Re: Help with SilverSword

2016-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help with SilverSword

Okay WWelshweyr, sorry about replies in multiple threads I'll keep my comments to this one. when I spoke of a "walkthru" I was meaning more in manner of instructions with vo. I can probably work out the game's tactics if the info is there. I'm particularly concerned about combat here and finding the messages sinse I don't want to miss the message that my monk has just been poisoned or turned to stone or what not. A combat log to review at the end of the round would be nice, sinse I suspect adding full alerts or a continue button after each message would take a rewrite, but simply giving a log you can read would be less problematic, but unless and until that is added I'd like to know how to work combat. I suspect there is a truly awesome game in there in terms of silver sword,I'd just like to be able to have all the necessary info to play it.


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Re: Help with SilverSword

2016-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : welshweyr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help with SilverSword

No. You need text delay at 100%. That is the slowest. The text is delayed by 100% more than at 0%.


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Re: Help with SilverSword

2016-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : welshweyr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help with SilverSword

The training hall coordinates at the castle where you start are X19 Y1.The plant for the herbalist can be found in the lowest level dungeon map. You can access it from coordinates X19 Y31 from the map south of the castle (named Road to Castle Cranbourgh).The developer has made it clear that the integrity of the maps is important to him as this game is created in the style of a particular mainstream game called The Bard's Tale. Apparently that also had complicated maps. I am suggesting things on the game's forum but RL has got in the way and development has significantly slowed down.The speed of combat messages can be changed. In the settings menu, accessed by a buttom at the bottom right of the screen, there is a slider control to adjust the "text delay". Note that the lower value, the slower the delay. If the delay is slower, the messages therefore scroll faster. In order to hae enough time to look at what is going on, start with the delay
  turned way up. You will have to flick left and right through the text output area though (located in roughly the middle of the screen, nearer the top than the bottom), since Voiceover doesn't read the messages out without provocation.Also in the settings menu, there is a help option. The in-game manual is in there and you scroll through pages with 3-finger swipes up and down, like in other apps. You can also buy a slightly improved manual as an in-app purchase. I actually think this is a very helpful document but you'll definitely get what you need from the basic manual to start with. I also don't recommend making in-app purchases if you're at all uncomfortable with the game since it won't be worth it if you find it too complicated and put it aside for a while.The trap game is alright, the locks make a clicking noise which are different in pitch. You need to activate them in lowest pitch to highest, working from left to right with the buttons.
  The thing to bear in mind is that the skill of your character also affects how quick and accurate you have to be at tapping the right button when the correctly-pitched sound plays. This does get really hard at higher levels but there are items called lockpicks that you can buy or find as loot. Each lockpick has 10 uses. Each use disables one of the buttons on the lock. It is possible, for example, to expend multiple uses of a lockpick on the same lock to disable all of its buttons. There is also a spell, called Trapzap, that one of the magical classes (Conjurer I think) can gain. Most traps you find that are random loot drops can be bypassed completely with this spell. Only important or quest-specific traps can't be. Thirdly, you can also try to smash the chest open. This gets harder as the locks get more difficult. I think the game makes a strength check. This is a time-consuming method of opening traps and it doesn't disable any harmful effects of opening the box. These
  are bypassed when you pick locks or use the Trapzap spell.I said I would do a walkthrough of this game since, although it is very complicated, it is wonderful fun. I haven't forgotten about this, I just wanted to get familiar with Audacity and the game so that I can include the correct information.The Silversword forum can be found here:


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Re: Help with SilverSword

2016-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help with SilverSword

I think what the developer should do for the combat messages is have voiceover read it like a flash message. I got to facing 4 goblin guards, then was owned severely. What level do you have to get to learn new spells?


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Re: Help with SilverSword

2016-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help with SilverSword

How is the combat? I didn't mind the coordinates once I got the idea of how they ran, but I wasn't sure about reviewing all the combat messages that came in fairly quickly. I also wonder if the developer fixed the chests minigame or not.


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Re: Help with SilverSword

2016-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help with SilverSword

Would like help with coords lists too. This game is neat but finding your way around is terrible.


