Re: Monthly chat November 2019

2019-11-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November 2019

@Julian, good wishes are appreciated not irritating, particularly since \rl friends are a bit thin on the  where we are currently. Unfortunately, the last couple of days have been down right awful due to my lady reacting badly to an antibiotic, needing an immergency prescription and having to call out medical assistance late night which turned up at 3 AM. This meant I didn't sleep at all saturday night, but stayed up, since I needed to run out and get the prescription filled first thing in the morning, though it did mean I finished manamon .Fortunately last night hasn't been as bad as I thought and I actually got a normal amount of sleep, that is I woke up at 3 which seems to be my regular routine these days, but ah well, another chance to train my manamon and hopefully progress the manapedia somewhat. We're hoping my lady's going to be well enough this week to go and see Frozen 2, which would be really nice, though its a case of wait and see at the moment.


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Re: Monthly chat November 2019

2019-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November 2019

Hi,@D.D.D.D.D.D.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.r.r.r.r.r.r.r.r.k.k.k.k.k.k.k.: I know these best wishes from Internet People are probabbly getting annoying, but anyway: Best of luck to you and your lady.On the subject of Black Friday, I think as long as you know exactly want you want to buy and buy it with a Discount on Black Friday, it's not a problem. But I think that this mass Shopping Thing which apparently is a Thing in America is rather problematic.And another Thing is that those stupid Black Friday Discount ads the Radio (and sadly, also my E-Mail inbox) are being spammed with is really annoying.For me, it currently is a stressfull time because of many exams in a short timespan. This week I had maths, next week I'll have english and the week after I'll have French.Christmas is also coming around, but buying presents is usually not a big stress for me, so it'll be quite relaxed.The bad News is that I will have to do a lot of schoolwork during the Christmas Holidays, so yeah.


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Re: Monthly chat November 2019

2019-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November 2019

Dark, I must completely disagree with you on Black Friday this year. My mom managed to get an Amazon echo for 10 bucks, I got over 50% off on a $200 plug-in, we purchased two new computers, and I’m pretty sure there are other things I’ve missed.


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Re: Monthly chat November 2019

2019-11-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November 2019

@Lawren, thanks for the best wishes and all the extra r's . Also hope your friend is okay, my brother had a detached retina. I confess black friday just seems pointless to me. There's an old episode of the Simpsons where the store executives come up with the new holliday of Love day just as an excuse to sell more crap, see This here Youtube clip And now we have so called black Friday, there was aeven a report on the news stating that most of the so called "discounts",  didn't actually save people much either. hurray for commercialism . @An idiot, I can't speak on Thanks giving since that's not a holliday we have in Britain, though at some point if I go to stay with my lady's family I wouldn't mind trying out thanks giving just to see a different set of traditions, dodgy native american history notwithstanding. Things haven't been fun over here, well not counting Manamon, infinicrawl and bashing out book reviews of course. I've also got zombies run fixed I think so that I can do a 5k run with running 20 minutes on my trampoline, which is harder than running normally. This is nice since there are a lot of 5k adventures which sound fun, especially now I've just finished season 1, indeed I've just started venus rising, which has some really interesting ideas, albeit its a little hard to get creeped out by scifi body horror when your sprinting your legs off .whilst my  guide dog reever is feeling a lot better, it turns out the side affects of chemo are not going to be worth it, the problem is, now we're basically stuck sitting around and waiting for the side effects to go away which isn't fun. This does probably mean a little bit of a reprieve for my lady, since we won't start the radio therapy until January, though that isn't likely to be fun either. Sorting all of this out also took a lot more trundling to hospital and hanging about, which was a miner pain, actually I'm really! wanting galactic colonies to get finished since a deep resource management  on Ios might b just the ticket, and I've just about finished with crafting kingdom. I'm also really looking forward to my full set of game of thrones arriving on dvd, which should be at the start of december. Iv'e only seen up to season 4, and whilst I gather the finale was slightly disappointing, there's still a lot of good stuff before then.


