Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-25 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Guitarman

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Hi.I was watching next generation the other day and saw the episode where Q was turned into a human. Anyone remember that one? I sure got some laughs out of it. Anyway I was just thinking about star trek and I think it would be really cool if we had a audio game that focuses on one person in the series. I would love to have a game where I could play as Riker, Captain Picard, or Data even the originals like Kirk or Spock. Also it would be awesome to play as Q or a romulan or borg. This would be cool since Stfc is already good enough for me.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-25 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Yep, Im watching next gen myself at the moment and saw that one a couple of months ago, I particularly love the bit where Q says to worf what can I do to proove! to you Im human and Worf, in that wonderfully dead pan Klingon way just replies die . The problem guitarman is that you couldnt get the actors. Highering someone like Patric Stewart or Johathon frakes for an audio game would cost thousands at least, which is why they only ever appear in games made by big companies, this is part of the suggest that if there was a single ship startrek game, we could have our own crew and characters.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-19 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Well i dont know what you mean by background sfx. The borg ships had their own background noises, and the borg themselves made hydraulic and servo motor type noises when they moved, but their speech didnt have any background beyond the voice itself with its effects.Btw, this was one thing I slightly disliked about the borg queen, she felt far too human to be the suposed head of something as inhuman as the borg what with her taunts, her tempting of data and her evil villain speeches, aprticularly since she didnt have any of the same Borg voice affects as when you just heard the collective speak.Myself, Id have preferd the borg to just stay as a faceless, collective threat, more like the cells of a single body working in consort than like a hive of bees with a queen,  particularly since of course, in bee hives queens actually dont rule anything, they just lay the in t
 he game you need to hunt down and destroy traces of the borg and their technology, from small tracking stations and devices to cubes and massive installations, since only destroying everything will insure the total destruction of the borg now that their consciousness is no longer centralised. You could even suggest some new borg creations,URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-16 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Itd be nice to have some sound clips for the Borg I agree, although to be honest resistance is futile never really did it for me, mostly because its far too close to the cybermens resistance is useless Then again startrek writers have been accused of borrowing heavily from the cybermen in the Borgs creation before, and I admit there are are rather too many similarities, lack of emotions, complete cybernetic emplants and the ability to convert people into being cybermen, hence their most famous catchphrase you shal be like us! though in fairness the cybermen never had the collective mind that the borg did. Whether there was anything going on I dont know, but there are a great many similarities.I always myself liked the borg in conversation with their x is irrelevant indeed seeing Picard, an awsome negotiator as we know trying 
 to talk to the borg and just being told That is irrelevant is stil one of my favourite startrek scenes.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-15 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Guitarman

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

H your right. That might be a little tough but Im sure it can be done. I do like the way the borg cube is in Stfc its almost indestructible just like youd think. If there could be some kind of aiming in the game that would be awesome. If the game were made so you have equal chances of either hitting or missing a part of the ship. It would definitly be cool if the ferengi were included in the game. They are one of the strangest races in next generation. I dont know how this could be done but it would be cool if Captain Picard and other people from next generation could be in the game.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-15 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: tward

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Well, regarding the Borg voices I have a number of professional audio clips of the Borg saying thins like we are the borg, resistance is futile, you will be assimilated, and so on. I was planning on including them in the next version of STFC as I thought it would add a little more to the game having the Borg saying things before they attack etc.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-14 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Guitarman

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Hi. Having a game with Q in it would be great.@Dark, you should definitly play Q or Trelane. Years ago I listened to q-squared that was abridged. The abridgment was horrible but the person who read it did a great Trelane with an english accent and would do a mocking laugh that I just loved. @Doctor the borg saying something when you start the bonus level would be cool. I could probably do a borg voice although getting it to sound robotic might be a little tricky. The borg could say something classic like, Resistance is futile!URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-14 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Locutus

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

See, the Borg dont need to sound robotic. They need to sound...many. Many voices speaking as one.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-13 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: the doctor

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

@twardI can understand, and *sarcastic tone* thanks very much for spoiling the ending!Devils heart was one I actually got hold of many years ago and never finished. I need to dig out all my ould star trek books and reread them.I actually wonder whether it would be ok as it were to have a british member of the q? since they can do whatever they want im guessing changing their accent/character is a task of no difficulty for a q...@locotusIn light of new developments regarding my little star trek project, could you please look at the topic in the off topic room? I think you might be intrigued by the concept Ive managed to create for this.The Doctor.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-13 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

