Re: Cloning games, how much?

2019-05-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cloning games, how much?

Speak for yourself. I am not desperate to play audio games, and my disdain for lackluster concept cloning has nothing to do with any sort of desperation. I don't appreciate being gaslit.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cloning games, how much?

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cloning games, how much?

You can argue left and right on cloning, but what it really comes down to is desperation. People are so desperate to play new games that they get angry when it's nothing new or exciting. I see people argue the issue with frivillous hostility and bitterness.Oh another note, here're a couple of ways to boost up a game like Egg Hunt, or Packman, or any other collecting game. I originally wrote collection item, too caught up in bk lol.The chicken has a machinegun! It would be hilarious to have it go wapp ba ba ba ba dadadadadadadadadadada!You can travel across different terrain which affects various variables for you or the opponent, visibility, speed, reverse directions?You could set various traps for the opponent that affects things like emobility, visibility, accuracy, no gun.Bonus items spawn that give you a general indicator of where they are. You and your opponent has to raise to get it, and depending on who gets it first, bonuses will apply like previously described, and addition or subtraction to point.I mean, there's a lot of shit you can do with it. Have the chicken call in an aviary death squad? Set a fox lose to hunt the chicken? It's not that hard guys. I'm in a stage of my life where creativity comes hard to me but I could do this all day.


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Re: Cloning games, how much?

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cloning games, how much?

I wouldn't care if it took inspiration, or even some ideas but then ran with it from another game. It's when it takes so much that it's basically that game with a few tweaks under a new game. Oh, but we gave the original developer credit, OK, sure, but what you really did was just throw them a bone.Also, you guys that accuse us of being over-sensitive to it. Maybe we have cause, yes? I mean, maybe if this weren't such a rampant problem, then it wouldn't really matter if once in a while something came along that did this. I could make my own take on the classic Asteroids game from way back. One thing about it is that it had very primitive graphics, the asteroids were just 2D poligons on the screen with no texture or even background. The ship wasn't more than a triangle with a line coming out when ou used your engine representing the flame. But I could make an audio game out of it. Your ship would turn but keep going on its original path unless you used your engines. This represented inertia, and the lack of an atmosphere. So you could be moving up and right, an asteroid coming at you, you turn right, but continue to move up and right, and collide despite the fact you steered away from it, you would hit. Now, if you would have used your engines, you would notice your path slewing. It would gradually turn more right than up, and you might make it past. You also had a weapon that would blow them up. But if I made just a graphical version, gave the asteroids a bit of texturing, turned the ship into something that looked OK, but changed none of the game mechanics, what would I have? Well, that would even be more than some of the little shit birds do in this community. So let that sink in.


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Re: Cloning games, how much?

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cloning games, how much?

As I've said elsewhere, for me it comes back to how much you're ripping off an idea, and the scope of it.If you're making a game that's basically Super Egg Hunt's cousin, that's a whole lot different than if you were to, say, make an RPG with a party system, turn-based combat, four main elements (earth, water, air, fire), a pseudo-JRPG story, quests, items and the like. The former feels thin and not very interesting. The latter...well at least you're taking the original source, stuff like Dragon Warrior/Final Fantasy, and making it very much your own thing.And yes, in fact, concept cloning, as I've said before, absolutely -does have a greater impact when the community is smaller. Fewer people means each potential opinion is proportionally louder/more meaningful. Fewer games means the impact of each is greater. That's just basic math and common sense at this point.So no. Do we need to jump down the throat of every new developer who takes bits of a mainstream idea, or another audio game, and attempts to make something new? Heck no. Concept cloning is often where good games start. But should we call it out when said concept cloning is particularly uninspired and lackluster? Me, I say yes. We don't need to insult people, but calling it what it is? I see no real harm in that.


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Re: Cloning games, how much?

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cyco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cloning games, how much?

I think that if someone would like to clone a main stream game that would be fine with me. I come from the main stream game world to the blind game world after losing my sight back in 2008.When I see that someone has clone a main stream game that I use to play all the time I get really excited because I get the chance to play the game once again. Plus I get to play the game in a new way.


