Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

But I guess I can't be surprised that people from countries where it's the first action step to sue a company for daring to put up an innaccessible site or service rather than first trying to persuade them through advocacy, open discussion and other hyperfuturistic achievements of modern civilization might find this unacceptable or offending.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : star fire via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

the thing that stood out to me are post 22 and the signature.Why is this so, did he do anything wrong in that? Why would you ask money for a ps5 after getting scammed trying to get one?Really? I don't see him anywhere asking about money.Make me understand about what Lukas wrote:All the details are explained there. I am not asking for fellow blind gamers to donate to my cause, that does not feel morally right to me, but for spending a couple minutes to give it a look if you can, and share it among your friends and social media.@34. Yeah that bothered me too. Like what? You now cry because you are getting hate? Thats the internet. Learn to deal with it.I'm sorry to step in like that, but everyone don't have the same tolerance level, you know? If I say, come on, stop it. You talk sooo much. , this is just an example, don't take this to be real Okay, back to the statement. If I tell you, you Talk so much, could be possible, you will think, I'm speaking stupid things, let it just go, there's no point in talking to me. Other side, oh how can he say like that to me  What irrelevant thing I talked with him?I agree with your point that what about those who are not even getting a shelter, but there is something called desires, they'll increase more time to time, humans won't be satisfied ever. An example here, If I'm bad in studies, my first aim will be I get a 70%, I'll get that, then will go to 80%, then to 90, still will not be satisfied.Also, it's sad to read that signature...Come on people, everyone do wrong things in their lives, if one will not do wrong things ever, they'll be called as gods.EditSad to see, 2 forumites left today.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : star fire via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

the thing that stood out to me are post 22 and the signature.Why is this so, did he do anything wrong in that? Why would you ask money for a ps5 after getting scammed trying to get one?Really? I don't see him anywhere asking about money.Make me understand about what Lukas wrote:All the details are explained there. I am not asking for fellow blind gamers to donate to my cause, that does not feel morally right to me, but for spending a couple minutes to give it a look if you can, and share it among your friends and social media.@34. Yeah that bothered me too. Like what? You now cry because you are getting hate? Thats the internet. Learn to deal with it.I'm sorry to step in like that, but everyone don't have the same tolerance level, you know? If I say, come on, stop it. You talk sooo much. , this is just an example, don't take this to be real Okay, back to the statement. If I tell you, you Talk so much, could be possible, you will think, I'm speaking stupid things, let it just go, there's no point in talking to me. Other side, oh how can he say like that to me  What irrelevant thing I talked with him.I agree with your point that what about those who are not even getting a shelter, but there is something called desires, they'll increase more time to time, humans won't be satisfied ever. An example here, If I'm bad in studies, my first aim will be I get a 70%, I'll get that, then will go to 80%, then to 90, still will not be satisfied.Also, it's sad to read that signature...Come on people, everyone do wrong things in their lives, if one will not do wrong things ever, they'll be called as gods


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : star fire via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

the thing that stood out to me are post 22 and the signature.Why is this so, did he do anything wrong in that? Why would you ask money for a ps5 after getting scammed trying to get one?Really? I don't see him anywhere asking about money.Make me understand about what Lukas wrote:All the details are explained there. I am not asking for fellow blind gamers to donate to my cause, that does not feel morally right to me, but for spending a couple minutes to give it a look if you can, and share it among your friends and social media.@34. Yeah that bothered me too. Like what? You now cry because you are getting hate? Thats the internet. Learn to deal with it.I'm sorry to step in like that, but everyone don't have the same tolerance level, you know? If I say, come on, stop it. You talk sooo much. , this is just an example, don't take this to be real Okay, back to the statement. If I tell you, you Talk so much, could be possible, you will think, I'm speaking stupid things, let it just go, there's no point in talking to me. Other side, oh how can he say like that to me  What irrelevant thing I talked with him.I agree with your point that what about those who are not even getting a shelter, but there is something called desires, they'll increase more time to time, humans won't be satisfied ever. An example here, If I'm bad in studies, my first aim will be I get a 70%, I'll get that, then will go to 80%, then to 90, still will not be satisfied