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Help with SilverSword

2016-05-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Help with SilverSword

Hi.I'm retrying Silversword, and keep getting lost. Could someone maybe help me with like how to get the herb for the one herbalist in the castle and a coordinates list on  where the training hall is?


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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Help with SilverSword IOS game accessibility

2014-03-06 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: welshweyr

Re: Help with SilverSword IOS game accessibility

@Dark, Ill definitely check out the database entry here for KODP. Learning to use VO, and by definition the general controls for the iPhone, is definitely something Im interested in doing, and doing so through the means of an exciting RPG sounds too good to miss. Ill therefore look into A Dark Room as soon as I can. Thanks again for your help and advice.Lets hope SilverSword comes up trumps sooner rather than later!URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Help with SilverSword IOS game accessibility

2014-03-06 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Help with SilverSword IOS game accessibility

I think you will enjoy a dark room, its one of these games that starts out really simple and builds up and before you know ityour into something majorly complex, but you never get overhwelmed, the developer has balanced the game very exactly so that it neverbecomes dull or grindy. While not actually built as a Vo exercise, I do think itd be helpful to learn, sinse it has several of the more common types of Iphone controls, can be navigated with single flicks or can be scanned with fingers, and gets more complex as time progresses, starting with just one action and then giving you both more choices and more on screen options as you explore the game and its world, where as Kodp really throws you in at the deep end both in terms of learning the interface withVo and in terms of the game been damnably complex! Star traders is somewhere in the middle, though while the interface wont take as much learning as 
 Kodp, isnt the games learning curve is soewhat steep sinse there are a lot of different factors to keep track of.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Help with SilverSword IOS game accessibility

2014-03-06 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Help with SilverSword IOS game accessibility

I think you will enjoy a dark room, its one of these games that starts out really simple and builds up and before you know ityour into something majorly complex, but you never get overhwelmed, the developer has balanced the game very exactly so that it neverbecomes dull or grindy. While not actually built as a Vo exercise, I do think itd be helpful to learn, sinse it has several of the more common types of Iphone controls, can be navigated with single flicks or can be scanned with fingers, and gets more complex as time progresses, starting with just one action and then giving you both more choices and more on screen options as you explore the game and its world, where as Kodp really throws you in at the deep end both in terms of learning the interface withVo and in terms of the game been damnably complex! Star traders is somewhere in the middle, though while the interface wont take as much learning as 
 Kodp, isnt the games learning curve is soewhat steep sinse there are a lot of different factors to keep track of.apart from character line up, Silver sword is actually pretty okay interface wise. Vo used to stick quite badly on Ios 6, but that has been fixed in 7, and as I said stuff like the menues and text are fine, and I believe combat is doable although its so hard to find the room with the three generic rats I cant say for certain. This is why I so want to see the map fixed, though when or if that will happen is uncertain.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Help with SilverSword IOS game accessibility

2014-03-05 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: welshweyr

Re: Help with SilverSword IOS game accessibility

Ive downloaded King of Dragon Pass and Im looking at the manual and tutorial for that. It does seem pretty exciting so thank you again for the recommendation. Im impressed to the point of being slightly intimidated at how complicated it seems (I was expecting a simple yes/no choice tree). Im looking forward to having time to get my teeth into it.SilverSword is such a unique game that its a bit disappointing to have it and not really be able to do anything with it. Still, Ill keep hoping and see if any of the accessibility updates do come out. The idea of experience point-based character improvement, resource management, RPG/adventure and good old fighting stuff really does make this a wonderful concept.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Help with SilverSword IOS game accessibility

2014-03-05 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Help with SilverSword IOS game accessibility