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Re: Monthly chat November 2019

2019-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lawrence_McSu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November 2019

@dar'r'r'r'r'k, I hope your lady gets better. I know you've probably gotten fed up with seeing loads of random internet people say that, but I genuinely hope you two get over this rough path. I lost my best cousin like that, and I always said I'd try to help people as much as I can. Currently, I'm in exam conditions! I just finished two shots of english b. and  3 shots of english a.  Yesterday, was art, however we planned to walk out the exam because she doesn't teach, but the test only required basic knowledge. My friend akshay and Jaidon and i are planning to create a TV show, however Jaidon and I are real negative about it, but Akshay wants to push. That was a few weeks ago, now Akshay's in the hospital for a detached retina. I just can't wait this exam season to end, and tomorrow is a day off, at least for us Form 2's.  Unfortunately, Friday, black Friday is still school, but Monday, is Election day here in Trinidad. Unfortunately. Lots of people yelling, UNC for life, while others yell PNM til i dead and burry!. Yeah right. Its just another day where i can sleep. My iPhone's in the shop because of itss stupid port. Apparently, dust got in it and the stupid technician says i have to replace it. Put me out 1000, or a little over 149 US.  Pretty lame. Thursday,  Tesla unvailed the Cybertruck, that has stupid styling and stupid name. Who names their truck the Cybertruck? Anyway, it caused a  lot of devision in the car community, deviding enthusiasts and journinalists alike. Hope you all have a good one.


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Re: Monthly chat November 2019

2019-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November 2019

Well, for those who take part in it, thanksgiving is coming up. Despite me being an American, I choose not to make any thing out of it because of it's history. Pluss, I hate turkey. Good thing I'm having pozole for dinner instead. Enough thanksgiving bashing for the moment. In honor of native american haritage month, I am reading books by native american writers.  Code talker by Chester Nez, the only autobiography by one of the original  World War II Navajo code talkers, and there there by Tommy Orange. This one is interesting, and  too complex for me to really some up here.  The book summary could do it better than I can.  Funnily enough, it also brings up the  brutal genocide filled  history of Thanksgiving.  The other moment passed., As soon as Halloween had passed, I saw people immediately start getting ready for Christmas, almost 2 months early. I love  Christmas, but sometimes I feel that’s a little overkill.  Although, it’s less than a month away now.


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Re: Monthly chat November 2019

2019-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November 2019

@Ironcross, sorry to read about your grandpa, though I like the fact that the paper listed his interests and the places he'd been, he must have had some fascinating experiences.@Boo15mario, Fair enough. As I've obviously had a fair amount to do with universities myself I tend to be interested in people's qualifications . thanks to everyone for the kind thoughts regarding my lady. Unfortunately we're now into side effects  country, which is about as  fun as you'd think, indeed at the moment we're not sure if my lady will continue with the chemo since some of the side  effects might be damn scary and we're not sure what is what at the moment.Of course going without the chemo would mean starting the radio therapy earlier, but also that there is more risk of not getting rid of the thing and my lady having to have some pretty extreme, life buggering up surgery. On the plus side, Reever has her stitches out and was really pleased to get the cone off, she was jumping around the place last night and she's quite eager I think to start doing her job again. Unfortunately, whilst we were planning to go and have pancakes at a rather lovely faux fifties American Diner which I'm quite fond of, it's decided to chuck it down with rain today so that isn't happening. One thing I have noticed, is that either zombies run or just the general circumstances have tended to boost my creativity, I've been quite enjoying Mata's "heart and art" game and have come up with some fairly decent stories (shameless plug, look at my posts in that toppic), I just wish I knew where to publish short stories these days since I'd like a bit of experience before I start on an actual novel, and the short stories have been working out relatively well. Hope everyone else is having a slightly better time at the second.


