Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create some games with adventure game engine by ian reed

2014-03-13 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: kamochek

Re: i want to create some games with adventure game engine by ian reed

hi!i have another idea: create a game about my life playing in the game as me, and you must to pass the things which ive passed.for example: you are in a hospytal as me, and you have to pass a surgery in that game.ive passed many of them, so in the game you have to pass the same thing.but where you are in the opperating room, you for example will need to pass a part of the game kill the woman which want to put an anasthetia on you and the doctors which want to make the surgery.but remember, you playing in the game as me, and im jacob.kamochek is a name in the fourum, but jacob is the origenal name.did you understand what i talking about?kamochek.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create some games with adventure game engine by ian reed

2014-03-13 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: kamochek

Re: i want to create some games with adventure game engine by ian reed

i have another game idea:you are a good virus, which exploring a body of a sick man.your goal of the gmae is to kill the bad virus which because of it the man is sick, and when youll kill all the viruses, you saving the mans life.what do you think?kamochek.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create some games with adventure game engine by ian reed

2014-03-13 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: pelantas

Re: i want to create some games with adventure game engine by ian reed

hi[[wow]] hold on kamochek. when youre starting in programming you shouldnt start with such large projects. ideas are fine, but theyre still ideas. when you want to start coding things for yourself you should start with small skills within bgt for example ... i started with simple blocks provided by the manual. such as alert boxes, simple math formulas and using that within a alert statement. after that i discovered sapi and started experimenting with that. i layed down the code practicing various times, but started again when i overthought the logic very good. when i started again i discovered that i was able to write more advanced code than i could before.thats just a small grab from my way of practicing code. i wont say that it will go the same for you. but what i want to say is taht you should think about your projects. in every language, start with small projects and not with such a project with a good virus 
 and eliminating the bad oness.youre just at the start of your route of practicing code. and you should take this route with great care. dont rush to hastely through it or it will fail for sure.greetz mikeURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create some games with adventure game engine by ian reed

2014-03-13 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: nina0116

Re: i want to create some games with adventure game engine by ian reed

hi. pelantas is right. I may have converted the game shadowgate to audio so everyone could play it, but it took months just to get the simplest things working. Adamantly the adventure game engine was changing at the same time, but it was still hard. Start small, like 3 or 4 rooms and some objects. Then try adding in scripts in the objects or rooms to change the behavior of the game. Then expand on your idea until you reach your goal. Oh and by the way the only reason I was able to adapt the game shadowgate is because the game is not available for sale anymore.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create some games with adventure game engine by ian reed

2014-03-12 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Guitarman

Re: i want to create some games with adventure game engine by ian reed

Kamochek, the point is its okay to remake games that companies have made like bavisofts games or a game that was made for sighted people. But since the inquisitor is basically a brand new game that is still being worked on you shouldnt just try to remake it. Thats like saying to a developer, Your game is not good enough for me so Im going to remake it.Just imagine if you were a developer of games and somebody just remade a game that you worked very hard on. Wouldnt that bother you? I know it would bother me a lot. Besides I think you would find it a lot more rewarding and fun if you made a great game using your own ideas. If you decide to make a copy of inquisitor I wont stop you Im just warning you it could get you into trouble.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create some games with adventure game engine by ian reed

2014-03-12 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: kamochek

Re: i want to create some games with adventure game engine by ian reed

hi guitarman.cant i make it for myself, for fun, but not upload it on the fourum, or in other places?but maybe ill think about something els:but please give me an ideas.maybe ill make chillingham part 2?kamochek.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create some games with adventure game engine by ian reed

2014-03-12 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: kamochek

Re: i want to create some games with adventure game engine by ian reed

hi.and i have another idea:take some books and make a game on them.i want to make a game which will be based on the books by kirill or kir bulychev.he wrote a books about alisa selezneva, which living in the end of the 21st sentury.he wrote many books about her adventures, she travled back through time to many periods, she flew to many planets, and finally fought with a space pirates.there is one book of alisas adventures chich cold million of i think to create a game which will be based on this book, and i want to include all the adventures which been in that book.kamochek.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create some games with adventure game engine by ian reed

2014-03-12 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: tward

Re: i want to create some games with adventure game engine by ian reed

kamochek, I understand you are young and inexperienced when it comes to coming up with your own ideas, but here is the problem with what you are proposing. Any time you use someone elses work be it another game, a book, a movie that is called plagiarism and in most countries in the world that is a crime. Now, of course, if you make a game based on that book, movie, or game and keep it for yourself they cant do anything to you because they dont know about it. However, if you put it on the internet, try to sell it, etc then you could get in some very serious trouble. Im only saying this to say if you are interested in making games you should try and come up with your own ideas, create something original, rather than using someone elses work be it a book or recreating an existing game. In the end I think you will be happier with the end result, and there is no risk of getting in trouble for copyright infringement.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create some games with adventure game engine by ian reed

2014-03-12 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Guitarman

Re: i want to create some games with adventure game engine by ian reed

Hi Kamochek.Of course you can make a copy of a game like that for yourself but if you already have a game like inquisitor do you really need to make a copy of it? Thats putting in a lot of time and hard work for something that you already have. If you make practice games thats cool it will help you get better skills. Ive never heard of the books you are talking about but if you want to make a game based on the books thats fine. I would write different names for the locations and characters. If you want some ideas you could do something like a zombie appocalypse game or something like an rpg adventure game. Im sure you could think of something pretty awesome. Hth.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create some games with adventure game engine by ian reed

2014-03-11 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Guitarman

Re: i want to create some games with adventure game engine by ian reed

Hold on Kamochek. You cant just remake another persons game. The inquisitor is a commercial game and Im sure they wont want you recreating there own game. You should just create games using your own ideas. As for writing an adventure its pretty easy just read the manual.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create some games with adventure game engine by ian reed

2014-03-11 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: kamochek

Re: i want to create some games with adventure game engine by ian reed

hi guitarman.but, ian reed remade the chillingham benings and nina116 or something like that made a version of shadowgate.but shadowgate wasnt created by him, but by some company which made adventure games for sigted people.kamochek.URL:

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