@guitarman, you are correct in that making an entirely graphical game accessible would be a very long and difficult task, however in the cases of most turn based games that already display textual information there are usually workarounds that are relatively simple to implement, eg, coordinates, displaying objects with distance info etc, even if you dont actually re rlabel the entire map.In the case of Silver Sword, access fixes would be even easier, sinse when I say map I am using short hand. The game actually functions closer to an if game or a mud, however instead of giving a textual room description, it shows a graphical picture of what is visible to your characters in that location. Sinse the options to interact with anything and anyone at each location are already textual, the main purpose of the pictures (apart from the extra easthetic fluff for people who can see them), is to physically show whe
 re you are. To make the game accessible, all that would need to happen is an indication in text of where a player is, such as a  coordinates system. Actual room descriptions would be great, but are in no way necessary at all. I also suspect that the players actual location is tracked with some form of internal coordinates as well, indeed when i was discussing this with the developer he confirmed this fact, accept that unfortunately the coordinates used arent logical so theyd need translating, still, we are not talking a major rewrite of the game or adding any information that isnt already there. This is why I still have not abandoned hope entirely that the game will be fixed in the future.@Welshweyr, i agree on that silver word would be great, and everytime I see an update to the game I check to see if anything has changed, but nothing thus far. Kodp however is also extrem
 ely good and will keep you busy for a while. It is certainly not a simple yes/no choice style game, and will take a lot of learning pr practice, but offers a great deal, indeed while Ive finished the game in its short form I know there is far more I could do. I would highly recommend you read the database entry for Kodp, sinse I tried to give some basic info on the game and its interface with Vo. On that page w you will also find a link to a podcast from Applevis. The podcast is a tad inaccurate regarding Vos performance sinse it mentions some shenanigans with screens such as the exploration screen that dont happen anymore, however it still does provide an idea of what playing with vo is like and a look at how to get started and get a handle on the game.It was listening to that podcast that really got me excited about getting an Iphone, which I confess I chiefly did in order to play ga
 mes. if you want something with an easier interface, try some of the choiceofgames or hosted games titles, which are gamebooks and so do work on a choice based structure,  although they do at the same time have a lot to ofer in terms of story and atmosphere and can be quite tricky in parts. As well as Star traders, I would also very much recommend A Dark room, which is a stratogy rpg game. Its not as complex as silver sword or indeed Kodp, but it is one of the best put together games of its type Ive seen and has highly addictive gameplay, an intreaguing story and a unique world, indeed I dont want to say too much about the games setting sinse its really something you need to discover for yourself. A Dark room is also so well put together in terms of its screen layout, use of announcements etc that it will be a good way to get used to using Vo to, which will stand you in good stead 
 for games like Kodp, and when the access is fixed, Silver sword.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Help with SilverSword IOS game accessibility

2014-03-04 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Help with SilverSword IOS game accessibility

Hi welshweyr. Unfortunately Silver sword isnt actually accessible yet, it is still waiting on some fixes from the developer, particularly around the map sinse currently while you can hit the direction controls to turn different directions and move, there is no way to tell where you are, which for all practical purposes makes the game unplayable, sinse there is no way to actually know where to go or where youve been and you just endup stumbling around a aimlessly. I have contacted the developer about this, and bought the game myself, and while he was initially quite positive about adding the fixes, (he even created a rtf manual on the silversword site to replace the pdf one with its wonkey tables), he has not yet made the necessary changes to the map, and though I sent him a mail recently to check progress (actually just a couple of weeks ago), Ive not heard anything back which is a shame. really, sites should not 
 be listing this game as accessible, sinse it isnt yet unfortunately, and unless the map (and maybe the chest unlocking), get fixed it likely wont be, though I do very much hope this happens. Regarding the character switching, well its a little clunky but its doable. What you need to do is double tap on where it says a characters name, class etc on the left bottom, and swipe right almost to the center of the screen, then move your finger up or down in small incriments to change order. To rename, swipe all the way right. it takes a little getting used to be it is certainly doable, its just a shame the map isnt so easily fixable. If your looking for truly accessible rpg or stratogy type games for the Iphone, I can highly rcommend A dark room, sort of thing castaways meets exploration rpg, King of dragon pass, which mixes stratogy management of a clan of bronze age people with a magi
 c rpg, (see the database for details), or the very recent star traders rpg, a game where you fly around with a spaceship buying and trading goods, fighting other ships and exploring planets. That is one where the developers have! made some great access fixes which theyve followed through on. I would also recommend the choiceofgames and hosted games titles if you enjoy gamebooks with stats and interactive story type play. Zombi exodous is particularly awsome, and Im told the most recent release Tinstar is a great one. For pure audio games, there are the action/adventure titles from somethinelse, papasangre and papasangre Ii, and the nightjar (theyre working on a new one too). There are various other games around as well, but those are what Id recommend to start with if your into the sort of stuff I am.Regarding silver sword, well I do very much hope the developer will come through on the map access, though i
 t has been a while.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Help with SilverSword IOS game accessibility

