Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-08-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

We finally Released the Code Dungeon! Its free to download over at made a new thread for the release, so please continue any further discussion in the thread below: … n-crawler/Just making this post to ping anyone who might be curious as to what happened to the development of this game.


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

This is Not a game update, but a status update.Sorry for going silent for a week. Had a Sidejob as a Social Media Manager for a Digital Game Conference, and during the conference I couldn't spare any time to work on the game. But since Monday we have been working on it!Thanks for the feedback @40 Amerikranian! Really appreciate you and Haramir taking the time to play this over and over; rest assured our next update is gonna spice up the level layout and content to make it more interesting.Congrats on killing the Hob! That pig is hard, I honestly struggle with him. @41 Haramir I'll look into what we can do about the walkspeed. If the issue feels like it is mostly related to narrow hallways, we might just make hallways a little wider; I know this has been mentioned before.And since we do have a Dash now (mapped to spacebar) there might be some logic in slowing the movespeed down.As the gamedevs we're cursed to become immune to certain flaws in what I create due to overexposure, so I appreciate you emphasizing the point!Some things we are currently working on and want to complete before the next Game Update:To-Do List:Health Drops from enemiesOne more enemy TypeTutorial Level that teaches controls and mechanics through gameplayComplete Rework of the current mapMain menuPause MenuControl Customization and key remappingAs always we try to fix small bugs and issues on top of the To-Do list, and improve what is already there, but those are the features we're trying to implementOur Wishlist (things that probably won't make it the next update):One more Weapon TypeInspect Function (so the player can get information on objects or enemies in-game, in addition to their location)Music that plays when enemies are aggressiveWe aren't there yet, but I just wanted to chime in and let you know that your feedback has been heard and is being implemented!


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

Hello folks, @40 practically said everything. I personally think the walking speed is a bit too fast, specially when considering some narrow passages.Best regards, Haramir.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

My feedback, a bit later than I would have liked.I like the sonar. I think it's a major improvement over what you made in the last version. I don't really have anything else to say besides proposing a longer demo with the player navigating some sort of maze as a final test of the navigation. Other than that, I think we're finished here.I have great news on the combat front, I killed the hob! Pretty excited. Essentially I dashed and went into the last room with the crystal. After that it was a matter of dancing around with him until I could successfully target his weakness. I still feel like I struggled to predict how much I need to move in order to be in range, but I believe that now it's a matter of practice more than anything else. The targeting itself was interesting, too. I swear that sometimes I hit the hob where it counted only to hear the cling of the sword against a wall. Again, I suspect that this is just a matter of practice.My recommendations for moving forward. Change up the map. Make it something new as I believe that I have started to memorize the rooms and the general area. Provide more lengthy combat. This will give me and anyone else who is testing a better feel for the tools and weapons when navigating the unknown.On a slightly unrelated note: Feels odd to write such a short post, LOL.


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

@Stealcase_, I have seen the update and will do my best to give feedback... tomorrow. I forgot my mouse at home, LOL.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

Apologies for the Double Post, but We just Pushed an Update! Link as always in my signature.FEATURES:  We have added some things that the player can do!The player now has a Dash!Press the space bar to dash in a direction that you are already walking.Left Mouse, Right Mouse and Middle Mouse now make the Player Character do a Left Sword Swing, Right Sword Swing and Stab respectively. Useful to avoid hitting the wall on either side of the player before hitting the enemy.The stab takes longer to perform, but is the only attack players can successfully complete in tight hallways.The sound of the Sword attacks have been adjusted; The sound source is more accurate to the tip of the sword now. I believe the range of the sword is 0.6 meters at the moment.The player has a Forward Scan! The E Key will announce whatever is in front of the player, as well as the Distance. This is similar to Swamp's Long range forward scan. This can be spammed to your heart's content. It works on Enemies, Doors, Walls, etc.Hoping this will add some much desired Utility.Q Announces your closest Cardinal Direction.We have Reworked the Sonar System to be more in line with suggestions from amerikranian.When the player moves close to a wall, they will hear a "Beep". If they move closer still to that wall, they hear a higher pitched beep.If the player is in open space, they will not hear the walls.If the player moves in a room and suddenly there is an opening in an adjacent wall, the player will hear a Whoosh from that direction. Once the player moves past that "opening", the player will hear a Lower-pitch Whoosh sound, indicating that the space is tighter than it was previously. As a Result, Walking into tight hallways will give you a "whoosh" from both sides, and walking out of hallways will also give you a "whoosh" from both sides, and walking past hallways will give you a "whoosh" on one side.These Sounds can be intrusive, but you have the option of lowering them.The whoosh sounds and Wall beeps are on the same Mixer Audio Track. The player can Lower the volume of this track with the 8 Key, and increase the volume with the 9 Key.The previous functionality of Using 1, 2, 3, 4 keys to send a Radio signal to nearby Objects still works, but we're looking to change it in the near future.Enemies now Deal Less Damage, and I've done some adjustments to the Armored Zombie (or the ArmorHog as we call him). He has a weakpoint that makes sound, and I've adjusted the length of his "vulnerability state".He doesn't take many hits if the weapoint is hit, but it's still hard.I hope that these upgrades increases enjoyment and decreases frustration!As always let me know what you think. Known Bugs:The Dash makes a sound even when you press space bar and don't move.Using the Arrow Keys can Activate the Deprecated Sonar system. There is no need to use this.R key turns on Radial Sonar. Deprecated Feature, not removed yet.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

@34 I can't say thank you enough for the long and thoughtful responses! No need for apologize; there are no egos here. This is gamedev, and we're doing design. So honesty is the most helpful thing we can get; only then can we do better. We go into these things expecting there to be issues.Immediate point on the docket; Change the audio for sonar. And look into changing how the sonar works currently. Remove the sound for "void space", it's annoying and loud. Make the sound for "walls" not so Ear-shattering and annoying. Me and Wiktor are having a meeting to talk about how to change the sonar,  and We're reading your post @6 and talking about how shadow rine does it, as well as what we want it to be able to do. As always I will post when we update the game. We're gonna think of sonar as a thing that notifies you of a significant change; constant noise is NOT the way to go. I appreciate the effort of finding audio clips, but me and Wiktor are playing swamp and shadow rine again for inspiration, so don't worry.I just separated UI and Sonar sounds from everything else in the Sound Mixer, so hopefully the player will be able to adjust those when needed in the next update.As for your points on the Radar; your feedback mimics a fear I had, and I completely agree. The mechanic removes most decision making from the navigation process, and makes the game become completely linear and removes exploration IF the player uses it as their main means of navigation. Balancing accessibility and challenge in this case is hard.Thanks for the description of your play experience!The attack pattern for the armored zombie with the chains is this:It Charges towards you, and if it hits you, it does damage.If it misses, it becomes tired for about 1 second.The front of the zombie is armored, and the back is vulnerable. you can't damage it when it charges you.But while it's tired, it doesn't turn to face you until it's ready to attack again.We don't communicate this well enough. The "weakpoint" of the Armored Zombie has a very Directional Heartbeat sound, but it gets drowned out by everything else. The Sound for hitting the zombie armor is the same as hitting the wall; This is bad and needs to be fixed.@35 Oh snap, we must have broken our survey in that last build. Gonna hotfix that, thanks for letting me know!@37 There were no plans, but it can probably be done. Currently you can rotate at 45 degree increments with Shift + A and Shift + D, and move normally. The main problem is the Sword button is set to Left Mouse Click. I can look into optional keypresses for that, and look at what we can do for non-mouse navigation.I know I'm a broken record stuck on repeat, but I really appreciate the feedback.Regardless of how this game turns out in the end, I will continue to make accessible games; I've learned a lot and there are so many things I would like to try, and this community is awesome.