@Tom I enjoyed vendetta for the same reasons, seeing the borg attempt traid after theyd assimilated the Ferengi , but personally I was a fan of q squared.I loved the alternate realities, the mix of plot, and the darker, but at the same time slightly surreal tone, (having winny the poo bouncing round the bridge was awsome), but then again, since Im a fan of doctor who I suppose that would appeal to me more, indeed a lot of the doctor who audio specials have a very similar tone and style.The only downer with peter david was having to read the books in braille, which was okay, but took a lot of time. I began Q in law, but (possibly because I was reading it in braille), I just couldnt get into it. the dialogue seemed very stilted and not actually lines that I could imagine the character saying, for example wesley describing the slave girl he is given as a gift as kinda vacuous I also didnt really take to the space gypsy race in that bo
 ok either, they seemed a bit tact on with not really a culture of their own. the only other startrek novels Ive read (apart from the james blisch novelizations of the original series), was doomsday world, which was okay, but not really exceptional, and a novel called probe which was supposedly a sequel to the voyage home original series film,  which was down right horrible! i suppose I really should read more of the books, especially now audios are available though i really do hate! abridged books, imho anyone who abridges a book shoulod be abridged themselves with an axe!Regarding accents Doctor, firstly there is no such thing as  a british accent remember that britain is made up of four different countries, each of which have their own accents and some (like scotland, ireland and wales), have their own languages too. Ill also say that from what I have heard, regional changes in britain seem
  to be more pronounced than in the states, though of course I could be wrong on this. Still, if you heard a broard jordi up from where I am in the north east, you would find them to have a vastly! different accent to traditional oxford english, or recieved pronunciation as it is known.Getting back to Ive not actually seen the original series episode with him in, but in the audio version of the novelization the reader does him with a very plummy, overblown queens english accent, which which is how I personally imagined him as well.If I remember rightly q squared did have a sequence towards the end showing trelane regressed to an infant Q, a floating energy bubble, so he could potentially appear again, though there are certainly plenty of other kicking around if you wanted a game plot.I actually do think Q (or a q), would be extremely good for a game, since given nearly infinite power, you could have whatever plot you wanted. Want t
 o chuck a ship into an unknown sector of space to battle a new enimy? Q! or maybe a less than scrupulous Q could have fun pitting your ship against various enimy vessels from different startrek eras.Heck, if you wanted the ship to have some capacity for gameplay not covered by startrek law, for example the ability to save and load games, or the ability to enter a wormhole and come out in another sector of space,  Q again! Of course over using this would be ridiculous, creating a startrek themed space invaders game for instance with ship sounds for the invaders and a phaser as a pretense of a Qs power, but used in a limited sense to aide gamplay objectives and story it could be quite an interesting mechanic, as well as a really fun audio for players, (Ias I said, Id love to play a q). Lastly As regards phasers in the present stfc, well being able to targit more precisely seems to be one attribute of phasers as opposed to torpedos, thus bein
 g able to say disable a ships engines or sensors, or blow up an asteroid to create a cloud of fragments to let you detect cloaked enimies would be a great way of making them have a bit more point in the game.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-13 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

@Tom I enjoyed vendetta for the same reasons, seeing the borg attempt traid after theyd assimilated the Ferengi , but personally I was a fan of q squared.I loved the alternate realities, the mix of plot, and the darker, but at the same time slightly surreal tone, (having winny the poo bouncing round the bridge was awsome), but then again, since Im a fan of doctor who I suppose that would appeal to me more, indeed a lot of the doctor who audio specials have a very similar tone and style.The only downer with peter david was having to read the books in braille, which was okay, but took a lot of time. I began Q in law, but (possibly because I was reading it in braille), I just couldnt get into it. the dialogue seemed very stilted and not actually lines that I could imagine the character saying, for example wesley describing the slave girl he is given as a gift as kinda vacuous I also didnt really take to the space gypsy race in that bo
 ok either, they seemed a bit tact on with not really a culture of their own. the only other startrek novels Ive read (apart from the james blisch novelizations of the original series), was doomsday world, which was okay, but not really exceptional, and a novel called probe which was supposedly a sequel to the voyage home original series film,  which was down right horrible! i suppose I really should read more of the books, especially now audios are available though i really do hate! abridged books, imho anyone who abridges a book shoulod be abridged themselves with an axe!Regarding accents Doctor, firstly there is no such thing as  a british accent remember that britain is made up of four different countries, each of which have their own accents and some (like scotland, ireland and wales), have their own languages too. Ill also say that from what I have heard, regional changes in britain seem
  to be more pronounced than in the states, though of course I could be wrong on this. Still, if you heard a broard jordi up from where I am in the north east, you would find them to have a vastly! different accent to traditional oxford english, or recieved pronunciation as it is known.Getting back to Trelane, Ive not actually seen the original series episode with him in, but in the audio version of the novelization the reader does him with a very plummy, overblown queens english accent, which which is how I personally imagined him as well.If I remember rightly q squared did have a sequence towards the end showing trelane regressed to an infant Q, a floating energy bubble, so he could potentially appear again, though there are certainly plenty of other kicking around if you wanted a game plot.I actually do think Q (or a q), would be extremely good for a game, since given nearly infinite power, you could have whatever plot you wanted. 
 Want to chuck a ship into an unknown sector of space to battle a new enimy? Q! or maybe a less than scrupulous Q could have fun pitting your ship against various enimy vessels from different startrek eras.Heck, if you wanted the ship to have some capacity for gameplay not covered by startrek law, for example the ability to save and load games, or the ability to enter a wormhole and come out in another sector of space,  Q again! Of course over using this would be ridiculous, creating a startrek themed space invaders game for instance with ship sounds for the invaders and a phaser as a pretense of a Qs power, but used in a limited sense to aide gamplay objectives and story it could be quite an interesting mechanic, as well as a really fun audio for players, (Ias I said, Id love to play a q). Lastly As regards phasers in the present stfc, well being able to targit more precisely seems to be one attribute of phasers as opposed to torpedos, 
 thus being able to say disable a ships engines or sensors, or blow up an asteroid to create a cloud of fragments to let you detect cloaked enimies would be a great way of making them have a bit more point in the game.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-13 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Actually doctor the space invaders thing was to illustrate how the q idea could be taken far to far. I could imagine a tactical game where a q presented challenges and quests rather the way q did to the enterprise crew in hide n q, however this could be taken in the wrong direction, and imho startrek and real time action would be very much that sort of wrong direction.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-13 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: the doctor