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : star fire via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

the thing that stood out to me are post 22 and the signature.Why is this so, did he do anything wrong in that? Why would you ask money for a ps5 after getting scammed trying to get one?Really? I don't see him anywhere asking about money.Make me understand about what Lukas wrote:All the details are explained there. I am not asking for fellow blind gamers to donate to my cause, that does not feel morally right to me, but for spending a couple minutes to give it a look if you can, and share it among your friends and social media.@34. Yeah that bothered me too. Like what? You now cry because you are getting hate? Thats the internet. Learn to deal with it.I'm sorry to step in like that, but everyone don't have the same tolerance level, you know? If I say, come on, stop it. You talk sooo much. , this is just an example, don't take this to be real Okay, back to the statement. If I tell you, you Talk so much, could be possible, you will think, I'm speaking stupid things, let it just go, there's no point in talking to me. Other side, oh how can he say like that to me  What irrelevant thing I talked with him.I agree with your point that what about those who are not even getting a shelter, but there is something called desires, they'll increase more time to time, humans won't be satisfied ever. An example here, If I'm bad in studies, my first aim will be I get a 70%, I'll get that, then will go to 80%, then to 90, still will not be satisfied


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : star fire via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

the thing that stood out to me are post 22 and the signature.Why is this so, did he do anything wrong in that? h wait. The last line of post 22 is a bit unclear.Why would you ask money for a ps5 after getting scammed trying to get one?Really? I don't see him anywhere asking about money.Make me understand about what Lukas wrote:All the details are explained there. I am not asking for fellow blind gamers to donate to my cause, that does not feel morally right to me, but for spending a couple minutes to give it a look if you can, and share it among your friends and social media.@34. Yeah that bothered me too. Like what? You now cry because you are getting hate? Thats the internet. Learn to deal with it.I'm sorry to step in like that, but everyone don't have the same tolerance level, you know? If I say, come on, stop it. You talk sooo much. , this is just an example, don't take this to be real Okay, back to the statement. If I tell you, you Talk so much, could be possible, you will think, I'm speaking stupid things, let it just go, there's no point in talking to me. Other side, oh how can he say like that to me  What irrelevant thing I talked with him.I agree with your point that what about those who are not even getting a shelter, but there is something called desires, they'll increase more time to time, humans won't be satisfied ever. An example here, If I'm bad in studies, my first aim will be I get a 70%, I'll get that, then will go to 80%, then to 90, still will not be satisfied


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

Thank you Jayde and TheGreatCarver


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TheGreatCarver via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

Frankly, I don't blame Lukas for leaving in a huff. He came here, explained his reasons for wanting donations, and provided references to his previous work advocating for mainstream gaming accessibility in the Czech Republic. He did nothing illegal and did not break forum rules by posting his fundraising link. He was not forcing us as forum members to donate to his cause; rather, he invited us to donate if we felt so inclined. For his troubles, he received a chorus of loudmouths who chided him for his stupidity and aimed derisive comments at the people who willingly chose to donate.Did Lukas exercise good judgment in trying to purchase a PS5 before it's release date from a shady dealer who provided no ability for him to appeal the purchase? No; Lukas himself said that he acted in error. Was the fundraiser tone-deaf given the economic hardships brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic? Probably. But, did Lucas' decisions deserve the hostile, condescending treatment given to him by certain forum members? Certainly not. This thread quickly devolved into an episode of Kick Them When They're Already Down, which is unfortunately something we see far too much on this forum, and it would be a sad day indeed if these posters inadvertently forced out someone 'who may become an outstanding advocate for us simply because they disagreed with his methods.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

