaded the sound and tried to find out what's going on with it.If you still have got the file with the deleted samples and the other work you have done on it is it possible to send it to me please?I am very curious to see how it sounds like.Thanks for bringing this up again.Nikos


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Re: (podcast) experience virtual reality environment sounds with myNoise

2016-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : nikosdemetriou via Audiogames-reflector


Re: (podcast) experience virtual reality environment sounds with myNoise

Thanks a lot for this podcast.I like to use soundscapes during work so this will help me a lot.I am also to report that I don't have flash installed on my computer and the sounds still play fine so this website is html5 compatible I think.I hope to see an android app as well one day so I can have it on my phone.Nikos


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Re: a new site for all of us

2016-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : nikosdemetriou via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a new site for all of us

Ok I decided to give this website a go.A big disappointment.During registration, if there is something wrong or missing, the form is cleared and we have to complete everything again.This is the first time I seen these behaviour. Usually the information we feel in stays on the page so we can make the corrections and send it again.It took me about 5 minutes feeling the form especially adding the about me section etc and I don't have the time to keep feeling the information again and again.Also.Greek is not listed in the available languages.The form was rejected because state was missing.Keep in mind that not all countries include states.My country Cyprus for example, only includes cities and villages.This wasn't a valid reason to reject the form.Fortunately the phone field is not compulsory otherwise I wouldn't register.Sory for being so negative at the moment.I will give the site another tr
 y but I wasted 5 or 10 minutes now and I admit I am doing this now from work so wasting work time for nothing is a bit disappointing.Good luck with the website.Nikos


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Re: Supernova Screen Reader v13.58

2015-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : nikosdemetriou via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Supernova Screen Reader v13.58

Hi all.I was a dolphin user for many years and specifically a hal user.To give dolphin some credit, the apollo synthesizer I believe it was the first synth to support the Greek language so dolphin oppened the world of computer to us back in 1992 or something.I started using hal with dos, then on windows 95 etc.The support for Greek continued when orpheus came out so for many years hal was the only option available for us.I am still interested and I watch the dolphin news but I have to say that for the last few years I am very disapointed with it.I don't see much support for the screen reader part any more. They seam to work more on the magnifier products instead.Also I don't like the fact that only internet explorer is supported.I don't like to compare like that, but I think the free nvda can do much more than a dolphin product which costs so much money.I don't think it would be difficult for dolphin to gi
 ve better support for common accessibility interfaces such as Microsoft Active Accessibility, Java Access Bridge, IAccessible2 and UI Automation.If it did that, more applications would be supported out of the box without much effort.Also these days with the internet being so fast and reliable, I don't understand why dolphin likes to deppent on dealers so much.Somebody should have the choice to buy directly from dolphin or from the dealer if they like.Or if this is not possible, they should put a limit on dealers of how much they can charge.Here in Cyprus the dealer charges ridiculous amounts for dolphin products which makes the price doubled than the price that people can buy from dolphin directly.Not only that, but upgrades are more expensive as well.And forget here anything to do with smaa or whatever it is called where people pay 100 or 200 per year and they get all updates for free.Here is upgrade costs more and it is even mo
 re expensive to jump from 13 to 15 for example.Sorry for the rant but I think dolphin can do a lot more. Personally I am hoping for more supported applications like other web browsers, oppen office suits, better support for web applications and much more.Nikos


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Re: The Active SoundScape Engine

2015-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : nikosdemetriou via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Active SoundScape Engine

Hi.I have got both the setup file and the patch for it as well as the tutorial of how to create soundscapes.I will provide the links for all below.But unregistered copies have got a limitation of running each soundscape for 5 minutes only.You can start the soundscape again for another 5 minutes.So if you create a soundscape you won't be able to benefit from it. You would be able to listen to it for 5 minutes but you wouldn't be able to compile it in 1 single file to give it to others.Anyway the links.Active soundscape engin setup. … -Setup.exeThe patch file. … -Patch.exeTutorial of how to make soundscapes. … torial.htmFinally.My soundscape called Cyprus village. … illage.aseI can give you the soundscape script if you are interested. The sounds I recorded are available in my twitter think it was a really nice project and it shouldn't be abandonedI think only 3 users bought it or something like that.Nikos


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Re: Flash plugin crashing in Firefox

2015-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : nikosdemetriou via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Flash plugin crashing in Firefox

Hi.Flash crashes for me as well on firefox under windows 7 64 bit.I think it is something to do with newer operating systems or 64 bit systems because at work it never crashes on windows xp.Nikos


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Re: The Active SoundScape Engine

2015-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : nikosdemetriou via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Active SoundScape Engine

I have got my register information but I will only pass it along if Damien is ok with it.Nikos


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Stereo microphone simulation

2015-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : nikosdemetriou via Audiogames-reflector


Stereo microphone simulation

Hello.At the moment I dont have a stereo microphone but I happened to have 2 plextalk ptr2 recorders.One is my own and the other one is from my job.So last Spring I had the idea of recording ambient sounds from my backyard with both recorders at the same time and then mixing the 2 sounds with adobe audition to create a stereo effect.So I put the recording from the first plextalk on the left channel and the other on the right.With the multi track view of adobe audition it is possible to aline the tracks correctly so we dont have one channel ahead of the other.The recording can be found here. … %20mix.mp3At first everything sound nice but then very gradually the 2 channels get out of sync so the sounds dont pann correctly. Most sounds seam to come out from the left towards the end so I assume that the left channel is a bit ahead of the right.Now my question is why this happens?Since both recorders are digital why they are not synchronised all the time?I can understand this behaviour if I was using tape recorders where we could have different speeds but with digital equipment I thought that we wouldnt have to worry about these things any more.Also my other question is if there is a way to correct this recording to sound stereo all the time.At the moment I created 2 mixings of this.For the first one which is the link above I alined the channels at the beginning of the recording.For the second mix I did the same but i went to the end of the recording instead.Now I need to combine these 2 mixes.Perhaps for the first 45 minutes to have the first mix and then for the other 45 minutes to go to the second one.The problem is that I dont know exactly when the 2 tracks start to go out of sync.Anyway I know this is an unusual question.I hope somebody can help me.I like this recording and I think with some modification it could become a very good soundscape.ThanksNikos


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Re: Stereo microphone simulation

2015-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : nikosdemetriou via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Stereo microphone simulation

Thanks Green Gables Fan and camlorn for replying.Your explanation camlorn seams very logical and it makes sence.Yes I am thinking to get a stereo microphone but I dont know which one.Nikos


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