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Re: Monthly chat November 2019

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November 2019

It's a lovely tribute to a life well lived.I'm so sorry for your loss.Prayers for you and your family.


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Re: Monthly chat November 2019

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November 2019

Today, my grandpa's obituary appeared in the paper. I'll place it here if anyone wants to take a look. I was anxious to read it, because I was hoping it wouldn't be bad. It was kind of expensive to get it in the paper. Having seen it though, it's kind of hit me a bit how he's really gone. I guess a part of me was holding out and disbelieving until I had proof. The funeral is tomorrow and the obituary is nice so yeah...


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Re: Monthly chat November 2019

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November 2019

Ah, it's been a long time since I have posted here in one of these...@DarkMay the angels up above watch over you and Mrs. Dark, and may everything pull through with "flying colors."There's a 1990 Peanuts short which I don't know if you or Mrs. Dark has seen called Why Charlie Brown, Why?, which sadly is not described though the linked Wikipedia article should clear up things. Sad story, though happy ending. Most US stations are too afraid to show said episode. @everyoneOn Thursday the 21st in Denver CO, it's only gonna be 34F 1.C degrees. But then again, it has been around 65F (Indian Summer.)In addition, the @DenverQueen and I gotten an "Apple TV" last October (the 4k 64gb model for 200 USD). Considering it was one of the only ways to watch Hulu with "Audio Description" (until recently as it is now on phones), we like it our TV Box! It's currently connected to uour "Fire TV Edition" in the living room, though we may switch it to the "Roku" TV we're planning on getting this Christmas.On the 9th of November As I mention with in this thread, I recently bought a "refurbished2014 " Thinkpad X240, and it honestly doesn't look or feel refurbished at all! Lastly for now (and I'll track down the original thread that someone made for this later), the Elten Network (which is an "open source" successor to the "Klango Network"), is now at version 2.3.5 as of today/tonight. Besides being able to make your own group communities since v2.3.4, and ya can now "encrypt" your installs as of v2.3.5, coming up in 2.3.6, its "Audio Calling!"NB. English site coming soon, bur for now just hit the "f6" key and tap the translate button so ya can choose the option for setting it to "always."I'll go more in depth in to everything (once I find said Elten thread). But for now, it's time to watch some more "Peppa Pig" for some reason. Me being 34 years old (soon to be 35 on the 17th of December), you'd think I would get tired in watching said show!Peace, everyone!


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Re: Monthly chat November 2019

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November 2019

Ah, it's been a long time since I have posted here in one of these...@DarkMay the angels up above watch over you and Mrs. Dark, and may everything pull through with "flying colors."There's a 1990 Peanuts short which I don't know if you or Mrs. Dark has seen called Why Charlie Brown, Why?, which sadly is not described though the linked Wikipedia article should clear up things. Sad story, though happy ending. Most US stations are too afraid to show said episode. @everyoneOn Thursday the 21st in Denver CO, it's only gonna be 34F 1.C degrees. But then again, it has been around 65F (Indian Summer.)In addition, the @DenverQueen and I gotten an "Apple TV" last October (the 4k 64gb model for 200 USD). Considering it was one of the only ways to watch Hulu with "Audio Description" (until recently as it is now on phones), we like it our TV Box! It's currently connected to uour "Fire TV Edition" in the living room, though we may switch it to the "Roku" TV we're planning on getting this Christmas.On the 9th of November As I mention with in this thread, I recently bought a "refurbished2014 " Thinkpad X240, and it honestly doesn't look or feel refurbished at all! Lastly for now (and I'll track down the original thread that someone made for this later), the Elten Network (which is an "open source" successor to the "Klango Network"), is now at version 2.3.5 as of today/tonight. Besides being able to make your own group communities since v2.3.4, and ya can now "encrypt" your installs as of v2.3.5, coming up in 2.3.6, its "Audio Calling!"I'll go more in depth in to everything (once I find said Elten thread), but for now, it's time to watch some more "Peppa Pig" for some reason. Me being 34 years old (soon to be 35 on the 17th of December), you'd think I would get tired in watching said show!Peace, everyone!


