Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

Things over here continue rather crazy with us still observing lockdown, though my mum's found us a couple of medical face masks so we might at least try to go out to a cafe at some point in the near future once those turn up. In general though, I'm worried by the fact nobody seems to bloody know what they're doing. First, The government basically tells everyone that they're establishing holliday destinations to countries like Italy, Greice, France and germany, since you know everyone is now supposed to go and spend money on hollidays and get the economy working, never mind that evidence suggests that in several countries rates are on the increase again and people should! still be being careful. Then, there's an outbreak in Spain and we have a two week quarantine for just! Spain, whereupon the travel industry throws another hissy fit as per usual! For goodness sake! It's all a god aweful mess to be honest. Ironically, the actual lock down when the government was clear on things made a good bit more sense, indeed I almost kind of miss the way things were a few months ago (for a start, with no traffic it was much quieter and the air far cleaner when you did go out).As to education? I'm sorry for people mixed up in this at the moment, though at least we live in the age of mass communication, imagine how things would've been in the early nineties with net connections being a rarity.As for me, still basically alternating between Erion, writing, running with the zombies and also reading Duma Kee with Mrs. Dark, which is proving good, if a little sedate in terms of pacing. I'm also starting season 4 of Game of thrones today, so I'm going to be greated by the wonderful site of Jofri finally choking on his own arrogance .Hope everyone else is still doing okay.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

@36:I am really glad that my university decided to postpone the exams for the first and second years. Not that I cared for them, since it weren't for my mother I would have dropped out from the college, and focused on the programming.I just really don't trust their messy management to conduct the exams safely for the students. Although the third years did have to give their exams in June, which I argue was much more safer month since cases were still low at that time. (For whatever amount of low is considered low these days.)in another news, I finished captain's fury, the book four of the codex alera. I out out of the all four books I have read so far, liked this one the best. The main character as well as others along with him, progressed so much in this book.I'm also planning to read the other works of Charles Stross, mainly the merchant prince,, while I decided to skip his other books since he confirmed that he won't be writing the new ones in their series.I just hope he finishes the laundry series, I really want to see the ending for these characters.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : MyDearWatson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

I am waiting for my damn bloody graduation certificate, so I can move on. Currently, I feel rather stuck, academically, careerly physically and mentally.These fools can't even figure out how to go about it, since lots of colleges, including mine, are yet to conduct some of the exams, and that is for the academic year 2019-20.Reading has helped me somehow, and if I shal say, I am becoming a bit of Julia Quin fan.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TheTrueSwampGamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

hmm, who knows about that.  i'm more than likely doing our northwest school district home school program called launch all the way, because one of my friends had good things to say about it, and plus i've never been home schooledbefore. My mom doesn't want to deal with all of that, and she doesn't want to risk me catching anything.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : titan_of_war via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

lol,   so my school emailed my mom and told her how things are gonna play out, so apairintly, you have 2 choises, you can go to school, or keep taking online classes, and online classes for me are meh, because my mom doesn't really no how to work the tech i use... and i also forgot the therd option, you can go to school for 3 days, and then do online for the rest of the school week. and about the desks they said that each desk is gonna be six feet apart, so i'm wondering how much people are going to be aloud in 1 class room.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

