Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Makiocento via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

Greetings.Well, it's actually sad to never been considered as a friend by this guy since we started to chat since I entered the thing and stuff. Now what I do is let him be, as me and anyone else were important persons in his life, he won't be one for mine. I also train, dan, am studdying to be a musician and a security consultor at the same time, and learned how to block childish comments like that. I guess all we got to do is let them be and ignore them, as harsh as it sounds.It's actually pretty sad to look how danny changed, but I'm not surprised. Why? you guys might be wondering.A friend of mine changed that way as well, and maybe for the same reasons. Returning to the topic... The game was great? Sure it was. But then again, that doesn't show or proof he has it larger than us. I myself left this discussion thing since the well known kiddies appeared to try and still the remnants of the code, but nice one. More reasons to do so.R.I.P: Death match (all it's versions).Take care.Mike.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mahdi-abedi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

grate! with this game type I saw some games and this was best


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

I’m going to say one thing and then I’ll but out of this topic. I work hard every day to make something out of my life, Meaning I go to a training center every day to try to better myself in terms of independence, and I’m going to start going to open mic nights at a bar so that I can make my talents known to other people in the hopes that I can make a career out of doing something I love. Having said that, Danny, I find your generalizations not only inaccurate, but incredibly offensive and childish. I am not an audience of your work as you call it, and I don’t think I ever was. Sure, there are some people in the community who are lazy and do nothing with their lives, but not everyone is like that and to make assumptions of this caliber is wrong. As I said, I work hard every single day to try and make something of my life. A lot of people in the community are hard workers; look at Dark for example. He’s a writer and has a singing career on top of that. The fact that you had a ruff start in life and had bad incounters with people is no excuse to treat everyone the way you just did. I, like you, was brought up in a blind school for about a year and was treated like total shit by both the students and the staff, and look where I am now. Life isn’t easy, and acting like a spoiled child and thinking that you’re better than everyone else isn’t helping your situation. Seriously man, grow up.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

I’m going to say one thing and then I’ll but out of this topic. I work hard every day to make something out of my life, Meaning I go to a training center every day to try to better myself in terms of independence, and I’m going to start going to open mic nights at a bar so that I can make my talents known to other people in the hopes that I can make a career out of doing something I love. Having said that, Danny, I find your generalizations not only inaccurate, but incredibly offinsive and childish. I am not an audience of your work as you call it, and I don’t think I ever was. Sure, there are some people in the community who are lazy and do nothing with their lives, but not everyone is like that and to make assumptions of this caliber is wrong. As I said, I work hard every single day to try and make something of my life. A lot of people in the community are hard workers; look at Dark for example. He’s a writer and has a singing career on top of that. The fact that you had a ruff start in life and had bad incounters with people is no excuse to treat everyone the way you just did. I, like you, was brought up in a blind school for about a year and was treated like total shit by both the students and the staff, and look where I am now. Life isn’t easy, and acting like a spoiled child and thinking that you’re better than everyone else isn’t helping your situation. Seriously man, grow up.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : BlindJedi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

Dmnb was great while it lasted. It really was. But all good things must come to and end. We must let sleeping dogs lie. Dmnb is over. Not like anyone can really do anything with it anyway.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

As someone who contributed somewhat to the project (as well as DMPA), I can tell you that the code is hackish and something I would lothe working with these days. Believe me, its not something you'd enjoy working with at all.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : cmerry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

Monkey, if you actually have the client, why not give a link so people who know pb can at least try the thing out.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

Good idea, people in the dev room can help you find good resources too, their are allot more of them for Python.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : monkey999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

Ok, I wil leave this project alone, good buy, DMNB roflflfl, I wil try learning python, and If I am ready for it, than I wil code a game.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

OK, I think it's time for me to debut a new series. I'm calling it Advice from Uncle Iron.First, to everyone else excluding Danny. Don't act like you don't have a dog in this hunt. Don't act like you don't go out there and act all pushy, asking for release dates, demanding new features, basically, acting as if the developer is obliged to continue to update the game from here to the end of time. This is not unique behavior to the blind community, its things that mainstream gamers do too, so I'm not judging you for it, I'm just asking you to be aware of it.To Danny. You've literally allowed other people to turn you bitter, and age prematurely over a game, literally lines of code, a game, not anything serious, just a game, and not even a paid one. Think about that. I don't think the way things went down is entirely your fault, but the things that happened afterward certainly are. Do you not have a concept of responsibility for your actions? You said in a previous post about how could you just shut down the game, how could you just pull out of it when so many people were playing it. The answer to that question is always take care of yourself first, as Defender said. You come first, know why that is? Because look what happened to you after. You literally used to be a nice dude, and now you've allowed a silly little game to turn you into a bitter husk of a man. I was on it back then, I liked it, but when you consider the big picture, and how you literally have lived almost none of your full life up until now, doesn't it sound silly that you literally allowed others to do this to you? It does to me. You have more time ahead of you than you do behind. Provided nothing happens, you could live another 60+ years. Are you going to let this affect you for all that remaining time? Look, we all get depressed, we all get down, we all wallow in self-pity. The difference is, we let it run its course, then we get back up, get on our feet and start moving on. Time stops for no man, including you. So you really have a choice to make, and it's your choice, no one else's. You can either stay on the ground, huddled in a ball, defeated over some lines of code, or you can get back up on your feet, and say, this was 5 years ago, and I'm done worrying about it. I don't think you deserved what happened, especially because it's clear to me that you have some emotional problems, but its impossible to help someone who refuses to help themselves. Yes, I was on the game a lot, I enjoyed it, we talked, but no we weren't friends. I still want the best for you dude, it doesn't change that. I would like to see you get turned around and headed on the right track. You deserve that, and you deserve to lead a fulfilling life. But you have, to stop, making excuses. You have the power to fix this, but you have to make it happen. You have to climb up out of that rut, and its gonna take every bit of strength  you have. It's going to be the hardest thing you've probably had to do, and it will only happen if you eliminate all the doubt in your mind. Doubt stops you from realizing your full potential, so get rid of it, it has no place in you. Only when you believe in yourself 100%, and you stop making excuses and start taking action, can you begin to turn around.To everyone who wants to revive this game, don't. Seriously don't, it's dead, and you need to realize that it's dead. We don't need this right now. Let sleeping dogs lie, for god's sake just let, it, go. If you want to create a space game, then do it from scratch, and in a more modern language than pure basic, which you have to pay $100 for if you don't intend on pirating it. I never saw the code, but I think Danny did a lot of hacking to get stuff working in that thing. He even told me that he coded all of the thing's menus by hand each time instead of creating a small function or callable library to do it. Think about that, each menu, the game menu, each menu for each console, etc. Think about how hacky this code is likely to be. It also doesn't suit the potential student to learn from an unknown source. Unknown because we can't attest to the quality of the code. Would you study for an exam off the notes taken by a stoner kid in the back of the class? Not if you want to pass you wouldn't, you'd take your own notes and make sure it was done right, then use those as a study aid.We're still feeling repercussions from ultrapower though, so just for all things holy, let this game lie, its in the past, and that's where it should stay.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

I don't mind his enthusiasm actually, and as Steevo pointed out to me, the younger you are the easier it is to start learning this kind of stuff.After all if we want more audio games in the future, we should be supporting these guys not shutting them down as soon as possible. They may be pretty crap at first but so is everyone... And even if just two or three go far with it we could end up with the next generation of audiogaming heavyweights.The problem lies in that he's trying to learn code quickly, and more so that his goal is to use this source, which from everyone who's looked at it so far seems to be complete junk.Everyone is telling him that he should not use it but he refuses to listen, and I worry that if he tries he'll lose the will to learn coding.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

Hi Monkey.If you don't know pure basic yet you probably shouldn't attempt something like this. You won't get very far, it's not easy to program, and you will probably only succeed at making a half-baked clone of what dmnb was meant to be.Also I wouldn't recommend demanding someone to help you learn pure basic, if you really want to learn try being more polite about it. Or learn to code yourself which would be much better for you.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : The Dwarfer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

Pure basic also has built-in help and examples, which you can get to from the help menu within the pure basic editor. Note: the pure basic editor is actually quite definitely accessible, and you can press f5 to run your code, which is another advantage.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : monkey999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

I wil try learning Pure asic and if I can revive the game without any problems of being illegaly.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

ok, another clone and then another drama will happen in the ag forum.regarding dannie's decision, i can't say anything because:1. i don't know him,2. it is his decision, no one, i repeat, no one can stop him from doing that3. regarding his idea about leaving the community, i also don't say anything, since he decided to leave it and consider that as an ass hole.i won't talk about weather we should blame danny, the community, etc either, since blaming and insulting doesn't fix anything, nor make anything better. it just makes them worse.and last, but not least, try not to contact him as he mentioned, since this is his own privacy.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Makiocento via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

Hi.Lol, nice way to stop the argument, monkey. I have source but i not share it i want someone to learn me pure basic and lets stop this fight.Nice one, then. There are some nice tutorials for pure basic on the internet. There's also a pdf some russian guy made, you can download it freely and it's pretty accurate. Go, learn from there, and... good luck, I guess.Also, thanks for shaking the source on our faces, lol.At the last post from stevo, nice one, really, dude. I guess some people with really huge problems or who believe on conspiracy things might think this is a matrix and that we're all interconnected. So, internet will indeed! touch us out there, and we know danny even if we don't really know him on the least bit, just because we're... interconnected worldwide in a world wide web. At the one who coted me... sorry for not mentioning your name out here but meh, hope it doesn't happen, dude, really hope it doesn't happen. But hey, monky is a perfect example that sooner or later it'll happen, just because they were pushy against someone who had the code, they have it now and a ruffly copy of what was the magnificent dmnb will come up.Take care. Or not?Mike.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : monkey999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

Wel, I have the clyent source, and the server also, but I want someone to lurn me pure basic, if anyone is up to give my lasons in that, I wil be happy.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kianoosh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

You won't be able to do that, Unless you code it from the scratch. Unless you find the client source somehow, and you get a good knowledge of pure basic, Included but not limited to network programming.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : monkey999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

Ok, may be we must stop this shitty discusion.Are there people whoo want to help me with reviving this game?


