Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

2020-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

@AlexN94 I wouldn't have known that your primary language was not English if you had not made mention of it.


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Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

2020-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

AlexN94 wrote:I have to say, Alter helped me improve my English skills a lot. Text based games in general, but Alter in particular. So recommending it to friends who aren't the best at English could still work. They could still have a lot of fun, and it might even help them get better at another language I totally agree. But my friend is having reading difficulty as well, meaning it takes five times longer to read text for him than normal reading speed.


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Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

2020-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : AlexN94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

I have to say, Alter helped me improve my English skills a lot. Text based games in general, but Alter in particular. So recommending it to friends who aren't the best at English could still work. They could still have a lot of fun, and it might even help them get better at another language 


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Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

2020-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : walker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

I used to play Alter with tellnet, and the only real game spasific advantage that I have found with Alter, part from the ambiance, is the autosoulsteel.I meen, there are triggers like Eqset, but there not combat related, so I don't count them because unless you need to swap equipment fast, that would not provide much of an advantage, apart from mabie ease of access. That's just me though.Also, pictureing sighted people with blindfolds playing MushZ, laughing my head off...


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Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

2020-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : gisco_tn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

@Jayde There's been conflicts both ways regarding clients. Mush-z users refusing to group with sighted players over lack of auto-climb was the reason I killed parsing climb and made it passive like swimming, and conflicts with soulsteal triggers prompted Shadowfax to alter how soulsteal works. These sort of issues are fairly petty, honestly, and can often be resolved to put folks on parity.  In the end, I think sighted folks who complain about Mush-z "advantages" need to open up a copy of it, blindfold themselves and try to play.@SLG Alter Aeon is a great way to learn English! We have plenty of ESL players on the game, send your buddy in.I'd like to issue an open invitation for players to approach me (Draak) with quality of life issues. While not everything is feasible to implement in the game's code, server-side solutions are often less brittle than client-side ones, and can benefit all players, sometimes in unexpected ways.While we don't have any recent official videos with the dclient sounds, players have made a few! A few links with descriptions from Youtube are below.This first one is short, a bit shy of 13 minutes, and has no narration, just raw audio and bit of dead air unfortunately. Could use some music, no? … jFZEHDa2e8This half-hour long video is narrated extensively by a player with limited vision, who uses magnification to read the dclient's output. She added her own music to the video. silly video was made years ago by Shadowfax using the dclient sounds to beatbox. player Gerugon made a whole playlist of videos featuring Alter Aeon. The dclient can be heard sparingly throughout. He narrates it in German. Like a LOT of narration. But his voice is actually kind of gorgeous.


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Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

2020-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

@gisco_tn: Thanks a lot. That was extremely helpful.


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Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

2020-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : gisco_tn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

@Jayde There's been conflicts both way regarding clients. Mush-z users refusing to group with sighted players over lack of auto-climb was the reason I killed parsing climb and made it passive like swimming, and conflicts with soulsteal triggers prompted Shadowfax to alter how soulsteal works. These sort of issues are fairly petty, honestly, and can often be resolved to put folks on parity.  In the end, I think sighted folks who complain about Mush-z "advantages" need to open up a copy of it, blindfold themselves and try to play.@SLG Alter Aeon is a great way to learn English! We have plenty of ESL players on the game, send your buddy in.I'd like to issue an open invitation for players to approach me (Draak) with quality of life issues. While not everything is feasible to implement in the game's code, server-side solutions are often less brittle than client-side ones, and can benefit all players, sometimes in unexpected ways.While we don't have any recent official videos with the dclient sounds, players have made a few! A few links with descriptions from Youtube are below.This first one is short, a bit shy of 13 minutes, and has no narration, just raw audio and bit of dead air unfortunately. Could use some music, no? … jFZEHDa2e8This half-hour long video is narrated extensively by a player with limited vision, who uses magnification to read the dclient's output. She added her own music to the video. silly video was made years ago by Shadowfax using the dclient sounds to beatbox. player Gerugon made a whole playlist of videos featuring the Alter Aeon. The dclient can be heard sparingly throughout. He narrates it in German. Like a LOT of narration. But his voice is actually kind of gorgeous.