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Re: Cloning games, how much?

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cloning games, how much?

Do we know what difference Digimon has from Pokemon? That just occured to me.


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Re: Cloning games, how much?

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cloning games, how much?

I get your point entirely, but the recordings make it clear that it's Super egg Hunt, but with different rules.I will agree though that it was way too early in the development process to share anything.Hopefully the author is able to create a game that puts it's own spin on the concept. we'll have to wait and see.


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Re: Cloning games, how much?

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cloning games, how much?

Nails in a coffin here. Comparing manamon to pokemon.1. You are asked to pick a starter of the fire, grass or water type.2. You get a rival who immediately wants to fight you.3. You use random chance and weakening/status moves and nets/balls to capture wild creatures.4. The first large dungeon of a lot of pokemon games is a forest. In Manamon it's Amica Woods.5. You use stadiums/gyms to earn keys/badges in order to prove that you're the champion/master.6. There's an evil organization of evilness.7. You store your creatures in a computer.8. You enter a hotel/pokemon center to heal your creatures, and said computer is found therein most of the time.9. Type advantages/disadvantages are approximately 75% similar to pokemon, maybe more.10. Status effect mechanics are similar (confusion, paralysis, burn, poison, toxic poison).11. A final dungeon with gates that will unlock with all your badges/keys.12. An "elite four" style final challenge.13. A short story bit appended to the postgame and then the ability to rematch certain challenges from before.14. Evolution.15. Trading.16. The second area is a cave in manamon and in several pokemon games.17. Hold items.18. Moves (in a few cases, direct name ripoffs, and in most others, just name swaps and accuracy modifiers).19. The manapedia/pokedex.20. Multi-target battle mechanics (as introduced in gen 3 of pokemon onward)21. Random tamers/trainers.22. In-game trades with NPCs.23. Items/mechanics that let you travel fast across a large land mass.24. Legendaries.25. Belltower/Sprout Tower.26. Tangeria Tower/Pokémon Tower.27. Mt. Cinder/Mt. Chimney28. Game corner/arcade-style way to earn coins, and then prizes to be won with those coins.And that's just a cursory look. I'd say that's just a wee tiny bit more than just borrowing an overall concept. That seems pretty lazy in the extreme, to be perfectly blunt.I played and enjoyed manamon because I decided to literally ignore the similarities for awhile. I also wanted my fifty-odd bucks worth; remember, I didn't see all these similarities when I first bought the game, or I probably wouldn't have bothered...but here we are.So speaking personally? I gave Charlie some grief, and I think it's deserved. I also gave Aaron and Manamon in general grief, because I feel like Nintendo/Gamefreak could have an absolute field day with this, and much of it smacks of unoriginality. If you really wanted to use the monster-catching trope, there were way, way better ways to manage it.


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Re: Cloning games, how much?

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cloning games, how much?

@15, to me, they're both two entirely different beasts, dissimilar in every way, yet not at the same time. Your right that, in the mainstream industry a game won't even be noticed if its not talked about... but after it is? Then it definitely is viewed under a microscope. Yes, tis community is that news site. But I think I got my main point across pretty well: this community oftentimes is way too hasty to jump to conclusions and throw accusations around like candy when those accusations are unfounded and not easy to prove, or when the game hasn't even been released yet, and its in an early, dev-critical stage. That, I think, is our problem, and that's why I've been talking about the copying of ideas. While I didn't listen to the demo, I did read the posts, and it gave the general impression of: "We've ruled in the negative. Your game is and always will be a clone of SE. Fuck off." And that was based off of a (prematurely) released demo recording. It was not based off of released code, a released concept demo, or anything, just a recording.I'm sorry if I'm failing to xplain my point. Hopefully I've elucidated on it a bit more in this post.


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Re: Cloning games, how much?

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cloning games, how much?