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

yeh, i guess youre right on that one. But at least there are 2 extremes.I was watching first contact today and realised that the borg should say something as part of the bonus level when it first loads/when you first come into sensor range with the collectives monstrocity of a ship.The Doctor.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-12 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: the doctor

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Yes Dark, youre right. Im not sure if this is related, but in a book called q-squared he had a relation called trelaine (I think thats how you spell it. He was a rather eccentric member of the q continuum, with a great liking for the dramatic and extravagant if I remember correctly. I think youd make a good trelaine after your many and various performances, as he wouldnt be a villain, just trying to help with consequences that even he cant control.And I actually have the book itself but never finished reading it. Maybe I should...The Doctor.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-12 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Well Ive not read many of the startrek novels, but I have indeed read Q Squared, indeed along with vendetta also by peter david that was one of my favourites, mostly because of the really awsome alternate realities, and because unlike some of the other trek novels Ive read, it wasnt overblown in plot or description and was actually a reasonable story with some new ideas, not just trying to redo what the series had already done but bigger and better. then again, david as I understand it was a much more experienced author and even worked a lot on babylon 5 than some other people who have written startrek novels.Actually other than with doctor who, this is why I try to avoid novels of startrek or starwars much as I enjoy both series and films, since they seem not to be written in the best style and often read a little too much like the worse examples of fan fiction,  heck this iseven true to an extent of do
 ctor who and is one reason I tend to stick with the audios, though at least with doctor who being far wider in its scope for different styles of stories authors dont have to have the next big invasion all the time.Getting back to to startrek, Trelane would be rather fun to play, I even have a distinct voice in mind, though the plot would need thinking about, because while I could imagine trelane grabbing a starship and to setting it to fight with another race for his own amusement, itd be likely older members of the Q would turn up and set things straight just as they did when Trelane played around with Kirk and the original eterprise.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-12 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: the doctor

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

right. Good idea. Actually we might need a member of the q continuum to help out with the help file for my little star trek simulator, but how would it be best to send you the information for that?actually, ill ask that question on my own topic, as i have a second idea, both of which should be considered before they go into the actual build.But yeh, I do love my star trek novels. Theyre great to read if youre really ill and have a lot of time on your hands.The first one I actually got was, on a related note to this topic: star trek: borg, actually an adaptation of a point and click pc game released by simon and shewster in 1996, featuring q! And that was well worth the interesting read. Well, not so much read, as abridged full cast narrated type thing. The Doctor.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-12 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

@joseph, I agree on the vidian, they were! an interesting race, they were understandable, even sympathetic, but at the same time completely ruthless in what they did, however again voyager just stopped using them fairly quickly in favour of mostly none entities. The Herojen though i never really saw as that interesting. They were bbig and mustly like the Klingons, they loved honourable combat and chases like the Klingons, heck you never really saw any of their culture but them murdering people, they just felt like an oooh we need an enemy race afterhtought rather than someone the writers actually put time into. The borg in voyager disappointed me, since I really liked them in next gen, they were just this mysterious unstoppable enemy, but in voyager they just felt far too everyday, all that alien quality they had, that completely different set of goals just went out the window in favour of far too many plots about 7 of 9. I do remember hearing that 
 the actress who played Janeway was something of a nazi feminist and since she was also directing a lot of the shows at that point didnt want any plots about male characters, which might explain why people like kim or paris never really got developement, indeed the only male character who really got anything interesting to do was occasionally the doctor. I also never got the 7 and chakotay thing either, that felt far more like oooh we need a romance and after 7 became close to the doctor it was just a bit tacked on, indeed while the maquis plot was realy interesting with the cardassian agent, chakotay just stopped really doing much after that it seemed, accept when the ship randomly ran across an indian cultural reference. To me the nano probe thing was all part of this decline in actual plot and over all quality, hence my deus ex nanomachina, and one reason why I felt voyager really went down hill after 7 came on board even though 7 herself was potentially a
 n interesting character. Btw, quite ironically I did enjoy voyager season 7. The paris belana thing went somewhere, indeed we got some interesting insites into belanas character, it just felt far more like the program was moving again and not just composed of yet another janeway saves the day with nanoprobes plot. Its a shame in a way since out of all the series of startrek, voyager imho had most potential, getting away from all those familiar romulans and klingons etc and out to discover new races, the real problem was that what we actually discovered just wasnt really anymore interesting than what had been left in the alpha quadrent .URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-12 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