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Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

2020-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

This means the dclient gives a ton of potential info at a glance. I've occasionally heard sighted players bitch that MushZ gives blind players an advantage. But see, here's the thing. For all its triggers and shortcuts and whatnot, we will never match the ability of the naked eye to parse a crapton of info in one glance. I can't parse weather, HP, terrain, quest status and group stats all at once. I am pretty quick, but I'm not -that quick.And to me, that's well and good. I'm just glad I don't hear people howling about MushZ too much anymore. But for everything MushZ nerfs (it's had a few), just bear that in mind. Playing in raw text would be brutal. Playing with sounds and a whole pile of easy-to-access triggers is definitely doable. I hope nothing else is done to further gimp MushZ.


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Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

2020-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

@gisco_tn: Thanks lots for the great explanation in post 13.I have thought about showing the game to a friend of mine who is not really good at english and is having difficulty on reading as well. I don't think it is a game for him because of all the text you have to read. But maybe he would be good in groups, I'm not sure.Regarding all the sounds in the game: Wow. Are there any gameplays on Youtube where we can hear some of it? There might be more sounds in Mush Z.


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Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

2020-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

Indeed; was rather impressed by @13.  That'll be far too much for me to remember, so I to shall both save a copy of this post and or redirect sighted people to it.


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Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

2020-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : smoothgunner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

gisco that was a damn good break down lolI told some sighted people about this game and they asked the same thing, so I will just have them read your explanation lol


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Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

2020-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : walker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

What type of hirelings would you be able to get, as is planned now, and what are their costs?It would be nice to have a totally non-equipment reliant, sort of, class. Would make things interesting, at any rate.


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Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

2020-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : gisco_tn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

That's an excellent question, Nocturnus.  There are no pictures of mobs, rooms, objects or anything you might find in the game. Let's break down the visual features:There's a main text window, where you see the game's output. This is typically the largest screen.There's is a much smaller text input beneath the text window.These two are the bare bones you can have active. Additional information can be displayed by using the menus:Certain in-game events can trigger brief flashes of colors, including spells failing or being cast, or large amounts of damage being taken. This can be toggled on or off.A graphical map that uses lightly textured colored tiles to represent terrain types and a few basic icons to represent places such as waypoints and seaports. The map can be placed in different locations on the screen, or un-docked as a separate window. This window can scale, I've even run it on a secondary monitor, scaled up to fill the whole screen. The map also features clickable direction buttons when you place a cursor over it.Labeled buttons below the main text input that activate function key aliases.Hint buttons that can be displayed on either side of the main text interface. These are a basic things like look and recall, and can also include direction buttons.Popup buttons beneath the main text input. These activate small moveable windows that can display stats, equipment, spells, inventory and quests.Group status bars for showing hitpoints, mana and movement of groupmates, which are generally beneath by the map if it is not undocked.A tabbed channel window that shows channel outputs separate from the main text output. The tabs are for different channels you have active.Status bars above the main text input. These colored bars show hitpoints, mana, movement, experience points and enemy health.A sky bar beneath he main text output. This includes a small display of a sun or moon moving across the day or night sky, respectively, giving you an idea of the time of day. It also includes small icons indicating whether you armed and hands spells such as shocking grasp currently active, a numeric game time output, and a latency indicator (server ping time) in milliseconds.In addition to the graphical features, the client plays MSP sounds, of which have nearly 1600.This is a pretty rough idea of what the dclient offers, as it can be customized quite a bit with various elements in various positions and with any font size and type.  We want to move the sky bar to the top and build weather and temperature indicators into it, and expand the status bar so that it shows stats and saving throws in a more inline manner, as well as adding music.


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Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

2020-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

Out of curiosity, what kind of graphics can one expect to get out of the traditional client?  For instance, is there pictures of the various things you fight against?  Ogres?  Orcs?  Dragons?  I only ask because I've refered to it before when discussing this title with sighted people and they have asked me to what extent the graphics actually go.  We say graphical interface and so I gather that there's probably icons for buttons that do various things and what not, but I obviously don't know, as I'm blind.