People are upset about Lukas's signature? Well maybe if you hadn't dogpiled him when he made this mistake and then asked for help in fixing it, he'd still be here. I don't know that I'd leave in that scenario, but I get it, and I sympathize with the dude. This forum, or parts of it, have turned pretty cannibalistic, and folks, that's not pleasant to watch, much less be the target of.Did Lukas make a bad call in falling for the scam in the first place? Absolutely he did. He fucked up. But can any of you look yourselves in the face and say you've never done something stupid? Never ordered takeout too many times and then been almost short at the end of the month? Never played an unauthorized fork, or supported one? Never hurt someone out of spite? Never said words in anger that you can't take back? Yeah, I thought not.Did Lukas choose to seek a remedy that some of us wouldn't? Again, sure. I'll buy it. But where I get the hell off that train is in weaponizing that. Some of you decided it was okay to bash him over the head with this, despite his transparency, despite the fact that people are allowed to ask for help, even for things you personally might consider frivolous.And now you try to weaponize the fact that he's leaving a community which tore him apart for making choices it didn't agree with? Exactly who the heck do some of you think you are, anyway? He stays, and is subjected to your judgment and whims. He goes, and it's characterized as "running away". Maybe he just got sick of being in a lose-lose situation for being honest. I'm getting pretty tired of some of you engineering no-win scenarios for people or actions you don't like. I'm saying this as a fellow user, not an admin, since no rule-breaking has really happened here.Here is some advice I respectfully ask that some of you try to take more often going forward.1. When you see a post you don't like, and you feel like responding, ask yourself what your reason is. If it's immediate, irrational anger, don't post. If it's vengeance, jealousy, religious fervour or pride, don't post. If nothing else, give it time.2. Okay, so you have now crossed the hurdle presented in point 1. Now ask yourself what you want to accomplish with the post. Do you just want to share an opinion? If so, will that opinion do good or do harm? If not, then what is it you're sharing? Are you trying to convince your target that they're wrong or have made a mistake? Are you trying to convince your target that a previous point you made is right instead of wrong, as they claim?And if you do this even half of the time, you will come to realize that some of the self-righteous judgments and opinions you voice have no business being voiced at all. And look. Nobody's perfect about this. Sometimes you're going to step over the line and say something sharp, and sometimes there may even be some justification for it. But for heaven's sake, analyze your intentions before you post. That's all I'm asking here, and I don't think it's asking for much.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

@GrannyCheeseWheel, I'm going to do exactly that in a couple days.I've written a post about it, I say a couple days so I can respond to what I want but then I'm going to do exactly what you said, change my password to a random string of letters and forget about my account.I'll read posts and hell, I may even want to respond to some, but I'm done. yes there are some posative people on here but those people do not outway the negativity.I'm off to reddit where I can view what *I* like.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

@36  Then why are you even posting here? Why even look on here at all? Why not just change your password to a random string and forget this place. Shit's not gonna change despite all your belly aching about it.@35 OK, but how is that really any of your business? The point is, he got what he wanted because people donated. They're free to do so or not as they wish, just as he's free to create a campaign. I gave my reason as to why I did not feel donating to this was going to happen. I hope I did so without injecting too much of my own bullshit into it. He really didn't do anything wrong. I think half the problem is people are pissed that they're not the ones getting the money.If he was untruthful in any way regarding the campaign, I could see getting up in arms, because then he'd be turning it around on everyone else, especially in pretty fucked up times. You never know what people will do. If I ever made a fund raising thing, I'd very clearly state that I wouldn't want anyone to sacrifice for me. Not even a coffee. I would only want money they could happily throw away. But that's my own bullshit, and it's not right for me to try to force that on him, nor is it right for anyone else on here to do the same.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Vulcan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

People dont like the end of stories on here. they will just pile on the drama and for what, nothing accept for more negativity.  I now a little late but hey its out their. And as for people asking for money for things, I have seen some crazy shit on go fund me.  I even had a friend who asked for money to move to california so that she could get a better life.  And people donated.  Could she have gotten a better life in MI, yes but it was for California she wanted to go to.  Personally I thought it was a stupid idea, but hey, what do i know. my oppinion.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