@joseph, I agree on the vidian, they were! an interesting race, they were understandable, even sympathetic, but at the same time completely ruthless in what they did, however again voyager just stopped using them fairly quickly in favour of mostly none entities. The Herojen though i never really saw as that interesting. They were bbig and mustly like the Klingons, they loved honourable combat and chases like the Klingons, heck you never really saw any of their culture but them murdering people, they just felt like an oooh we need an enemy race afterhtought rather than someone the writers actually put time into. The borg in voyager disappointed me, since I really liked them in next gen, they were just this mysterious unstoppable enemy, but in voyager they just felt far too everyday, all that alien quality they had, that completely different set of goals just went out the window in favour of far too many plots about 7 of 9. I do remember hearing that 
 the actress who played Janeway was something of a nazi feminist and since she was also directing a lot of the shows at that point didnt want any plots about male characters, which might explain why people like kim or paris never really got developement, indeed the only male character who really got anything interesting to do was occasionally the doctor. I also never got the 7 and chakotay thing either, that felt far more like oooh we need a romance and after 7 became close to the doctor it was just a bit tacked on, indeed while the maquis plot was realy interesting with the cardassian agent, chakotay just stopped really doing much after that it seemed, accept when the ship randomly ran across an indian cultural reference. To me the nano probe thing was all part of this decline in actual plot and over all quality, hence my deus ex nanomachina, and one reason why I felt voyager really went down hill after 7 came on board even though 7 herself was potentially a
 n interesting character. Btw, quite ironically I did enjoy voyager season 7. The paris belana thing went somewhere, indeed we got some interesting insites into belanas character, it just felt far more like the program was moving again and not just composed of yet another janeway saves the day with nanoprobes plot. Its a shame in a way since out of all the series of startrek, voyager imho had most potential, getting away from all those familiar romulans and klingons etc and out to discover new races, the real problem was that what we actually discovered just wasnt really anymore interesting than what had been left in the alpha quadrent .Indeed, its something of an irony that during the alternative universe arc in the doctor who audios, the eighth doctor does much the same as voyager. Hes exiled to a completely different, timeless
  universe, and some of the things he finds there are just plane weerd! like an environment which is a giant test tube that accellerates evolution so that he winds up having to confront a composite creature formed of himself and his companion who have spent too long there, or an environment that exists in a timeless loop of events, endless rerunning a neuclear war, but only resets when everyone is dead.Its this quality, this level of alien ideas I wanted to see in voyager, but which unfortunately I ddidnt seem to get much of, well aside perhaps from the vordian and species 8752, and even they became a little familiar and comfortable after a while, just like the borg.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-12 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Joseph Westhouse

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

At tward: I know, setting a game in the Delta Quadrant wouldnt be a very practical option. Im just a Voyager fanboy, through and through, lolat Dark: I can, to an extent, see how you felt that way about the Kazon (who I was never that thrilled with, either). Im surprised by your take on the Hirojen as being the poor mans Klingons, though. I thought they had one of the more interesting and well-developed cultures. A nomadic culture completely built around hunting is completely different than that of the Klingons. Sure, they both have a very unique code of honor which they place high emphasis on, but that honor is pursued in very different ways. And, more importantly, the overall culture is incredibly different. I especially liked the way that the alpha in the episode where the Hirogen took over Voyager wrestled with how to create a future and cultural identity for a people who lead a nomadic existence, divided into small packs.I also think the 
 Vidians are an interesting race...their cultural fate is so terrible you can almost sympathize with them, but the way they sustain themselves is so horrific, you cant bring yourself to justify it.And yes, Species 8472 is the coolest ^_^I also got irritated by the nanoprobe obsession and overall Borginess of the latter seasons. Frankly, it was all part of the producers weird Seven of Nine fixation (ooh, shes sexy, we need to make every single episode about her so people will watch the show!!!) Though to be fair, both the threat reduction of the Borg, and the reason that nanoprobes are so useful for Voyager, doesnt seem too unreasonable to me. The Borg have never before been fought by an opponent with intimate knowledge of the Collective, such as Seven brings to the table. It makes sense that Voyager would do better than most. And frankly, I dont think there were many times that Voyager came into direct conflict with the Borg without the aid
  of something like technology from the future, least not without getting very nearly blown to tiny bits. As for the usefulness of nanoprobes, and the question, Why dont the Borg use them for all this cool stuff... Because they dont care. Most of what the Voyager crew (mainly the Doctor) use nanoprobes for are modifications of their uses by the Borg, but for more humanitarian purposes. The Borg arent really interested in being humanitarians. They see nanoprobes as an efficient means of assimilation - which they are. As for why the Borg dont rule the galaxy...I dont know that the question goes away if you dont have the miracles of nanoprobe science revealed in Voyager. I think every single encounter weve ever had with the Borg should leave us asking that question...URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-12 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: the doctor

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

All I wish to say is that im still trying to beat the collective once again, but probably going to be here for a while.The Doctor.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-12 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Im still surprised your having trouble since really they never caused me problems. All I did was group all my ships around one starbase and wait for the borg to come, then unload with everything at them at once! usually they will tractor one ship, but cant hold out to all four of the others and the starbase hammering them with photon torpedos,  indeed if your lucky you will lose only one ship, and if your really1 lucky you can take them out without losing any ships at all, though this depends upon having a goot position of your ships at the start of the game.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-12 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: tward