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Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

2020-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : gisco_tn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

The dclient is Alter Aeon's official client for sighted players, with a graphical map, buttons, sounds and more. Mush-Z is a player-created and curated client used by VI players, a labor of love maintained by the community and supported by the game.


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Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

2020-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Loxias via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

The DClient is what most sighted players use to play. It isn't blind accessible, which is why we have Mush-Z and a few other client options instead.


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Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

2020-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pmartin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

i'm liking the sounds of what's written here, but do have one question though: What's this DClient thing mentioned above slated for getting some music and interface changes?


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Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

2020-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : smoothgunner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

was playing this earlier, this game really gives you the feeling that you are playing a main stream rpg/adventure game, its damn good


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Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

2020-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bryant via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

Wait, does this mean there will be two new levels this year? That is cool, but also off schedule. Usually two levels don’t come out within the space of the year.


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Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

2020-01-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Shadowfax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update


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Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

2020-01-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : smoothgunner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

hmmm ok sounds good, can you provide a link to the game and the sound pack, I would appreciate it


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Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

2020-01-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Shadowfax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

@2 Your character doesn't have to know any demon skills.  If you aren't a primary necromancer you can play just fine without them.


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Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

2020-01-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : starlord2017 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

the reason I left alteraeon is because players were assholes and playing was tragic and stupid. maybe the blind population grew up since then.


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Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

2020-01-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : smoothgunner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

question, do you have to teach your character demon skills at some point in the game? the game is great, but that is what made me break away from it years ago was the religious aspect, is there a class where you can learn different types of skills other than dealing with demons


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Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

2020-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Shadowfax via Audiogames-reflector


Alter Aeon January 2020 Update

This January marks the 25th anniversary of when the game went live to the public, guided by a handful of college students in Fairbanks, Alaska. It has been our pleasure to entertain you all these years. We have come a long way, and we hope to go even further!In honor of this momentous occasion, we will be orchestrating an event to celebrate. This event will consist of a special area with intent to bring a role-playing experience with several possible outcomes. It will be appropriate for players of all levels. The event is set begin on Friday, January 17th and end on Wednesday, January 22nd for the time being, although those dates are not set in stone.Last month we developed functional automatic fishing derbies, which are held at random times every Friday, except during events. It was also arranged that the bragging and showing of equipment now works for all equipment types, including consumables.The 'demon lore' skill is now critical, and the 'demonic tutor' skill has 'demon lore' as the sole prerequisite. This fixes our final exigency conflict, where an important or critical ability had an ability of lesser exigency as a prerequisite. As a special bonus, if you know both 'demon lore' and 'corpsecutter', you now have a chance to get special spellcomps when harvesting from the corpses of demons and angels.Here is a preview of feature additions to the game we plan for next year:-    Add music to the dclient and improve the interface to better reflect the player's current status.-    Have certain shopkeepers offer simple services such as tailoring or improving weapons. This is not planned to be widespread or extensive.-    Add the final planned crafting skills.-    Create at least one more bonus class for events, such as Monk or Paladin.-    Add social reactions from animals and sentient humanoids.-    Implement the 'hunting' skill, which will likely be incorporated as an action-based skill like fishing or mining.-    Add hirelings, which would be minions you can hire for gold.-    Add random land encounters similar to ocean encounters.-    Implement naval combat and naval trade. We've already laid out some groundwork for these.-    Raise the level cap to 40.We have plans to release many more areas in 2020 to create content for all different levels, such as:-    The Palace of the Dragon Emperor, a level 41 group 7 zone for Suboria.-    More islands for Gianasi, a level 43 continent.-    Solo and group zones for the Nightmare Plane, a level 43 plane.-    Port Crimsonia, a level 42 area, and other areas for Ramanek.-    A dream zone for Naginag, a level 38 area.-    A trio of areas for Archais called Dentin's Workshop, level 25 zones.And more!You can see our latest Youtube presentation here for more information:


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