Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

2016-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

Erion is a lot like aardwolf, so you should have no problems with that sort of thing, six dragons is also great for progressive quests to do. Most muds (especially the very combat orientated ones), have quests and info commands that tell you what to do where, it's a standard thing in dicu and other games. some like promethius have progressive activities, ie, you need so many haulage points to do asteroid mining etc, so you get an idea of what to try where. Some like clok, though they tend to spit you out fairly quickly have systems in place so that you can progress, eg, earning money, getting skills etc. In Clok for example in order to do many things you need tools and weapons and what not, and to get those you need money, and one of the simplest ways of getting money is logging, which then teaches some wilderness skills, sinse in clok you learn by doing. Some like Avalon are huge and complex and are very reliant upon players, indeed in avalon I'm ju
 st at the stage of having finished mud school and deciding on a profession myself, however other players are very helpful with that sort of thing, or at least they are if it is a decent game.This is why discworld got so much on my nurves, no helpful players or help systems, just literally being  chucked onto the mean streets .


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Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

2016-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BlakeT via Audiogames-reflector


Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

I have that kind of problem with most muds. I'm probably pretty inexperienced, but the only two muds I've found something to do in are Alter Aeon and Aardwolf. Every other mud, I got spat out of mud school and into a strange town with no directions. I've gone through countless muds, destined, it seems, to live in mud school. I'll have to try erion though.


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Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

2016-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

Actually sterloc I gave up with discworld. I tried the game, finished the newbie area, then spent literally a few ours wandering ancmorpork not sure what to do. The "quests" command was so unspecific it didn't help at all, especially sinse as you observed areas are gigantic. When I asked for help on the newbie channel, people just either said how hard their time as a newbie was or told me to "Look around" or said how good the game was without being of much help.None of the npcs seemed to have much interaction or intelligence, indeed as I said, seeing characters like corporal knobbs just stand there and occasionally give stat reactions and not be able to interact with them was actually frustrating. There was no jobs command or quests nearby command or similar. I'm sure there is a good game in there somewhere and the writing definitely  gave me the discworld feeling from the books, but to be honest I was not the least impr
 essed with the game or much inclined to try again, though I will give it a db page for the screen reader adaptations.right now however, I'm well  into  altereon doing many quests, and also considering trying avalon again too, though I'll have to start a new char on there as I can't reclal anything of where I was.


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Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

2016-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

Lol dark, did you look at the wiki? There are literally hundreds of quests. You're lucky you're trying to play now, the quest policy used to be 0 quest info given out, which is very common with LP muds, which is hilarious since most quests are amazingly obscure in the ways of doing them, some even suffer from the IF guess the verb garbage that has given the whole genre a bad reputation.


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Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

2016-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

Lol dark, did you look at the wiki? There are literally hundreds of quests.


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Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

2016-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

@Brad, there are some really good text descriptions of the discworld cities on the discworld wiki. I don't recal the page exactly but I don't think it was hard to find, just try "Screen reader maps" or "Blind maps" or something similar. I didn't actually have a problem with navigation in discworld sinse the room descriptions always told you what street you were on and what went where so the rest was just finding my way around, the problem was finding something to do in the game other than scavenge the streets and fight random npcs, there were no jobs or quests or whatever and most npcs just stood there as window dressing, which was quite disappointing.


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Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

2016-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bradp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

For those who have played discworld, How did you navigate around the cities? They are so big... and when I get a job from the job market, they are usually on streets that I cant find.


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Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

2016-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

I've played both Avalon and Cleft of dimentions, indeed there are topics about both on the forum, The avalon topic here and The cleft of dimentions topic here Avalon is likely one of the most unique muds I've seen and has some of the best descriptions in a mud I can imagine, however I've hesitated to give it a db page because I'm not really sure whether there are! screen reader adaptations, or whether it's just that the mud lends itself very well to screen readers, though that being said the staff and players were all incredibly friendly when I tried the game and quite willing to make adaptations if at all necessary, it's just that I didn't really get far enough to see what or wasn't necessary.Avalon itself is absolutely awesome, but very hard to describe. Everything in the game is very much player d
 riven, however there isn't really a big difference betwene rp and not rp, you just sort of act online according to what your character does and everything is player focused, indeed while there arenpcs in the game lots of the key roles like city rulers and guild officials are actually pcs, then again nobody will jump down your throat if you ask ooc questions either. The newbie bits and novice training I did was fantastic and some of the most unique stuff I've done in the mud, for example spying missions and playing a clerric actually blessing and performing spells, however one problem I had was that once I joined a guild, which are like character classes in the game I wasn't really sure what to do next. I put loads of training points into bard skills on the instructions of guild mates, but I wasn't given any quests or tasks or things I could try out, which was a trifle frustrating. I suspect Avalon is an awesome game, I just found it a bit impenitrabl
 e, then again, sinse I was sorting out business with my lady at the time I probably wasn't concentrating as much as I might have been and I really should try more of the game. Cleft of dimentions is far simpler and makes much more sense sinse it's far closer to your standard dicu game, ie, slaughter, gain levels, train stats etc. The  game however has a very unique flavour sinse it's themed around old school 8 bit nes and snes games, lots of references to zelda, marrio, super punchout etc (indeed it begins when your sooked into your nes). Even the races are old school rpg ones,  I for example loved the chance to play as a reploid from the mega man series with my own arm canon.It has quests and remorting, though when I tried there was a huge amount of grinding and I found the first quest a bit impenitrable, still it definitely does have screen reader adaptations so probably should get an entry as well.


