Re: A bit of a bind resolved

2020-11-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A bit of a bind resolved

@Nocturnus great thanks!


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Re: A bit of a bind resolved

2020-11-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A bit of a bind resolved

@Nocturnus great thank you!


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Re: A bit of a bind resolved

2020-11-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A bit of a bind resolved

@Jeffb, I'm sorry for not seeing your posts.  Yes, your donation did go through.  I'm not sure why you got that nonsense, but your full name popped up in our notification list.


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Re: A bit of a bind resolved

2020-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A bit of a bind resolved

@Nocturnus I sent you a PM.


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Re: A bit of a bind resolved

2020-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A bit of a bind resolved

@defender, true enough, and all things I have considered and will certainly look into.  I'm not in the general habit of giving exceptionally expensive gifts to my children anyway, as most toys I give them I know will more than likely end up with their battery tops gone within a few days and or stuck in a basket until said batteries are dead.  I think the boxes receive more attention, as does the bubblewrap.


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Re: A bit of a bind resolved

2020-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A bit of a bind resolved

@nocturnusMany local charities offer free Christmas hampers, where you give them an idea of what you want and they try to get it for you.  You will almost certainly not end up with exactly what you asked for but it's usually close, and good kids don't really care beyond the initial confusion anyway especially if you can spin it positively.  The joy of opening a gift from someone who cares will still be there and IMO that's what matters.I mean a nice new quilt or coat, or a cool toy that isn't exactly what they asked for is something they are going to be thankful for even if in their own way again and again.  And this is coming from someone who has gotten them 3 or 4 times over the years.You will need to get on this ASAP though because they have limited supplies and deadlines for registration.Also, even if they can't do it for what ever reason, I'm sure your church would be happy to help you out.  Though I am not religious, the community aspect of the church is one of the things I've always admired and appreciated, and I would be extremely surprised if they would not be happy to assist you.  I'm sure in the opposite place, you would take it as a welcome opportunity to spread the love to your fellow man that Jesus so often talks about.Keep in mind as well that food pantries will often offer a special Christmas box for the Holidays, so you can have a nice dinner and even some candy for the kids if you'd like.  Christmas is the time of giving and organizations like this gear up for months before in preparation for this.Thanks to our social conditioning (the sin of pride), it can feel bad to make use of these programs, but realistically if they help you get back on your feet now, and a few years down the road you can make donations to them in return, all you are really doing is taking out a freely given loan of compassion, something which is again perfectly in line with the teachings of Jesus Christ, who I respect as a person and appreciate as a continuing positive force within society regardless of my personal beliefs.


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Re: A bit of a bind resolved

2020-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A bit of a bind resolved

@nocturnusMany local charities offer free Christmas hampers, where you give them an idea of what you want and they try to get it for you.  You will almost certainly not end up with exactly what you asked for but it's usually close, and good kids don't really care beyond the initial confusion anyway especially if you can spin it positively.  The joy of opening a gift from someone who cares will still be there and IMO that's what matters.I mean a nice new quilt or coat, or a cool toy that isn't exactly what they asked for is something they are going to be thankful for even if in their own way again and again.  And this is coming from someone who has gotten them 3 or 4 times over the years.You will need to get on this ASAP though because they have limited supplies and deadlines for registration.Also, even if they can't do it for what ever reason, I'm sure your church would be happy to help you out.  Though I am not religious, the community aspect of the church is one of the things I've always admired and appreciated, and I would be extremely surprised if they couldn't help you out.Keep in mind as well that food pantries will often offer a special Christmas box for the Holidays, so you can have a nice dinner and even some candy for the kids if you'd like.  Christmas is the time of giving and organizations like this gear up for months before in preparation for this.Thanks to our social conditioning (the sin of pride), it can feel bad to make use of these programs, but realistically if they help you get back on your feet now, and a few years down the road you can make donations to them in return, all you are really doing is taking out a freely given loan of compassion, something which is perfectly in line with the teachings of Jesus Christ, who I respect as a person and appreciate as a continuing positive force within society regardless of my personal beliefs.


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Re: A bit of a bind resolved

2020-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A bit of a bind resolved

@nocturnusMany local charities offer free Christmas hampers, where you give them an idea of what you want and they try to get it for you.  You will almost certainly not end up with exactly what you asked for but it's usually close, and good kids don't really care beyond the initial confusion anyway especially if you can spin it positively.  The joy of opening a gift from someone who cares will still be there and IMO that's what matters.I mean a nice new quilt or coat, or a cool toy that isn't exactly what they asked for is something they are going to be thankful for even if in their own way again and again.  And this is coming from someone who has gotten them 3 or 4 times over the years.You will need to get on this ASAP though because they have limited supplies and deadlines for registration.Also, even if they can't do it for what ever reason, I'm sure your church would be happy to help you out.  Though I am not religious, the community aspect of the church is one of the things I've always admired and appreciated, and I would be extremely surprised if they couldn't help you out.Keep in mind as well that food pantries will often offer a special Christmas box for the Holidays, so you can have a nice dinner and even some candy for the kids if you'd like.  Christmas is the time of giving and organizations like this gear up for months before in preparation for this.Thanks to our social conditioning, it can feel bad to make use of these programs, but realistically if they help you get back on your feet now, and a few years down the road you can make donations to them in return, all you are really doing is taking out a freely given loan of compassion.