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Hi all,I see I am behind on posts so Ill answer them in order as I see them.@Dark, yeah, I dont often use phasers either as they arent really that effective in combat. About the only time I engage enemies with phasers is when their shields are down or very low or I am simply out of torpedoes to throw at the enemy ships.Regarding planets you are absolutely right. There are usually some sort of military installations there that can be targets such as factories to build the ship hulls, factories to build the computer components for the ships, etc. A more tactical game would involve destroying such factories to slow down repairs and halt ship production which would be interesting if I wanted to go that far.As far as a single ship game verses a strategy game like STFC I also agree. I wanted to do that originally, but didnt have enough skill with C# .NET and DirectX at the time to do it. Of course, things are different and thanks
  to the fact I have designed an engine in C++ with a lot of the basic functions in place it would not be all that complicated now. However, I really would like a Lone Wolf style Trek game myself.@Doctor, that would certainly be amusing, but to be honest Q would be two powerful a being for that type of game. Besides there are more than one Q out there and it wouldnt necessarily have to be the Q we know from TNG, DS9, and Voyager. In fact, it would be more fun if our ship and crew encountered a different member of that alien race.@Locutus, actually its not difficult in terms of ship sounds. I could use the bridge ambiance for the ship sound, or I could over lay the hum and thrum of the sound of the impulse and warp engines as they are engaged. If you pay close attention to the background ambiance in TNG and Voyager you can hear what the ship sounds like as it is cruising through space when people are in the hallways and corridors which would make a good general amb
 iance sound.@Dark, there are actually a number of different Q that have shown up in the series. They never said what happened to that female Q in True Q who left to go with the Q Continuum at the end of the show. It would be kind of cool to see what happened to her after that episode. Since she saved the Enterprise in that show it would stand to reason that she would be more or less an Ali to the Federation rather than a pest like the Q we all know and love.@Doctor, I never liked Trelanes character. I didnt like him in the classic TV series, and I think his character only got worse in Q Squared. Besides you have missed the ending of the book because Captain Picard killed Trelane with Qs help. He had to in order reset the multiverse back to normal.@Dark, I agree Peter David is one of the better Star Trek writers. For one thing he works for DC Comics and writes for the Star Trek comics, and as a fan of the original series he came up with some uni
 que plots that managed to revisit storylines that were left hanging in the Classic Series like the origins of the Doomsday Machines, what happened to Trelane after the series ended, and a few other topics that were unique and were not just another piece of fan fiction. Plus Peter Davids books often have some light humor in them here and there.I love the part in Vendetta where the Borg are like cutting up this planet and along comes Delcara in this super Doomsday Machine, and they give her the typical surrender resistance is futile line. Delcara says something like, see you in hell you cosmic bastards! Then, blows the Borg cube apart with one shot. It was fricking hilarious.However, I think the funniest thing in that book is when that stupid Ferengi commander beamed over to a Borg cube to conduct trade with the Borg and see if he could cut a deal with them. That entire one-way conversation is absolutely hilarious. I dont remember it line for line
 , but I love it when he says, you only talked about what you want. What about what I want? Then, the Borg replies, you are irrelevant. I think I laughed for a solid minute after that one.Peter Davids books frequently have such light humor intermixed into the stories that makes them more than just another Star Trek book. They have a little more depth and character that makes them something Id like to read more than once. Although, Q Squared isnt one of my favorites. That book is too, well, warped when you come down to it.As far as Star Trek books in general I probably have read at least 300 books, some good, and some bad, but over all I think the majority of them were fairly decent. Most of my favorites were the Next Generation books as they really had a good selection of books and authors. Some of my favorites include Dark Mirror, The Reunion, Captains Honor, the Devils Heart, and probably a handful of others I am f
 orgetting right now.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-12 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Locutus

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

I used to absolutely adore Peter Davids way of Star Trek back in the day... But then I got to reading his New Frontier series, which, while it was quite unique, began to stray increasingly more away from the Star Trek style and more into the Star Wars style, which I personally could never get into, try as I might. Not to mention all of the characters in that series were just a little over the top quirky, and the fact is, even when he writes for the canon series the characters are rather more edgy and synical than youd see them in the shows. That being said, my two all-time favorite sets of Star Trek books are probably the Millennium trilogy (DS9), and the Destiny trilogy (Titan). Intense stuff.Anyways, getting back to the game... I do agree, conventional phasers are rather useless unless the enemys shields are down. I must say though, I generally cant resist firing Defiants phaser canon whenever I get the chance. That little ships capacit
 y for causing mayhem is just glorious to behold, and the phaser canon alone can wreak plenty of distruction! Tom, have you ever played STFC with my latest mod? (Asuming you approve of my making it in the first place)... I admit the drawn-out weapon firing sequences can get annoying very quickly, but listening to the phaser canon sequence is, if I may say so, just fun.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-12 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Sebby

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Dark Mirror! God, that was excellent. I looked for it again on Audible (I lost my copy) but cant find the dramatisation, which was one of the better abridged renditions, also read by John de Lancie.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-11 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: the doctor