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Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

2016-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

Hey guys. I spent a few minutes looking around the MUD connector. Here are a few MUDs that are "screen-reader friendly", according to TMC:Avalon: mythical fantasy MUD ( port 23)Legend MUD: mythology-based MUD ( port 23)Xiaix: another fantasy MUD ( port )Cleft of Dimentions: a MUD based on video games ( port 4354)Brave New World: superhero MUSH ( port )


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Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

2016-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

Well I've had a look at the game. It's a lot like Aardwolf and might use some of the same code, there are speedwalks and a quite similar university. However there are lots of missions to do which work like regular quests in other muds, though i got stuck on the first one and there wasn't anyone around to ask, in particular I'm interested in the differences from aardwolf such as pets and evolutions and the collossium. I will see about giving Erion a db page, though right now it's hard to destract myself away from Alter sinse currently Alter is being very awesome indeed and I@m doing really well with my druid mage :d.


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Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

2016-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

Okay, I just found out something interesting about Erion. first, the page I list above is the erion mud wiki which is still in construction and doesn't have much info, the actual homepage is here There are some really quite interesting looking features in the game. Firstly, the ability to evolve races and decide whether to remort or not after reaching level 150.  Also there are racial evolutions too.Thenn, something which sounds very cool are erion houses, which work like guilds accept that they focus on specific areas and give specific bffs. For example there is a house for questing, a house for pk, a house for combat, a house for alchemy etc. The game also has pets as a regular thing which can function like minians, and the equipment system doesn't seem quite as heavy as in some games which is good sinse equipment is something I've always found a pain. There are autoquests and quest currenci
 es and the like, though how these work I'm not exactly sure at this point.


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Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

2016-04-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

Discworld I couldn't get on with at all I'm afraid. I did the newbie area which was actually rather good, however then I just found myself wandering around ancmorpork not sure what I should be doing. No quests, no tasks, no dungeons, zippo.Even when I ran into characters I knew from the books like corporal knobs or Postman Groat, they wouldn't walk to me, they just seemed there for decoration. Oddly enough, getting around wasn't an issue, sinse the directions and room descriptions were great, however I just found the game rather impenitrable, and when I asked on the newbie channel no one was much help.As to Godwars 2, shame about the bots, and that the admin is no longer working on the game, some of the random stuff looked rather interesting.


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Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

2016-04-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

Hi Dark.Well I haven't played any of these. Except for discworld that one is pretty good it's the first time I've ever seen a mud based on books. These others I'll have to check out if they are accessible it would be cool to have database entries for them.


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Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

2016-04-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

I used to be a heavy diskworld player, but I haven't played in years. I've heard of GW2, but I've never played it. I've never heard of Lost Souls, Erion or SlothMUD, so I may have to check those out.


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Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

2016-04-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

I used to be a heavy diskworld player, but I haven't played in years. I've heard of GW2, but I've never played it. I've never heard of Erion or SlothMUD, so I may have to check those out.


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Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

2016-04-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: HAs anyone played these muds?

Stay away from GW2. It used to be good a decade ago, but the admin is no longer active and the game is ruined by botters.


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HAs anyone played these muds?

2016-04-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


HAs anyone played these muds?

Well as people know I'm playing Alter again at the moment, however there are several muds I have had a brief look at which seem to have screen reader adaptations or which people have recommended which probably need db pages. So I'm going to list them here to give people some ideas of what to play and also get some thoughts from people who have played them. Discworld and Frandom are both going to get pages in the near future.First is lost souls: Website here This one I keep trying to nurve myself to have a go at, but then I read the wiki newbie guide and start to wimper :d.  Combat heavy, but apparently very none standard combat and hugely difficult, I also am not sure of the hole guild thing. NExt is Erionmud: Erion mud site here I had a brief go at this but didn't finish the newbie area. It looks a little like aardwolf in
  terms of progression with autoquests and quest points and such, however there are a few cool features that are different, for example a collossium to fight in where you earn prizes and a lot of unique classes and races, for example it's possible to play as a kitsun (a half fox), or a flying winged cat. Classes also include archer, ranged combatants and gaya, an earth summoning magic user. Very recent updates to this one plus they have a specific mention of screen reader access.NExt is one I know a lot of people know, Godwars ii: Godwars 2 website here Seems to have some screen reader adaptations, but the game looks rather complex, though the combat does look quite fun. What wurries me a little is there aren't any recent updates to this one beyond 2014, but that might just be their website. On the other hand, the game looks really unique, and there seem to be a lot of things to do besides combat such as customizing
  your home plane and puzzles. Actually this seems probably the least standard mud I've ever seen albeit one which will take a lot of getting used to. The game definitely has some screen reader adaptations though how far they go I'm not sure.Last is Slothe mud: Sloth mud site here  I don't know if this one has screen reader fixes. In a lot of ways this looks like the standard dicu class andd probably will be familiar to anyone who has played games like Alter before,  though in fairness to Dentin Alter actually isn't based on the dicu mud code, it just looks rather similar in the way it works with trains and practices and what not. It does however have 8 classes which include bard and monk, as well as druid and necromancer and the standard four and like Alter you can level which of them you want though once you get four to level 40 different things happen. I actually would be interested to know 
 what is special aboud slothmud, sinse I've heard people recommend it but looking on the surface it seems rather usual dicu, albeit a very very large and long running dicu.


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