@thetechguy, I don't know this person but I'm sure he could, but I don't get the issues you guys are having with this, these kind of things exist all over the web.Plus if you read his page, he actually is doing something with his life and has wwritten articles, gone on podcasts and things like that so I don't blame him for wanting to continue that ASAP.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

And this is why I'm not a huge fan of the audiogames comunity. I'm glad jayde stepped in, but you guys will shit on anyone given the chance and honestly? it's horrible.The guy explained what he was getting the money for, he did not say donate to me or else, he got double the amount because, there's this small thing called exchange rates, please people; grow up.And before you say, you've just come back and there you go again complaining, perhaps there's a reason for that.This place reminds me of a place full of teens who want to shit on anything worth while and the sad part is, these peple are adults.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

@33. Ok. Not entitled, but I just dont get it? Why would you ask money for a ps5 after getting scammed trying to get one? Couldn't the OP just save up. It's not like a ps5 is a necessity like food and water.@34. Yeah that bothered me too. Like what? You now cry because you are getting hate? Thats the internet. Learn to deal with it.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

Personally I couldn't really care less about the PS5, the thing that stood out to me are post 22 and the signature. Other than that, that's between him and the persons donating.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

It's not though, how is it entitled? He wasn't demanding money for a PS5, or lying about what he wanted the money for, he was up front about everything. It would be different if he gave some sob story about having courses to attend and needing $3,000 to buy a braille display because he can't get help from government agencies, then buying a ps5 with it.Yeah, people are struggling now, but that doesn't apply to everyone. There are folks who could flush a stack of bennies and smile while doing so. If they want to be generous, then it's their business.I didn't contribute because it's not my place to help someone recover from a scam just to buy a PS5. But that doesn't mean  think what he's doing is wrong or immoral.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

@31. But isn't it entitled to ask money for a ps5?   i would totally understand if he needs money for food/rent because of this scam, however, he doesn't need money for food/rent. why couldnt he just save up money again? Is it a necessity to have a ps5? I don't think so. This is a slap on the face to people who actually need help in this difficult time. I was wondering why you didn't go with Go fund me. Maybe because you knew they had policies against this? either way, this is just wrong.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

Few things I'd like to point out here:1. This is a borderline dogpile. Cut it the hell out.2. You have every right to agree or disagree with what Lukas did here. But I think there's some sensationalism entering this situation that doesn't need to exist. He was up-front about what he wanted that money for. People were free to pay, or not pay, as they wished. The people who donated to his cause aren't bad people for doing so.3. Are we gonna talk about the fact that scams exist fucking -everywhere? If you mistype a URL, you can get stuck on a webpage where your computer will beep at you, claiming it's been "locked up", and if you call the toll-free number they give you and follow instructions, you can be out hundreds of bucks. Or, more commonly, there are websites offering free PS5, iPhone 11, all kinds of stuff, it's made to look free but then you have to pay a small amount of money, and suddenly you're getting ridiculous charges all over your credit card of choice. So okay, buyer beware, it's your choice if you fall for a scam, etc. I think there's accountability, sure. But this is just a form of victim-blaming. Lukas made a bad call and it came back to bite him. He asked for help in fixing that, and I doubt he will make that mistake again. Can't that be the end of the story?4. I just want to point out that what Lukas does with his money is frankly not your business. He can return it, or he can donate it to charity, or he can keep it. Those donating after the campaign was funded, again, knew what they were doing, so you can't fault Lukas for taking money that was given to him willingly. You can avow that this is something you wouldn't do, and that's fine I guess. I personally couldn't see doing something like this for such a reason, but that's me personally. I might use a GoFundMe-style setup if I was, say, in dire financial distress, like for instance needed four hundred bucks for rent by next week or whatever. But again, this is just my standard, which I am deliberately not applying to Lukas here.Seriously, folks, chill out.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