You're trying to compare Apples to oranges.The mainstream community is so vast that if someone copy's a game and releases it, people won't know about it unless it gains traction via a blog or news site. On the other hand, this community again. Everything is viewed under a microscope because let's face it. This is that news site. So no. I disagree. Cloning does not hurt the mainstream one bit. Again. We can't compare the two as they're just completely different animals.


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Re: Cloning games, how much?

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cloning games, how much?

@13, I disagree with that, to a point. while I agree that just borrowing so heavily from a game is a bad thing, to any kind of community, I disagree about borrowing games from other games in this community being some kind of crime, especially when the game hasn't even been released yet. Do you seriously don't believe that games that heavily copy from other games in the mainstream community doesn't harm that community just as badly? The impact is pretty much equal no matter how large or small your community is, and the impact invariably depends on exactly what borrowing your doing. If a mainstream game borrowed another games idea to the point that glass breaker did, it would get far more criticism than glass breaker did in this community. In fact, you'll find that peple in the mainstream community are far less patient and tolerant than this community is. So the size of this community greatly benefits us: we have a much shorter supply of games, and so have learned to be patient. Simultaneously this mindset of "shit on every game no matter its stage if a similarity is noticed" has set in, and its going to harm us long-term. We've gone from cloning code and sounds (both of which are nearly impossible to prove) to cloning ideas. That was inevitably going to happen. Not everyone can make something completely original, or something original period. Making anything truly original is ni impossible these days. I agree that huntation's demo was way too early for release, and the developer should've waited, a lot, before releasing that, but that topic is a clear demonstration of:1) our willingness to throw the word clone around willy-nilly, regardless of truth; and2) our willingness to not wait until the game is released to make a judgement.The second point is the mainstream infection I was talking about; the mainstream way of doing things is creeping in, and this will begin to happen more and more often as we move towards a "merge" between our two communities, if that does happen. Finally, the mainstream community got so populated because of... copying of ideas. That's right, the very symptom we're going through now is what made the mainstream industry such a populated environment. Oh, sure, there are original titles, I won't discount that; but pretty much everythign copies off of everyting else, with lots of added nick-nacks and modifications to make it be original.What I'm trying to say is that we shouldn't be so hasty about "imprisoning" people who do things that seem wrong at the time, but later turn out to be a good thing, or turn out not so bad. Patience is needed here, and this will happen more and more as time goes by.


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Re: Cloning games, how much?

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cloning games, how much?

@13, I disagree with that, to a point. while I agree that just borrowing so heavily from a game is a bad thing, to any kind of community, I disagree about borrowing games from other games in this community being some kind of crime, especially when the game hasn't even been released yet. Do you seriously don't believe that games that heavily copy from other games in the mainstream community doesn't harm that community just as badly? The impact is pretty much equal no matter how large or small your community is, and the impact invariably depends on exactly what borrowing your doing. If a mainstream game borrowed another games idea to the point that glass breaker did, it would get far more criticism than glass breaker did in this community. In fact, you'll find that peple in the mainstream community are far less patient and tolerant than this community is. So the size of this community greatly benefits us: we have a much shorter supply of games, and so have learned to be patient. Simultaneously this mindset of "shit on every game no matter its stage if a similarity is noticed" has set in, and its going to harm us long-term. We've gone from cloning code and sounds (both of which are nearly impossible to prove) to cloning ideas. That was inevitably going to happen. Not everyone can make something completely original, or something original period. Making anything truly original is ni impossible these days. I agree that huntation's demo was way too early for release, and the developer should've waited, a lot, before releasing that, but that topic is a clear demonstration of:1) our willingness to throw the word clone around willy-nilly, regardless of truth; and2) our willingness to not wait until the game is released to make a judgement.The second point is the mainstream infection I was talking about; the mainstream way of doing things is creeping in, and this will begin to happen more and more often as we move towards a "merge" between our two communities, if that does happen. Finally, the mainstream community got so populated because of... copying of ideas. That's right, the very symptom we're going through now is what made the mainstream industry such a populated environment. Oh, sure, there are original titles, I won't discount that; but pretty much everythign copies off of everyting else, with lots of added nick-nacks and modifications to make it be original.


