Re: Does anybody else have a love/hate relationship with Stack Overflow?

2014-07-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anybody else have a love/hate relationship with Stack Overflow?

I think Captcha itself has it's place but if you've signed up for an account on a site, you should only have to do it the first time you post. After that, you're either not a spambot, or you're a spambot who successfully solved the captcha once and can easily do it again so there's no further point in it.It just drives me up the wall to see members vote to close perfectly legitimate questions, which obviously come from noobies but are certainly not "Can you write this for me". The fact that those types of questions are the first things that come up on google when you search for the same information says something; that people really do need that information and to come across someone else who asked it and got accused of asking an illegitimate question makes you feel stupid even though you weren't the one to ask the question in the first place.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Does anybody else have a love/hate relationship with Stack Overflow?

2014-07-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anybody else have a love/hate relationship with Stack Overflow?

StackOverflow and all the other StackExchange sites suffer basically the same problem as Reddit and HN, namely, there are a disproportionate numbers of wankers occupying them.Don't get me wrong, the idea, and the depth of knowledge, is sound. But I don't contribute to them at all with that level of hostility and self-importance tolerated. Even the CAPTCHA delivered after you submit your answer is proof enough of that. I just can't reward such wankery.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Does anybody else have a love/hate relationship with Stack Overflow?

2014-07-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Does anybody else have a love/hate relationship with Stack Overflow?

okay, so if you're learning a programming language or trying to solve a problem, you're almost sure to find a posting on Stack Overflow from someone who's had the same problem before. Admittedly that's pretty amazing especially when the documentation on the subject matter in question is... less than user friendly. In fact, I spent many an hour browsing Stack Overflow while I was learning PHP.One thing I couldn't help but notice is the number of questions which get voted down and closed (some for valid reasons, and a great many which are simply mind boggling).I feel that the condescention and outright hate coming from the seniors on that site is almost unbelieveable. For every question you come across that gets justifiably closed, you simply lose count of the ones that are closed because:*five trolls voted to close them (it only takes five member votes),*some supposedly tenured developers who think they're the only valuable huma
 n beings on the planet think the question's below them, so how dare the lesser mortal put finger to key,*a google search would reveal another site which could answer the question (that one's at least legit, however SO claims to desire to become a sort of one stop shop for programming questions so that kinda defeats the purpose).The worst part is some of the wording that's built in to the canned close reasons. Worst of which being "Not a real question". Really? Just because my question is too simple, too complicated, too vaig, too specific etc to you makes it "Not real" as in "Fake"?Sure, sometimes things get posted that truly are not real questions like actual requests for precoded solutions but this condescending message is thrown around the site freely and even targets legit and perfectly reasonable questions- questions you wouldn't be afrade to ask your prof.What do people think? If you asked a question and
  got told that your question is "not real" even when you feel it's valid, would you take this as belittling? To me, this is no different than if you have someone over for dinner and they tell you "This is not real food". Sure it's real food, all be it not pleasurable as per your own tastes but still it's still real human food.I think this is deliberate public humiliation. Even if the question doesn't fit the site's quality standards which are highly subjective to begin with, there are better ways of wording than "Not a real question". This just prompts arguments like "It does include a question mark" and cannot be reasonably considered constructive chriticism at all.Then there are questions which are closed for spelling and grammar mistakes. Most development resources are written in English and this is a huge barrier to entry for foreigners who's mother tongue isn't English but yet some guys who t
 hink they're the best thing since sliced bred feel that it's appropriate to obstruct one's ability to learn based on this alone?If you're good enough to be welcomed there, then you should be above asking for help anyway; at least that's the energy the community gives to an outsider.Any thoughts on this?


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