2014-03-04 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Help with SilverSword IOS game accessibility

Hi welshweyr. Unfortunately Silver sword isnt actually accessible yet, it is still waiting on some fixes from the developer, particularly around the map sinse currently while you can hit the direction controls to turn different directions and move, there is no way to tell where you are, which for all practical purposes makes the game unplayable, sinse there is no way to actually know where to go or where youve been and you just endup stumbling around a aimlessly. I have contacted the developer about this, and bought the game myself, and while he was initially quite positive about adding the fixes, (he even created a rtf manual on the silversword site to replace the pdf one with its wonkey tables), he has not yet made the necessary changes to the map, and though I sent him a mail recently to check progress (actually just a couple of weeks ago), Ive not heard anything back which is a shame. really, sites should not 
 be listing this game as accessible, sinse it isnt yet unfortunately, and unless the map (and maybe the chest unlocking), get fixed it likely wont be, though I do very much hope this happens. Regarding the character switching, well its a little clunky but its doable. What you need to do is double tap on where it says a characters name, class etc on the left bottom, and swipe right almost to the center of the screen, then move your finger up or down in small incriments to change order. To rename, swipe all the way right. it takes a little getting used to be it is certainly doable, its just a shame the map isnt so easily fixable. If your looking for truly accessible rpg or stratogy type games for the Iphone, I can highly rcommend A dark room, sort of thing castaways meets exploration rpg, King of dragon pass, which mixes stratogy management of a clan of bronze age people with a magi
 c rpg, (see the database for details), or the very recent star traders rpg, a game where you fly around with a spaceship buying and trading goods, fighting other ships and exploring planets. That is one where the developers have! made some great access fixes which theyve followed through on. I would also recommend the choiceofgames and hosted games titles if you enjoy gamebooks with stats and interactive story type play. Zombi exodous is particularly awsome, and Im told the most recent release Tinstar is a great one. For pure audio games, there are the action/adventure titles from somethinelse, papasangre and papasangre Ii, and the nightjar (theyre working on a new one too). There are various other games around as well, but those are what Id recommend to start with if your into the sort of stuff I am.Regarding silver sword, well I do very much hope the developer will come through on the map access, indeed I
  will mail him a link to this topic to let him know Vi people are still becoming interested in trying out his game.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Help with SilverSword IOS game accessibility

2014-03-04 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: simba

Re: Help with SilverSword IOS game accessibility

Hi,No, i it is no iOs game. I think it is for ps3 and xbox 360.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Help with SilverSword IOS game accessibility

2014-03-04 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: welshweyr

Re: Help with SilverSword IOS game accessibility

Hi Dark,Thank you for that. It is a shame the map isn accessible since I love tabletop roleplaying games and an IOS game which is literally like controlling a Dungeons and Dragons party was a genuinely thrilling revelation for me. Id love it if you could encourage the developer again because Ive bought the game and would spend hours and hours of time playing it until I was ready to buy the expansion as well.Ill have a look at your other recommendations as well since RP, strategy and action are definitely where my interests lie.If anyone else has any tips for at least trying to play SilverSword though, please keep them coming since itll be useful for everyone to show the developer that we are still interested and we are still trying. Also, itll help other new players who need a boost to get them started.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Help with SilverSword IOS game accessibility

2014-03-04 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Help with SilverSword IOS game accessibility