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Re: Cloning games, how much?

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cloning games, how much?

I'm going to disagree, and here's why. The mainstream market has millions upon millions of games. These games run from arcade to puzzle and word, to rpg, to simulations, to types I can't even think of.The Audio games market has... I dunno. Maybe 500 to 1000 games? So invariably a game idea for example Manamon is going to be heavily inspired by a mainstream title. That's just the way of things.We are such a small market that when a game or a concept is released, it gets a lot more attention due to the small number of games in our community compared to the mainstream.I see nothing wrong with an audio game borrowing from the mainstream so long as it is not lifting that game block for block including it's characters and design. Everyone jumps on Manamon, but I consider it to be a reimagining of the creature collection jonra. But the problem in this community is that we are starting to have people literally taking a concept, changing one tiny thing and calling it a new game. Look at Glass Breaker. It is literally Sound Fall with one line of code changed, and that line of code just changes the title of the window.I have always said that I fully support a developer being inspired by an idea. BK3 is a prime example of someone taking an existing idea, building on it, and making an absolutely awesome title. But when you take an existing concept, copy it, and even create a name that is similar to capitalize on the original game's popularity? I am not a fan of this at all. It smacks of a lack of imagination.


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Re: Cloning games, how much?

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cloning games, how much?

The topic linked to in one reminds me of the double standards humanity has these days. And the points outlined throughout both of these topics (this one and the one on huntation) just impress upon me the double-standard-ness that is so prevalent. We're fine with taking ideas fro mthe mainstream industry, but when someone does it here we're all like, "No way! Not cool man!" Here's the thing: you either are fine with it or your not. You can't have it both ways, or half-way. Its one or the others, yes or no, true or false, 1 or 0. We may not e the mainstream industry... so what? The mainstream industry copies ideas from other developers all the time and no one bitches or complains at all. (Hint: those devs don't even ask permission first!) What's the matter if something like that happens here? That seems like the mainstream attitude infecting the community. That's something I'm fine with, to a point. But must we try to be so unique that every possible game must be as different from every other game? We've gotta start somewhere; whether we start from RTR, or RSGames, or QC, or Trupanom, or JD, or SE, SL... we have to take ideas from something. Not everything can be original. And most likely, games that are created and are being hashed out code-wise are going to seem identical to the ones the idea was taken from. Give it longer though and it will appear not so identical. But you don't have to be hypocritical about it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cloning games, how much?

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cloning games, how much?

The topic linked to in one reminds me of the double standards humanity has these days. And the points outlined throughout both of these topics (this one and the one on huntation) just impress upon me the double-standard-ness that is so prevalent. We're fine with taking ideas fro mthe mainstream industry, but when someone does it here we're all like, "No way! Not cool man!" Here's the thing: you either are fine with it or your not. You can't have it both ways, or half-way. Its one or the others, yes or no,true or false, 1 or 0.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cloning games, how much?

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cloning games, how much?

As others have said. We can not compare our market to the mainstream market, and so if someone directly copies an idea in the audio gaming community, it's a bigger deal than say if there is PUBG, Fortnight, and Apex in the mainstream community.It's just the community we live in. It's way way way smaller and so mainstream rules don't apply.


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Re: Cloning games, how much?

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : kianoosh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cloning games, how much?

Post 2 was enough logical for me to give it a good thumbs up. Was just about to say that we're so picky about clones that I changed my opnion after reading sam's post. However I still claim my opinion that whether we like this fact or not, Some game concepts are in a way that any game that is following that concept, ends up similar to other games that are following the same concept. We just have to pick the ones we like and play them, and let the others  go in the way they prefer.I had a bunch of mainstream games where you had to hit moving objects to get points or hit objects that are thrown at you, etc etc. Or pick fps games. They are usually shooters and they follow the same way of turning and stuff like that.Why not picking super egg hunt and the great toy robbery. They share the same concept and that's completely fine. The great toy robbery has a different ending while supper egg hunt has other modes to play, to fill that empty spot that tgr filled by having an ending.And in the end, it all relys on the developer that how creative they are to make their game different than a game in the same concept. For example by adding car fights in an online fps that makes it different than any fps we had so far(not ocunting one of the versions of dmnb), Or make the player search for something to win the battle. Like counter strike that makes players search for the bomb and defuse it to win, Etc etc.