hahahahah. Dark, the moment I read that Over by christmas line a giant smile formed on my face. Seriously, lets hope it isn't a WW1 situation, because I can't bloody deal with going to school with a mask for the remainder of my secondary education.Speaking of hell, um, ur, uh, I mean um school, the ministry sent out the guidelines for the reopening of school, which, will open on the day of WW2 commencement. September the 1ST. So, apparently, they have arranged to spliit classes into 2 groups.Group A, and group B. So, on monday, group A wiill go to school, while B will stay home and do online work. And the next day group b will be in school. I suspect because of my Sirname, Vincent I'll be put in group B. Which would mean I'll be home from school 3 days a week. Its both annoying and a joy at the same time. I have more free time to do other things, because I suspect ii  should be able to wrap up my work quicly, so more time to do Jaidon stuff. But on the other hand, there is the matter of my mum. I don't even think she'll let me dim the screen. hahah. We'll have to see. Keeping with school, some of the mandates are bloody ridiculous. and not for the reasons you'd think. Like for example, they mandated the cleaning of the toilets. So, what the bloody flipping hell? It took a pandemic for you beurocratic idiotic retards to know you had to clean the damn toilets? so what the heck were you paying the cleaners to do? Stick their thumbs up their asses all day and let the toilet clean itself? Another mandate is the cutting of grass. I'm sure you know this is a tropical country. Which means mosquitoes are a big neusence here. Their viruses included. So again, it took the pandemic to mandate cutting the grass. Again. Stupidity. Funny thing though, at least, on one side of my school there is no grass, because there was a major bushfire just outside my school, and the fire humouriously enough, stopped about a metre of our school fence in a perfectly straight line, and I'm not making that up. Our class was about a few metres away, so our class, plus a gas line would have gone burny burny burn if it only went a little further. Now you may say, why Jaidon. You're overreacting. Well I say to you, i'm overreacting because I like clean. I don't like filth. and even before this virus I was a clean person. Hell. I was one of the only few people in my class who would actually wash their hands before eating. Dirty bastards.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

@Dark eagle, yep, things over here are a bit crazy. The latest bit of fun from Jelly fish Jonson (as my lady has dubbed Boris Jonson our prime minister), is that he's said it'll all be back to normal by Christmas.Just to put this in context for people outside the UK, after the outbreak of the first world war in 1914, the government told the departing troops that "it would all be over by Christmass," and of course, four years, several million deaths and a hole lot of misery later, it was still going! So speaking of something being "over by Christmas", has sort of a very worrying vibe in the UK (terry Pratchett even references this in monstrous regiment), so for Jonson to claim this is bloody freaky. he's also been on record telling people that another lockdown is something he views like a nuclear deterrent, something he really hopes not to use, which frankly, according to the advice of the world health organisation and a lot of medical experts over here is a load of absolute bollocks! Really, you'd think a new father would be a bit more concerned for his Son's health, then again, like all the conservative party he's probably got more than enough cash so that he dosn't have to actually risk anything, much like all those chief execs who keep turning up urging people to go back to work and make money for them whilst they stay safe at home. What is doubly scary, is that we haven't even hit the probable second wave yet, the predictions are that will start up somewhere around November, this is still the first bloody wave! of course, I freely admit this week hasn't been easy owing to my lady having a few delayed reaction issues from the cancer news, one reason whyt the db updates are so sparse, and why i haven't dropped into this topic for a while, since there isn't a lot to report. Indeed, oddly enough, I find my gaming desire is going slightly into abeyance, likely because I'm busy with writing my own book reviews and working on original fiction, though i know myself well enough to know this is just a temporary thing and it'll be roaring back soon enough.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : titan_of_war via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

my school is opening on oggest 27'th apairintly, and i'm not sure how there gonna do it, your probibly gonna half to ware masks, but i don't no how much people are going to be aloud in 1 classroom,   because normaly, the desks are like rite next to each other, so i don't no.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

@Dark:Actually the cases are increasing in the area where I live in, and there were more cases in my building. Also from what you're saying, looks like UK and US are heading in the same direction. I heard from various sources that schools are being opened in August in US, despite the danger.You see, when more people were tested in my building, there is a family which refused to be tested. I hope they would get some legal action because of this, because as I've just said, cases are increasing, and something like that is just endangering the people around you, specially when there are elderly people in almost all the homes in my area. One of the family which got infected in my building has a 90 years old man among them, his survival is in question since elderly have very low chances of surviving this virus.My family noted that considering that I don't go out much, know one would have raised an eyebrow if I was excluded from testing. Yet, we didn't do anything like that, and all four of us were tested.Also, my prediction is appearing to be true: I said when the lockdown was opening up, that there will be a second wave of the virus, and they'll need to apply the lockdown again. my city is considering this, we'll see what happens on monday.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