Ehh, I don't really care that much, he didn't lie about why he needed the funds. If people wanna donate to him, have at it. I mean. I guess we could say, that we know of, but that's anyone's campaign.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

@28, not to mention him basically saying that the US, Canada and the UK aren't civilised because lawsuits.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

It's gonna be fun watching this Lukáš Hosnedl in a few years, when this is all forgotten and he's all puffed up and stoked on himself trying to act the big accessibility consultant/pro fund raiser and people are all like yeah... check this forum thread out where he runs the fuck away when he is asked if he's going to refund people that gave him more funds than what he was asking for.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : swigjr23 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

Those of you who donated money  just got scammed by him.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

Oh, and look at his signature everyone, he's gonna leave because we called him out, for, whatever this is, Yup, if post 22 didn't do it for you, the signature should.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

Also, it's not at all the case that countries where accessibility lawsuits happen don't start by cooperating, it's just the case that places like the U.S. have laws and organizations for blind people that are good enough that you have recourse when cooperation fails, and cooperation fails more often than not.  Then we get blamed for being all about the courts, by the same people who live the "cooperation failed, nothing I can do, let's move on" life.Case and point, Sony almost certainly doesn't care about blind people.  They care about the CVAA, which classifies certain types of entertainment equipment as things which need to be made accessible.  Game consoles are in a gray area there, but most of their products aren't so they have the team, and the law at least gives them a justification more than "we felt like being nice".  Most often it's the laws that open the door to cooperation by giving a company who would otherwise not have any reason to lose money on accessibility a reason to spend money on it.The carrot is very nice, except that with accessibility the carrot is "we got to explain to our shareholders what this team that's losing $500k/year is with no justification but altruism".  That's a pretty lame carrot.  So unfortunately you do in fact need the stick in the background, even if it's not used, and a lot of things that get praised lately are motivated by getting ahead of the fact the stick is there to be used if someone wanted to.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

oo boy...1. I have donated more than the raised amount to other campaigns over the last two or three years, so my conscience is clear as day.It's pretty safe to say that your donations were not out of that solidarity you were banging on about then, nor the goodness of your heart. I've donated to help out friends and the like over the years also, I do not think that this entitles me to a clean conscience if it were to come to asking for help, never mind asking for wy more than I actually need.So you got your fuck up payed for plus your free ps5, go you. I do respect this hustle, even though I think it was in incredibly shitty move making people pay for your failings because you got caught up in user FOMO... but this brings us onto.2. In any case, the campaign has now been funded nearly twice over.You'll be getting those extra funds back to the kind folks who donated them as it's extra money that you don't need amarite?


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

@22, great going. I'm sure with that last line you destroyed whatever little respect people had for you by shitting on dozens of countries


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : lukas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

Absolutely, they will. I know. It's called solidarity. Thought my country was not all that stellar in many ways, but perhaps there is at least one way in which it is.If you thought of putting up a campaign just because "I'd love to get a high end PC with a Nvidia RTX, but don't have the money for it", why couldn't you? Someone might donate even to that.By the way, just a couple recent occurrences:I have donated more than the raised amount to other campaigns over the last two or three years, so my conscience is clear as day.I've just been asked to speak in a popular local podcast about videogame accessibility and gaming blind, so there you go.I've been asked by an employee of a big company's fundraising department if I had any previous education or experience in the field.Several other victims of the same scammer contacted me and we're now looking into other legal possibilities of getting him arrested together.The first and only hate I've received so far came from here.4 of my personal friends who are also blind donated to this, and neither of them found it wrong in any way.But I guess I can't be surprised that people from countries where it's the first action step to sue a company for daring to put up an innaccessible site or service rather than first trying to persuade them through advocacy, open discussion and other hyperfuturistic achievements of modern civilization might find this unacceptable or offending.Lukas


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : lukas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