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Re: Cloning games, how much?

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Vulcan_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cloning games, how much?

Cloning, now that seems to be a sensitive topic in this small comunity of ours.  Just remember, an idea starts from somewhere, weather it be original, or an idea that stems from somebody else's creation; and besides isn't a clone an exact copy of something else?  For example if i were to create a concept demo like Tk, and mind you its only a concept, so the ideas of having your chars walk round the map and shoot one another would be shared.  Now thats as far as it would go to beeing TK.  Now, lets say I through in a small twist.  A I players.  Red spot you say?  correct.  Now it mimiks that and thats where i would have to come up with my own ideas.  Plenty to make my FPS stand out from those 2 games and those that spawned from them.  Thats where my creativity would have to come in to play.  And yes Manamon is mostly a rip off from pokemon, and yet we play it.  The sighted community has so many games that came from other games that its not even funny.  And to me it seems that a hero's call stemmed from Final Fanticy.  Take a look at music.  The music that came from ireland and Scotland came to the US and that became bluegrass, and then that became classic country, and that became todays country; wich spawned a bunch of other country  genres.  The same goes for Latin music. all that came from music from the African slaves, Spaniards, and local tribes.  Now what about cultures?  I could go on and on my friends.  We as humans could not come up with an original idea if it bit us in the ass.  All human ideas came from some idea another human before said human came up with.  I think we as a community need to not be so judgemental  towards one another when it comes to the games we have, but i do understand the bashing when it comes to and exact, and i mean an exact copy or clone of somebody elses game..


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Re: Cloning games, how much?

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cloning games, how much?

and I am shure a lot of pokemon fans enjoyed manamon rather then criticizing it for cloning pokemon.I dont have any problem if any blind developer clones anything from the main stream, or trending section.I want to play PUBG and fortnite very badly, just like I wanted some pokemon game 6 7 years ago.


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Re: Cloning games, how much?

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cloning games, how much?

yeah, agreed, once i posted that manamon is a pokemon clone, people started bashing me


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Re: Cloning games, how much?

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cloning games, how much?

Oh I didn't like that Manamon was a rip off of Pokemon, not one feckin bit.


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Re: Cloning games, how much?

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dardar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cloning games, how much?

Here's my own take on things, for what it is worth.I come from a background of not being into pokemon, and so never tried that other game, and never, tried egg hunt, huntation, or anything like that.When ever I make a piece of software, or a game, I ask myself:1. who is the target market. In this case, the blind community.2. What do they already have.Lets take, as an example, a first person shooter.What do we already have?Shades of doom comes to mind.Alright, and what is shades of doom:There are doors that you open by pressing enter, you walk around, you hear monsters, you have a navi unit.Now lets look at my game here, which we'll call... um, myprogram.So I then look at myprogram and go ok, in this concept, my character is walking around, and he's in a building, and he has a gun.Alright, what about if we made it outdoor, as well, and added walls, so you could take cover behind them.Hmm, this is looking more like a trench warfare game now, so lets introduce some enemies who have machine guns.Ah, now we're getting into RTR territory, but RTR didn't have things to take cover behind, so lets make sure we have that, and by that extension, how can we make shooting a gun more interesting.First, lets find out how you actually fire a gun, there has to be more too it than point and shoot...Long story short, as I'm developing a concept for the game, I am also serving as its biggest critic. If you're making a game, and you want success, you should implement things never done before.Your character is walking? Why?Why can't he fly, or hell, why can he walk? What if he needs to hop, or swing from tree to tree.You're shoot a gun? Why? Why not a bow and arrow.Eventually, you'll wittle down your ideas, pulling each one apart until what you're left with is still the same thing(a first person shooter), but instead includes unique aspects such that you are a ranger in a forest with a bow and arrow, defending from an invading tribe whom you must slay and then help rebuild your village by gathering... You get the point.That is what the community lacks, clear thinking unique games.Taking elements from other games is great, and I commend Oh Shit, the various SB spin offs and the various characters included cross games, but at core of the matter, the reason why games like a heroes call, and the like are so successful, is they are *completely*, new.that's what makes a good developer.HTH


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Re: Cloning games, how much?