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

@34 I can't say thank you enough for the long and thoughtful responses! No need for apologize; there are no egos here. This is gamedev, and we're doing design. So honesty is the most helpful thing we can get; only then can we do better. We go into these things expecting there to be issues.Immediate point on the docket; Change the audio for sonar. And look into changing how the sonar works currently. Remove the sound for "void space", it's annoying and loud. Make the sound for "walls" not so Ear-shattering and annoying. Me and Wiktor are having a meeting to talk about how to change the sonar,  and We're reading your post @6 and talking about how shadow rine does it, as well as what we want it to be able to do. As always I will post when we update the game. We're gonna think of sonar as a thing that notifies you of a significant change; constant noise is NOT the way to go. I appreciate the effort of finding audio clips, but me and Wiktor are playing swamp and shadow rine again for inspiration, so don't worry.I just separated UI and Sonar sounds from everything else in the Sound Mixer, so hopefully the player will be able to adjust those when needed in the next update.As for your points on the Radar; your feedback mimics a fear I had, and I completely agree. The mechanic removes most decision making from the navigation process, and makes the game become completely linear and removes exploration IF the player uses it as their main means of navigation. Balancing accessibility and challenge in this case is hard.Thanks for the description of your play experience!The attack pattern for the armored zombie with the chains is this:It Charges towards you, and if it hits you, it does damage.If it misses, it becomes tired for about 1 second.The front of the zombie is armored, and the back is vulnerable. you can't damage it when it charges you.But while it's tired, it doesn't turn to face you until it's ready to attack again.We don't communicate this well enough. The "weakpoint" of the Armored Zombie has a very Directional Heartbeat sound, but it gets drowned out by everything else.@35 Oh snap, we must have broken our survey in that last build. Gonna hotfix that, thanks for letting me know!@37 There were no plans, but it can probably be done. Currently you can rotate at 45 degree increments with Shift + A and Shift + D, and move normally. The main problem is the Sword button is set to Left Mouse Click. I can look into optional keypresses for that, and look at what we can do for non-mouse navigation.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

@34 I can't say thank you enough for the long and thoughtful responses! No need for apologize; there are no egos here. This is gamedev, and we're doing design. So honesty is the most helpful thing we can get; only then can we do better. We go into these things expecting there to be issues.Immediate point on the docket; Change the audio for sonar. And look into changing how the sonar works currently. Remove the sound for "void space", it's annoying and loud. Make the sound for "walls" not so Ear-shattering and annoying. Me and Wiktor are having a meeting to talk about how to change the sonar,  and We're reading your post @6 and talking about how shadow rine does it, as well as what we want it to be able to do. As always I will post when we update the game. We're gonna think of sonar as a thing that notifies you of a significant change; constant noise is NOT the way to go. I just separated UI and Sonar sounds from everything else in the Sound Mixer, so hopefully the player will be able to adjust those when needed in the next update.As for your points on the Radar; your feedback mimics a fear I had, and I completely agree. The mechanic removes most decision making from the navigation process, and makes the game become completely linear and removes exploration IF the player uses it as their main means of navigation. Balancing accessibility and challenge in this case is hard.Thanks for the description of your play experience!The attack pattern for the armored zombie with the chains is this:It Charges towards you, and if it hits you, it does damage.If it misses, it becomes tired for about 1 second.The front of the zombie is armored, and the back is vulnerable. you can't damage it when it charges you.But while it's tired, it doesn't turn to face you until it's ready to attack again.We don't communicate this well enough. The "weakpoint" of the Armored Zombie has a very Directional Heartbeat sound, but it gets drowned out by everything else.@35 Oh snap, we must have broken our survey in that last build. Gonna hotfix that, thanks for letting me know!@37 There were no plans, but it can probably be done. Currently you can rotate at 45 degree increments with Shift + A and Shift + D, and move normally. The main problem is the Sword button is set to Left Mouse Click. I can look into optional keypresses for that, and look at what we can do for non-mouse navigation.


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Sean-Terry01 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

Hi there. For those that don't use a mouse, is there any plans to add a way to just use the keyboard?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : moaddye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

ok. this gonna be a small post.when you press escape to exit the game, press yes to take the survey, you will enter a dialog with what would you answer to this? You can't press enter or anything, just keeps repeating that.there should be a way to restore health, perhaps resting? and good job. thanks for the features 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

Oh man, I'm afraid this is going to be quite a negative feedback post...First, the sonar. I believe that it is quite intrusive. I wouldn't use this in combat, it's too distracting. I like the effort, I just think that the sounds could have been chosen a bit better. You may also consider allowing for long range sonar like swamp, where if you press shift with an arrow key you send out a much more longer pulse outwards, therefore gaining more perspective as to what is ahead of you. Naturally, such mode only scans ahead in a strait line. To be honest, when I play Swamp this is my go to mode. Granted I know the maps like the back of my hand, but I just feel like the short range sonar is not quick enough for when I'm running from swarms of zombies. Increasing the distance for the short ranged sonar wouldn't really help here, nor would an increase in sonar scan speed. I said that the sonar was quite intrusive and I mean it. The sounds grab your attention and I have to almost tune them out in order to navigate.As for the radar, again, the idea works, but only in theory. One of the limitations was that the key couldn't be pressed more than once a second. With the current combat mechanics that's an eternity. It also does not solve the issue of you not knowing if you're within range of your sword (see my earlier statement about slow key presses). Furthermore, that kind of defeats the point of the game for me. If you look at A Hero's Call, unfortunately no demo but you can find some streams of it on Youtube, you will notice that the game gives you beacons to 99% of the locations. That kind of killed the game for me by mostly eliminating the exploration factor. This doesn't quite do this, seeing as I have no directions to the nearest object, but you can sort of make this a cheat command of sorts to find hidden rooms, doors, and enemies.I would like to point out that this is MY opinion and thus should be considered with great care. I am known for enjoying and making content with a high curve required to play it fully through.So, I'm sure you're wondering how to proceed by now. I am too, to be honest. Navigation works for me for the most part (I feel like crystals opening up some section of a big map later on could become a hassle), but here are some suggestions to consider.Change the sonar to an implementation I suggested earlier on in this topic (Around post 6 maybe)? This will lower the intrusiveness of the sonar by a lot and cut down on it's feedback since you won't constantly hear clicks. If you like swamp style navigation that's cool as well, but I would add the ability to do long scans (Shift and an arrow key in swamp to start and space to stop if you want to try it out for yourself). The second option would definitely be easier to code (if I remember right when I implemented a sonar I made it take a list of directions and a distance in which to scan so all it took was a slight parameter adjustment).Considering limiting the range of the radar? This is up in the air as that would detract from the radar's intended purpose, but it will give you the ability to create secret areas and such which the player would still have to look for. It would also probably reduce your map range scan, but I am not sure as to how much of a noticeable difference the end goal would yield. I stopped trying to optimize quite a bit ago since the compilers usually do that job and it shouldn't be a concern until this becomes a problem.As for combat, I am honestly not too sure. I do fine until I enter the room with the waterfall and kill two enemies, then I always just die afterwards because the zombie with chains, I'm unsure if that is what you were trying to portray, kills me. Part of the problem is me not having a good idea of how far he can reach and still hit me, but I also still feel like I am not sure as to the extent of my weapon. I keep trying to swing at him and hit nothing but walls and he seems to have a longer reach than me. By the time I retreat and come back he's already ready for another swing. I will update this with more thoughts as I pick my brain as to how to represent combat awareness, but besides pointing you at trying Shadow Rine I have nothing right now. I know the game is in Japanese, but I have some recordings of it laying around somewhere. I'll try and find those and cut out the heavy combat portion to give you an idea of what I'm proposing.On another note, I would like to say thank you. I know this is difficult and new, and I know that it can be frustrating to constantly have to adjust, but you have made a lot of progress, even if it doesn't seem like much. I can only hope that I or anyone else here won't turn you off by suggestions which require some heavy design changes on your part.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