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Re: Monthly chat November 2019

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Boo15mario via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November 2019

@Dark my degree is Information Technology Desktop Support Specialist. I am going to do the next chapter of Zombie Run when I go to the Gym tomorrow. I hope your lady gets better soon. At least you had a good Sunday.


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Re: Monthly chat November 2019

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November 2019

Ironcross,I am so sorry for your loss. You have my condolences and my prayers.Dark,Happy for the concert, sad for the hospital.I'm glad your lady is feeling better, and I pray she'll continue to do so.Sending many prayers for her, and you as well.


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Re: Monthly chat November 2019

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November 2019

@Ironcross, sorry to hear about your grandpa, hope there isnt' too much general upset and your parents and the rest of the family are okay. @Boo15mario, Welcome to Monthly chat, although unfortunately as you'll gather its not been a great month for many people so far . what's your degree in?  I also admire your diligence with going to a gym with zombies run, I'm far too lazy to do that . I can manage to do it everyday (well most days), but not if  it actually requires me to go anywhere or spend too long . Interestingly enough, over the weekend I had a chat with one of my mum's friends whose both a physio therapist,, and also one of the the Paralympic canoeing instructors for Britain, so is very up on fitness. she told me apparently five minutes running on a trampoline as I have been, is equivalent to running a mile normally, provided of course your actually running properly. Not only that, but apparently my estimated stride length of 75 cm was way lower than it shoudl've been. So in actual fact I've probably, both in terms of effort and stride length not been going as far with the zombies as I have been. I'm quite pleased about this. I've really wanted to try some of the five k zombies run races, and have been disappointed my distances seem to be so low, however when I have a go this afternoon I should be able to go further which will be good for me, and for my base :d. Well zombies run aside,  we had a really nice ime Sunday, and a very crappy Monday. On Sunday we went to an awesome concert, the London  Concert orchestra doing zimmer vs Williams, That's Hanse Zimmbr and John Williams, so everything from pirates of the Caribbean and inception soundtracks, to  Jerassic park and ET. there was even a hilarious bit at the start asking people to turn mobile phones off when one of the staff did an ET impression saying "ET don't! phone home!" :d.  There was also some amazing lighting in different colours which is quite unusual at an orchestral concert, but suited the music very well, EG the imperial march in red, and ET in purple with a huge blue spotlight at the end.What was particularly nice was that the bits of starwars they played weren't the usual stuff you hear, so included Duel of the fates and across the stars, though missing the coir in duel of the fates was a bit of a pain. Also, I do wish the conductor had taken a few things, like harry potter a bit more slowly. all in all  though, a fairly fantastic concert.We then wandered around the centre of Nottingham where they have their christmas stuff up including a christmas fair. My lady and I were just about mad enough to have a go on an astroglide. Apparently these aren't around in different countries as much, or at least my lady hadn't heard of them in either america or Germany. an Astroglide is an extra long, extra fast slide, usually with humps going down it which you go down on a mat. this one was slightly different to that, since you went down in rubber tires which span around. There's a lovely video of my lady showing off her vocal talents with some extra dramatic screams, though she complains that she can't get as high as she used to ;D. all in all lots of fun and quite nuts. Unfortunately, Yesterday was quite the opposite, basically spending close to ten hours stuck in a small, very cold and negatively pressured room in hospital while my lady sat  around with various IV lines. I did find audio wizards handy, albeit it was surprisingly tiring to say mostly what I did was sit on my behind and drink  absolutely abominable hospital coffee . She's not exactly feeling great this morning either, though is better now than she was when she woke up, so hopefully at least some of these side effects will be more of the temporary sort, also hopefully this will actually do what it's meant to as well. I'm also reading a rather popcorn and generic urban fantasy called nice dragons finish last. Its sort of a hodge podge and almost shadow run like in parts, though  more in the sort of crumbling urban distopia with the addition of magical creatures and  elements  in the cyberpunk aspects, at least in this book. Its fun and has lots of big explosions,  as the title suggests, a hero who is actually just a nice guy for a change, though I'd more class it as generalised popcorn done well than something I'd actually seriously recommend, albeit its just the sort of quick pacy cliff hanger ridden action fest you need when your stuck in  hospital for ten hours . As to black friday, well since we don't do thanks giving in the Uk black Friday to me has always just seemed like an excuse to get people to buy even more stuff before the great festival of capitalism at the end of december . Then again I freely admit unless I actually want to buy anything, simply looking for deals in shops or browsing generic merchandise, sale or not has never been my thing anyway, the only major purchice I'm planning at the minute,  from variou