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Brilliant ideas dark! And you could possibly get voice actors in to portray the different races etc, but the big question for that would be finding someone for the computer...But love your concepts, definitely!The Doctor.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-11 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: tward

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

@Locutus, as Dark said single player doesnt mean single person operating the ship. It would probably be more Bridge Commander style where you give orders via the keyboard to increase warp speed, raise shields, fire photon torpedoes, but you can assume the helm or tactical officer caries out your orders. So I really dont get your reasoning for a fighter or shuttlecraft as I see the Star Trek game being controlled more or less the same way you control the submarine in Lone Wolf. Neither game assumes the person commanding the ship is the only one on board.@Dark, actually phasers and photons are not equal in STFC. Phasers dont do maximum damage at maximum range where photons do. Plus phasers dont have the same range as photons and quantums. For example, in the Star Trek Technical Guide phasers have a maximum range of 300,000 KM where photon torpedoes have a maximum range of 350,000 KM. Slightly more range than the phasers. So if I extended the range for 
 the phasers as you suggest that would be in violation of the Star Trek Technical Manual. Anyway, I do take your point about specifically targeted attacks. It would be kind of nice to be able to aim for the bridge, warp engines, torpedo launchers, etc as that would drastically change the kinds of battles you could have. If two enemy ships gangs up on one of your Federation ships rather than trying to kill one or both of them you might aim to damage their sensors or weapons, and slip away while they are trying to make repairs. Neat idea.As for solar systems,planets, stars, etc Ive thought about that. thats actually on the to do list for 2.0 because as you say space seems pretty empty in STFC 1.x. Having nebulas to hide in, asteroid fields to avoid, and enemy planets to destroy gives you more than just the enemy ships to attack. Not that the Fe
 deration goes in for destroying enemy planets, but it would be cool if that were an option for the more blood thirsty commander. Hehehe!@Joseph, well, I was thinking more of setting the Star Trek game in the TNG time period and universe, but do admit a Voyager game could also be cool too. There are the Kazon, Borg, Swarm, and Herogen, for starts. The only problem is while I have loads of effects for the Alpha Quadrant races like Federation, Klingons, Romulans, Ferengi, etc but almost nothing for the races shown in Voyager such as the Kazon, Herogen, and Swarm. Thats a bit of a problem as a game developer. So for the moment it really needs to be set in the Alpha Quadrant unless I pit poor little voyager against the Borg. LOL!URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-11 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: the doctor

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

one person you must have in such a game for the sheer laugh of it is q. Wouldnt you just love to see him in the intro? Wonder if with enough persuasion Mr. Delanci (I think thats how you spell his surname) might be willing to commit to a project for helping the blind? Maybe? who knows. Or should i say, q knows. But yeh, species 8472 would be fun - what were they in the end? Did we ever find out?@darkyou seem to be the one to ask, but is it possible to get star trek dvds audio described, as I would like to brush up on my knowledge etc. Slightly off topic but oh well.Also, while were on the subject of star trek and all good things to do with that, how many of you have tried star trek: ship command? its just a little windows program im working on for fun, and its going well so far. Loc
 utus, after all, gave me the background I used for the bridge, and I am hoping we could get a little community going for modifications to it.@tomSTFC is such a good game already - just in the concept. But I also do love the idea of a star trek single-player/single ship game. You could even potentailly have online multiplayer modes in the future... Now that would be something!Live Long, and Prosper!The Doctor.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-11 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Hi tom. Fair on phasers and torpedos, however I noticed myself that in the game I barely used phasers at all, indeed I only did when running out of torpedos, . That is why some differentiation in the weapons and how theyre used would be nice, which was my point. Regarding attacking planets, well planet doesnt actually mean bombing civilian homes, after all there are plenty of enimy installations on various planets the federation could take out, outposts, spying devices etc, indeed watching tng it seems a lot of the conflicts with the romulans are about such basis. Adding space debris and changing the effects of weapons though would be nice, indeed there is a fair amount you could do to game mechanics quite simply just to make the game have more to it.I think personally id enjoy a single ship game more than a stratogy up
 grade, just because I like the diea of the detailed control and mission story, and being able to actually make decisions about the crew. You could also have the advantage then of creating your own vessel and getting the crew voice acted. For example you could be the Uss Endeavour, a ship of the same class as voyager around at roughly the same time, carrying out missions against the maquis and cardassians,  and later the gemhadar. Much as I enjoyed the principle of voyager, to be honest I was mostly quite disappointed with the races. The kazon, the herojen, they both seemed basically poor mans Klingons to me, just more warrior races. The kazon did look like getting a little more interesting when voyager allied itself with the trabe (I think I have the name right), and one of voyagers crew turned out to be a cardassian agent, however as with a lot in voyager that plot just got instantly resolved a little too quickly where as Id have li
 ked it to carry on. Same goes for other races, indeed the only race in voyager I really saw as interesting were the borg and species 8572, and even the borg got a bit ruined by being over used and bought down in threat level,  also if so many problems can be solved with those blasted nano probes why dont the borg rule the universe! Sorry, but I just got really sick of every single plot from series 4 onwards being solved with deus ex nano machina! :d.Actually thinking about it, making your own sngle player game might be a point to set the reccord straight, have a starship catapulted into another quadrent (weve never seen the beta quadrent have we?), and then have some actually interesting! races show up .URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-11 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Locutus