LOL I know what you guys in India are going through to an extent. The other day when we had a few Trinidadian Fishermen in Venezuelan waters, and Maduro refused to pay for the trip back home, then later our Prime Minister and Maduro would meet to talk about an oil deal nobody protested. The other day when they killed a 2 year old and her father they did nothing. Now 2 boys who attack the police gets shot everybody riots. Sigh. I wwonder if Mexico captured Texan Fishermen and then trump and the Mexican President met to talk about NAFTA and then the US public riotted if the public here would have protested also.Meh. Nothing new going on. I've started doing a litle bit of personal writing and some game development. Yule get something rather cool soon.  Eitherways, this has to be the deadest monthly chat i've ever seen lol.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

@Dark eagle, The idea of an evil prime minister of the UK is sort of amusing, it was done in doctor who of course, but I sort of like the thought of it being a cthuloid monster, I mean, we've had a few bad pm's but none who were demonic (though I had my doubts about Tony blaire), . I hope people in your building are okay there Dark Eagle, since the idea of a corona virus case so close is pretty scary. Over here, on the one hand we have several scientists warning people to be careful, and a massive push from the government that everyone is to go out, buy cars, and supposedly be "good for the economy", and never mind getting corona. Actually, the way that the news keeps being full of chief executives of major coorporations who are continually winjing about their stock prices, threatening job cuts, and then seeing the government just do whatever they want is pretty sick, indeed a lot of people are noting just how corrupt the UK government are showing themselves to be. Nevertheless, one of the few advantages of being a generally unemployed academic attempting to break into writing is I don't need to worry about this and can continue on with protection, especially since the last thing we'd want at this point is for my lady to have recovered from cancer only to get corona virus. Interestingly enough, zombies run apparently agree with me, since they're continuing their rather awesome home front lockdown missions, and urging everyone to stay in side and not risk getting the corona virus,   or indeed the zombie virus . Sadly, not a major amount of new stuff to report other than me banging out yet more book reviews, and working on my novella, whilst occasionally playing a bit of home quest, though I do hope everyone else is staying safe.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

@26:I don't say that they are easily provoked into protest. I am saying that it is very easy for news media and politicians to stoke the wrath of public, whether it'll be for protest, or some other purpose.Enough about politics. Let's talk about something else!Remember how I liked the Black Pharoh's (I'll call him that from now on, his other name is a bitch to spell,) character in the Delirium brief? I was right. Immediately when he appeared in the Labyrinth Index after becoming the PM of UK, he showed himself to be a entertaining villain. Though I suppose that some people might be furious at Stross for writing such a character...Meanwhile, I have started to learn the basics of SQL, and now my mentor is going to taught me the ins and outs of MySQL. But as much as I enjoy learning these things, I can't wait when my time will be my own, and I'll learn whatever the hell I want to, instead of running on a class designed by other person.I think that even if I did break into the web development, it'll be a hard thing for me to branch off to some other field, still, I'll try my best, because I don't want to be a web developer for life.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : MyDearWatson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

Realy!You say they are easily provoked in to protest?I don't know. See they didn't really protest when Demonetization was done, when mob violence was taking place due to religious beliefs, When USA revoked the special status that India had in trade, when terrorists from neighbouring country came and ravaged one of the airports, when one of the officers was arrested wrongfully in another country, when 2 of the fishermans were killed by people of another country and god knows many other things.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : MyDearWatson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

Realy!You say they are easily provoked in to protest?I don't know. See they didn't really protest when Demonetization was done, when mob violence was taking place due to religious beliefs, When USA revoked the special status that India had in trade, when terrorists from neighbouring country came and ravaged one of the airports, when one of the navel officers was arrested wrongfully in another country, when 2 of the fishermans were killed by people of another country and god knows many other things.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