Re: Monthly chat November 2019

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November 2019

#10, my sincere condolences


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Re: Monthly chat November 2019

2019-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Boo15mario via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November 2019

Hi this is my first time posting here. This month of November has been great for me. I just finneshed my final class for school to get my degree. also I tried Zombie Run for my first time at the Gym and the game really gets you going. Thanks giving is next week for those in the US. Do you guys plan on doing black Friday shopping for online shopping? I am not sure on what I am going to do any of them.


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Re: Monthly chat November 2019

2019-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November 2019

Damn I guess no one is doing overly well. Today, my grandpa passed away. He'd been  in the hospital for about a month. I was out to see him on Friday and it's a good thing, because today, around 10 AM my time he took his last breath. It's been up and down with him for a while now, and part of me is relieved that his suffering had ended. He had virtually no quality of life before the hospital due to his dementia, but their prospects for him didn't look good even if he would have survived. They were talking about him being basically bedridden and needing a feeding tube. That's not what he would have wanted, so as much as it's tough to lose him, at least he's at peace now.


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Re: Monthly chat November 2019

2019-11-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November 2019

Bless that sweet lady.I'm so sorry she didn't get her massage.You'll just have to take extra good care of her, and give her an even bigger spa day when she finishes chemo.Prayers for you and her.


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Re: Monthly chat November 2019

2019-11-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November 2019

@thetechguy thanks. My lady's first chemo is monday. We've been told it probably won't be as bad as usually advertised, but probably still won't be fun, actually I like the idea of the audio wizards update since I'm going to need something to do whilst I'm hanging about the hospital for eight hours with my lady, who will obviously need some space some of that time.A shame I can't take in my laptop and play Manamon, especially since Manamon is really good as I can save at a moment's notice, but plugging it in, let alone putting it on a table in the rather small hospital room would be interesting, this is  reason I'm rather looking forward to seeing the accessibility on galactic colonies finished.Well this week has been sort of a bit nuts. We've been waiting to get the appointment for my lady's chemo, and I've occasionally had to scuttle back and forth to the vets as well with Reever. She's doing better, although she's got one of those cones to stop her scraching her ear and she's very much not pleased about it. Apart from that, I'm very much missing having a guide dog for purely mobility reasons, especially  crowded environments like hospitals, actually when my lady had to go in for  first operation and was there for 24 hours, I was frankly amazed at how quickly reever got the routes. I'm a pretty good long cane user, I used a cane for 17 years, including walking several miles a day when I was doing a degree, and going to different countries like Egypt, however I admit finding my way around a pretty huge, very crowded hospital in a really shot space of time would've been rather difficult, especially since different doors were open at different times, something Reever got surprisingly quickly. In other news, my lady was supposed to go to a beautician on Thursday for massage and such as a birthday present, which finished up not happening because the damn place closed due to flooding, this after we slogged through torrential rain to get there. I will admit this was disappointing, since it would've been good for her to do that before starting her chemo, as one possible side effect will be skin sensitivity. Though this was a miner bust we did get to have some rather nicet chocolate and see our first Christmas tree of the eyar, and a rather good tree it was too.On the plus side, I'm also learning Caccini's ave Maria which is gorgious, and not so unsurprisingly given I'm now doing weight lifting and running away from zombies each day, my voice isn't doing too badly which is good, although I don't know if we'll get a chance to do any actual performing this christmas. So, hope everyone is having a slightly better time of it so far.