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Tom and Dark, my apologies. I realized the silliness of what I said soon after posting, but then got distracted by other things and never fixed it. I guess what I was trying to say is, I can imagine a submarine moving through the ocean, with you being able to constantly hear the engine and water and whatnot, but Im having a harder time imagining the same for a starship, since Im used to the shows only doing occasional engine flybies as it cuts to the exterior of a ship traveling. Then again, the same would be true for a fighter so... Just forget what I said earlier. Im quite liking the ideas to improve the existing STFC game though. Speaking of which, I never quite got over my desire to have multiple bridge backgrounds... But thats another story.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-11 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Well I dont pretend to be a startrek expert. Ill admit to being something of an obsessive fan of Doctor who and the works of jrr tolkien, (dont get me started on what steven mophat has done to doctor who), but Ill admit with startrek my interest is more casual. I enjoy watching it, have seen most of the original series plus the films, and own all of next gen, ds9, and voyager (the other series arent really things id want to own), but that is about as far as it goes, I dont really have any desire to look into how starship work or learn Klingon . Regarding Q, I doubt itd be possible to get a big actor like John delancy to star in an audio game, not without lots of money, but there are alternatives. For example, I remember a plot in voyager where q had a son, why not play a grown up version of him? takingafter
 bsp; his father and causing havoc for starfleet? Indeed, if you wanted to go with the beta quadrent plot, Q jr could be catapulting a starship into the depths of space to give humanity experience of another new and deadly race, as Q did with the borg.Now there! is a part Id like to play, that would be awsome! .URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-10 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Joseph Westhouse

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Sheesh, you people always thinking you can defeat the Borg. What part of resistance is futile dont you understand? :-PURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-10 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

I must admit the borg always disappointed me, indeed much of the gameplay with the both startrek game was a little disappointing, since only the defiant and its cloaking device could actually shoot the enemy without being shot itself, and therefore tactics basically meant in order to win you just stuck all your forces together and waited for the enimy to come to you, let them blast up one of your ships while you all targited theres. I know in stfc tom tried to fix this a little by having the romulans usually need to be found, but by the time you got to them you had more ships and could basically just repeat stratogy in the romulan secotr. Heck, often Id just send one or two starships into romulan space, wait for the romulans to attack and hit self destruct . The borg are now different, just hang out by a star base and pound awa
 way with photon torpedos. As Im just rewartching next gen at the moment, and saw how devastating just one! borg cube was, this strikes me as a little random. I hope more tactical gameplay will be included in another version, indeed myself Id like to see a startrek similar to lone wolf, where you just controlled one starship, but in intensive detail, and had to go on solo missions, encountering hostile aliens, space anomalies and all the other stuff that the enterprise, voyager etc encountered.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-10 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: tward

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

@Dark, well, I certainly want to add more strategic combat situations in STFC, but there is only so much one can do in that type of game. Although, I am open to suggestions as that is one game I really want to upgrade and improve upon.As for a Lone Wolf type of Star Trek game where you command just one ship like the Enterprise thats on my very long todo list. In fact, it was what I was planning on writing after STFC, but then I got tangled up in developing Montezumas Revenge, Raceway, etc and the Star Trek game I was going to write never got done. Although, I did write a very early Alpha where I flew the Enterprise around shooting up Romulans, Klingons, Cardassians, etc. Definitely was loads of fun.@Doctor, modding Lone Wolf really wouldnt do it for me. Sure, you could in theory mod the sounds, write custom missions, etc but it would only be a hack at best. There are too many things that just wouldnt apply. For instance, having to surface to f
 ire the deck gun. Thats fine for a World War II submarine, but not for a Starship. Things like that would just detract from the game play for me. However, as I told Dark above I do have plans eventually to write a Star Trek simulation like Lone Wolf but designed for a starship not a submarine.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-10 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Trenton Goldshark

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Well, using Internet explorer at least, the USA Games site comes up...How strange!Playing STFC later on.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-10 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Locutus

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Ah, a single-ship Star Trek game... That would be glorious indeed! Though unless you did it Bridge Commander-style, I cant really see it working too well, since a starship really is too large to be controlled by one person. Perhaps you could be in command of a one-man fighter, maybe an experimental fighter shuttle based on the Defiant, equipped with a cloak, a phaser canon, and a limited number of micro-photons and quantum torpedos. That would make the game the perfect platform for first-person missions.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-10 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