Oh man, I'm afraid this is going to be quite a negative feedback post...First, the sonar. I believe that it is quite intrusive. I wouldn't use this in combat, it's too distracting. I like the effort, I just think that the sounds could have been chosen a bit better. You may also consider allowing for long range sonar like swamp, where if you press shift with an arrow key you send out a much more longer pulse outwards, therefore gaining more perspective as to what is ahead of you. Naturally, such mode only scans ahead in a strait line. To be honest, when I play Swamp this is my go to mode. Granted I know the maps like the back of my hand, but I just feel like the short range sonar is not quick enough for when I'm running from swarms of zombies. Increasing the distance for the short ranged sonar wouldn't really help here, nor would an increase in sonar scan speed. I said that the sonar was quite intrusive and I mean it. The sounds grab your attention and I have to almost tune them out in order to navigate.As for the radar, again, the idea works, but only in theory. One of the limitations was that the key couldn't be pressed more than once a second. With the current combat mechanics that's an eternity. It also does not solve the issue of you not knowing if you're within range of your sword (see my earlier statement about slow key presses). Furthermore, that kind of defeats the point of the game for me. If you look at A Hero's Call, unfortunately no demo but you can find some streams of it on Youtube, you will notice that the game gives you beacons to 99% of the locations. That kind of killed the game for me by mostly eliminating the exploration factor. This doesn't quite do this, seeing as I have no directions to the nearest object, but you can sort of make this a cheat command of sorts to find hidden rooms, doors, and enemies should you choose to implement those later on.I would like to point out that this is MY opinion and thus should be considered with great care. I am known for enjoying and making content with a high curve required to play it fully through.So, I'm sure you're wondering how to proceed by now. I am too, to be honest. Navigation works for me for the most part (I feel like crystals opening up some section of a big map later on could become a hassle), but here are some suggestions to consider.Change the sonar to an implementation I suggested earlier on in this topic (Around post 6 maybe)? This will lower the intrusiveness of the sonar by a lot and cut down on it's feedback since you won't constantly hear clicks. If you like swamp style navigation that's cool as well, but I would add the ability to do long scans (Shift and an arrow key in swamp to start and space to stop if you want to try it out for yourself). The second option would definitely be easier to code (if I remember right when I implemented a sonar I made it take a list of directions and a distance in which to scan so all it took was a slight parameter adjustment).Considering limiting the range of the radar? This is up in the air as that would detract from the radar's intended purpose, but it will give you the ability to create secret areas and such which the player would still have to look for. It would also probably reduce your map range scan, but I am not sure as to how much of a noticeable difference the end goal would yield. I stopped trying to optimize quite a bit ago since the compilers usually do that job and it shouldn't be a concern until this becomes a problem.As for combat, I am honestly not too sure. I do fine until I enter the room with the waterfall and kill two enemies, then I always just die afterwards because the zombie with chains, I'm unsure if that is what you were trying to portray, kills me. Part of the problem is me not having a good idea of how far he can reach and still hit me, but I also still feel like I am not sure as to the extent of my weapon. I keep trying to swing at him and hit nothing but walls and he seems to have a longer reach than me. By the time I retreat and come back he's already ready for another swing. I will update this with more thoughts as I pick my brain as to how to represent combat awareness, but besides pointing you at trying Shadow Rine I have nothing right now. I know the game is in Japanese, but I have some recordings of it laying around somewhere. I'll try and find those and cut out the heavy combat portion to give you an idea of what I'm proposing.On another note, I would like to say thank you. I know this is difficult and new, and I know that it can be frustrating to constantly have to adjust, but you have made a lot of progress, even if it doesn't seem like much. I can only hope that I or anyone else here won't turn you off by suggestions which require some heavy design changes on your part.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

Thanks for the amazing feedback @31 amerikranian and @32 moaddye!I didn't reply when I saw them, but your comments have heavily driven the direction of this update.The Update is now live and available in the link in my signature.I'll try to address your points in the order they were made.@31 I agree that the swordplay right now is lacking, and doesn't communicate range. We want the player to make decisions in combat, and currently there's not many decisions to be made. Currently the sword swings with a wide arc on the right side exclusively. What we want to do is have the weapon swing at an arc from right to left or left to right, depending on what mouse button the player clicks. So if there is a wall on the right side, the player would swing left to right. If the enemy wields a shield in one hand, the player would swing the other direction. The pipe dream is to have different weapons, like spears or throwing knives. Spears are super effective in tight hallways, because you cant swing a giant sword in that tight space, etc.BUT to facilitate that, the player has to have a good clue where the heck they are, and where the heck the enemy is. @32 You make good points about understanding space, and that the game currently doesn't facilitate it well enough. I'm really sorry that the crystal was being such a shitty obstacle. I've moved all crystals further away from walls so that this shouldn't happen. That's our temporary fix, but the true issue is the sword and how it works. You both mention Radar, and I agree that it's about time that we implemented something with that type of functionality. Spacial awareness is Key, so lets get to it.So with this Update, we've added Sonar and Radar.Our Sonar is heavily lifted from the system Swamp uses. We use Directional arrows to send a sonar pulses in a certain direction. One sound for "Nothing in the space", and one sound for "hit a wall". The sound increases in pitch the closer the player is to the wall.  Currently the Sonar doesn't detect enemies, crystals or doors, but we're working on it. So its not super functional for combat yet but works with walls.The range of the sonar is 3 World units/meters.The sonar is activated with Arrow keys, and deactivated with the same keys. You can also press R to send a Radial sonar that continuously rotates around the player.The OTHER usability feature is the Radar. We call it radar because it basically sends a signal to the closest "radio" and that radio then announces itself with a sound. Basically, the 1, 2, 3, and 4 keys will force the closest Crystal, Door, Hallway, and Enemy to make a sound, as well as announce their distance in meters.Some notes: Sometimes the closest object in Distance MIGHT be behind a wall, and in actuality much further away. Both of these features are in the First round of iteration, and they can both use a lot of improvement.With that said; Radar is currently very Un-optimised. Don't press the 1 to 4 keys repeatedly more that once per second, or it might slow down the game. It's functional, but in theory not spammable.Oh, and as a last minute addition we added a Health check to the H key.Most enemies do 2 damage, and the player starts with 5. So pressing H should tell you your HP.If anyone is curious, the game has6 Hallways5 Crystals5 Enemies 5 Doors7 RoomsAny and all feedback is appreciated!


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : moaddye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

to be honest, after I destroyed the first humming crystal, I ran around like a headless chicken in the second corridor, looking for a humming crystal. I could hear one at the opening in the 3 north a bit east corner of the map after you go all s and then d and do the 3 w d thing. (might not be here but anyway) I could hear the humming crystal and I tried to hit it for about 10 minutes, but I always hit the wall. then I moved into the second corridor and couldn't find anything. all north and east, I heard a monster, but couldn't get to it because there was a wall. I heard a humming crystal, but couldn't find it. I even ran near every wall, but couldn't find it. is there a third corridor or not?a couple suggestions.maybe a radar you could turn on and off to alert you of humming crystals, walls, incoming monsters and close doors, closed or open?checking health.Monsters will actively try to pursue you. If they are blocked by wall, their sounds will be muffled, and they will try to find a way to get into the corridor, or place, you are in. If they're in your area they start moving to your position when you're like 15 coords away from them?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : moaddye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

to be honest, after I destroyed the first humming crystal, I ran around like a headless chicken in the second corridor, looking for a humming crystal. I could hear one at the opening in the 3 north a bit east corner of the map after you go all s and then d and do the 3w d thing. (might not be here but anyway) I could hear the humming crystal and I tried to hit it for about 10 minutes, but I always hit the wall. then I moved into the second corridor and couldn't find anything. all north and east, I heard a monster, but couldn't get to it because there was a wall. I heard a humming crystal, but couldn't find it. I even ran near every wall, but couldn't find it. is there a third corridor or not?suggestion, maybe a radar you could turn on and off to alert you of humming crystals, walls, incoming monsters and close doors, closed or open?checking health.monsters will actively try to persu you. if they are blocked by wall, their sounds will be muffled, and they will try to find a way to get into the corridor, or place, you are in. if they're in your area, they will just come towards you after you're say 15 feet from them.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : moaddye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