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Re: Monthly chat November 2019

2019-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November 2019

I am so sorry dark. This month is pretty boring so far. just school stuff for now.


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Re: Monthly chat November 2019

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November 2019

@Mirage, thanks, my lady would appreciate that. The cat cafe was nice, albeit we've learned  next time we go, we insist on staying down stairs, because we got stuck on the first floor, and I suspect most of the cats who like talking to people stay downstairs. That being said, there was a lovely pale ginger maine coon cat called Heethcliff who I got very fond of, who just lay there rather the way Crookshanks is described in the Hp books "like a furry ginger cushion" and wanted to be stroked .Well I admit things are even less fun now. Reever my guide dog had to go to the vets yesterday since she's had a swelling on her ear and the vet decided that trying to get it down by surgery  was better than trying tablets. This means she's got her ear bandaged and one of those rubber inflatable collars (it looks  like the rubber rings kids have in swimming baths), to stop her scratching it. So I've now got an unwell dog as well, and all last night wound up sleeping on the sofa since she's very groggy from the anaesthetics and probably can't manage the stairs, so I alternated playing  until I was too tired to think), and sleeping with occasionally checking she's okay. It was also great fun getting to and from the vets yesterday, since while it's only a ten minute walk, its impossible due to some ridiculously stupid road crossing so I need to get a taxi. This would be fine (its not far so costs very little), accept that yesterday evening therre was a flood warning in effect and the traffic was ridiculously insane! so my quarter to four taxi didn't show up until close to twenty five past, then as for getting back, the company claimed I hadn't made a booking at all, which is sort of a joke.Luckily a very nice engineer who was having his puppy seen  to gave me a lift back anyway, though that didn't make an already difficult situation any easier. I've got to take Reever back to the vets today to have her bandages off, and I'm  she'll feel better, since she's very much not herself, which will also make getting to my lady's chemo sort of interesting, since Reever probably wo't be working now for at least a week, though since we still don't know when exactly my lady's first Chemo is we can't really plan anything round it. Actually my lady would like to get started since she doesn't like the thing looming over her.Apart from that, as people who've seen  the topic in general game discussion will know, I've restarted Manamon 1, which isn't going badly. I've tried a couple of muds, but I just don't seem to be in my stride mudding wise, not since a recent cosmic rage kick, though I did have a brief look at esteria which looks good, albeit lack of ability to know what quests will get you killed was mildly frustrating. I've not tried venture zone global, the writeup looked a little too coorporate for my taste, indeed the next major Ios game I'm looking forward to is Galactic colonies when the accessibility mode is fixed, I've already played through several bits of crafting kingdom and path of adventure whilst waiting in hospitals, plus my lady rather enjoys cooperating on the word builder part of gameworld, her being a language nut. So things aren't exactly great over here right now.


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Re: Monthly chat November 2019

2019-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November 2019

Dark,I've apparently missed a lot, andI am so sorry for what your lady is going through.I will keep her, and you, in long-term prayer.Cat cafes sound like my version of Heaven!I'm glad y'all got to experience that.As for me the last six months:I have created a memorial scholarship for a young man who was the very definition of the American dream.He was only twenty when he was murdered 36 years ago, in an abduction/robbery that still has my part of Texas reeling to this day.But I decided we need to honor the way he lived, rather than focus on how he died.So we've dreamed, and brainstormed, and had a couple of fundraisers that were more to spread the word about the scholarship.Today is our first big one.Also in the last six weeks, I've hadan MRIan MRAand more med switches than you can shake a stick at!I'm playing Triad City, Alteraeon, Awakened Worlds, and to a lesser degree, Asteria right now.On my phone it's Lost Cities, Planet Life, and Venture Zone Global.