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

I'm going to address the main things from posts 19, 22, and 29 via one of my signature walls of text, and then probably just not post on this thread any more, because at this point it's come down to fundamentally different views and that will only go in circles for ever and make everything worse. If you guys can't see that I feel sympathetic for Danny's situation and you truly think I'm just an entitled jerk, nothing I say beyond a certain point will really change that.@19: EthinI don't know Danny as well as you, that's true, but I did know him for a couple years their and talked to him quite often for a while. It's not a contest, but to say I don't know anything about him is false, considering he did open up to me quite a bit.At this point, I think it's pretty obvious that Danny is having some serious issues, bringing up random specific incidence in middle school and saying we should have defended him back then, claiming that the majority of the community treats those who enjoy mainstream things like crap, and assuming we're looking down on him for not having expensive technology when many of us don't either, when I'm guessing most of us would actually be sympathetic.So the hole (Danny has his reasons) thing, seems like a cop out to me. Because at this point I feel like he's suffering from some serious depression/paranoia, something I noticed  when I last talked with him but seems to have gotten much worse since then, and supporting the delusions of someone in that state is only enabling them which will cause more suffering in the end. Not something a friend should be doing, as hard as it is to not side with them...And again, he never had to release the source, people were just asking if (anyone) happened to have it. No one forced him to do anything, and if he was truly done with this community he would have never posted it, or at least not responded after the first post.@22: DannyIt's certainly true that it took allot of us a while to get into mainstream games, it was the same with mouse use, but I think historically we've treated mainstream players with a mix of skepticism and admiration, excluding the handful of stuck up holier than thou ones of course...I think it takes a very dedicated and patient person to be just fine with sucking at a game compared to their sighted peers, but just enjoying as much of it as they can for the entertainment value. And I mean it's not our fault that many of us were told it was impossible growing up either...Besides, as letsplays on youtube got more popular, plenty of us were watching them and just not buying the games because their expensive and so are the consoles.If you have some sight your also at a pretty big advantage, but thankfully menu guides and movelists have really helped, though mostly those are exclusive to the fighting game genre.Really, it's still kind of a wonder that any of us play certain genres at all, and I admire those few people that are willing to stick with it to the end.You've also got a point about how we used to treat accessibility in games, but to be fare, no one likes big corporations especially if you have no brand loyalty and we always knew how unimportant we were. That's pretty disheartening.As far as I know, the CVAA deadline fast approaching was what finally kicked some people's asses into high gear, once they couldn't get yet another extension and keep ignoring it. After that, they got some teams of good people together who already gave a shit but had no power to do much previously, and started asking for our opinion, which allowed some highly educated blind people like MR. Hamelton and MS. Stevens to finally have a chance at getting into some important places like E3 and bend a few vital ears.After that things moved comparatively fast and we started actually seeing some progress with screen readers for the system (though soni quickly fell behind) and EA putting some accessibility features into a couple of their popular sports games, but of course allot of us were and are still skeptics because of how things were just 5 years ago and how they were for decades before that.But we finally got some insights into why, exactly, it was so hard to make games more accessible and most adjusted their expectations and goals accordingly.Now, we know that building accessibility into a game from the start, alongside the normal dev cycle is the best way to get it done, not after the fact when doing so would be incredibly expensive and nearly impossible, but building up that infrastructure and attitude within major studios will still take some time. We also know that building screen reading support into individual games is allot harder than previously thought and that we should stick with OCR via the computer for now.So yeah, we did only jump on board as a community when some good faith was shown from their side, and more of us probably could have struggled part way through allot of games

Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

I'm going to address the main things from posts 19, 22, and 29 via one of my signature walls of text, and then probably just not post on this thread any more, because at this point it's come down to fundamentally different views and that will only go in circles for ever and make everything worse. If you guys can't see that I feel sympathetic for Danny's situation and you truly think I'm just an entitled jerk, nothing I say beyond a certain point will really change that.@19: EthinI don't know Danny as well as you, that's true, but I did know him for a couple years their and talked to him quite often for a while. It's not a contest, but to say I don't know anything about him is false, considering he did open up to me quite a bit.At this point, I think it's pretty obvious that Danny is having some serious issues, bringing up random specific incidence in middle school and saying we should have defended him back then, claiming that the majority of the community treats those who enjoy mainstream things like crap, and assuming we're looking down on him for not having expensive technology when many of us don't either, when I'm guessing most of us would actually be sympathetic.So the hole (Danny has his reasons) thing, seems like a cop out to me. Because at this point I feel like he's suffering from some serious depression/paranoia, something I noticed  when I last talked with him but seems to have gotten much worse since then, and supporting the delusions of someone in that state is only enabling them which will cause more suffering in the end. Not something a friend should be doing, as hard as it is to not side with them...And again, he never had to release the source, people were just asking if (anyone) happened to have it. No one forced him to do anything, and if he was truly done with this community he would have never posted it, or at least not responded after the first post.@22: DannyIt's certainly true that it took allot of us a while to get into mainstream games, it was the same with mouse use, but I think historically we've treated mainstream players with a mix of skepticism and admiration, excluding the handful of stuck up holier than thou ones of course...I think it takes a very dedicated and patient person to be just fine with sucking at a game compared to their sighted peers, but just enjoying as much of it as they can for the entertainment value. And I mean it's not our fault that many of us were told it was impossible growing up either...Besides, as letsplays on youtube got more popular, plenty of us were watching them and just not buying the games because their expensive and so are the consoles.If you have some sight your also at a pretty big advantage, but thankfully menu guides and movelists have really helped, though mostly those are exclusive to the fighting game genre.Really, it's still kind of a wonder that any of us play certain genres at all, and I admire those few people that are willing to stick with it to the end.You've also got a point about how we used to treat accessibility in games, but to be fare, no one likes big corporations especially if you have no brand loyalty and we always knew how unimportant we were. That's pretty disheartening.As far as I know, the CVAA deadline fast approaching was what finally kicked some people's asses into high gear, once they couldn't get yet another extension and keep ignoring it. After that, they got some teams of good people together who already gave a shit but had no power to do much previously, and started asking for our opinion, which allowed some highly educated blind people like MR. Hamelton and MS. Stevens to finally have a chance at getting into some important places like E3 and bend a few vital ears.After that things moved comparatively fast and we started actually seeing some progress with screen readers for the system (though soni quickly fell behind) and EA putting some accessibility features into a couple of their popular sports games, but of course allot of us were and are still skeptics because of how things were just 5 years ago and how they were for decades before that.But we finally got some insights into why, exactly, it was so hard to make games more accessible and most adjusted their expectations and goals accordingly.Now, we know that building accessibility into a game from the start, alongside the normal dev cycle is the best way to get it done, not after the fact when doing so would be incredibly expensive and nearly impossible, but building up that infrastructure and attitude within major studios will still take some time. We also know that building screen reading support into individual games is allot harder than previously thought and that we should stick with OCR via the computer for now.So yeah, we did only jump on board as a community when some good faith was shown from their side, and more of us probably could have struggled part way through allot of games

Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

I'm going to address the main things from posts 19, 22, and 29 via one of my signature walls of text, and then probably just not post on this thread any more, because at this point it's come down to fundamentally different views and that will only go in circles for ever and make everything worse. If you guys can't see that I feel sympathetic for Danny's situation and you truly think I'm just an entitled jerk, nothing I say beyond a certain point will really change that.@19: EthinI don't know Danny as well as you, that's true, but I did know him for a couple years their and talked to him quite often for a while. It's not a contest, but to say I don't know anything about him is false, considering he did open up to me quite a bit.At this point, I think it's pretty obvious that Danny is having some serious issues, bringing up random specific incidence in middle school and saying we should have defended him back then, claiming that the majority of the community treats those who enjoy mainstream things like crap, and assuming we're looking down on him for not having expensive technology when many of us don't either, when I'm guessing most of us would actually be sympathetic.So the hole (Danny has his reasons) thing, seems like a cop out to me. Because at this point I feel like he's suffering from some serious depression/paranoia, something I noticed  when I last talked with him but seems to have gotten much worse since then, and supporting the delusions of someone in that state is only enabling them which will cause more suffering in the end. Not something a friend should be doing, as hard as it is to not side with them...And again, he never had to release the source, people were just asking if (anyone) happened to have it. No one forced him to do anything, and if he was truly done with this community he would have never posted it, or at least not responded after the first post.@22: DannyIt's certainly true that it took allot of us a while to get into mainstream games, it was the same with mouse use, but I think historically we've treated mainstream players with a mix of skepticism and admiration, excluding the handful of stuck up holier than thou ones of course...I think it takes a very dedicated and patient person to be just fine with sucking at a game compared to their sighted peers, but just enjoying as much of it as they can for the entertainment value. And I mean it's not our fault that many of us were told it was impossible growing up either...Besides, as letsplays on youtube got more popular, plenty of us were watching them and just not buying the games because their expensive and so are the consoles.If you have some sight your also at a pretty big advantage, but thankfully menu guides and movelists have really helped, though mostly those are exclusive to the fighting game genre.Really, it's still kind of a wonder that any of us play certain genres at all, and I admire those few people that are willing to stick with it to the end.You've also got a point about how we used to treat accessibility in games, but to be fare, no one likes big corporations especially if you have no brand loyalty and we always knew how unimportant we were. That's pretty disheartening.As far as I know, the CVAA deadline fast approaching was what finally kicked some people's asses into high gear, once they couldn't get yet another extension and keep ignoring it. After that, they got some teams of good people together who already gave a shit but had no power to do much previously, and started asking for our opinion, which allowed some highly educated blind people like MR. Hamelton and MS. Stevens to finally have a chance at getting into some important places like E3 and bend a few vital ears.After that things moved comparatively fast and we started actually seeing some progress with screen readers for the system (though soni quickly fell behind) and EA putting some accessibility features into a couple of their popular sports games, but of course allot of us were and are still skeptics because of how things were just 5 years ago and how they were for decades before that.But we finally got some insights into why, exactly, it was so hard to make games more accessible and most adjusted their expectations and goals accordingly.Now, we know that building accessibility into a game from the start, alongside the normal dev cycle is the best way to get it done, not after the fact when doing so would be incredibly expensive and nearly impossible, but building up that infrastructure and attitude within major studios will still take some time. We also know that building screen reading support into individual games is allot harder than previously thought and that we should stick with OCR via the computer for now.So yeah, we did only jump on board as a community when some good faith was shown from their side, and more of us probably could have struggled part way through allot of games

Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

I'm going to address the main things from posts 19, 22, and 29 via one of my signature walls of text, and then probably just not post on this thread any more, because at this point it's come down to fundamentally different views and that will only go in circles for ever and make everything worse. If you guys can't see that I feel sympathetic for Danny's situation and you truly think I'm just an entitled jerk, nothing I say beyond a certain point will really change that.@19: EthinI don't know Danny as well as you, that's true, but I did know him for a couple years their and talked to him quite often for a while. It's not a contest, but to say I don't know anything about him is false, considering he did open up to me quite a bit.At this point, I think it's pretty obvious that Danny is having some serious issues, bringing up random specific incidence in middle school and saying we should have defended him back then, claiming that the majority of the community treats those who enjoy mainstream things like crap, and assuming we're looking down on him for not having expensive technology when many of us don't either, when I'm guessing most of us would actually be sympathetic.So the hole (Danny has his reasons) thing, seems like a cop out to me. Because at this point I feel like he's suffering from some serious depression/paranoia, something I noticed  when I last talked with him but seems to have gotten much worse since then, and supporting the delusions of someone in that state is only enabling them which will cause more suffering in the end. Not something a friend should be doing, as hard as it is to not side with them...And again, he never had to release the source, people were just asking if (anyone) happened to have it. No one forced him to do anything, and if he was truly done with this community he would have never posted it, or at least not responded after the first post.@22: DannyIt's certainly true that it took allot of us a while to get into mainstream games, it was the same with mouse use, but I think historically we've treated mainstream players with a mix of skepticism and admiration, excluding the handful of stuck up holier than thou ones of course...I think it takes a very dedicated and patient person to be just fine with sucking at a game compared to their sighted peers, but just enjoying as much of it as they can for the entertainment value. And I mean it's not our fault that many of us were told it was impossible growing up either...Besides, as letsplays on youtube got more popular, plenty of us were watching them and just not buying the games because their expensive and so are the consoles.If you have some sight your also at a pretty big advantage, but thankfully menu guides and movelists have really helped, though mostly those are exclusive to the fighting game genre.Really, it's still kind of a wonder that any of us play certain genres at all, and I admire those few people that are willing to stick with it to the end.You've also got a point about how we used to treat accessibility in games, but to be fare, no one likes big corporations especially if you have no brand loyalty and we always knew how unimportant we were. That's pretty disheartening.As far as I know, the CVAA deadline fast approaching was what finally kicked some people's asses into high gear, once they couldn't get yet another extension and keep ignoring it. After that, they got some teams of good people together who already gave a shit but had no power to do much previously, and started asking for our opinion, which allowed some highly educated blind people like MR. Hamelton and MS. Stevens to finally have a chance at getting into some important places like E3 and bend a few vital ears.After that things moved comparatively fast and we started actually seeing some progress with screen readers for the system (though soni quickly fell behind) and EA putting some accessibility features into a couple of their popular sports games, but of course allot of us were and are still skeptics because of how things were just 5 years ago and how they were for decades before that.But we finally got some insights into why, exactly, it was so hard to make games more accessible and most adjusted their expectations and goals accordingly.Now, we know that building accessibility into a game from the start, alongside the normal dev cycle is the best way to get it done, not after the fact when doing so would be incredibly expensive and nearly impossible, but building up that infrastructure and attitude within major studios will still take some time. We also know that building screen reading support into individual games is allot harder than previously thought and that we should stick with OCR via the computer for now.So yeah, we did only jump on board as a community when some good faith was shown from their side, and more of us probably could have struggled part way through allot of games

Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

I'm going to address the main things from posts 19, 22, and 29 via one of my signature walls of text, and then probably just not post on this thread any more, because at this point it's come down to fundamentally different views and that will only go in circles for ever and make everything worse. If you guys can't see that I feel sympathetic for Danny's situation and you truly think I'm just an entitled jerk, nothing I say beyond a certain point will really change that.@19: EthinI don't know Danny as well as you, that's true, but I did know him for a couple years their and talked to him quite often for a while. It's not a contest, but to say I don't know anything about him is false, considering he did open up to me quite a bit.At this point, I think it's pretty obvious that Danny is having some serious issues, bringing up random specific incidence in middle school and saying we should have defended him back then, claiming that the majority of the community treats those who enjoy mainstream things like crap, and assuming we're looking down on him for not having expensive technology when many of us don't either, when I'm guessing most of us would actually be sympathetic.So the hole (Danny has his reasons) thing, seems like a cop out to me. Because at this point I feel like he's suffering from some serious depression/paranoia, something I noticed  when I last talked with him but seems to have gotten much worse since then, and supporting the delusions of someone in that state is only enabling them which will cause more suffering in the end. Not something a friend should be doing, as hard as it is to not side with them...And again, he never had to release the source, people were just asking if (anyone) happened to have it. No one forced him to do anything, and if he was truly done with this community he would have never posted it, or at least not responded after the first post.@22: DannyIt's certainly true that it took allot of us a while to get into mainstream games, it was the same with mouse use, but I think historically we've treated mainstream players with a mix of skepticism and admiration, excluding the handful of stuck up holier than thou ones of course...I think it takes a very dedicated and patient person to be just fine with sucking at a game compared to their sighted peers, but just enjoying as much of it as they can for the entertainment value. And I mean it's not our fault that many of us were told it was impossible growing up either...Besides, as letsplays on youtube got more popular, plenty of us were watching them and just not buying the games because their expensive and so are the consoles.If you have some sight your also at a pretty big advantage, but thankfully menu guides and movelists have really helped, though mostly those are exclusive to the fighting game genre.Really, it's still kind of a wonder that any of us play certain genres at all, and I admire those few people that are willing to stick with it to the end.You've also got a point about how we used to treat accessibility in games, but to be fare, no one likes big corporations especially if you have no brand loyalty and we always knew how unimportant we were. That's pretty disheartening.As far as I know, the CVAA deadline fast approaching was what finally kicked some people's asses into high gear, once they couldn't get yet another extension and keep ignoring it. After that, they got some teams of good people together who already gave a shit but had no power to do much previously, and started asking for our opinion, which allowed some important blind people like MR. Hamelton to finally have a chance at getting into some important places like E3 and bend a few vital ears.After that things moved comparatively fast and we started actually seeing some progress with screen readers for the system (though soni quickly fell behind) and EA putting some accessibility features into a couple of their popular sports games, but of course allot of us were and are still skeptics because of how things were just 5 years ago and how they were for decades before that.But we finally got some insights into why, exactly, it was so hard to make games more accessible and most adjusted their expectations and goals accordingly.Now, we know that building accessibility into a game from the start, alongside the normal dev cycle is the best way to get it done, not after the fact when doing so would be incredibly expensive and nearly impossible, but building up that infrastructure and attitude within major studios will still take some time. We also know that building screen reading support into individual games is allot harder than previously thought and that we should stick with OCR via the computer for now.So yeah, we did only jump on board as a community when some good faith was shown from their side, and more of us probably could have struggled part way through allot of games regardless, but I don't think

Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

I'm going to address the main things from posts 19, 22, and 29 via one of my signature walls of text, and then probably just not post on this thread any more, because at this point it's come down to fundamentally different views and that will only go in circles for ever and make everything worse. If you guys can't see that I feel sympathetic for Danny's situation and you truly think I'm just an entitled jerk, nothing I say beyond a certain point will really change that.@19: EthinI don't know Danny as well as you, that's true, but I did know him for a couple years their and talked to him quite often for a while. It's not a contest, but to say I don't know anything about him is false, considering he did open up to me quite a bit.At this point, I think it's pretty obvious that Danny is having some serious issues, bringing up random specific incidence in middle school and saying we should have defended him back then, claiming that the majority of the community treats those who enjoy mainstream things like crap, and assuming we're looking down on him for not having expensive technology when many of us don't either, when I'm guessing most of us would actually be sympathetic.So the hole (Danny has his reasons) thing, seems like a cop out to me. Because at this point I feel like he's suffering from some serious depression/paranoia, something I noticed  when I last talked with him but seems to have gotten much worse since then, and supporting the delusions of someone in that state is only enabling them which will cause more suffering in the end. Not something a friend should be doing, as hard as it is to not side with them...And again, he never had to release the source, people were just asking if (anyone) happened to have it. No one forced him to do anything, and if he was truly done with this community he would have never posted it, or at least not responded after the first post.@22: DannyIt's certainly true that it took allot of us a while to get into mainstream games, it was the same with mouse use, but I think historically we've treated mainstream players with a mix of skepticism and admiration, excluding the handful of stuck up holier than thou ones of course...I think it takes a very dedicated and patient person to be just fine with sucking at a game compared to their sighted peers, but just enjoying as much of it as they can for the entertainment value. And I mean it's not our fault that many of us were told it was impossible growing up either...Besides, as letsplays on youtube got more popular, plenty of us were watching them and just not buying the games because their expensive and so are the consoles.If you have some sight your also at a pretty big advantage, but thankfully menu guides and movelists have really helped, though mostly those are exclusive to the fighting game genre.Really, it's still kind of a wonder that any of us play certain genres at all, and I admire those few people that are willing to stick with it to the end.You've also got a point about how we used to treat accessibility in games, but to be fare, no one likes big corporations especially if you have no brand loyalty and we always knew how unimportant we were. That's pretty disheartening.As far as I know, the CVAA deadline fast approaching was what finally kicked some people's asses into high gear, once they couldn't get yet another extension and keep ignoring it. After that, they got some teams of good people together who already gave a shit but had no power to do much previously, and started asking for our opinion, which allowed some important blind people like MR. Hamelton to finally have a chance at getting into some important places like E3 and bend a few vital ears.After that things moved comparatively fast and we started actually seeing some progress with screen readers for the system (though soni quickly fell behind) and EA putting some accessibility features into a couple of their popular sports games, but of course allot of us were and are still skeptics because of how things were just 5 years ago and how they were for decades before that.But we finally got some insights into why, exactly, it was so hard to make games more accessible and most adjusted their expectations and goals accordingly.Now, we know that building accessibility into a game from the start, alongside the normal dev cycle is the best way to get it done, not after the fact when doing so would be incredibly expensive and nearly impossible, but building up that infrastructure and attitude within major studios will still take some time.So yeah, we did only jump on board as a community when some good faith was shown from their side, and more of us probably could have struggled part way through allot of games regardless, but I don't think that was very unreasonable, and spitting on us for it seems pretty counter intuitive.As for your other points, well, most of us did nothing to you specifically and I think

Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : The Dwarfer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

I wonder if Danny and his knights in shining armor blame all his problems on everyone else, or just in situations where there are people to blame? He wasn’t obligated to develop, so any hardship he incurred as a result of doing so is his fault. That isn't to say his personal life, which I figured in the 4 years I knew him very closely for is definitely not the easiest, but he's 22 years old. I'll say it again, he's 22 years old. Give it 3 months and that'll be his 22nd birthday, so I'm calling him 22 years old. If you haven't learned by then that lashing out at total strangers is not a good idea if you don't like backlash? I don't know what to tell you. He could’ve stopped at any time. He could’ve changed his contact info. He could’ve, you know, refrained from making an ass of himself in front of everyone like some angry, socially deprived prepubescent. So I don't want to hear about how people were sending packets over networks towards IDs he gave out publicly, and he couldn't shut them up. I can change my skype name right now, my email as well, delete my forum account... and none of you can say a word to me after that because you won't have my info. Will I do that? No, because I don't blame all my problems on everyone except me, and that's why I don't sit around with an I can't attitude when it comes to everything I pick up.So get off your high horses, and knock it off with the  martyrdom andd keyboard heroism. I find it rather funny that you guys accuse the community, like Danny, of fanaticism towards game developers, while in the same posts making yourselves look like... echo chambers of Danny’s words. You want to be on Danny’s side, flawed as it is, and put an end to this hell that he was “forced” to endure? Then knock off the knee jerk fanaticism and heroism. And if Danny wants to no longer be affected by any of this? Put down the god damn computer and go outside. I promise, the internet can’t touch you there. I promise!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : The Dwarfer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

I wonder if Danny and his knights in shining armor blame all his problems on everyone else, or just in situations where there are people to blame? He wasn’t obligated to develop, so any hardship he incurred as a result of doing so is his fault.He could’ve stopped at any time. He could’ve changed his contact info. He could’ve, you know, refrained from making an ass of himself in front of everyone like some angry, socially deprived prepubescent.So get off your high horses, and knock it off with the  martyrdom andd keyboard heroism. I find it rather funny that you guys accuse the community, like Danny, of fanaticism towards game developers, while in the same posts making yourselves look like... echo chambers of Danny’s words. You want to be on Danny’s side, flawed as it is, and put an end to this hell that he was “forced” to endure? Then knock off the knee jerk fanaticism and heroism. And if Danny wants to no longer be affected by any of this? Put down the god damn computer and go outside. I promise, the internet can’t touch you there. I promise!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

I'm going to address the main things from posts 19, 22, and 29 via one of my signature walls of text, and then probably just not post on this thread any more, because at this point it's come down to fundamentally different views and that will only go in circles for ever and make everything worse. If you guys can't see that I feel sympathetic for Danny's situation and you truly think I'm just an entitled jerk, nothing I say beyond a certain point will really change that.@19: EthinI don't know Danny as well as you, that's true, but I did know him for a couple years their and talked to him quite often for a while. It's not a contest, but to say I don't know anything about him is false, considering he did open up to me quite a bit.At this point, I think it's pretty obvious that Danny is having some serious issues, bringing up random specific incidence in middle school and saying we should have defended him back then, claiming that the majority of the community treats those who enjoy mainstream things like crap, and assuming we're looking down on him for not having expensive technology when many of us don't either, when I'm guessing most of us would actually be sympathetic.So the hole (Danny has his reasons) thing, seems like a cop out to me. Because at this point I feel like he's suffering from some serious depression/paranoia, something I noticed  when I last talked with him but seems to have gotten much worse since then, and supporting the delusions of someone in that state is only enabling them which will cause more suffering in the end. Not something a friend should be doing, as hard as it is to not side with them...And again, he never had to release the source, people were just asking if (anyone) happened to have it. No one forced him to do anything, and if he was truly done with this community he would have never posted it, or at least not responded after the first post.@22: DannyIt's certainly true that it took allot of us a while to get into mainstream games, it was the same with mouse use, but I think historically we've treated mainstream players with a mix of skepticism and admiration, excluding the handful of stuck up holier than thou ones of course...I think it takes a very dedicated and patient person to be just fine with sucking at a game compared to their sighted peers, but just enjoying as much of it as they can for the entertainment value. And I mean it's not our fault that many of us were told it was impossible growing up either...Besides, as letsplays on youtube got more popular, plenty of us were watching them and just not buying the games because their expensive and so are the consoles.If you have some sight your also at a pretty big advantage, but thankfully menu guides and movelists have really helped, though mostly those are exclusive to the fighting game genre.Really, it's still kind of a wonder that any of us play certain genres at all, and I admire those few people that are willing to stick with it to the end.You've also got a point about how we used to treat accessibility in games, but to be fare, no one likes big corporations especially if you have no brand loyalty and we always knew how unimportant we were. That's pretty disheartening.As far as I know, the CVAA deadline fast approaching was what finally kicked some people's asses into high gear, once they couldn't get yet another extension and keep ignoring it. After that, they got some teams of good people together who already gave a shit but had no power to do much previously, and started asking for our opinion, which allowed some important blind people like MR. Hamelton to finally have a chance at getting into some important places like E3 and bend a few vital ears.After that things moved comparatively fast and we started actually seeing some progress with screen readers for the system (though soni quickly fell behind) and EA putting some accessibility features into a couple of their popular sports games, but of course allot of us were and are still skeptics because of how things were just 5 years ago and how they were for decades before that.But we finally got some insights into why, exactly, it was so hard to make games more accessible and most adjusted their expectations and goals accordingly.Now, we know that building accessibility into a game from the start, alongside the normal dev cycle is the best way to get it done, not after the fact when doing so would be incredibly expensive and nearly impossible, but building up that infrastructure and attitude within major studios will still take some time.So yeah, we did only jump on board as a community when some good faith was shown from their side, and more of us probably could have struggled part way through allot of games regardless, but I don't think that was very unreasonable, and spitting on us for it seems pretty counter intuitive.As for your other points, well, most of us did nothing to you specifically and I think

Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

I'm going to address the main things from posts 19, 22, and 29 via one of my signature walls of text, and then probably just not post on this thread any more, because at this point it's come down to fundamentally different views and that will only go in circles for ever and make everything worse. If you guys can't see that I feel sympathetic for Danny's situation and you truly think I'm just an entitled jerk, nothing I say beyond a certain point will really change that.@19: EthinI don't know Danny as well as you, that's true, but I did know him for a couple years their and talked to him quite often for a while. It's not a contest, but to say I don't know anything about him is false, considering he did open up to me quite a bit.At this point, I think it's pretty obvious that Danny is having some serious issues, bringing up random specific incidence in middle school and saying we should have defended him back then, claiming that the majority of the community treats those who enjoy mainstream things like crap, and assuming we're looking down on him for not having expensive technology when many of us don't either, when I'm guessing most of us would actually be sympathetic.So the hole (Danny has his reasons) thing, seems like a cop out to me. Because at this point I feel like he's suffering from some serious depression/paranoia, something I noticed  when I last talked with him but seems to have gotten much worse since then, and supporting the delusions of someone in that state is only enabling them which will cause more suffering in the end. Not something a friend should be doing, as hard as it is to not side with them...And again, he never had to release the source, people were just asking if (anyone) happened to have it. No one forced him to do anything, and if he was truly done with this community he would have never posted it, or at least not responded after the first post.@22: DannyIt's certainly true that it took allot of us a while to get into mainstream games, it was the same with mouse use, but I think historically we've treated mainstream players with a mix of skepticism and admiration, excluding the handful of stuck up holier than thou ones of course...I think it takes a very dedicated and patient person to be just fine with sucking at a game compared to their sighted peers, but just enjoying as much of it as they can for the entertainment value. And I mean it's not our fault that many of us were told it was impossible growing up either...Besides, as letsplays on youtube got more popular, plenty of us were watching them and just not buying the games because their expensive and so are the consoles.If you have some sight your also at a pretty big advantage, but thankfully menu guides and movelists have really helped, though mostly those are exclusive to the fighting game genre.Really, it's still kind of a wonder that any of us play certain genres at all, and I admire those few people that are willing to stick with it to the end.You've also got a point about how we used to treat accessibility in games, but to be fare, no one likes big corporations especially if you have no brand loyalty and we always knew how unimportant we were. That's pretty disheartening.As far as I know, the CVAA deadline fast approaching was what finally kicked some people's asses into high gear, once they couldn't get yet another extension and keep ignoring it. After that, they got some teams of good people together who already gave a shit but had no power to do much previously, and started asking for our opinion, which allowed some important blind people like MR. Hamelton to finally have a chance at getting into some important places like E3 and bend a few vital ears.After that things moved comparatively fast and we started actually seeing some progress with screen readers for the system (though soni quickly fell behind) and EA putting some accessibility features into a couple of their popular sports games, but of course allot of us were and are still skeptics because of how things were just 5 years ago and how they were for decades before that.But we finally got some insights into why, exactly, it was so hard to make games more accessible and most adjusted their expectations and goals accordingly.Now, we know that building accessibility into a game from the start, alongside the normal dev cycle is the best way to get it done, not after the fact when doing so would be incredibly expensive and nearly impossible, but building up that infrastructure and attitude within major studios will still take some time.So yeah, we did only jump on board as a community when some good faith was shown from their side, and more of us probably could have struggled part way through allot of games regardless, but I don't think that was very unreasonable, and spitting on us for it seems pretty counter intuitive.As for your other points, well, most of us did nothing to you specifically and I think

Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kianoosh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

Hehehe. To make sure I'm allowed to do it, and some people won't run upon me saying you weren't allowed and this is someone else's idea and stuff like that.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

@31 I don't see why you'd even require danny's permition for that. He did not pattent the space MMO genre, so as long as you don't directly use his assets (which are actually now out in the open so even that would probably be ok), it shouldn't matter much.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

@31 I don't see why you'd even require danny's permition for that. He did not pattent the space MMO genre, so as long as you don't direclty use his assets (which are actually now out in the open so even that would probably be o), it shouldn't matter much.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kianoosh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

The pushy whining bitching community? Ok. *I'm not demanding anything, from anyone, in this post. Absolutely*But honestly, When the news about new gta comes out, I'll spam the heck rockstar games email and ask them for the release date of the game, And just try to act as pushy as possible. See if they care dude!Those games are all out now. But let me say this. It's danny's falt that he bragged about his games before he's having any decision about releasing them. He could stay quiet and do his development and once his games are ready, He then could post them on audio games forum. And after all, that's a big lak of patience that danny had during his development. Let me be even more honest. A developer without patience should not, and I repeat! Should not expect anything good from themselves, which looks like, danny does the same. And that patience aplys to every single topic of development. You don't have patience to publish your game, You surely end up releasing a buggy and unplayable game. You don't have patience to the pushy users of a community that you published your games in, you'll end up messing everything together and you either jump from project to project or completely leave the development world and you waste a good time in your life that you could do other stuff rather than developing games and getting yourself headache. I'm Nearly done. All I have to say on this topic is that danny did not have the required patience in his development period. And one last thing I have to say.Dude danny if you're reading this, I want to ask you for permission about letting us to code games like yours in other programming languages. More presysely, I want to ask you for the permission to let us make games like yours, But not based on your code.Thanks for reading, If anyone did. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

And this is the kind of thing that is deterring me from releasing a game, for example. Not because of one specific person, but because of the general so-called hero worship of game developers...when they have something to bring, otherwise they're getting treated like machines. I'm not defending, offending, or speaking for anyone here, but I think whether the entire! community are trolls, entitled, or whatever is irrelevant. The fact is, when you are a developer that has to deal with:1. development itself, any developer knows that aspect is grueling.2. people asking is it out yet, is it out yet, pulling your hair when there's a bug, or losing their shit when a project decides it's time to put it to rest?3. drama with the game itself, and having to administrate it. Seriously, I cannot overstate how in any community (Reddit, Youtube, a game, or whatever) administration is pure hell, thanks to drama, or the admins themselves clashing in some cases.Ok, combine all of these, and then when you have this aftereffect after, technically, you guys got your wish, the bloody sourcecode, and now are complaining that it won't be playable?Also, as for multiplayer games I completely agree, I don't play them much if at all, ok sure i purchased a Swamp membership but can't get it to work for some odd reason. That, Road to Rage, and the dm series are probably the most original and ambitious online audiogames I have played, and yet a great many newer/younger members in this community seem to hang on to pvp kill-or-be-killed online only games, or clones of those games, like a friggin crutch! See how hard it is to please some in this community nowadays?Granted, you don't have to please everyone, and this goes for everyone, the world doesn't owe you shit. But a small community where discord is easy to come across what with everyone obviously flocking to the game's single main discussion thread, it's hard to escape the drama lest you miss someone's legitimate bug report they could've posted. Now you see how it is?You can't deny drama runs high in the mainstream community. However, that 's more far and wide as there are oodles of different gaming forums/groups. We as a community are too small to be anything resembling decentralization, since then how is word gonna get around? Then even so you see many of the same folks on many of the already separate communities (this forum, Audyssey, Klango pre2018 (now Elten), etc.) Not necessarily always a bad thing, but still, it isn't like you'll see a whole host of different people you would if you were to hop from one major forum to a completely different discord server.Also, audiogame developers don't have shareholders, news outlets and constant revenue flowing in, they have only the community to see how the game is doing in the first place, otherwise why would they just make a game never to release it? Granted that's what I did too (I have a prototype that isn't going past developing stages, but the real reason for that is because it's a windows port of a braille-n-speak game and my braille-n-speak went haywire.) Anyway, disorganized rant over.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

@Defender:Sowait...let me get this straight.You're putting words in somebody's mouth, somebody who pulled their games downa fact that you, by the way, threwa a huge hissy fit over acting like a spoiled, entitled child who just got thir toy taken away because a parent didn't want them playing with it? Then you start trying to say how things 'should' be done. Here's the thing. The community caused this. The pushy whining bitching community caused this, because.they..wait for it...didn't know when ot shut the fuck up and not act like spoiled, entitled bitches. Ohh it's been five minutes since Danny posted, why isn't he working on DM, oh he's not replied to my PM, that mentality. I really need to explain the meltdowns that happened when FF was scrapped,m how the community instantly turned on somebody for exercising their right as a dev knowkill off a porject they weren't liking?You have no idea, Defender, how much pressure goes into making a game. Go make a game, have the entire community riding your ass. Orjust look at Carter's 'We have school and lives' response. Why is nobody calling that out for being harsh. Is it because Carter's got his legions of adoring fans who will defend everything he does, whereas it's cool to hate on the OP?News flash: It isn't. None of us have any fucking idea what's going on in the OP's personal life. Or Sam's. Or Cartr's. We only se what they let us.We don't live with them, and we are *not* their friends, we just play their games. We just happen to play their games. You understand that now, Defender? If Danny wants to pull down his games, code, et cetera, there is literally nothing stopping him from doing that. And there's no reason for you, or any other pushy community members to stamp your feeet and demand things. Ever./rant


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sid512 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

@post21you can't expect the world to be as pleasant as it used to be some 2019 years ago; the age of greed and technological progress has arrived. this means that a select group of individuals are bound to be lured by the rewards of arrogance and sense of entitlement which isn't even genuine at first place. unfortunately, the state of being visually impaired doesn't prevent a few individuals from behaving in an identical manner as compared to their able-eyed counterparts. in other words, a few people, having no other real life alternatives, join a community and perform actions intended to garner a considerable amount of followers around their virtual presence. they feed them; they feed on them, doing whatever it takes to keep them intact; and gain attention and respect from a meagre community. however, when their personal lives are turned sideways, all they come up with is disgust, hatred and repulsive retorts against innocent members who are trying to voice their well-deserved opinions. as the saying goes, you can't straighten a dog's tail even if its burried for 12 years. perhaps, staying away from this part of the community (emphasis on the word part) might be a wise move, as prowling around rotten apples in a fruit basket is likely to get you infected at some point.I wish you luck instead, and hope that your future endeavours are successful, to say the least.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : The Dwarfer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

@26 like I said bro...That's not going to happen.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : 拓海 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

I really think it's a pity.Because this game will be an innovation in the blind game once it is completely made.Even if this game requires payment, it can be accepted.No words can express my current mood!