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Re: A bit of a bind resolved

2020-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ashleygrobler04 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A bit of a bind resolved

Best of luck


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Re: A bit of a bind resolved

2020-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A bit of a bind resolved

So, people have managed to keep this topic open and are asking if I still need help.  To be perfectly honest?  In all reality, the answer is no.  At this point, anything else I would get, were I to get it, would simply allow me to live a little more comfortably than I am right now.  I added a bit of cushion thanks to what I got from this topic and paid off everything I had to pay off.  No, I won't have any extra left over for the end of the month, and I'm still struggling to figure out what on earth I'm going to get my kids for Christmas, or how I'll even manage that, but the worst is over.  Our bills are paid, our home is secure and we have food on the table.On the other hand, if you are genuinely serious I wouldn't say no because (and I realize this is going to come off sounding like I'm just contradicting myself which I'm trying not to,) while I'm submiting applications for jobs and taking certification exams in various fields from MS office to assistive tech instructor yada yada yada, finding jobs has not exactly ever been my strongpoint.  I managed to get by on my musical abilities throughout most of my life and touched a bit on audio production and sound design, but I fear my hearing loss is going to force me to step back from those fields as the days go by...  I just have to accept that as yet another cold and hard reality life has dealt me.  I don't know where this road goes, but I'm walking it because turning back is not an option, and giving up and lying in the middle of it is far from who I am.


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Re: A bit of a bind resolved

2020-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A bit of a bind resolved

In all reality, the answer is no.  At this point, anything else I would get, were I to get it, would simply allow me to live a little more comfortably than I am right now.  I added a bit of cushion thanks to what I got from this topic and paid off everything I had to pay off.  No, I won't have any extra left over for the end of the month, and I'm still struggling to figure out what on earth I'm going to get my kids for Christmas, or how I'll even manage that, but the worst is over.  Our bills are paid, our home is secure and we have food on the table.On the other hand, if you are genuinely serious I wouldn't say no because while I'm submiting applications for jobs and taking certification exams in various fields from MS office to assistive tech instructor yada yada yada, finding jobs has not exactly ever been my strongpoint.  I managed to get by on my musical abilities throughout most of my life and touched a bit on audio production and sound design, but I fear my hearing loss is going to force me to step back from those fields as the days go by...  I just have to accept that as yet another cold and hard reality life has dealt me.  I don't know where this road goes, but I'm walking it because turning back is not an option, and giving up and lying in the middle of it is far from who I am.


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Re: A bit of a bind resolved

2020-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A bit of a bind resolved

I have been in a similar position as you back in early 2017. Most of it involved food security issues and access to reliable transportation. I got out credit cards to survive and also entered a vicious circle of what I had was obliged to pay each month. Fortunately, I continued looking for things to sell and pawn, and I accumulated enough funds to get out of debt quickly.I'm currently working and can afford to donate a small amount if you still need it! 


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Re: A bit of a bind resolved

2020-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A bit of a bind resolved

I'm glad you met your goal! I sent you money last night and I'm not sure if it went through. Pay Pal said something on the lines of recipient needs a Pay Pal account.


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Re: A bit of a bind resolved

2020-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A bit of a bind resolved

Count me in as someone else who would have donated had I seen the topic on time. Hope everything else works out well for you, man. And as always, you know where to find me should you ever want to talk, trust me, I have far too much time on my hands at present.


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Re: A bit of a bind resolved

2020-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A bit of a bind resolved

As I said, I'm not here to judge, particularly not for stuff like this. Capitalism sucks, so I'll judge capitalism instead. lolI had a chat a few years ago with a family member. I was railing against something or other on facebook, and they basically said, "okay, that's cool and all, but what are you actually doing in the world?". Three years later, I'm a social service worker looking for work. I don't have much money at all right now, but I had enough to toss you a bit. I'm willing to give freely of my time and experience to help this community and others. I don't do it for the power or the accolades. I do it because it's the right thing to do, and because I truly feel I can make a difference. Nocturnis, your post resonated with me because that mentality is precisely why I'm here. I'm trying to affect meaningful change, and to help others do the same. Even when I get angry, even when I call out things I find abhorrent, I'm still here for the right reasons, trying to act properly to both embody and inspire positive change. Do I do it? Hell, I don't know, but I try.If you ever need to talk or need some other sort of help, please don't hesitate to reach out. Seriously, we (as a society I mean) have gotten to a point where we demonize ourselves for needing aid, and I think that's sad as hell. Sometimes we screw up. Sometimes we make decisions that make sense at the time and then turn out to be problematic later. And sometimes, life is just awful, and there's no way to predict or control what has happened. All this shame about asking for help is something I wish people - self included, believe me - could rid ourselves of. So by all means, continue being you. Continue being vulnerable. I suspect that honesty means more than perfection. When you get down to it, the best people I've ever known will value an honest plea for help far more than the appearance of blamelessness or the illusion of uninterrupted progress. Put another way, I don't think good people make a habit out of blaming people in positions like yours, and I don't think someone who does do such a thing is really all that good a person. If this thread is any indication, most of the people here are good folks who have the right idea about the things that truly matter. If they (or we, if you like) sometimes squabble about our differences or hold fast to ideas, if we sometimes tear one another's ideas down, we also rally around those who truly need help when it counts.