to be honest, after I destroyed the first humming crystal, I ran around like a headless chicken in the second corridor, looking for a humming crystal. I could hear one at the opening in the 3 north a bit east corner of the map after you go all s and then d and do the 3w d thing. (might not be here but anyway) I could hear the humming crystal and I tried to hit it for about 10 minutes, but I always hit the wall. then I moved into the second corridor and couldn't find anything. all north and east, I heard a monster, but couldn't get to it because there was a wall. I heard a humming crystal, but couldn't find it. I even ran near every wall, but couldn't find it. is there a third corridor or not?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : moaddye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

to be honest, after I destroyed the first humming crystal, I ran around like a headless chicken in the second corridor, looking for a humming crystal. I could hear one at the opening in the 3 north a bit east corner of the map after you go all s and then d and do the 3w d thing. (might not be here but anyway) I could hear the humming crystal and I tried to hit it for about 10 minutes, but I always hit the wall. then I moved into the second corridor and couldn't find anything. all north and east, I heard a monster, but couldn't get to it because there was a door. I heard a humming crystal, but couldn't find it. I even ran near every wall, but couldn't find it. is there a third corridor or not?


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

An update.I'm impressed. This is shaping out to be quite a neat experience. There are still some minor problems, though, so let me address those.First, the hallways. They work, but I sometimes have a difficult time slipping through them if they're at an angle. I think the unity 3d engine is at fault here, though. Still, a major improvement.Second, and I will touch on this a bit more in my next point, but I struggle to hit things with my sword. Half the time I swing I hit a wall. This isn't really a problem for the crystals, but it literally hurts for enemies.I got to try combat and here are my thoughts.First, the weapon range isn't really communicated well. I struggle to kill the enemies not because they're tough, but because half the time I'm swinging at walls and waste my time hammering my left mouse button and hope the enemies would be in range. You can see how games like Shadow Rine got around this by using a radar for monsters, though with some areas where reverb is a big thing it may become an issue. You also have to keep in mind that the sound has to be easily distinguishable yet not so obtrusive that it drowns out the gameplay.Second, your health. It would be really nice to be able to check this value.Overall, quite a nice improvement. Thank you for the sensitivity fix. Would it be possible to be able to check it's current value just in case I forget what it is?Final note: I strongly, strongly recommend either a tutorial which shows off the navigation and combat at the beginning of the game or some sort of a sound reference. I am getting used to the sounds, but you still had to give me the clarification as to the crystals.


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

Right. Will check it out shortly.  I have a mouse, and I can give it a go with the mouse, that’s what I will probably do after redownloading.


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

@26 hey moaddye, I made the starting room bigger, since playing space and movement speed are heavily linked.But I'm gonna take a look at walk speed again later and see if it needs to be adjusted; the game is a little claustrophobic in some areas.@27 Thanks for the feedback Haramir. My dream is to have the character's hand brush up against the wall, but all the sounds I've used previously ended up being very "sharp" and annoying, so I toned it down and used a more muted version. Gonna keep searching for something more appropriate, since the vibe you're getting is really not what we're going for.@28 amerikranian: Thanks for that in-depth response! We currently don't have a proper functioning sonar, but we do have sounds that attempt to place things in space, but obviously that didn't work in this case.Our current model is like this: Doors have torches next to them. Doors make sound when something causes them to open.Destructible Crystals make a humming sound.Hallways make a swooshing sound when close by.Enemies Gurgle and moan.We found the issue with the torches; In the room you start in, there are 2 torches. But due to a bug, all torches had a sound range of 25 meters, compared to everything else in the game which has a sound range of about 8 meters. So you were hearing torches and things in rooms far away as if they were immediately close by. I'm sorry for the audio assault. Big mistake on our part. We made the starting room a lot bigger, so that the player can get a little used to movement, as well as putting space between the torches and the humming crystal.We made changes to the audio feedback for hitting walls with the sword:It's a lot more clear if your sword get's "blocked" by something now; It makes a distinct metallic "clank" if it hits a wall, versus when you hit something destructible. This wasn't part of your feedback, but something that we noticed needed fixing.So just to be clear; Hit the humming crystal in the first room to progress the game. I'm sorry that the mouse sensitivity was so low. We've been playtesting with mice since we don't use laptops for development.I'm putting in a Hotfix for you; Pressing I. on the keyboard increases the mouse sensitivity, and pressing L. lowers it.Default sensitivity is now 10, pressing I increases it by 0.5 for every press.I just pushed this update to the game. The link is in my signature for quick reference. This is version 0.6If you have the itch App, you can download the update, otherwise the game needs to be downloaded again.For anyone who sends us play-data, we greatly appreciate it! Please wait a couple of seconds on the final screen before closing the game so that the data gets sent completely. Again, this is opt-in.


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

Right. My feedback.I like the concept here, and don't even think that the player needs to be slowed down. However, I do feel like there is a huge struggle in communicating the information about the current environment to the listener. Interestingly enough, it's not the sounds, those can be reduced in my opinion. The problem was that I spent a good amount of time running and smashing myself head first into walls. If there is a sonar I sure didn't here it, or didn't realize that it was, in fact, a sonar. I didn't even get to see the enemies. All I heard was a persistent hum and some fire noises in the corners of the grid.This brings me to my next point. Rather than fill up the environment with sounds, space things out. Place general ambiance on important regions to confirm that the player is on the right track, but don't clutter up our field of "vision". I personally feel like what you're doing right now is akin to you seeing a room with the labels on each four corners stating that this is, in fact, a insert direction here corner. Is it helpful? To some, maybe. I find it incredibly obtrusive, particularly because the environment is so tiny.Continuing on my point from earlier, if you add a sonar, perhaps add a tutorial for it as well? Manamon II did this if you want to take a look, though it was quite useless because people have already figured out how Aaron does his navigation. You don't even need to buy the game, the option is right in the main menu.I hope this was helpful and do let me know what I am missing here if there are enemies to be found.Edit: Found the weapon and turning. Not much to say on the weapon, but I do think that turning needs to be improved. It took me three or so swipes on my laptop's touchpad to turn to the next direction. Unless this gets sped up, like, a lot (one full swipe turns you by 90 degrees) I will stick to 45 degree turns because they are a lot faster.


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

Right. My feedback.I like the concept here, and don't even think that the player needs to be slowed down. However, I do feel like there is a huge struggle in communicating the information about the current environment to the listener. Interestingly enough, it's not the sounds, those can be reduced in my opinion. The problem was that I spent a good amount of time running and smashing myself head first into walls. If there is a sonar I sure didn't here it, or didn't realize that it was, in fact, a sonar. I didn't even get to see the enemies. All I heard was a persistent hum and some fire noises in the corners of the grid.This brings me to my next point. Rather than fill up the environment with sounds, space things out. Place general ambiance on important regions to confirm that the player is on the right track, but don't clutter up our field of "vision". I personally feel like what you're doing right now is akin to you seeing a room with the labels on each four corners stating that this is, in fact, a insert direction here corner. Is it helpful? To some, maybe. I find it incredibly obtrusive, particularly because the environment is so tiny.Continuing on my point from earlier, if you add a sonar, perhaps add a tutorial for it as well? Manamon II did this if you want to take a look, though it was quite useless because people have already figured out how Aaron does his navigation. You don't even need to buy the game, the option is right in the main menu.I hope this was helpful and do let me know what I am missing here if there are enemies to be found.


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

Hello folks. Agreed with @26. Well, there are some sounds that are not so obvious, specially when you walk next to a wall, I couldn't say for sure if it is the character brushing against the wall, or if it is climbing a ledge of sorts.Best regards, Haramir.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : moaddye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

for one, consider reducing the speed slightly when the player walks?