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

Ok, I think it's time I also gave a voice to this discussion. @22 I'm pretty apawled that you can throw such accusations out there and simply generalize everyone in this community because of a few individuals who don't understand the meaning of "shut the fuck up". I think I'll have to address your points one by one here:danny wrote:1, trolling and instantly attacking everything you don't understand. Like it or not, you guys have a notorious history of outcasting and picking on those of us who do things sited people do on a regular basis, watch tv, playing video games, you only started discussing mainstreem games and intrest in the xbox on a regular basis once the shiny new accessibility toy was intraduced.Please, if you could provide proof to me of every community member doing this at least once in their lives, I will retract my statement. But until now, this accusation is baseless. A lot of People here were playing mainstream games a long time before even the ps4 accessibility features in 2015, e.g. Mortal Kombat, injustice, and let's not mention that people like you played dead space too. In the 8 years I've been here, I haven't seen one example of someone being trolled because they like to watch movies or tv. If you know of something like that, feel free to point me to it so I can research it on my owndanny wrote:2, entitlement. You pressure mainstreem devs to cater to you when you haven't given them a reason too, just a hey, i'll play this game if this accessibility thing gets addressed. Their were things in life I absolutely wanted but could never ever achieve and do. You can't fit into every circle you want too no matter how hard you try.I'll admit, it's sad that some people even get the idea that everyone in the blind gaming community is an entitled brat purely because of a small number of vocal persons who  happen to actually be entitled brats. It's even more sad that some accessibility consultants like Ian have to tell mainstream devs to avoid this site just because of those people. But if you spent just 10 seconds looking at poster names, you'd realize that by far not everyone acts like that. danny wrote:3, those accessibility toys you flawnt around. Someone, tell me where I could have gotten those growing up as a kid and why is it that I've gotten picked on for not being able to aford a decent laptop nevermind the ritch stuff you all seem to get like brail displays, expensive note takers, whatever it is that I keep getting told I should have had but didn't. It seriously would have helpt majorly to have that crap in the firstplace.Look, if some people were shallow enough to pick on you for not having the latest electronics, that's not something anyone but the people responsible can really do anything about. That doesn't give you the excuse to state that everyone else has all these shiny new gadgets and I have nothing, because that's not how the world works. You in the US might be concerned that your local branch of whatever accessibility firm you like might not want to give you the equipment you need. A blind kid in Uganda might be just a little more concerned that his family basically outcast him because of a disability he couldn't do anything about and will probably not live very long.danny wrote:4, sheltering. Telling us the world is all polite while reason 1 is still going on right under your noses.I don't even pretend to understand this one. Being sheltered has nothing to do with your first statement at all and this really doesn't go anywhere.danny wrote:5, you kicked me out as a kid in the firstplace, showed me I wasn't welcome in middleschool, and only started to become positive once I began to make audio games in the firstplace. Am I guilty of generalizing? Hell yes. Is my aditude shitty and unwelcome, hell yess. Has the neggitive experiences outwade the positive ones? Hell yes. Am I stuck here? Yes. Is it my falt for trying instead of sticking with what worked? Hell, yes. Am I trying to ruin my reputation and just get it over with because I can't cair anymore? Yes.Oh, so we did that? Funny. I don't remember myself flying overseas just to punch you in the gut and tell you to leave. Are you really that delusional to think that you were the only one bullied in middle school? Now I won't pretend to know whether you went to a braille jail in those years, or a regular school, but I can tell you. If you're blind and you go to a regular old middle school in *any* part of the world, it's going to suck for you. And that's pretty much a given unless you happen to be one of those 0.0001% who happens to enter a class with people who are a lot more mature than their age suggests. I probably got pushed around just as much as you, and I can't believe we're the only ones in that matter. What this community comes down to in the end however is that it's a place to talk about games. So if you announce a game here, naturally people will take a

Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : The Dwarfer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

Unfortunately I think I had v1's source code on my other computer, but that appears to finally have said "I'm done" and flipped it's shit. No, more like... given up and told me to fuck off.  Also guys this behavior is... very bitter and weird yes, but I do think there is a reason for it. I knew this guy mostly closely... or maybe not? In the past, and well I don't really blame him for it completely, though that's not to say I don't hold him at least somewhat accountable and am not sorely disappointed in the way he is choosing to behave. After all, this is a nearly 22 year old man with whom we are speaking; one who would've had the potential to become something had he tried. @Ethin while I can appreciate you sticking up for your friend, lashing back out at post 18 probably wasn't the best idea.  In terms of this code, however, I would not get your hopes up guys. I was in close communication with Danny at the time of DMNB version 1, and the number of memory leaks, lag spikes, and errors was insane. No one could seem to fix them. Not to mention, the dude was only coding in pure basic for what, a month when he started this? So the code he's putting here, if I'm reading right, is code he wrote 3 months after starting with pure basic. I would not have too much faith in it. I see why he released it, as some kind of move for closure, but believe me this is not some revolutionary game framework you just have to mod a little bit and get running. Please don't bother trying to get it working unless you are that, bored.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

Ok, I think it's time I also gave a voice to this discussion. @22 I'm pretty apawled that you can throw such accusations out there and simply generalize everyone in this community because of a few individuals who don't understand the meaning of "shut the fuck up". I think I'll have to address your points one by one here:danny wrote:@post21. 1, trolling and instantly attacking everything you don't understand. Like it or not, you guys have a notorious history of outcasting and picking on those of us who do things sited people do on a regular basis, watch tv, playing video games, you only started discussing mainstreem games and intrest in the xbox on a regular basis once the shiny new accessibility toy was intraduced. Please, if you could provide proof to me of every community member doing this at least once in their lives, I will retract my statement. But until now, this accusation is baseless. A lot of People here were playing mainstream games a long time before even the ps4 accessibility features in 2015, e.g. Mortal Kombat, injustice, and let's not mention that people like you played dead space too. In the 8 years I've been here, I haven't seen one example of someone being trolled because they like to watch movies or tv. If you know of something like that, feel free to point me to it so I can research it on my own2, entitlement. You pressure mainstreem devs to cater to you when you haven't given them a reason too, just a hey, i'll play this game if this accessibility thing gets addressed. Their were things in life I absolutely wanted but could never ever achieve and do. You can't fit into every circle you want too no matter how hard you try. I'll admit, it's sad that some people even get the idea that everyone in the blind gaming community is an entitled brat purely because of a small number of vocal persons who  happen to actually be entitled brats. It's even more sad that some accessibility consultants like Ian have to tell mainstream devs to avoid this site just because of those people. But if you spent just 10 seconds looking at poster names, you'd realize that by far not everyone acts like that. 3, those accessibility toys you flawnt around. Someone, tell me where I could have gotten those growing up as a kid and why is it that I've gotten picked on for not being able to aford a decent laptop nevermind the ritch stuff you all seem to get like brail displays, expensive note takers, whatever it is that I keep getting told I should have had but didn't. It seriously would have helpt majorly to have that crap in the firstplace. Look, if some people were shallow enough to pick on you for not having the latest electronics, that's not something anyone but the people responsible can really do anything about. That doesn't give you the excuse to state that everyone else has all these shiny new gadgets and I have nothing, because that's not how the world works. You in the US might be concerned that your local branch of whatever accessibility firm you like might not want to give you the equipment you need. A blind kid in Uganda might be just a little more concerned that his family basically outcast him because of a disability he couldn't do anything about and will probably not live very long.4, sheltering. Telling us the world is all polite while reason 1 is still going on right under your noses. I don't even pretend to understand this one. Being sheltered has nothing to do with your first statement at all and this really doesn't go anywhere.5, you kicked me out as a kid in the firstplace, showed me I wasn't welcome in middleschool, and only started to become positive once I began to make audio games in the firstplace. Am I guilty of generalizing? Hell yes. Is my aditude shitty and unwelcome, hell yess. Has the neggitive experiences outwade the positive ones? Hell yes. Am I stuck here? Yes. Is it my falt for trying instead of sticking with what worked? Hell, yes. Am I trying to ruin my reputation and just get it over with because I can't cair anymore? Yes.Oh, so we did that? Funny. I don't remember myself flying overseas just to punch you in the gut and tell you to leave. Are you really that delusional to think that you were the only one bullied in middle school? Now I won't pretend to know whether you went to a braille jail in those years, or a regular school, but I can tell you. If you're blind and you go to a regular old middle school in *any* part of the world, it's going to suck for you. And that's pretty much a given unless you happen to be one of those 0.0001% who happens to enter a class with people who are a lot more mature than their age suggests. I probably got pushed around just as much as you, and I can't believe we're the only ones in that matter. What this community comes down to in the end however is that it's a place to talk about games. So if you announce a game here, naturally people will take an interest. I don't see why we'r

Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : The Dwarfer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

Unfortunately I think I had v1's source code on my other computer, but that appears to finally have said "I'm done" and flipped it's shit. No, more like... given up and told me to fuck off.  Also guys this behavior is... very bitter and weird yes, but I do think there is a reason for it. I knew this guy mostly closely... or maybe not? In the past, and well I don't really blame him for it completely. @Ethin while I can appreciate you sticking up for your friend, lashing back out at post 18 probably wasn't the best idea.  In terms of this code, however, I would not get your hopes up guys. I was in close communication with Danny at the time of DMNB version 1, and the number of memory leaks, lag spikes, and errors was insane. No one could seem to fix them. Not to mention, the dude was only coding in pure basic for what, a month when he started this? So the code he's putting here, if I'm reading right, is code he wrote 3 months after starting with pure basic. I would not have too much faith in it. I see why he released it, as some kind of move for closure, but believe me this is not some revolutionary game framework you just have to mod a little bit and get running. Please don't bother trying to get it working unless you are that, bored.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : nuno69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