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Re: A bit of a bind resolved

2020-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sovs via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A bit of a bind resolved

I am glad you reached your goal. You deserve it. You are a good guy, Nocturnus.


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Re: A bit of a bind resolved

2020-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A bit of a bind resolved

Missed my chance, but it's okay, it will just go to someone else who needs it still.I hope you and your wife keep punching life in the dick when ever possible Nocturnus.And high fives to everyone who donated or wanted to donate but couldn't, for keeping this community positive despite it all.


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Re: A bit of a bind resolved

2020-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A bit of a bind resolved

Missed my chance, but it's okay, it will just go to someone else who needs it still.I hope you and your wife keep punching life in the dick when ever possible Nocturnus.And high fives to everyone who donated or wanted to donate, for keeping this community positive despite it all.


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Re: A bit of a bind resolved

2020-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mechaSkyGuardian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A bit of a bind resolved

@nocturnus i’m sorry I didn’t donate. I was unable to see this topic on time but trust me I’ll do my best if this comes up again


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Re: A bit of a bind resolved

2020-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A bit of a bind resolved

I've sent 15 dollars with my username in the note.  Normally I wouldn't post about it since that seems like a way of getting attention, but I want to make sure you got it and I don't trust my self to check PM's if something happens LOL.Good luck man.


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Re: A bit of a bind resolved

2020-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A bit of a bind resolved

I have a lot to say to everyone here, but first, @keyIsFull, 14, I do believe the account is set up as such with Apple.  Before you attempt to find out, however...I just want to thank everyone who contributed and say that my goal has been achieved; indeed my goal has been surpassed.  Not only did I manage to break even, but by almost a hundred dollars added a bit of cushion which I can genuinely say was not entirely my intention but something I am more than thankful for, but which I believe our current dictionaries do not necessarily have a word I can utilize to describe said feeling?  Well, thanks will have to do.  I slept well last night, which is a far cry from what I have been doing.  I hope that will help convey my sentiment a little more accurately.So yes, this tale has a happy ending, a happy ending you all have helped me achieve as a community.  That, is the point I want to focus on in conclusion.  It is clear by this meaningful and generous contribution to one of the least of your members that your community is still functioning, whatever anyone else may say about it.  AG Net is not dead.  It may be kicking viciously to stay alive, screaming and pulling teeth in an attempt to protect itself and preserve its integrity, but it is still awake in spirit and collectively a force, as anyone who is reading this post can clearly see.Why do I believe this is worth mentioning?  Because I want this to serve as a reminder that every single one of you has made a difference and can continue to do so.  When next you see a topic where you might disagree with someone, when next you read a post that seems to set you off, when next you chance upon a bit of writing that does not necessarily resonate with your own thoughts and opinions, might I, in all humility and with all respect to each and every one of you, ask that you regard the person responsible for that content the way you did me?  You could have easily judged me and said I was just making this up for some shady reason; you did not.  You could have told me to take a hike; you did not.  You could have legitimately told me that the rest of the world is experiencing difficulties and some worse than my own, and you would have been right in saying so.  You did not.And I apreciate all of these things.  I appreciate that there is a topic with my name in the very first post, as personally humiliating as the experience may have been for me in writing it, that did not derail into name calling or insults, into negativity and counterproductive, vapid, useless and harmful discourse.  Again, I ask you all of these things not because I feel justified to ask... I don't.  I ask all of these things of you as a simple request because I believe in you, and if you believe anything I've stated thus far, you should also believe in yourselves, in the ability to help, in the ability to bring about a change in someone else's life when things seem like they're spinning out of control.  It's true that overdrafting wouldn't have been the worst thing that could have happened to me this month.  It's true that I might yet have found another way to turn this thing around without seeking you all out.  It's true that if you had all said no I would have been left on my own to fend for myself and my family to keep on trying to figure it out because I would have had no choice.But that's not how it happened.  In hope, I came here.  You stepped in.  You came through.  You committed yourselves as a collective body to assist someone you trusted enough to need it and who you believed would appreciate the gesture... I do, and it is that apreciation that makes me want to pass that glowing warmth onto someone else if I can.  I want you to remember that you were a part of the solution.  I've seen how crazy things can get when you're taxed by late fees, overdraft fees and disasters.  I've had to ride out hurricanes, fires, floods and other unfortunate incidents.  I've been cheated out of things, been lied to priar to signing things, been forced to concede to others who are doing wrong even when I'm doing my best to be right.  I'm here today to thank you all for helping me, and to hopefully motivate you to continue doing what you've done so that someone else may benefit as well.  Do it in words; do it in actions.  Do it by day or by night.  Do it because you are able, but do it because it's the right thing to do, even if you don't always see the result you'd like.


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