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

Here I am reviving an old thread, but THE GAME GOT AN UPDATE! Actually the game has had several updates, we've been pushing patches iteratively, but now we'd love it if somebody tried it again and gave us some feedback!A reminder that the gameplay demo is very small and mostly aims at testing the basic functionality of the systems we've built.Link here: time the update is focused on combat and the Basic Loop of the game, and communicating goals.There's still a lot we'd love to do, and we appreciate any feedback that can help inform us what we should prioritize!Changes include:Player audio feedbackEnemies with basic attack patterns and soundsMap Layout Game FeelThe controls are still the same;WASD for movement, Mouse for looking direction, and shift + A and DThere is a Basic survey incorporated in the game that should work with screenreaders, but let us know if that isn't the case. The survey only has yes and no answers, so we value any written feedback here on the forum.There's also some basic data like collisions and attacks that gets logged. If you give consent, that anonymous data gets sent to us. If not, then that's fine too.


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

Hi.One game I would check out when you want to get a feel of a good fighting system is the concept demo of planet saga.In the side scroler mode fighting is pritty much get into range and attack your enemy.The game also has arrias where you can move freely around a world map and you also have monsters that attack you.The fighting system works in a way that you hold one button to lock onto an enemy and your character automatically rotates in the direction of the enemy. Walking forward or backwards will walk twwards or away from the enemy, pressing left or right will circle around the enemy so you can attack from a different angle. When you let go off your lock on key, you can again move freely around the map.This is a system I would choose and which works pritty well.greetings Moritz.


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

I feel like something's missing, @1:Stamina. Have you considered a stamina system at all? For instance, you swing away wildly, stamina goes down quicker, block for too long?Stamina drains. It recovers over time (hrm...maybe stats a la D  could play into this?) and so forth.So let's say I'm crawling through a dungeon and lock onto an enemy. I'd not lose any stamina simply by locking on if I'm stood still. By locking on, it changes the movement to be W = go toward eneemy, A/D circle left/right and so forth.Now, for an idea I really, really like. And it comes fromHalf Life of all games. In that game one of the boss fights has a neat trick to it. There's a giant tentacle monster Gordon needs to deal with by torching it with a rocket engine. Now the problem is, every time Gordon makest too much noise the tentacle lashes out.So how's that relatedto my idea? Simple. Your enemy would IMHO home in on noise. So if you, for instance, steered the fight to near a door and a loud whooshing sound, they wouldn't hear your swings. Of course that'd work both ways.Also I'd suggest as well having the sounds dictate what happens. I love the heavy breathing and so on instead of hit a key and get Health 10/10 in a jarring TTS voice. Perhaps record a line or two for general health states, fully healed/hurt/near death mabe?EDIT: Oh and forgot to mention enemies should play by the same stamina rules too, so if you can bait an enemy into wasting all their stamina, that should be a free attack for ya. Same for the enemy. Cue insert approprate sounds here


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

I feel like something's missing, @1:Stamina. Have you considered a stamina system at all? For instance, you swing away wildly, stamina goes down quicker, block for too long?Stamina drains. It recovers over time (hrm...maybe stats a la D  could play into this?) and so forth.So let's say I'm crawling through a dungeon and lock onto an enemy. I'd not lose any stamina simply by locking on if I'm stood still. By locking on, it changes the movement to be W = go toward eneemy, A/D circle left/right and so forth.Now, for an idea I really, really like. And it comes fromHalf Life of all games. In that game one of the boss fights has a neat trick to it. There's a giant tentacle monster Gordon needs to deal with by torching it with a rocket engine. Now the problem is, every time Gordon makest too much noise the tentacle lashes out.So how's that relatedto my idea? Simple. Your enemy would IMHO home in on noise. So if you, for instance, steered the fight to near a door and a loud whooshing sound, they wouldn't hear your swings. Of course that'd work both ways.Also I'd suggest as well having the sounds dictate what happens. I love the heavy breathing and so on instead of hit a key and get Health 10/10 in a jarring TTS voice. Perhaps record a line or two for general health states, fully healed/hurt/near death mabe?


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : sanslash332 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

Your work and ideas are very, very interesting.I have to keep on eye on it, because the idea is very good The people here give to you a lot of good feedback, with a lot of interesting aprouches. So, turn now the game into a 3d based movement look interesting. Only have to wait and see how it evolve in time.So... as others sais in other post, may be a good idea have a lock-on feature. And with that, have two kind of movement.The regular movement that is free, and when you lock some enemi, is like some fighting games. when you have a lock, if you push forward the control, the character goes directly to the targeted enemi, handling automaticalli the hangle of movement. back is for take distance of your enemy, and well; left and right may be for turn arround of your enemy. Of course a good strike can make lou loose the lock or if the enemy flees.Is like the tarjeting system in 3d fighting games, like tenkaichi3, naruto ninja storm, victory jump stars, etc.Is interesting that system, specially if your game will be a ak and slash; with stages with a lot of monsters, and you can perform large combos with your weapons so, that is all continue with your game! great work!


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

There! The project is now properly in first person, and no longer locked to a grid!Sorry for the wait, we hit a bunch of implementation snags that made it literally unplayable.Please try it out here: is still in an early stage, we are working out a lot of kinks.Some info on Controls;W. A. S. D - for directional movementHold Shift and press A or D - This will rotate your character by 45 Degree Increments.Move the Mouse to change your looking direction.Q - will announce the closest cardinal direction to your facing.Left Mouse Button to Attack with your Sword.Press Escape to Close the game.Please note that there is no real combat; There are 2 enemy dummies that exist in the scene that you can hit, but other than that this is mainly us testing out movement.Let me know what you think, and we'll get back to work.Our next goal is to make the minimum viable game-loop; Focusing on making an enemy that follows you, Tries to fight you, and some sort of progression for the player when they defeat an enemy.


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

@19I haven't tried it in practice, so perhaps it falls flat.But I've played a lot of sequence storm of late (a rhythm game that added accessibility), and I started thinking about how you could make it work in the case where you can't just flat out require the player to keep their hands on the buttons because they need to be able to hit other controls, and how most blind people aren't going to have low-latency keyboards and high quality headphones because of lack of money (and also lack of games that need them as a secondary factor).  And that's the algorithm I came up with.It'd be cool to see someone with more time try it and get back to me, otherwise it will have to wait for my hypothetical game engine in Python using my much-less-hypothetical but yet to be finished 3D audio library.It's just a shame it can't work for enemies too.


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

We were rushing to get a build going today but we couldn't to get it out the door in time;Too many little things cropped to cause problems.But we've resolved to get a build up tomorrow; in about 24 hours it should be up.This time we've redone the movement and gone a more traditional first person movement scheme (Mouse Rotation, WASD movement), with an option to rotate at 45-degree Increments.We also have audio "Ticks" for when you rotate past certain points, similar to A Hero's Call and Swamp, so the player gets a sense of when have reached a 90 degree point.We're working to on implementing different audio cues for wall collision; If you're sliding up against a wall it gives very different audio feedback than if you run into it.We're also cognizant of making sure that hallways or doorways are made obvious. Either by howling wind when close by, or hanging a torch on either side of the doorway.I know that these things aren't exactly "features", but it's where we're at.If things go nicely tomorrow we might have a basic sword swing that collides with the environment, but at the moment it is too buggy so I can't guarantee it.I'll post here when the build is up!@18 That's a really neat cheat for rhythm input. I'll need to look into that later!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

@17For rhythm, you can almost certainly cheat, at least for that of the player:for(int i = 0; i < keypresses.length; i++) {
beats[i] = (keypresses[i].time - keypresses[i-1].time) / bpm;
}Now obviously this doesn't work for enemies, and obviously it's not synced to the music, but the key thing isn't necessarily does the player hit it on the beat, but rather is the player hitting it on the same bpm as the music.  This hides both audio/keyboard latency and keeps you having to figure out how to sync game time.  Unfortunately for enemies it's a little bit harder.I don't have enough vision for videogames anymore, and probably never did for Crypt of the Necrodancer, but I keep abreast of the sighted industry for ideas, and that's got ideas that could be used.  Unfortunately the real killer there is that keeping things down to a 4 button control scheme is probably all but impossible because you need a BK3 and/or Shadow Line style camera for map exploration and every time you explore the map the music has to be paused.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