Heh, someone better in english than me could write a psychological novel from this threat.,Goodyou shared the source, bad you're behaving like that now.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

@post21. 1, trolling and instantly attacking everything you don't understand. Like it or not, you guys have a notorious history of outcasting and picking on those of us who do things sited people do on a regular basis, watch tv, playing video games, you only started discussing mainstreem games and intrest in the xbox on a regular basis once the shiny new accessibility toy was intraduced. 2, entitlement. You pressure mainstreem devs to cater to you when you haven't given them a reason too, just a hey, i'll play this game if this accessibility thing gets addressed. Their were things in life I absolutely wanted but could never ever achieve and do. You can't fit into every circle you want too no matter how hard you try. 3, those accessibility toys you flawnt around. Someone, tell me where I could have gotten those growing up as a kid and why is it that I've gotten picked on for not being able to aford a decent laptop nevermind the ritch stuff you all seem to get like brail displays, expensive note takers, whatever it is that I keep getting told I should have had but didn't. It seriously would have helpt majorly to have that crap in the firstplace. 4, sheltering. Telling us the world is all polite while reason 1 is still going on right under your noses. 5, you kicked me out as a kid in the firstplace, showed me I wasn't welcome in middleschool, and only started to become positive once I began to make audio games in the firstplace. Am I guilty of generalizing? Hell yes. Is my aditude shitty and unwelcome, hell yess. Has the neggitive experiences outwade the positive ones? Hell yes. Am I stuck here? Yes. Is it my falt for trying instead of sticking with what worked? Hell, yes. Am I trying to ruin my reputation and just get it over with because I can't cair anymore? Yes.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Aarush via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

@20We get that dude, everyone has problems in their lives. I do, too, some very very very intense ones, which i do not intend to share on this forom at all, and neither do i expect you to do so. But, taglining the whole community as a bunch of assholes, er, a bit harsh no? I mean, its been quite a while since dnmb's developement was stopped, and after that many new people joined our little community here.(me being one of them) not trying to say that everone of them is decent, nor begging to be friends with you, all i'm trying to say is, do you know everyone in this community?  if yes, go and describe one thing that you dont like about more than 700 people loool. heck, even one word will do. there, as i expected. Like i said, i agree the community hasn't been like it used to be, but still man. The fact of the matter is what part of the community you knew(and are claiming) to be assholes was probably only what, 1 third of the total members? So there. i'm not saying that you gave up too soon, or that you were an asshole to leave, everyone has their own reasons. And i'm good with that. Totally. but at least please dont do what you did in post 15. its like you're blaiming this community for everything that happened in your life. But if you still think that what you did is perfectly fine, then, well, what can i say...Good luck. is what. . but really though. i mean it, good luck with what you do, and with your life as a whole. @19:I agree that @18 was a little harsh as well but there are always better ways to express yourself. by better i mean, a little more, er, kind? possitive? i mean, why do we need to start a brawl on every single thing. One of the main reasons of so much drama in the community.Usually i just suck in the drama going on here and use it as a means for a hearty  laugh when i can't find good jokes anywhere else on the internet, but just thought that  this topic was, indeed, wirth posting because i didn't exactly appriciate danny's atitude. Again, not trying to bash down any specefic topics, all i mean to say is that i didn't know what much to say so just thought i'd have a read, get what useful info i could, and move on. anyways, peace


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

@post18 First off, if you knew anything about me, you'd know game development was something I wanted to do as a career as a kid. Its not like my dislike for the community is exactly hidden either, so i'm doing a tarible job at being a marter in your own words, nore was it exactly hidden when I started to begin with. Pluss, its a pretty tarible choice to escape into. 1, because my mom and brothers are hardcore gamers themselves. 2, I suck ass at most games mainstreem games included. Why the hell would I want to escape into something i'm not all that grate at to begin with, is their some self loathing I should be aware of and that I should get checked out? And lastly on this front, if you knew anything about my past interactions on muds/online games, before dmnb got developed in the firstplace, you'd know that I rairly, if ever, go out of my way to communicate with people on said games, unless i'm spoken too, this was why I stopt playing multiplayer games on a regular basis and took down my youtube channel in the firstplace. I can enjoy games fine with out being informed how much I suck ass or trolled thanks.That said? Yes. It was used to help me with social skills. Specificly with the community I paintbrushed over in the firstplace, so its not like I curled up in a little ball and didn't give it a shot at trying to like the community in the firstplace.Also, your one to talk about assholes I surround myself with, seeing as you yourself have acted like one, you yourself even said I should have still been mad at you after the last time you had a flameout. I hate to tell you but not everyone can just go get up and say, i've changed, i'm gonna go out and do something different, i'm gonna go get new friends. I haven't changed myself or learned a single thing so their you have it, happy? Even if you vollinteer for something, even if you choose to do something willingly, you don't always have the option of backing the hell out. What was I supposed to do with dmnb, tell everyone 5 months in when the bug reports rolled in sorry guys, I can't manage this on my own, i'm done kay thanks by lol? For the record, I suck at writing storys to begin with. Project alpha was a one time thing, developed at a time when I was into dead space. I didn't want to spend my entire life writing the same generic copy paste dead space formula, specially since the game was designed to be absolutely nothing more than a dead space clone. Yes, your right in that I can't handle running online games, and I thought I could at the time dmnb was launched, and it took me longer than usual to finally accept it. That still didn't mean that I could just happily pull out while their were still players on the game to begin with.Before you go crittisizing how I act, go take a look at your own reactions as to when I pulled the games down to begin with. Your the one who said they were unfinished/mostly crap then complained they were not available. You don't get to do that, so please, don't say you apreciate me reconsidering since they're trash, after all.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

@defender, your not helping the situation, you know, by being an asshole yourself. Way to go, hypocrite. Danny had his reasons. That exact attitude is why he painted the community with the hole brush. That is why he left. He's only posting the source code because he has nothing else to do with it, and honestly, I can't blame him for not wanting to release it since I doubt anyone would be able to do anything with it. Of course, it doesn't help that its hilarious how you throw around baseless accusations in post 18 as though you knew what Danny was doing and how he thought at the time. Thanks for the laugh.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

@defender, your not helping the situation, you know, by being an asshole yourself. Way to go, hypocrite. Danny had his reasons. That exact attitude is why he painted the community with the hole brush. That is why he left. He's only posting the source code because he has nothing else to do with it, and honestly, I can't blame him for not wanting to release it since I doubt anyone would be able to do anything with it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

@defender, your not helping the situation, you know, by being an asshole yourself. Way to go, hypocrite.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

@15Way to treat someone who did nothing wrong to you and even reminded people you didn't want to be contacted like shit for no good reason, he already said you weren't close, no need to rub it in.Not to mention, painting us all with the same brush. I understand that the decent people here are still the minority, but you were the one who always bragged about having a thick skin, and right now you sound nearly as bad as the people who kept messing with you.What ever the hell happened specifically to push you over the edge and make you this bitter, I'm pretty sure much of it was magnified in your own head. Plus, you can blame us all you want for forcing you to come out of the woodwork, but your the one that removed all the games from the archive initially and started this, which is on you and you alone, though I appreciate that you reconsidered.It's unfortunate that you worked your self to death on a free game instead of delegating or slowing down and not promising things you couldn't deliver, tried to use coding as an escape from your real world responsibilities (we've basically all done similar) but chose to make multiplayer games and involve the community at large in development, and then let the assholes get to you, and you didn't have to. yeah, their still assholes, but it's your responsibility to look after numero uno as well.No one forced you to update the sourcecode either, some people just asked if anyone had it, so you can stop with the acting as if your some kind of martyr for gracing us unworthy scum with your presents once more.Thanks anyway though for sharing it, bitter sweet as it is, and I'm sorry you hate this community so much now, it's certainly not the greatest for devs. I'd like to say I'm glad your doing better after separating your self from it, but clearly your not, so instead I'll wish you luck getting over it and improving your mental wellbeing instead.And, thanks again for getting me into Futurama.Honestly though, all the best man and I hope your home situation has improved, despite how I may feel about how your acting currently, and I hope you never lose that spark of imagination. I think you could be a good shortstory/web serial writer or fanfiction author if you wanted.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

@15Way to treat someone who did nothing wrong to you and even reminded people you didn't want to be contacted like shit for no good reason, he already said you weren't close, no need to rub it in.Not to mention, painting us all with the same brush. I understand that the decent people here are still the minority, but you were the one who always bragged about having a thick skin, and right now you sound nearly as bad as the people who kept messing with you.What ever the hell happened specifically to push you over the edge and make you this angry, I'm pretty sure much of it was magnified in your own head. Plus, you can blame us all you want for forcing you to come out of the woodwork, but your the one that removed all the games from the archive initially and started this, which is on you and you alone, though I appreciate that you reconsidered.It's unfortunate that you worked your self to death on a free game instead of delegating or slowing down and not promising things you couldn't deliver, tried to use coding as an escape from your real world responsibilities (we've basically all done similar) but chose to make multiplayer games and involve the community at large in development, and then let the assholes get to you, and you didn't have to. yeah, their still assholes, but it's your responsibility to look after numero uno as well.No one forced you to update the sourcecode either, some people just asked if anyone had it, so you can stop with the acting as if your some kind of martyr for gracing us unworthy scum with your presents once more.Thanks anyway though for sharing it, bitter sweet as it is, and I'm sorry you hate this community so much now, it's certainly not the greatest for devs. I'd like to say I'm glad your doing better after separating your self from it, but clearly your not, so instead I'll wish you luck getting over it and improving your mental wellbeing instead.And, thanks again for getting me into Futurama.Honestly though, all the best man and I hope your home situation has improved, despite how I may feel about how your acting currently, and I hope you never lose that spark of imagination. I think you could be a good shortstory/web serial writer or fanfiction author if you wanted.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