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Re: Monthly chat November 2019

2019-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November 2019

@cmerry sympathy regarding your dad, Leukemia is nasty. As to zombies run, going to a gym is too much like hard work, or rather it's not something I can do every day, . Actually running on the trampoline isn't that difficult. I don't jump (if I jumped I'd probably brain myself on the ceiling), I just run. The problem/bennifit is that its harder than standard running and thus not as good for actually judging distance, see this article. I suppose I could get a treadmill at some point, though they take up a hell of a lot of space and I'd probably have to run for longer to get the same benefit, and even with zombies run, running  so interesting that I want to do it for really long periods, especially since I need to lift my weights as well . I'm tempted to pump up the distance per stride counter to the moment short bursts of exercise are probably what I'm looking for, since I realise myself that I need extra energy to look after my lady, and I won't get that by sitting around on my behind, but neither do I want to spend hours toning my hole body when I need to be doing other things.


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Re: Monthly chat November 2019

2019-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cmerry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat November 2019

Dark, good luck to your lady with the keemo, and no I am not even going to attempt to spell that correctly..My dad is in hospital right now with lukeemia, so I simpafise with your situation.For zombies run, I’d recommend going to a jim and using a tredmill, much easier to balance on.As for myself, trying mac OS again on my 2015 macbook air and loving it so far.All I can think of for now.


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Monthly chat November 2019

2019-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Monthly chat November 2019

Well it's time for another of these, I wondered if someone else would start one but hay. First, Manamon 2, wow! I still haven't finished the first game actually, since the grind always got a bit much for me, particularly when you find the type of your manamon isn't right for the area you need to go to next in the story, but hay, maybe 2 will do a better job, and of  there is always Jayde's guide. Unfortunately, Monday is my lady's first  appointment at the chemo unit. They're not actually going to start the chemo therapy monday, that's expected sometime in the next couple of weeks, but its not fun, especially because everytime we turn around we seem to get reminders here and there which is obviously not good. We're also trying to do things that we probably won't be able to do on Chemo, EG Last  my lady wanted Peperoni pizza since its likely the Chemo will make spicy food unpalatable, , so mostly its just a case of keep busy and plug on. Recently after trying a couple of grid based games, I gave Gothador a go, and thanks to some gear I got years ago, I'm finding the game fun, even earned my first subclass, though I remember starting out there was always a pain with the low ap limit, especially now the game is virtually silent player wise, (I think there were only three players on yesterday). On the plus side I'm enjoying Zombies run, getting more supplies, though running on a trampoline is harder than running free style. Some of the 5k races sound interesting but 5k is probably a bit more serious running wise than I want to do, which is a shame since some of the adventures associated with them sound interesting. Actually its probably good I'm doing zombies run at the moment since I seem to be going out for lots of meals, or indeed having takeaway  recently, partly because of my lady's circumstances.This evening I'm off with my brother to a Ludavico Ionaudi concert. He's a pianist and composer we're both fond of, indeed people will have probably heard his music around somewhere if not Here is a recording of my favourite Ionaudio piece thanks to Youtube and Here is probably his best known piece That should be fun I think. Tomorrow one of my mum's friends is taking my lady and I to the cat cafe, this is exactly what it sounds like, no not a cafe where you get to eat cats, a cafe where there are cats to talk to.We're obviously not taking the dogs. I originally offered to stay behind and have this as sort of a girl's day out for my lady, but she was insistant she wanted me to come anyway, and I can't deny that I like cats, albeit I've met fewer people friendly cats than dogs generally, though there was one young cat in egypt I honestly wanted to bring home .So hope everyone else is having a marginally better time of it so far.


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