Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

2020-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

This game sounds great! I’d like to give it a try, hopefully the developer is willing to make access fixes.


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Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

2020-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

Okay I've actually given this one a try now. I've found it is possible just about to work in duels since the game comes with some handy in built aliases for fast actions, and combat is on average not text heavy, so at least with my default speech rate it works.The only miner problem, is knowing when your opponent is about to attack and thus being able to defend yourself, since by default screen reader mode turns off the prompt, and indeed knowing when your own energy is full and you can take another action.the best way I've found, is to use the prompt config $E (that's a capital E), to display your opponent's energy. Energy refills at a rate of 10 every second, so it's relatively easy to work out when you can do what, and generally it's more important to not get hit than to hitt back.The only problem with doing things this way, is obviously every line you get a display of when your opponent gets more energy. It would be far more helpful if the game simply told you when you or your opponent had a full energy bar and thus when to attack, preferably with a one word message.No I would not like this done by scripts, since it's something fixable. So at the moment, the game is possible to play, or at least I've had no problem defeating enemies at my level, but how this will persist when more is going on in combat I don't know.


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Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

2020-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : caio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

@dark I get what you mean.I've heard aboutt his game and am considering giving it a try. But to resolve the problems I think talking to the developers is the way to go. They can simply slow the combat and put legends in the anci.


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Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

2020-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

The problem is the "just set triggers", argument, assumes that basically every player is comfortable with reprogramming their own client for their own experience, since what triggers are set will differ for each class and ability, also it takes the onus off the developers to add decent access  to their game, as was the case in epitaff with it's super spammy combat.I will say, the wiki did detail a very logical alias system, where by you could just type "something like 1 perform swing, so you could execute commands with one key press, but given that it takes longer to hear the text of what is happening, whether this works I don't know. A soundpack would be great, butgood soundpacks take a lot of work from the players, rather than the developers making their game properly accessible, and timed actions can work in games (look at some of the cosmic rage activities), provided that the mud isn't providing so much text, it takes the player too long to read before they have time to respond.


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Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

2020-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

oh yeah... the wilderness... as long as the ascii is readable, I think it will be fine.


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Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

2020-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : arnold18 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

my problem is more of the where to find certain terrain types since we can not use the map properly.


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Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

2020-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : annellin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

I was playing it yesterday and today and it's not as bad as it seems.Yeah you have to pay attention, but it's a great way to stay focused, alert and interested.The admin said that he wants to make the life of blind players easier because he is aware that half of the players if not more come from the blind community, so he asked on chat for feedback. people can go and write ideas with the idea command.Of course a soundpack would be brilliant.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

2020-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Vazbol via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

Right, right now it's just a lack of sound feedback to react to certain events. Like, as a berserking Axeman, one of the things you want to know is if your opponent attempts a guard or parry stance. Sunder allows you to strip those buffs away, and since some of those maneuvers have 20 second cooldowns, the opponent is kind of screwed for any defensive maneuvers. Proceed to swing away with angry axe, preferably with bloodcraze active during this openning. ONly real weakness you have is against a dodge build, as axe has nothing against that.  Along with that, you want to know about any debuffs that wack your sense, especially disorientation which can tire you out fast if you try to rapid strike with an axe. honestly, just setting triggers to react to certain situations with a sound (or if you want to be that guy) respond to certain maneuvers automatically. the thing is I know a bunch of people from here that played Conquest a lot. I think there was a trigger pack about before, but the chances it still exists after 3 years might be slim.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

2020-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

I honestly afraid that kind of combat system is not what the dev intent to create, but yeah, maybe someone could ask the dev to slow down things slightly or some other way. yes, if you use mush, you can adjust so that numpad will be use to perform combat action, and in the game itself, number 1, 2, 3 and so on are combat aliases.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

2020-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

I honestly afraid that kind of combat system is not what the dev intent to create, but yeah, maybe someone could ask the dev to slow down things slightly or some other way. yes, if you use mush, you can adjust so that numpad will be use to perform combat action.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

2020-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

Perhaps someone could talk to the devs about slowing battles down with an active time system okewed r actions or the like.From the wiki, it sounds as if the game already has a pretty good in built alias system for combat anyway, so it's just a question of getting the info and being able to act.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

2020-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

Yeah, I checked the wiki and it sounds like combat for this one is super fast, and will require basically programming an entirely custom interface or really heavy low spam modes on the part of the developers to be accessible. It'd be great if someone comes up with that, but as it stands it just sounds like a frustrating experience, especially given that the rest of the game sounds so good.Shame there can't be an active time system like flexible survival, or just a way to make combat a bit slower so it's actually possible without major amounts of programming.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

2020-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

was thinking the combat  is cool, I love manual combat honestly. I manage to pass a few duals but then I got frustrated with the rest and leave. I'll be really happy if someone could make a soundpack that focus on combat though, it will be really helpful. I also love how flexible the character management is.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

2020-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

Yeah, I checked the wiki and it sounds like combat for this one is super fast, and will require basically programming an entirely a custom interface or really heavy low spam modes on the part of the developers to be accessible. It'd be great if someone comes up with that, but as it stands it just sounds like a frustrating experience, especially given that the rest of the game sounds so good.Shame there can't be an active time system like flexible survival, or just a way to make combat a bit slower so it's actually possible without major amounts of programming.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

2020-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

Yeah, I checked the wiki and it sounds like combat for this one is super fast, and will require basically programming an entirely a custom interface or really heavy low spam modes on the part of the developers to be accessible. It'd be great if someone comes up with that, but as it stands it just sounds like a frustrating experience, especially given that the rest of the game sounds so good.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

2020-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Vazbol via Audiogames-reflector


Conquest Mud Trigger/Soundpack?

Hello.recently, conquest mud was brought back online to the joys of many people. if you haven't played it before, it's a fantasy mud with full focus on dueling combat, crafting, and dungeon crafting/raiding. Combat isn't automatic, and the timing of defensive bonuses, attacks,a nd counters is key to not getting wrecked against monsters, or players if you're into duels. the main draw of the game is the lair system. on the world map, dungeons appear loaded with treasures and dangerous mobiles to slay in a group or solo (You can even craft golem companions to fight with you along with hiring mercenaries). Along with this, players can build their own dungeon lairs, and populate it with traps, monsters captured from other dungeons or in the wild, and with treasures for other players and npc's to try to loot. it's actually important to offer some sort of reward in some spots of a dungeon to attract npc's and players to it. The more people that visit your dungeon, the faster other, more valuable treasure you have in harder to fight to locations can upgrade. You need to provide incentive for people to raid your dungeon, while keeping stuff you want to upgrade safe from these players.The issue I'm having right now is that the game requires one to react and respond to many prompts within battle. Especially with a lot of timing based combat styles, like halberds more defensive options, and appropriately countering parry and defensive upgrade attempts, there's a lot to keep track that gets lost inn combat spam. I've been trying to resolve this by creating sound and response triggers to certain events, but it's a bit slow going as I plod through. I'm curious if there was ever a trigger/soundpack for this mud? I know some people from this community played it a lot back in 2017 before it went down. there's probably more thing sto include later in the game that also needs to be accounted for, and I'm just starting out. the afflictions of certain physical status effects, and just not noticing I should be sundering someone putting up a guard and parry does result in epic fails at times, heh.


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