@15Way to treat someone who did nothing wrong to you and even reminded people you didn't want to be contacted like shit for no good reason, he already said you weren't close, no need to rub it in.Not to mention, painting us all with the same brush. I understand that the decent people here are still the minority, but you were the one who always bragged about having a thick skin, and right now you sound nearly as bad as the people who kept messing with you.What ever the hell happened specifically to push you over the edge and make you this angry, I'm pretty sure much of it was magnified in your own head. Plus, you can blame us all you want for forcing you to come out of the woodwork, but your the one that removed all the games from the archive initially and started this, which is on you and you alone, though I appreciate that you reconsidered.It's unfortunate that you worked your self to death on a free game instead of delegating or slowing down and not promising things you couldn't deliver, tried to use coding as an escape from your real world responsibilities (we've basically all done similar) but chose to make multiplayer games and involve the community at large in development, and then let the assholes get to you, and you didn't have to. yeah, their still assholes, but it's your responsibility to look after numero uno as well.No one forced you to update the sourcecode either, some people just asked if anyone had it, so you can stop with the acting as if your some kind of martyr for gracing us unworthy scum with your presents once more.Thanks anyway though for sharing it, bitter sweet as it is, and I'm sorry you hate this community so much now, it's certainly not the greatest for devs. I'd like to say I'm glad your doing better after separating your self from it, but clearly your not, so instead I'll wish you luck getting over it and improving your mental wellbeing instead.And, thanks again for getting me into Futurama.Honestly though, all the best man, despite how I may feel about how your acting currently.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

@15Way to treat someone who did nothing wrong to you (SLJ) like shit for no good reason, he already said you weren't close, no need to rub it in.Not to mention, painting us all with the same brush. I understand that the decent people here are still the minority, but you were the one who always bragged about having a thick skin.What ever the hell happened to push you over the edge and make you this angry, I'm pretty sure much of it was magnified in your own head. Plus, you can blame us all you want for forcing you to come out of the woodwork, but your the one that removed all the games from the archive initially, which is on you and you alone, though I appreciate that you reconsidered.It's unfortunate that you worked your self to death on a free game instead of delegating or slowing down and not promising things you couldn't deliver, tried to use coding as an escape from your real world responsibilities (we've basically all done similar) but chose to make multiplayer games and involve the community at large in development, and then let the assholes get to you, and you didn't have to. yeah, their still assholes, but it's your responsibility to look after numero uno as well.No one forced you to update the sourcecode either, some people just asked if anyone had it, so you can stop with the acting as if your some kind of martyr for gracing us unworthy scum with your presents once more.Thanks anyway though for sharing it, bitter sweet as it is, and I'm sorry you hate this community so much now, it's certainly not the greatest for devs. I'd like to say I'm glad your doing better after separating your self from it, but clearly your not, so instead I'll wish you luck getting over it and improving your mental wellbeing instead.And, thanks again for getting me into Futurama.Honestly though, all the best man, despite how I may feel about how your acting currently.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

If I find the client to dmnb v1 before someone else manages to post the code here I will upload it and post it here. I will also update the first post.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Muhammad Hajjar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

Makiocento wrote:Hi.So sad to hear they are now discontinued. Now, lets hope any child doesn't get the source code and start a drama like the one on the killer or whatever.Btw, I have a backup of the latest client, the one of experimental space stations. Do you think it'll work? It's not the sourcecode, however. Hope someone posts it over here.Again, it's a sadness to remember what happened with the thing, I was a devoted player in the past and... well yeah, basically that lol.Take care...Mike.Don't worry, true that most children are source codes hungry, but I don't think that they have a Pure Basic Knowledge to mess with that.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

@post 14 Then if you still have a copy of the client source or that folder feel free to just upload it and post the link. @post13 I have no intrest in interacting with new faces. I don't know you, I don't oh you, I don't want to be contacted. If you've got something to say, say it on the forums, that's the only place you'll get a message through to me if I even read it. @post 11 Noone in this community is a friend of mine as much as they would like to say how close they are, and i'm getting a little sick of everyone assuming they're close friends or best friends or whatever when you don't know me in reel life, you haven't grown up with me, you don't know my history, you played games with me and we talked, that's it. I'm noone's friend, i'm not a friend of the blind community nore am I apart of it, nore do I want to be. Anything else is strictly personal and my biznis. You guys are simply an audiance for the material I produced. That's all you guys have been, that's all you'll ever be. @post14 again, you'll never know if I develop any games unless I come on here announcing my latest release because I won't attach my name to the project. Don't think of me as a friend. Think of me as some anonomus worker you don't know.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

Hi Danny.You probably don't remember me because it's been ages, but I used to hang out on dmnb and in the old dropbox folder. I had some good times, and you taught me a lot! I'm sorry things went down the way they did, but I hope you don't give up on developing games or software completely.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pauliyobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

@SLJ my bad. I didn't know that. Probably I was not paying attention enough.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : cmerry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

Hi,Danny, i know myself, and a lot of others will be very greatful for what you did. I agree the dmnb1 client would be nice, i never really got to play it because it was gone more or less a day after i started figuring it out. I do know someone who *might* have it, maybe even a slightly newer version than the one danny posted, but we’ll see.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

pauliyobo wrote:Danny, could I send you an email, or contact you somewhere privately? The forum is fine as well.No. He clearly write that he do not want to be contacted for some reason. I think we need to respect that. I think this is sad, because Danny have always been really nice to me then I wrote to him in private messages etc. Yes, it was game related and we were not close friends or anything like that. But he was really nice. I think he just got enough of gaming and the community in generel, and don't wanna be contacted, but choose to keep his close friends and just enjoy life without the community. However, that's what I think, but I could be wrong...


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pauliyobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

Danny, could I send you an email, or contact you somewhere privately? The forum is fine as well.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

I still wander what the heck happened to Danny. Things just suddenly went down, and he gave up on everything. I'm not able to get any of this up and running. Not at all. I have no clue on how to work with the sourcecode. If I had, I didn't had the time and energy to keep something running like he did.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kianoosh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

Yeh I hope the client for dmnb v1 can be gotten somehow. Well there are still people who can resume the development or at least fix the bugs.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Makiocento via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

Hi.So sad to hear they are now discontinued. Now, lets hope any child doesn't get the source code and start a drama like the one on the killer or whatever.Btw, I have a backup of the latest client, the one of experimental space stations. Do you think it'll work? It's not the sourcecode, however. Hope someone posts it over here.Again, it's a sadness to remember what happened with the thing, I was a devoted player in the past and... well yeah, basically that lol.Take care...Mike.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : caio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

Lol no, we can't play it. Not yet, at least.In an ideal world (and this is according to my point of view), this code source will allow someone to say pick it up and resume development of the game.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

...I like how people just skip over the majority of the first post and go yeah, we can play it.Uh...reread post 1 folks. It's all on you. You fix this up. You make it work. And you fix it when it breaks and falls over. Cause, ya know, it's going to


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SkyLord via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

Dmnb v1? oh, my god. Please tell me that it's this, amazing greatest game we had. omgomgomg. The first, ever first version. I love ths.


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

yee amazing! we were talking about that yesterday And how we missed it! i guess we can play it now ye


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pranam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

Hi,What was this game, actually?


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Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : 拓海 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Here, have my source... what's left of it.

It’s a pity that such a classic game!


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Here, have my source... what's left of it.

2019-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Here, have my source... what's left of it.

So this is what little i've got left of my source and what I could salvage. 1 is the entire sourcecode to project alpha, the other is a copy of dmnb v1's server in source form, just a month or 2 after launch. Importent notes are as follows if people really, really wanna do something with it.Project alpha requires pure tts and an eax capable soundcard. Because this archive was originally ment to go to the audio games archive and because I made some small attempt to update it, the sounds are missing. I really can't be half assed the effert of putting them back in, nore will pure tts or eax/freesl work on my system so updating this one is next to impossible anyways. You take responsibility for putting the sounds in yourself and updating the code.I do not have the client code to dmnb v1 anymore. Someone else from our dropbox folder mess of 60 something members may have it, the code was modifyed live in the folder before being compiled and pushed out. So if they have it, feel free to happily post a link. This server as previously stated is from a month or 2 after launch, bugs and glitches included. You take full responsibility running this. Want my advice which you don't, don't run this thing on low end hardware. Or at the very least do some optomizing. I have no idea just exactly what features are even included, I had to contact someone who was fortunit enough to make a backup of the server to even get a hold of this thing but from my knolige, the basics are all their, as well as teleporters and the like.Both projects were developed using pure basic. How you obtain a copy of pure basic as its still camersially available is up to you.Technical support. No technical support of any kind will be provided. I do not wish to be contacted. You wanted your games back, you have em back. Eat it or beat it, I couldn't cair less, they're your headake now, not mine. The only thing I have to say is... good luck... and so long.!Ai0NSQ46wtkmi0ZsjP8m2YvQ0r6k


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