2019-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lucas1853 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cloning games, how much?

Super Egg Hunt can be completely played by us, Pokemon cannot, at least not easily. I also think that Huntation is a much more direct ripoff of Super Egg Hunt. For example, I very much doubt the maps are the same in Pokemon as they are in Manamon. Same goes with the story. The sounds obviously aren't the same, there are, I believe, some different moves, and the creatures are not the same. That's at least 3 different things, possibly 4 or 5. As far as I can tell, the only things different in Huntation are the sounds and items.


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Re: Cloning games, how much?

2019-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cmerry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cloning games, how much?

I have to agree with a lot of what sam said, and I'll admit I probably should have waited a little longer before making that recording. I'm not sure, I guess I just wanted to show the community I was doing something knowing i'll be going into even more difficult exams than the ones i'm revising for right now so will have even less time to be coding / hanging around these forums.


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Re: Cloning games, how much?

2019-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cloning games, how much?

I think it has something to do with the fact that Pokemon is mainstream. There are loads of clones of mainstream games, by both this comunity and by other indi developers. I'm not a main stream gamer so I can't speak first hand but I've heard that cloning games, that is making games with similar ideas or even exact ideas isn't uncommon. But this community is so small that when a game is cloned in this community from a game that was created in this community, people will more likely rage because here everything is so tight net. I'm sure there are people who rage about mainstream clones as well. But we never hear about it because that community is made up of thousands of forums among absolutely millions and millions of people. We're just 1 website. Another example is anyaudio. You really think youtube is actually truly more clean than anyaudio? I promise you it's not. Honestly if you go looking it probably makes anyaudio look like a calm caring platform. But the youtube community is so massive that enough good videos get posted that the bad ones get ignored. Think of it like this way. If you drop a rock into the ocean, nothing happens. If you drop a rock into a small puddle, the entire puddle shifts and splashes. We are the puddle. The mainstream community is the ocean.


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Cloning games, how much?

2019-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Cloning games, how much?

If you haven't yet, Go check out this topic!For me, the question that arose and was never quite addressed from that topic was cloning. I understand why the community threw a small fit about Huntation, what I fail to understand is how to determine if your game is different enough.Let's take Manamon. I want to create an RPG with a similar concept to Manamon/Pokemon, that is, capturing and training creatures. Obviously Manamon used Pokemon moves as it's base, yet nobody here really raised the storm of complaints and protests Charlie got after posting his demo. What was so different? Obviously we didn't know about Manamon until it's release, but is that the only determining factor?Going back to my pretend RPG, what is required in order to be considered different in yall's eyes?As far as I know, here's the reason why Charlie received negative feedback.1: It was the same concept as SE. It doesn't matter if it has new sounds and slightly different gameplay (see items), it was too close of a ripoff. Guess what? I'm willing that any Pokemon fan, after playing Manamon for, say, an hour, will go "This is an audio clone of Pokemon!" So why didn't Manamon receive similar treatment? To me, it seems like the community is saying something along the lines of "If you manage to clone a complex mainstream game, good job! We'll play it!"2: Similar names. I'll keep this short and sweet. Manamon. Pokemon. See where I'm going? The names somewhat resemble each other. So again I ask, why didn't Manamon receive the same treatment as Huntation?3: Similar and almost the same mechanics. Again, Manamon shares those with Pokemon as well, and yet we continue playing the game and are not raising hell about cloning and stealing concepts.So, in theory, if I was to make a pretend RPG sort of like Manamon and Pokemon, why will the community accept and play it and not shout at me for stealing Aaron's ideas?


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