@15Some of what you're suggestion matches the design doc we've had for combat, here's our ideal;You're fighting a monster, and that monster might have a fire breath, or can cause stalagmites to erupt from the floor.The key is to avoid being in these spaces. Monsters will always try to face you, and their face is protected by hard carapace or armor. We want the player to bait the monsters into attacking, avoid that attack, and flank the monster from behind and attack their weak point. That's the dream combat scenario at least, but we're nowhere near that yet.@16 I'll look into Steam Audio, thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately anything that doesn't have an Fmod or Unity plugin that's easily testable would take too much time to adapt to our needs. Luckily Steam Audio does seem to have that.Both Wiktor and Me enjoy Crypt of the Necrodancer: I enjoy that the combat boils down to basically the movement keys only: Moving is also attacking if you face an enemy, and the skill goes back to positioning and patterns.Easy to pick up, hard to master.Music and rhytm is also a really useful tool for creating patterns for enemies; if we had another teammember we'd love to link the enemies to some sort of musical pattern to make them more predictable and readable to the player. At the moment I think it's above the scope of what we can accomplish.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

@15Some of what you're  suggestion matches the design doc we've had for combat, here's our ideal;You're fighting a monster, and that monster might have a fire breath, or can cause stalagmites to erupt from the floor.The key is to avoid being in these spaces. Monsters will always try to face you, and their face is protected by hard carapace or armor. We want the player to bait the monsters into attacking, avoid that attack, and flank the monster from behind and attack their weak point. That's the dream combat scenario at least, but we're nowhere near that yet.@16 I'll look into Steam Audio, thanks for the suggestion.Both Wiktor and Me enjoy Crypt of the Necrodancer: I enjoy that the combat boils down to basically the movement keys only: Moving is also attacking if you face an enemy, and the skill goes back to positioning and patterns.Easy to pick up, hard to master.Music and rhytm is also a really useful tool for creating patterns for enemies; if we had another teammember we'd love to link the enemies to some sort of musical pattern to make them more predictable and readable to the player. At the moment I think it's above the scope of what we can accomplish.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

@15Sighted games have had lock-on forever. You could easily do that in an audiogame, but it's mildly confusing because you rotate implicitly.  However you don't necessarily need the whole multiple positions thing if you just use the angle between the enemy's forward vector and the vector from the enemy to the player: that, plus sidestepping keys and you have this.If you want ideas for more interesting combat, I personally want to copy Crypt of the Necrodancer one of these days.  A really silly title, but the main gimmick is that it's a roguelike where your turn lasts one beat of the music only, and for best results you have to try to enter commands on the beat.  It'd be hard to do a full top-down roguelike from that perspective, but combo systems and things to the music is an idea that'd be easy to copy.  getting rhythm out of audio files and keeping things in sync is hard but you can fake out the rhythm stuff by just analyzing the times between keypresses and seeing how closely it matches the BPM.@14Unity isn't just a little bit inaccessible.  Unity is completely 100% inaccessible.  Some people have found the beginnings of workarounds, but the entire UI isn't native controls and they don't implement the accessibility APIs so that's the end of that.I would suggest looking at Steam Audio over Resonance.  As part of my most recent 3D audio project I did some evaluation of the various HRTF stuff and Steam seemed to have a better implementation.  Resonance very much seems to have been Google making an attempt at HRTF, getting 75% done, and realizing that it isn't worth it from a market perspective so how about we open source it for the PR.But don't take my word for it: I haven't been able to find anything that'd let me do a side-by-side comparison besides just watching Youtube demos.  However given that Unity makes swapping this stuff easy (or at least easier), it might be worth attempting it.Unfortunately everyone in sighted land doing this stuff decides to not care about the interaural time differences, grabs ambisonics, and turns their HRTF into "we simulated 12 surround sound speakers".  You can really tell the difference.  OpenALSoft still beats everyone if you want something free, and Blue Ripple if you want something paid, but OpenAL is a terrible API to start with and OpenALSoft is prone to having weird bugs just because it feels like it, so they're both kind of dead ends especially since I'm thinking Unity doesn't have good integrations.If you want to hear the difference, find the old Aureal 3D demos on Youtube--people actually used to do this right.  But alas, no longer.Edit: to be clear Steam Audio doesn't require Steam, and I believe has Unity integrations. But they distribute it as a precompiled binary, not as source.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

@15Sighted games have had lock-on forever. You could easily do that in an audiogame, but it's mildly confusing because you rotate implicitly.  However you don't necessarily need the whole multiple positions thing if you just use the angle between the enemy's forward vector and the vector from the enemy to the player: that, plus sidestepping keys and you have this.If you want ideas for more interesting combat, I personally want to copy Crypt of the Necrodancer one of these days.  A really silly title, but the main gimmick is that it's a roguelike where your turn lasts one beat of the music only, and for best results you have to try to enter commands on the beat.  It'd be hard to do a full top-down roguelike from that perspective, but combo systems and things to the music is an idea that'd be easy to copy.  getting rhythm out of audio files and keeping things in sync is hard but you can fake out the rhythm stuff by just analyzing the times between keypresses and seeing how closely it matches the BPM.@14Unity isn't just a little bit inaccessible.  Unity is completely 100% inaccessible.  Some people have found the beginnings of workarounds, but the entire UI isn't native controls and they don't implement the accessibility APIs so that's the end of that.I would suggest looking at Steam Audio over Resonance.  As part of my most recent 3D audio project I did some evaluation of the various HRTF stuff and Steam seemed to have a better implementation.  Resonance very much seems to have been Google making an attempt at HRTF, getting 75% done, and realizing that it isn't worth it from a market perspective so how about we open source it for the PR.But don't take my word for it: I haven't been able to find anything that'd let me do a side-by-side comparison besides just watching Youtube demos.  However given that Unity makes swapping this stuff easy (or at least easier), it might be worth attempting it.Unfortunately everyone in sighted land doing this stuff decides to not care about the interaural time differences, grabs ambisonics, and turns their HRTF into "we simulated 12 surround sound speakers".  You can really tell the difference.  OpenALSoft still beats everyone if you want something free, and Blue Ripple if you want something paid, but OpenAL is a terrible API to start with and OpenALSoft is prone to having weird bugs just because it feels like it, so they're both kind of dead ends especially since I'm thinking Unity doesn't have good integrations.If you want to hear the difference, find the old Aureal 3D demos on Youtube--people actually used to do this right.  But alas, no longer.


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : nolan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

Interesting. I'd thought about some sort of dueling, tactical combat simulation in audio that's a step above the usual "block or attack, front, left, or right" system lots of games use. I've never seen a sword fight, but when I read about them, there's circling/sidestepping and such. I assume that there's some benefit to not just facing each other and whacking. Like, if your opponent is left-handed, being further to their left puts you further back in their range so they can't put much force behind a strike. Likewise, having someone in front of you while you're facing their right or left side means they can't hit you but you can still hit them--unless, of course, they've leveled up some amazingly complex side-strike move that you'd only discover when it's too late. So, for a duel system, you might have 5 rough areas in front of the player--far left, left, center, right, far right. Players could sidestep to shift themselves and their opponent in the combat area, maybe pivot to make more drastic shifts at a larger movement/time cost, etc. Attacks and blocks are then strengthened or weakened based on position, right or left-handedness of player and opponent, etc. So you aren't just attacking and blocking sounds from directions, but also trying to maneuver to place your opponent in a position where you are stronger and they aren't. Likewise, when your opponent moves, you're also moving so they don't have an advantage over you. Move beyond far left/right and you're now circling your opponent, meaning they can't attack but you can--obviously not ideal for them.Doing that on a map may be a bit challenging. Or maybe not. It might be necessary to break out the encounter onto a combat map, or to change the motion controls in combat such that left/right motions take circling into account once you're far enough off to one side. Really, the only way to know how well any of this will work is to knock together a prototype and try it out. I haven't yet, but maybe these concepts might work with your game?