Absolutely, they will. I know. It's called solidarity. Thought my country was not all that stellar in many ways, but perhaps there is at least one way in which it is.If you thought of putting up a campaign just because "I'd love to get a high end PC with a Nvidia RTX, but don't have the money for it", why couldn't you? Someone might donate even to that.By the way, just a couple recent occurrences:I have donated more than the raised amount to other campaigns over the last two or three years, so my conscience is clear as day.I've just been asked to speak in a popular local podcast about videogame accessibility and gaming blind, so there you go.I've been asked by an employee of a big company's fundraising department if I had any previous education or experience in the field.Several other victims of the same scammer contacted me and we're now looking into other legal possibilities of getting him arrested together.But I guess I can't be surprised that people from countries where it's the first action step to sue a company for daring to put up an innaccessible site or service rather than first trying to persuade them through advocacy, open discussion and other hyperfuturistic achievements of modern civilization might find this unacceptable or offending.Lukas


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lucas1853 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

Thank you for proving to us all that people will give money to anything. I don't care as much as others in this topic about this it seems, but it still kind of boggles the mind.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

Welp. You have to respect the hustle I guess.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : lukas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

At post 18: Even though I am the first to acknowledge that the campaign was totally bold and daring and unprecendented and whatnot, your post was also uncalled for, unnecessarily confrontational, and above all absolutely not true. I don't do that, I hate this entitled spoiled attitude. I just gave it a try. I was not holding a gun to anyone's head forcing them to donate or to even give it a thought. Besides, I do have substantial material that was linked to to prove that I am actually doing something and am passionate about it, and believe it or not, this kind of work might be important for many and might be one of the million pieces of the puzzle that will eventually help to speed up progression in the overall accessibility of mainstream gaming.I don't know what all the rage is about. People can and do put up fundraisers for their own weddings or honeymoons, and do get money. Just like there is no law preventing them from putting such stuff up, there is no obligation forcing anyone to donate. There is as much free will in the decision as there is in everyone deciding whether to get a cup of tea or coffee for breakfast.In any case, the campaign has now been funded nearly twice over. I closed it the moment I picked up my phone and laptop in the morning. I'd have closed it sooner if I'd noticed. Should have set up an automation to close it the moment it reached the goal, but that didn'T seem to be doable with a Paypal pool.Lukas


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : sightlessHorseman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

Lol, people actually donated money for this? Well, guess I'm gonna try that as hoo, I am a poor blindy and just lost cash because I was to stupid to think straight, now please, I know, it is my fault, but please pay for my stupidity, I am blind, look at me, recognise me!Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

Edit: I don't need to, the goal has been reached.Well done, I hope you buy the PS5 and enjoy it along with the wrestt of the money I do too, like the orbit reader 40 but I'll donate a pound.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

I do too, like the orbit reader 40 but I'll donate a pound.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Boo15mario via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

yep, I have way better things to get with my money than a PS5


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

hahahahaha. You fell for a scam, then are now asking for money? for a ps5? what?


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ashleygrobler04 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

Looks like christmiss is coming early this year for some one?


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

Guys, if you even donate £1, or $1 it will help hugely, i've just looked at the convertion rate and £1 is around 27 KC.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

@lukas, i'd not call you an asshole, you know better for next time.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : arqmeister via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

At Exodus, looks like it payed off, pun intended lol.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

Of all the fucked up things I've seen to day, this is the most fucked up.  Congrats.asking for people to fund you your grifted money plus a free ps5 is pretty special.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : lukas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