@24:You should note that it is very easy to get riled up when it is entirely a different country.Besides, your question caused me to think, and I arrived on a answer that it doesn't matter whether it is some other country or not. Indian public is very easy to rile up.I also arrived on another conclusion, but I'll leave it up to you to decide for yourself what it can be, because I don't feel nice sharing it over the internet.I finished the delirium brief, and man the UK in that world is headed for some fucked up situations in the future, since the secret agency has to make a deal with niarlathetep (I hope I am spelling it correctly,) because otherwise the country would have been taken by the sleeper...Also, I must say that he is very enjoyable to read as a villain, kind of reminds me of Hazama of the BlazBlue. Mostly, Charles doesn't right such memorable villains, they don't last longer than a book anyway, but he is different.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : MyDearWatson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

Right to protest is certainly being shown in it's full form when they talk about Chinese goods though.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

To be honest guys, riots are nothing new for me. I remember as far as I can, seeing news about this or that riot going on one or another part of the country, from my childhood to even now.Well, there aren't any current riots going on, but there were few in January when "almighty" Trump visited India.One thing which I'll note though, that Indians are seeming to me at least, losing the right of protest. Specially since the new party came into power. But then again, take it with a grain of salt, I'm not exactly a politically savvy person.Also, Corona officially has arrived in the apartment building where I live in. Today, there was a positive case on the top floor of the building.This just gives me more reasons to not get out of the house. That, and few of the time I did go out, I war a mask. Which for whatever reason, I enjoy doing.I am in the middle of the delirium brief, and so far I have come into the conclusion that whatever way Charles decides to end this series, it won't be pretty. Also, I think the guy needs some more happy moments in his life,  that is exactly why I tell to my father every now and then that he should turn off the news. (I also get tired of people screaming at the top of their lungs in the name of debate, and wish for some peace from that circus.)


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

Wow, I think this is the first month I'm so late posting in one of these topics. @Mastodont, congrats on the new arrival, and I hope Lady Mastodont is okay, w well not lady mastodont, not that I'm implying that she's in any way elephantine, but either way I hope both she and your little girl are alright, and that you do indeed get some sleep at some point . @Mirage, sorry to hear about the illness, especially now, hope the antibiotics work.@Jayjay, wow the riots over here have been a bit nuts in some places, but that sounds positively crazy! what I'm concerned with over here is that as things open up, people aren't exactly being careful with lockdown, that combined with people going on protests doesn't sound good for social distancing. I really hope we're not going to see a second spate of infections from this, but I am worried we are. so again, it's still lockdown time over here, with me continuing game of thrones, as well as working on a pretty major fantasy/fairy tale novella. I've started contacting author's agents, but no luck so far, actually it's quite irritating that so many agents and people in the publishing industry are specifying "voices of minorities", and then don't consider blind people to be one. Indeed, at one time I did have a plan to write a weekly column for, but they don't even reply, I suspect because I have a y chromosome, given how  stupidly partisan so many of the columns posted on their website are, and how outright hate filled some of the stuff posted there has been. I have looked at self publishing, but you need to be far better at self-promotion and have a more major online social media presence than I have to make that work, especially if you want to break in to actual publishing, so finding an agent is a good idea, that and continuing writing, obviously.Gaming wise, I've checked out a few things like Lioden, and home quest on ios, plus a bit of slay the spire, I'd also like to get back to Erion, and perhaps play some of the cog/hg titles, though at the moment writing is definitely coming first.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Meatbag via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

hi all! well, not so much here, school is really wanting to do the normil exams, not cairing about covid, wish my self good luck! 


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Patrick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

Hey all!I am not doing much this month.I got my server upgrades finally done. I have 2 1 TB drives in Rade 1, so one mirrors the other one. This effectively meaning if one drive fails, I shouldn't lose any data because that drive also has that data.My D: Drive is 2 4 TB drives that are not in Rade, so backing up my stuff is a very, very good idea.In other news, my birthday was on the 28th of June. I got a new computer for it.Dell XPS 8500. 24 GB RAM, I7 3770 at 3.4 GHZ, 240 GB SSD and 1 TB HDD for data storage.Does anyone know how to check if you're RAM is DDR3, DDR4, etc. on Windows 10? Doesn't show up in msinfo32.I hope everyone is doing well!