@simber, Your wrong Im afraid. Silver sword is most definitely, absolutely and completely a game for Ios, the developers website can be found Here and if you check the forum you will find several older topics from last year about the game.@Welshweyr, well Ive sent the developer another mail about the game, and I agree. This one would be truly awsome if the access is fixed, but thus far the map is just too big a boundery, sinse there is practically speaking absolutely no way to know where you are, where youve been or or where other things are, a situation only compounded by the fact that you can physically turn different directions on the game while moving. The furthest Ive gotten was to the first single fight in the tutorial, and even that took half an hour and far too much pointless wandering. Its a real shame, sinse most of the game, including character 
 actions, managing the inventory, casting spells and talking to npcs is! accessible, but the map is just such a big wall in the way there is no real way around it. I do hope the developer fixes the map at least. The good news however is that while there is nothing else exactly like silver sword or in the same genre (another reason I would love to see the map fixed), there are lots of other great games in the stratogy/rpg/gamebook genre. King of dragon pass I absolutely! think youd love, star traders might be worth a go to sinse that one is really complex. The choiceofgames stuff as I said is pretty cool too, sort of think of the same sort of things as on the fighting fantasy site but with full character stats, plus they are very cheap.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Help with SilverSword IOS game accessibility

2014-03-04 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Help with SilverSword IOS game accessibility

@simber, Your wrong Im afraid. Silver sword is most definitely, absolutely and completely a game for Ios, the developers website can be found Here and if you check the forum you will find several older topics from last year about the game.@Welshweyr, well Ive sent the developer another mail about the game, and I agree. This one would be truly awsome if the access is fixed, but thus far the map is just too big a boundery, sinse there is practically speaking absolutely no way to know where you are, where youve been or or where other things are, a situation only compounded by the fact that you can physically turn different directions on the game while moving. The furthest Ive gotten was to the first single fight in the tutorial, and even that took half an hour and far too much pointless wandering. Its a real shame, sinse most of the game, including character 
 actions, managing the inventory, casting spells and talking to npcs is! accessible, but the map is just such a big wall in the way there is no real way around it. I do hope the developer fixes the map at least. The good news however is that while there is nothing else exactly like silver sword or in the same genre (another reason I would love to see the map fixed), there are lots of other great games in the stratogy/rpg/gamebook genre. King of dragon pass I absolutely! think youd love, star traders might be worth a go to sinse that one is really complex. The choiceofgames stuff as I said is pretty cool too, sort of think of the same sort of things as on the fighting fantasy site but with full character stats, plus they are very cheap.Solara is also a game Id recommend. That is much more in the internet game sort of area, you build a castle and manage heroes, but it has lots of quests to do and a
  great atmsophere, plus while there are tournaments its not a pvp hack. i also love the fact that in solara the developers have spent time describing the games artwork which makes things very funny.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Help with SilverSword IOS game accessibility

2014-03-04 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Guitarman

Re: Help with SilverSword IOS game accessibility

Hello Dark.Well as a programmer I can understand the delays in working on accessibility changes. Ive never worked on anything with graphics but I imagine trying to make a game that relies on graphics work with voice-over and describe the map in great detail is probably very difficult. The developer updates the game regularly but there have been no access changes yet except for some very nice image labeling in the beginning.Btw, does anyone know where I can get the theme music that plays at the beginning of the game? I looked in the downloads section of the website and it wasnt there.URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] Help with SilverSword IOS game accessibility

2014-03-03 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: welshweyr

Help with SilverSword IOS game accessibility

Im trying to play SilverSword on my iPhone but I cant seem to get some of the controls to work using Voice Over. Its listed as an accessible game on most of the lists Ive found on the internet so please can someone give me some tips?The manual says you can drag the characters names to change their positions within the party but I cant do that. I also cant seem to navigate the maps to show me whats around me or to move my characters around. What am I doing wrong?I tried buying the compendium from within the game but I cant seem to find where it is to read it (if it is any more detailed than what seems to be the rather clunky in-game manual.I am fairly new to the iPhone but Im getting more confident with basic functionality like managing messages and contacts and changing settings.In case it matters, Im playing the game on an iPhone 4S.Thanks in advance!URL:

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