Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Error running Swamp

2014-04-17 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: livrobo

Re: Error running Swamp

Hello LukasWhen this occurs, you need to run Swamp as an administrator. That may seem like something that won't work, but I'm pretty sure it will. For some reason, I've seen this error happen multiple times, all on windows 7, and the cause being the User Account Control feature. It does not happen on windows 8, which may be due to the fact that microsoft finally fixed the way UAC works.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-22 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: livrobo

Re: Danger City: redux?

Hello.Here's the intro story, taken from the readme.You are a police officer. You sigh as you walk back into the police station, after going after several gangs; they're all over the place these days. Theynever used to be spotted so much around here! And all of these random acts of violence don't make sense either. You wish you could just go home and goto bed; but, unknown to you, this knight could be the most dangerous one of your career.As you enter, the dispatcher looks up: "Hey Nick, the chief wanted to see you. It sounds like he's got some information on the gang sightings and the murdersof those people. It sounds pretty urgent, you might want to head over there now." You thank her and race to the chief's office, wondering what could beso serious.You knock a few times, and finally, the door opens. You are shocked because of the grim look the chief is giving you."Thank you for coming
 , Nick." He shuts the door and motions for you to sit down, which you do."I have some very serious news", he continues."It seems that an unknown individual is attempting to take over the city, and has employed the gangs to keep everyone off the streets. Anyone who daresto exit their houses will be shot on sight. We also have reason to believe that he has a secret base in a remote location. We are attempting to retrieveit's coordinates now. The only thing we know for certain is that it is on an island.""What do you plan to do about this", you ask."I'm not sure. All we can do for now is keep scanning."You start to get angry and say, "You're kidding! We could save some lives if we formed a team and tried to hold the ganggs back!""Damn it Nick, we just don't have the resources right now! I hate this situation as much as you do, but there's nothing I can do
  at the moment.""No way", you respond, "there's no way in hell that I'm going to let this happen!"The chief gives you a look that basically means, "you're crazy" and says, "What, are you going to do, form your own team? That would be insane!""Yes, at least try to form one. But either way, I cannot let this happen.""Alright", the chief responds, "I see that you won't give up. In that case, I'll assign a few officers in armed cars to help you. If you ever need helpfrom them, ask right away.""Thanks chief", you say.You get up and head for the door. Suddenly, you hear screaming, yelling and ffighting going on from the main room."What the... Oh damn!", the chief yells, "Those bastards are trying to invade the police station!"Before you can act, a flood of gang members break down the door and run into the ro
 om. They grab you and the chief and begin to exit the room. You try toget free, but one of them hits you in the jaw wwith an uppercut, and you black out.When you wake up, you are in a cramped room. You look around, and see two other people. You recognize the man as being Zack, your old partner. You rememberall of the cases the two of you went on.The woman's name is Faith, a new officer around the station. Although she is new, She also practices and teaches Tae-Quan-Do. You've also seen her at thesame gym you go to.You try to open the door, but it's locked. "Anyone of you got a lockpick?", You ask.Faith looks up. "Actually, I do." She gets up and walks over to the door, and inserts a lockpick into the keyhole. She stands there wiggling it around inthe lock for a few seconds, then takes the lockpick out, as the door unlocks."Alright!" she says, "Let's get out of here."She quietly opens the door, and looks around outside. As she had expected, there were two guards standing near the door. A short fight follows, but shemanages to get rid of the guards."Follow me", she says to you and Zack, "I think I remember this building."She leads the two of you through a complicated series of corridors, which dead-ends at a security door. "Crap..."However, you realise that all is not lost. "Wait a minute," you reply, "Zack, don't you know how to disarm security systems?""Of course I do", He says."Excelent! I think I still have my equipment in my backpack."You open your backpack, and pull out some equipment, which you hand over. He gets to work with the security system. In a moment, the door swings open. Butthe alarms have gone off! Faith starts running, and you follow her. At last you come to a window that isn't looking into another p
 art of the building.Since you know you don't have the time to look for the entrence, you smash the window with a fearce kick, and the three of you scramble out it. You thinkYou can hear voices coming from somewhere in the corridor you were just in. "Damn it man, why couldn't you keep them in!""I tried to! The woman took us out before we knew what was going on!"... Further conversations are blocked out as they travel down the corridor.Yet again, Faith leads the three of you around the building until you are at the front of it.She says, "The station isn't far from here, I just hope everyone's ok."The three of you start running toward t