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

On my second round of antibiotics, and my July Fourth plans got messed up thanks to Covid.July Fourth is not only my favorite holiday, it's my favorite day of the year, so really bummed about that.But there have to be better days ahead.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : MyDearWatson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

Oh!I thought it's somehow related to Detective Conan anime. There's a weekly magazine called Shonan I think.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

his signature really scares me


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

It comes from the bK series. Gaki-shonen = bully boys


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : MyDearWatson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

@Gaki_shonen: Can you explain your username please. I am asking because it sounds familiar to me from an anime I watch.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : MyDearWatson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

@13: Can you explain your user-name please. I am asking because it sounds familiar to me from an anime I watch.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

I  just realised that I posted this on the 2 year annerversary of me joining the forums. Wow.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Gaki_shonen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

Hi all. This is my first time posting in one of these topics. I think? Can’t remember. Anyways, I have seem to be getting a cold. But that’s not the most important but my birthday is in about 25 days from now. I can’t wait. I might get a new laptop for my birthday. Yay for me.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

Okay, gonna stay away from politics.I finished the Nightmare Stacks, and well, it was interesting to read how the military of UK might respond to extra dimensional invasion. (Mainly, all the government agencies moved slowly, outsourcing the communications to India, (A bad idea I say, as an Indian myself!) and slowly weakening army...)At first, I thought that I would be able to resist the allure of the Delirium Brief, but I was wrong. The book picked up from where the Nightmare Stacks left, and the first character Bob Howard is back.Aside from that, I am mostly grumbling about how if I lived in a perfect world, I wouldn't have to worry about getting a job, and as a result, programming would have been something which I would do it in my time, and within the language of my choosing, instead of getting harked on by someone who is teaching me a language which I won't use outside of the corpret environment, ever.Alas, we don't live in a perfect world.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

Haven't posted in one of those for a while but well, let's see what comes out.I was pretty bussy the last month, me and my wife had to move all of our stuff to my parent's home since it's going to be easier for us to learn how to take care of a child if we have someone living with us. Since we were staying in a rented appartment and the rent was pretty high the best option was to move out of there for good. Next week my lady will have a caesarean, let's hope everything goes to plan. If it does, I will have a baby girl, I can't tell you how happy and relieved I am that this will be finally over. Pregnancy was not a fun part neither for my lady nor for me since she felt sick most days, her legs were swelling so I had to do all the work in the house  not that I mind but it was a lot to do and I feel exhausted. On a sad note, the hospital staff wont let me join her for the intervention because coronavirus precaution so I will be home sleeping as much as I can since I feel it's going to be the last time in a while. Believe me, everyone I asked told me horrific stories since their child was under 1 years old. Waking up every one or two hours, regular nap changes, etc, I can't wait to not sleep for almost an year On another note, covid19 cases seem to be rising here in Romania, some of the restriction measures are on hold for a while. The hospitals are filling to the capacity again and I fear we are aproaching a second wave due to the stupid people running to the beaches in tens of thousands and forgetting about the most elementary precautions, and people that think that if you can move freely you don't need to practice social distancing and wear a mask in public places anymore.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

@Mirage, I hope you get better soon.Reporting back with some dark news, remember yesterday when I said that there were riots in the capital yesterday? Well, apparently it was organised by a fascist group, to destabilise the country, and possibly seize power. I'm not sure about the coo thing, but I'm sure it was meant to destabilise the country. Eitherways, police have already arrested 72 people in connection with the riots, and may get charged for riotting, terrorism and possibly treason. Fortunately I'm pretty sure its less likely for protests to spark up where I live because folks in the south are different than northerners. Besides. They tried in San Fernando, but the riot didn't gain much traction, being put down. Only god knows what will happen to this country, but even though I may have my criticisms and y dream to move to ither Canada or Germany, this will still always be my home. And I'd hate for it to end up like Spain. Who knows? Maybe we may get a Fascist leader who wants to reunite the West Indian Federations, or all Caribbean Peoples. Never can tell.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