Hi all,thanks for all your posts so far, and especially thanks to those who do not sympathize for expressing this fact in a civil way. I can definitely understand where you are coming from.1. I didn't think of the .online TLD possibly putting some people off or raising valid concerns. I was just thinking of a URL that would be unique, unlikely to get confused with any other and easy to remember and type. I'm not going to change it now, when the campaign is already in progress, but good point to consider in general.2. I've learned my lesson very well. Looking back, I don't even get how I could have made such a stupid reckless childish mistake at all, and I do fully acknowledge that. It was the first time, and will certainly be the last. The particular site I used has no reviews at all, it's just that party A places an ad and party B responds to it directly, not via any facilities provided by the site. There are no guarantees, safeguards, feedback mechanisms like reviews, etc. Still, it¨s probably the most frequently used site of this kind in my country, and certainly the most accessible. one. I just wanted to act quickly in case he did in deed have a real PS5, so that he wouldn't sell it away to another person sooner. That's not an excuse, though, sure. As I said, lesson learned, point taken. I don't need any entity other than my own conscience to remind me.3. Times are certainly harder than usuall all over the world this year. The situation fortunately is not as dire in the Czech Republic as you seem to describe yet, though, with people going homeless because of the current times, and I didn't realize someone could be offended. I don't feel I did an immoral thing, however. Everyone is free to start any kind of campaign they want, there are lots of personal campaigns on sites like Gofundme. Likewise, everyone is free to donate to what they like and ignore what they dislike. Noone is obliged to do anything. I've been through my fair share of both kinds of campaigns before. I did fall for the scam out of my own mistake and I was an asshole, I'm not denying this or pretending for it to be any different. In other words, I'm not starting up a scam of my own. And trust me, I've been in a situation where I had no money to pay the rent in the past, just as I once spent the last bit of money on a campaign that mattered to me, and it was not a fancy new postmodern Kickstarter gadget.4. I am already two thirds of the way through to the goal, and I sincerely appreciate every single donation in these times.5. I don't use Reddit, it's not very popular in the Czech Republic. However, all the donations I have received so far have come from my country. Honestly, I expected like-minded gamers and consultants from abroad to donate, that's why I put up the English version up front. The pool is updated in real-time when clicked. I'll try to research a way to link the counter to the main page, though.Once again, thanks for all the replies so far.Lukas


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

Yeah I'm not that sympathetic. I mean it sucks that happened, but I'm definitely not going to contribute to that campaign. Maybe things would be different if you all the sudden found yourself with rent to pay and no way to pay it, but nah, that isn't the case.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

@Socheat thanks, I honestly thought that if I coppied and pasted the link it would say, haha, this is an empty page, but dot online is an actuall ending to URLS and I now know that.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

@Brad, because some do not know the the .online TLD exist, they might think that it is a scam. You had a valid concern. Nothing rude though. 


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

@Brad, because some do not know the the .online TLD exist, they might think that it is a scam. You were right though. Nothing rude. 


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

@Socheat, it is and that last post was kind of rude of me.I can't donate at the moment but when I have a bit of cash I will but Op, please be super careful next time.Also OP, it'll be nice if you could put an updating counter thing of how much you've got for your goal.I don't have much social medi apart from reddit but since it's not what happpened to me, I'd rather you post on there if you'd like, as it would come straight from you.Honestly Op? I'm sorry but I doubt you'll get much apart from probably my donation, it's not people are horrible, it's just people need to spend money on their own stuff, i'm sure you get that.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

Yeah, it's a real site.  There were a bunch of TLDs introduced a while ago that aren't used by a lot of people, .online is one of them.  But I honestly have no sympathy here at all.  It's not at all the case that anyone could find themselves in a similar situation; due diligence for such things is to go through something which has your back in such cases, or to make the exchange in person.  Putting up a fundraising site because you got caught in a scam for a PS5 so you can do some accessibility reviews while the world is going to shit and people are literally ending up homeless is really tone deaf, too.  I mean, points for honesty, I guess.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

Edit: it is a site, I didn't know you could use the online extention, how interesting.That's not a real site... is it? really? help me buy a ps 5 online?if you did fall for a scam, read things very carefully next time and read the reviews if it's something as important as this.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

It is his site.


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Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

2020-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help me recover from a scam so I can buy a PS5

That's not a real site... is it? really? help me buy a ps 5 online?if you did fall for a scam, read things very carefully next time and read the reviews if it's something as important as this.


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