@locutus, single player doesnt mean single person in command, after all in the second world war there was no way one person could operate a sub on their own either :d.Regarding a single player lw modthe game would need much more modification than just the sounds, for instance even in navigation, in space ships could literally move in any of 360 degrees either side to side or up and down, where as in lw your vertical movement was rather limited. This makes sense in the sea, but wouldnt in space. @Tom, regarding tactics I disagree, there is a lot you could do to an stfc style game to increase the tactics. For a start, at the moment both weapons, phasers and torpedos are pretty much equal, yet if you altered range and damage you could alter tactics. Perhaps for instance phasers had a longer ranger, and did less damage, but could be used to incapacitate a ships systems by targiting engines or weapons. At the moment you al
 so have the ability to attack ships as soon as theyre in sensor range,  which obviously from the series isnt the case, and if you could determine ship positions before! firing it could allow for far more tactical play, indeed the only ships who really should! be able to hit first are the romulans or the defiant with their cloaking devices. Also, at the moment space is pretty empty, no stars, no planets, no weerd anomalies. Having actual star systems or gas clouds with different pennitration to sensors would make things a lot more interesting, as would adding mechanics like asteroid belts where you had a greater chance of missing your targit, indeed, some miss or evasion mechanics would be nice generally. On the map front, itd also be interesting to actually see different map objects and sectors, different star systems put together with different effects rather like toc has but for space.Finally, obviously starfleet arent r
 eally a shoot first, ask questions later sort of bunch, so the ability to ally with one other faction could be nice. Say for instance when you start the game, you have no allies, but when you encounter another ship you could put out a hale requesting alliance with a chance of being attacked. If they agreed, yo9u could then fly to one of their home planets for peace talks and after then theyd be your ally,  at least for a while. This could all be done with basic percentage rolls, adding in ratial modifyers, but would add a lot to the game and make it feel much more like actual startrek,  eg, you could actually fly! to romulus for peace talks, be attacked by the klingons and then have the romulans turn on you both, but have the klingons propose an alliance instead.After all the smugglers games are pretty conlcusive proof that it only takes a couple of internal factors in a program based on what is happening to setup a faction 
 system, and such systems have been great. Just some ideas and points.URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-09 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: the doctor

Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Hi everyone,I was just wondering, what with my star trek interest of late, if anyone has managed to beat the borg cube in star trek final conflict or, come to think of it, the doomsday machine in trek 2000?If so, what would you suggest is the best strategy?The Doctor.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-09 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Victorious

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Just have all ships docked at 1 starbase and blast away. If you let it attack, a bug in the game makes it hang.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-09 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Locutus

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

My thoughts exactly. Get all your ships to one of the starbases. All except the Defiant, which should remain under cloak nearby for safety reasons. Then let your armada blast away, including the station. With all those phasers, photons and quantums firing, it should blasted to bits in a move or two. Alternatively, move the Defiant out of range, and have all your other units chain-self-destruct right against the cube. The results are usually...quite interesting.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-09 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: tward

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

@Doctor, yes, I have beaten both the Borg and the Doomsday machine many times. Unfortunately, there is a bug in STFC 1.2 that makes beating the game almost impossible do to the game hanging/crashing, but I use to beat the Borg quite frequently before that bug popped up in the game.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-09 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: crashmaster

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Hi doctor.when this happened I was able to fix it.the game is missing several critical sound the either system or speech folder.anyway the zip for these is at … 20xtra.zipthe game is supposed to be rewritten but I dont hold much out about that being released any time soon since its not been mentioned lately in the usagames project lists so it must be the bottem thing on the pile of stuff tom has to do.also in that version the romulan wav is named wrongly I forget which wav is named wrongly but you can easily fix that.well when this is rewritten we will probably be using sapi instead of the recorded sounds so we probably wont see the issues though I have always liked live recordings I can see why you would use sapi.its smaller for starts anywayURL:
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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-09 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: john

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

The borg no, but I have beaten doomsday a lot. The solution is to just pound it over and over with photons (preferably from a starbase) until it dies. Id recommend using multiple salvos per turn (use the command line for this and launch 2 at a time or something), as it gives you a much higher chance of damaging parts of it, and thus killing it quicker. Doomsday has from about 40-70k shields, though I really dont remember beyond that.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-09 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: the doctor

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

nearly managed it, but the collective were being very annoying, as usual. But it is meant to be hard.Will let you know if i try again.The Doctor.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-09 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: tward

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

@Trenton, what do you mean the USA Games site is down. I just went tohttp://www.usagamesinteractive.comand everything was working fine. Did you go to the new site or the old website?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-09 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Trenton Goldshark

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Yep? Chrome says its not there, Firefox says its not there, Seamonkey says its not there...Like its totally disappeared.Havent tried it with Explorer yet.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-09 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Trenton Goldshark

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Yep? Chrome says its not there, Firefox says its not there, Seamonkey says its not there...Like its totally disappeared.Havent tried it with Explorer yet.Update!Did a google search for the URL, and it took me to it. So, I have no idea!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-09 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Trenton Goldshark

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Yep? Chrome says its not there, Firefox says its not there, Seamonkey says its not there...Like its totally disappeared.Havent tried it with Explorer yet.Update!Did a google search for the URL, and it took me to it. So, I have no idea!Update!Never mind, spoke too soon...ISP blocking it?Nah, that cant be right.Google gave me product and contact links.Blank. Not found. Nothing.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-09 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Trenton Goldshark

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

Just me it says.No idea then...Hmm.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

2013-09-09 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Sebby

Re: Anyone ever beat the borg in STFC?

So you can reach that page, click the link to USA Games, and nothing happens?URL:

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