I'm still sick.The antibiotics are finished, and my ear is still ringing and stopped up.And now the urgent care I originally visited is a Covid testing site, so I don't want to go back if I can help it. This has been going on since May 31!But I'm taking different allergy meds, and keeping myself entertained.I found Lioden, and I went back to Furry Paws again.Also reading, and playing AarchonMud right now.Hoping for healthier days ahead, and I hope you are all well and having fun.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

gosh. Today I fell asleep and woke up at 3. I lost the entire day. I'll have to work overtime tonight I guess. In fact I feel like just kicking back for the rest of the evening. I already let the day escape me so why cry over spilt barbecue sauce? Well, aside from the fact thaat it leave a stain and a pungent smell, but still.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Aron Leppik via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

Well, nothing, again. Except exercising/working out, playing tlou 2 and then probably starting on Slay the spire, sleeping, eating and talking to some people via social media. 2 more months till 10th grade! Hope y'all are doing well.


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Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

@5, Today must be a day of, well, lions. First Lioden, and now you getting elected as president of your local lions club.As for me, well I've now found a routine where I can check the forum a bit more. I also have fully started The Last of Us Part 2.I'm keeping busy in lockdown with theatre workshops, and I'm still doing martial arts and singing lessons. But also doing some singing collabs as well. I recently sung a song from Cats, called Bustopher Jones, which was quite a lot of fun.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : swigjr23 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

My first post on one of these topics! I just got elected president of my local Lions club. My life is about to get really busy. Other than that, nothing new going on around my area.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : manamon_player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

i'm thirred then lol


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : MyDearWatson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

I am second who have commented on this month's chat.Well, that's not the thing I wanted to tell you all.The thing I wanted to tell you all was a joke,Guess what?That joke was forgotten!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : manamon_player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly Chat July 2020!

i'm first guy that comments in this month chat 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Monthly Chat July 2020!

2020-07-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Monthly Chat July 2020!

Well, its after 10 AM here and I saw nobody did it, so I thought I'd start the new discussion! So, this is an eventful month, what with the back to school rush, and me going into form 3, which is pretty important, because I'll have to write my 1ST Caribbeanwide exam. I'll also have to choose what I want to study, for upper school. We're also thinking of going on a family vacation since our last vacation was in 2014, and even though we were away from home, it still wasn't quite ideal. My mum and stepdad's birthdays are this month, so it will also clash with their Bdays. We may go in a beachhouse for a couple days, and cook food and just unwind, and not have to worry about some random person coming in the store yelling, "Toya!" So it'll be fun. I'm also looking more into python, purebasic and even Pascal. The latter seems to be pretty easy to learn. I'm trying to get resources for the former latter, and well you know google is basically married to python. In some more grim news, yesterday the Black Lives matter riots came to Trinidad. Stores and shops in the capital had to close their doors before noon. There was apparently a shoot out with police and a pregnant girl was also killed in the bachinaal. It was sparked after police killed 3 black men, however I believe the police were also black. So I don't know what the whole rabble was about. They're justifying George Floyd, but at the end of the day George floyd was in the states. And its not like the cops did what the men did to George. I think the men were resisting and threatened to shoot and the police defended theirselves. In the last topic I remember someone saying that the protesters in the states were criminals and thieves? I more believe that for the rioters here. They straight up shot a bullet into a random building and robbed a truck carrying bread from the factory. Lord I hope this is all over and done with.Eitherways, on some lighter more positive news Trinidad's economy has been fully reopened, with the minor acception of the border. I bloody hope they keep it closed! At the end of the day we're an island. The only how we can get the virus at this point is if they let in outside influences, which, is how all our 124 cases were recorded. And out of that about 60 of them were on the same ship, and the rest were on scattered cruise ships. The government has taken the decision to quarintine citizens on the ships, because according to some estimates there are about 300K Trinidadians abroad, and we just don't have the capacity to quarintine all of them so the ship is the best option. However people on the ships are threatening to jump off and kill themselves because its stressful. I can understand to an extenet what they're saying, but they also have to understand that the government is taking this very seriously. We can't afford a major break out which will put a straine on the health industry. So, prevention is always better than cure.Wow. This has been a pretty long post. I hope you guys are well and happy. Cheers.


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