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-04 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: livrobo

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

I got the update yesterday, yet the problem continues.I have no idea what could be causing NVDA to see the objects wrong, or have them displayed wrong, or whatever is causing this problem, but I also tried starting up Window Eyes and it has the same result.I guess I'll hold out on this game for now since Voice Chat was something I believe would have made it interesting; but I do plan on continuing to keep an eye on this client for any information or updates that may resolve this.One more thing though I just thought of while writing this post. My microphone and my sound output device are set as my system defaults. If Radegast uses your system defaults if you don't change the options in the combo-boxes, perhaps I could still use it. I see that there is a push to talk button in this window. Can this be modified? If so how, and if not, what is the push to talk key?Thanks for all the helpURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-04 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: livrobo

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

miki123211 wrote:I tried to register using sl website and it gave me thesame errorEnsure that you are clicking on an avatar and then click on the choose this avatar button or you'll get that error.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-04 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: livrobo

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

miki123211 wrote:I tried to register using sl website and it gave me thesame errorEnsure that you are clicking on an avata and then click on the choose this avatar button or you'll get that error.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-03 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: livrobo

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

heartssong wrote:livrobo wrote:Ah thanks, but the two boxes are where my problem is. I see the boxes, however I see them as blank and there are no list items. I can type into them like an edit box, but it doesn't have my list of recording devices, and the second one doesn't have a list of my audio output devices.Any help would be greatly appreciated.It sounds to me like you need to restart Radegast. This is not an issue I've ever heard anyone else complain about before and I am not having this problem either.I've restarted Regast multiple times, as well as running it as an administrator.I realize this is an unusual issue but I do know someone else who is experiencing the same problem. This person downloaded Regcast soon after I did, and we were talking via Skype, and it appears that we both have this probl
 em. It's quite confusing.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-03 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: livrobo

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

heartssong wrote:livrobo wrote:Ah thanks, but the two boxes are where my problem is. I see the boxes, however I see them as blank and there are no list items. I can type into them like an edit box, but it doesn't have my list of recording devices, and the second one doesn't have a list of my audio output devices.Any help would be greatly appreciated.It sounds to me like you need to restart Radegast. This is not an issue I've ever heard anyone else complain about before and I am not having this problem either.I've restarted Regast multiple times, as well as running it as an administrator.I realize this is an unusual issue but I do know someone else who is experiencing the same problem. This person downloaded Regcast soon after I did, and we were talking via Skype, and it appears that we both ahve this probl
 em. It's quite confusing.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-03 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: livrobo

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

Ah thanks, but the two boxes are where my problem is. I see the boxes, however I see them as blank and there are no list items. I can type into them like an edit box, but it doesn't have my list of recording devices, and the second one doesn't have a list of my audio output devices.It's like NVDA see's them as a closed combobox that it refuses to open, and that I can type stuff into.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-03 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: livrobo

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

Ah thanks, but the two boxes are where my problem is. I see the boxes, however I see them as blank and there are no list items. I can type into them like an edit box, but it doesn't have my list of recording devices, and the second one doesn't have a list of my audio output devices.Any help would be greatly appreciated.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-03 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: livrobo

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

Another question. I've been doing my research about this game, trying to figure things out. I see that a lot of areas are age restricted. I also see that in order to access these areas, you have to change settings on your client. Does radegast support this so I can access the settings?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

2014-03-03 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: livrobo

Re: User Guide for Accessible Second Life Client

Hello.When I saw this topic, it instantly got my interest since I know sighted people who play Second Life quite a lot.I followed the guide and everything works great; Except for one problem that I'm having.The voice chat fails to work for me. I pressed alt+9 to bring up the settings and check the enable voice button, turn the sliders up and I brought my character in Second Life to the Voice Echo area, however I am unable to hear myself.I notice that there are two unlabeled combo-boxes with edit fields, but I'm not sure what I have to type into these boxes. I was really hoping to be able to use the voice chat feature so any help would be greatly appreciated.On a completely different note: Is this client still being updated? I see it's last update was about a year ago, and I don't want to start playing only to have support for the client drop.URL: http:/

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