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

Wow, I really appreciate the amount of feedback! And man the quality of it!And thanks for the game example suggestions from camlorn @3 and Jaidon of the Carribean @4 (and everyone else!), me and Wiktor have been spending this morning checking out all the games and playing demos where available.The main takeaway that I'm getting here is that people are not satisfied with the Grid-based cardinal direction movement, and camlorn @3 brings up a great point about incremental head rotation; Being able to face a sound source helps immensely in mentally placing it. So we are completely redesigning movement and rotation to better facilitate that.I agree that sighted people making a story featuring a blind character who somehow "overcomes" their blindness is a rather cringe narrative, so we're not doing that.Some background on why we chose the old movement system;Our original idea for the game was to have every encounter be a duel between the player and their enemy in a confined space. Every step the player took needed to be deliberate; the player should be dodging attacks or flanking the enemy, and we thought that moving on a grid and with 90 degree rotations would facilitate this very deliberate positioning; if the player got hit, they would KNOW it was because they were in a space that was being attacked.We still want the deliberateness of the combat to come across in the design, but I understand that the current implementation feels clunky and outdated.The two options I see is either do a top-down implementation similar to Shadow Line, or a first person implementation closer to Swamp and Quake, with freeform movement and mouse rotation.I think we are going to go with the first person rotation, because I want to be able to do the things that magurp244 describes with their comments @12, namely describing relative positioning using breathing, footsteps, armor clinking and room echo.And using something like what amerikranien @7 describes with the "whoosh" when close to open hallways, and keeping that sonar implementation in our back pocket in case we need it.We are beginning that process today of overhauling the game. I'm hoping we'll have a new prototype soon, and I'll post here when we have something testable. I'll be checking back here regularly, but again I really appreciate the feedback!For those of you wondering on Technical Questions;Here's a list of tools we're using.Language:C# Game Engine:Unityfor Audio Organization/Implementation:Fmod For Unityfor Audio 3d spatialization:Google Resonance Audio plugin Keep in mind both Wiktor and me are sighted. I've seen some posts on the Unity Forums that complain about lack of accessibility when using the Unity Editor Interface, but if you want some help or general tips feel free to reach out in my DMs.


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

If the game is top down from the sighted perspective, then copying Shadow Line one for one will get you much further than trying to make it first person with 4 cardinal directions.  In general, top down interfaces like Shadow Line can convey much more complicated levels (to a point) at the cost of some degree of realism, since you have to sacrifice some of the things you might want to do to audio to make it happen.I have toyed with the idea of combining some of the top-down features (like the BK3 style camera) with a first person game but never coded anything like it and don't think anyone else has either.


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

Another approach could be the implementation of 3D positional audio, reverb and audio occlusion with ambient sound of the players footsteps of idle sounds, clink of armor, breathing, sound of a torch, etc. same with opponents. This way you can get less irritating spacial information based on your own movement or ambient sounds. I've also suggested elsewhere that you can try making the sounds more informative to the games state, for example heavier breathing if a player or enemy is injured, more labored strikes, the sounds of drinking potions, unique sounds for weapons and actions, etc. These are much more intuitive and immersive than spitting out X damage or actions through TTS. The gameplay also appears to be visually represented from a top down perspective like a typical roguelike, if anyones curious.@9Intellectual curiosity. Different languages have different API's and tool chains, so learning the choice of language can help gain some insight into how they may go about developing the game, or the potential challenges to their approach. In some cases, if their receptive, the community can even offer the dev team some helpful feedback on certain coding issues that popup, or assist in bug tracking and Q issues.


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

Another approach could be the implementation 3D positional audio, reverb and audio occlusion with ambient sound of the players footsteps of idle sounds, clink of armor, breathing, sound of a torch, etc. same with opponents. This way you can get less irritating spacial information based on your own movement or ambient sounds. I've also suggested elsewhere that you can try making the sounds more informative to the games state, for example heavier breathing if a player or enemy is injured, more labored strikes, the sounds tp drinking potions, unique sounds for weapons and actions, etc. These are much more intuitive and immersive than spitting out X damage pr actions through TTS. The gameplay also appears to be visually represented from a top down perspective like a typical roguelike, if anyones curious.@9Intellectual curiosity. Different languages have different API's and tool chains, so learning the choice of language can help gain some insight into how they may go about developing the game, or the potential challenges to their approach. In some cases, if their receptive, the community can even offer the dev team some helpful feedback on certain coding issues that popup, or assist in bug tracking and Q issues.


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : nolan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

Lots of great advice in this thread. Hope it's taken to heart!Speaking for myself, I find the motion system described in @1 fairly uninteresting, and the implication that rotation might add significant difficulty a bit alarming. Were that the case, real life would be incredibly confusing! I'd only be interested in 4/8-way motion if it was a trope of the game style. I have a few roguelike concepts kicking around in my head, and of course those would use 8-way motion because that's key to the genre. But I wouldn't call that system first-person. Saying an 8-way system is first-person from a blind person's perspective, is like saying a 2-D system is 3-D for someone who is sighted. If that doesn't make sense then you got the point. 


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

@8Sighted people aren't able to just use their senses like we can.  We don't have better senses but it takes a hell of a lot of practice to be able to use them as we do.Sighted people are, generally, also not able to remember layouts and things to the degree we can either.@9Because everyone is hoping there is an easy path, and so when someone says they use language x, everyone goes and tries language x expecting to be able to just make games.


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

Also, why is it every new developer comes out you guys ask what programming language its coded in? Is that really important?


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

7's system is quite intuitive. I'm going to say something a bit controversial, but In my Opinion:Manamon's navigation system, while it does wwork is really annoying. The constant beeep gets extremely agitating after a while, and its a 6 year old nav system. You can definately use more modern means of conveying the player's location to the user than Manamon, or Paladin of the Sky, or A Hero's call. All it takes is a bit of out of the box thinking fon your part. You guys already have all the tools and resources to do something awesome, so go ahead and do it! Really. Try the experiment. and one thing, I don't want you to use the experiment as a pitty experiment. Try and navigate. Use your other senses to your advantage. I think if you do that experiment, yule truly be able to come up with something special. Keep it up guys.


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

I can't believe you guys aren't bringing Shadow Rine into this. No, seriously. That game's sonar was top notch, even if it was a bit short. It essentially told you only about open passages as you walk through with a short woosh sound matching the direction of the opening.I have also managed to build a sonar which still behaves like Shadow Rine, but it also tells you about wall locations.Let's say that you, the player are at (5, 0). Let's also say that there are some walls at (3, 10), (5, 10), and (7, 10).You take a step to the left, and the sonar helpfully alerts you that there aren't any walls ahead of you. Should you choose to continue walking forward, i.e, (4, 1), (4, 2), (4, 3), your sonar will stay silent until a wall with in certain distances has been detected.However, let's say that you decided to go to (3, 10). The sonar emits a sound to let you know that there is a wall ahead of you. Now, portraying the distance to the said wall could be up to you. Personally I represented it with volume, playing the ping at the position at which the wall has been detected. This of course would mean that, should the walls be off to the user's left or right, the sound will pan accordingly.I found that the system I outlined above is really really intuitive and ease on the ears when compared to, say something like Manamon or Paladin of the Sky.I feel the need to point this out once again, however. The sonar should not keep alerting the user that there is empty space around them. It should only play a sound to let them know if there is a wall. Furthermore, if the user does not move closer to that wall, the sound should not be repeated again.Let's go back to my previous example and change it a bit.You are still at (5, 0).There is a wall from 3 to 10 on the X axes. I will also assume that you already heard your surroundings.You take a step to the left and are now at (4, 0). The wall sound does not play ahead of you because you are still 10 units away.You take a step to (4, 1) and the wall sound plays again to represent the new distance between you and the wall.I hope that my post was helpful even if it was long, .


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

I can't believe you guys aren't bringing Shadow Rine into this. No, seriously. That game's sonar was top notch, even if it was a bit short. It essentially told you only about open passages as you walk through with a short woosh sound matching the direction of the opening.I have also managed to build a sonar which still behaves like Shadow Rine, but it also tells you about wall locations.Let's say that you, the player are at (5, 0). Let's also say that there are some walls at (3, 10), (5, 10), and (7, 10).You take a step to the left, and the sonar helpfully alerts you that there aren't any walls ahead of you. Should you choose to continue walking forward, i.e, (5, 1), (5, 2), (5, 3), your sonar will stay silent until a wall with in certain distances has been detected.However, let's say that you decided to go to (3, 10). The sonar emits a sound to let you know that there is a wall ahead of you. Now, portraying the distance to the said wall could be up to you. Personally I represented it with volume, playing the ping at the position at which the wall has been detected. This of course would mean that, should the walls be off to the user's left or right, the sound will pan accordingly.I found that the system I outlined above is really really intuitive and ease on the ears when compared to, say something like Manamon or Paladin of the Sky.I feel the need to point this out once again, however. The sonar should not keep alerting the user that there is empty space around them. It should only play a sound to let them know if there is a wall. Furthermore, if the user does not move closer to that wall, the sound should not be repeated again.Let's go back to my previous example and change it a bit.You are still at (5, 0).There is a wall from 3 to 10 on the X axes. I will also assume that you already heard your surroundings.You take a step to the left and are now at (4, 0). The wall sound does not play ahead of you because you are still 10 units away.You take a step to (4, 1) and the wall sound plays again to represent the new distance between you and the wall.I hope that my post was helpful even if it was long, .


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Meatbag via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

hi, sinse this is in the devlepors room, of corse I could ask, which langwige will you code this thing in, thanks


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : toto via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

hii m totally agree camlorn


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

I don't think Manamon's movement system will meet the needs and demands of your game, especially if you intend to make something worth playing. Post 3 pretty much sums the topic up quite nicely, but to add to that, you may use your eyes to do things, while we use our ears. Try an experiment for me. Get a stick, a blindfold and somewhere where its quiet. Blindfold yourself. And try and navigate your location with just your ears. The first conclusion I think yule make is that the world has more than 4, 8 or even 16 directions! Good places to start for reference would be games like A Hero's call, Bokurono deboukan, which I'm probably spelling wrong, Swamp, and all the other suggestions Camlorn made. Some navigation suggestions I can make is a sonar based movement. For example, if you're approaching a wall, you'd hear a sonar noise bouncing off the wall. But don't do it the Manamon way, because the constant tones can and will get very annoying. Another form of sonar based movement is the one in A hero's Call. Instead of hearing a constant noise, you hear it once. I really suggest you try out other games, because Manamon's system is slightly outdated, but it can still be quite functional and effective actually. Good luck, and I hope you managed to garner some feedback from that post. Good luck, and I'll always be willing to give you feedback


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

I'd look at Swamp. Swamp manages this pretty well even without limiting itself to the cardinal directions.Or Shades of Doom for that matter.There's no particular reason to limit yourself to the 4 cardinal directions.  Both of the above games (as well as most of the other first person stuff) have full 360-degree turning.  I'm sure there's other things, but the only first person thing I can think of offhand that limits itself to only the 4 cardinal directions is Soundmud, which was really only ever a tech demo.I suspect you're sighted.  if so, be aware that what blind audiogame players can handle is generally much more than you think it will be.  Nothing makes up for 10 to 20 years of practice being blind.  Swamp, for instance, is about as complicated as Doom levels, and there's even a minority of us who were able to successfully play Quake via Audioquake once upon a time.When you say that you're worried about keeping the player oriented, partially what I'm hearing is "We are sighted and we get lost; blind people must get lost too".  And that's true to a point.  But with Swamp (which is the only really good online game we have to my knowledge) people are able to handle 40+ quickly moving zombies in realistic warehouse maps with shelving and all that without too much other than some basic radars.  By radar I sort of mean super-cane.The lack of first person games around here isn't to do with first person games being a bad idea, or even particularly challenging to design.  The navigational stuff is mostly solved.  The issue is that most of the people interested in making audiogames don't have sufficient trigonometry knowledge to handle the math.I personally think only 4 cardinal directions is a bad idea.  Things are most localizable if in front of the player.  Without being able to turn lesser amounts, you can't get different viewpoints.  The world becomes fundamentally square.  it's hard to put this into words quite right, so sorry if this is confusing.  But if you want to know exactly where something is, you need to be able to turn to try to find it.  Typically games solve the problem by providing keys to snap to the cardinal directions which you use to ereestablish a known orientation if you get lost, or announce that you're facing north/south/east/west as your forward vector crosses those points, or both.Please don't make the mistake of deciding that your story is that the main character is the blind swordsman or whatever.  You needn't justify the additional gameplay mechanics with story, and to be honest I'm personally tired of people trying for the "but blind people can actually go on a fantasy adventure" storylines.  Whenever anyone says they're doing a project that involves the word student, or whenever audiogames are done by a sighted team, the story inevitably goes here.  I'm not saying that we want to all pretend we're sighted or anything, but I personally find it cringeworthy when those tropes get used.  It's almost impossible to avoid either landing on "blind people need magic powers" or "blind people can sense more than sighted people" if you try for that storyline.  In general I find blind characters less relatable overall in almost all media, because even when people do it well, it's still really easy to tell that they don't understand, or got the accounts secondhand; and even when done by other blind people, there's at least two primary ways of making up for being blind that I refer to as memory and senses, and people who fall into one strategy are kinda unrelatable to people in the other (this is anecdotal, I don't have research, but yes I do have a taxonomy--meet enough blind people and you can kinda see it).


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Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : manamon_player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

sounds interesting, what programming language are you using to coad the game?


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Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Code Dungeon - A first person hack & slash dungeon crawler

You enter a Tower, weak and frail. You have lived in darkness all your life. There are monsters, and they want to kill you. You find a blade. You are ready to do what needs to be done. The tower must be ascended. Only then can you be free.Hello!Me and a fellow developer are currently making a small real-time dungeon crawler where you hack and slash enemies, learn their patterns and dodge their attacks.It's effectively first person; You attack in front of you, move in cardinal directions and you can rotate 90 degrees. The game is currently in EARLY alpha; Only basic movement is implemented. The movement scheme is inspired by games like Manamon 2, though the addition of rotation complicates the player's spatial awareness.That's why we need feedback and testing; We need to figure out how to keep the player aware of their surroundings, even when the enemy changes position. But *any* other feedback is valuable as well like answering the question "does this game sound interesting to you?"Because we want this game to be action focused, and allow the player to feel skillful in reflexes and execution.Some practical info;We use W. A. S. D for moving in cardinal directions, and Q. and E. to rotate.That is all the gameplay in the game currently; There is no way to attack in this pre-alpha stage.We will be updating this forum topic throughout April, and are hoping to have significant features implemented every week.The download page will always be the same.Please give it a try and feel free chastise us for being idiots and missing something obvious. Your feedback will directly influence the development of the game.Here is the download link; page is on There are no malicious download links on the page, and the download button is somewhere in the lower middle of the page.(There are 2 fields called "download". one is just text, the other is an actual download button)The download gives you a Zip folder you need to unzip. Inside is a folder with a Build Number. In THAT folder is CodeDungeon.exe.Don't remove any files from the Build Number folder, or else the game might not run.We are students writing a Thesis on designing inclusive games, and any and all feedback we get will help us make better games in the future.


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